The Teaching Assistant (A My...

By Memeyqueeny69

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Amelia Tano got a strange call at 3 am by the principal of UA, Nezu! Strangely enough he offers her a job in... More

Before You Begin!
Mystery Letter
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Not a Chapter: Let's Talk Costumes
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 16
New Years Special
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 15

179 4 58
By Memeyqueeny69

The remainder of the week was.. eventful. Getting the kids situated into Heroics, figuring out where they all were physical wise. Who can throw a punch, who couldn't. During this time she has been trying to stay on Aizawa's good side, even though they still end up arguing when she mother hens the kids when they get hurt during training or sparing.

"We're gonna have a problem if you keep healing the problem children." Aizawa states during their lesson planning hour, which is pretty much the time they have before heroics.

"A p-problem? How so?" Amelia ask shyly as she helps organize some papers on his desk in his office.

"You really don't see a problem with it? Healing them from small inconvenient injuries when they should deal with it until after class. When they go out on internships if they get hurt on the field they're gonna have to suffer a bit until they can get help. It also instigates that there will always be someone to heal them if they decide to be wreckless." Aizawa replies as he flips a paper to grade

"I.. didn't really think of that. It's my job you know to heal and help others. It's weird looking at kids and seeing them hurt, especially if I know I can heal them and they can keep practicing and getting better. Their internships are months away right? Would it really hurt to let them practice their hearts out, figure what works and what doesn't under the guidance of a healing hand?" Amelia says softly a bit nervous as she walks over and places Aizawa's cat mug back down in front of him, now filled with fresh black coffee.

Aizawa's eyes soften a little at seeing his life line being placed in front of him before they go back to being dead and look at her, "I can see your way of thinking. I.. agree to a certain point. But we need to agree on when to heal and when to not too. You're my assistant and you need to listen when I tell you no."

Amelia sighs as she sits back in his office in one of the extra chairs, "I.. hate unnecessary fighting, but when it comes to the wellbeing of others, it my duty, to care. Especially for someone that's barely in their teen years, it's a bit different if they were older but it's not. I feel for them."

"Can we agree if it's not life threatening to not heal." Aizawa states taking a sip of the coffee and sighs in bliss

"We.. can agree to that. I umm want to heal them after the training is done though." She says trying to compromise

"That's agreeable. If it's life threatening you may heal, if not it can wait until after everything is done and you may heal then. It's a deal right?" Aizawa states dryly placing the half empty coffee cup down

"Deal." She says softly as she takes his cup he's about to yell at her but realized she's just filling it back up for him.

It's silent as they both work on grading scores and quizzes the class took. It's.. pleasant between them. Until someone ruins it.

The door kicks open and I'm struts Kayama, "What you two up too~"

Aizawa's eye twitches, "what did I tell you Midnight. Dont kick my door in."

"Psh, that was nothing, these doors can take some abuse, I know~" she says seductive hinting towards.. inappropriate things

Amelia blushes and clears her throat, "achem, what can we do for you Kayama-san." She says

"Oh it's lunch time so I was coming to grab you workaholics, seriously you two are a match made in hell, you forgot lunch twice already, and it's Wednesday, me and Hizashi refuse to let you two forget to eat." Kayama states cracking her whip causing Amelia to jump, but aizawa looks use to her antics and even looks unamused.

Just this Yamada comes in whistling a tune, "can't let you two go without eating again. Especially you Precious, you need all the food to maybe get taller eh?" He says jokingly about her height

Amelia blushes at those words, over the past two days, he's made quite a few short jokes, "hardy hard." She replies back placing her pen down as her stomach growls, "seems you knew just when to come." She says in her soft tone, a tad bit embarrassed by the loud rumbling

Kayama and Yamada laugh lightly before Yamada marches over and pulls Aizawa's chair back and tries to get the tired man to stand up. Aizawa sighs in annoyance but if you look close he has a small smile.

"Yeah, yeah we're coming. Can I finish grading Sero's quiz on self defense moves?" Aizawa states before he just gets dragged out of his seat by Yamada who loudly announces, "no can do Eraserhead! Time to eat, relax, be.. um merry?"

Aizawa just deadpans as Yamada drags him out the door while Kayama lightly pushes Amelia in front of her out the door of her and Aizawa's office.

The group makes its way to the cafeteria to get food from Lunch Rush, then makes their way back to the teachers lounge, where they all eat.

"So I was teaching English-"

"Which you teach everyday Mic." Aizawa draws out boredly

"Well, yeah, but this kid in Class 1B, is a American Transfer student I think her name was Pony or something? Anyway," Yamada waves his hand around before taking a bite of food and swallowing, "I was surprised to find out even though English is her primary Language she struggles with finding where comma's or certain verbs go in some of the sentences."

