A Rose's Thorns (An Eternity...

By AleenaTylk

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It's been almost a month since Elizabeth and Elijah's parting. Now, they've found each other again, and nothi... More

Welcome to the Quarter


981 50 25
By AleenaTylk

          "Your blood family? But that's not possible. The Blackwater bloodline ended with you," Niklaus says, his hand tightly clutching the bottle of bourbon.

          "No...it didn't." The Original furrows his brow in confusion. I sigh. "I...I had a sister."

          His icy blue eyes widen. "A sister?"

          "Yes, a younger sister...Rosalie. We were never very close. She...She took after our mother. She hated magic and she full-heartedly believed that magic was the very thing that destroyed our family- in her mind, it made our mother go insane, and it was the reason she killed our father." I lift my glass to my lips and take a pull on my drink. The vervain stings my lips and throat, but I have grown used to the feeling. "It was quite ironic, since she, herself, was a witch, as well."

          "There was another Blackwater witch? You mean to tell me that you were not the only Blackwater I could have used to help me break the curse?" Klaus spits, leaning forward in his seat.

          I smile and point at him. "People like you are the exact reason I kept her in hiding." He glares at me, and I shrug. "Besides, she sworn off magic. She would never have been able to help you anyway."

          "Well, what do you mean you 'kept her in hiding'?" he asks curiously, raising a brow.

          I sit back in my chair, my gaze focused on my half-empty glass sitting on the table. The silence grows between us, and I do not reply for a long time. I can feel Niklaus's gaze on me, burning into me. Finally, shifting in my seat, I offer a reply, "When the plague broke out and I began to heal people, I was swarmed by desperate invalids, family members, even friends, who begged me to heal their loved ones and even themselves. The more I cured people, the more known I became. Eventually, people with nefarious intentions- not unlike yourself, Niklaus- sought me out and tried to coerce me into helping them. I turned them away every time. However, a man came to my door one day and asked me to use my abilities to kill a Duke who had, according to him, stolen his home, his money, and his wife. I told him that I do not kill people, I heal people, and that I could not help him. He was enraged, threatening me. I wasn't fazed by this. I had gotten plenty of threats, and none of which I could not handle. However, he then threatened Rosalie. I never found out how he discovered who she was or our relation. After I finally got him to leave, I went to my sister's and warned her and her husband, offering my help, even suggesting taking their son, Oliver, and their unborn child and finding a place to lie low until the threat had passed." I pause, my fingers tapping lightly on the glass. I think about taking another drink, but I stop myself.

          With a sigh, I continue my story, "She refused my help, telling me that magic was always a bad thing and that she knew something like this would happen to me someday. Her and her husband, Merek, did not take me seriously. They ignored my warnings...That was a mistake..."

          There was a loud knocking at my door that woke me from my slumber. With a yawn, I shuffle my way over to the front door, undoing the latch. Pausing for a moment, I prepare myself for any kind of danger that might be on the other side, my mind going over every spell and curse I know. With a deep breath, I swing the door open. Blinding lightning briefly lights up the nighttime sky, quickly followed by a deafening clap of thunder. I peer at the dark figure in front of me, trying to make out who it is.

           "State your name," I call into the darkness.

          "Elizabeth, it is me," a familiar voice replies.

          "Merek? What are you doing here? Do you know how late it is?"

          "I know. I am quite aware of the time, but please, we need your help."

          "What do you-"

          Merek cuts me off, frantic now, "Please, hurry. It's Oliver."

          I follow Merek into his home, closing the door behind me. Inside, candles flicker, filling the room with a warm, orange glow. Rosalie is sitting beside the table, one hand on her swollen belly, the other squeezing Oliver's tightly. Her quiet sobs can be heard over the distant thunder. I stagger forward, gaping at my nephew. His skin is damp with sweat, and he is deathly pale. His eyes are shut, and blood dribbles from his tiny mouth. My eyes scan over him, stopping at the gaping wound in his abdomen. Blood is spattered all over his clothes. Tears well up in my eyes, and I force myself to blink them away. I turn to Merek, who has taken a seat beside his wife.

