Seventeen Imagines

By the8buddy

12.3K 234 587

๐‘น๐’†๐’’๐’–๐’†๐’”๐’•๐’” ๐’‚๐’“๐’† ๐’๐’‘๐’†๐’! Welcome to "Seventeen Imagines"! Get ready for a fun journey into the worl... More

1. First and Last Date ยป h. joshua
2. The Price of Freedom ยป c. seungcheol
3. A Night to Remember ยป k. mingyu
4. Lost in His Eyes ยป x. minghao
5. Rule Breaker ยป j. wonwoo
7. Special Chapter
8. The Cult ยป OT13

6. Psycho ยป w. junhui

1.1K 26 76
By the8buddy

pairing: Jun x Y/N

wordcount: 2.5k

tags: when you work as a psychologist in a prison, dealing with the most dangerous inmate who has developed an obsession with you (?).

WARNINGS: benzodiazepines, mentions of drugs and death, specific details of murders, psychotic disorders, trips on drugs.

➶-͙˚ ༘✶

"Mr. Boo Seunkwan," Y/N began, rising gracefully from her seat. "Our session concludes for today. Until we meet again next week, remember to take your meds . Additionally, please make a note of any moments of emotional distress or breakdowns you may experience."

Seungkwan, her patient since 2015, rose from his seat as well.

His imprisonment had followed the tragic event where he took the lives of his entire family, attributing the act to the compelling influence of a persistent voice in his head.

Despite his claim, the judicial system ruled in favor of incarceration, as mental health experts concluded that he maintained a semblance of control over his actions.

However, over the passing years, exacerbated by the influence of substances, Seungkwan's mental state deteriorated.

Growing paranoia became more pronounced, eventually leading to the development of a serious psychotic disorder.

Seungkwan felt dizzy, his hand instinctively reaching for his temple to massage it.

"Mr. Boo, are you okay?" Y/N inquired, moving closer to him.

He groaned before replying, "Yeah, doc, just a bit lightheaded."

"I suggest you take a moment to rest outside my office before heading back to your cell. I'll have a word with the guard," she suggested, guiding him towards the door.

He simply nodded. Y/N opened the door and had a brief conversation with the guard, persuading him to allow Seungkwan a short rest, and he agreed.

As Y/N reached for the handle of her office door, a gravelly, ominous voice called out to her.

"Doc, hold up. You wouldn't leave without giving me a chance to share my thoughts, would you?"

The man, accompanied by two towering guards, moved deliberately in her direction.

She turned to face him, a mixture of weariness and caution in her expression.

"Ah, Mr. Junhui, please come in," she invited, a shiver running down her spine as she felt the weight of his gaze.

He was the most dangerous inmate in the facility, and every time she had an appointment with him, an unshakable feeling of unease settled over her.

He flashed her a chilling smile before entering her office, the door closing with an ominous thud behind them.

She took a deep breath, mentally preparing herself before turning to face him.

However, his dark eyes were already fixed on her, sending an unsettling chill down her spine.

"Please, take a seat," she instructed, watching as he complied.

"Now, Mr. Junhui, could you share with me how you've been feeling lately?" she inquired, settling into her chair in front of him.

Leaning back in his chair, he emitted a soft groan, closing his eyes briefly before responding.

"So many thoughts, doc. I can't seem to escape them," he replied, his face devoid of any emotion.

"We'll talk about those thoughts later. For now, let's focus on something else. Are you getting your medication on time?" she inquired, reaching for her notebook on the table.

"Later? You're making a mistake, doc. I've got things on my mind, important things. You wouldn't want me to keep them bottled up, would you?"

Y/N felt a chill run down her spine but maintained her composure.

"Besides, I've been a good boy lately. You can ask my guards," the man's dark eyes narrowed, a sly smirk playing on his lips.

"Alright then," she said, adjusting herself in her seat and taking a sip from her coffee. "Let's explore these thoughts further."

"Well, doc," he began, his voice a low murmur as he leaned in closer, his eyes penetrating with an unsettling intensity. "It's like a relentless echo, the same haunting story. I see her in the shadows of this cage, in the flickering lights, not only in my dreams. She's everywhere, a constant presence that refuses to leave the depths of my mind," he explained, his head tilting slightly.

Y/N wrote down notes, maintaining a professional demeanor even as his words sent a shiver down her spine. "Can you elaborate on who this person is, Mr. Junhui? Understanding the source is crucial for us to address these persistent thoughts."

His lips curled into a chilling smile. "Oh, doc, she's not a person. She's an idea, a specter of my own making."

"But she looks a lot like you. Actually, she is you," Jun explained, a sinister smile stretching across his face as Y/N couldn't help but gulp, a knot of discomfort settling in the pit of her stomach.