"W-well just because you know the language." Amelia states nervous poking at her food, "doesn't mean your excellent at writing it. I still struggle with conjunction sentences and stuff in English. I can read it just find but ask me to find adjectives and conjunction sentences, I need to look up what some of those m-mean." She stutters a bit embarrassed, "I umm love to read just figuring out what goes into writing is.. difficult. W-which I'm sure you know a-after all you teach English." She rambles avoiding their gazes

*They think I'm stupid now, but I totally understand that girls struggle languages either ones you know or don't know is hard.*

"You really struggle cutie?" Kayama ask sipping her drink looking at her

"I-I um yeah I do. I sometimes miss Capitalizing words, or place a comma in the wrong area. I um struggle more so with Japanese. I can speak it, obviously but writing it is a bit different.." Amelia say embarrassed as she bites into her food

"Hm I can see it, I just thought it was weird but I guess people excel at different things. I'll admit there were a few times I messed up while teaching an got called out for it. Yo, teaching a language is hard stuff, so I'm not holding it against that kid, I'll just have to work harder so all my kids that take my class excel." Yamada states pointing his chop sticks at her

"Speaking of teaching~ I'm glad to see no one was expelled this time Aizawa-san~" Kayama leans onto the table causing her breast to bunch up a little

Aizawa eating his food sighs, "they had potential, as long as they show it, and put the work in they'll stay in my class."

"Potential this, potential that. You need to loosen up a bit Shou~" Kayama flirts slightly trailing a finger up his arm which prompts Aizawa to move closer unexpectedly to Amelia

"I won't let a kid keep dreaming about being a hero when they obviously don't have what it takes.. it's cruel thing to do in my opinion, it's how people die, both themselves and others." Aizawa states glaring slightly

"I umm think what he means to say is, it's one thing to dream it, it's another to make it reality. So far all the kids in Aizawa's class show heart and skill, sure they all struggle with something but I think they'll grow out of it or better yet learn to cover the weakness and make it a strength. After all they're here at UA to learn." Amelia states softly, backing Aizawa up

Aizawa Tched and just ate food ignoring her words, before it's silent for a moment and Aizawa speaks again, "Speaking of class, I need to.. work on some things for Nezu, your first true test of Assistant Teacher starts today, I need you to work with All Might on running battle training today."

"W-wait r-really?!" Amelia exclaims blushing, "I mean o-of course. I um better find him then" she states standing abruptly, "I need to make sure I know w-what he's doing today, I won't let you down Aizawa!"

Yamada's eyes widen as Amelia was already rushing away with lunch in hand, "wow, w-wait a minute Tano, you barely... Ate... She's gone, wow for someone so short she moves quite fast."

Aizawa sighs relaxing a little now that she's gone

"Your cruel, sending Tano-chan away like that." Kayama states bite into her food pointing her chop sticks at him

"She left of her own accord, she's.. tiring to put up with." Aizawa states bluntly

"Yo, she's such a little cutie how can you tired around that all the time. Its only been three days!" Yamada exclaims animatedly moving his free hand around

"She's constantly hovering over the kids, constantly pestering me about if there's stuff to do, or if she can help. She's even started filling my coffee up for me, so far she hasn't added any sugar or cream but I'm waiting for it." Aizawa states his eyes narrowing on his food

"Haha" Kayama laughs, "that's her being a good Assistant, so far all I hear is compliments~"

"Same buddy, I'd die to have her as a assistant, remember how you were putting off paper work last year and you got so behind me and Nemuri had to help you catch up. It definitely won't happen with her." Yamada states taking a drink

"She's.. too much. I've missed out on my naps I usually would take."

Really Shouta??

"So your cranky?"

Aizawa eye twitches, "I'm n-not cranky I worked a long night the past two nights and haven't slept very much. She's always there, the last thing I need is a person nagging me about napping during my breaks."

"But your getting actual work done, you've been more proficient this first week than you've been in years." Kayama states finishing her food

"Same, though I definitely can tell you need sleep, why not cut back on heroing during the week Shou?" Yamada states caringly

"I'm needed to patrol those areas, the crime rates been going up lately, mostly kidnapping. I can't just stop on a yen." Aizawa states annoyed slightly, "now if you excuse me I'm going to my office." He stands up taking his empty plate with him

"Yo, what about the thing with Nezu?" Yamada states before Kayama starts to giggle when Aizawa doesn't reply

"That was a excuse, can't you tell he's totally going to nap in his office." Kayama states, "some things never change."

*Okay, gotta find All Might. If I was some big shot hero where would I be?? Maybe relaxing and eating lunch some place private..?*

Amelia is on a mission, find All Might, her first assignment as a Assistant Teacher to Aizawa, after all he asked her too, who is she to say no.

*Maybe I should ask Nezu, it also gives me time to check in on Stubby. He's been coming to work with me everyday so far. Plus maybe I can ask Nezu what assignment is Aizawa working on, after all maybe I can help in some way?*

Amelia carefully finds Nezu's office, doesn't get lost (Thank God), and knocks at the door. It's a few minutes until she hears Nezu.

