The Snowman|| KTh FF


565 148 370

❝Listen Miss Y/N don't expect anything from me like I will love you or care for you. I have stopped believing... More

Author's Note 𓍯𓂃
✨ 𝔓𝔯𝔬𝔩𝔬𝔤𝔲𝔢 ✨
✨ℭ𝔥𝔞𝔯𝔞𝔠𝔱𝔢𝔯 𝔄𝔢𝔰𝔱𝔥𝔢𝔱𝔦𝔠𝔰 ✨
•CHAPTER 2- The Proposal•
•CHAPTER 3- The Conversations: Y/N •
•CHAPTER 5- Their Meeting•✨✨
•CHAPTER 6- The Party•
•CHAPTER 7- Shopping•
•CHAPTER 8- The Wedding•✨✨
•CHAPTER 9- Rules•
•CHAPTER 10- New Name: Snowman•
•CHAPTER 11- Family Dinner •

•CHAPTER 4- The Conversations: Taehyung•

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Chapter 4- The Conversations: Taehyung 

Mr.Kim: We have decided to get you married to Mr.Choi's Daughter Choi Y/N.

Taehyung(frowns): Whatt??

Mr.Kim: Please don't take us in the wrong way.

Taehyung: Appa SERIOUSLY...How can you do this with me? I had a breakup with Ha-rin a few months ago and here you are fixing my marriage. You know after my break up I have stopped believing in shitty things like LOVE and MARRIAGE.

T/M: Taehyung what's wrong in giving a second chance?

Taehyung: Why Eomma? Do you want to see me heartbroken once again?

T/F: All girls are not the same Taehyung...

Taehyung: They are the same Appa... They only LOVE boys for their MONEY and after USING their money they will leave them, not caring about how they will feel.

Taehyung gets up and starts going towards his room.

Mrs.Kim: Tae at least have your dinner.

Taehyung: I don't have the appetite.

Mr.Kim: It's not a good habit to leave food in between.

Taehyung: I said I don't have the appetite.

With this, he went to his room...

Mr. and Mrs. Kim didn't follow him cause they knew that their son was stubborn.

When Taehyung came inside his room in anger he started breaking everything that was coming his way, He then picked up a photo frame having his and Ha-rin's pic


With this, he throws the frame somewhere and the frame broke 

Taehyung: YOU, YOU made me the person who doesn't even have control over himself...

he picks a piece of glass and squeezes it in his hand, and his hand starts bleeding

Taehyung: I HATE YOU... I HATE YOU HA-RIN... I HATE YOUU......

He then throws the glass piece and takes out a bottle of alcohol which was there in a small refrigerator in his room and starts drinking like there is no tomorrow

After drinking he threw the bottle somewhere and the sound of glass shattering was there all over the room. he then sits on the floor beside his bed and falls asleep.


Somi comes down and sees her parents worried 

Somi: Appa, Eomma what happened?? You guys look worried!

T/M sighs and sits on a chair 

T/F: Actually we had a talk with Taehyung about his marriage with Y/N.

Somi: Then what did he say?

T/M: In anger, he went to his room and look he didn't even have his dinner.

Somi hugs Mrs.Kim and says 

Somi: It's ok Mom, I will talk to him...

T/F: Not now Somi, He is very angry right now... he might shout at you.

Somi: Ohkk I will talk to him tomorrow....

Both T/M and T/F hummed in reply.


Mrs. Kim went to Taehyung's room to check on him and thankfully the door wasn't locked

When she entered his room, she saw his room in a complete mess, and pieces of glass shattered here and there, and Taehyung's sleeping body was lying on the floor

her eyes got teary after seeing her son in such condition. she then started approaching him and saw a broken photo frame of Taehyung's and Ha-rin's photo.

Mrs.Kim: I never cursed anyone in my life but I curse you for making my son like this...

she then went towards Taehyung ruffled his hair and said in a sweet tone

T/M: Taehyung... Wake up dear...(she then slowly pats his cheeks)

Taehyung slowly opens his eyes and sees his mother in front of him.

Taehyung: Eomma?

T/M: Good Morning Tae. (she cups his cheeks and caress it with  her thumb)

Taehyung: What are you doing here?