          "What happened?" I ask in a hollow voice.

          "That man that you warned us about...He came with some others. That attacked Oliver while I was out back getting wood for the fire. When I heard the cries, I came to the front, but it was already too late. He said to tell you that...He was not going to stop until you helped him," Merek explains through tears.

          Rosalie sniffs. "We should have...We should have listened to you, Elizabeth. We should have heeded your warnings."

          "Stop. Do not do that. Do not focus on what you should have done. You will drive yourself insane if you do that, Rosalie," I say sternly.

          There's a long moment of silence before Merek looks to me again. "Is there anything you can do?" he asks in a pitiful voice.

          I turn to Oliver and reach up to his neck. Pressing two fingers against his neck, I search for a pulse. Nothing. I swallow hard, my heart heavy with grief. "No...I'm sorry."

          Rosalie stands, letting go of her son's hand. "What do you mean 'no'?"

          "I mean there's nothing I can do for him."

          "With all your magic, all your spells and remedies, there must be something....anything!" Her voice is getting higher and higher as the tears stream down her cheeks. "Papa taught you everything! You have to know something that can help him! You have to-"

          Without thinking, I snap, "I do not! I do not have any spell or remedy for this! I cannot bring him back, Rosalie! The laws of nature do not allow me to bring back the dead! No matter how much you may wish it, it cannot happen!"

          Rosalie gapes at me, the tears trickling down her cheeks. She does not say a word. She only stares at me with deep sadness in her green eyes. I frown deeply. "I am sorry. I am so sorry, Rosalie, but there is nothing I can do."

          She looks at Oliver, and then slumps back in her chair. Her eyes are open wide, and she stares expressionless at the still body of her son. Merek puts his head in his hands, letting out a loud sob. I stand there, tears blurring my vision. Rain pelts the roof above our heads as the heavy clouds let loose on the earth.

          "After that day, I decided to break all ties with them. I destroyed any documents that proved any relation to her. I talked to old friends and acquaintances who knew we were related, and I convinced them to keep quiet. I did not visit, except when necessary and when I did, I did it under the cover of darkness."

          "What happened to the man?" Klaus inquires, taking another sip of his drink.

          I glance out the window and then to Niklaus. "I killed him. I tracked him and his friends down, and I slaughtered them like the animals they were."

          Klaus smiles, chuckling slightly. "You truly are a monster, Elizabeth."

          "Family is everything, Niklaus. I thought you would understand that." He narrows his eyes at me, and I smile. "Anyway, my sister had her baby. A beautiful girl named Arabelle, and, surprise, surprise, she was a witch. Rosalie never fully recovered from Oliver's death though, and she never was the mother her little girl needed her to be. Merek tried to console her, but it never worked. On her deathbed, my sister made me promise to protect Arabelle, keep her safe. So, I did. I taught her how to use her magic when I visited. However, after I was turned, I no longer was able to teach her any spells, so I introduced her to some witches who still looked at me like a sister witch. I used my immortality to keep my promise for the last few centuries, watching over my bloodline from the shadows, only getting directly involved when necessary-"

          "Like now?" Niklaus interrupts.

          I nod, my hands cupping my glass tightly. "Like now."

          "So, where is the last Blackwater witch, anyway?"

          A lump forms in my throat, and I feel my chest tighten. Tears threaten to fall, but I hold them back. "She's...She's dead," I breathe out.

          Niklaus stares at me, confused. "What do you mean she's dead? I thought you were here to protect her?"

         "I was...but I came too late. Lily lived in the Quarter with her foster family. Her parents died in a car crash a couple years ago. Her foster family is horrible to her. They do not care about what happens with her, and I receive no letters from them."

          "Then, why did you let her stay with them?"

