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Theo Miller was a normal kid, or so he thought... The Lightning Thief: ✅ The Sea of Monsters: ✅ The Titan's C... More

I Take My Driver's Test 4 Years Early
I Wake Up
I Get A Tour of Camp Half-Blood
I Play Capture the Flag
I'm Accused of Helping My Friend Steal Oppenheimer's Worst Nightmare
I Destroy a Bus Keanu Reeves Style
I Almost Get Stoned
I Say Hi to a Poodle
I Blow Up the Gateway Arch
I Have Lunch with the God of War
I Hitch a Ride to Vegas
I Go Shopping for Water Beds
I'm on the Highway to Hell
I Meet the Lord of the Dead
I Go Toe-to-Toe with the God of War
I Go on a Trip to Olympus
I Learn How it Feels to be Betrayed
I Pick Up a Friend
I Play Some Dodgeball
I Hail a Cab
I Go Bull Fighting
I Meet My Best Friend's Brother
I Get Attacked by Some Pigeons
I Get Some Help from Granddad
I Board the Princess Andromeda
I Meet a Certain Blonde Bastard
I Tussle for Donuts
I Survive a Ship Battle
I Get a Makeover
I Almost Hear a Siren Song
I Find a Sheep-Loving Cyclops
I Finally Get the Golden Fleece
I End Up in Miami Beach
I Go for a Race Win
I Get the Shock of My Life
I Screw Up a Rescue Operation
I Lose Someone Else
I Get a Ride from My Uncle
I Kinda Get a Little Angry
I Play Capture the Flag Again
I Decide to Sneak Out
I Meet a Couple of Kitties
I Get an Aston Martin
I Tussle with a Giant Pig
I Dig Through the Gods' Junkyard
I am Getting Tired of These Dam Skeletons
I Meet the Sea Cow
I Meet the Parents & a Deadly Dragon
I Shoulder Press a Few Million Pounds
I Go Back to Olympus
I End Up on a 10-Year-Old's Shit List
I Get Stuck in the Darkness
I Battle the Cheerleading Squad
I Meet the Swordsman
We Play Tag with Scorpions
We Go to a War Council
We Dive Back into the Darkness
We Break into Alcatraz
We Pass by a Ranch
We Jump the Three-Chested Prick
We Screw Up a Game Show
We Meet the Forge God
We Attend a Funeral
We End Up in a Gladiator Fight
We Finally Reach the Workshop
We Witness the Rise of the Mad Titan
We Finally Find the Lost God
We Fight the First Battle of a New War
We're No Good at Goodbyes
The Sinking of a Monster Ship
The Loss of a Dear Friend
The Less-Than-Sane Mumblings of a Mother
The Permission of a Parent
The Words of a Dead Lord
The Curse of Achilles
The Final Moment of Serenity
The First Night of the Battle of Manhattan
A Negotiation with a Titan
The Second Night of the Battle of Manhattan
The Return of a Familiar Face
The Last Stand for Olympus
The Aftermath of the War
The New Oracle of Delphi

The Near Loss of Hope

287 10 2

Theo's POV

Clarisse: What were you thinking?

Silena tried to swallow, but her lips were dry and cracked.

Silena: Wouldn't...listen. Cabin would...only follow you.

Clarisse: So, you stole my armor. You waited until Chris and I went out on patrol; you stole my armor and pretended to be me.

She glared at her siblings.

Clarisse: And NONE of you noticed?

The Ares campers developed a sudden interest in their combat boots.

Silena: Don't blame them. They wanted to...to believe I was you.

Clarisse: You stupid Aphrodite girl. You charged a drakon? Why?

A tear went down Silena's cheek.

Silena: All my fault. The drakon, Charlie's death...camp endangered—

Clarisse: Stop it! That's not true.

Silena opened her hand. In her palm was a silver bracelet with a scythe charm, the mark of Kronos.

Theo: Fuck. It was you. You were the spy.

Silena: Before...before I liked Charlie, Luke was nice to me. He was so...charming. Handsome. Later, I wanted to stop helping him, but he threatened to tell. He promised...he promised I was saving lives. Fewer people would get hurt. He told me he wouldn't hurt...Charlie. He lied to me.

