Troubled Love║Sirius Black

Par ells_rxdriguez

4K 123 16

.·:*¨༺ ༻¨*:·. Sirius Black did not do feelings. He did not do love. And he certainly didn't understand why lo... Plus

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33

Chapter 8

136 3 1
Par ells_rxdriguez

October 31st.

Aka, the one day the Marauders lived and breathed.

Hallie knew that those four boys had something extraordinarily planned. After all, it wouldn't be Halloween without the Marauders annual holiday being celebrated dutifully. Halloween was the day the four boys roamed the school like kings. They were unnerved by the threats of detentions and they lapped up the praises of accomplishments.

So to avoid any complications like previous years, Hallie and the girls aimed to be as stealthy as possible. This had resulted in the girls gripping so hard onto the bannisters that their knuckles were turning white.

"Hiya girls," James spoke joyfully, as all four of the boys walked past. The girls all shrieked, gripping the railings even harder than before.

"Woah! What's got your female panties in a twist ladies?" smirked Sirius with a obscene wink.

"Cut the crap boys.What's in stock for today?" Marlene interjected angrily, attempting to stealthily manoeuvre herself down the stairs.

"I don't know what you're talking about McKinnon," Remus replied, though he couldn't help but let a childish grin play on his lips.

"You know what," Hallie finally said with a huff. "I'm so done with this crap. I'm too darn scared to go down the stairs, so I'd rather just go back to our dorm room, where I know," she said, glaring at each other boys in turn, "I'm safe."

She began ascending the stairs, watching as other passing students too eyed the Marauders wearily. "But you'll miss breakfast."

The voice of Sirius Black raged a furious storm inside her mind; her anger seething by the second.

"I don't care about breakfast," she spoke adamantly. "I care about being safe, not ruining my hair and especially not making a fool of myself."

James, although trying to look at Hallie sincerely was ultimately failing, smirking rather defiantly. "Don't be a wuss Hallie and come to breakfast."

Lily's eyes narrowed. "Don't call my best friend a wuss you insufferable toerag," the girl snapped angrily, grabbing Hallie's hand as the rest of the girls followed. "And I swear to god James Potter," she replied, spinning on her heel to face the boy, her eyes leered. "If you pull one prank on any of us, I will make sure you receive hell."

───※ ·❆· ※───

The entire day was even more fun than the Gryffindor girls had first anticipated. For instance, to start off the Marauders day of mischief, they had made the Slytherins burst into song, professing their underlying love for Snape.

After the events at breakfast, Snape had gone missing for the entirety of the day. Either he was hiding back at his dorm room from sheer embarrassment or the marauders had done something else to him to make him not want to come back out.

By Potions, the teachers had started speaking nonsense, meaning that lessons had been pretty much cancelled for the entire day. Dumbledore even awarded each of the Marauders 10 house points for the excellence of their charm in making all the teachers speak a different language.

At lunch, goo had been poured on all the students no matter their house. Luckily, Hallie had quickly  tucked herself under Remus' umbrella, so she hadn't experienced what would have been disastrous. Marlene, who had been covered head to toe in green, seemed to have gotten the worst of it.

So, the majority of the day the girls spent down by the Black Lake or up at the astronomy tower. It was rather calming to say the least - after all, they hadn't had a full day without masses of homework for a long time.

As the evening came around, the Gryffindors annual Halloween party was well underway.

Already, Hallie could hear the deafening pulsation of the music, accompanied by the faint buzzing of chatter from the common room. The Gryffindors sure knew how to throw the best  parties.

"I am not doing this shit sober," Marlene muttered, going under Hallie's bed to produce the girls' secret stash of firewhiskey. She popped the cork, before taking a large swig of the alcohol.

With one gesture, Hallie went and sat next to the girl on the floor, taking the bottle from her hands. Hallie could smell the strong stench of apple and cinnamon and wasted no time in taking a long chug.

"Ok!" Lily said, snatching the bottle from her hands, as Hallie protested incoherently. Marlene was already giggling, causing Hallie to fall into the incessant giggles also.