          "I didn't have a choice!" I snap, glaring at Niklaus. I could feel the anger bubbling up- anger directed at myself, more than at Niklaus. "In the state's opinion, I am not a relative of Lily and I have no say in her placement. I am just some random person, to the state, concerned with a little girl who I have no relation to." I turn my gaze away, looking sadly down at my glass. I lift it to my lips and take a swig of the bourbon and vervain.

          Swallowing, I continue, "With everything going on in Mystic Falls, I hadn't checked in with her for a while. I should have though. I should have known her powers would start to reveal themselves to her soon. I should have been here to help her control them. I was informed that Lily had done some research and had found a few 'spells' to try. Marcel found her though, and, like usual, held one of his 'trials'. She had no idea what she was. She had no idea what she was doing. She was just a little kid messing around. Marcel...Well, he didn't believe in her ignorance, and he...He had her killed. The letter I received had been sent when she was still experimenting, trying minor spells. When I arrived here, I discovered that I had arrived too late."

          "Then why are you still here?"

          My gaze meets Klaus's. My voice is steady as I reply, "Because I would like the chance to bury her body in sacred ground, and...I'm going to tear Marcel's beating heart from his chest."


           I'm relaxing in the study, paging through a book about the history of New Orleans, when I hear the front door open and slam shut. The leather seat squeaks lightly as I sit up, listening carefully. I hear Hayley and another familiar voice. However, I do not get up until the newcomer begins to shout:

          "Klaus! Get out here and tell me what you've done with our brother, you narcissistic, back-stabbing wanker!"

          I smile and stand, heading into the hall. I follow Niklaus into the den as he opens the doors, revealing Rebekah. Hayley stands behind her, looking slightly confused.

          "Enough with all the shouting. Little sister, I should've known," Niklaus says, walking over to his sister. I trail out behind him. Rebekah's blue eyes fall on me briefly, and she raises an eyebrow. "I assume the six dead vampires were your doing."

          Rebekah narrows her eyes at him. "They were very rude," she replies, defending herself, "Trying to victimize a poor innocent girl-" I snort at this part, which earns me a warning look from Rebekah. I smile at her. "-Just trying to find her way to the Quarter. So sorry. Were they friends of yours?" She pauses and smiles. "Oh, that's right, you don't have any friends."

          "I do have friends. I have Elizabeth here-"

          Rebekah glances at me, interrupting Klaus. "Yes, why are you here, Elizabeth?"

          "It's a long story, Rebekah."

          "I also have Marcel," Klaus says, gaining Rebekah's attention again, "You remember him, don't you?" There's a small smile on Klaus's face as Rebekah looks away for a moment, nostalgia in her eyes. "Yes, of course you do. He fancies himself the 'King of the Quarter' now, and he has these rules about killing vampires. It'll be fun to see what sort of punishment he comes up with for you."

          Rebekah draws her full, pink lips back and snarls, "I don't care about Marcel or his rules. Elijah doesn't welch on deals. What did you do to him?" I step forward, an uneasy feeling taking over me at the mention of Elijah. I can see his desiccated body lying in the coffin, still and cold to the touch. I shake my head slightly, trying to get rid of the mental image.

          Klaus leans back on the back of the couch, steadying himself with his hands. He shrugs slightly. "Perhaps he's on holiday," he offers. Klaus points upstairs and smiles. "Or taking a long autumn nap upstairs. Well, go on. Take a look around." Rebekah stares at him for a moment before sighing and heading off. Klaus looks at her over his shoulders as she walks away. "You remember this house as well as I."

          Rebekah stops before the double doors leading into the hall. She turns, meeting her brother's gaze. "I remember everything."

          I walk into the foyer, carrying a glass of blood and vervain. I see Rebekah standing there alone. "Where's Niklaus?" I inquire, walking over.

          She rolls her eyes and mutters, "Off having a drink with Marcel."

          "Terrific." Sauntering over to the loveseat, I take a swig of my drink and plop myself down on the cushions. Rebekah walks over to stand in front of me.

          Folding her arms over her chest, she says, "I know you love Elijah, and I know you would never let anything happen to him. Do you know where he is?"