"Come on!"

She heads straight in, and bows shyly, "h-hello Nezu-san."

"Hello Tano, what brings you to my humble office? Perhaps tea, Stubs was telling me you enjoy good cup of tea, of course iced, it'd be fun to prepare Ice Tea as I've always done it hot." Nezu speaks sitting not in his office chair but in the chair next to the Chess Table.

Stubby sits in a chair by the Chess Table too, seems the two were playing chess.

"O-oh I do like ice tea, for some reason hot stuff makes me have bad heartburn." She mumbles before quickly shaking her head, "n-nevermind that, I was wondering if you know where I can find All Might."

"All Might? Why, is something the matter?" Nezu asked

"Well Aizawa asked me to help lead his first class today, the battle training. Since he's busy doing work you assigned him." Amelia states rocking back and forth as she talks

"Assignment?" Nezu thinks a moment before giggling, "oh, seems he lied."

"He.. lied?" Amelia ask slowly

"Quick question has he been napping the past three days you've been working together?"

"Umm no?"

"That's why, I'm sure I can tell you this much, Aizawa-san works as a underground hero during the week, he's stubborn and I've been trying to convince him to take less shifts during his work week, but he's proved he can do it, even if grading gets behind at time. Usually his prep and grading times he would use to catch up on sleep. I apologize for him, I'll be sure to give him a nice talking too." Nezu says before moving his Knight on the Chess board

"N-no, no need!" She says quickly, while blushing slightly, "I umm don't need him hating me." She mumbles the last part in English, "I mean he obviously doesn't h-hate me persay just, um, strongly dislikes my presence." She rubs her upper part of her arm with her right hand showing discomfort

*It's not like I'm afraid of him..*

"I doubt he would hate you, more like hating himself due to telling a lie I was bound to find out about. If you truly do not wish for him to get a scolding then that's fine too, but if he's making you feel as much discomfort as I can see perhaps it would be best for me to speak with-" Nezu cuts himself off as he looks at the spot where Stubby use to be blinking a few times before cackling a little which makes Amelia sweatdrop before realizing Stubby has taken this into his own.. paws? Yeah paws, "well he's sneaky as ever."

"Stubs!!?" Amelia exclaims quickly looking around the room and only finding a half open door, he slipped past both of them where they were talking.

"You know for a solid white cat he's is quite excellent in stealth." Nezu states amused, "I'm sure our mutual friend will be fine, perhaps a bathroom break. Now then, let me call All Might to my office so you and him can go over what he plans to do for Heroics class today, I'm sure he wouldn't mind such a excellent assistant."

Amelia feels worried, "I mean Stubs could be trying to hunt down Aizawa-"

"Would that be a bad thing? He's hard to put up with, and why not let him get a slight scratch or two from a seamlessly innocent cat? He has a thing for cats you know." Nezu states craving chaos

Amelia sighs, "aizawa is.. different. Not the worse person I'd have met. It's only been three days, I'm sure we'll.. um get along sooner or later."

Nezu then sighs and hops off his chair going over to his desk chair climbing into it and grabbing the phone, Amelia wonders what he's doing but remembers he said he'd call All Might for her.

"S-sir there isn't a-any need, wouldn't it be weird to um call the number one hero over the intercom to the principals office?" She exclaims nervously

Nezu just gave her a stare as he mindlessly typed in the extension to use the intercom, "All Might, please report to my office. Immediately. Again All Might to my office, Immediately." Then hangs up before giving off a chuckle

"I do enjoy instilling fear into others. I think I can teach you a thing or two about it if you'd like." Nezu states with a head tilt as he straights his desk up

"Um no thank you." She says nervously

*He's terrifying, I'm glad Stubby isn't like that*

Stubby prowls the halls on the hunt of a tired homeless man. He's heard the gossip from the cats in the apartment complex about the man who is the literal definition of a cat fanatic. While he appreciates someone who cares for his species it doesn't mean he won't hesitate to turn as many cats from the man as possible. No one messed with his darling Amelia. That's his human, he's seen her cry and be tormented enough that makes him rage. While he is against violence he wouldn't hesitate to use his tail to strangle the man, after all it's what allowed him to escape from the facility in America.

Stubby has taken to memorizing the floor plan, including the ventilation system, which not surprising at all Nezu uses at time to go from one place to another seemingly to teleport terrifying students and faculty alike. He appreciates his friends chaos tendencies, a way to work through issues they both faced without harming others.

Stubby makes it to the Aizawa's and His humans office using his tail to turn the knob with some difficulty before creaking it open, and strolling in taking a nosy look around. Doesn't seem.. homely. If Amelia was given her way she'd have the place decorated with a vase of flowers or some of those pop up cards she likes to collect. Given it has been three days, but knowing his human she won't do it just in case it's bother him. The him he talks about it is the Homeless Man, which is in this really weird looking caterpillar sleeping bag. A horrendous yellow.

