RE: Elemental Hero's Journey...

By Blu089

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Have you ever wondered how would the Genshin Characters react by seeing this journey? Today, you will find ou... More

Pre Prologue: Bringing Everyone Together (Except One)
Prologue Act 1-1: The Outlanders Who Caught The Wind
Prologue Act 2-1: That Green Fellow and The Seven
Prologue Act 2-2: For a Tomorrow Without Tears
Break 1: Games and Reading
Prologue Act 3: Song of The Dragon and Freedom
Chapter Lepus: Wind, Courage, and Wings
Chapter Tempus Fugit: Troublesome Work
Chapter Trulla: Mondstadt Gastronomy Trip
Prologue Interlude: Journey to The Southwest
Break 2: Shows and Movies
Chapter 1 Act 1: Of the Land Amidst Monoliths
Chapter 1 Act 2-1: Preparation and Budget
Chapter 1 Act 2-2: Big Brother and Little Zombie
Chapter 1 Act 3: New Stars Approaches
Chapter Galaxy: BBB Movie 2 Part 1
Chapter Galaxy: BBB Movie 2 Part 2
Chapter Galaxy: BBB Movie 2 Part 3
Break 3: Meet and Know The Gang

Prologue Act 1-2: Knights of Favonious

5.8K 99 186
By Blu089

2 Hours Ago...

Before everyone entered the screen room, they were getting themselves cleaned up in their rooms or getting some breakfast that's made in the kitchen. Zhongli has finished eating his breakfast made by Thoma, so he decides to pass the time by exploring the house that's everyone in. He could see the interior was almost the same as any rich mansion back in Teyvat, though there were some different added wood and materials in it.

He stopped to look around as he felt... someone familiar nearby. "Are you going to keep following me, fellow bard?"

"I was just running into you, director's assistant." Venti reveals himself as he has a smile on his face. "I didn't eat breakfast yet as I prefer to eat when the time is right."

As he heard Venti respond, he decides to ask him a certain question in particular. "What do you think of that boy, Boboiboy?"

"Oh, him? He seems like a chill guy that I want to hang out with. His abilities to hold seven different elements is amazing, but his emotions are what I focus on the most." Venti said, "He looks like someone that won't give evil their own agenda, and protect the innocent from danger. He really has a heart of gold in him."

He states his opinion which fills positives and the perspective on him. Zhongli smiles, thinking of one feat that he managed to do before arriving at Teyvat.

"For him to defeat Retak'ka when he stole the elements back, I appreciate that he put a stop to his power hungry rampage after training from an old friend." He said, "It really has been over 500 years since we last met them."

"Yeah, but I couldn't help but wonder... What happened to them after we separated from contact beyond the skies?"

Nearby, Ei is eavesdropping on their conversation from where she's standing. She doesn't want to interact with them because of their connections as friends has long forgotten over 500 years ago. She still... has one more connection to a friend that she begged that she's alive, to which she doesn't want her to die like the others. However, she only has one goal in mind, and that's preserving eternity.

2 Hours Later...

After breakfast and preparing, everyone went to the room to continue on where they left off. The Guardian press play, beginning where the recording left off.

Prologue: Act 1

The Outlander Who Caught The Wind

The screen picks up at the aftermath of the fight, as there was once a group of Hilichurls who are now knocked out or whiter away by Boboiboy, Lumine, and Amber's teamwork.

As both girls took a breath, they and Paimon were staring at Boboiboy for his strength. They were surprised for sure as they hadn't expected it to be so powerful.

Earth reversed back to the Original Boboiboy as they had to deal with them, "I guess those Hilichurls are taken care of." He turned around and saw the girls were staring at him, "Um... What's wrong?"

"So this is the power of your Geo?!" Paimon asked as she was surprised by how much he could do.

"Right?! I was about to ask the same thing!" Hu Tao, agreeing with Paimon on the screen said.

"It's really strong, though. I guess there are still more of your elements." Lumine said.

"Hehe..." Boboiboy scratched his cheek as he felt embarrassed when someone praised him.

"Sorry for interrupting. But she said there are more of your elements. Does that mean you have 7 elements?!" Amber asked him in shocked

The audience were chuckling at Amber's reaction, which Amber herself is getting embarrassed for seeing this on the screen. She began to wonder if there are any embarrassing moments about her, like at all.

"Though, it shouldn't be a surprise that our bunny knight would react like this." Kaeya said, "Someone with 7 elements is something that we have never heard of before."

"Indeed, it could definitely lead to some... unwanted attention from the Fatui themselves." Diluc said, remembering the encounters that he had with Fatui before. There was a mysterious organization that only followed their Arcon's orders.

"Yes. I was born with 7 elements." Boboiboy answered and he didn't want her to know that he's from another world.

But for Amber, she was even more shocked, she never heard someone who was born with 7 elements in this world. She snapped out of shock and said, "W-Well, As for you, Lumine. You surprised me a little with your move there... And thanks for the backup, you two. How'd it feel?"

"Those things are tougher than they look." Lumine answered

"Yeah, I'm feeling great for helping out rather than standing on the sidelines." Boboiboy added.

"Now that you mention it, how are the Hilichurls ended up here?" Paimon asked in curiosity and held her chin. "These creatures don't seem like the type to set up camp so close to cities like this."

"Yes, it is weird." Eula said, agreeing with what Paimon on the screen said. "There were reports of Hilichurls nearby setting up camps close to the cities, but we've never expected them to be this close."

The Knights of Favonius agree with her, as this was a mystery for Hilichruls to behave this way.

"Exactly, it's more normal for them to be much further out in the wilderness." Amber said

"Is it because the dragon caused this?" Boboiboy asked her with curiosity, as his eyes have silver pupils now.

Kuki starts to notice that Boboiboy's eyes change again. "Boss, his eyes change back to silver again." Itto took a closer look and noticed the change too.

"You're right!! Do you think it's one of the elements inside of him?" Itto whispers as he doesn't want to make too much noise.

"Possibly." Kuki answers, though she has some more thoughts on this. 'But why would his eyes be silver? There shouldn't be any elements that have this color.' It starts to be suspicious by how many elements that Boboiboy was born with. Did he lie about it? Or did he tell the truth, but with the answer to be completely different?

"Yes. That's maybe true. The dragon, Stormterror, has been around a lot more recently, our orchards have been destroyed and the local market has been affected as well." Amber explained.

"When the storms hit, we usually end up with at least a few injuries, so the Knight of Favonius have been tied up doing the best they can to defend the area." Amber continued.

Venti didn't like how Dvalin acted like he is today, he thought that he was flying around Monstadt to get a taste of freedom. But hearing that he's causing injuries wasn't the Dvalin he always knew a while back, 'Dvalin, what happened to you?'

The two people were suspicious of Venti's reaction. They know that he's friends with Stormterror, but his actual identity is a mystery that no one could know. They didn't push him as the recording continued.

"So these creatures have been getting closer to the city?" Lumine asked.

"Exactly. That said, clearing this camp helped make the area a little bit safer." She then follows it up with a thought in her mind, "Come with me! A responsible knight must make sure to see you to the city safely" Amber told them and they nodded.

The camera continues following Boboiboy, Amber to the city and they finally make it to the city of Mondstadt.

"Let me officially introduce the city of wind, dandelions, and freedom - Travelers under the protection of the Knights of Favonius, Welcome to Mondstadt!" She introduces as the camera shows the view of Mondstast company with a music that sounds happy and calm.

The Liyue side and the Inazuma side were amazed by the view of Mondstast. They were happy to see people are having the freedom in this city as some that are from Inazuma could see what freedom truly is like in Mondstast.

"It's so breathtaking." Hu Tao said as she admired the sight.

Sayu begins to be awed by how peaceful the atmosphere of the city can be. She hopes that there can be a place where she could hide without no one noticing her.

Ayaka and Ayato were happy to see that Mondstast isn't suffering the problems that Inazuma has to face.

"So, this is your hometown, Thoma? It's very peaceful here." Thoma chuckles at Yoimiya's reaction at the city.

"Thanks. It is a place where Barbatos gives freedom to everyone in this city."

The scene changes to the group walking into the city, as Boboiboy gives his thanks to Amber, "Well, thanks for introducing us." Boboiboy said with a smile.

"Yeah, we really appreciate that." Lumine thanked her as well.

"No worry. I'm the Knight of Favonius. We are always welcome travelers." Amber told them.

"Hehehe. Awesome! (Terbaik!)." Boboiboy gave her a thumb-up.

Amber couldn't help but smile, seeing that he gave her a thumbs-up was something that she wanted to remember.

Lumine noticed this and couldn't help but get her revenge, "Oh, were you admiring him~?" She quickly noticed this and got her face turned red.

She was embarrassed and tried to hide it, "Don't embarrass me in front of everyone!"

"Finally, no more having to camp outdoors! But... the city folk don't look too cheery." Paimon commented as the scene shows people not in a good mood, which really affects the atmosphere in the city.

The Knight of Favonious could see the reactions that their people had for the current situation. It was moody and it didn't bring a lot of joy to them.

Yoimiya couldn't help but remind the people back at Inazuma of Raiden Shogun's ruling. There weren't many people that were happy by her ruling, but she always gives them a bright hope as she lights the fireworks for the people to see.

Thoma noticed this and comforted her by patting her back, to which she was surprised. "Don't worry about it. I'm sure Lumine and Boboiboy got it sorted out and brought everybody's smiles back."

She smiles, happy to hear that. "You're right."

"Everyone's been put out of place by Stormterror recently. But everything will turn out fine as long as Jean's with us!" Amber told them.

"Jean?" The three of them asked at the same time.

"Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius - Jean, Defender of Mondstadt. With Jean on our side, surely even the vicious Stormterror will be no match for us."

Suffice to say, the words from Amber didn't age very well like fine milk. The ones from Mondstast remember before arriving here, the city was under attack by Stormterror. It was chaos out there as tornadoes were blowing everything away and people were in danger.

Lumine didn't like how the scene will play out next, to which she has thoughts something. 'Wait a second...' She immediately calls The Guardian for clarification, "Um, can I ask a question?"

'Sure, ask away.'

"I know how these scenes play out, but will it also show us where some of us end up here?" Lumine's questions immediately get everyone's attention. It was a good question as they never thought of that when they arrived here.

'Oh, that! Don't worry about it, it won't show me taking everyone here as the future itself doesn't have a record of me taking everyone here.' They were relieved by Makoto's answer, 'However, there are some problems with the record itself.'

"What do you mean?" Jean asked.

'There are some parts of the record that I haven't edited yet, so you might be waiting here for a while.'

"But why not show it to us? Aren't some of them the same as the last one?" Klee asked, which confuses her.

'Um... How should I explain this? There's some part of the future that I cannot show everyone here.' Everyone got confused by this answer, 'What I mean is, I'm not ready to show parts of the future. Not yet.'

"When will we see it?" Barbara asked.

'I cannot say it, unfortunately.' He responded, 'Let's just continue anyway, there are some parts that I could show you that we're nearby.'

"Fine by me."

"Guess I'll accept it."

Makoto pressed the play button, continuing where the record left off.

"Sounds like someone pretty impressive..." Lumine thought.

"Before I take you guys to the Knights of Favonius headquarters, I have a present for you two, Boboiboy and Lumine." Amber said

"A present?" two of them said,

"It's a reward for helping me clear out that hilichurl."

"H-hey! Why doesn't Paimon get a reward?" Paimon felt annoyed by this.

Paimon really couldn't forget how she didn't get a reward from her, she was upset with this.

Amber chuckles as she can't help but find Paimon's reaction to be funny.

"Ahh... Because this reward is useless to you, Paimon." Paimon wasn't happy that the reward itself was useless for her. "But I'll treat you to a traditional Mondstadt delicacy - Sticky Honey Roast." Amber said and Paimon felt excited for tasting it.

"Sticky Honey Roast!"

Everyone chuckle Paimon's immediate change, to which Paimon is embarrassed to see it. "Hey! Paimon was hungry, all right?!"

"Calm down, Paimon. I will treat you to some Sticky Honey Roast after watching this record." Thoma said, to which Paimon is happy to hear it. They sweat drop as they wonder how easy Paimon could be persuaded with delicious food.

"Come with me, we'll head to the city's ahh... high ground." Amber told them and they followed her.

Hearing the word 'high ground' got Jean the idea on what she was giving. She clears her throat, getting Amber's attention while also frightening her from what she will face. The Knight of Favoniuos were either afraid of Jean and prayed for Amber's safety, or were shaking their heads thinking that Amber forgot one of the rules being the Knight of Favonious.

"Amber, have you forgotten what you're supposed to do when an unlicensed glider in Mondstadt?" Jean asked with a serious tone, which Klee could feel the fear that Amber is facing.

"I-I didn't forget it, Acting Grand Master!! I was just about to teach them and giving them lessons before the Stormterror attack and create devastated wind!!" She could see that Jean isn't kidding around when she notices someone isn't following the rule.

Lumine and Paimon could feel where Amber was coming from, and couldn't help but feel bad for her. "(If we hadn't interrupted, you and Boboiboy could've gotten your licenses, right?)" She whispers.

"Probably." Lumine responds as the recording continues to the next part.

The scene changes to them making it to the high ground, where the outlanders saw the huge statue that looks like one of The Seven of Statue. Boboiboy was awed by how much effort it is to put in making that statue.

He turns to Amber, which she prepares a gift for both of them. "Ok. So, the present I want to give you is..." Amber said and pulled out two things, that looking like wings, "The Wind Glider!"

"The Wind Glider?" The three of them asked at the same time.

Jean facepalm as what Amber is doing, with Amber herself embarrassed with how much disappointed her grandmaster has. Kaeya couldn't help but chuckle that Amber would give The Wind Glider as a gift for Boboiboy and Lumine, as he found it sweet.

"Outriders use them to ride the wind, and the people of Mondstadt love using them." Amber explained, "I brought you here to give them to you so you can experience them right away!"