"Right," Lily said, placing the firewhiskey on the dresser. "I need to make sure the younger years are all in bed. Can you come help me Mary?"

Mary nodded, following Lily who was already halfway out of the dorm room. However in one fleeting instant, Mary turned back around to take a massive chug of the fire whiskey, leaving Lily  shaking her head in annoyance.

Marlene started cackling in laughter. "You still really don't handle alcohol well, do you?" Hallie smiled at Marlene's figure, who had already become slightly tipsy.

"Says you," the girl dismissed, as Sophia finally emerged from the bathroom.

"You look so cute," Marlene squealed, causing the shorter brunette to cover her ears at the volume. Sophia's dress was an off-white colour, fitted to her figure and was embroidered with pearls and sequins of silver. She had a feathered pair of wings attached to her back and a halo circled around her head - like the angel Sophia Briars was.

"Come on my love," Hallie said, looping her arm through Sophia's. "We've got a party to crash."

Together the three girls scrambled to grab their things, (including a few more long chugs of fire whiskey), before they descended the stairs. The girls continued to chatter as they entered the common room, which was packed full to the brim with students.

"Hello girls," James exclaimed, throwing his arms out in excitement. James had on a leather jacket, black ripped jeans, a red shirt and a red lightning scar emblazoned across his face. Hallie observed the boy with a raised eyebrow. "And you are?"

"I'm David Bowie!" the boy exclaimed, puffing his chest out dramatically. "It's so obvious."

One look at Marlene and they both began to giggle. "I'm not stupid," the blonde added, observing James once more. "Nice costume."

"Thanks," James smiled proudly. "How do you girls like the decorations?" 

The three girls began spectating the room, commenting on everything they thought was a little 'off'. After all, the Marauders and the Prewitt twins had been in charge of the event planning this year.

Who allowed them to have responsibilities was a complete mystery.

"Honestly, it's hard to please some people," James said, rolling his eyes for the umpteenth time. "How about instead of insulting me, you girls go dance?"

He gestured towards the dance floor and moved behind the three, in an attempt to usher them along. From there he stopped, narrowing his eyes assertively. "Hold on," he added, taking another intake of air before he sighed, a small smile gracing his lips. "You girls reek of fire whiskey, you know that right?"

"Those two do, its not me," Sophia dismissed, sending a disapproving look to the two blondes. One look at Marlene and yet again the two were in fits of giggles. "See what I mean," Sophia added, gesturing to James.

"Alright ladies?" came a rather haughty voice from their left. With his aristocratic good looks and tanned skin, it was only fitting that Sirius Black had dressed himself up as a Greek God.

Sirius sent the girls a sly wink. "Are these outfits really that PG ladies?" he asked innocently, casting them his award winning smile. "That looks a bit short to me," he added, pointing at Hallie's dress with a slow melancholy whistle.

"Oh yeah, you'd know all about a PG costume then," Marlene snapped, coming to her best friend's defence. Marlene gestured adamantly at the boy, whose full torso was on display. The only thing covering it was a satin strip across his chest and a small piece of fabric covering his bottom half.

"Yeah, if I pulled that fabric down now Black, everyone would see how small your cock is," Hallie snapped, before she could stop herself.

As Hallie made eye contact with Marlene, she couldn't help but begin to laugh - half at the comment and half at Sirius' mortified expression.

"Can't...breathe," Sophia managed to say through small giggles.

"Pads don't be offended," James warned. "The girls are on the grog."

Soon enough, Sirius' smirk graced his lips one more. "At our alcohol-free event? My my my, if the teachers found out our innocent little Halloween party had turned into this," he smiled, gesturing to each of the girls in turn.

"Yet again. Not me!" Sophia added, pointing adamantly to herself with wide eyes.

"I need to speak to Lily about this alcohol-free event," James mused, searching dramatically for the redhead in the crowd. Hallie tilted the boys chin to the right, where Lily was in deep discussion with Tilden Toots.

"That's got to make a man quite upset..." Hallie started, before stopping herself. "Fuck that," she said, gesturing to James who was desperately trying to drag Lily away from Tilden. "Thats definitely no man."

"That's not even a boy," Sophia whispered in bewilderment.