I met Annabeth's eyes. Her face was chalky. She looked like somebody had just yanked the world out from under her feet.

Behind us, the battle raged.

Clarisse scowled at her cabinmates.

Clarisse: Go, help the centaurs. Protect the doors. GO!

They scrambled off to join the fight.

Silena: Forgive me.

Clarisse: You're not dying.

Silena: Charlie...See Charlie...

She didn't speak again.

Clarisse held her and wept. Chris put a hand on her shoulder.

I knelt down to Silena's body and closed her eyes.

Theo: Pacem invienas in ulteriore cum dilecto tuo. Requiescat in pace. [May you find peace in the beyond with your beloved. Rest in peace.]

I wiped a stray tear from my cheek as I got up. Annabeth intertwined her fingers with mine and rubbed my knuckles with her thumb.

Annabeth: We have to fight. She gave her life to help us. We have to honor her.

Clarisse sniffled and wiped her nose.

Clarisse: She was a hero, understand? A hero.

Percy: (nods) Come on, Clarisse.

Clarisse picked up a sword from one of her fallen siblings.

Clarisse: Kronos is going to pay.

Honestly, the only reason the enemy even got pushed back was all because of Clarisse. Even without her armor or spear, she was a demon. She rode her chariot straight into the Titan's army and crushed everything in her path.

She was so inspiring, even the panicked centaurs started to rally. The Hunters scrounged arrows from the fallen and launched volley after volley into the enemy. The Ares cabin slashed and hacked, which was their favorite thing. The monsters retreated toward 35th Street.

Clarisse drove to the drakon's carcass and looped a grappling line through its eye sockets. She lashed her horses and took off, dragging the drakon behind the chariot like a Chinese New Year dragon. She charged after the enemy, yelling insults and daring them to cross her. As she rode, I realized she was literally glowing. An aura of red fire flickered around her.

It kind of reminded me of Kratos' Rage of the Gods or Rage of the Titans from the God of War games.

Thalia: The blessing of Ares. I've never seen it in person before.

For the moment, Clarisse was as invincible as I was. The enemy threw spears and arrows, but nothing hit her.


Theo: Clarisse! Stand down and fall back!


There was no answer from the enemy. Slowly, they began to fall back behind a dracaenae shield wall, while Clarisse drove in circles around Fifth Avenue, daring anyone to cross her path. The two hundred-foot-long drakon carcass made a hollow scraping noise against the pavement, like a thousand knives.

Meanwhile, we tended our wounded, bringing them inside the lobby. Long after the enemy had retreated from sight, Clarisse kept riding up and down the avenue with her horrible trophy, demanding that Kronos meet her battle.

Chris: I'll watch her. She'll get tired eventually. I'll make sure she comes inside.

Percy: What about the camp? Is anybody left there?

Chris: (shakes his head) Only Argus and the nature spirits. Peleus the dragon is still guarding the tree.

Percy: They won't last long. But I'm glad you came.

Chris: (nods) I'm sorry it took so long. I tried to reason with Clarisse. I said there's no point in defending camp if you guys die. All our friends are here. I'm sorry it took Silena...

Thalia: My Hunters will help you stand guard. Annabeth, Theo, Zoe, Percy, you should go to Olympus. I have a feeling they'll need you up there—to set up the final defense.

The doorman had disappeared from the lobby. His book was face down on the desk and his chair was empty. The rest of the lobby, however, was jam-packed with wounded campers, Hunters, and satyrs.

Connor and Travis Stoll met us by the elevators.

Connor: Is it true? About Silena?

Percy: (nods) She died a hero.

Travis: Um, I also heard—

Theo: That's it. End of story.

Travis: Right. Listen, we figure the Titan's army will have trouble getting up the elevator. They'll have to go up a few at a time. And the giants won't be able to fit at all.

Percy: That's our biggest advantage. Any way to disable the elevator?

Travis: It's magic. Usually you need a key card, but the doorman vanished. That means the defenses are crumbling. Anyone can walk into the elevator now and head straight up.

Percy: Then we have to keep them away from the doors. We'll bottle them up in the lobby.

Travis: We'll need reinforcements. They'll just keep coming. Eventually they'll overwhelm us.

Connor: There is no reinforcements.

Percy: Maybe that's not true.

