I Made A Deal With A Dragon...

By _Weeb_Writer_

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An eye for an eye. A life for a life. Making a deal with a dragon was not something you wanted to do that mor... More

Chapter 1: Beware
Chapter 2: I Should Have Gone Home
Chapter 3: Sister Bonding Time
Chapter 5: Gotta Go Fast! Sonic!
Chapter 6: A Whole New World~
Chapter 7: The Dragon In Stone Awakens
Chapter 8: Journey Begins With Flying
Chapter 9: Willow Valleys Special Chocolate
Chapter 10: Pancakes And A Cat
Chapter 11: G-G-Ghost! Zoinks!
Chapter 12: Pillow Talk
Chapter 13: What A Way To Start The Morning :D
Chapter 14: We Became Harry Potter & Princess Merida

Chapter 4: I Have A Broom And I Am Not Afraid To Use It

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By _Weeb_Writer_

I woke up yawning but felt refreshed. I stretch with a smile of satisfaction while popping my bones. I rub my eyes as I sit up 'Ah. Makoto is not here. She must have gotten up already.' I thought. A feeling crept into the back of my skull, I felt like I had forgotten something.

"Morning (Y/n)," Makoto greeted as she combed through her pixie hair "I didn't know you were off today. You usually work on Fridays. It is good that you're getting a day off, you seriously need one." Makoto smiles, finishing the final touches on her hair by putting a little rabbit pin to pull back a few strands of her curtain bangs.

Friday . . . Friday . . . Work . . . Alarm . . . OH MY FUCKING GOD!!!

"I FORGOT TO SET MY ALARM!!! I'M LATE!!! I'M LATE!! I'M LATE!!!" I practically jumped out of bed and locked myself in the bathroom. Brushing my teeth and hair. I burst out of the bathroom like a mad woman to the kitchen, grabbing my lunch from the fridge. "I can make my lunch but cannot set a damn alarm. How can I forget?!" I set it on the counter as I glanced at the clock. "Phew, there is still time." I looked into my bag and saw Inoue's keys. Right. I meant to give these back yesterday but forgot that too!

I took a deep breath and exhaled. Clearing my thoughts. "I can make it to the train and give this back to Miss Inoue in time, it's on the way to the station anyway. I can make it. I can make it." I was talking to myself while grabbing my purse, my phone, keys, power bank charger, and bento, and I was at the door.

I whip back around and zoomed over to Makoto "I gotta go. You gotta lock up for us today." I gave her a hug and tight squeeze "You are gonna ace that test today Mako, you're hella smart." I let her go "I believe in you. Boop —" I booped her nose and smiled big "for good luck." I chirped.

"Okay, I really gotta go. Love ya, byeee!" (A/n: Yes. Owl House reference~) I shouted over my shoulder and was out the door in a flash. For a second, I could have sworn she said something but I couldn't decipher what she said. Whatever it was I dismissed it to focus on making it to Inoue's antique shop.


"Hello?! Inoue?! You here?! I came to drop off your shop keys, I am kind of a hur . . . ry . . ." I trailed off seeing old Inoue had her back to me at first, hunching a little. I dismissed her odd posture when she turned to face me. "Oh, (Y/n). You have come back. How nice. Did you need something, young one?" She asks, approaching me with a smile.

'She didn't call me that yesterday. And what is up with this ominous feeling?' It got only stronger once Inoue was in front of me. This malice I felt in the air between us made my skin crawl. "U-Um, I accidentally took this. I would have come back last night but I, uh, forgot . . ." I mustered out that sentence without trying to crack my voice. "I can see that. I can see you also forgot to change." She snickers, sending shivers up my spine.

