At The Beginning With You

By Havingfunwithfanfic

67.6K 2.8K 346

The gods see the world being destroyed during the Long Night and decide to fix things. Daemon and Rhaenyra ha... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39
Chapter 40
Chapter 41
Chapter 42
Chapter 44
Chapter 45
Chapter 46
Chapter 47

Chapter 43

1K 50 8
By Havingfunwithfanfic

Rhaenyra spends some time with some of her siblings and discovers something about Alysanne. Daemon and Rhaenyra celebrate their betrothal. Daemon is upset when he sees Rhaenyra talking to someone. I hope you guys like it. 🥰

1 week later.

"I want braids." Alyssane ran into Rhaenyra's chambers waving a hair comb around. Her red gown was properly secured, but her silver hair was all over the place. She stopped in front of Rhaenyra who gave her an amused smile. "My nursemaid does not know how to do them the way I like them. You said you would braid my hair anytime I wanted."

"Of course." Rhaenyra took the hair comb from her little sister's hand before picking her up and setting the little girl on her lap. "What kind of braids do you want?"

"I want them like yours." Alysanne swung her feet. "I want to show them to Ser Harwin."

"Ser Harwin?" Rhaenyra frowned. "Why do you need to show them to Ser Harwin?"

"He complimented your braids yesterday." Alysanne twisted her hands on her lap. "I want him to like mine also."

"I did not know you were so interested in Ser Harwin's opinions." Rhaenyra smiled, amused at her small sister's interest in the large knight. "Is that why you are wearing one of your best gowns?"

"Yes, I want him to think me pretty."

"You are beautiful." Rhaenyra kissed the top of Alysanne's head as she continued to braid her hair. "Everyone that sees you cannot help but think that."

"Yes, but Ser Harwin has never told me that."

It amused Rhaenyra that her little sister was interested in Harwin and it worried her that she had never noticed. She was aware there were several lords who had already spoken to her father about betrothing Alysanne to their sons, but her father had refused all of them. He refused to betroth his daughter until she was older. She could not wait to see what her father's reaction would be once he found out his daughter was interested in a man much older than she was.

Rhaenyra was almost finished with Alysanne's braids when the doors to her chambers opened and Aelyx and Maekar walked in. Both boys frowned when they saw what she was doing. They looked at each other before looking back at her.

"You promised you would go dragon riding with us today," Aelyx said with an annoyed look on his face. "Father said we could not go dragon riding on our own and our mother is busy with the babes."

"I know I promised and as you can see I am ready." Her brothers were always impatient, but she could not blame them for it since she was not a very patient person. "Alysanne came into my chambers and wanted me to braid her hair."

"And this could not wait?" Maekar asked in annoyance. "We have been waiting for hours."

"You have not been waiting for hours," Alysanne said as she stared at both boys. "We broke our fast not long ago."

"Yes, but after that, we waited for Rhaenyra and she was supposed to meet us in the courtyard." Aelyx glared at Alysanne. "Now because of you, we have lost valuable time."

"Well, she is my sister also." Alysanne snapped. "I have as much right to spend time with her as you both do."

"Stop fighting." Rhaenyra narrowed her eyes at both boys as she finished the last braid and kissed the back of Alysanne's head. "There you go my love, your hair looks very pretty."

Alysanne jumped off her lap and ran towards Rhaenyra's mirror, looking at herself for a moment before running back to her and wrapping her arms around her waist.

"I love it." Rhaenyra laughed at her sister's enthusiasm. "Thank you."

"You are welcome." She kneeled until she was face to face with Alysanne and lowered her voice. "Now, I know you want to show off your pretty braids and beautiful gown, but you need to be careful."

Alysanne nodded before kissing her cheek and turning to leave. She stuck out her tongue at Aelyx and Maekar as she walked past them. Both boys narrowed their eyes at their younger sister before turning back to Rhaenyra.

"Can we leave now?" Aelyx was exasperated. "Or do you have someone else's hair to braid?"

"Do not be an ass." Rhaenyra crossed her arms over her chest. "Alysanne is our sister, I will help her if she asks."

Rhaenyra slapped the back of both boys' heads before walking out of her chambers. She did not make it far before both boys were walking beside her. They would not be able to fly for too long, the feast celebrating Daemon's return and their betrothal was later that night. 

                                                          Rhaenyra Targaryen (16 years old.)