We all looked at him quizzically, but left the lobby and talked to Mrs. O'Leary before she shadow-traveled away.

Percy walked back into the lobby.

Theo: What did you do?

Percy: You'll see. I hope.

On the way to the elevator, we spotted Grover kneeling over a fat wounded satyr.

Percy: Leneus!

The old satyr looked terrible. His lips were blue. There was a broken spear in his belly, and his furry goat legs were twisted at a painful angle.

He tried to focus on us, but I don't think he saw us.

Leneus: Grover?

Grover: I'm here, Leneus.

Grover was blinking back tears, despite all the horrible things Leneus had said about him.

Leneus: Did...did we win?

Grover: Um...yes. Thanks to you, Leneus. We drove the enemy away.

Leneus: Told you. True leader. True...

He closed his eyes for the last time.

Grover gulped. He put his hand on Leneus' forehead and spoke an ancient blessing. The old satyr's body melted, until all that was left was a tiny sapling m a pile of fresh soil.

Grover: A laurel. Oh, that lucky old goat.

He gathered up the sapling in his hands.

Grover: I...I should plant him. In Olympus, in the gardens.

Theo: We're headed up there anyway. Come on.

Percy's POV

Easy-listening music played as the elevator rose. I thought about the first time I'd visited Mount Olympus with Theo, back when I was twelve. Annabeth and Grover hadn't been with me then. I was glad they were with me now. I had a feeling it might be our last adventure together.

Annabeth: Theo. You were right about Luke.

It was the first time she'd spoken since Silena Beauregard's death. She kept her eyes fixed on the elevator floors as they blinked into the magical numbers: 400, 450, 500.

Theo: Annabeth, I'm sorry—

Annabeth: You tried to tell me. Luke is no good. I didn't believe you until...until I heard how he'd used Silena. Now I know. I hope you're happy.

Theo: That doesn't make me happy.

She put her head against the elevator wall and wouldn't look at me.

Grover: Well...sure good to be together again. Arguing. Almost dying. Abject terror. Oh, look. It's our floor.

The doors dinged and we stepped onto the aerial walkway.

Depressing is not a word that usually describes Mount Olympus, but it looked that way now. No fires lit the braziers. The windows were dark. The streets were deserted, and the doors were barred. The only movement was in the parks, which had been set up as field hospitals. Will Solace and the other Apollo campers scrambled around, caring for the wounded. Naiads and dryads tried to help, using nature magic songs to heal burns and poison.

As Grover planted the laurel sapling, Annabeth and I went around trying to cheer up the wounded. I passed a satyr with a broken leg, a demigod who was bandaged from head to toe, and a body covered in the golden burial shroud of Apollo's cabin. I didn't know who was underneath. I didn't want to find out, but Theo lowered his head when he saw that.

My heart felt like lead, but we tried to find positive things to say.

Percy: You'll be up and fighting Titans in no time!

Annabeth: You look great.

Theo: You put up a great fight.

Zoe: You are a brave warrior.

Grover: Leneus turned into a shrub.

I found Dionysus's son Pollux propped up against a tree. He had a broken arm, but otherwise he was okay.

Pollux: I can still fight with the other hand.

Percy: No. You've done enough. I want you to stay here and help with the wounded.

Pollux: But—

Percy: Promise me to stay safe. Okay? Personal favor.

He frowned uncertainly. It wasn't like we were good friends or anything, but I wasn't going to tell him it was a request from his dad. That would just embarrass him. Finally, he promised, and when he sat back down, I could tell he was kind of relieved.

Annabeth, Theo, Zoe, Grover, and I kept walking toward the palace. That's where Kronos would head. As soon as he made it up the elevator—and I had no doubt he would, one way or another—he would destroy the throne room, the center of the gods' power.

The bronze doors creaked open. Our footsteps echoed on the marble floor. The constellations twinkled coldly on the ceiling of the great hall. The hearth was down to a dull red glow. Hestia, in the form of a little girl in brown robes, hunched at its edge, shivering. The Ophiotaurus swam sadly in his sphere of water. He let out a half-hearted moo when he saw me.

In the firelight, the thrones cast evil-looking shadows, like grasping hands.

Standing at the foot of Zeus's throne, looking up at the stars, was Rachel Elizabeth Dare. She was holding a Greek ceramic vase.