          I can feel the sweat begin to bead on my forehead, and I breathe out slowly. "No, I don't." Truth.

          "Do you know what Niklaus has done with him?"

          "No, I don't." Lie. Rebekah sighs in frustration. I push myself up from the seat and step closer to her. "I'm sorry I can't be of more help." Without waiting for a reply, I turn away and walk back towards the study, eager to get away from Rebekah.


            My reading is once again interrupted by yelling. I sigh, setting my fourth drink aside and closing the book. Pushing myself up from the leather seat, I head for the foyer. The overwhelming smell of blood hits me like a brick. "Vampire...Not human," I mumble to myself, stepping into the foyer. I see Klaus standing there with Rebekah and Hayley. By the open door, an unfamiliar man is lying, his body covered in blisters and blood. I stare at them as Niklaus talks.

          "Good because I have a question. Hayley, what were you doing in the bloody French Quarter in the first place?" he asks, staring at the werewolf girl, who glares defiantly back at him. I throw strange look to Hayley, surprised she snuck out without my knowledge. Hayley does not reply, angering Klaus. "Answer me!" he roars, rage flashing in his eyes.

          "Leave her be," Rebekah begins, but Hayley cuts her off, stepping forward, "You want to know what I was doing? I was buying poison...So I could put your little baby out of its misery."

         I feel my stomach drop, knowing this will only anger Niklaus further. There's a brief moment of silence before Klaus, using his enhanced speed, grabs Hayley by the neck and slams her against the wall, choking her. She grabs at his hand, gasping for air. Both Rebekah and I rush forward to stop him.

          "Nik! Nik!" Rebekah exclaims.

          "Niklaus, stop it!" I shout.

          Rebekah, realizing her brother's rage is ruling him, charges at him, taking him by the shoulders and pulling him off Hayley. Rebekah slams Niklaus against the banister. Hayley gasps, breathing in deeply. She massages her throat, gasping and sputtering as she looks at Klaus, frightened.

          "Keep her hands off her! She's pregnant, for God's sake!" Rebekah yells at him, shoving him once before releasing her tight grip on his shoulders. "All of this bluster about not wanting the child, and then the second she tells you she's ready to get rid of it?" Niklaus glances at Hayley from over his sister's shoulders. "It's okay to care. It's okay to want something. That's all Elijah was trying to do, all he's ever wanted for you. All we've ever wanted for you."

          Klaus stares at his sister for a moment, his eyes glassy. Then, he looks away, blinking back the tears. Swallowing, he slides down and sits on the step, seemingly calmer now. Hayley and I watch in silence as Rebekah takes a seat beside her brother, neither one of us wanting to get in the way of their family business.

          "I gave Elijah to Marcel," Klaus admits, shocking all of us. I gape at the Original.

          Rebekah turns to him, shock registering on her face. "What?"

          "Marcel was nervous. Bad enough one Original returned to town, but two?"

          Rebekah sucks in a quick breath, allowing this to sink in.

          "His crew was getting antsy. He wanted Elijah gone, so..." Klaus looks at his sister, who turns to face him again. "I gave him a peace offering."

          "You bartered our brother?"

          "I have a plan- gain Marcel's trust, dismantle his empire, honor Elijah's wish that that baby be born. I am executing that plan the only way I know how. If you don't like it...There's the door." Klaus leans closer to Rebekah. "See if I care." Niklaus stands and walks past me, heading out of the foyer. He grabs the unfamiliar vampire, dragging him away, leaving a trail of blood behind. Rebekah gazes into the distance for a moment, before leaning back and letting out an exhausted sigh.

          I take a small step forward. "Rebekah, let me talk to him."

          "Go ahead. It won't do you any good," she replies in a low voice. She pushes herself off and heads outside.

          I glance back at Hayley and shrug. "Worth a shot." Following the blood trail, I head downstairs into one of the "secret rooms" Elijah told me about when we first moved in here. I stand in the open doorway to one, my arms folded over my chest as I lean against the cold stone. Niklaus is stringing the vampire up, preparing to drain him, I would assume.