                                                                Aelyx Targaryen (12 years old.)

                                                                  Maekar Targaryen (12 years old.)

                                                               Alysanne Targaryen (7 years old.)


"You are ready princess."

Rhaenyra's maid said with a smile before taking a step back. Her mother and father had wanted her Targaryen heritage to be even more prominent tonight. Rhaenyra had a special gown made for the feast. It was red and embroidered in gold thread, even Rhaenyra had been struck when the seamstress had shown her the finished gown. She had chosen not to wear any jewelry except for her tiara, she did not want anything taking attention away from the dress. Everyone was already in the great hall and she did not want to be even more late.

Rhaenyra thanked her maid before walking out of the chambers, her kingsguard falling in step behind her. Out of all her siblings only Aelyx and Maekar would be attending the feast, the other children were still too young. Alysanne had complained to her for an hour, wanting to be able to go and dance with Ser Harwin. Rhaenyra had laughed and promised her that she would be able to attend feasts soon and many lords would be fighting for the honor to dance with her. Alysanne had not been too convinced but had relented in the end.

She was announced as soon as she stepped through the doors, making every single person in the room stand. She made sure to hold her head high as she made her way to the high table where her mother and father were waiting for her. Her uncle and brothers were also sitting next to her parents. She stopped at the foot of the table and courtesied, before climbing the steps and moving around the table. Both her mother and father kissed her before Baelon accompanied her to her seat, which was next to Daemon. Her father gestured for everyone to sit down as he smiled at the people present.

"My lords and ladies, it is my and the queen's pleasure to welcome you all to Kings Landing." Everyone raised their cups. "As you are all aware the Triarchy decided to attack our merchant ships a few years ago, forcing my son Prince Daemon and Lord Corlys Velaryon to head a campaign against them. Tonight we celebrate Prince Daemon, Corlys Velaryon, and every brave soldier who fought and defeated the Triarchy." Everyone clapped and cheered. Rhaenyra noticed how happy and proud Corlys looked, which amused her, he was always happy when he was celebrated. Once the people were quiet her father raised his voice again. "I would also like to congratulate my son Prince Daemon and my daughter Princess Rhaenyra on their betrothal. Since Princess Rhaenyra has come of age, their wedding will be taking place in three moons time." Everyone clapped once more and her father raised his cup. "I invite you all to celebrate with us. So feast and let the dancing begin."

There was clapping once more as the music started to play. Rhaenyra took a sip of her wine and smiled when her uncle moved his head closer to hers.

"Are you happy about the wedding?"

"Of course." She had been waiting for this day for a long time. "We have known we would be getting wed for years."

"Yes, but that is not what I asked." Daemon took the cup from her hands and stood up. "Dance with me."

Rhaenyra took the hand he was offering her and stood up, following him to the middle of the room. Other couples joined them as the music started playing once more.

"Are you having doubts about marrying me?" Rhaenyra asked and was relieved when her uncle gave her a confused look. "Is that why you asked me if I was happy about the wedding?"

"No, I just wanted to make sure you were not feeling forced."

"Of course not." She was happy that he cared about her feelings.

They danced for a few more minutes before Aelyx asked her to dance. Daemon gave her an amused smile before releasing her to their brother and ruffling the boy's hair, who glared at him. Then it was a lord from the Riverlands. Rhaenyra spent the next thirty minutes dancing until she found herself face to face with Harwing Strong. The man bowed before asking her to dance. Rhaenyra gave him a smile before taking his hand and started dancing with him. They were silent for a few moments.

"Congratulations on your upcoming wedding." Rhaenyra could understand why her sister liked the man. He was very handsome and sweet, if she had not been so in love with her uncle since before she could remember, she would have been able to fall for this man. "I wish you all the happiness."

"Thank you, Ser Harwin." Rhaenyra nodded her head. "What about you? Is your father insisting on you marrying? I am sure he wishes you would give him grandchildren."

"He does, but he is not pushing too hard right now." Harwin shrugged. "He says I still have time and is content to wait for a while longer."

Rhaenyra gave him a smile and let out a breath.

"Would you mind if we stepped outside for a few minutes? My feet hurt." There was also something else and she did not want people around for that. "I also wish to speak to you about something."

Harwin gave her a confused look but nodded and led her towards the exit that led to the balconies overlooking the gardens. They walked far enough until the music was very faint and she stopped, before turning to look at the large knight.

