
By hiraizt

497K 20.8K 10.5K

I write out of my intense desire to express my delusions over these two gorgeous women. Disclaimer: This is o... More

Was it Day 5?
Was it Day 5? - II
First Sight (Flashback I)
Not So Stranger (Flashback II)
One, Two, Three (Flashback III)
Gone Wrong (Flashback IV)
Never Sleep With A Heavy Heart (Flashback V)
Rude, Miss Thailand.
Sashes Across the Hearts
Safe and Sound
In A Different Lens
It's A Secret
Little Details
Mom Approves
How Could You Not See?
Guru In The House
Reverse Card
One Step At A Time
Know What You Want
Song Number
Thank you, 100k!!
Early Morning Saga
Actually Buddies
She's Coming
Give Me A Number
Almost There
Deestination: Filipinas
So, Why? (+ Flashback)
Sore in the Eye
Do I Wanna Know?
We Can Now Tango
Teaming Up
Before We Go
Do Me A Favor
Seal The Deal
Few Hours Left
Metal Links
The Final Night
The Final Night - II
The Final Night - III
It's Done For You
Forever is Composed of Nows
Four And Beyond
Touchdown, Mexico
Déjà Vu?
Kill The Time
The Best Girl
Untold - Revealed
If She Was Everything, What Am I, Then?
Toilet Bathroom
Quality Time
The Wane
Author's Final Note
Turnover (A Special Chapter)

Never Addressed

6.6K 295 83
By hiraizt

Michelle's POV:

As much as I want to immediately reach our room and rest my mind, my body was not feeling its usual stamina, or maybe it was the worries that were creeping over my entire system.

I took heavy steps in the hallway. I was fully aware that a few more steps are left before I reach our door. I gripped the paper bag I was holding and exhaled to calm my nerves.

I was thinking about how I should tell Anntonia about this. Being vocal has not been a problem between us since we confessed, but now, I can feel the struggle of not finding the right timing and words to say.

When I reached the door, I stood there for a few more seconds to compose myself because I know that right after I open the door, she was just there.

I opened the door. My jaw dropped when the first thing I saw right when I entered was the figure of her dancing to a song titled "Burning For You" by Kratae Rsiam.

She was closing her eyes while mouthing the lyrics. She was so into the music that's why she didn't notice that I was already around. I unconsciously stared at her gorgeous body. She was wearing a racerback bra with the colors of magenta and violet that perfectly suits her silk pajamas. She has her hair down, adding too much sex appeal to her.

God, she's breathtaking.

"When they say.. hmm! Body, body, bumbum! My body’s burning for you. Body bod-- Oh shocks!"

I looked away when she met my gaze, trying to cover up the fact that I was literally gawking at her. I am fully aware that I was watching her intently, and that makes me shy.

"Sorry, sorry! I'm sorry."

The room was quiet. I wanted to look at her to see her reaction but I am just too embarrassed after what I did.

"For what, Dee?" She said after a while. Her voice was like a tickle in my ears because it was just the right amount of deepness.

"For... for looking. I didn't mean to... look at you like that."

"You weren't looking, Dee."

"Right! I'm not!" I said. I know I sounded so defensive, but I can't help it. After hearing what she just said, I feel like I was just saved from being so obvious.

"You were actually staring," she teased. I felt my shoulders getting tensed, and I can feel some cold sweats on my forehead.

That made me internally panic. I didn't know what to do. I don't want to look like a creep or a weirdo.

"What are you holding?" She asked, diverting the topic to something else.

I was attempting to look up, but my eyes were holding back, like they would prefer to stare at the floor rather than fixate my eyes on her.

Or else I'd be on my knees.

I decided to take a few steps forward to get closer to her without looking at her to give her the paper bag. My arms were just up as I wait for her to get it, but she wasn't taking it.

"Why are you being shy?" She asked before taking the paper bag. I was relieved after that because I knew I wouldn't have to look just for her to accept my gift. "Oh, what is this?"

"That's guacamole. I ordered it from the closest Mexican restaurant here. You need something healthy because I noticed earlier that you were having muscle cramps before we landed. I guess this would help t--"

"You're at it again," she said. I was still not looking at her, but I sensed that she appreciated my gesture just by listening to how sweet she talks to me.

"I wanted to help you avoid having that pain in your right arm... I hope you'll love it."

"For sure. Thanks a lot, Dee."

"I made them add avocados because..."

"Don't even try. I am getting giddy over your thoughtfulness, and you're starting to bring that up?" Anntonia said in annoyance.

"What? I wasn't saying anything." I said, trying to stifle a grin as I remember that one TikTok video I saw when I was still in Manila a few months back.

"Lol." She paused, and I saw her getting closer. My eyes started to panic, and I was clueless about where to look, but gladly, she went to her luggage instead. "You're being a boss whenever you annoy me, but you can't even look at me. That's so silly of you, Dee." She fought back.

"Excuse me? I can look at you."


"Yes." I turned around to face her and looked up to meet her gaze. She stood up from sitting on the bed and held her waist using both of her hands, like she was challenging me.

I was trying not to give up, but I can't stop appreciating her beauty. She's not in her full make-up, yet she looks like a goddess already. I was stopping myself from taking a few glances over her body, but she just radiates this strong energy, like she's off to dominate everyone.

I looked away, accepting the fact that I am not as strong as I thought to resist her antics early in the morning.

"That's what I thought." She said and jumped on my bed to get the Nirvana shirt that was displayed on the top of my LV bag.

I just shook my head and headed to the window to open it. I wanted to watch the view of the busy city of Mexico. I heard noises on the bed and tiny groans behind, which made me think that she's already eating the food I gave to her.

"Mhm. So good."

I turned around to watch her instead. She was sitting comfortably on my bed while she's busy munching the food. The Anntonia on my bed is completely different from the Anntonia who was dancing sexily earlier.

I am so drawn into her duality.

"Like it?"

She nodded fastly and gave me a cheeky smile. I returned a genuine smile at her before I decided to come close to her. I sat in front of her, but I was sensitive enough not to stare because she probably might feel awkward.

I plumped my body on the bed and stared at the whole. I reached for her right leg and softly massaged it. On my side, I want her to feel that I am present even though I look like I was too preoccupied.

"I'm done!" She happily said. She started to close the lid of the disposable container and placed it back in the paper bag. I rose up from lying down, waiting for her to finish what she's doing before I could throw the trash. She was about to do that, but I was quick enough to get the paper bag and inform her that I'll be doing that for her instead. I went to the trash bin close to the bathroom and placed the trash there. I sanitized my hands first before I came back to her, who was now hugging my blue pillow and is closing her eyes.

Rest now, Anntonia. I'll tell you about the situation when it's time... or not. But rest assured, I will not let you suffer from the same heartbreak you had with my friend.

It's you that I love, and I am sure. I am sure.

Trying to have a rest para makabawi sa super nakakapagod na week. Ready na ulit bumanat sa updates. Thanksue for waiting! 💘

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