           "What do you want?" he growls, turning around.

          "You didn't tell me you were handing Elijah over to Marcel."

          "Oh, I didn't? It must have slipped my mind." He flashes me a cruel smile before returning to the vampire.

          "Niklaus, you're going to leave your brother in the hands of Marcel? You have no idea what Marcel could do to him!"

          Niklaus turns around again, a large butcher knife in hand. "Don't worry, love. He's an Original. He can't be killed, so you don't have to get all angry with me, love. You won't be losing your lover anytime soon."

          "That's not the point!" I exclaim, getting irritated, "Marcel has control of the witches, and you, nor I, have any idea how. If Marcel can control an entire coven of witches, don't you think he could find a way to somehow hurt, or even destroy, an Original?"

           Klaus ponders this for a moment. "I can't get Elijah back now. Marcel would never trust me then."


          "No! Now, leave me be!"

Klaus's POV-

          I whip around, preparing to cut into the vampire's neck. I bring the knife to his flesh, but I stop when I feel Elizabeth's hand on mine. I look over at her, her face inches away from mine. I know I cannot compel her to leave. I can smell the vervain in her breath. However, I do have a mind to string her up as well and slicer her up a bit, just to teach her a lesson.

          "You really are dense, aren't you? I said to leave me be," I hiss, ripping my hand away from hers.

          She holds my gaze, a serious look on her face. "Klaus, you need to be careful. If Marcel's got some kind of 'secret weapon' and you have no idea what it is, it may not be unwise to exercise a bit of caution when going ahead with this 'plan' of yours."

          I stare at her for a long moment. Her hair is pulled back into a ponytail, and her skin is lightly tanned. Her blue-green eyes are clouded, and I cannot tell what she's thinking. A small smile creeps across my face. "For a moment there, I almost thought you were worried about me, Elizabeth."

          I can see the flustered look on her face as she sputters, "N-Not for you. For Elijah."

          "I can tell when you're lying, love," I taunt.

           "I'm not lying!"

            I chuckle as she hits me lightly and storms out of the room.

           I walk down the hall, heading downstairs for a little breakfast. I stop beside a room, the door half open. Part of me wants to just keep walking, the other wants me to go inside. The latter wins out, and I turn, stepping into the room as I push the door open wide. I walk over to the foot of the bed where Hayley is sleeping, wrapped in white sheets. Her breathing is slow and light. I watch her for a moment more before looking down at her bag sitting on the bedroom bench. An empty vial is sitting beside her bag. I catch sight of an identical one in the side pocket on her bag. Grabbing the vial, I uncap it and I take a small whiff. The scent is poignant and I instantly recognize it: wolfsbane.

          "I didn't use it."

          Startled, I look up. Hayley is gazing at me from the bed. Capping the vial, I place it back in her bag.

          "You're awake," I note, strolling over to the window.

          "I could barely sleep all night," she mutters in response, "This house is like a freakin' swamp sauna." She pushes herself up, sitting up in bed, and tousles her messy hair.

          I peer out the window, not really listening, thinking about the wolfsbane. She could have taken it and left, but she didn't. "What stopped you?" I don't even turn to look at her as I continue, "You could have been free of all of this...of me."

           "Yeah well...When I was fighting off those vampires, I realized I wasn't just protecting myself..." I turn away from the window to look at her, narrowing my eyes. She glances at me and then back down at the sheets. "Maybe it has to do with the fact that my birth parents gave me up, and my adoptive parents kicked me out." She looks up at me, meeting my gaze finally. "All I know is, push came to shove, and...I realized I wouldn't let anyone hurt it."

          I peer at her for a moment, before making my way over to the side of the bed. "I'm beginning to think we're a lot alike, you and I," I say to her, "We're both castoffs who've learned to fight when we're backed into a corner."

          "Well, we're backed into a corner now."

