Helluva Boss x Reader Oneshot...

By blue_albarn

16.5K 268 258

requests are closed cross posted on tumblr, effy-writes More

request page :)
Blitzø: Drug Addict
Male!Loona x Gender Neutral Reader: Wanna Get Out of Here?
🔞Blitzø & Stolas x FTM Reader: After the Full Moon
Octavia x Male!Reader: Ferris wheel
Preferences: First Dates
Preferences: Favourite Parts
🔞 Millie x Moxxie x Fem!Human!Reader
Stolas x Fem! Reader: Different Transaction?
Stolas x Fem!Human! Reader
new blitz x reader fanfic!
How they help you when you're struggling with PTSD
Blitz: ABC of Intimacy
Millie: ABC of Intimacy
Moxxie: ABC of Intimacy
Stolas: ABC of Intimacy
Verosika: ABC of Intimacy
Striker: ABC of Intimacy
Moxxie x Fem!Human!Reader HC
Octavia x Fem!Succubus! reader
Asmodeus x Fizzorolie x GN! Reader Fluff HC
Chaz fluff and smut HC
Blitz x Male!Mute!Reader: Flirt
🔞 Blitz x Fem! Human! Reader: Venus 666
Striker x Fem!Reader fluff and smut HC
🔞 Blitz x FTM! Reader: First
Fizz x Fem! Reader: Comforting Fizz HC's
Blitz x GN! Autistic! Reader: Eat Something
Fizz x Ozzie x Male!Autistic!Reader HC
Striker x GN! Reader: Killin'
🔞 Fizz x Male! Reader: Horny
Loona x Short! Male! Reader: Late night convo's
Fizz x Ozzie x Epileptic!GN! Reader HC's
Ozzie x MTF! Reader x Fizz: Pretty Witch
Loona x GN! Human! Reader: Demon Hunter
Fizz x Fem! Reader: Happy Day
Mammon Comforting You HC's
Loona x Shy! Male! Reader: Comfort Zone

Striker x Fem!Reader: Bonnie & Clyde

614 9 6
By blue_albarn


It's been months and Striker is still trying to assassinate Stolas. He's been so fixated on it that he's been neglecting his other clients. Soon enough, he took a small hiatus on killing this owl, and started to work his way killing other people that his clients requested him to do.

This one guy in particular, Funim.

Y/n got kidnapped and murdered by Funim and his gang up in the mortal realm. She knew that Funim died and was brought here, so he was on her personal list. She wanted revenge on him and his gang. However, she had no access to the mortal realm to kill the rest of them off. Pissed off as she is, she goes on a little hunt to find this guy, and end his life.

Y/n's been stalking this guy for weeks now, trying to kill him, but every time she's getting ready to strike, he either walks off or loses him. But not this time. She has a perfect aim on him.

His window was open, and she can see him walking back and forth from one room to another, she didn't know what he was doing but that's not her main concern.

She looked through the riflescope, finger on the trigger. As he walked past the window again she was getting ready to press the trigger until she felt the rifle fly out of her hand. It misfired and completely miss Funim.

She turned her head and was meet face to face with the snake demon, Striker.

"What the fuck do you think you're doing? Don't you see I'm trying to kill this guy?" She whispered yelled.

Striker picked her up from the collar so they were face to face, "This kill is for me, sweetheart."

Y/n got out of his grip. "The fuck you mean? This guy killed me and now since he's down here, it's my turn. And now you completely blew it." She huffed.

"I'm an assassin, I get paid to do this kind of business. You're just a cheap demon who's all pissy because she got her little self killed." He smirked, clearly getting under her skin.

Y/n tried to ignore that comment. "Well looks like we both lose because that guy closed his window." She got out of his grip and walked off to pick up her rifle.

"Don't even think about killing him, little girl." He threatened.

Y/n groaned and turned around. "I'm 24, well was 24, I'm not a little girl." She turned back around and started walking off. Muttering bullshit about that guy, in which she never caught his name.

The next day wasn't no different. She ended up finding Funim at a strip club. Y/n knew she would lose him if she goes in there, so she waited by the side of the building. Crouching on the cement, her rifle on her side getting ready to attack.