She gives them Boboiboy and Lumine, which Boboiboy himself has a smile for getting the gift.

"Oh. You're really excited about these Wind Gliders, huh?" Paimon asked Amber.

"Well, that's because the wind is the heart and soul of Mondstadt!" Amber explained to Paimon.

"Heh, you got that right." Venti said as he agreed with what Amber meant. As Barbatos, Anemo Archon, he wants his people to feel the freedom as much as he does.

She turns to Boboiboy and Paimon about their lessons, "Alright then, enough talk! Let's give it a whirl!"

"But how are we going to use these?" Lumine asked and looked at her wind glider with confusion.

"Well, it's easy to use. But you still need to pay attention to my instructions" Amber told them, so Boboiboy and Lumine put them on behind their shoulders as per instructions that were given by Amber.

"So let's go to the edge over there." Amber points to the area that's a bit further from where they were standing.

They walked over the edge, and two of them stood on it as they waited for the next instructions. "Ok, listen. All you have to do is extend your arms to your sides and the gliders will appear out on their own. If you want to change direction, just tilt your body either left or right."

"I see." Lumine said, understand the instructions that were given.

Jean is happy that Ember didn't forget the instructions on how to glide, "Glad you still remember those instructions, Amber."

"R-Right, Acting Grand Master." She was still nervous of Jean, but it moved down as Jean isn't too mad after seeing this scene.

"Is there anything else?" Boboiboy asked her for anything that he needed to know.

"No, that's all. Well, try it out. Just flew to the fountain plaza. I will be there" Amber said and left, heading to the fountain plaza.

"So are you ready, Boboiboy?" Lumine asked him

"Yeah. I'm just feeling a little bit nervous. I have never been using a Wind Glider but I did fly away using my wind element." Boboiboy said nervously, since he always remembers flying with his wind element. Lumine and Paimon were surprised by this, but decided not to push it as they have training to do.

"Wait, he could fly with his Anemo?!" Mona was shocked that Boboiboy has the ability to do that, which surprised everyone. Venti is smiling heavily as he couldn't wait to see what Boboiboy will show with his flying skills.

Zhongli is surprised to hear that Boboiboy could do that, though he cannot be sure as he hasn't seen it yet.

Ei wasn't expecting that Boboiboy would say such a thing, but she cannot believe it yet as she needs to see this for herself.

"Hey, Lumine! Have you really seen Boboiboy flying with his Anemo?!" Amber asked, worried about how reckless flying could be.

"I've... never seen him use it before, but maybe during the giant wind. But I could be mistaken, so who knows." Lumine said as she cannot recall a time where she sees Boboiboy flying with Anemo.

Amber felt nervous by this as she hoped it didn't follow up with something terrible.

"Don't worry. I know it's the first time but you can do it"

Boboiboy smiles at her encouragement, "Thanks, Lumine." He prepares himself as Lumine did too.

"You ready?" Lumine asked.


Both of them jump, extend their arms out, and their gliders appear from their shoulders. They start gliding to the fountain plaza.


They were far apart from each other as they didn't want to bump into each other while gliding.

Boboiboy was having the time of his life as his eyes changed back into light blue for gliding, "This is fun!"

"Again? This is the second time his eyes turn light blue." Yae said as she began to smile at how much surprise Boboiboy had in store, "I can't wait what he will show us."

Venti smiles, happy to hear that Boboiboy is having fun gliding in Mondstadt with Amber feeling happy also.

They reach the fountain plaza, where Amber is there giving a clap for both of them. "Good job, you two!" She congratulates them.

"Thanks, Amber." Lumine said.

"Yeah. This thing is amazing. Awesome! (Terbaik!)" Boboiboy smiles and gives her a thumbs-up.

"Wait, what was that on the screen? Is that feature on this screen?" Beidou asked as she noticed the text that appeared for a second.

'Oh, that? From where I come from, people call that subtitles. We basically use them to translate other languages without having to study what the actors are saying, or hiring some Voice Actors to dub the record in question.' The Guardian explained.

"Hold on, what are these 'Voice Actors' you mention?" Albedo asked with curiosity.

'That requires a long explanation. But for the short answer, an actor is someone who plays the character and a Voice Actor is someone that voices a character without playing one on the screen.' He explains as Albedo wrote that part down.

"D-Does this screen also translate Hilichurls language?" Noelle asked as she was interested in hearing the Hilichruls with Teyvat language, which some other people are also getting more interested in hearing.

'Unfortunately, I couldn't find the translation in Hilichruls' language. So forgive me if I put anyone's hope too high.' The news devastates the people that are interested in hearing what Hilichruls are saying.

In the scene, it begins to show the sky turned dark and the wind blowing around the city.


The four of them took notice of this sudden change as the wind started to become even heavier for them.

The people from Mondstast begin to notice what's about to happen in this particular scene, which frightened them. They knew this moment, they were in this moment, they couldn't believe what they saw.

Klee immediately went to hug Albedo, as she's afraid to see what happens. He hugs back, hoping that it would calm down the little knight.

Jean didn't like it as she remembers what happened before everyone was transported here. Diluc crosses his arms, hoping this scene doesn't have a bad ending as the Stormterror's attack ends.

'Shoot! Now I remember what happens here!' Lumine thought with a panic inside of her.

'Dvalin! This isn't you at all. What's wrong with you, old friend?' Venti thought this wasn't the dragon that he befriended long ago as he thought something might've happened to him.

"The sky...!" Amber noticed and looked at the right side. They see the dragon is flying towards the city. The dragon is trying to attack the city. Everyone is panicking and running back to their house.

"So this is what they meant. I never expected this much wind to be causing that much devastation." Zhongli said as he crossed his arms.

The dragon stops and roars as the sky starts creating the huge tornado on the high ground. It started to pull the objects in, as people were trying hard to not get pulled in.

"RUN!" Boboiboy warned them as they ran away from tornadoes, but Lumine got pulled in from the wind. "LUMINE!" Boboiboy shouted in shock and worry as he saw her pulling into the tornadoes.

The audience were surprised that just happened to Lumine.

"Lumine! What happened there?! Were you able to save yourself?!" Paimon immediately asked in panic, as she's worry for her life.

"That's what I was about to say!" Amber said as she was also in a state of panic.

"D-Don't worry! I open my glider just in the nick of time." That managed to calm everyone as that was great thinking from her.

"It's a good idea to open the glider. But I wonder what will happen next?" Albedo asks as The Guardian press plays so that the scene continues.

The screen shows Lumine has been pulled in, to which she activated her wings as she flew. She looked down at the city and turned back to the dragon. The dragon tried to attack her but she deactivated her wings, dodged aside, and activated her wings again.

"That's a smart way to dodge, but you cannot hope that you will last long forever." Diluc said his opinion.

"I know, I just hope Boboiboy has a plan for this!"

Boboiboy saw this and ran towards where Lumine is. Amber noticed and told him to stop, "Hey! Don't! You are going to get yourself hurt!"

"I cannot leave Lumine for that dragon, Amber! She's going to get hurt!!" He activates his Power Watch, preparing to change into a wind element. "Elemental Power! Boboiboy Wind!" His clothes changed back into blue, to which he prepared a gust of wind to fly.

He gathered all the wind on himself and flew towards Lumine and the dragon. Lumine saw this and was shocked that Boboiboy could pull off something like this, "Boboiboy?!"

"Hi, Lumine! How are you?" He asked cheerfully.

The audience were now surprised by not only Boboiboy flying with his Anemo, but the fact he asked a cheerful question while flying above Mondstast. Lumine couldn't help but wonder if Boboiboy's trying to lighten up the mood or is having some kind of emotional state when he changes elements.

'I wish I could see his constellation so I could know his power!! But I can't do it, why?!' Mona thought to herself in agony as she couldn't help but wanting to know more about Boboiboy's power.

Venti couldn't help but chuckle at Boboiboy's attitude, "What a strange fellow."

"Indeed, his cheerfulness makes him... unique compared to everyone." Noelle said her own opinion to Venti, to which he agrees.

"I'm fine! How are we going to deal with the dragon?!" Lumine said as they saw the dragon roaring and creating winds that are devastating.

"Hey, Travelers! Be concentrated!! You need to grasp the wind and harness its energy! So you can shoot it!" The unknown voice told them, which surprised both Lumine and Boboiboy.

"What?! (Apakah?!) Who said that?!" Wind looked around, trying to see if he could find the unknown voice.

The audience recognizes the voice and turns to one person that has almost the exact voice. Venti chuckles, seeing his disguises as a normal bard might come off at one point in the recording.

"Venti, were you–" Before Jean could ask, Venti interrupted her.

"Yes, I was there to begin with!" He admits, "I was trying to see if I can calm down Dvalin after our interruption, but I wasn't able to reach him in time as he attacked Mondstast with devastating winds."

"But how could you speak to them? Do you have some sort of secret ability that you keep hidden in your hands?" Albedo asks, as his curiosity drives him to ask that question.

Venti tries to come up with something that sounds true, while not revealing a lot of his true identity. "Y-Yeah, I do have some kind of secret ability. I can communicate with others through their minds, but my voice remains the same so I only use it sparingly."

It wasn't much of a lie, but it might cause some other people to be suspicious of his answer. Rosaria couldn't help but wonder if that's the only ability that this fellow bard has in store. She thought that he might tell her half of the truth, but also a lie so as to not reveal anything too much.

Zhongli and Ei are mentally shaking their heads as they see their fellow Archon desperately hiding his identity, though he reveals it to both Outlanders. They understand why he had to do it as Dvalin himself isn't planning on hearing everything on what Venti said as the dragon goes on a rampage.

The Guardian saw everyone calm their thoughts, to which he pressed play and continue on with the recording.

The camera shows Lumine having a hard time controlling her glide as the winds were pushing her in every direction, "... Boboiboy!" Lumine called him, which got his attention. "Can you help me out?!"

"Sure! I'll bring us closer!" Lumine got a little blush from the answer alone, but quickly brushed it off as he meant getting closer to Dvalin.

Amber looks at Lumine, who is embarrassed that the video caught her blushing. 'Hehe, looks like I got my 'vengeance' on her!'

Eula flinched, feeling something weird around her. "Why do I feel like someone is using vengeance on someone else?"

"Good! Hold still for me! I'm going to shoot it!" Lumine said and Wind nodded.


Lumine holds her hands together as the symbol of Anemo appears and starts shooting at the dragon's body. The dragon roars and attacks them back, but they dodge it.

"Phew! That was close!" Wind sighed in relief.

Lumine saw the dragon roar and breathe out the powerful wind towards them, "INCOMING!" Boboiboy turns to where Lumine's looking, to which they saw the attack coming.

"Huh?!" He noticed it and dodged aside along with Lumine, to which he moved back so as to not get too close, which the camera begins to shake as they're moving back and twirling from the wind.

The audience were in for a ride as it started to give them dizziness to some of them. Specifically, Klee and Sayu as they were having a dizziness from too much focus on the screen. Albedo steps in to help with Klee, while Sayu immediately went to nap so that she doesn't get too dizzy.

Lumine then told him, "Keep getting closer to it, Boboiboy! I can't reach him from this distance!"

"On it!"

Boboiboy flew towards the dragon and Lumine started shooting at the dragon. Boboiboy helps out by firing wind at the dragon, dealing more damage to his body.


The dragon roars and flies away, leaving the city as his body took damage from Lumine's and Boboiboy's attacks.

"Woohoo! We finally did it, Lumine!" He said excitedly, to which she gave out a smile for their efforts.

"Come on. We should head back to Amber and Paimon, they must be worried sick for us." Lumine told him, which he agreed with.

"Ok!" He flew down to the high ground and slowly landed, with Lumine landing beside him. Amber and Paimon saw them flying down and Boboiboy reversed back as everything seems to calm down for now.

"A-are you two hurt?!" Amber asked in worry and checked them if they were ok from flying so high in the sky.

"Don't worry, Amber. We're alright." Lumine replied.

"'Alright'?! You both were flying in the skies! How can you be sure that you didn't suffer any head damage while flying in the air?!" Lumine chuckles at Amber's extremely worrying question, to which she started to sound like an overprotective sister.

"You have made her worry. Mark my words, vengeance will be mine!" She begins to feel frightened now that Eula joins in.

Paimon shakes her head as Lumine gets more attention from more people, "You really couldn't help yourself from attention, huh?"

"Shut up, Paimon. I'll eat you if you aren't quiet for one minute." That got Paimon scared, to which she behaved herself and continued watching the record.

"Phew, thank Archon none of you are hurt." Amber sighs in relief.

Suddenly, they hear the sound of someone clapping their hand. The camera turns and sees a man, who's clapping for both Lumine's and Boboiboy's efforts. It shows the detail of his outfit, as the camera was about to show his face.

The audience recognizes him as the outfit they saw in particular has the exact same match as one of the people that was transported here. Kaeya smiles, as he couldn't help but chuckle at the scene that will be shown.

'I really couldn't help myself, huh?'

Diluc is shaking his head, while Jean couldn't help but wonder if Kaeya was really impressed by what he saw. The Knight of Favonius recognized the person that the camera was about to show.

"You two have actually got the power to go up against the dragon... Are you two new allies... or the new storms?" The man asked them as curiosity was in his eyes as he looked over at Boboiboy and Lumine.

"You never had trust in us to begin with?" Lumine asked.

"Well, you both certainly were extraordinary to take on the Stormterror. Though, there's bound to be some people that aren't willing to trust you for the first time, so it's just natural that I don't trust strangers... for a little bit."

"Ah Kaeya! You came at the right time, the Stromterror has attacked Mondstadt itself! And I was about to–" Amber told him a problem but he stopped her before she could continue.

"Hold your horses, Amber. Are you perhaps forgetting that they haven't introduced themselves?"

"Oh, right! Kaeya. Meet Lumine, Boboiboy, and Paimon. Guys, this is Kaeya, our Cavalry Captain." Amber introduced them to him.