Stubby doesn't even need to guess whose in there, finally putting a tired face to a nickname. The man is really out, sleeping peacefully.

Stubby's single yellow eye burns with a small flame of anger thinking of how he's been so mean to Amelia. Nezu has reassured him it'll pass, it's like introduceing new cats to each other they don't like each other at first. Stubby rolls his single eye at remembrance to that conversation, feeling a tad bit annoyed at how right Nezu is and at how instinctual Stubby is compared to Nezu.

Stubby strolls up to the tired man sitting right in front of his face, wondering how he should wake him up. A claw to the face perhaps, a tickling of his tail on his nose, perhaps ruining his awful sleeping bag-actually that'd be to far.

Aizawa opens his blood shot eyes looking at the cat right next to his face. He's a bit shocked, "how'd you get in here?" He states shifting and sitting up unzipping the sleeping bag

*Getting into the school or your office cause both are pretty different ways.* Stubby thinks mentally knowing the human couldn't understand him

Aizawa slowly pulls his hand out to let the cat sniff him, only for the cat to hiss and stand on its back legs and wack him with his single front paw.

*Dare to touch me?? I'm not even in your league.*

"Ouch." Shit, "didn't expect you to scratch me. But none the less I probably moved to fast." Aizawa states plainly pulling himself fully from his yellow sleeping bag that it pools around his waist, "I've haven't seen a cat quite like you before."

*Of course you haven't I'm one of a kind.*

"Do you want to share my sleeping bag?" He ask quietly with a softer look on his face, he has a major soft spot for cats, "you can stay in here until I can take ya home with me."

*Ew no thanks I smell like, hundreds of smells from the sleeping bag, there is no way I'm getting in there with the man whose tormenting my Amelia. And take me home?! you won't convert me so easily!*

The cat hisses and steps back before jumping onto his chair and quickly onto his desk. He eyes the man whose black eyes narrow in on his silky coat before he begins causing pure utter chaos. Knocking over papers and books an even coffee mug, watching Aizawa try to quickly exit his sleeping bag only to eat shit on the floor.

Stubby jumps over on a bookcase causing some books on there to fall off. By now Aizawa is on his feet throwing out his capture weapon on the nucisance wrecking his office, interrupted his nap time with his cute fluffy face.

Stubby barely dodges and scampers down the hallways hissing and sliding sideways trying to get away, from the man. After all it's his fault this happened, he just had to be a bit nicer to his human and everything would have been fine. But no humans are constant assholes.

Aizawa looks livid as he rushes down the hall chasing the cat, some students are in the halls step out of the tired man's way as he tries grabbing that cat.

Nezu is cackling with tea spilling everywhere as he watches live feed on the cameras, he shooed All Might and Amelia to empty conference room to discuss how Battle Training exercise would go.

"I do enjoy a good show, I wonder what you did that made my human so frustrated. How interesting indeed." Nezu states enjoying the chaos

"So.. your planning to draw Lots?" Amelia states sitting across from the giant

"Indeed, as heros we sometimes don't get to choose who we work with." All Might replied watching her squirm a little, "excuse me Tano, are you.. okay?"

"H-Huh! Y-Yes I'm fine, completely fine I just.. thinking about how I can contribute and make sure these kids aren't reckless during the exercise, heh." She awkwardly

The big number one hero sensing more to it than states, "As a hero I tend to usually hide my emotions but I only do that when I'm surrounded by the press or fighting a villain. Emotions aren't a bad thing. I don't think I apologized enough to you for Monday's issue. I shouldn't have grabbed you like that." All Might gets off his seat and bows in apology, "I wasn't thinking an it shows. You stood up for mi-I mean that one student, even when Aizawa had it out for him."

"P-p-please don't bow to me! What if people or saw!?" She exclaims embarrassed and worried

After all how could a mere high ranking hero bow to someone who isn't even on the hero list yet, especially number one. What if it ruined his image!? That's how it worked for her brother in America he couldn't bow to her in apology especially in public. He told her that and especially freaking Derek, his PR.

"It wouldn't matter if people saw, as a hero we should always acknowledge our mistakes, owning up to them can make us better people." All Might states getting back on his feet standing at 7 feet, towering over her, "now then let's discuss what we shall say!!" He states loudly pulling out a script from his back pocket, "I was thinking.."

"I wonder whose teaching heroics today?" Momo says leaning her head against her hand

"Do you think they'll threaten to expell us again?!" Mineta states shaking

Soon enough the door opens, "I am coming through the door like a normal person!" Exclaims All Might quickly entering and doing a pose in his Silver Age costume

"Wow it's All Might!?"

"No way!"

"That's his Silver Age Costume, so cool!!" Midoriya fanboys eyeing his mentor with starry eyes

Amelia follows in shortly after giving a shy smile as she does a awkward pose which is a peace sign, "And I am here as well, helping with todays lesson."