I look down and realize I have run out of my apartment in the cat-themed pajamas I slept in last night. I completely forgot to change out of them before I walked out of the apartment. 'So that's what Makoto was trying to tell me earlier.' My cheeks felt warm from embarrassment for a second. Becoming cold the next by Inoue's smile. It didn't have that endearing bliss like yesterday. It was more chilling and . . . sinister? "Wait here a moment. I have something for you." Her orange eyes twinkled as her smile grew "Wait here." She hummed as she walked into the back rooms. To grab this supposed "something" for me. I set my bag down on the counter while I waited.

After a few seconds of deafening silence, I started to hear a ghostly whisper: "Me . . . Its . . . She . . . Not . . . Its . . .". My fear meter was rising as I was feeling a mix of being uncomfortable and scared. Every instinct in my body was telling me to forget whatever the fuck Inoue was going to give to me and get the fuck out of there. But my body also was not allowing me to move. I was stuck.

As if that wasn't enough, I felt something grab my ankle. My soul left me as I was about to scream bloody murder — "Shh!" a voice hushed me before I could even scream. I was already creeped out by Inoue's unsettling new vibe that whoever grabbed my foot added to my scared meter.

"I-Inoue . . . ?" I thought I was crazy for a second there. The person who grabbed my foot was Inoue. She was crouching, muttering in low whispers that I couldn't understand, and trembling like she'd seen a ghost. She was whispering something so quietly I couldn't hear. She let go of my ankle. My body finally had jolted itself alive, allowing me movement again. I crouched in front of her. I could see it in her golden eyes she was terrified . . . Wait . . . That's right . . . Inoue's eyes were golden before . . . So that means —

"Thats not me." She finally formed a clear enough sentence.

Oh shit.

We both flinched at the sound of footsteps coming near. I took Inoue's wrinkly hand and made her hide with me behind a hidden corner of some shelves. "After you left yesterday. I passed by t-the rabbit mirror. The mirror glowed and c-came alive! A monster - no - some d-demon was in the reflection. I-It took my face and came out of the glass! I-I have been hiding all night." She spoke slowly and stumbled on her words a little. I was just as terrified as her hearing it.

If I hadn't seen it myself, I wouldn't believed her.

This is something out of a horror movie or book!

It was impossible!

Yet here we are hiding from this wannabe skinwalker with Inoue's face.

I wish I was dreaming – no – I wished I just stayed home in bed.

"I-I don't know what to do I . . ." She was rambling from all the terror. I placed my hand on her shoulder to offer some comfort. "Okay. So, um, since she came from the mirror then all we have to do is push her back into it and break it after, right? I am going off on movie and book logic here." I whispered to Inoue who intently listened to my ridiculous plan. It was ridiculous because it was risky and who knows if she will actually go back into the mirror. It means one of us has to possibly distract and the other push. I didn't want to push because I didn't want to go up to that creature!

But I was going to have to. Inoue does not have the physical strength to do it. It was up to me. BUT WHY DID IT HAVE TO BE UP TO ME?! WHY DO I HAVE TO ALWAYS GET THE SHORT END OF THE STICK?!

'Okay. You can do this. It is all about timing . . . And lots and lots of luck' I gulp and turn to Inoue. "Stay here. I will push her. You, uh, take this." I took a small bat from one of the shelves. "Be prepared to smash the mirror after I push her in. Okay? We have to be brave now." Okay. Maybe that last part was self encouragement but still, I needed it. Lots of it. "O-Okay." She quietly agreed with a nod. I turn to leave to quickly get back to my place where I was before but Inoue grabbed onto the end of my shirt. "Please . . . Be careful." I place a hand over hers "I will." I smiled when I said that.

Oh, how I am screaming so much on the inside wishing I was in any other place than here. Heck, I was starting to wish I was at my boring office job right now. At least I get yelled at by my boss and not a literal monster.

I quickly went back to where I stood earlier and put on a brave face as the other Inoue came back from the backrooms. "Here you go young one." She handed over a simple flier. "To spread the word of my store. You wouldn't mind would . . . you?" She - no - it trailed off and her eyes were no longer on my face. They were on me but lower. "I don't believe it . . . It exists . . . Here of all places . . ." Their eyes were on something else. Their hands reached out for me. "Power . . . Unlimited power . . ." Their voice was no longer tender and sweet. It became disoriented and non-human. Deep and sinister. Demonic.