Caught off guard, Y/N found herself momentarily speechless, trying to come up with a explanation for Jun's hallucinations.

"Take your meds on time...It's just your imagination."

Just then, a voice tore through the corridor, Seungkwan's voice.

Y/N rose from her seat, a sense of urgency replacing the unease that lingered in the room. She glanced at Jun, who seemed unfazed to the disturbance.

"Mr. Junhui, excuse me for a moment," she said, her tone measured but an underlying tension present. As she moved towards the door, his gaze followed her, unwavering and unnerving.

Y/N quickened her pace, her footsteps echoing against the cold, concrete walls. Seungkwan's voice grew louder, carrying a tone of distress.

"Doc, help me, please!"

As the door closed behind her, Jun's dark chuckle filled the room. "Great acting, Seungkwan," he remarked, rising from his seat.

"Just my imagination, huh? We'll see about that."

His eyes scanned the area with a meticulous scrutiny, as if deciphering hidden details in the fabric of the space.

As he reached the cabinet, his eyes focused intently on the assortment of pill bottles neatly arranged inside. A grin played on his lips.

"Now, what's the name of that medication?" he pondered aloud, his fingers delicately tracing the labels, as if each one held a piece of the puzzle he was determined to unravel.

As his eyes scanned the labels on the pill bottles, he paused at one - "Lysergic acid diethylamide." He read it aloud, his brow furrowing with intrigue.

"LSD?" he mused, a dark amusement dancing in his eyes.

His fingers traced the labels almost caressingly, as if absorbing some hidden knowledge.

"Ah, my beautiful lady, it's time for you to experience my world," he declared with a disturbing confidence, taking the bottle in hand. He moved purposefully towards the table where Y/N's coffee had been placed.

He came to a sudden halt in the middle of the room, his brows furrowed in thought.

"LSD or MDMA? Which one was it?" he pondered aloud, the distant echoes of Seungkwan's screams and Y/N's attempts to calm him providing a dissonant soundtrack to his contemplation.

"Whatever, this should be enough," he muttered to himself.

Approaching the table with a measured calmness, he regarded the cup of coffee before him. The smirk on his lips widened, revealing a malevolent satisfaction as he unscrewed the bottle and carefully, deliberately, let the medication cascade into the dark liquid.

With a final, almost theatrical touch, he stirred the contents, ensuring the potent blend was seamlessly incorporated.

Satisfied with his creation, he stepped back, the smirk on his lips holding a promise of chaos.

Seated in his designated spot, Jun patiently awaited Y/N's return. In a matter of minutes, she entered the room, closing the door behind her.

She moved towards him with an apologetic expression, "I'm sorry for the delay," she acknowledged, settling into her seat and reaching for her coffee.

Jun watched with a predatory gleam in his eyes as she took a sip. The corner of his mouth curled into a subtle smirk, acknowledging the gradual success of his plan.

With calculated nonchalance, Y/N continued, unaware of the malevolent intent.

"So, Mr. Junhui, tell me more about your thoughts," she spoke, attempting to steer the conversation back to the familiar routine of their sessions.

Jun leaned back in his seat, eyeing her intently as she took another sip from her coffee. "Well, now I'm thinking about the people that I've murdered," he declared, his gaze unwavering.

She looked at him, her expression neutral. "And how does thinking about them make you feel?" she asked, attempting to delve into the complexities of his emotions.

"Hmm, probably nothing? I feel nothing. Strangely calm, thinking about the way I killed them," he responded, his tone devoid of remorse.

Y/N maintained her composed demeanor, studying Jun carefully. "And what is it about this particular person that occupies your thoughts?" she inquired, taking another sip from her coffee.

Jun's eyes lingered on her, a predatory glint shining through. "Ah, the blonde one. She had your essence, your presence. It made the act all the more... intimate," he responded with a smirk playing on his lips.

Y/N's brow furrowed slightly, her professional demeanor not betraying the disquiet that simmered beneath. "And when you think about these acts, what emotions do you associate with them?" she probed.

Jun leaned back, a predatory glint in his eyes. "Emotions? None, really. It's like recalling a mundane task; a simple chore executed with precision."

"Do you mind hearing the details of how I killed her?" he whispered, leaning in closer in his seat.

Y/N couldn't suppress a gulp, a creeping sense of unease settling in .

"Go ahead," she said, her voice steady, before taking another sip of her coffee.

Jun's lips curled into a smirk before beginning his narrative.