"Tano Sensei too!" Exclaims Kirishima, it would be a lie to say he didn't enjoy the teaching assistant

"I feel relieved some what that we have Tano and All Might here today. Ribbit."

All Might clears his throat as he stands at the podium, "Okay listen up! Today we have battle training and you know what that mean!!" He pushes a button and the left wall flips up revealing silver suitcases with names on them.

"Costumes!" Amelia chimes in her sweet voice, "all of you were required to fill a document out about your costume which our support teams looks over and made, or some of you even brought your own it and those got approved." She stands over by the smiling, "so come on grab your suitcase an head to the locker room, we'll head to the battle training right after so don't keep us waiting too long."

"Yes Sensei!" The class responds back quickly going and grabbing their suitcase and rushing towards the locker rooms.

Amelia sighs in relief she didn't mess up, she hasn't spoken at lot to the kids mostly cause of Aizawa but it turned out good. She's always nervous when talking in front of a bunch of people.

"Good job Tano!" All Might exclaims dramatically with a thumbs up, "now we best head over to Ground Beta!"

Amelia nods nervously but quickly follows after the burly man. Soon enough they stand in the opening that connects the locker rooms to Ground Beta (it actually connects to different sites). She eyes her-er Aizawa's students walking out in all types of costumes. Though a lot of them like Mineta's and Todoroki's, made her cringe. Others like Iida looked pretty cool. She worried for Kirishima and Momo whose showing lots of skin. Her and All Might's eyes lock on to Midoriya whose last to emerge our of the tunnel, looking like a weird bunny.

So obvious, what a fanboy

"Costumes make the hero some say! Looking good you zygotes!"

"You all do," Amelia says with a kind smile, "now before we start any questions or concerns?"

Students begin rapid firing them off:

"Can we pick our teams?"

"How badly can we hurt others?"

"Are we gonna get expelled as a punishment if we don't do well?"

"Doesn't this cape look cool~ ✨"

All Might looked irritated a bit so Amelia whistled, everyone's eyes are on her and she sighs before speaking, "okay, one at a time! Time is of the essence after all and we gotta get through each team within a couple hours."

She looks up at All Might and gives him a thumbs up, "All Might will explain the rules. As for your other questions.." she trails off before crossing her arms over her chest not noticing it puffs up a little as she gets more confident as she speaks, "No one will be getting expelled unless you do something drastic. Your not aiming to kill here and you should never aim to kill, ever. Hurt your opponents within reasoning, j-just because I'm here doesn't mean to fully pummel your opponents within an inch of their life." She looks towards All Might who is fidgeting with a box out to her as she walks over and takes it, "now then one at a time come pull a paper out of here, don't be shy!"

All Might takes over, "As for the question about choosing teams, that'll be decided by Lots!"

"I see, so I assume our Sensei's set it this way since we won't be able to decide who we work with." States Iida

"Correct Young Iida! As a hero you will team up with people you might not even know!" He exclaims back as the teenagers come and grab a piece of paper from the box that has letters written on them with sharpy.

"Cool everyone has a paper now!" Amelia chirps as she grabs Two boxes and holds them out to All Might who shoved his arms inside and pulled out two plastic balls with letters A and D written.

"Thats it! Teams A and D will face off!" All Might states loudly with his signature smile

"Team A heros and Team D Villains!" Amelia chimes in with a small smile

All Might pulls out a script, "Villain team will go inside and hide the paper macachie bomb. You guys have 5 minutes to do so!"

Amelia chimes in setting the two boxes down with her wrist against her hips, "Heros you can win by doing either of the two options, touch the bomb, or capture the villains with capture tape!"

"Indeed Miss Tano is correct! Though the Villains can win by keeping the heros at bay until time runs out! You zygotes got 10 minutes to win or lose! Good Luck, the rest of us will be watching from the control room! Villian team head inside!" All Might states flexing slightly which causes Amelia to sweat drop

*What a show boat.*

Her eyes narrow in on Midoriya whose shaking in his shoes as they walk over to the building slowly waiting for the go ahead.

*Wonder why he's so shaken up.. I feel like there's something wrong here.*

Amelia heads back to the control room with the students and it's game on!

Something was very wrong here!!? Was Bakugo trying to kill Midoriya!! Amelia feels like she can't breath as she watches smoke and gapping hole through the building her students were in.

"M-MIDORIYA!!" She cries out looking how one of the cameras giving proper angle of the scene was knocked off line

Her instincts screamed at her to yell at All Might, she told him to cut the fight something didn't feel right, her hero gut barely was ever wrong. But no.. he didn't he held on and said everything was fine, they were rivals, just duking it out. Her instincts told her those two kids were rivals, if she's right, then they just pinned a victim and their bully together!

"Stop the fight! All Might I said Stop. The. Fight." She growls through gritted teeth

All Might ignores her and says, "Midoriya come in!"

Midoriya's voice filters through static like, "h-how is that allowed."

