The Admiral of a Bygone Era

By Annotation3567a

3.2K 65 31

HMS Admiral was the Prototype of the new famed Admiral-class Battlecruisers. He. Along with Hood. Are the onl... More

BIO Pt2 (Kansen)
The Best Christmas Gift
Sibling Bond
38 knots
Preparations and Voyage

A Chit-chat and Home

495 8 4
By Annotation3567a

Location: 49.047139,-13.392366

Date: December 24 1939
Time: Afternoon

It was a wonderful day on the Atlantic seas. It was calm. Really calm and really smooth. On the open sea we can see our protagonist towing an old friend in need back home.

Although at a slow speed

Admiral can only go at 20 knots instead of his listed Cruising speed of 25 knots and his top speed of 38 knots.


Well. He's only got half the power output due to 2 of his 4 Turbines being removed.

And now he's even slower. Only Cruising at a mere 15 knots due to having a 33,260 Thousand Ton Battleship behind him. But he doesn't mind...


Admiral then thought of something he should have thought of earlier.

Admiral's POV

Uuuuuugggggghhhhhh. I'm really am dumb

I then walked out of my bridge and onto the room just a few meters behind the bridge

Admiral: Lady Valiant?

I then knocked on the door. Waiting for a response from Valiant in the room

Valiant: Oh? Come in...!

I then heard her response. It was a faint soft response at best...

Atleast she's okay now and didn't die but no matter. I then opened the door and saw Valiant. Sitting on the bed. Looking at me with a small. But pained smile...

Valiant: H-hello Admiral... How are you..?

I'm starting to feel bad for her every second. I then walked towards her and sat next to her then hugged her.

Valiant: O-oh! What's happening to you Admiral...?

Admiral: Don'tcha now what a bit of sympathy is?

Valiant: O-oh... Thank you..

Admiral: Your welcome. Say can you de-summon your ship. So we can get back home faster

Valiant: Mhm. Of course..

She then close her eyes. And the window to her room glowed a blueish glow then after 20 seconds. The blue glow was gone indicating she was done de-summoning her Ship.

Admiral: Thank you Valiant :)

Valiant: Y-your w-welcome Admiral..

I then suprised her by giving her a peck on the cheek

She then blush hard and holds the spot where I pecked her. Then I stand up and goes to the door but not before turning to her and saying

Admiral: Rest well. Your Majesty ;)

With that. I left for the bridge. Upon arriving. I turned to see my speed to see my ship is now going at the original speed it was before he towed Valiant's Ship. 20 knots.

I then sat on the Admiral's Chair.

Smoked my pipe. And watch the sea in front.

One timeskip later brought to you by:

One day and a Half later
Date: December 25 1939/Christmas

After a day and half of traveling. We finally have the British Isles in sight. Oh I miss my home. I decided to make a stop for Belfast, Northern Ireland for Refuel Trip before traveling to Scapa Flow.

Currently. I was in my bridge relaxing after sending Valiant to a nearby hospital. Alot of Kansens saw me and greeted me with Open Arms.

Those kansens that saw me were,
King George V
Prince of Wales
Duke of York
Only to name a few...

But my relaxation won't last long because someone entered my ship. The KGV Sisters.

They said in Unison: Greetings Admiral!

I turned around and saw the KGV Sisters.

King George V

Prince of Wales

Duke of York


They all looked at me with a warm smile. I gave a smile back. As they all went towards me and sat next to me with the exception of Duke of York and King George V. Who sat on the table. King George V in particular sat on the table closer to me then Duke of York. She then sits crossed-legged and looks at me with a warm smile.

Is she trying to seduce me?

King George V: So what have you been doing for the past 19 years?

Admiral: Eh. Nothing. I was bored. That's the reason why I came here. I was bored and wanted work

Howe: Eh... Reasonable I guess... So what are you planning for today?

Admiral: Alot. After refueling here. I'm going back to Scapa Flow for a much needed Refit.

King George V: Mhm... Oh! How bout we come with you?

Admiral: Sure

KGV. Who has the happiest face I've ever seen from her. Standed from sitting on the chair. Gone towards my face with her's and gave me a peck. Before leaving. Leaving behind her fuming sisters. But before they gone after her. All of them gave me a peck before leaving. All except Wales. Then the two other KGV's left. Leaving me and Wales

Prince of Wales: *Starts to go towards him. Then sits next to him*. Why don't you wait for a while?. I already sent a telegraph to Hood telling her about your return. *Chuckles*. Seconds after telling her she shouts at her personal maid. Dido something like "Dido!. Help me pack up my things. We're heading to Belfast, Northern Ireland at once!"

She would then chuckle. With me following suit.

Prince of Wales: I can guarantee you Hood will be here the next day. She would probably even use her Rigging Form to go faster to get here.

Admiral: Mhm. You do have a point. But I thought she didn't know about my existence?

Prince of Wales: No. That's a lie. Hood is well aware of your presence. She just didn't manage to tell you. In fact she was against your early retirement and has tried to search all over for you. But couldn't.

Admiral was a lost for words. He now knows that Hood deeply cares for him. This made Admiral's Heart melt. He feels happy. This is probably the happiest he has ever been in his life.

Admiral: That might have just been the nicest piece of information that I have ever heard today.. Thank you Wales.

Prince of Wales: No problem Admiral. But.

In a second. She kisses me on the lips before letting go and looking at me in the face.

Prince of Wales: Enjoy your harem~

She said. As she left the room too. Leaving behind me. Dumbfounded but doesn't mind as he relaxes himself.

Hood's POV

Meanwhile a Certain Royal Navy battlecruiser and her consort sails through the Sea at 30 knots. Heading for Belfast, Northern Ireland. These two are Hood and Dido.

Hood was nervous but mostly excited. She was about to meet her long lost brother that she so longed search for but to no avail. But now. She has the chance to meet him again. And she vowed to herself one promise

"To never leave him and protect him at all cost..."

And she will do just that. She doesn't care. She will protect him. And never leave him out of her sight.

Never again...

Never again...

Currently. She was humming in delight. As she drinks her tea. But she has one thing in mind

Hood: Tomorrow. We will meet again. Brother...

She thought as she looked out the window of her room on her Ship. As her and Dido's ship sailed at a modest 30 knots. Trying to reach for the port as fast as possible. She can't wait to meet him. She always dreamed of meeting her long lost brother.

Even if she doesn't get anything for this Christmas. But as she said to Dido earlier

"I've got something better"


Sorry i didn't post a chapter yesterday

I think I'm gonna drop the Everyday chapter releases. I think I'm gonna go for just a "Every other day Chapte Release"


Anyways. Hope you enjoy this chapter. See you guys soon

Words: 1288

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