I Made A Deal With A Dragon...

By _Weeb_Writer_

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An eye for an eye. A life for a life. Making a deal with a dragon was not something you wanted to do that mor... More

Chapter 1: Beware
Chapter 2: I Should Have Gone Home
Chapter 3: Sister Bonding Time
Chapter 4: I Have A Broom And I Am Not Afraid To Use It
Chapter 5: Gotta Go Fast! Sonic!
Chapter 7: The Dragon In Stone Awakens
Chapter 8: Journey Begins With Flying
Chapter 9: Willow Valleys Special Chocolate
Chapter 10: Pancakes And A Cat
Chapter 11: G-G-Ghost! Zoinks!
Chapter 12: Pillow Talk
Chapter 13: What A Way To Start The Morning :D
Chapter 14: We Became Harry Potter & Princess Merida

Chapter 6: A Whole New World~

95 3 0
By _Weeb_Writer_

I woke up to see a white ceiling. 'Am I . . . In a hospital?' It was odd for me to be happy to be seeing something that reminded me of a hospital. I honestly rather be in a hospital than anywhere else. 'If I am in a hospital . . . that means it all was just a dream. I just hit my head or got hit from a car or —' I sat up and saw the room I was in. 'Nope.' I mentally sigh 'I am still here.' I was in a white room with nicer furniture than my apartment with Makoto.

My stuff was on the table by the bed. I grabbed it and made sure everything was in there, luckily it was. Creak. The door opening made me cower back into the corner of the bed with the nearby flower vase I held up. Prepared to throw it at whoever - no - whatever came from behind that door.

"Ah! I see you're finally awake." Said the man with dark blue eyes that matched his K-drama male lead-looking hair, holding things in his hands. His clothes seemed straight out of a fantasy game, simple and plain; matching his signature hair color. This man appeared human . . . So far.

"Um . . . Can you please put the vase down?" He asks while adjusting his glasses. He didn't move closer as he kept his distance by standing at the door he closed contemplation. I set the vase down after a good minute of contemplation. "Who are you and where am I?" I spoke with more demand than I normally would. I was on guard for everything and anyone right now. How could I not be? After the shit I just went through in - what I am guessing - has been a few hours? Maybe even a date or two? I couldn't be nice (Y/n) right now. I had to show some dominance in this horrible world.

I took every aspect of this man. Drilling him into my brain's memory. This guy seemed to be an important NPC-like person by the fabric band around his arm. It was similar to that of a student counselor member from my school days. Willing to bet he is either some leader or genius of some magic in this world.

The man's shoulders relaxed, guessing he was relieved he didn't get to kiss the vase I had. "My name is Tenya Ida. You are in the infirmary ward of Cassiopeia Village." Ida introduced himself in the same language I had back home. 'Good. I won't have to learn a language at least.' It was a good start to navigating this place. 'I called it, leader of this village.' I gave myself a high five, in my head.

The name of this village made the reality of my situation worse. The reality of that I was no longer my world. "That definitely nowhere in Japan." I mumbled. Ida heard me, his facial expressions made it easy to tell what he was thinking. He didn't hide his expressions well. "What is this Ja-pa-n? Is that where you're from?" He asks, tilting his head curiously to the side. I sheepishly laugh a little. "Yeah, you can say that . . ." I answered under my breath.

I clear my throat, wanting to move on. "How did I get here?" I started with my interrogation of questions on him. "Villagers came with me to the Demon King Forest when we saw your celestial light from the Star. Bright and powerful it was, it could be seen all the way from our village. I won't be surprised if it was seen all across Stella." He laughed a little at his own joke. I didn't laugh, I was only confused by the mention of "Stella". I assumed it is the name of this world or nation, it was either of those guesses.

Ida cleared his throat and was going to continue until he gestured to the seat by this room's table. I gave a nod and he sat down by it after laying a set of clothes on the edge of the bed. I didn't touch them. I wanted answers. "Anyways, " He brushed off the awkwardness from earlier "We found you fighting off against an Araknid. Then you passed out and we brought you here. You have been unconscious for about 3 hours." He finished his explanation with a smile. Ida was stiff the entire time, he seemed stiffer even as he smiled.

"I would ask you questions about how you came into possession of the Star and answer more of your questions but my nurse instructed me to have you bathe and eat first. We will wash your . . . Attire . . . and return it once it's clean." Ida rang this bell he took out of his pocket. The door opened and revealed two adorable twin girls who were the age of 9 entering the room. "Please guide, um," Ida turned to me "Sorry what's your name ma'am?" He asked. I knew Ida calling me "ma'am" was probably out of polite manners but it still stung. Made me feel old when I merely 21. I flashed a small smile and said, "(Y/n), (Y/n) (L/n)." I introduced myself to the cute bunch and Ida.