"I wish to speak to you about Alysanne?"

"Your sister?" Harwin frowned.

"Yes," Rhaenyra twisted one of her rings. "I am aware you have been spending some time with her."

"I would not say I have been spending time with her." He rubbed his chin. "I have encountered her around the castle. She seems to be close to wherever I am and always asks me to accompany her. Have I done something wrong?"

"No, of course not." Rhaenyra shook her head, not wanting him to think she was angry with him, but she had to protect her little sister. "She seems to have feelings for you and cares a great deal about what you think of her." Rhaenyra bit her lip. "I am aware that she is a child and her feelings might change, but I do not want her heart to be broken."

"I am sorry, I did not know." She could tell he was telling the truth. "I can explain to her that she is too young."

"No, please don't" She placed her hand on his forearm. "I do not want her to know I told you, she would be mortified. I also do not want you to hurt her and if you tell her you will hurt her, even if you do not mean to."

"I understand." He covered her hand with his and gave her a smile. "Do not worry princess, I will behave honorably towards the little princess and make sure she is not hurt."

"Thank you."

She appreciated that he was willing to entertain a small girl to not hurt her. She could tell that Harwin Strong was an excellent man and he was honorable.

"What are you both doing?" Rhaenyra jumped back, snatching her hand away and looking at Daemon. He did not look happy and for a moment she almost felt guilty, which was strange because she had not been doing anything wrong. Daemon glared at the knight, making the man swallow nervously. "Ser Harwin, I am sure people are missing you at the feast."

The man nodded before bowing and leaving quickly. Daemon turned his glare toward her and moved closer, making her take an involuntary step back.

"What do you think you are doing?"

"I am not doing anything." Rhaenyra frowned. "We were just talking."

"Yes, and touching." He took her hand and yanked her towards him, making their bodies clash. Rhaenyra gasped when he pressed her even closer, backing her until her back hit the wall. "I do not enjoy the way Harwin Strong looks at you and I do not like the way you seem to be so at ease with him."

"What is wrong with Ser Harwin?" She felt her breath catch as he ran a finger over her collarbone. "We are friends."

"You are friends?" Daemon narrowed his gaze as his finger moved lower. "Since when?"

"We have gotten to know each other in the past few years."

"How well do you know him?" The tone of his voice made it seem like he believed there was something between her and Harwin, which was ridiculous.

"I do not like what you are implying." She snapped while narrowing her eyes.

"And I do not like finding my betrothed alone with another man." He answered while glaring at her.

"I do not have to listen to listen to this."

Rhaenyra attempted to move again, but Daemon just pressed her harder against the wall. One of his hands was wrapped around her waist, like a steel band keeping her prisoner against his body.

"I think I might have been too lenient with you, little dragon." His other hand cupped her face as he ran his thumb over her bottom lip. "I was giving you time, since you were a child, but maybe I should remind you that you belong to me."

Her heart jumped at the way he declared ownership of her. Part of her felt like she should be offended, but any thought was wiped from her head.

Daemon's lips were on hers, stealing her breath from her lungs and heating her body in just a matter of seconds. His kiss was passionate and desperate like he needed her to survive. Her belly fluttered as his hand's grip on her face became possessive and almost harsh, making her unable to move away, not that she wanted to. Rhaenyra moaned against his mouth when he slid his tongue against hers. Daemon's lips wrapped around her tongue, sucking it into his mouth. Rhaenyra wrapped her hands around his neck and rubbed her thighs together, her core on fire. She was lightheaded as he kept kissing her like he could not get enough, like would never be able to get enough of her.

Then just as soon as it had started the kiss was over as he pulled away. Rhaenyra felt like she was in a daze, her breathing hard as she attempted to get her senses back under control. Daemon was breathing just as hard as she was and he was looking at her like he wanted to pounce and rip off her clothes. She was a bit confused as to why he had pulled away when she heard voices getting closer. Daemon ran his fingers through his hair before giving her a lustful look.

"This is not over, little dragon."

His voice was harsh, making her shiver. She would need to get herself under control before she was able to return to the feast. She was sure her mother and father would not be happy if she returned to the feast looking like she had been ravished. 

                                                              Rhaenyra Targaryen (Betrothal Feast.)

                                                         Daemon Targaryen (32 years old.)

                                                                 Baelon Targaryen (56 years old.)

                                                                 Aemma Arryn (31 years old.)

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