T/M: I came here to check on you and saw lying in this condition... 

she then saw his injured hand and asked him

T/M: What is this Taehyung? How did you hurt yourself?

Tehyung: I am fine Eomma Don't worry...

T/M: Shut up... Just tell me when will you stop hurting yourself!?

she then brought a first aid box and started treating his wound

Taehyung: Eomma I am Fine

T/M: Yes I can see that !!

After she was done she told him to get fresh and come down, Taehyung then did his morning routine freshened up, and came down.

He was in a hurry so he was about to leave but his mother called him and asked him

T/M: Tae where are you going?

Taehyung: Obviously Eomma I am going to Office...

T/M: Tae at least have your breakfast, you don't even take care of yourself properly... look how thing you are getting day by day

Taehyung: Eomma I am good by the way I am getting late ....

T/M: I Don't care even if you are getting late... First, have your breakfast

She then drags him and he sits on a chair and starts eating...

Then Mr.Kim also came there and started eating but the thing he asked next made Taehyung disappointed

T/F: So Taehyung what did you think about your marriage??

Taehyung stops eating and looks at Mr.Kim

Taehyung: Appa yesterday I told you that I don't want to marry anyone and that's final!!

Mr.Kim: it's not final. Think about it once more. Y/N is a nice girl and rejecting her will mean kicking a diamond for a stone.

Taehyung: APPA PLEASE.... For God's sake don't force me. I have already seen the consequences of loving someone

Mr.Kim: All girls are not the same Taehyung... And about Y/N she is different from others.

Taehyung: I actually don't care. Even if she is an ANGEL then also it's a NO

Without completing his breakfast he gets up and leaves for his office...

At Office

Taehyung: Miss Park where is the file for Im's project?

Miss.Park: Sir it's with Mr.Kang

[ Miss Park aka Park Chaeyoung, a young and beautiful girl in her twenties working as Taehyung's Secretary at Kim Jewellers


Taehyung: Call Mr.Kang

Mr Kang(an employee) enters

Taehyung: So Mr.Kang is the file ready for Im's project? Have you updated all the recent data? I hope there will be no mistakes.

Mr.Kang: Umm Sir.... actually few things are still left....

Taehyung glares at him and says

Taehyung: WHAT IS THIS MR.KANG, I gave you this file one week ago and still, you need TIME TO COMPLETE IT??

Mr.Kang: Sir just two more hours I wil-


Mr.Kang: Y-yes Sir.

Taehyung: LEAVE

with this Mr.Kang left

Taehyung sighed kept his one hand on his forehead and said

Taehyung: Miss Park is the presentation ready for Im's Project?

Miss Park: Um SIr it's almost done.

Taehyung: What do you mean by 'almost done' ?

Miss Park: Umm Sir... It's ready but needs some corrections ... I mean it's ready I just need to recheck it and add a few more points....

Taehyung: That means it's not ready!!

Miss Park: Ummm No no Sir it's done just give me some more time I'll mail it to you..

Taehyung: and how much time do you need??

Miss Park: Sir maybe one hour 😅

Taehyung: 30mins 

Miss Park: Huhh?

Taehyung: You are saying your presentation is ready which means it would hardly take 30 mins for you to recheck it. right?

Miss Park: Y-yes Sir

Taehyung: Now Leave

Taehyung was already frustrated because Mr.Kim wanted him to get married and secondly because of his employee's delayed work...

he throws his head back grabs his hair in frustration and closes his eyes for a few mins..

Till then a boy enters his cabin without even knocking


??: Tae it's me

he looks up and him and releases a sigh... and he was

(a/n: this PARK JIMIN is making me crazy 😫😫)

Taehyung: What Happened? Why are you here?

Jimin: Why can't I come to meet my soulmate?

Taehyung: What do you want?

Jimin(takes a seat): OK now tell me why is this Bear's blood boiling????

Taehyung: First of all stop calling me by that name and secondly the reason I am frustrated is that My employees are not finishing their work on time...

Jimin: Broo chill, they will ...

Taehyung: Hmm

Jimin: But I think there is something else that is eating you. Did Ha-rin try to contact you??