I followed her gaze and realized she was reaching for my neck. "THE STAR!!! GIVE IT TO ME!!" The other Inoue were not Inoue look-alike anymore. They grew bigger and ripped out the clothes they wore. Their flesh back a dead grey and the body was no longer human. Their eyes became many. Becoming a giant and terrifying spider.

". . . Shit . . ." My flight instincts kicked in and I dodged out of the way, hitting the ground on my chest with a grunt. I feel the spider demon woman's legs slash the air by my back. My heart was racing a million miles an hour as I rolled onto my back and rolled side to side as they lunged their other set of feet. I rolled and dodged when their legs pierced through the floorboards. "GIVE ME THE STAR!!!" They demanded, voices overlapping one another.

"I don't know what you're talking about!" I shout. "THE NECKLACE!! GIVE IT TO ME!!!" I yelp as their terrifying can-kill-you-in-one-go stinger was now being used in play. Trying to attack my legs as I rolled, dodged, and scooted up as fast I could while being pinned underneath this creature. "Then. Take. Ngh. It!" I yanked on the chain but . . . it wouldn't break . . . OF COURSE IT DOESN'T WANT TO BREAK WHEN I NEEDED IT TO!!!

Great. A crazy demon spider and a magical pendant that appears to have a mind of its own — like wanting me to die instead of giving it up to save Inoue and my skin.

I managed to scramble out from under them and back onto my feet after I saw an opening. I ran while I kept tugging on the necklace. It was only until now that I noticed its glowing white angelic hue. Still, no matter how hard I tugged or tried to unclip it from the back — nothing.

Stupid. Thing. Was. Not. Coming. Off!!

"YOU'RE MINE!!!" The spider yells, getting close to my tail. 'Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shit! Shiiiiiit!!!!!' was all I could think.

It was all over . . .

My life was going to end . . .

Makoto will be alone . . . I can't let her be alone . . .

It can't end like this . . .

Crash! One of the shelves crashed down on the spider demon before it got close to my face. It wailed in annoyance and curses. "Are you alright dear?!" Inoue came rushing over to me. "Y-Yeah. Thanks. I thought I was a goner!" I never felt so relieved in my life. "I'm so sorry. If I didn't give you the necklace, none of this would be happening if I hadn't." I chuckle "Look is the one apologizing now." I don't know why I was making jokes. Now of all times. It was no time for that! "Come on. It doesn't look like it is going to hold that thing for long!" I took her hand and we broke into a minor run.

We didn't even get far until the shelf holding the demon down flew up and turned into pieces when it clashed with the ceiling. The ceiling she proceeded to crawl on and spat out red webbing we were ducking our heads and dodging from. All while also trying to avoid getting hit by the items on the shelves we were using as a shield and blindspot from her web blasts.

"There!" I point at the mirror down our path. "But the necklace? Shouldn't we destroy both?" Inoue points out. A good idea if only the necklace wasn't stubborn, I shook my head to her. "The necklace won't break or come off. Our only chance is the mirror and then destroy the mirror." I tugged hard on the necklace to prove it was not breaking. Our plan was all we had in our arsenal. Inoue's shop was taking heavy damage from this demon and I didn't want her shop to encounter any more destruction. She would have a hard time repairing the place once we annihilated this insect.

Inoue and I stood in front of the mirror. 'God I hope this thing is stupid.' this step was all riding on faith in this spider demon being dumb. "You want the necklace! Come get it! I'm right here!" I provoked the demon even though I was so scared out of my mind that I wanted to cry. But I refused to show this demon my tears when I was close to being victorious in ending it.