Y/n felt someone pull her up by her hair. She yelped and reached for the person who has a fistful of her hair. She felt another hand cover her mouth, her neck being warmed up by the guys hot breath.

"This is my kill." Stiker snarled, letting go of her. Y/n abruptly grabbed her gun and pointed it at him.

"For the love of god leave me the hell alone."

Striker chuckled, using his hand to point the gun away from him. "You won't kill me, you're too focused on killing this guy that I was paid for to kill."

"You could just let me kill him for you." She rolled her eyes, pointing the gun back at him.

"As much as that does seem logical, I do enjoy killin," Striker snagged her gun and before she could attack he pointed it right at her, finger on the trigger. "Especially killing those who gets in my way."

Y/n puts her arms up in defense, showing no emotion but really she's freaking out. She's not a killer, she's not a "bad ass assassin," she got kidnapped in a fucking walmart parking lot by 5 guys, each one torturing her then killing her, and finally one of them is down here. All she wants is to kill that guy.

Striker didn't pull the trigger, instead he threw her rifle to her. Y/n caught it and held it tightly against her, still deadpanning.

"You're lucky I didn't shoot you." He smirked, proceeding to walk away, but then turned around. "Oh yeah, the guy left right whenever you pointed your gun at me. Just wanted to let you know."

Oh you mother fucker.

Y/n and Striker still didn't give up. The next day they accidentally crossed paths again.

"You got to be fucking kidding me!" Y/n yelled, getting Strikers attention.

"Too much of a pussy to kill me? How are you going to kill this guy?" He teased.

Striker is actually fed up with Y/n and her getting in the way. But the fact that she's so new to this and keeps screwing up humors him.

"Because you don't deserve it, that guy does." She nudged her head to Funim, who was in the kitchen with the window opened, again.

Before Striker could say anything she spoke up, "I don't give a fuck that you're paid to kill him. Him and his god awful friends kidnapped me and killed me. I had a future you know? I was actually happy in my life. But guess what? I'm dead and this guy deserves to die, again. So if you would just kindly fuck off and kill another guy please go do so." She spat, pointing her gun back at Funim and just like last time, Striker pushed her to the ground, her gun flinging out of her hands.

Y/n tried not to make noise so Funim wouldn't freak out and close his window. Striker was on top of her, pinning her down so he could get his gun and shoot the guy before she could to.

"Why aren't you gonna kill me? Too much of a pussy?" She mocked before punching him in the face so she could get out of his grip.

She quickly got up and grabbed her rifle, while Striker was trying to prevent her from shooting. He ended up grabbing hers, "You got a strong grip," He smiled, "Let go of it." His smile dropped, and as soon as it did they both pressed the trigger, killing the guy at the same time.

Y/n and Striker both dropped the gun and looked at that window opening, they could see blood splattered on the walls.

"Well damn, I guess we shot him at the same time. I bet that pissed you off." Striker cackled.

Y/n glared at him but soften her look. "How come you didn't kill me for this guy?"

Striker lit up a cigarette, "Waste of bullets." He breathed in the smoke and then exhaled, the smoke blowing directly in Y/n's face. She coughed and took a step back.

"Well thanks, appreciate it. I'm Y/n by the way."

"Didn't ask for your name." He took another puff, "Names Striker."

"Doesn't surprise me."


During Y/n's stay in Hell, she learned about this owl prince and how he has access to all sorts of realms, including the mortal realm. She hit the jackpot once she found out he's going to be at the Harvest Festival.

The next day she arrived there, and since she was too scared to bring her rifle (because she thought if she got caught with it then she'll get in trouble) she brought a pocket knife that she stole from a homeless guy.

Y/n sat on the bleachers and waited to see this prince. She began to think about how she was going to pull this off. Hey I need your book to go back to earth so I can kill these guys that murdered me. She rolled her eyes.

Y/n straighten herself once she saw the owl. He began speaking about the tournament, and then pointed over to an Imp that was sitting about 3 yards over.

"Hi Blitzy~"

Y/n looked over at "Blitzy" and he slouched down more in the bleachers. Y/n decided to walk over there and talk to him since they apparently know each other. She wants this revenge.

"Can I sit here?" She pointed to where "Blitzy" was sitting.

The Imp rolled his eyes, "Sure."

There was some awkward silence between them. "This is going to sound weird but do you know anything about him?"