Taehyung: Anni. Please don't take her shitty name, it makes me more angry...

Jimin: OK if she is not the reason then what Happened?

Taehyung(sighs): Actually App-

Jimin gets a call, he checks the caller ID and it is from "World Wide Handsome😏"


Jimin: Yes Hyung

Jin: Bring him fast we are getting late...

Jimin: Kk. Hang up I am Bringing him


Jimin: Tae Let's Go

Taehyung: Where?

Jimin: Somewhere

Taehyung: At this hour??

Jimin nods

Taehyung: I have a lot of work!!

Jimin: Come on... always you and your work... give some time to your friends also...

He then drags him and Taehyung constantly denies it like a small kid..

(a/n: Guys I don't why but this moment is reminding me of this scene from Hwarang🤣🤣


They went down to the parking area and saw a car in which 5 boys were already waiting for them

Jungkook: Finally Hyung is here!

Namjoon then opens the door and both Taehyung and Jimin sit in the car.

Taehyung: Where are you guys taking me??

Yoongi who was driving the car said " Haunted House"

Taehyung: No way, I am not going there.... Stop the car I said STOP 

Jin: Aish Tae, we are just going on a long drive to spend some quality time with each other.

Taehyung: Why so suddenly?

Namjoon: Just for Fun

Taehyung: You all could have asked me... Why did you all force me??

Jungkook: If we would have asked you then you would have denied for sure... so we thought to do this....

Taehyung: But-

Hoseok: Calm down, calm down my Tae. you are asking so many questions. Now just relax

Taehyung(sigh): Fine

Jimin: By the way Tae you were about to tell me something... Why were you so angry?

Taehyung: I already told you... It was because of Employee

Jimin: No you were about to tell me something else...

Taheyung: Oo yeah that....(sighs) Actually Appa wants me to get married.......

Everyone: WHATTT????

Even Yoongi who was driving applied breaks on hearing such news

Hoseok: But why so suddenly?

Jin: Hey Yoongi why did u stop? U continue...

Yoongi then continued driving

Namjoon: Tell us clearly Tae... What actually the matter is??

Taehyung: Even I don't know why but Appa is saying I should marry someone ... That girl can heal me. like how tf she will heal me? all girls are just the same!

Namjoon: Anniyo Tae... All girls are not the same... I think Uncle is right!

Taehyung: Hyunggg

Hoesok: Yes Tae I mean we can't guarantee you but yes it would be good if you get married to someone...

Jimin: Tae leave the past behind and move on!!

Jungkook: Yes Hyung. I think Uncle simply wants you to move on

Taehyung: But-

Yoongi: No if and Buts Tae. uncle is actually right.

Taehyung: Guys, please... Now you all don't start... What if that girl also cheated on me?? I will be broken I don't want history to repeat itself..

Jin: History won't repeat itself Tae. She might be different... She might be unique 

Namjoon: and about Uncle Tae think of him he has taken this decision after keeping your condition in mind. He loves you so much Tae. There might be something really special about that girl that he chose her for you.

Jungkook: Yes Hyung Try giving it a chance. 

Taehyung: I can't

Everyone: Why???

Taehyung: I don't trust anyone!

Jin: You trust Uncle right?

Namjoon: Tae we can only give you suggestions.. rest is all up to you  but yeah make the right decision and think logically 

Tae nodded 

The boys then stopped at a restaurant... They then ordered a lot of food for themselves and after some time their food arrived and they started eating and enjoying their time with each other in between this Jungkook asked

Jungkook: Bye the way Hyung who is that lucky girl??

Taehyung: Not lucky but unlucky one...

Jin: Tae you shouldn't speak in this way for your future wife...

Taehyung (rolls his eyes)

Namjoon: What's her name??

Taehyung: Choi Y/N

Yoongi: What is her profession??

Tae: She is working in her father's company...

Hoseok: Which company?

Taehyung: Umm yeah that "The Fashion Spectrum"

Jimin: Is she the daughter of Mr. Choi Y/F??

Taehyung: Yes

Jimin: Well I have heard about her... Her fashion sense is really nice

Jungkook: The designs of their company are also good one...

Hoseok: Well how do Uncle knows them?

