Not The One For Me

By nwiduhswhdj

88 9 5

"For the past 16 years of my life, i've been drawn to just one boy in my life, my best friend (basically sinc... More

2. The New Guy
3. The Heartbreak
4. We Meet Again
5. The Return
6. Parties Aren't Really My Thing
7. The Hangover

1. A Girl Can Only Dream

25 2 0
By nwiduhswhdj

Yes let's get the boring part over with !
(i'll make it quick)

First of all, I'd just like to say thankyou so much for choosing to read "Not The One For Me"! I hope it lives up to your expectations and you enjoy the read 💗
Second of all, if you do enjoy reading this story, pleeeease give it a like, your acknowledgment would be much appreciated! If you are really interested in another part of my latest story, feel free to let me know however I have moved on for now as I have a better faith in this story idea!

All I need to say now is, have fun 😘


It's the first day of senior year. Am I excited? Yes. Nervous? Even more so. It's only a few more months until I find out if I got accepted into my dream College, Princeton. I may sound so unoriginal when I say that Princeton is my goal, but my parents met there, which makes it so much better! It feels as if I don't go there, I won't be able to relive the excellent life my parents were granted with, which is all they can ever talk about. I think I could probably recite their whole college experience, that's how many times i've been reminded of it. My mother always talks about love and relationships, she always scans the internet looking for boys my age and boys who attend my school and asks me if they are attractive, which most of the time, they are (surprisingly enough; as you probably already know, parents don't have the best types in the world when it comes to suitors), but it's like I have blinkers on in every living moment. I only have eyes for one guy, and that's my one and only childhood best friend, Aaron. The sweetest most charming male you will ever meet. Not to mention his silky blonde hair, which gently blows in the breeze passionately as his bright blue eyes stare deep into my loving soul in admiration. The fact that have had a crush on Aaron for just over 16 years now, downright proves that i'm the one for him, despite the mixed signals and the liking of other girls, anyone other than me. But you know, a girl can only dream. If I like him bad enough I will make something happen.
Obviously, being his nearest and dearest, partner in crime, i'm told about the crushes he has and encouraged to help him arrange dates and tell him what to say in conversations. It's painful for me, but I know it will be worth it when he realises that after all of the minor, meaningless crushes, the girl for him has been right here this whole time, waiting for him patiently. Well, I hope he does. Obviously, since he's my closest friend, there is nobody who actually knows about this crush, not even my own sister, Viola. Anyway, enough of that.

                My name is Avery Weston, I love music, animals and going on walks with my dog, Daisy. Daisy is a golden retriever, she got her name from when she continuously rolled around in daisy bushes as a pup, I once made her a collar out of them when I was making daisy chains in the field by my house, of course they didn't last long since they well, died, but I cherish that memory for some reason. I believe that she was genuinely appreciative of my time and effort put into that collar (it was very difficult considering I was like six).
I'm currently sat on the school bus, my airpods in my little ears playing Lana Del Ray's "Say Yes To Heaven" quietly as I gaze out of the window. That is until the bus stops and groups of teenagers pile on, including Aaron. A loving smile plasters along my face as I see Aaron walking up to me.

"Hey, Avery" he says, slightly out of breath

"Hi" I reply with a sudden nervousness

"How was your break? Did Daisy get up to any mischief?"

"Of course she did, she got into my art supplies again, i'm still picking sequins up now and that happened last Friday night!"

"You'll definitely be picking them up for a while, at least it wasn't glitter!" he chuckles.

After we have a long discussion about our weekends off, we arrive at school and everyone on the bus quickly charges off, leaving me and Aaron as the last ones, as usual. Instead of piling off with everyone else like we one tried as freshman's, we wait till the very end to avoid any injuries or very annoying rugby jocks. We have many extra curricular activities at our school, this includes rugby, swimming, soccer, chess club, drama club and (my personal favourite) music club! I attend music club every Wednesday for a full hour after school, a lot of people expect it to be excruciatingly boring but, I love it! We get to learn all different instruments like the violin, chello, guitar, piano, flute and even the drums.
I have a strong dislike to the entirety of the rugby team, they are all dickheads. They spend there nights hooking up with girls and getting drunk at parties and honestly, that's far from my thing. I'd never let some rugby boy get into my pants no matter what. I know far too many of their kind as horrible people so I just keep away, not that I think any of them would even look in my direction anyway, but I suppose a girl can try and have a little bit of self confidence.

Me and Aaron walk side by side into school, his fingers skim ever so slightly against my arm, causing it to tingle and me to blush delusionally. I look down at his empty hand and slowly move mine closer, picturing the image of them intertwining in my head. That is until I am knocked clean on my feet by some guy, who is as expected, wearing a varsity rugby jacket. Except, I don't seem to recognise him, from the glimpse of his face as he obnoxiously pushed past me. The back of his jersey reads, 'Davis'. Davis, Who's last name is Davis? I run the name over and over in my head as I stand back up onto my feet. I notice everyone staring judgementally and giggling at me and I feel my cheeks blush red, how embarrassing.

"Hey, who was that guy?" I ask Aaron, who is not paying any attention to me whatsoever, but instead a pretty blonde haired chick by the lockers.

"Huh? What guy?" he obliviously replies.

"Nevermind, i'm going to class" I mutter, feeling slightly disregarded.

"See you later Avery!" Aaron shouts as I storm off.

               Aaron's lack of concentration is not currently my biggest concern, i'm more interested in the ignorant dick who just knocked me down in some kind of rush. Causing the whole of the corridor to laugh at me.
Once I am faced with a mystery, I do anything in my power to unravel it.

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