"THE STAR IS" It pushed off the ceiling and lunged toward Inoue and me "MINE!!!!" It cried out in glee. 'Wait . . . Wait . . . A few more seconds . . . And — NOW!!' Inoue knew by my squeeze to let go of each other's hands and break in the opposite direction and hold on for our dear lives on the tall shelf legs. Letting the spider demon be puzzled but sucked into the mirror. The mirror shined a mesmerizing blue with the harsh wind coming from it. It started to levitate and suck other things in the little opening behind this demon's big ass as it wailed in agony and anger.

"Oh come on!!" I watched my bag fly over my head into the mirror, my lunch tagged along with it. 'I just paid my phone off.' I had a warranty on my phone but still. It was going to be a pain setting it up and having to pay off for another phone. Having to get new cards and licenses on top of that. Oh, the agony of the paperwork was already calling my name.

Wait. No. That was Inoue calling me. "It's starting to crawl out!" She points at the demon straining to pull itself out of the mirror. "Shit." I cursed under my breath, looking around for something. Anything to be used to push this thing further into the mirror.

Flammable things to use against it were out. I do not want to add fire damage to Inoue store repairs. I was scanning the room and I spotted the thing nearest to me — a wooden broom.

I grabbed it and let the wind's harsh blows guide me toward the ugly thing. "YOU —" I spun the broom to its opposite end "GET. OUT. OF. INOUE'S. STORE. YOU. UGLY. MOTHER. FUCKER!!!" I stabbed each word at the things legs and upper torso. "YOU WRETCHED MORTALS!!!" The demons tried nipping me with their fangs. I Shakira'd that shit. My hips did not lie on avoiding them snappers, by some glorious miracle.

Their several severed legs lost their strength to hold up the demon. Making it lose its balance. I gave it the final blow jabbing the broom deep in its head. Using the broom head to enact my final effort. I kicked it in and lunged off to the side with Inoue. Avoiding being sucked into the rabbit mirror by its vicious winds.

"Good you have your club, lets go and destroy the — Holy fuck — !!!" The fall to the floor hurt like a bitch, hitting my head too. I tried to comprehend what the fuck just happened. It felt like my leg was pulled from under me. That made me check my leg and . . . My heart dropped.

Sometimes I believe there is this deity controlling people's fates. And I believe — No, I know for a fact. — that they fucking hate me.

Nothing in my mundane-ish life of peace and stress-free never likes to last long.

"GIVE. ME. THE. STAR!!!" This mother fucking arachnid had used its fangs to nab my shoe! Dragging me into the mirror. With each word they yelled, the more I was being dragged into it. "(Y/n)!!" Poor Inoue held onto my hands to pull me out through this gushing wind. Her shoes heels screeching and marking the floors as she pulled me.

I did not care if I got cut from this. That thing was coming off me one way or another. It was fucking gross and nabbing on my favorite set of pajamas. It had to go. I kicked with my other foot with all my might to break the other fang. We fought and fought. My body succumbed further into the mirror and it was starting to feel weightless. I pushed my body to go against the feeling. I kept kicking. Inoue kept pulling.

. . . As I mentioned before . . . Nothing in my life ever likes to go right for long . . . There is always something that befalls me or slips through my fingers . . . Only . . . I slipped out of Inoue's . . .

I grabbed onto the side frames of the mirror. Holding on. "Inoue," I met her eyes "take care of Mako for me." I said with a forced smile.

Inoue reached for me. Her fingers grazed the top of my head. So gently it could have been mistaken for a wind breeze. It was the last feeling my body felt before I was pulled into the mirror.

I was floating inside a blue space that glimmered like stars. I saw Inoue banging on what I assumed was the mirror glass, shouting with tears in her lovely golden eyes. 'Ah, so the way back closed up . . .' Her banging and cries made no noise here. There was only peaceful silence. Her pounding fist made ripples around the mirror gate until it faded away within the ripples. Leaving me alone.

'At least Inoue's shop won't have demons coming out anymore . . .' was my last thought before I closed my heavy eyes and everything faded to black.

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