Taehyung: My Father and Mr.Choi have been good friends since their childhood....

Yoongi: That means you already know Y/N??

Taehyung: Yeahh

Yoongi: Is she your friend??

Taehyung: Anni, actually when we used to return to Korea, then sometimes Appa used to take me to their house so we know each other....

Namjoon: She is your friend then ....

Taehyung: Anni Hyung .... I never even talked to her.... We just used to greet each other and that's it!! But yeah she is a good friend of Somi....

Namjoon: That means Somi knows her very well. Talk to Somi about Y/N. Get to know her before marriage...

Taehyung: ok I will see ....

After a few more talks they all bid each other bye and then Taehyung returns to his office completes some of his work attends his meetings and returns to his home early in the evening...

When he entered the house he was welcomed by Somi .....
In excitement, Somi held his hand and swirled him...

Taehyung: ahh Somi what happened??

Somi: Oppa I am so happy that you will marry Y/N....

Taehyung: And who said that I have agreed to this marriage???

Somi: You Didn't???

Taehyung: Nope

Somi: Oo

she then started pretending like she would start crying at any moment....

she turned around and wiped her fake tears 

this made Taehyung a little worried cause he couldn't see his sister like this....

Taehyung: Somi What happened??

Somi: Nothing!!

He then firmly holds her hand but she jerks his hand away...

Taehyung: Somi What Happened??

Somi: Nothing. You don't care about me ( she then started fake crying but Taehyung didn't notice that it was the fake one)

Taehyung:  Somi why are you saying this?? Tell me what Happened.

Sommi: Oppa you are so bad!!

Taehyung: Wae?

Somi: U know what, Y/N she is so good. I love her so much. I always had a wish to make her my sister but that's not possible  but yeah she can at least be my Sister-in-law but you, you don't care about my wish 

Tae (in mind): This Idiot girl and her Idiotic wishes!!!!

Taehyung: So now what should I do for this wish of yours?

Somi: MARRY HER!!!!!

Taehyung: What!!!???

Somi: Yeah, Marry her if you love me (she turns around and crosses her arms)

Taehyung: Somi it's marriage is not a joke... Marriage is not a relationship of 2 days or 2 months but a relationship for the whole life

Somi: I know but can't you do this for me??

Taehyung: I am sorry but I can't

Somi(puppy eyes): Please Oppa

Taehyung: NO

Somi: Please

Taehyung: No

Somi: Pretty Please

Taehyung: No way. Forget it....

Somi: Oppa if you love me then marry her

Taehyung: Stop your emotional blackmail.

Somi: I am not blackmailing you. Please fulfill my wish

Taehyung: No

Somi: Please Oppa

Taehyung: No


Taehyung: NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO, NO

Somi(joins both her hands): PLEASE🙏🏻, PLEASE🙏🏻, PLEASE🙏🏻, PLEASE🙏🏻, PLEASE🙏🏻, PLEASE🙏🏻, PLEASE🙏🏻, PLEASE🙏🏻, PLEASE🙏🏻, PLEASE🙏🏻, PLEASE🙏🏻, PLEASE🙏🏻, PLEASE🙏🏻, PLEASE🙏🏻, PLEASE🙏🏻, PLEASE🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻🙏🏻

Somi was continuously saying the same thing and not stopping when Taehyung even said No. This frustrated him and by chance, he said "YES"

Taehyung: OK fine. I will marry her

Somi Jumped in excitement and hugged him

Somi: I Know you will never disappoint me ( she pecks his cheeks) You are the best Oppa in this world....

Somi looked at Mr.Kim who heard their whole conversation and made a 👍🏻 cause their plan was successful


T/M: But Somi what if he doesn't even agree with you 

Somi: Eomma just chilll... I have my own ways

T/F: But how?

Somi: Just wait and watch... Heheee


Taehyung then went to his room threw his office bag on the couch and sat on his bed

Taehyung: Shit... why did I say yes.... Whyyyy.... This girl again tricked me( he then punched his pillow)



This chapter was a bit long😅 I just kept on writing and I don't know when I wrote 2717  words


So finally the male lead and his friends are here

I hope you guys enjoyed it



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