"Hi there, sir. It's nice to meet you" Boboiboy held his two hands out for a handshake, which is unique for everyone here.

"That's a unique handshake." Ayaka said as she has interest in the customs on where Boboiboy comes from.

"Indeed, I wonder what sort of culture he has in his homeworld?" Albedo asks as Sucrose also has interest in learning about other cultures as well.

"Well, looks like you really got a good manner" Kaeya shook his hands and turned to Amber "So, Amber. Who are they?"

"Right. These three here are travelers from afar." She explains to him.

'From afar? Is that all we know of them?' Kaeya suspected them.

Amber noticed his suspicion and said, "It's a long story..."

The video suddenly cuts, which manages to catch mostly everyone off guard. 'Apologies everyone, but this part will be cut off from the video. Since everyone here already knows how and why those three are in Mondstadt in the first place.' Makoto said, 'It will cut down the time that will be spent for everyone. So, please understand.'

"It's understandable. Sometimes a story needs to have a proper run-time to not make it too long for the audience to wait." Zhongli accepts it as everyone thinks that it was the right decision for not making this scene for too long.

The video cuts to a scene after Amber explains to Kaeya who the Travelers are and why they are here in the first place.

Kaeya got an understanding why they're here and said, "I see. Welcome to Mondstadt. Though you haven't arrived at the best of times, I'm afraid. I understand the anguish of being separated from your family and your friends. First and foremost, on behalf of the Knights of Favonious, I would like to extend our thanks for your help just now." Kaeya told them, appreciate their assistance in defending Mondstadt.

"Well. It was nothing, sir. We're just happy to help people out." Boboiboy scratches his cheek as he smiles, feeling a little happy that he thanked them for the assist.

"He's right. We couldn't just leave the situation to fester." Lumine added as she doesn't like the innocent citizens to get caught up in this destruction.

"Your fight to defend against the city against the dragon was witnessed by no small number of citizens." Kaeya told them, as there were many witnesses that watched their battles against the Stormterror.

"Wow, suddenly both of you get fame from your work!" Paimon said.

"I'm not sure if I should be happy with the fame I got." Lumine responds as she prefers to be a person with less attention following her around. After all, her only motivation she has is finding her brother that might arrive in this world as her.

"Be glad with what attention you have, right now there isn't a single attention that could destroy both of your reputations." Diluc told her, as he's now informed of their efforts against the Stormterror.

"Agree, appreciate what you manage to achieve. I'm sure your brother would be proud of what you have achieved and all the work you have accomplished." Keqing told her as Mona nodded, agreeing with her. She appreciates the support, hoping that they were right as her brother might find out about it sooner or later.

"Anyway. The Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonius is very interested in meeting you two, and formally invites you to our headquarters. Come with me." Kaeya told them as they followed him, which they did.

"I hope it's interesting to meet Jean." Lumine said.

"Oh, don't worry. It'll be interesting alright." Amber told her as they headed to the headquarters where the Knights of Favonious are located.

-Timeskip To Headquarters-

The scene cuts to Jean in the office, feeling a worry of what will happen to the other knights.

"Master Jean, you seem upset in that video. Were you worried?" Klee asked.

"Of course I am, Klee. As the leader of the Knights of Favonious, I need to take responsibility for the knights' actions." She explains to her, to which the red bunny girl understands what she meant.

She has been waiting for so long that it started to worry her a lot. She walks to the door, but is stopped by her friend.

"Jean, what's the hurry? I thought we would agree to meet them here." The camera turns its perspective, revealing the person that's also in the room.

"Oh, my~ I guess this is where I come in." Lisa spoke as the video shows her in the room with Jean as they wait for others to arrive.

"Make sense, we did the evacuation of the people nearby and the attack just ended. So it shouldn't be surprising that's where our meeting spot is." Jean said as she understands why herself and Lisa weren't present in the video.

She turns to Lisa and explains her behavior, "There have been sightings of Stormterror outside the city. Once we meet, we must...'' Jean said in worry, as she couldn't finish the last sentences.

"Relax. I'll lend a hand when the time comes" Lisa calmed her down, hoping that it would keep Jean focused on what's happening today.

The door in headquarters suddenly opened. They turn and see two familiars and three unknowns, "Jean, I've brought Amber here. Though, I guess an introduction between our three guests may be in order."

Kaeya said and began telling the whole story to Lisa and Jean.

-Mini Timeskip-

"...And once it was over I brought them here as they wanted to help out with the situation." Kaeya informed them with his arm-crossed.

Jean is thinking about the situation as she decides to welcome them, "Mondstadt welcomes you, Windborne Travelers. I am Jean Gunnhildr. Acting Grand Master of the Knights of Favonious. And This is Lisa Minci, our resident Librarian." Jean introduced herself as well as Lisa.

"Well, my name is Lumine."

"I'm Paimon!"

"Hi there. Err... I'm Boboiboy. It's nice to meet you" Boboiboy bowed down to them, though he was still shy and tried to make a good impression on everyone in the room.

Some audience members chuckle at Boboiboy's introduction, but were happy to see that he tries his best on doing so. They found it sweet that he introduced himself in his own way, though it started to sound like a child inside of him.

"Huh. You got some good manners, sweetie." Lisa said with a smile, which Boboiboy appreciated. "So, are you sweeties here to help us out? You three are so adorable!" Her expression became serious as of the current situation, "Sadly. The timing is regrettable... Stormterror has caused quite a ruckus in the region since its resurgence."

"Yeah... That dragon blew my friend away." Boboiboy told them about Lumine's situation with the dragon.

"Oh my! That must be terrible." Lisa felt sorry about that.

"I know. so I decided to help her out. I cannot let my friend get hurt as she tries to find her brother that's missing." Boboiboy said in determination.

"Yeah. Back there, I really appreciate it for helping me." Lumine thanks him.

"It's really nothing." He responds.

"That's really brave of you, cutie." Lisa was impressed.

"Hehehe." Boboiboy scratched the back of his head as he felt a little embarrassed.

"Lisa, did you just flirt with Boboiboy?" Jean asked with concern as she noticed Lisa next to her was smiling like in the video.

"Oh~? What makes you think I did that? I'm only giving him congrats for his bravery." She responds. "Besides, that boy is younger than me and I respect the ages of every boy and girl."

Klee tilts his head, "Does that mean if Klee were to fall in love with a boy that's older than her, I can't be his friend?" Jean and Lisa were alarmed by what she thought of their conversation.

Albedo steps in to clear up the misunderstanding, "You can still be friends with them, Klee. Although, you need to know the exact age of your friend if you develop feelings for them." He said, "I'll give you a lesson after this."

She tilted her head in confusion, but decided to follow along. "Okay, big brother!" Some people are relieved that it got cleared up, to which Jean hopes that Albedo gives Klee some needed explanation.

"If it weren't for this interference, the Knights of Favonious would have better ways to help you than just putting missing person posters. We simply ask that you repose in Mondstadt while we help you see your brother." Jean said

"We should really help out as well. It's the least we could do." Lumine replied.

"Yeah, we should," Paimon agrees with her.

"I'm ready to help," Boboiboy added.

"Good. In that case, we need a plan." Kaeya told them

"With Stormterror directly attacking Mondstadt, we may have an opportunity to cut this problem off as the source. Of course with the help of Boboiboy, Lumine, and Paimon's help. We have a better chance of resolving this problem. Lisa has revealed the sources of Stormterror's power with her detection magic." Jean told him, including everyone else in the room.

"Is that so?" Kaeya asked.

"They're located in the abandoned Four Winds' Temples. Stormterror's ability to whip up their kinds of storms can be attributed to its drawing power from the temples.'' Lisa answered.

"Our objective is to deal with the Three of the Four Temples. I trust everyone understands why we are only dealing with three." Jean explained

"Paimon doesn't./Paimon doesn't." The audience (even The Guardian?) was caught off-guard by the timing.

Paimon realized this and immediately apologized to everyone, "Sorry, Paimon didn't mean to."

"It's not your fault, Paimon. It's only a coincidence." Xiangling told her as she doesn't think too much of it.

"It must be a local thing..."

"We'll ask later. Right now, we have something to deal with."

"Knights of Favonius, time is against us. The storm is rampant. There is no point in maintaining a defensive position. Alright, we need to take initiative and act before the situation escalates." Jean told them

"Roger!/Yes, ma'am!" Everyone said as for Boboiboy, he did a TAPOPS salute. Jean surprises being saluted and Lisa just giggles.

"Even has his own salute? It's unique, I'll give it that." Xiao said, giving his own personal opinion on his salute.

"So he's a fellow soldier." Gorou looked at the boy with interest.

"Ok, everyone. We should split up. I'll go with Lisa." Jean said

"Then I'll go with Lumine and Paimon." Amber goes to Lumine's side.

"I guess I'll go with Boboiboy." Kaeya said and stood next to Boboiboy.

"Hold on, maybe I should go with Lumine and Amber instead." Boboiboy said. "Making sure that they don't have a hard time in the temples."

Kaeya sees the logic and goes along with, "I understand. I'll wait at the Temple of Wolf after you three have done it."

"Roger!" He did a TAPOPS salute, which managed to get a chuckle out of him.

"Well, that's settled, let's go." Jean said, to which everyone heads out and goes to one of the three temples they were tasked to enter.


The video cuts to Lumine, Paimon, Boboiboy, and Amber arriving at one of the temples. They saw a big door in front of them with a falcon symbol on top of it, "This is it. One of the deserted temples of the Four Winds. These temples have been left to waste for years now. The people of Mondstadt almost never come here. There's a chance there's a monster nest or a hilichurl camp inside."

She crossed her arms, thinking about the temple in front of her. "Even the Stormterror has given up its own temple."

The scenes show Lumine's and Paimon's reaction to hearing this revelation, as Boboiboy is also surprised to hear this. "Wait, did you just say 'its own temple...'?" Lumine asked shockingly about this.

"... Yes." She confirms, "I also find it hard to accept, but... Stormterror was once one of The Four Winds."

"EEEEEHHHHHH?!" Lumine was also surprised by this, though she didn't scream as she just made a shock expression. Boboiboy was going through everything in his mind as he cannot handle the revelation.

"W-Wait, this is true?!" Mona asked as she and some people that aren't from Mondstadt either didn't expect this as well, or knew of this since it shouldn't be too surprising.

"Yes, it's true. There were legends that the Stormterror was once one of The Four Winds. He was a friend of Barbatos before he left and roamed the land." Albedo explained.

"So what happened to the other Four Winds? Are they still around?" Lumine asked.

"We're not sure, but the Stormterror might be the last one of the Four Winds as the murals we discover have been long forgotten after years went on." Venti looks away as he still remembers what happened to the others 500 years ago.

"Wait... Did you just feel that?" They went a little bit closer to the door and noticed the wind coming from it.

"The wind here... Something's off..." Boboiboy deduced as his eyes became silver again.

'Silver again... Then that means one of his elements has the intelligence of an alchemist.' Albedo deduced that this was a plausible explanation to this.

"Let's go in and take a look, Lumine, Boboiboy. Be careful, the dragon's power is disturbing this area." They nod as they walk closer to the door. Boboiboy and Lumine how big the door is and wondered how they could open it.

"Is there a way to open this door?" He asked his eyes to turn back into the original color.

"You can use that console over there." She points to a console that's by the door. Lumine walks over to it and presses it, activating the mechanism of opening the door.

"Woah..." Lumine and Amber walked closer to the door of the temple, which revealed a strange, star-filled background. The camera man walked inside and Boboiboy followed them as well, the sight was dark for a second before it was able to see again.

Paimon and Lumine were impressed by the sight of the cave.

Paimon and Lumine in the room were also impressed by this as this was also their first time seeing this, which Amber chuckled at their reactions. "First time seeing this, huh?"

"You know it." Paimon nods, as this was the first time seeing this.

They walk into a room, which the door opens and they enter the next room. They saw it was bigger, to which Amber notices a part of the temple in the horizon, "Wow! I can see so far in the temple!"

"Indeed!" They continue on as the camera follows them from behind. They stopped as they noticed branches blocking their path.

"Guess this is a job for me!" Amber shoots fire arrows at the branches, burning them in the process. They move forward, but Boboiboy notices a green gate suddenly came to life.

"What's that?" He asked.

Amber took a look and recognized it, "That's the Door of Resurrection. Anyone that came in from the outside would automatically start itself up. If anyone dies inside here, they will be revived at this gate."

Boboiboy and Lumine were happy to hear that the gate could do that, "That's helpful." He said, relief to hear of it.

"Me too, Boboiboy. Me too." Lumine said, agreeing with the news of the function of this gate.

They turn to the edge and notice a Hilichurl with a wooden shield at the bottom. "Time to go!" Amber shoots a fire arrow, hitting the shield and causing it to be in the process of burning.

She jumps down with Boboiboy and Lumine following her from behind. The Hilichurl tries to hit Amber with the wooden bat, but misses as Amber continues firing arrows at it. Lumine joins in with slashing Hilichurl's body and follows it up with another attack from her sword.

She sent out a wind slash towards it, hitting the Hilichurl back as Amber delivered the next blow with explosive arrows. It hits the Hilichurl, leaving a loud explosion in the room.

"That's taken care of." Then they heard a horn blowing near them. "Oh no! A horn!" They saw more Hilichurls were coming into the fight.

"Did the fight manage to catch their attention?" Boboiboy asked as Lumine fought one of them.

"Maybe! Well, good thing I've prepared my secret weapon: Explosive Puppet 'Baron Bunny'!"

"Hold on, you have a secret weapon?" Lumine asked, while Amber scratched her head in embarrassment.

"Yeah, I did."

"Then why didn't you use it the first time we ran into Hilichurls?!" Paimon asked, demanding the answer from her.

"I didn't want to cause a massive explosion! I don't want to get into trouble as Jean has to deal with another knight that also causes a dangerous explosion." She told her reasoning, which really got everyone curious about one thing.