          I smirk. "Ah, that we are." I grow serious again. "It's time to fight-" I reach out and place my hand on her shoulder, gripping it gently. "-Little wolf." She smiles briefly.

          I let go of her shoulder and turn to walk away, but before I can reach the door, Hayley calls after me, "This whole thing with Marcel-" I stop to listen, craning my neck to look at her. "-The deal you have with the witches, trying to take him down, take what's his- Rebekah told me that you two once loved each other like family. What happened?"

          Hurt and anger bubbling up inside me, I turn completely to face Hayley. "I made Marcel everything that he is." I pause, swallowing hard. "I treated him like a son." I begin walking back over to the side of the bed as I talk. "And when my father chased me and my family from New Orleans one hundred years ago, we believed Marcel was killed. We each mourned him, in our own way. And, when I returned, I found not only had he survived, he had thrived. Instead of seeking us out, instead of sticking together as one, he made a choice to take everything my family had built and make it his own." I bit back the anger rising in me, but it was evident in my voice that I was deeply upset. "Now he is living in our home, he is sleeping in our beds. That 'M' he stamps everywhere....It's not for 'Marcel'. It's for 'Mikaelson'." I throw my arms out with a smile. "I want it all back...And if I have to push him out to get it, then that's exactly what I'll do." Hayley stares at me without a word. I step back and point around the room. "I'll have someone see to the air conditioning," I tell her, heading out of the room. As I head for the stairs, I met by a familiar face. I smile at Elizabeth as she comes down the hall across from me, her wavy, brunette hair swinging back and forth in a ponytail.

          "Did I hear something about the air conditioning?" she asks, raising an eyebrow.

          "You did indeed."

          "Good. We could use a little of that right now."

           She comes up beside me as we walk down the stairs together. I do not mind having Elizabeth around. In truth, she is beginning to grow on me, and I think I'm beginning to grow on her, too. "So what are you making me for breakfast?" I ask with a wide grin.

          She looks at me and rolls her eyes. "Nothing. Make it yourself."

          I chuckle as I step off the last step. Suddenly, the front door swings open. Both our heads turn to see who it is. Rebekah slams the door closed and walks over to us.

          "You were right. The girl, Cami, she's the key. Marcel likes her and, because of that, I got to see the secret weapon of his that you've been going on about."

          Elizabeth perks up beside me, leaning forward.

          "Well, don't stand on ceremony. What is it?" I demand.

          "It's not a 'what'. It's a 'who'. A girl, Davina. She can't be more than sixteen, and I've never felt power like that. Not even from you, Elizabeth." Rebekah looks at Elizabeth.

          "A witch," I breathe.

          Rebekah shakes her head. "She's not just any witch. She's something I've never seen before, something beyond powerful, and now because of you she has Elijah. Who knows what she could do to him."

          "Marcel is keeping Elijah with this...this secret weapon?" Elizabeth asks.

          "Yes, and he's well-guarded, believe me," Rebekah replies.

          "Where is she?" I inquire.

          Rebekah thinks for a moment, but stops, an odd look on her face. Her brows furrow, and she mumbles, "That clever bitch." I give her a confused look. "I don't know," she finally replies.

          "What's wrong?" I ask.

          Rebekah looks at me. "She wiped my memory of the location." My sister pauses for a moment, before stepping closer, worry in her deep blue eyes. "Marcel possess a weapon bigger and more powerful than an Original, and you handed our brother to him! How many times will Elijah forgive you? How long until his hope for your redemption finally dies?" I bite in lip, frustration crashing down on me. Rebekah turns and walks away.

          I follow her. "I did what I had to do! Marcel took our home!" I shout.

          "And our home is worthless without family!"

          This strikes a chord in me, and my stomach sinks. If Marcel uses this secret weapon, this "Davina" to somehow kill Elijah, I could never forgive myself.

          Rebekah steps closer to me again. "I am finding Elijah- whatever it takes. Are you going to help me?"

           Without a second thought, I reply, "Whatever it takes."