"It's not! All Might we are stopping this fight!" She states angry

"S-Sensei!?" A lot of the kids included the ones on the battle trail heard her as she was using a open line

"This fight ends with Bakugo and Midoriya withdrawing: Uraraka and Iida may continue If they so wish."


Amelia sends a deadly glare which is totally different from her usual sweet and soft look, "All Might, we are not arguing on this. Midoriya could have died due to Bakugo's negligence, didn't we just say we are not aiming for major bodily harm? I don't care if I have to fight you on this or anyone for that matter, it was insane and someone could have died. Both those kids are withdrawn immediately and will be seeing me.. now." She states darkly

The whole area is quiet before she states, "when I said now, I mean now. Bakugo you help Midoriya back to the ground floor and don't even dare think about complaining or grumbling!"

She doesn't even get to hear the heated reply as she's already out the control room door heading to the building to meet the two boys.

"That was hot-ow!" Mineta states before yelling as Tysu hits him with her tongue for such a comment

All Might wasn't sure how to handle that but tries to get the show back on the road, so he clears his throat and says awkwardly, "Ahem. Iida, Uraraka, are you up for doing a 1v1?"

Amelia stares slightly up at the two students, one lucky to be alive, and the other pissed having the fight stop.

"Midoriya, are you okay? Any broken bones, any confusion, seeing okay? No black spots?" She ask looking at the kid

"I-i'm f-fine you didn't have to s-stop the fight." Midoriya stutters

"Yeah, Deku's right, didn't have to stop the fight, he dodged hes-" Bakugo states before being cut off

"He is not fine. What you did Bakugo Katsuki, was reckless and dumb. I was hoping you would have treated this more like a real life scenario. What if your explosion caused the integrity of the building to collapse? What if Iida or Uraraka got killed in that collapse hmm? What if Midoriya wasn't fast enough and got hit point blank. You'd have blood on your hands-"

"But he-"

"Do. Not. Cut me off, I was not finished. You have issues Bakugo, instead of working with your partner you had a one track mind, to find Midoriya. I have half the mind to call you out for bullying if I'm honest, it lines up better than supposed rivals. I don't buy that for a second if anything your whole relationship is bully and victim." She states glaring her eyes narrowing in more on Bakugo

Midoriya's eyes widen, after all no teacher called Bakugo out before, no one seen the problem with him using him as quirk practice when they were younger.

Bakugo's fury grows, him a bully? As if, he and Deku are.. just messing around.

"T-Tano-Sensei, kac-chan wouldn't b-bully me, were f-friends." Midoriya states shaking slightly

"I apologize but this is the most unhealthy friend relationship I've ever seen. Bakugo, if your really Midoriya's friend why are you calling him Useless? After all that's what the word Deku means right? You do realize UA has a zero tolerance for bullying." She states as a dark aura appears around her as she gets more into it, "I won't be being this to Nezu, I believe in second chances. If what your doing to Midoriya here isn't seen as Bullying in your eyes you are quite blind. Get over yourself. I will be requesting from Nezu himself for Angery Management and Therapy lesson for you Bakugo, and Midoriya will be going to Therapy. I'm assuming you never went because you were afraid or something." She says getting much softer and more relaxed now

"I don't need some damn therapy, I'm fine! Im-"

"Obviously you have issues Bakugo, I can tell and I'm sure if anyone was to look into your past with a fine tooth comb we might find something. But since your here in UA I bet your teachers at whatever middle school you came from made your record clean. After all how could a bully ever be a hero."

"I'll show you a bully!" Bakugo growls his hand letting off small explosions

"Something a Bully would say. You realize youve threatened a teacher yes?"

Bakugo stops and his eye narrows, "I heard you're just an assistant, you'd have to get Aizawa-sensei on board to do anything to me. What's stopping you from getting in trouble?"

"K-Kacchan.." Midoriya tried to defend Amelia

"She won't be getting in trouble, but you will." Says a tired voice walking over, wearing some scratches on his face and holding a white cat wrapped in his capture scarf


"I think heard Enough to get the gist of whats going on. Bakugo, detention."


"Detention. Also a 5 page essay about extensive force and or usage of a quirk in a enclosed space, as well as on a person."

"W-Why I did nothing wrong!?" Bakugo states

"You did. What aren't you getting you?" Aizawa states plainly with narrowed eyes, "from the run down I got from Momo as well as All Might you pulled the pin on your grenade, which I will personally be looking into why Maijima approved that especially for a first year. Secondly, you threatened a teacher, she may be a assistant but she is still a teacher who will take over whenever I'm out. Thirdly you used excessive force during a training exercise that could have killed Midoriya or worse all of you if that building collapsed. Do I need to keep going?"