"Wait, who's the other knight?" Itto asked in confusion.

They heard a chuckle that sounded like a young girl. They turned to the source and saw it was Klee who's chuckling, "Hehe, an explosive bunny."

"W-Wait, do you mean-?!" Before Xinyan could finish her question, Jean finishes it.

"Yes, Klee the Spark Knight can cause dangerous explosives."

Some were surprised that a young girl like her could make an explosion that's dangerous. While the phrase 'Don't judge a book by its cover' applies here, it was something that unaccounted for.

"D-Does she make her own bombs?" Hu Tao reluctantly asked.

"Yes, I used bombs to get more fish faster!!" Klee's answer managed to get more people to be surprised. "And they taste better too!"

"W-What?!" Beidou loses her composure by hearing her reasoning.

'Why do I have the sudden feeling to stay away from her?' Kokomi felt a sudden shiver through her body. The way Klee stares at her like a fish to be blown up.

"Your Excellency, what's wrong?" Gorou looked at Kokomi in concern.

"Everything is fine, Gorou..." Kokomi answered.

"I never expected a young girl like her would have this reasoning for making powerful bombs." Kazuha said his opinion.

"Me neither." Thoma and Yoimiya said at the same time, giving the same opinions as him. Everyone started to share their own opinion, which managed to become a large conversation of Klee's bomb. It was so big that The Guardian decided to let the video pause until everyone had calmed down.

After some... time off for everyone, Makoto presses play again as they continue on watching the video.

The two fight on as Lumine charges forward with Amber in the back firing arrows at the Hilichurls. Amber was about to use her secret weapon, which Lumine uses the wind blast to push them back.

She dashed to her right, dodging the incoming explosive puppet. It baits them to get closer, which causes an explosion and manages to hit more Hilichurls. She fires Pyro arrows from the sky, raining on top of a group of Hilichurls. They got hit by the fire, which they got knocked out as they couldn't handle the damage anymore.

They heard loud footsteps and noticed more were coming towards them as the camera showed more groups of Hilichurls coming, "There's more?!"



"How many more Hilichurls are coming towards them?!" Ganyu questions as she sees more coming to fight.

"Until they defeated their enemies, that's for sure." Keqing told her as she continued watching the video.

"Amber, do you think you can still use your puppet again?" Lumine asked as she prepared herself.

"Not yet, it takes time for Baron Bunny to be in full condition."

Boboiboy steps in front of them and prepares to change again, "I'll help out!" His watch powered on and began to change, "Elemental Power!"

Green leaves begin to swirl around his clothes and change color, "Boboiboy Leaf!" In this next form, he is the first form who is shown having a differently colored shirt underneath his vest (white) to the color of his emblem (emerald green) visible on his hat.

Leaf's hat is haphazardly worn a little sideways backward. Like all the other elemental forms, his emblem is also visible on the vest's zipper, but is zipped all the way up, just like Wind's. Leaf also has his pants covering part of his shoes as opposed to being tucked in.

In addition, his pupils are larger and shinier.

"Ta da!"

'Pause!' Makoto pauses the video, just in time for it to show Boboiboy Leaf in a pose. He quickly prepares himself for the inevitable surprise for everyone.

"W-Wait, Dendro?! I-I-I-I ne-never expecte-ed him to have that!" Sucrose exclaimed as she didn't expect him to have Dendro as well.

"Unbelievable. This might be something worth putting into research." Albedo said as he pulled out a book and wrote down about Boboiboy's Leaf element.

Lisa chuckles as she has the fun of her life seeing this, "This cutie in particular has ways to surprise us, huh?" She mutters.

"Hold on, his eyes are very different compared to the last ones." Kuki points out to his new eyes, "Is this an effect from his elements?" Lumine also noticed too as this was a similar case to Venti and Zhongli.

"Oh we will find out once the video starts up again. Guardian, if you please."

'At once, madam!' He presses play again, continuing where they left off.

Amber is surprised by this, but refocuses herself as they're in a battle. "Do what you have to do, Boboiboy!"

"Roger!" Leaf shouts as he charges right in as what appears to be rock theme company with it, "Take this, evil-doers! Leaf Shurikens!!" He throws Leaf Shurikens and hits the Hilichurls. It hits their body, but they feel something wrong as they fall to the ground.

"A fellow ninja!" Sayu spoke in glee.

The Kamisato siblings, Thoma, and Yoimiya heartfully titters at the loli ninja's adorable expression and reaction.

"Grgh! Argh!" They tried to move their bodies, but they couldn't move as they were stuck on the ground. Their fellow comrades were speechless as they couldn't figure out how they were stuck.

"Um... Boboiboy, what kind of shurikens did you use?"

"Oh, that? I think I misspoke. It's the Stunning Leaf Shurikens!" He threw more, which alarmed the Hilichurls and they immediately split up to dodge it.

"Pfft! D-Did he really just misspoke?" Venti chuckles as he holds his stomach from the laughing he's receiving.

"Hehe! He started to sound like me!" Klee jumps up and down in her seat, but Albedo stops her by holding her with his hands.

"He really does sound like a 6-year-old kid now, huh?"

"Indeed." Rosaria said, agreeing with Barbara on Boboiboy's current personality.

Xinyan was having the time of hearing rock n' roll music in the video as it sounds so cool and awesome to her.

"More! More! More!" As the Hilichurls were running for their lives, Amber, Lumine, and Paimon were watching the whole thing as if it were some sort of show. They were flabbergasted that Boboiboy's personality did take a literal change and started to think if he were having any problems.

"Is he the same Boboiboy we first met?" Paimon breaks the silence as she asks an important question.

"I... don't know."

"Although, why do I feel like I have to protect this particular part of Boboiboy no matter the cost?" Lumine questions herself.

'Me too, Traveller. I also felt this feeling of protecting him.' Noelle thought, agreeing with what Lumine said.

After every Hilichurl that was running into the room had been stunned, Leaf took a breath as that was fun to do as the music slowly turned down. "Ah! What a fun way to start my day!" He turns around and notices the girls are staring at him, "Hm? Is there something wrong?" He tilts his head, which somehow they (and the audience) found this to be cute!

"N-Nothing! There's nothing wrong with us!" The three said at the same time, which confuses Leaf. He ignored it for now and saw a path to another room.

"Ah, well~! Let's keep going!" He goes on ahead as he hummed a melody. They were still speechless of the whole thing, but decided to move along as they work to do.

Childe watched the whole thing... and found it odd that he doesn't want to fight anymore, 'W-What's wrong with me?! Have I gone so soft that I lost my lust for a fight because of that boy?!'

Mona is blushing really, really hard. She found Boboiboy now to be super cute like a plushie! 'I don't have the will to look into his constellation anymore...'

"Hm~hm! Hm~hm! Hm!" Barbara was humming along as she found the music that Boboiboy is humming is sweet and cute.

Suffice to say, 30% of the audience were heavily influenced by Boboiboy's Dendro personality. It was too cute for them to handle that they wanted to follow along and protect him!

As they reached the next room, they saw more Hilichurls nearby. Amber noticed there was something near them, "Are those explosive barrels over there?"

"Does that mean you could explode them with a Pyro arrow?" She nods, confirming Boboiboy's question.

"One shot should be able to blow them up!" Amber pulls out an arrow and fires it with Pyro attached to it. The barrels explode, sending the Hilichurls that are nearby into being knocked out.

They saw more nearby, to which Amber stayed behind to shoot while Boboiboy and Lumine charged forward. Lumine twirls her sword around and fires a Wind Burst at the Hilichurls.

"Vine Whip!" He generates a long vine and grabs the Hilichurls. He swings them around like ragdolls, hitting the others in the process. Amber fires Pyro arrows at them, getting their shields burning in the process.

As Boboiboy lets go of them, his vine manages to catch on fire. "Ah, fire!" He throws it away, making more fire in the group of Hilichurls. Lumine finishes them off with a vortex of vacuum in the palm of her hand. It creates more damage to them, which manages to get them their weapons on fire and to be knocked out.

As the fights ended, Boboiboy was still feeling his palm on fire from feeling the heat of the Amber's Pyro arrows. "Ouch, that's hot!"

Amber could feel someone is glaring at her. She slowly turns around and notices Jean glaring into her, menacingly! She sweats heavily as she starts to worry about this, "Amber... After this, I would like to have a talk. Private from everyone else."

"Y-Yes, Master Jean." The other knights could feel the situation Amber's in, and prayed that Jean would let her go easily.

"S-Sorry about that, Boboiboy! I didn't mean to hit you!" Amber apologies to him.

"It's fine! I'm sure you didn't mean to hit me!" He turns away and mumbles to himself, "Although, Fire's attack is even hotter than the bunny girl's to be honest."

Amber poofed into red smoke and got embarrassed by this, while also getting severe emotional damage into her heart.

"What was that?" Leaf quickly answers her.

"N-Nothing! I didn't talk back to you, I was mumbling to myself!"

"You did, you weird boy!" Amber insisted.

"Sounds like you need some rest." Albedo told her, 'Though, who's Fire? Does he have Pyro inside of him as well and named him after the symbol it's based on?'

They walked into the next room, which they were approached by a deep chasm. Amber looked up and saw the ledge, though it seems too high for anyone to reach.

"It's so high... Seems like there's something up there."

"But how do we get across?" Paimon asked as they saw how high the ledge was.

"Maybe with Wind we could float up there with ease." Boboiboy suggested.

"That sounds like a good idea." Lumine agrees with this.

"But there's a chance if a Hilichurls saw us, they would probably hit you and lose your focus on your Anemo." Amber said, "We could save ourselves by gliding, but something tells me we have to find another way to get up there."

Leaf sulked that his plan wasn't in use, to which Lumine heads over to him and gives him a pat on the back to comfort him.

"Aw..." The women in the audience found it cute that Lumine goes to comfort him when his plan is shot down.

Lumine chuckles, feeling embarrassed to see it for herself.

Paimon looks around and notices a thing with a Pyro Symbol, "Isn't this... a Pyro Monument?" They turn to where Paimon looks at, to which Amber recognizes it.

"Looks like it!"

"If we hit it with a powerful Pyro attack, we might trigger a mechanism that's connected to this one!"

Leaf got the idea with this, "Bunny girl, could you-"

"I'm on it!" Amber pulls out an arrow and fires a Pyro Arrow at the monument. It hits it, to which the monument's symbol gets brighter and something triggers within.

They saw a wind current active near them, which gave them a clear understanding. "Time to glide, travelers!" They nod and they jump into the current with their Wind Gliders, to which they float high in the air.

They flew across and landed on the other side. They walked into another room, to which they saw a green crystal in the middle of the room.

"Dragon's breath! Is that where the power is coming from?"

"Wait, this crystal comes from the dragon?" Lumine asked, to which Amber nodded, confirming her suspicion.

'Dvalin's crystal, huh? Someone must have planted it in the temple to not let the knights take it from their hands.' Venti deduced as he thought this was the source of the strange wind coming from the inside of the Temple of Falcon.

"Leave it to him! Elemental Power!" Boboiboy switches form again, turning into Boboiboy Earth as he walks towards it. "Boboiboy Earth! Earth Gloves!" He generates Earth Gloves from his hands and prepares to throw an attack.

"Earth Punch!!" He delivers a single punch, which manages to destroy the crystal in the matter of seconds.

The audience were equally shocked as Amber and Lumine felt the force of his punches. Albedo quickly does the math on how much force Boboiboy's Earth Gloves equals, which he found to be a shocking result.

"What unbelievable numbers..."

"What's wrong, Mr. Albedo?" Sucrose asked, worried about what Albedo had discovered. He shows her the math of Earth Gloves' punch, to which she was also shocked by the numbers. "T-T-T-T-T-T-That's a big number!"

"Indeed, Sucrose. Indeed."

"Hahahaha! Looks like a little competition from him might be a good way to make him join our gang!!" Itto laughs, while Kuki shakes her head on his behavior.

"Please don't, boss."

"T-That was unexpected, Boboiboy." Amber said in a shock as Lumine and Paimon were speechless as well.

"Hehe, sorry about that. Didn't mean to surprise you guys." Boboiboy said as he returned to his original form.

"Don't worry about it! I was getting tired walking here!" She assures him, which he is glad it didn't matter much.

"But, at least this way we've helped Jean out. In the past, we were at least able to defend the city and keep it safe. This, of course, is mostly thanks to Jean. But now with Stormterror directly attacking the city itself... 'The winds change, so too should our tactics.'"

They were impressed by the last part that Amber said, "Did you come up with it?" Lumine asked.

"It's what Lisa likes to say." Amber said, which explains that part of the sentences was from Lisa herself.

"Hehehe, glad you respect whoever came up with it." Amber scratches her head.

"Of course, Lisa. I always respect my superior knights."

"Speaking of which, The Four Winds we were discussing earlier..." They nod, which Amber continues on. "If you want to learn more about our history, you can ask Lisa."

"Do you... not know of your own people's history?" Boboiboy's eyes turned silver again, and he started to sound like a professor in a university.

Amber could now feel two more glares behind her back. Paimon took a peek and noticed Jean and Lisa were looking at her, not in the normal kind. Her soul nearly left her body as she hides behind Lumine, which confuses her.

"... I'm not saying I don't know our history! It's just..." They waited for her to finish her sentences, as she was sweating in confusion. "I mean... A librarian is supposed to be more knowledgeable than an Outrider, right?"

"While yes, that is true, you should also know the basic rules of being a knight." Boboiboy answers her in a serious tone, which surprises them. "Did you happen to forget a few basic rules when you first met us?"

"Um... Not that I thought of?" Amber's answer wasn't... holding water as Boboiboy thought. He found it to be like himself as he also doesn't have best grades on some of his studies in his school, though it sounded like she was more dumber than him.

Kaeya chuckles at Amber's answer and Boboiboy's thoughts, which frightened her to the core. "S-Stop laughing! This is a serious matter to me!"