"He looks like a deer, to me," Sirius added with a cheeky smile. Hallie and the girls each exchanged confused glances.

"Oh Soph! Is that the boy you were gaping at the other day?" Hallie questioned, gesturing across the room towards the boy.  He was fairly tall, lanky and dark-haired, with small dimples in his cheeks and a soft smile upon his lips.

"Absolutely not," Sophia exclaimed, moving to stand behind Marlene who was looking at the two in confusion. Hallie knew she had been, but Sophia was far too stubborn for her own good.

"I'll come with you," Hallie stated proudly, before turning back to Marlene. "Be back in a minute Marls. Now as your mother, don't go home with strangers. Specifically ones that try to whip out their small cocks and try to charm you," she added, with a sly grin towards Sirius.

Marlene began to yet again incessantly giggle, causing Sirius to stridently scowl. "You lot are the only girls in this entire school who don't fancy the pants off of me!"

"Well that's taking it a bit far."

"Hardly," Sirius dismissed, raking a hand through his slick-back, perfected hair. "Plus you girls can't say much," Sirius adamantly recalled. "You've got a lot going on up here," he said, gesturing to his head, "but not a lot down here," he added, placing his hands on his tits.

With a cheeky grin he walked off in the opposite direction, towards a group of ravenclaw girls who all began giggling incoherently.

"He did not just say that," Marlene glared, sending daggers into the boys back.

"I'm wearing a push up bra and everything!" Sophia whined. "Some people have all the luck," she said sadly, as Mary approached the three. All three of the girls' eyes unanimously trailed their eyes to Mary's tits.

"I would usually feel flattered," Mary said sceptically, looking between the three in confusion. "But this has just gotten weird." The girls quickly diverted their eyes away.

"Right Soph. Let's go talk to that boy you fancy," Hallie sung, dragging the brunette off towards the taller boy, who was stood talking to one of his friends.

Sophia, muttering curse words under her breath the entire time, finally caught a glimpse of the boy and began blushing profusely.

"Oh my, control yourself please," Hallie teased.

Once they finally approached the two, the boy's friend noticed the girls first, tapping the brunette on the shoulder.

"Hi," Hallie spoke confidently, yet she was positively shitting herself on the inside. Social situations really weren't her forte. "We thought we'd introduce ourselves. I'm Hallie and this," she added, gesturing to the girl who was gripping ahold of her arm for dear life. "Is Sophia."

"Nice to meet you girls," the boy's friend smiled. "I'm Lincoln Harvey's and this is my friend Ethan Galloway."

The boy, whom Hallie had now discovered was called Ethan, gave a small wave in Sophia's direction, causing the brunette to dig her nails deeper into Hallie's arm.

The two began blushing furiously, casting secretive gazes that the other didn't catch, but was excruciatingly obvious to the rest of the world.

Lincoln had obviously noticed this, his eyes diverting between the two. "Want to go get a drink Hallie?" he asked, sending the blonde a subtle wink. She nodded, following the taller boy away from Sophia and Ethan, who had, to her surprise, began a steady conversation.

"So when Ethan told me about his mystery girl, I wasn't expecting Miss Sophia Briars," Lincoln began, resting up against the drinks table confidently. He poured the two a butterbeer, passing a cup to Hallie.

"Who did you expect?" she asked, keeping a watchful eye on the two - smiling instantly upon seeing the two beam excitedly towards each other in conversation.

"I don't know who I expected," Lincoln replied, taking another swig of his drink. "They'd be a great couple though. Don't you think?"

"Yeah, they would."

So for the rest of the evening, Hallie pretty much just drank a body weight of butterbeer and was even then able to keep an eye on Sophia and Ethan from afar.

By the end of the night however, Hallie had just about had enough. Lincoln had tried to hit on her every other second of the evening, much to Hallie's annoyance. James and Sirius had obviously caught onto this, noticing Hallie's discomfort, for they ended up following Lincoln around for a solid hour to keep him away from her.

Maybe Sirius Black wasn't a total fool after all.

───※ ·❆· ※───

Word count: 2242

───※ ·❆· ※───

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