Bakugo is shaking with tears building up, its obvious he's never been told off before, "n-no." Bakugo states usually quiet

"Good, hit the showers, we will be talking about seeing Hound Dog for anger management and therapy. There will be an investigation and if that bullying claim that Tano states is true you will be on a very tight leash. UA has a strict bullying policy, while I don't usually hand out second chances I won't take back Tano's words." Aizawa states still holding the one eyed white furred cat

Bakugo doesn't saying anything as he just heads to the locker rooms dropping his full grenade outside and the empty one so they can be confiscated and heads in to shower before joining the class in the control room.

Aizawa turns to Midoriya whose shaking slightly, "Problem Child, are you hurt?"

Midoriya shakily says, "N-No I'm fine. You two d-didn't have too do this. Kac-chan just.. has a weird way of expressing himself?" The last part sounded unsure

"Midoriya, Im sure this goes without saying but your also going to therapy." Amelia comments quietly a tad bit nervous now that Aizawa is here not realizing her best friend is literally wrapped up in his scarf

"I um don't need it."

"You might not realize you do, now let me check you over and make sure your okay." She says softly

"I agree with Tano, let her check you over and I'll get with Nezu to get you into see Hound Dog a couple times. Even heros need consoling."

"I.. umm.." he shifts and winces slightly before saying, "o-okay."

Amelia brings him back towards the exit and looks at Aizawa her eyes soften slightly before her eyes widen at the buddle in his arms before she turns forward and sweatdrops.

*Stupid Stubs. He just had to get caught. I'm sure Nezu will save him... Hopefully. If not I'll have to get him back. For now though...*

Her eyes look at Midoriya who is definitely hurt some where.

*I'll heal him up the best I can.. then deal with that. I'll protect these kids, even from each other. Hopefully Bakugo gets a bit better.. he.. reminds me of my brother a bit to much.. especially with how he acts the past few years.*

"I'm s-sorry sensei.." Midoriya mumbles

"Shh, don't apologize." She says softly and kindly giving him a smile, "let's focus on getting you back into tip top shape yes? Then we can join the rest of the class. An.. if you ever want to vent or talk about.. past stuff." She hints towards the bullying, "I'm all ears I've.. dealt with people like Bakugo. He's still a kid though, with the right help and good people he'll be nicer."

Midoriya's green eyes shine, "no one.. ever stood up to him before. Not even the teachers.. I.. sorry." He says starting the open up before he shuts himself off as he peels some of his ripped costume from the top half of his body showing scrapes, major bruising, and burns.

Amelia hums as she brings out her knife and he panics a little, "calm down, this is for me not you. My quirk isn't like recovery girls, I can only heal with bodily fluids like blood and saliva, though my blood is more potent." She tells the boy as she slices open her right hand wincing slightly as blood quickly pools from the cut.

Midoriya looks interested, "a quirk that lets you heal by using bodily fluids.."

"It's disgusting I k-know. But please bare with me for a moment. You'll feel a slight sting before the pain will go away. Though you'll feel a tad bit sore but that'll go away in a hour or two." She mumbles blushing as she speaks about her quirk before applying her blood on the scrapes and brusied areas.

Midoriya winces as he hears sizzling before he feels slightly less pain. He then breaths out a few times before she begins the same treatment again on the burns. She pulls her hand away and tenses her hand up to close her own wound.

"Now then let's deal with the bruises yes?" She says drags out a cotton swab placing it into her mouth as she presses on his ribs he winces and she grimaces, "does it hurt to breath or you just sore."

"S-sore." The boy stutters

Amelia takes the swab out of her mouth dripping with saliva again she apologized as she applied it to the rids and bruised areas. This has a different affect-a numbing, tingling effect.

She brings out wipes from her other pocket as she wipes the dried blood off his none existing wounds, "all better, best head to the locker room, I think I heard Bakugo come out already."

"Y-Yes Sensei." Midoriya mumbles blushing at her kindness and quickly throws on the torn half of his costume and moves to the locker rooms before stoping and mumbling to her, "y-your quirk. It's amazing.." before rushing off.

Amelia blushes at the teens words as she gathers herself for a moment and heads back to the control room. Which now has Aizawa in there holding Stubby hostage and petting his head being careful not to get in the way of his teeth.

She sweatdrops as she takes a stand beside them avoiding Aizawa's gaze for a moment before some Uraraka comes up to her, "umm Tano Sensei?"

Amelia looks at the rosy cheeks girl, "yes?"

"Is Midoriya okay?"

Amelia notices a lot of the class is tense, she gives off a pretty smile, "he's all good, a bit bruised up and burned but I healed him. He'll be just fine."

Uraraka looks relieved, "I'm so glad."

"Me too, I want to apologize to Midoriya for my teammates recklessness." Iida chimes in chopping his arm up and down

"I wasn't reckless. He moved in the end." Bakugo sneers

Amelia was going to once again but is given a look by Aizawa that makes her not say anything. Instead he gets kind of chewed out by his classmates which makes him angry but he doesn't argue instead just kind of stands off to the side seemingly ignoring them, but in reality he's really thinking hard.