"I know, which I found to be funny, that we have a knight who doesn't know the history of Mondstadt." Diluc nods, agreeing with Kaeya on this matter.

"I agree, this matter is serious if you don't recall the history of Mondstadt." Albedo joins in, and that really puts Amber in a tight situation again. Lumine couldn't help but feel bad that Amber was being put in this situation by herself and Boboiboy.

After finishing destroying the crystal, the group got out and prepared to head to the next one. "Let's head to the Temple of Wolves next. Kaeya is waiting for us over there." Boboiboy said as he did make a promise to him.

"Well Paimon likes the idea, but should we also check on Jean and Lisa first beforehand?" Paimon questions if they should help with Jean's and Lisa's mission.

"Don't worry, those two could handle themselves. We can help with Kaeya first before we go there." Amber said, "We might be walking there for a while, but it's better than nothing."

Suddenly, Boboiboy got an idea. "You got something on your mind?" He turns to them before giving out a smile, which frightened them (along with some of the audience).

"W-Why are you smiling like that?"


At the Temple of Wolves, Kaeya was there waiting for Boboiboy and the others to finish at the Temple of Falcon. He continued to wait until he heard a scream above him, "Hm?"

He looked up and saw Boboiboy was carrying his Anemo, though he was heading there so fast that the girls had a hard time balancing their glides. "Boboiboy, slow down!!!"

"I-I'm getting dizzy!!" Poor Lumine looks like she saw the world spinning.

The audience were speechless by Boboiboy's plan, to which he didn't care for two ladies being sick from his flight. Amber and Lumine were very relieved that they didn't have to go flying with him as that was thought to be one of their worst nightmares.

"It's... working though." Jean said as she looked at the bright side of the plan.

"Hehehe~ Those girls sounded like they were having fun flying with him." Lisa teases them.

"WE'RE ABSOLUTELY NOT!!" They shout at the librarian, who manages to give out a loud sound.

The camera turns to Kaeya, who finds it to be funny that two flying knights would have rough time flying with Boboiboy. "I should've brought my Kamera and took a picture of this."

"DON'T YOU DARE, KAEYA!!" Amber shouts at him, which manages to frighten him. He sweats, before Lisa approaches him and whispers.

"(Don't worry, I've already taken a picture of this from my Kamera.)'' Lisa shows her Kamera, which manages to get a smile on his face.

Lumine shivers, wondering what just happened behind her back.

They glided and safely landed on the ground, to which they dropped as they got little dizziness in their heads. Kaeya smirks as he sees Boboiboy change back into the original, "You really did a number on them, huh?"

"I didn't mean for that to happen. I wanted to get here faster, so this was the only idea I could think of."

Kaeya placed his hand on his shoulder and said, "Don't think about it too much. Just let it go and it will be fine." He said, which managed to get Boboiboy a little weirded out.

Paimon floats in and saw the girls are still dizzy, "Wow, Paimon's glad that Paimon didn't join you guys."

"Well, you float, Paimon. So you don't need anyone to help with that." He responds as it's technically that Paimon didn't need help with that.

"Uh... This might be one of the times that I wish I preferred to walk." They heard Amber say as she got up from her dizziness. "Could you... not do that again? I think I still feel dizzy."

"S-Sorry, didn't mean for that to happen." He apologized to the girls for his behavior and his plan.

"Do-Don't worry about it." Lumine said as she got up as well. "We did get here much faster anyway."

Kaeya walks closer to the door and opens it by pushing the doors. They enter through the door, reaching one of the rooms in the temples. He sniffed something nearby in the temple, "Do you smell that?"

The others sniff as well, to which they smell something nearby. "It's the smell of burnt Pyro Slimes." Lumine answers.

"Something must have happened here as the knights were busy dealing with the Stormterror situation." Amber said as they continued walking.

"No doubt the Hilichurls must be in there for a while." Diluc answers, deduced from sightings of Hilichurls that are in Mondstadt.

"And how do you know of this, wine master?" Venti asked.

"They use anything that will start a fire in their camp, even Pyro Slimes that manage to get inside." He answers as he continues watching the video.

"Hmm. If I'm not mistaken, the end of the temple should be up there." Kaeya pointed in the direction, which confused the newcomers.

"Huh? How do you know?" Paimon asked him.

"Heh, experience," Kaeya smirked, "... The kind of experience you get after years of dealing with things like this for others."

Diluc knew what he meant as himself and Kaeya are the only knights that have to deal with that kind of situation. Jean crosses her arms as she's wondering how they would handle this situation while she and Lisa are at the Temple of Lion.

"There are a few hilichurls. Let me show you how the Knights of Favonius conquer our adventures." Kaeya says as he summons the sword and both of them jump down. Kaeya sprinted himself to hilichurls and started slashing them. One of them tries to hit him but he dodges and hits it with his sword.

Kaeya smirked and started pointing at them with his sword. His sword was covered with snow and released them, "Freeze!" Three of hilichurls has been frozen because there was some water around their area

Kaeya starts slashing them while they are frozen. When they were unfrozen, they got knocked out unconscious.

"That's so cool," Boboiboy said with star eyes.

"Impressive, huh?" So they continue walking as Kaeya asks him a particular question, "So Boboiboy. I heard Amber say that you were born with 7 elements right?"

'So he's asking this right now, huh?' Albedo thought as he crossed his arms while watching this scene.

"Yes. That's true," Boboiboy replies.

"Hmm. Unless I'm mistaken, you don't seem to have a Vision. So how exactly is it that you're able to wield them?" Kaeya asked curiously, which of the girls began to realize this too.

'Come think of it, I didn't see him wielding any Vision or using it to use his elements.' Amber thought.

'That's true, I never even asked how he wields it. Does he wield it like me?' Lumine compares herself to him as she was also not using any Vision as well.

"Well, I'm not sure how I can wield those elements. Maybe I'm special, I guess?" Boboiboy lied a little. He is not ready to tell them that he's from another planet.

The audience could tell that Boboiboy isn't fully trusting with that information yet. They understood why and respect his privacy.

"I see. Amber did tell me that when you use elements, your clothes can change color. I saw your clothes were blue and now back to orange." Kaeya told him.

"Yeah, that's correct. When I use them, my clothes change color. Not only that my personality can change when I'm using elements." Boboiboy explains the effects of the elements to the others.

"I see, no wonder his personality constantly changes when he uses his elements. This was the effect he was receiving..." Sucrose said as she wrote down Boboiboy's explanation.

"That seems odd though, we haven't received any effects like him after we receive our Vision." Ayaka thought, "Could Boboiboy have different kinds of elements than our own?"

"It is possible, Ms. Ayaka. His birth might have had a different effect than we thought."

'As much as you are smart, Albedo, you aren't closer to the truth.' The Guardian thought as he kept his thought secret from everyone.

"Do you... ever get dizzy from switching one element to another?" Amber asked.

"... Not that I could remember, but I did remember having a headache after using my elements for too long." He explained, "Don't worry though, I managed to get the limit to go on a little bit longer. So it shouldn't be harmful for me to use them too much."

"Hmm. Interesting." Kaeya is curious about his elements and him. "Can we see it when you are using them?"

"Sure, you will see them when I'm using them," Boboiboy answers.

As they continue walking they find the path ends but there is something that has a Pyro logo on it. "Seems the path ends here." Kaeya said as there weren't any paths that were accessible.

"Hey, isn't that a Pyro Monumental?" Paimon asked if they saw the Pyro Monument like the last one.

"Glad we came here together rather than splitting up." Amber said as she was about to use her Pyro Arrow, she was stopped by Boboiboy.

"Let me handle it!"

The audience were now getting the pattern of it and decided to let them see it.

"W-Wait, you have Pyro as well?!" Amber asked shockingly, to which he just smiled and changed again.

"Elemental Power! Boboiboy Fire!" His clothes begin to change as fire swirls around him. He wears a red vest from BoBoiBoy's regular form, but unlike all the other Galaxy elemental forms, he is not wearing a shirt underneath. The Fire Elemental symbol can be seen on the zipper. He is also the only elemental form so far to be wearing different pants, Fire wears a pair of black shorts (all other elemental forms wear long-legged black jeans). Like Lightning, his cap is facing forward, but the cap is tilted slightly up and BoBoiBoy's hairstyle can clearly be seen, as well as white strand of hair.

"Oh! He has Pyro too!" Xinyan exclaimed with excitement.

"Brother Albedo, look! He also has Pyro as well!" Klee jumps to Albedo, pointing at the screen showing his Pyro form. He nods, which makes Klee happy to see that.

"Yes, I could see it." Though, Albedo wasn't only focusing on that. He was also focusing on the white strand of his hair, 'What an interesting hair he has...'

"Paimon wondered how his personality would change from the regular one." Paimon wonders of the effect of his fire element. Lumine nods, hoping to see what Boboiboy has stored.

"I see, let's see how this one is different from the previous ones." Shenhe said to herself as she prepared to watch Boboiboy Fire's fight on screen.

"Fire ball!" Fire summons a small fire ball and throws it at Elemental Monument. It has been activated and the wind starts blowing up. Fire smirks in pride.

"Alright, let's use the wind currents to fly up." Kaeya said, as the others nodded and went to do that. They activated their Wind Gliders to fly up and land on the different ground. They continued walking until they found the red floating object.

Boboiboy noticed "Hey, I saw something up ahead." They walked closer to the red floating, to which Kaeya recognized this.

"This is Time Trial Challenge, this thing is one of the puzzles. If you want to unlock the door, we need to complete the challenge before time out." Kaeya explained and walked closer to it, "I assume you want to do this alone, Boboiboy?"

"Nah, you guys can join in for extra help." He accepts any help that is available, which they appreciate.

"Glad to see that he accepts any help without being too egotistical." Jean said, which the knights agree with her statement.

"I'm ready!" Boboiboy said in determination.

Kaeya touches it and the enemies spawn out. They are ready to fight them, which Boboiboy switches out with other elements, "Elemental Power! Boboiboy Lightning!"

Ei looks at the screen as she crosses her arms. Miko notices this and wonders if Ei had an interest in seeing Boboiboy's Electro in more action.

"Lightning Swords!" Lightning summons two lightning swords and ready to fight them even Kaeya got his sword out too with Amber and Lumine pulling out their weapons. All of the hilichurls rushed to them and were ready to hit them, to which Amber noticed some of them got a bow.

"Careful, they got a bow in their group as well!" She shouts as three sword wielders charge right in.

Kaeya starts slashing them and freezing them with his Cryo element. As for Lightning, he sprinted like lightning and slashed them with his swords. Lumine slashes them with the sword, to which they blow them away with Wind Burst.

Lightning speeds through the Hilichurls, landing right next to Lumine, "Let's combine our elements!" He suggested.

"Right!" They look at the charging Hilichurls, to which they combine their elements as Lumine creates a wind in the palm of her hand and shoots it out. Lightning threw his swords, combining the attacks into one as the Lightning Swords made contact with each other, which created a burst of lightning that exploded near the Hilichurls. The Hilichurls get shocked and faint unconsciously.

The audience clapped for their teamwork, which Lumine was embarrassed to hear from them. "That was good teamwork, Traveler."

"T-Thanks, Amber."

"Don't celebrate, traveler. It's not over yet." Yun Jin said as she pointed out the battle is still continuing.

Lightning saw Kaeya was struggling with the group of Hilichurls, "Kaeya's in trouble."

Lumine also notices that Amber has a hard time with the Hilichurls as well, "Amber as well."

"Then we split up!" They nod to each other, to which Lightning sprint to where Kaeya is. "Lightning Speed!" He sprinted very fast and slashed all of them. They were shocked and fainted unconscious.

Lumine blows them from behind, which manages to catch the Hilichurls off guard. Amber took this opportunity to fire Pyro Arrows in the air, which rained on them and caused the Hilichurls to be set on fire. They fainted from the damage they took from their attacks.

"Hmph. Weak." Lightning said with arms-crossed as they saw that it was the group of Hilichurls that were heading to them.

'The way he acts is almost like Diluc. Boboiboy did tell us that when he's using elements, his personality will change.' Kaeya thought as he went back to battle and froze the Hilichurls.

"He does have a point there." Jean said as she remembers Diluc acting like that.

"Maybe in the past, but I don't have that kind of personality anymore."

"Hm, sure you do." Kaeya said in the tone 'You liar', which managed to trigger him. Diluc sighs, wondering what the screen will show next.

Until there are more hilichurls spawning along with one giant hilichurl. The camera turns to it, revealing it to be another Lawachurl.

"Another one, huh?" Lumine mutters.

"Not to worry, we've already taken out one before!" Amber assurres her as they've fought one before they arrive at Mondstadt.

"Damn, they even brought Lawachurl. We are surrounded." Kaeya looked around them as they saw more Hilichurls. They were surrounded as there were more Hilichurls appearing in the room.

"On second thought, maybe I should've kept my mouth shut." Amber said, regretting what she said.

Lightning reverses back to original form, which confuses them. "Boboiboy, why are you-?"

"I'll explain later!" He told Paimon as he prepared a card he kept hidden.

The audience starts to get interested in what he will do, "A card? Is it another of his elements?" Lisa asked as they prepared for Boboiboy to show it.

He raises his Power Watch in the air, summoning a circle that contains three elemental logos in the air. Everyone (including the audience) were shocked by what kind of secret ability that Boboiboy kept hidden, "Boboiboy Triple..." He jumps high in the air, through the circle and comes as a surprise for everyone to see.

"Split!!!" There were now three Boboiboys in the air, one being having the power of lightning, one with fire, and the new Boboiboy has the power of Hydro.







For one second, everyone was lost for words. They have seen weirder things before, but now... this completely knocks everything out of the park. The Mondstadt side were in shock of there were three of them, The Liyue side were lost for words on how this could be possible, as for The Inazuma side... they were in a combination of confusion and shock.