"Who? Stolas? All I know is that he's a horny fucking bird." He groaned.

Definitely wasn't expecting that. "I meant like...how does he go to the mortal realm?"

"A book. That's why I'm fucking here."

"Wait, you're wanting to go to the mortal realm?"

"Yeah? Do you?"

"Fuck yes I do. I need to kill these guys that killed me."

"Well you're in luck bitch, I'm an assassin who gets paid to kill humans by sinners. Here's my card." He handed her his card, which said "I.M.P. Blitzø" with a phone number attached.

"No thanks, I need to kill them myself."

"Well too bad because without that book you can't go to that realm. So I would advise if you would just wait and call tomorrow." He smuged.

"Yeah, I'll think about it." She lied, resting her eyes back on Stolas. She figured once the festival is over she'll try to take that book, since he doesn't seem to have guards.

The festival soon ended, giving Y/n the cue to go talk to Stolas. Her plan was that she was going to tell him she's a sinner and is in distress, pull a "damsel in distress" if you will.

Her hand grip the pocket knife as she got closer and closer to Stolas, who looked like he was looking for someone, possibly "Blitzy".

As she got closer she saw Striker, who looked like he was about to attack.

Oh you mother fucker.

As Striker gotten closer to him, Y/n used her full force to push him down, but unfortunately they both rolled down a rocky hill.

"I have to kill him, bitch!" Striker puts his hands around her throat, but didnt completely choke her.

"Please don't! I need his stupid book so I can go to the mortal realm so I can kill the guys that murdered me you jack-ass!"

They both groaned once they made contact with the ground. Y/n slowly got back up, "Please let me use him, then you can kill him I swear."

Striker got close to her, tilted his head down so he can look at her, "I'll help you get the book."

Her eyes lit up, "Really! Wait why?"

"So you can leave me the hell alone." He rolled his eyes.

Eventually the two found Stolas' place and crawled their way up a wall.

She got the book while he kept looking out. Once she acquired the two hurriedly left before they can get caught.

Once ending up in a secluded area, Y/n flipped through the pages to see which spell is the mortal realm spell.

"Got it. I'll see you in a bit." She said before jumping into the portal.

"Hol on, I'm coming."


"Like I said, I like killin'"

"Fair enough." She shrugged.

Even though his reason is true, he wants to be around her. Yes he did hate her in the beginning, and lowkey wanted to kill her, but the fact that she's so adamant about her desires and doesn't stop is what made him like her.

Y/n on the other hand, is too caught up on killing the guys that killed her. She hasn't have a thought about how she feels about Striker. She's grateful that he hasn't killed her or seriously injured her, but she was pretty pissed off about him.

The two jumped through the portal and landed in her hometown.

"This was not the place I was expecting." Striker commented.

"Tell me about it, imagine getting kidnapped and stabbed at walmart."

"A what."

"Forget about it. Let's go."

"How do you know where they at?"

"It's a small town, 1000 people, trust me I think I can find them."

"More like 999." He snickered.

Y/n glared at him, but soon a smile formed on her face. "That was pretty good I ain't gonna lie."

It took maybe about 4 hours to find them, and there they were, in their broken down house.

"Ready?" Y/n smiled, handheld gun in her hand that she stole from Striker.

"Ready darlin'."

The two broke into those guys house, weapons pointing at them. Before they could even say anything the two shot the 4 guys.

"That was easy." Y/n laughed. "Guess I didn't need you."

"Yeah well, like I said, I like killin'."

Y/n looked up at him and softly smiled, "Thanks again for letting me borrow that book. You can go ahead and kill Stolas now."

"Wanna join me in killin' him?"

"No thanks."

Y/n opened the book again and made the portal, the two jumped back inside and landed into their home, Hell.

"Well, see ya later." Y/n started to walk off but Striker grabbed her arm. "Man don't kill me." She joked.

"I aint, damn. Wanna go back to my place after I kill this owl?"

"Are you gonna kill me?"

"If you piss me off." He joked.

"Then sure, why not?"

The two started walking back to Stolas' mansion. Striker spoke up. "Do you have a place to stay?"

"No, why?"

"If ya want you can live with me."


"Hate to admit, but I like ya."

Y/n softly smiled. "I like you too."

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