"Please guide her to our ward bath. Our kitchen will prepare a meal for you in the meantime." The twin girls bow their heads in response. Turning to me and stepped aside once I came over with the new clothes in hand. I followed them out the door with Ida behind us but he went off in another direction for something. Leaving me alone to go wash up.


After that refreshing bath, I had to practically beg to be left alone to bathe by myself, and have a nice meal — I was in my assigned room again. Sitting in my new clothes on the bed. A simple v-neck grey puffy long-sleeved blouse I tucked into the black pants I received. My new boots were on the floor beside my sneakers.

Knock knock. "It's Ida. Tenta ida. May I come in?" He asked from the other side of the door. "Come in," I shout loud enough for him to hear. He came in with a smile. "Feel better from that bath?" He asks as he sets my clean pajamas in front of me and then sits in the chair from earlier. "Much better." I expressed gratefully. This was the best I felt this entire day. Food – which I ate from my bento because I didn't give my full trust to this place – and a bath are such great things, things I never took for granted. They are the best thing after a long day of work. In this case, it was from all this running and craziness from this world.

"That's good to hear. Your stomach was growling when we brought you here." Ida chuckled, I kept my composure despite the embarrassment. "Is it alright to ask what happened to have made you in such a condition?" He points to the pendant. I took a deep breath and explained everything from the mirror and antique store. I had to start somewhere with some trust to gain some answers on how to get back home.

"And then I came here. When I came here the mirror was gone! Then that spider monster-demon-thing kept chasing me! Then there was this scary roar coming from this cave that freaked the spider creature and me out too! Then the pendant went pew pew and I passed out. Now I'm here." I wiped my brow from explaining all of this craziness. I wished all that I experienced was a dream, alas, it wasn't.

"That spider is known as an Araknid, a demon. Our world, Stella, is full of demons. It is also full of magic to combat these demons. There is a rank: Wizard, Sorcerer, Warlock, Mage, and Spellcasters. That is their order of power." He explains this with the sticky notes I lent him from my bag. Ida pasted it on the wall with interest in the paper concept as it seemed like it was something that didn't exist in this world. Funny how a small thing can spark uncanny interest.

They were bad drawings with small summaries of what he was telling me, helping me grasp the concept.

"What are you doing. What is that rectangular thing?"

"Taking notes on my phone."

"A Ph-on-e?"

"A helpful device we use in my world."

"And you can take notes on it?"

"Yes. It has other useful properties too. Another story for another time. I can't call anyone right now though."

"Call? From that?"

"Yeah. I have reception but this Stella world won't let any calls go through."

". . . ."

"Aheh, sorry, continue."

"Alright. Now, I am a mage myself. I specialize in speed. I am able to run long distances which lets me get to the people of the village fast. It also advances my combat fighting abilities to be able to defend the village as well as hold my own against a demon." He spoke with such poise and certainty that it was weirdly comforting. He continued, "Spellcasters are lowest because their mana is very little. Meaning they can barely use magic except for daily life things." He snaps his fingers as he scribbles on another sticky note. Pasting the new one on the wall.

"Mana, it is source of our magic abilities. People are born with high or low mana thereby determines your magic ranking. Mana can get stronger but it can only expand depending on the individual. However, it takes harsh training and extensive knowledge of spells to get higher up. It is harder for those who are Spellcasters. Therefore, they are not fitted to fight. Even myself, I am barely able to because of the type of magic I specialize in. I may be able to hold on my own for a simple demon but the higher their power, the harder they are to kill." He softly sighs "Making even someone as I useless." His tone shifted, it was obvious he didn't believe he was fit to be chief.

From what he explained a Wizard or Sorcerer should be chief of this village. He probably believed he was only chief because of mere votes or something. It would make anyone feel doubtful of themselves. "Yeah. You may be useless in fighting against a higher power demon but it doesn't make you useless in saving lives from the demon. Isn't saving lives what matters most?" He stared at me in silence after that.

'Ah crap, I only said that because I was being honest. Was that offensive? Nah. It was common sense. Didn't hurt his ego right?' Ida cleared his throat, bringing me out of my head. "A-Anyway," He turned around and scribbled on another sticky note. 'Huh. Could have sword his face was red. Wonder whats gotten him all shy.' I thought and he stuck another sticky note on the wall.