Thank Archon that the video paused at the right moment.

"W-WHAT?!" Lumine breaks the silence with her scream.

"H-How was he able to do this?!" Paimon wonders with confusion in her mind.

"I-I-I... What kind of power did he use?!" Amber wonders in a shock.

"I'm even more shocked than you are, Amber." Kaeya admits as Diluc nods, agreeing on this one.

"What a fascinating power he kept within. I need to do more experiments with him if I want to learn more about it!" Albedo said since this was a huge discovery in the alchemist.

"I'll help too! I really want to know!!" Sucrose joins in as she finds this to be fascinating as well.

"I don't even know what to make of this." Lisa told her own opinion.

"Me neither." Jean said, agreeing with what she said.

"Wow! There's now three of them now!" Klee said gleefully as this was a surprise that's fun to see.


"Oh Archon..." Rosaria sighs, massaging her forehead when she sees Barbara faints at her seat.

"I... I was surprised once again. Now I don't have one vengeance to get it done, I need to do all three!!" Lumine hears what Eula mutters nearby.

'Now I'm more worried about Boboiboy's safety!!!'

"Ahahahahaha!! I've never been this excited for a while!!" Venti laughs, to which he falls off his seat and continues to laugh on the floor.

Mona was lost for words as she cannot speak or express her reaction to Boboiboy's sudden... splitting. Noelle has the same reaction as her, but begins to wonder if he needed any help in the first place. Suffice to say, everyone in Mondstadt was having their brains in absolute chaos.

As for the people from Liyue... they were in shambles to say the least.

"Oh!! Now I smell an opportunity~!" Hu Tao said as she rubs her hands, which got Zhongli to shake his head.

"Please don't do it, director." He told her, though he has some thoughts on this development. 'I never knew that this boy had the ability to do something like this, could this be what he used to defeat my friend's supposed killer?'

Ganyu, Shenhe, and Xiao were awed by this surprise as they found it to be unique. Though Shenhe found it to be hurtful that he found Boboiboy... to be in a similar place as her.

"The conclusion of this performance will be fabulous!" Yun Jin mused.

*Awww yeah! This is gonna be amazing!" Xinyan strums her guitar, feeling more energy to her fully charged body.


"Keqing!" Ningguang watched her fellow Liyue Qixing faint in her seat.

"This is a surprise I never expected." Chongyun admits his expression on seeing the split and his popsicle started to melt from the stick.

"I agree. This was something worth seeing!" Xingqiu said as he hadn't felt this exciting for a while.

"Even Guoba is excited!" Xiangling hugs her bear companion with glee while Guobao puffs out his flame with joy.

As for Childe, his lust for battle began to sprung up again as he saw not one, but three Boboiboys for his possible battle against him.

"Hey, Kazuha... Are you seeing this?" Beidou looked on screen with a fazed expression plastered in her face.

"Yes. But I am still trying hard to believe it." Kazuha responded with the exact look.

The people from Inazuma aren't at peace from what they saw on the screen.

"Now this is more like it! One of them could join the Arataki gang instead!!" Kuki didn't like this and pulled Itto's ear. "Ow, ow, ow!"

"Don't you dare plan that, boss!!"

"Boboiboy really does know how to throw everyone into a surprise." Ayaka commented as she hid her lip behind her fan.

Her brother nods, "You know it."

"Oh, wow! Those firework plans might be in need of replanning sooner or later." Yoimiya now wonders what Boboiboy thinks now of fireworks.

"I'm sure Boboiboy would love to see fireworks to be as simple as that." Thoma told her.

"I want to learn that ninjutsu!" Sayu pointed at the screen.

"Who is the third Boboiboy wearing blue clothing?" Gorou observes said blue dino-cap boy.

"We have seen five elements so far, I believe this must be his Hydro element." Kokomi thoughtfully guessed.

"This... This is something I didn't see coming." Sara expressed her feelings towards this revelation as her heart is starting to beat a little faster.

Miko notices something developing in her and decides to ask, "Do you want to ask the Raiden Shogun, general?" She heard Guuji ask her, to which she denied it.

"N-No, ma'am! I have nothing to ask the Archon."

"It's okay, I didn't see it coming either." Ei said, which alarmed Sara. "Us Archons aren't well-knowledge of the world that's beyond Teyvat, so this was a surprise to me as well." She admits as this is something that comes out of nowhere.

Hearing her answer, Sara is a little happy that some of her questions were answered. She wants to ask her more, but decides to ask later as the video seems to be starting up again.

The camera begins to spin around the trio, which accompanies techno rock music in the background. "Take this! Fire Balls!" Fire summons some fire balls and throws them at some of the Hilichurls and Lawachurl.

*Boom!* *Boom!* *Boom!*

As the Hilichurls get knocked out unconscious, while the Lawachurl's shield is caught on fire. The camera turns to Water, who sent out his own attack. "Water shot!" Water shoots water from the ground at Lawachurl, which manages to get a hit on him.


It got hit from the chin and accidentally put out the fire that was on the shield. Some hilichurls got knocked out from Water's attack as hilichurls got knocked out unconscious too.

Lawachurl shakes the water off as its shield breaks from the damage it took, "Do it, Lightning!" Fire and Water told Lightning.

Lighting got his swords out and charged up his speed, "Lightning Speed!"


He sprinted at full speed and slashed all of them as fast as lightning. They all got shocked from the water and knocked out unconsciously. They saw those were the last of them as the door just opened.

"Man, Paimon didn't expect him to have that level of teamwork!"

"But can we even call that? They're the same person as he was... split into three." Amber said, which confuses if this counts as a team or not.

Then Lumine realizes something, "Wait, how does he return back to normal?" Everyone realizes this as they facepalm on not thinking about it.

"Right, how could-" Before Albedo could finish, the video plays itself and reveals the answer to him.

Water and Fire run into Lightning, combining them back into Boboiboy once again. Lumine, Paimon, Amber, and Kaeya were equally speechless as they'd never seen this type of ability before.

They have their jaws drop as the answer itself was found to be so easy, "If I'm going to be honest with you, I haven't felt this worry for a stranger I have never met." Shenhe said, which Xingqiu nodded in response.

"That I agree with, though I wish that we could've seen more of his Pyro and Hydro a little bit more than what we have."

Chongyun chuckles at Xingqiu's opinion, "Couldn't agree more."

"Glad that's done." Boboiboy notices the door opens as the trial has completed. He turns around and finds them standing there, which confuses him. "Guys, the door's open. Let's go!"

They snapped out of it and realized what they should be doing, "R-Right, Paimon forgot about it."

They head to the door, entering a different room. As they continue walking, Kaeya starts a conversation with Boboiboy. "Boboiboy... What was that back there? Did you split yourself into 3 of you?" Kaeya asked.

"Yeah, how come you didn't use it when we were heading to the temples?" Amber asked, to which the group (and the audience) found it odd that Boboiboy didn't use it.

"Well, to tell you guys the truth... Yes, I can split myself from 2 to 7." Boboiboy replies and Kaeya is even more surprised, and follows along with the girls' surprise of this revelation.

The audience weren't far off from their reaction as their interest slowly got higher.

"The reason I didn't use it, because I cannot switch places when I split myself. So it's going to be hard when one of me is in another place." He explains his reason to Amber on why he didn't use it.

"And what of your 7 elements? Were you actually born with it?" He nods, and begins to explain to him along with everyone. He explains his elements to Amber and Kaeya, then he tells them that the 7th element is very different compared to everyone, he has one unique element that he has inside of him.

"Is this 7th element Cryo like everyone else?" Kaeya's question manages to get him to be silent for more than a few seconds.

The audience prepares for the answer, hoping it shouldn't be too much of a surprise.

He took a deep breath and answered, "My 7th element is Light, not Cryo." After he answers, he notices their expressions were in shock and surprise for this revelation to happen.

The audience were now in more confusion rather than surprise. They never heard of someone having a Light Vision in their hands, nor have they heard someone even using it.

"Brother Albedo, what's Light element exactly?" Klee asked.

"It's basically the glow from our sun and the lightbulbs." Klee sends out an 'Oh...' and understands it, to which she goes back to watching it.

"I've never heard of anyone using a Light element. Anyone here heard of it?" Venti asked his fellow audiences, to which they all responded with a 'No'.

"There aren't any records of anyone having a Light Vision. So, it's a surprise to me." Ganyu nods, agreeing with Ningguang's comments.

Sara then turns to Ei for answers, "Your Excellency, have you heard of the Light element?" She asked her goddess for the answer she's looking for.

"I've never heard of it. I know what light is, but I've never heard of anyone born with the Light element." Ei informed her, which Sara understands. However, she and the two Archons still remember who used that element before. 'But that's his element, how did he manage to get it?'

'I knew that Retak'ka had it, but how could he have it? Did someone pass it onto him?' Venti wonders.

'Why would Retak'ka's element be in his hand? He could've beaten him, but did my friend manage to beat him before Boboiboy was born with it?' Zhongli wondered as he crossed his arms on this topic.

Everyone in the room was now even more shocked about him, "I see. I have never met someone like you who can wield that so much power. You can even match the Archon. About the Light element, this is the first time I hear about it. It's very rare that you have that kind of power." Kaeya told him, which Paimon and Amber nodded.

Lumine was confused by this, "Wait, so what was the 7th element you guys thought about it?"

"The seven elements are Pyro, Electro, Anemo, Dendro, Hydro, Geo, and Cryo." Paimon told her, "This was something that Paimon didn't account for." She nods as they remember that Boboiboy was from a different world, which was something they should've seen coming.

Kaeya begins to have thoughts on the information that Boboiboy tells him, 'A human born with 7 elements. Not only that, he can split himself... I better tell this to Jean after we finish with the temples.'

They continue walking as the door opens, reveals a light green stone inside

"Is that what I think it is?" Boboiboy asked

"Yes, it is. This thing that Stormterror is using to gain some power. Let's deal with it." Kaeya pulls out his sword and is ready to destroy it but it gets destroyed by the earth from the ground. They turn to Boboiboy, who is using the Earth element with his arms punching the ground. He turned to them and saw they were surprised by this sudden attack.

"That was... surprising to be honest." Eula admits, "Looks like another vengeance will be added to my list." She sighs, wondering how much vengeance will be applied on him.

Lumine was frightened by this, "I'm sorry, but how much vengeance is on the list?" She asked, worried by how much Eula had angered inside of her.

Amber went over to her and whisper, "(Don't worry about it, it's not that much.)" Lumine didn't find that convincing as that sounds like some kind of excuse to move her away.

"Uhh... Sorry." Earth apologies to them and reverses back to original form.

"It's ok. You just caught us off guard there." Amber said, telling him not to worry too much.

Kaeya starts clapping for Boboiboy's and Lumine's talent in the fight, "Bravo, you two. Both of you are full of surprises." He then turns to Boboiboy, "You don't have a weapon to fight, but you use elements to fight them. You are truly amazing."

He scratched his head with a smile, "It was nothing. I'm just happy to help someone when they need it." Boboiboy was a little embarrassed to hear that.

Then he turns to Lumine, "You are, to my surprise, a well-trained knight. The battles you just fought were sights to behold."

"Not worth complimenting really..." Lumine said, which managed to get a chuckle out of Kaeya.

"Aw, come on! You were great out there!" Itto said, which surprised her. "With you and that boy together, there's no one stopping you from finding your brother!"

Kuki didn't say anything and found it to be sweet that Itto supports them for their teamwork. Lumine chuckles as she was about to be given another compliment on screen.

"Hahaha. I see you both have a good heart and the knightly virtue inside you. Stories of your heroic deeds to save Mondstadt from destruction shall be known throughout the City of Freedom, well into the future." Kaeya then continues, "Please do visit me at the headquarters when you have time. I also know a lovely tavern, if that's your thing." Kaeya offered to them, which Amber facepalmed in the back.

Jean sighs at this behavior, "Kaeya..."

"What? That version of me on the screen doesn't know about their ages yet." He defended himself as there wasn't a time where he could've known about it.

"Uh... No thank you, sir. I'm only 16, I can't drink wine yet. But I'll visit you in HQ sometimes." Boboiboy waved at him.

"I'm... not really into drinking wine. So, I'll pass." Lumine refuses as well.

"I see, I see. Now back to business. I will take care of the rest here, you go take care of other things while I'm at it." Kaeya told them, which surprised Lumine.

"Wait, you can't join us?" She asked.

"I have other tasks that I must be doing, but I will be at the HQ if any of you need me when I'm done." He told them.

"Ok. Just be careful, Kaeya."

"Don't worry. I'll be fine"

After the group left the temple, Kaeya waved goodbye to them. He then began to smile at this, "There's no way Hilichurls organized an attack like this themselves - not with their limited mental capacity..." Kaeya hears a giggle from behind as he turns around and sees a blue Mage. "Thus YOU were behind this."

The audience were surprised that the Abyss Order is involved with this. Lumine is confused on who they are, "Who are they exactly?"

"That's one of the Abyss Mages." Mona informed the blonde traveler. "He's one of the soldiers of the Abyss Order, and there's little information about them. So just keep watching."

While Lumine has some little confusion, but understands it anyway.

"Gohus, Chiso Vonph!" The Abyss Mage was about to attack, Kaeya heard someone running behind him. He turns around to identify who it was. He saw the person quickly attacked the Abyss Mage, quickly bringing it down.

"Knights of Fanvonious... Always so inefficient." An Unknown voice told Kaeya. Kaeya starts clapping. Seems like Kaeya knew him as the camera turns to a man with red hair with a bored expression.

"Heh, you were following us?" Kaeya asked Diluc, as the video shows him to be in the dungeon after Boboiboy, Lumine, and Amber leave the temple.

"If I heard of the attack, I would head to one of the temples. It's just a coincidence we arrived at the same location." Diluc said as he continued watching the video.

"I agree to disagree. But, your involvement in this just made things a whole whole lot more interesting, Diluc." Kaeya said.