After that they watched the matches without much of a hitch, Amelia did take a look at Hagakure (tried too anyway) and Ojiro since Todoroki froze the whole building. After that the kids were sent to locker rooms expect Bakugo and Midoriya who returned to the classroom.

"Y-You were right I should have stopped the match Miss Tano." All Might states to her

"I know. But whats done is done. Good work though, I think you'll be a fine teacher if you keep at it." Amelia says back

The two teacher ignore Aizawa who is staring tiredly at the two of them, All Might quickly bows and rushes away like he's on a time limit. Leaving the two of them alone.

"Look I-"

"I wanted to-"

They both try to speak before the blink aizawa sighs after a moment of Amelia urging him with her hands to go first

"I wanted to say, you did the right thing. Stopping the fight, but allowing the two students to still try and win it for their teams. You undermined All Might and his awful teaching method, as well as looked between the lines better than I did. To be completely honest.. I wouldn't have thought of the bullying notion. I thought it was some rivalry. You did.. good." Aizawa finished speaking monotone but has a stoic expression, though his ears just barely visible-if at all have a hint of red. (He's not use to giving compliments to grown people)

Amelia's ruby eyes widen before they shake slightly, she holds herself together and laughs bitterly, "I lost my cool. I shouldn't have yelled. I shouldn't have confronted the two of them without you present. Bakugo was right I'm.. no teacher."

Aizawa places a hand on her head again rubbing it which she blushes and pushes away, "w-what was that for!?" She exclaims

"It's what I do to calm down cats.. thought it would make you feel better." He states showing a slight redness to his cheeks before clearing his throat and shifting the hole of the white cat still wrapped up right in his capture scarf, "Your my Assistant, in your title it says Assistant Teacher, so you do hold the title. While they are mostly my class to deal with you have.. proven yourself to be a bit more trust worthy than All Might, he has zero teaching experience just like you but he handled the situation all wrong. I have a feeling he would have allowed the fight to keep going if you weren't here. Don't take what Bakugo stated to heart, he has problems an hopefully therapy with Hound Dog will do him good."

Amelia keeps a hand on her head blushing slightly as she fixes her hair, her eyes land on the cat, "umm.. thank you but.. why do you have a cat?"

"Found him causing chaos around the school, he found my office and..." His eyes darken, "I'm gonna spend most of this evening before work cleaning and recognizing."

Her eyes narrow in on Stubby who seems to be sweating, "is that so.."

"Was gonna throw him outside but.. I think I'll keep him." He states going to scratch the cats head as the cat hisses showing his dislike for such a notion

Amelia sweatdrops, "perhaps you um shouldn't cause.. umm"

"Because why?"

"B-because.." she doesn't want many people to know about Stubby, if Aizawa's friends didn't tell Aizawa about him then it's a good sign Nezu silenced them with blackmail or something

"Because he's my cat." She says, "he m-must have crawled into my bag.. heh."

Aizawa's eye twitches, "this troublesome cat is yours."

Amelia nods and bows deeply, "I a-apologize for the trouble he caused."

Theirs shuffling and the cat is freeded of the capture scarf, "take him."

She stands up straight and grabs the cat, the cat then purrs loudly in Amelia's arms

*Is he.. trying to make this cat lover jealous??*

Aizawa's eye twitches again, "animals aren't allowed on campus. Since he's your cat and he wrecked my office-"

"Our office." She corrects before she gulps at the intense glare

"Our office, then you get to stay and clean it. I expect it organized and back to normal. After all it was your mistake that caused this." He states bluntly and annoyed

"O-of course!" She says, she then quickly says, "I'm so sorry, he's not usually like this! L-Let me heal you, the scratches have to sting."

Aizawa blinks looking a bit wary, seems he's uncomfortable with the thought of being healed by bodily fluids but he.. reluctantly bends down a little, not expecting her to sticks fingers into her mouth and quickly wipe the saliva across the marks on one side of his face. It tingles weirdly.

He grabs her wrist roughly, "w-what are you doing." He states to her

"H-Healing i-I'm sorry!"

The cat hisses at him an he quickly let's her wrist go, he seems to be blushing and he can't even hide it, he wipes the saliva off his one cheek, "I.. sorry i shouldn't have grabbed you. I don't think I'll.. accept healing for now, I can deal with a few scratches."

Aizawa wasn't going to lie it's kind of weird, he was curious about the healing she did, bodily fluids huh? He just.. he should have expected that.

Amelia feeling embarrassed and kind of crushed, "o-of course if you feel the need  to have those healed up faster j-just let me know. If you excuse me I'll umm get the office cleaned. Good day Aizawa."

He doesn't reply as he watches her walk away, he bends down and grabs the capture scarf before rubbing his cheek again..

She's.. different.

___________AUTHORS NOTE_________

Holy cow guys! Almost 590 reads!! This time I wrote a note longer chapter.

Hope you enjoyed!

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