Percy: Rachel? Um, what are you doing with that?

She focused on me as if she were coming out of a dream.

Rachel: I found it. It's Pandora's jar, isn't it?

Her eyes were brighter than usual, and I had a bad flashback of moldy sandwiches and burned cookies.

Percy: Please put down the jar.

Rachel: I can see Hope inside it. So fragile.

Percy: Rachel!

My voice seemed to bring her back to reality. She held out the jar, and I took it. The clay felt as cold as ice.

Theo: Grover, girls. Let's scout around the palace. Maybe we can find some extra Greek fire or Hephaestus traps.

Annabeth and Zoe nodded.

Grover: But—

Theo elbowed him.

Grover: Right! I love traps!

Theo dragged him out, and Annabeth and Zoe followed them.

Over by the fire, Hestia was huddled in her robes, rocking back and forth.

Percy: (to Rachel) Come on. I want you to meet someone.

We sat next to the goddess.

Percy: Lady Hestia.

Hestia: Hello, Percy Jackson. Getting colder. Harder to keep the fire going.

Percy: I know. The Titans are near.

Hestia focused on Rachel.

Hestia: Hello, my dear. You've come to our hearth at last.

Rachel: You've been expecting me?

Hestia held out her hands, and the coals glowed. I saw images in the fire: My mother, Paul, and I eating Thanksgiving dinner at the kitchen table; my friends and me around the campfire at Camp Half- Blood, singing songs and roasting marshmallows; Rachel and me driving along the beach in Paul's Prius.

I didn't know if Rachel saw the same images, but the tension went out of her shoulders. The warmth of the fire seemed to spread across her.

Hestia: To claim your place at the hearth, you must let go of your distractions. It is the only way you will survive.

Rachel: (nods) I...I understand.

Percy: Wait. What is she talking about?

Rachel: Percy, when I came here...I thought I was coming for you. But I wasn't. You and me...

She shook her head.

Percy: Wait. Now I'm a distraction? Is this because I'm 'not the hero' or whatever?

Rachel: I'm not sure I can put it into words. I was drawn to you because...because you opened the door to all of this.

She gestured to the throne room.

Rachel: I needed to understand my true sight. But you and me, that wasn't part of it. Our fates aren't intertwined. I think you've always known that, deep down.

I stared at her. Maybe I wasn't the brightest guy in the world when it came to girls, but I was pretty sure Rachel had just dumped me, which was lame considering we'd never even been together.

Percy: So...what? "Thanks for bringing me to Olympus. See ya." Is that what you're saying?

Rachel stared at the fire.

Hestia: Percy Jackson. Rachel has told you all she can. Her moment is coming, but your decision approaches even more rapidly. Are you prepared?

I wanted to complain that no, I wasn't even close to prepared.

I looked at Pandora's jar, and for the first time I had an urge to open it. Hope seemed pretty useless to me right now. So many of my friends were dead. Rachel was cutting me off. Annabeth was angry with me. My parents were asleep down in the streets somewhere while a monster army surrounded the building. Olympus was on the verge of failing, and I'd seen so many cruel things the gods had done: Zeus destroying Maria di Angelo, Hades cursing the last Oracle, Hermes turning his back on Luke even when he knew his son would become evil.

Then I looked at Hestia. Her red eyes glowed warmly. I remembered the images I'd seen in her hearth—friends and family, everyone I cared about.

I remembered something Chris Rodriguez had said: There's no point in defending camp if you guys die. All our friends are here. And Nico, standing up to his father, Hades: If Olympus falls, your own palace's safety doesn't matter.

I heard footsteps. Annabeth, Theo, Zoe, and Grover came back into the throne room and stopped when they saw us. I probably had a pretty strange look on my face.

Zoe: Percy? Should we...Should we leave again?

Suddenly I felt like someone had injected me with steel. I understood what to do.

Percy: (to Rachel) You're not going to do anything stupid, are you? I mean...you talked to Chiron, right?

Rachel: (smiles) You're worried about me doing something stupid?

Percy: But I mean...will you be okay?

Rachel: I don't know. That kind of depends on whether you save the world, hero.

Percy: (to Hestia) Hestia, I give this to you as an offering.