"... By the way, I just saw some huge explosive, some water splash, and the yellow lightning earlier moments ago. What was that?" Diluc questions as he crosses his arms.

"Yeah, the thing is..." Kaeya began to explain everything a few minutes ago.

-Timeskip to Outside-

The camera cuts to Amber, Lumine, and Paimon arriving at the surface. "Looks like we finished with this temple." Paimon said as she floated beside them.

Amber looks up and notices the sky hasn't cleared up, "Doesn't look like it's over yet. Lisa and Jean are probably still busy with their temple."

"Maybe we should check on them?" Boboiboy suggested, "Sounds like they might have a tough time over there."

The girls thought about it and decided to go along with it, "Sure, we'll go." Lumine accepts it.

"But no flying!!" Amber abruptly told him, which caused Boboiboy to sulk.

"Aw come on, Amber! Paimon's sure it's not that bad!" Amber turned to Paimon and pinched her cheek. "Ow, ow, ow!!"

"You're only saying that because you can float, Paimon!" Amber told her.

"Aw, really?"

"Nope, we're going there on foot." Amber told him, which Boboiboy reluctantly accepted.

"Fine." They begin heading there on foot as the camera goes up in the air as they get farther.

-Timeskip at the Temple of Lion-

It cuts to Lisa and Jean looking at the door to the temple, which she gives out a sigh. "Looks like we won't be able to do this by ourselves."

"Right, we should've accounted for any switches that's inside here." Jean responded.

"Hey, Lisa, Jean!" They turned around and saw Amber shouting to them with Boboiboy and Lumine running behind her. They stopped running as they got close, "Everything finished up here?"

"We weren't able to finish it. There were parts of the Temple we couldn't access, so this might be our best chance since you three had just arrived." Jean then realizes something.

"Are we missing someone?"

"Ha, ha, wait up!!" They turned back and saw Paimon coming in, slowly floating towards them. They sweatdrop as they wonder how she could have gotten tired, "C-Can't you please wait Paimon for a second?! Paimon was left behind!"

"How did you even get tired? I thought floating people wouldn't get tired." Boboiboy was confused by the logic.

"Not unless you have more energy to keep floating!!"

"I'm not sure, sounds like you were pretending to be tired so that you won't get left behind." Venti said, which managed to get Paimon to be angry.

"Hey! That's not true!! Paimon can get tired from flying!!"

'Is that really true though?' Almost all of the audience thought that sounded like something that screamed 'Paimon is innocent!'.

"I appreciate you three would help out. It's hard to get into this temple." Lisa said.

"Is it because something is blocking you two from entering?" Boboiboy asked with his eyes becoming silver again.

"Yes, there were some Elemental Monumental we should've accounted for. As well as some traps that are hard to go through." Jean said.

"Then we better head in!" Amber said, to which all of them enter the temple by walking through the gate.

As the audience watches them entering the temple, Childe begins to wonder what will this part of the video show them next. He felt excited as the last ones as they've been giving him a different perspective of Boboiboy's Elemental power.

They arrive at the inside, where the insides are big as everything around them glows green. Lisa looked at the other side and felt something over there, "I knew it. There is a strong elemental energy coming from deep within this temple." She then turns to Paimon for some help, "Paimon, are you able to float across?"

She shook her head, "Can't do much even if she does."

"Good point. Then we better go where we head up before." They turn left, to which they notice a wind current nearby.

"Maybe we could use that?" Boboiboy suggests using the wind current as that's the only way up for them.

"Yes, we did use that before." Jean said as they head towards the current and open their gliders. They float up in the air and reach the top.

They continued walking, to which Jean started a conversation. "So, did you three help Kaeya before heading here?"

"Yeah, we did help him out. Though he told us he stayed behind as there was something that needed to be cleaned up." Lumine then asked, "Did you guys know what he meant?"

"Not sure." Amber answered her.

"I'm afraid we don't have an answer for this." Lisa said, giving them the bad news.

"Whatever he finds, he likes to keep it secret from everyone else." Jean said, "It's usually something secretive, so it might've been it."

Boboiboy sighs, not happy to hear there wasn't a clear answer. "Hopefully Kaeya would answer what that was."

'Sorry, kid. But I'm afraid I won't be answering that anytime soon.' Kaeya thought as what he remembers, this was something that he intended to do alone without anyone knowing.

They arrive at the room with the Electro Monument at the center, "This is it. This was the room that we couldn't get across." Lisa said, which confuses them.

"Why would this part of the room be difficult?" Boboiboy asked with curiosity.

"Well, this room was filled with a lot of Pyro Slimes. We tried defeating all of them, but we couldn't do it as we only have 20 seconds before we have to restart the trial again." Jean said, which gives them a clear understanding.

"Then I suppose we'll get it started again?" Lumine asked as she pulled out her sword.

"Right, I'll get the trial started." As Lisa heads over to the monument with her cast book floating beside her, Lisa went to tell Boboiboy about something.

"Boboiboy, I heard from Amber that you were born with 7 elements. Is that true?" She asked.

He nods, "Yes, I already told Kaeya about my powers before."

"Then I don't suppose you have Hydro you could use? We might have the advantage of using it." His eyes become silver again, to which he thinks of the possibility of winning in his head.

"Hm? Is he calculating the possibility of their success?" Sucrose asked as this was coming out of nowhere for Boboiboy to think this hard, at least according to her notes.

"It might be one of his personalities taking over for this." Albedo told her, "I managed to have an idea on one of his experiments. If he were to accept it anyway."

Lumine felt afraid of what Albedo was coming up with for the experiments.

"Guess we have a chance here, so the trial should be starting right?"

"Already on it, cutie!" Boboiboy (and Lumine) raise an eyebrow on the nickname that was given to him. Lisa cast Electro on the Monumental, beginning the trial.

"Elemental Power!" Clear blue water envelops him whole to transform. "Boboiboy Water!" He switches to his Water element and prepares to shoot some water as Pyro Slimes start to appear.

"Water Pressure!!" He summons a body of water and shoots out multiple columns of water to blast enemies at high pressure, hitting Pyro Slimes with multiple shots of water.

It puts out the fires, giving them a chance to attack. Lisa shoots Electro at them, with Amber assisting her with firing Pyro Arrows raining on them. The contact with Pyro and Electro which makes an Overloaded on the slimes.

Lumine shoots out Anemo from her palm, blowing the Pyro Slimes back and giving them damages. Jean helps out by focusing the might of the formless wind around her blade and releasing it at the slimes. They saw their fires about to be lit up, and Boboiboy appeared from behind to help out.

"I'll shoot them!"

"Then combine your Hydro Attack with our Anemo! It would create a swirl that would contain a lot of water!" He nods, to which both Lumine and Jean combine their Anemo attacks into one, creating a giant swirl.

"Take this! Water Blast!" He shoots out a Hydro beam, which combines with the Anemo attacks and creates a swirl containing water. The attack hits them, which evaporates the fire and defeats all of them in a single shot.

Everyone claps for their teamwork, which they were happy to acknowledge.

"Glad you did help on this one." Kaeya said, as he was happy that they got it under control.

"Thanks, we didn't want to be a burden to offer their help." Lumine said as she was happy that their assistance was proven to be useful.

"What a wonderful use of his own Hydro." Barbara said as she admired the ways that Boboiboy uses his own Hydro powers. While Rosaria doesn't say it outloud, she found that Boboiboy using his Hydro is powerful and functional.

The door opens, which indicates the trial cleared in time. "Looks like you three have done your job pretty well." Lisa said as she and Amber have finished as well.

"Well, we couldn't have done it without you three helping out." Jean said in gratitude.

"It wasn't just us, Boboiboy also helped." They turn to Boboiboy, where they find him... sleeping on what appears to be a Water Bubble while cuddling a stuffed whale.






The audience found themselves to be lost in their words as they cannot describe what they were seeing. Their faces scream 'Is he actually sleeping?' which flabbergasted as they just saw how powerful Boboiboy's Hydro can be.

"This is...peculiar." Yun Jin doesn't know how to describe the scene right in front of her.

"Is he actually sleeping right now?" Paimon asked as she tilted her head.

"I think he is, Paimon. I think he is." Noelle said as she couldn't help but wonder, why would he be sleeping right now?

Barbara was flabbergasted that this was the personality of Boboiboy's Hydro. She couldn't help but wonder if a certain drink might energize him.

Paimon floated over to him and told him to wake up, "Hey, wake up!! We still have a lot of work to do!!"

"Urgh... I don't wanna. I want... to sleep." He moves his body another way, not facing where Paimon is at.

"Wow! He's sleeping just like me!" Sayu's eyes glittered, admiring Water on the screen.

"Well, you don't sleep on the job, Sayu..." Thoma told the difference as he chuckled wryly.

"Even I wouldn't sleep in the middle of the job." Ganyu looked at the screen while rubbing her eyes.

"Are you?" Ningguang and Keqing asked doubtfully, making the horned Adeptus look away embarrassed.

"Hey! Stop ignoring Paimon!!" While Paimon tries to wake him up, the girls are looking at each other on what they should do.

"Why... is he sleeping? Did he overwork himself?" Jean asked.

"I don't... think so?" Amber thought, "Maybe it was the effect of his Hydro, he did tell us that it also affects his personality." She tells Jean and Lisa, which gives them a clear understanding.

"Then maybe he's sleeping because... he's lazy?" Lumine wonders about this personality as they watch Paimon trying everything she can to wake him up.

"Well that's one way to put it." Xiao said as he found it difficult to believe that Boboiboy would become this lazy in the first place.

Childe scratches his head, looking at Water with some confusion in his head. 'Though... Why do I get a sense of Deja vu when I've seen this somewhere before?' He wonders as this was clearly the first time he saw this.

Paimon was finally exhausted as she was very tired, "Ugh... He's too sleepy!" Lisa walks in, with a plan in mind.

"Don't worry, Paimon. I have an idea how to solve this." She prepares Electro in her hand, which creates alarm for everyone.

"W-Wait! I don't think that's such a-" Before Jean could finish, the video shows the aftermath.

Boboiboy gets shocked from her spell, which the bubble pops and he drops to the ground. "Ow...! That was too much!"

"Heh, try not to sleep on the job, cutie." He gets back up, to which he reverts back to his original self.

"Sorry about that, I got too lazy."

"It's fine. Amber told us about the effects." Jean assures him, which he was happy to hear. "Come on, we're nearly there."

They continue onwards as they arrive at another room with Water below them along with Hilichurls and a Large Hydro Slime. "Looks like we have another fight to get through."

"Then we're ready!" They all jump down, to which Boboiboy switches to his new form.

"Elemental Power!" A white light swirls around him, changing the color of his outfit and switches up the design. His clothes have a gold and white color scheme.

He wears his cap with the brim at the front, slightly tilted to the left. Over a light gray turtleneck he wears a high-collared white jacket with orange lining and rolled up sleeves. His white cap has yellow spots and he sports a new pair of white gloves with golden finger-tips. His Light emblem can be seen on both his shirt and hat.

His outfit is vastly different from the original BoBoiBoy's: his logo doesn't act as a zipper, he doesn't wear arm-warmers, his vest has turned into a high-collared jacket, his t-shirt into a turtleneck, his blue jeans change into white ones and his standard outfit contains a garment that BoBoiBoy doesn't wear before he transforms: gloves.

They were surprised by his change, which Amber, Lumine, and Paimon found to be a surprise that he would use it. "Boboiboy Light!"

The audience saw his 7th Element and found it to be unique compared to the rest, which the Archons themselves found to be awe by this. This was something that was completely different, an element that's basically unknown to them.

'I see, so this is the 7th element he was talking about.' Kaeya thought as he's now seeing the light element for the very first time.

'Judging by his appearance, this is something that exists outside of Teyvat. I need to do experiments with him when I have the chance to meet him.' Albedo thought this was an opportunity to explore an element that's outside of Teyvat.

They were quiet for a moment, to which Boboiboy took a first step and snapped out of it. The Hilichurls charge towards them, with Amber and Lumine running in the opposite direction. Lumine tackles one on the right, with Amber focusing the Hilichurl on the left.

He stared at the giant slime, which he found to be funny.

"You need help, cutie?" He turns to Jean and Lisa, which he stops them.

"No need, I got this under control." He told them with a smile as he created light from his fingers.

"He creates light with only his fingers. This is extraordinary." Albedo looked at it with clear sight and found it to be something worthy of study.

Meanwhile, Mona watched the Light element with interested eyes, it was mainly because his 7th element is similar to a star.

"Light Shot!" He fires a light from his fingers, which manage to deal a lot of damage to the slime. He fired at the slime, causing it to move back into a wall.

The Hilichurls saw the giant slime was about to lose, which they quickly focused on Boboiboy. Amber tries firing another Pyro Arrow, but the Hilichurl hits her back and runs towards him.

"Oh no! Boboiboy!"

He turned around and saw the Hilichurls about to hit him with his club. He creates a light from his fingers and attacks it with it, which the Hilichurl manage to get past him.

The other Hilichurl and Lumine notice that Boboiboy has a small clash with the one Hilichurl. Just as it gets up, the club gets clean cut and they were shocked to see it happen.

"Eh?" The audience was confused on how that happened.

Albedo looked a little bit closer and saw on how the cut happened, "I see, so that's what happened."

"What do you mean?" Sucrose asked as Rosaria listened in on their conversation.

"Take a look at Boboiboy's finger tips." They turned back at the screen and saw what Albedo was looking at.

The Hilichurl turned around and saw a small glow from Boboiboy's right hand. He turns to the Hilichurl, revealing that he activated his Light Beam to cut the club. "Light Cut." He shoots out more light like a cut, which the Hilichurl reacts by ducking.


The attack hit the slime, which exploded near the Hilichurl.


The other Hilichurl turns back and notices his comrade was out for the count, "Argh!" It pushes Lumine's sword away and runs to his comrade. He picks him up and runs through the open door.