"Well, imagine a friday night. I was supposed to run errands, but then I spotted this tall, blonde beauty at her window. A sight to behold, much like you. Instead of heading to the grocery store, I took a detour, sneaking into her house. I played with her for a bit before dismembering her pretty body. Oh, the night was filled with... entertainment," he spoke with a twisted satisfaction, enjoying the discomfort that spread across Y/N's face.

Y/N's eyes widened, her body trembling slightly. "When... when did this happen?" she asked, her voice trembling.

"Hmm... about five years ago? If you're curious, yes, it was your sister. But they couldn't find any evidence," he chuckled.

Y/N's reaction was immediate; she rose abruptly from her seat, only to be overwhelmed by a sudden wave of dizziness as the effects of the drugs began to take hold. The room spun, her disoriented state colliding with his words.

He rose from his seat and approached her, a sinister chuckle escaping his lips. "Take it easy. The worst is yet to come," he said, his hand casually caressing her back.

As the drugs distorted her perception, the nightmarish blend of reality and hallucination plunged Y/N into an odd state of vulnerability.

She lifted her gaze to Jun, but all around him, colors danced, objects morphed, and everything appeared both disturbing and oddly serene.

Emitting a soft groan, she leaned back in the chair, her senses entangled in the surreal experience, as Jun's smirk deepened.

"Here we go. Just relax a bit. This is the prime moment when the LSD takes hold," he said, his voice laced with calmness as he casually caressed her thigh.

She fixed her gaze towards the ceiling, her eyes seemingly tethered to an unseen spectacle above. Jun leaned closer to her, his hand still caressing her thigh.

"What do you see there, doc?" he asked, his voice carrying a sinister curiosity, fully aware of the hallucinatory journey her mind was embarking on.

"C-colors," she barely managed to speak, her voice faltering as the drugs tightened their grip on her consciousness.

"Ah, seems like you're enjoying the journey. It means you're having a good trip," he remarked, a wicked undertone in his voice. He planted a kiss on her cheek before slowly standing up.

"Now, it seems you've interrupted my story," he stated, making his way to the back of her seat.

Standing close to her ear, he softly caressed her hair, a sinister whisper carrying his words into her disorienting mind.

"Let's see, where were we? Ah, yes. Your sister, she was a sight, but she just wasn't you. Now, you might be wondering, what's my issue with you? Well, nothing personal. It's just that the woman who's been haunting my mind looks exactly like you. For years, she's been my relentless shadow. And you, my lady, are the unfortunate manifestation of her image. I've ended the lives of every woman resembling you, not even aware that one of them was your sister. If only I'd known, I would have come for you instead," he murmured, his fingers tracing her collarbone.

She attempted to look up at him, but instead, she saw him everywhere in the room: on his seat, at the door, next to her, even at her office desk.

The disorienting effects of the drugs had transformed the surroundings into distorted images, blurring the boundaries between reality and hallucination.

"I was taken aback when I saw you during my visit to check on Seungkwan. That's when I decided to let the authorities in on my little secret, at least some of it," he chuckled.

"But after dealing with so many women, I've come to understand. I don't desire your death. No, I want you to share in my hallucinations, just as I've been haunted by visions of you," he whispered, kissing her neck softly.

At this point, Y/N was at the peak of the trip. She trembled, beads of sweat formed on her skin, her pupils dilated, and, oddly, she could hear colors and see sounds.

Everything felt bizarre and disturbing, yet Jun's voice still reached her ears. However, she couldn't make sense of what he was saying.

"What's happening in your world now? Can you describe it to me?" he asked softly, his fingers gently weaving through her hair.

"There are... countless colors," she mumbled incoherently, her breath rapid. Jun smirked against her skin, placing a kiss on her bare shoulder.

"So many colors, swirling and blending... like a dream," she murmured, her voice a mere whisper in the discordant melody of the room.

"It means the trip is treating you well," he remarked with a smirk on his lips.

Despite Jun's whispered reassurance, she found herself trapped in a haunting loop.

His presence manifested in every corner of the room, an ever-present phantom that defied the boundaries of her fractured reality.

In a desperate attempt to break free from the relentless cycle, Y/N clutched her head, her breaths coming in ragged gasps.

As Jun's image continued to haunt her, she murmured, her voice a fragile whisper, "Why won't you leave?"

"Who, my lady?" Jun asked softly, enjoying the mess he created. "What's real, my dear? Can you discern truth from illusion?"

Y/N, lost in the labyrinth of her own mind, struggled to form a coherent response. "I see... I see you everywhere. But is it real?" she questioned.

Jun, with a subtle yet malevolent smile, gently brushed a strand of hair from her face.

"It's not, baby. It's just your imagination."

➶-͙˚ ༘✶


This is certainly my favorite imagine so far.

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