          "Are you going to be assisting us in the hunt for Elijah?"

          Elizabeth looks up at me from her book. "Of course. I'm not letting some little witch-bitch kill the man I love."

          I laugh. "Witch-bitch? You used to be one of them, you know."

          "I didn't work with vampires though. I had standards," she replies, her gaze back on her book.

          I glance at the cover. "Really? The history of New Orleans?"

          "Is there a problem?"

          "No...I just thought that you would be reading something a little more interesting to be this distracted."

          She looks up at me again. "Distracted from what?" she asks.

          "From such a handsome bloke like myself."

          She snorts, smirking and rolling her eyes. "Sure. 'Handsome' isn't the word I would use, but-"

          I get up and, in a heartbeat, I am in front of her, leaning down to be face-to-face with her. Elizabeth looks up at me with wide eyes. "Oh, really? Then what is the word you would use?"

          For a moment, she is dazed, but then she shakes her head with a smile. She stands, placing a hand on my chest to push me back. "I was thinking repugnant, or insufferable." Elizabeth closes the book, placing it on the leather seat before heading out of the study. I trail after her as she makes her way down the hall.

          "Don't act like you're not warming up to me, love."

          She smiles at me over her shoulder. "I'm not acting."

          I move around her, stepping into her path. She stops, folding her arms over her chest. "You don't have to hide it. Elijah's not here," I say, taunting her.

          "Yes, and who's fault is that?" she retorts, trying to step around me.

          I grab her arms, pinning them to her sides, and press her against the wall. She stares at me with those wide, doe-like eyes again, taken off-guard. The blood begins to pulse through my body, and the small veins around my eyes start to pop. I can see the sudden panic in Elizabeth's eyes as my fangs peek out over my bottom lip. She squirms in my grip as I lean down to her neck. I am too strong for her though. She cannot get away.


          My warm breath beats against her neck, and I run my tongue along her smooth skin. She shudders. Without a moment's notice, I release her, grinning. The veins have disappeared, and my fangs have receded back into my gums. I laugh heartily at my prank. Elizabeth gapes at me for a moment before realizing what I've done. Suddenly, rage sparks in her blue-green eyes, and she clenches her fists.

          "You don't have to worry about Davina finding a way to kill you Originals," she grounds out between clenched teeth.

          "No? Why's that?"

          "Because I'm going to find a way right now."

           Her words barely register when I take off in the other direction, Elizabeth hot on my heels.

Davina's POV-

          The candlelight flickers as I gaze at the blank white canvas. I am about to pick up the charcoal pencil when a vision suddenly overtakes me:

          Two people stand in a garden- a young woman who is unrecognizable, and a man with a familiar face. He turns, his brown eyes sparkling. Elijah Mikaelson. The Original presents the young woman with a dying a rose, and she smiles, waving her hand over it. In an instant, the rose's withered petals turn a deep red as the flower is revived again. Then, without notice, the scene changes.

           The same young woman from before sits at the bar Rousseau's, stirring her drink. Her hair is a little shorter now, and she's wearing modern clothes. The young woman glances around, obviously looking for someone. The door opens and Klaus Mikaelson makes his way into the bar. He walks over and takes a seat beside the young woman. They talk for a while, mentioning Marcel and the witches. Then, the scene changes one last time.

          The unfamiliar woman stands in a graveyard, leafing through an ancient book. It's grimoire. The woman snaps the book shut, and it glows briefly. "Blackwater blood," she mumbles, "That's the only thing that can open my grimoire."

          The vision ends, and I am left staring at a blank canvas. I feel two strong hands on my shoulders, and I hear a familiar voice:

          "Davina? Davina, are you okay?"

           I turn to Marcel, and I see the worried look on his face. "I just saw something," I mumble.

          "You did? What was it?" he inquires.

          "Do you know of the name Blackwater?"

          Marcel's expression hardens at the mention of the name. "Why?"

          "Because there's a Blackwater witch in the Quarter, and she's working with the Originals."

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