"Speaking of ranks; ranks can be told by their wrists. Their wrists, press gently on it as if your taking their pulse and it will appear." Ida demonstrates on himself with his wrist. His wrist was clean until he touched it for 3 seconds with a warm glow appearing after. Upon his wrist was dark blue ink of the number "3" in elegant scripture. He also demonstrated it on his other wrist, indicating it can be shown on either wrist.

"Wizards are highest in rank because of their knowledge from the countless books. Scaling from ancient times worth of knowledge. They are strong, wise, and powerful — they can use spells without Magic Chants. Meaning, they can cast their magic without saying spells from neither scrolls or books." He waits as I type this down. Giving a thumbs up for him to continue. "Wizards are also a rare bunch. It takes hundreds of years to become a full fledged Wizard. It is why there are few. Also, most die trying to become a masterful wizard. The only way to become one is studying everything of this vast world." He takes a moment to catch his breath.

Ida sighs. "There is one Wizard who was once a Spellcaster, it was just a legend though." He points to Sorcerer before I can ask about that legend "Moving on." I frown but dismiss it. I needed all this world's knowledge as I could. "Sorcerers are 2nd highest because their magic comes from within. They can climb up higher with their sharp gifted skills but spells are not just out of nowhere. They use magic scrolls. These scrolls are basically a part of them. They appear when they are born and are full of spells specifically for them to use. They are powerful but it makes it hard for them to learn new spells. The spell won't be mastered until it is on the scroll." He explains, I typed.

"Warlocks are like businessmen. They make deals with otherworldly things and —" I interrupt him with my hand raised. He nods for me to speak.

"If they are able to make deals with other worldly things such as nymphs or fairies – I am guessing you guys have those here – doesn't that mean they can make deals with demons too?" I knew the answer just by the face he made after I asked. He sighs and nods. "Just as in your world. There is good and bad in people . . . There are good and bad in people here too . . ." He sat down on the chair he brought near my bed.

"Some people's willpower and ambition leads them down a dark path to use magic against the greater good . . . Using dark and forbidden magic." He took another sticky note and started jotting down the things he said. "I don't have much knowledge of dark or forbidden magic. Just that it is dangerous and those who possess the magic often have similar auras around them like demons. Except their aura is green." He got up and pasted the image of a terrible drawing of a stick person with waves around them on the wall.

'Pfft. So the bad guys have a letting out gas-like aura.' I snicker at my immature thought. "What is so funny?" He asked as he turned around to face me. Fuck. Makoto's bad humor came instinctively at the moment, didn't mean to. "Sorry, just . . . thinking . . . How those who use bad magic have . . . fart-auras . . ." It didn't sound as funny as it was in my head. Ida stared down at me then turned around with a few coughs. "M-Moving one," He was holding back a laugh, his shaking shoulders could not hide it. He didn't need to laugh. Him holding it back was enough for me. Enough for me to smile. 'Mako comes to save the day yet again.' The thought naturally came to me.

"Then we have Mages and Spellcasters. Both are similar except Mages have more mana than a Spellcaster. Both are born with books, similar to how scrolls are born for Sorcerers. If either of these ranks rise to sorcerers ranking then a scroll will appear. They will have both these items with more spells. For a Sorcerer, their scroll seals color will determine their level of a sorcer they are – bronze, silver, and gold. Each a step closer to reaching higher ranks. The system is complex and not complex at the same time, I know." Ida drew on multiple sticky notes and pasted them on the wall. Books and scrolls with the label of the scroll ranks.

I typed this all out, and once I was done I decided to ask a question. "You mentioned that demons had aura earlier. Is there a similar ranking system for demons too?" My question made Ida smile. "Yes! You are quite open minded lady!" He chirps, scribbling another sticky note. Slapping it on the wall. "Demons have their ranks which is seen by the color of aura they have around them. This determines which are weak, strong, powerful, and deadly. Deadly is red, powerful is purple, strong is blue, and weak is orange." He explained the color order.

"I saw orange around the Araknid in the forest. Only for a split second but . . . Youre telling me that spider demon was a weak demon?!" I was dumbfounded and left with a new fear unlocked. "Yes." Ida rubbed the back of his neck. 'That means there are even scarier demons out there than that . . . I gotta find a way outta here ASAP!' I gulp at my mindful conclusion.

"Um . . . There was this roaring from the cave I was found by. What demon lurks there?" I asked, mainly out of curiosity. Wondering if the spider demon was the best demon to have died had I died back there. Ida's demeanor changed, becoming serious. "So . . . He took interest. Damnit." He muttered. He took in a deep breath and exhaled. He started doodling on the sticky notes, then said:

"In a cave lies a dragon of stone

It shall sleep forever until it can atone

As it sought for greed

There is only one way for it to be freed

A cogent deal to repent

Pay heed that it is well-spent

Do not underestimate

The dragon will try to manipulate

So you must not make a mistake

Or lives will be at stake

Do not be afraid

Make one . . . the dragon cannot betray . . ."

