Cloudburst / YokLongtae [ co...

By myjoongdunk

340 23 5

I need them to kiss in the rain after a fight, one running after the other, drenched from top to bottom, conf... More


340 23 5
By myjoongdunk

The air burned in his lungs. He cursed himself again for not being able to give up the damn cigarettes. The rain had soaked his clothes, making them stick to his body like a second skin. The wind whipped the rain into his face as he fought his way through the crowd. Even his cap couldn't stop the water from running into his eyes and obscuring his vision, making him stumble nearly blinded through the mass of people.

"You hurt my feelings, Yok." Like a mantra, the phrase echoed through his head.

He didn't even seem to notice the crowd anymore, bumping into others who got in his way, stumbling, falling down, picking himself up again. He needed to go faster, even though his lungs protested already with every step he took. It wasn't like he was unfit, Gumpa trained him well, but the pain in his soul, the pain over the fight, weakened his body.

He made his way through narrow streets, between the skyscrapers towering over him like dark figures. Judging him with every step, laughing at how pathetic he was. The lights in the windows seemed to follow him, like eyes in the dark, the doors looked like mouths, laughing, making fun of him, for trying.

His heart was pounding as he reached the bus stop, there was not a dry spot left on him, the wet clothes clinging to him so tightly that it was difficult for him to move.
Almost frantically, his eyes searched for him, Longtae, in the gray mass of people.
He tried spotting the other's colorful clothes, it shouldn't be that hard should it?

His heart skipped a beat as he recognized the colorful pants, belonging to the one he was searching for. Yok hurried, pushing his way through the crowd, the rain pelting down on them incessantly. He caught hold of the other's hand. A smile, relief, spread across Yok's face, while confusion was reflected in Longtae's.

"I finally got you." Yok's voice was breathless. "I found you in time." Longtae's hand clasped tightly around the handle of his rainbow-colored umbrella. "I need to talk to you." Yok's eyes pleaded, begging the other, begging him for this chance. But Longtae remained silent. Yok swallowed, tightening his grip on the other's free hand as he pulled him, albeit reluctantly, out of the crowd with him, away from the gray figures who, like Longtae, seemed to be waiting for the bus.

Longtae looked at Yok, his eyes reflecting pain, hurt, something that wanted to tear Yok's heart apart, as he was the reason for the other's feelings. “I've come to apologize." Yok bowed his head, like a puppy who was scolded by it's owner. Longtae took a deep breath.

"You invited me here. Do you know how much I was looking forward to seeing you again?" Longtae's voice was calm. Yok couldn't even detect a hint of nervousness in the other's voice. "Only to realize that it's more important to you to burn down houses, hang out with your group and work out one plan after another against the corruption in the country. Yok, I was here for three days, couldn't you have put your purpose aside for that time, for my sake?”

"I'm sorry...I'm so sorry, Tae." Yok's voice trembled, he tried to hold back his tears, feeling like he didn't have the right to cry.

"Don't you think it's a little too late for that realization?" There was a calmness in Longtae's eyes, as if he had given up.

"It will never be too late to apologize." Yok swallowed, looking Longtae in the eyes. "I know I messed up, and that there's no excuse for it either. I don't want us to end up fighting. Tae please...I can't let you go if we fight. I would never forgive myself. I'm really sorry.” Longtae released his hand from Yok's grip. "No please Tae..." Yok grabbed Longtae's hand again, he couldn't hold back the tears anymore, they mixed with the rain running down his face.

"Yok please..." Yok shook his head. It was as if he was being remote controlled. He grabbed Longtae's waist, pulled him close, into his arms.

"I can't let you go. Not until..." He swallowed, not daring to speak his thoughts aloud.

"Yok...before what?" Longtae released himself from the embrace, his expression reflecting confusion. "Before what Yok? Please say it, give me a reason not to leave. Give me a reason to forgive you, I'm begging you."

"I like you." The words came over Yok's lips before he could even finish thinking about them. "I like you Longtae. I like you so much. I...I've known it for a while.”

"Why did you never say anything? Why did you treat me like I was air to you the last few days?" Frustration rang in Longtae's voice. "You like me? Sorry, I haven't noticed much of that lately." Yok felt small, ashamed.

"How could you? I pushed you away out of fear of rejection. I know, it's not something I would normally do. Normally when I like someone, I'm offensive, flirty, I approach the person, I'm not afraid of their reaction. But with you..." He took Longtae's hand again. "I get weak in the knees when you look at me. I'm afraid I won't do you justice. If you smile, I could melt. I have no idea what you do to me, but I feel weak in your presence. I feel small, awkward, I don't know how to behave towards you for fear of embarrassing myself. I never felt like this before. I just know you're driving me crazy. Literally I'm about to lose my mind Tae. I feel my heart beating up to my neck right now, and it takes all my strength not to shake. You're the most caring and sweet person I've ever had the pleasure to meet.” Yok swallowed.

Longtaes mouth was slightly opened as he listened to what Yok was telling him. A smile washed over Yoks face. “Remember how we met? That day in Uni? You looked stunning in your colorful clothes, obviously someone who didn't belong, wasn't from here. You caught my attention right away. Positive attention, you were like a fresh breath of air. You were like a ray of sun on a cloudy day.” Yok smiled to himself. “I wanted to draw you. And I've drawn you countless times since then.”

“You never showed me.” Longtae finally found his voice again.

“I was embarrassed.” Yok brushed a strand of hair from his face. “And I didn’t want to ruin our friendship.”

“And you think by ignoring me three days straight you wouldn't ruin our friendship?” Longtae took a step towards Yok, who looked at the wet floor in front of him. “Look at me when I'm talking to you, will you?” Hesitantly Yok looked up.

“What kind of witchcraft do you practice up in the mountains Tae?” He asked, fighting himself to be able to hold the eye contact with Longtae.

“It's called love, Yok.” Longtae whispered, as he let the umbrella glide out his hands, got on his toes, wrapped his arms around Yoks neck, then softly pressed his lips on those of the other. Yok was so surprised that at first he had absolutely no idea what to do. He stared at Longtae, but then quickly regained his composure and closed his eyes, enjoying the feeling of the other's lips moving gently against his.

The rain poured down on them incessantly, but they were in their own world.
They didn't mind that their clothes were drenched and their hair was wet and stuck to the forehead and neck.
Longtae's fingers were buried in Yok's hair while he had his arms wrapped around the other's body.
It was a kiss in which both tried to mirror their feelings for the other, tried to show the other just how much he meant to them.

A magical moment in which they both realized that they wanted to share exactly what they were experiencing right now, with each other forever.
But even the best moment had to come to an end, and this beautiful moment was brought to an abrupt end when the bus pulled in.
For both of them, it was like being pulled out of a pink cloud. They had to collect themselves for a moment, but without break eye contact, smiling like the happiest people on earth.

"That's my bus." Longtae was the first to regain his ability to speak, a slight shiver could be heard in his voice.

"Our bus." Yok corrected. Longtae looked at him, a confused expression on the face.  "I bought a ticket before I came here." He took Longtae's hands in his and stroked the back of the other's hand with his thumb. "I want to make it up to you, the three days I mean. Can you forgive me again?”

"If I can kiss you again before we get in, I'll think about it." With a smile on his lips, Yok pulled Longtae close to him.
No matter how wet his clothes were or how cold he looked, this moment was just perfect. And who knows, maybe things wouldn't have turned out the way they did without the rain.

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