Light sighs as he saw they were running from the battle, "How anti-climatic that was."

"You and me both, Boboiboy. You and me both." Itto said, agreeing with what Boboiboy said. Kuki secretly nods, as she doesn't want to tell Itto that she agrees with him.

They were speechless as they couldn't believe that Boboiboy's Light element was able to take down a giant slime in seconds, though it's likely that it was stronger since this was an original element that Boboiboy was born with.

"Boboiboy, is that element particularly the strongest of them all?"

He smiles, hearing that question. "I have an amazing ability, of course I would be the strongest of them all!" His arms crossed with such boastful charisma.

Everyone (and I mean everyone) literally sweat drops by how much his personality changes again. They were now literally talking to someone that's full of himself.

"I mean... We did help you out, you know!" Amber told him, which Light turns away.

"You were only doing your job, I'm the main star!!" That managed to irritate Amber for that insult.

"That's it, change back!"

"I don't want to."

"I mean it!"


"Such arrogance..." Keqing critics, her brow furrow and twitch slightly, looking displeased at the 7th element's personality.

As the rest of the girls watches this for... reasons, Paimon went over to Lumine and whispers to her, "(Paimon thinks his personality is equal of a narcissist, which translates to a completely as-)"

"(Don't finish it, Paimon!)" Paimon realized what she was about to say and covered her own mouth.

The audience turns to Paimon, which frightens her as there were some glares among them. "P-P-PAIMON'S SORRY!! PAIMON DIDN'T MEAN TO SAY IT!!" She bowed to them multiple times, hoping that they would forgive her.

Albedo was covering Klee's ears as he didn't want her to hear it, while Thoma also covered Sayu's ears as she was sleeping from all of the commotion. "Maybe you should've done that in a bedroom, emergency food." Albedo told her.


Paimon's heart was damaged from the insult.

"How corroded is your brain, Paimon?" Zhongli said, which managed to give her another damage.

"Maybe I should put you in another coffin, and more coffins!!" Hu Tao pulls out a shovel, which Paimon's soul nearly left her body.

Barbara was praying for something, hoping that it would reach Barbatos. Suffice to say, Venti could hear what she was praying and instantly denied from doing it.

"You know what, maybe I should cook you a special dish~." Xiangling said as Guoba also joins in, which really frightens Paimon to the core. Without a thought, Keqing went over and held her as she didn't want her to barbeque Paimon. Chongyun also joins as he's holding Guoba from burning her like a roast meat.

'Does anyone... need a 5 minute break from this?' Makoto asked everyone, seeing that everyone is on edge at that moment.

They were looking at Paimon before taking a deep breath and turning back at the screen, to which they responded with a simple answer, "No."

'I-I see...' Makoto couldn't help but feel afraid of watching this, 'We'll just... continue on then.' He presses play, which the record continues on.

As to stop this feud from getting longer, Jean went over them with a... terrifying aura. They could feel someone's wrath nearby, which they turned and saw Jean staring at them with her eyes glaring at both of them.

"Now calm down, you two. I don't want to prolong this, so I'll make a point." Jean then scolds the two with authority, "No. Fighting. Amongst. Each. Other. Understood?"

"Y-Yes, ma'am." They nod, Boboiboy Light does a salute in TAPOPS way while feeling afraid.

Klee starts to tremble, getting traumatized from a time where Jean would be there and giving her a glare like her mom. She cannot fully escape from her wrath. Nolle notices this and immediately comforts her by patting her head and gently rubbing it.

Klee starts to feel at ease, which her energy can be felt in the room. Jean saw what Noelle was doing and she was glad that there's someone that would comfort Klee.

They continue to walk through the open door, where they see a lot of floating platforms in the room they're in. Light analyzed the path and saw they're only way forward was using the floating platforms.

"The only way across is using the platforms. Which might take us a while." Light told them, which Lisa sees her point.

"Do you think you can use your Anemo to carry us? It shouldn't be too hard." Amber and Lumine got cold feet and immediately rejected the idea.

"N-No! I think we use the platforms instead!!" Lisa and Jean make a face on their... bizarre expression, while Paimon laughs behind Lumine.

The audience were chuckle at their reaction, which Lumine and Amber were heavily blushing at this.

Light sigh at this, "Guess we'll take the long way around." He noticed a switch, to which he interacts with it and some of the platforms were moving themselves. "The platform could only carry two people, so be careful of falling off."

They nod, which Light goes ahead as he volunteers to go ahead. As Lumine waits, she notices a gem on her necklace, "Lisa, what is that gem?"

Lisa turned to Lumine and saw she was looking at the gem, "Oh, you want to know about this gem?" She shook, which managed to confuse her. "You're kidding... You're seriously asking? This is a Vision." She begins to explain into detail, as Jean and Amber move on the platform. "It's used by the chosen to draw on elemental powers. In terms of mysticism, I suppose you could call it a "magical lightning rod."" She explained as they were now on the platform, nearly arriving at the other side.

'In a way, that's true. I don't have a single care on what mortals think of the nickname of their Visions.' Ei thought as this wasn't a surprise that Lisa would think of this, as there many people have thought of this for hundreds of years.

"I see... This was my first time seeing a Vision." Lisa was surprised about this. They reach the other side, where they continue their conversation as they walk on.

"What... You've never seen a Vision? Just where exactly are you from...?" She questions, which Lumine is unsure how to answer.

Mona could feel her as she has been nearly exposed as her knowledge to the people that she knew of other worlds as Lumine does. She does wonder how Lumine was able to use Anemo without a Vision, which she would hope that she could see her constellation after this.

"Are you a hilichurl with some level of reasonable intelligence?" Lumine (and unfortunately, the audience) found it to be an insult to her, "No, I doubt it. After all, hilichurls aren't exactly known for their smarts. And you, you'd more or less qualify to be a magister's apprentice."

She still has irk on being compared to a Hilichurl, but forget it for now as there's work to be done.

Jean sighs while watching this, "Lisa..."

"What? My future self doesn't know about her past." Lisa looks away while feeling embarrassed, "And yes, I am disappointed by this."

Paimon saw Lumine crouched down and not bother to move, which scared her. "Lumine, are you okay?"

"Don't worry about it... I'll get over it soon." Paimon floats a little back, just to be safe from her.

They saw the Stormterror's Crystal here, which everyone prepared to destroy it. "Break it and we can head home and relax." She said, "The thought of putting my feet up and relaxing has me all fired up!"

"I agree." Light fires light beams at it, with Lisa firing Electro as well. The two attacks hit the crystal, and the durability of it started to fall. The crystal breaks, which they were happy to see.

"Glad we visited all three temples, otherwise the situation might have prolonged much longer."

Light turns away so that no one could hear him, "(I hate to admit this, but I agree with this rookie.)"

"Hey! Who are you calling a rookie?!" Amber pout, getting more irritated by watching Light's personality.

He turns back, to which he asks Lisa a question. "I don't suppose you have any history regarding these four winds, librarian?"

His question causes Lisa to smile, which she was glad to answer him. "Dragon of the East, Lion of the South, Wolf of the North, Falcon of the West... They are the Four Winds of Mondstadt, affiliated with Barbatos, the God of Anemo. The Dragon of the East, Stormterror — its real name, is Dvalin."

'His real name is Dvalin, huh?' Light thought of his taking notes of this history lesson.

"Though most in Mondstadt seem to have forgotten that in all this "Stormterror" business." She explains, which gives Paimon, Lumine, and Boboiboy a clear understanding of this, "So now you know why Dvalin is only able to channel three of the Four Winds' power. Because it has been consuming itself from the beginning."

"Why would it go to such lengths? Isn't he a friend of the Anemo Archon?" Lumine asks, which Light found to be odd as well.

'You and me, Travelers. I understand why he would do this, but why go to such lengths?' Venti thought this was something he found odd as well.

"Because of hatred, I presume." The Travelers found it to be a weird answer to this.

"Hatred? Does it have to do with being forgotten from Mondstadt?" Light asked, which Jean nodded, confirming his question.

Some of the audience that aren't from Mondstadt found this to be sad this was Stormterror's motivation of terrorizing Mondstadt. Having to be forgotten and only to be remembered today as a monster is something they can understand what he's going through.

"... I cannot tell you the history of this, but this book might help answer your question." Lisa gives Light a book with a title "Breeze Amidst the Forest Supplement: The Dragon Tome" to him. He grabs it, which he seems to have some thought on in this book.

"How long will I have to return this?" Lisa smiles at that question.

"Oh, don't worry about it. I was giving that away for travelers that wanted to learn more about the history of Mondstadt. So, you can keep it." Lisa said, "But don't you dare lose it, otherwise you have to pay for it."

Light smiles on that, "Okay, I'll keep it safe." Then he realizes something, "Did Dvalin ever befriended a human before?"

'Urgh! Why are you asking this question all of the sudden?!'  Venti thought as he position could potentially be revealed as the Anemo Archon, Barbatos in the audience.

Rosaria has suspicion on this behavior, but nonetheless this has something to do with him being seen with Dvalin in their first arrival at Mondstadt.

Lisa, Jean, and Amber found it odd that Light would say this. "There was no record of this, why?" Lisa asked.

"As being one of the Four Winds, I would expect someone would have the courage to befriend him." Light said, though it wasn't the actual answer. 'There wasn't a record of this, then who was that boy and how did it know him?' He thought back at the boy in green, which he found to be an enigma of this.

Diluc discreetly glanced towards the green bard who failed for not being "sus". Zhongli and Ei could only look away from their fellow Archon.

"Most likely there hasn't been a record of it before as any knowledge from the past would likely be faded to obscurity. So while it may be possible, we just don't know." Light understands, to which he stores the book away.

"Guess I'll see you all later." He reverts back, which Amber(s) (and some audiences) are pleased that it did happen.

"Oh, thank Archon! I thought you were going to be stuck in that personality for a while!"

He quickly apologizes to her, realizing what Light has been doing. "I'm sorry! I'll take responsibility for his attitude." Jean sighs on his apology.

"Don't worry about it, at least we finish our task here." She then turned to the bunny knight, "Amber, can you come with us? We're going to have some conversation with Kaeya."

She nods on her command, "As you wish, Master Jean!" She then turns to the travelers, "Guess we'll part ways for now, but we'll see each other soon."

Lumine smiles at this, "Of course! We haven't finished our lesson beforehand!"

Amber chuckles at that, "Then I'll meet you three later then!" She waves them goodbye as she follows Jean and Lisa to the exit.

As they were the only ones left, they walked on as Boboiboy asked Lumine a question. "Do you want to fly back?"

"No!" As much as she wanted her REAL wings back, Lumine didn't want to fly another Wind's "rollercoaster ride".

The audience chuckled at Lumine's rejection, which she found to be embarrassing. Paimon looks at Lumine with a... expressive emotion, "Aw, come on... It would be fun!!"

Lumine turned to Paimon and immediately pulled her cheeks, "Don't you dare say it like it's easy!!"

"Ow! Ow! Paimon's sorry!!" Amber quickly tries to defuse the situation, with Barbara also joins in and prepares to heal Paimon's cheek from the pull.

The three reach the exit, where they see the skies clear up from destroying all three crystals. "Phew, finally it's done."

"Yeah, looks like Dvalin wouldn't have enough power to create destructive wind anymore." He said, as he calls his real name for learning of his past and his motivation for his berserk.

"Then should we head back to Mondstadt?" Boboiboy nods, to which the three of them head there back on foot. The camera began to cut as the show today was about to end.

Prologue: Act 1

The Outlander Who Caught The Wind (End)

The audience clapped for this time, which some of the people that were embarrassed for seeing this. 'So, what does everyone feel about this?'

"It's good." Lumine responded.

"Paimon likes seeing this part of the future."

"Seeing this future really brightens my heart, which I'm happy to see that Boboiboy is a kind kid." Her expression begins to have some inner thoughts on one certain part of him, "Though I wish his Light element would be more mature like him."

"Same." Everyone said, agreeing with what she said.

"It was a fun ride." Sayu said, though she only wakes up on some parts that are only interesting to her and sleep the entire time.

'I'm happy to hear it, though there are some announcements I would like to make.' Makoto thought, which gave them a bigger hearing. 'We have five guests that are waiting at the front, though one of them is a person that all of you will get to know better.'

'Wait, does that mean...?' Lumine immediately heads out of the room, which surprises everyone.

"Lumine, wait!" Amber said as everyone immediately went out of the room to see who these new guests were.

Lumine runs towards the room where they first arrive, where she sees five new people are there. Though, four of them have different silhouettes. One has a silhouette of a hood, one has a silhouette of wearing a cap with cat ears(?) and short height, one has a silhouette of a young boy, and one has a twin side tails style hair.

But she saw one of them was someone familiar in the center. The silhouette turned around, revealing a silhouette of a dino cap and a familiar voice was there.


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[BEING REWITTEN! (will be gender neutral)] #๐—™! ๐—ฅ๐—˜๐—”๐——๐—˜๐—ฅ ๐—ซ ๐—ฉ! ๐—š๐—œ โœง in which a forgetful demon slayer is launched into the world of Teyvat all...
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๐•ฟ๐–๐–Ž๐–˜ ๐–Ž๐–˜ ๐–† ๐•ฝ๐–Š๐–†๐–ˆ๐–™๐–Ž๐–”๐–“ ๐•พ๐–Š๐–—๐–Ž๐–Š๐–˜ ๐–” ๐–†๐–‘๐–œ๐–†๐–ž๐–˜ ๐–œ๐–†๐–“๐–™๐–Š๐–‰ ๐–™๐–” ๐–’๐–†๐–๐–Š ๐–˜๐–” ๐–Ž ๐–๐–”๐–•๐–Š ๐–Š๐–›๐–Š๐–—๐–ž๐–”๐–“๐–Š ๐–œ๐–Ž๐–‘๐–‘ ๐–Š๐–“๐–๐–”๐–ž ๐–Ž๐–™...