I typed this poem in my notes on my phone without looking down. The way Ida said it was scary. "There are types of demons out there in our world . . . One type of demon is rare and . . . deadly ranked . . ." Ida pasted a sticky note with a decent drawing of . . . "Dragons." He was looking at me when he said it. "They were bloodthirsty, powerful, and intelligent demons. Craving only a single thing: Power. It was like a drug and so the dragons caused havoc and murdered millions wherever they went. Only 1 exists and that was no accident . . ." He glanced at his dragon drawing.

"That 1 dragon slaughtered his own kind . . . Leaving only him alone . . . Gaining the title of King of Demons . . . No demon dared to cross him. No demon dared to challenge. Unless they craved death . . . 300 years later, 200 years after the fall of Dragons, It is unknown how he was turned to stone . . . Frankly, no one cared. The dragon was under a powerful seal and kept every one of Stella safe with no more dragons around. New ages were born and thrived without dragons around. It has been for 1,000 years." He took another moment to catch his breath. Sitting back down on the chair again.

'I understand why the forest is called The Forest of The Demon King" now . . .' I thought. "I don't need to say it but please stay away from that forest," Ida gaze fell on me, full of sympathy. "Especially as it seems . . . The Demon King has taken an interest in you. Specifically the Star pendant." He points to the pendant. Yet again, this pendant has always been the root of all my problems these past few hours.

"What is so special about this thing anyway?" I grumble, flicking the star out of spite. My action made Ida flinch and look at me as if what I did was crazy. "Please be careful with the Star. It is a very powerful item. It can destroy a planet if used wrongly." I felt my heart stop at the mention I was literally wearing a death bomb around my neck. "This thing is that powerful?! Wh-Why the hell would something like this be made?!" I exclaim, now with a stronger desire to get this thing off of me as soon as fucking possible.

"The Star pendant is an item from the Celestial Watchers. Mystical and all-powerful beings who live among the stars above. The one who wears the Star has their magic rank as Mystic, magic beyond all. The possessor of the Star is called "Saintess" or "Saint" depending on the holder. A hero to bless chosen to protect and bring prosperity to Stella. For they are granted cosmic power." Ida explains more enthusiasm and passion.

"Is there a way to take it off?" I was forward with this question. I didn't care if it sounded ungrateful, I was far from being grateful for this pendant. It was the epitome of all my problems. It continues to be. "The only way to take it off is the wearer must willingly give it up and the pendant must agree with the choice. It is either that or by death." I expected the death part. The pendant having to agree to let me give it up is something I also partially expected. I mean, this stupid thing has a will of its own. It wants to work when it wants to work, protecting me when the Araknid was going to kill me in the Demon King forest. Then it doesn't work when it needs to work, leaving me to fend for myself the entire time at Inoue's antique shop and the whole chase against the Araknid.

Great. Just fucking great.

"Were all of those who were chosen from here? From Stella?" He nods to my question. "Then why did it choose me?" He shrugged. "I don't know. It does not matter anyway," Ida stood up from the chair with a smile. "You are here. Here to stay." He said as he looked down at me.

"Uh, no. I can't stay here. I have to go home. Back to my own world." I said, getting off the bed. My bare feet slipped into the slippers that were also given to me earlier. "That won't be possible. That kind of magic doesn't exist here." Ida told me off as he made his way to the door. I ran past him and stood in his way, blocking the door. "You have all this magic and no one has ever made that kind of magic?! Come on! There has to be something!" I shout, desperately. My arms out in the open at my sides, preventing him from trying to leave.

"My world is at peace because there is not that kind of magic. Anything of that kind would probably bring a disaster. I am not saying that you would bring disaster. It just doesn't exist." Ida gently put his hand on my shoulder. I didn't budge when he tried to move me. He tried gently too. "There is no one with that magic or spell that can make that possible. It is best for you to stay here." His tone softened. His gaze on me was almost pitiful. "Make the best of your situation." He adds as I put my arms down. Gently, he moves me to the side.

Ida opened the door and stepped out then stepped back in to face me. "You can stay in Cassiopeia Village as long as you like. We will provide all that you need while you are here . . . Night (Y/n) . . ." He kindly said which I only responded with a quiet "Thanks" and then he left me alone in the room.

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