Hestia: I am the least of the gods. Why would you trust me with this?

Percy: You're the last Olympian. And the most important.

Hestia: And why is that, Percy Jackson?

Percy: Because Hope survives best at the hearth. Guard it for me, and I won't be tempted to give up again.

The goddess smiled. She took the jar in her hands, and it began to glow. The hearth fire burned a little brighter.

Hestia: Well done, Percy Jackson. May the gods bless you.

Percy: We're about to find out. Come on, guys.

I marched toward my father's throne.

The seat of Poseidon stood just to the right of Zeus's, but it wasn't nearly as grand. The molded black leather seat was attached to a swivel pedestal, with a couple of iron rings on the side for fastening a fishing pole (or a trident). Basically, it looked like a chair on a deep-sea boat, that you would sit in if you wanted to hunt shark or marlin or sea monsters.

Gods in their natural state are about twenty feet tall, so I could just reach the edge of the seat if I stretched my arms.

Percy: Help me up.

Zoe: Have you gone mad?

Percy: Probably.

Grover: Percy, the gods really don't appreciate people sitting in their thrones. I mean like turn-you-into-a-pile-of-ashes don't appreciate it.

Percy: I need to get his attention. It's the only way.

They exchanged uneasy looks.

Theo: Well, that's one way to do it, I guess.

They linked their arms to make a step, then boosted me onto the throne. I felt like a baby with my feet so high off the ground. I looked around at the other gloomy, empty thrones, and I could imagine what it would be like sitting on the Olympian Council—so much power but so much arguing, always eleven other gods trying to get their way. It would be easy to get paranoid, to look out only for my own interest, especially if I were Poseidon. Sitting in his throne, I felt like I had the entire sea at my command—vast cubic miles of ocean churning with power and mystery. Why should Poseidon listen to anyone? Why shouldn't he be the greatest of the twelve?

Then I shook my head. Concentrate.

The throne rumbled. A wave of gale-force anger slammed into my mind:


The voice stopped abruptly. The anger retreated, which was a good thing, because just those two words had almost blasted my mind to shreds.

Poseidon: Percy. What—exactly—are you doing on my throne?

Percy: I'm sorry, Father. I needed to get your attention.

Poseidon: This was a very dangerous thing to do. Even for you. If I hadn't looked before I blasted, you would now be a puddle of seawater.

Percy: I'm sorry. Listen, things are rough up here.

I told him what was happening. Then I told him my plan.

His voice was silent for a long time.

Poseidon: Percy, what you ask is impossible. My palace—

Percy: Dad, Kronos sent an army against you on purpose. He wants to divide you from the other gods because he knows you could tip the scales.

Poseidon: Be that as it may, he attacks my home.

Percy: I'm at your home. Olympus.

The floor shook. A wave of anger washed over my mind. I thought I'd gone too far, but then the trembling eased. In the background of my mental link, I heard underwater explosions and the sound of battle cries: Cyclopes bellowing, mermen shouting.

Percy: Is Tyson okay?

The question seemed to take my dad by surprise.

Poseidon: He's fine. Doing much better than I expected. Though "peanut butter" is a strange battle cry.

Percy: You let him fight?

Poseidon: Stop changing the subject! You realize what you are asking me to do? My palace will be destroyed.

Percy: And Olympus might be saved.

Poseidon: Do you have any idea how long I've worked on remodeling this palace? The game room alone took six hundred years.

Percy: Dad—

Poseidon: Very well! It shall be as you say. But my son, pray this works.

Percy: I am praying. I'm talking to you, right?

Poseidon: Oh...yes. Good point. Amphitrite—incoming!

The sound of a large explosion shattered our connection.

I slipped down from the throne.

Grover: Are you okay? You turned pale and...you started smoking.

Percy: I did not!

Then I looked at my arms. Steam was curling off my shirtsleeves. The hair on my arms was singed.

Annabeth: If you'd sat there any longer, you would've spontaneously combusted. I hope the conversation was worth it?

The Ophiotaurus mooed in his sphere of water.

Percy: We'll find out soon.

Just then the doors of the throne room swung open. Thalia marched in. Her bow was snapped in half and her quiver was empty.

Thalia: You'vegot to get down there. The enemy is advancing. And Kronos is leading them.

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