𝐉𝐚𝐝𝐞𝐝 ║ ᴍɪɴꜱᴜɴɢ

By MoreThanMyOwn

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Han Jisung, a struggling music producer, is completely smitten by a handsome, cold bar back by the name of Le... More

Chapter 1. Encounter
Chapter 2. Paralyzed
Chapter 3. Benefits
Chapter 4. Waiting
Chapter 5. Stay
Chapter 6. Stuck
Chapter 7. Getaway
Chapter 8. Longing
Chapter 9. Flooded
Chapter 10. Admittance
Chapter 11. Regret
Chapter 12. Wounded
Chapter 13. Limbo
Chapter 14. Healing
Chapter 15. Ghost
Chapter 16. Closure
Chapter 17. Past
Chapter 18. Deceit
Chapter 19. Burned
Chapter 21. Resentment
Chapter 22. You

Chapter 20. Repair

245 7 1
By MoreThanMyOwn

There is non-explicit sexal content in this chapter, along with mentions of a loved one's passing and grief. Please do not read any further if these topics are sensitive to you.

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Missed Call (14) 6:02 p.m.

Missed Call (15) 6:03 p.m.

"Fuck." Jisung mutters, biting his bottom lip as he contemplates on what to do.

Minho had left the apartment angrily almost an hour ago, leaving Jisung to sit alone in the living space with tears streaming down his cheeks. He didn't want the conversation to end so badly, not that he expected it to go so well, but he never imagined this outcome. Now with no idea where Minho could've gone, he finds himself helpless and riddled with anxiety. His calls were going straight to voicemail, which could only mean that Minho's phone was turned off or dead.

Jisung tried calling every couple of minutes regardless, but got no reply. In a fit of anxious shock, he sent a few text messages too, but those also remained on 'delivered' rather than 'seen.'


Minho, I'm so sorry. I didn't want the conversation to go like that and I just wanted to be honest with you. (5:30 p.m.)

Please call me back. Please come home. (5:32 p.m.)

Jagiya. Please. (5:43 p.m.)

I'm sorry I fucked up. (5:56 p.m.)

Please don't shut me out. (6:00 p.m.)

Jisung wasn't completely sure on where Minho could've ended up. The studio was closed and the only other place he could think to visit was the bar or the gym, but neither of those options made any sense. It was getting late and the sun was setting, leaving hardly any time left for Jisung to sit around and basically do nothing since he knew he couldn't just sit there and wait for Minho to come back. So, he takes it upon himself to text the two people who knew Minho as well as he did, if not better, finding no other option available to him.

Talk with Minho went bad. He grabbed his keys and he left.

I don't know where he is and he's been dodging my calls for an hour.

I think he turned his phone off. Please help me.

I'm desperate.


Talk? What talk? What did I miss?!


I knew Minho would react badly to this.

I told Jisung about Minho's mom, Hyunjin.


Oh shit.

Guys, focus. Where could he have gone? Do either of you know of a place that he would go to?


If he has a spot, he never told me about one. He's usually all doom and gloom at his apartment.


Sorry, I'm no help either. Minho doesn't like to tell me shit.

God. I really should've just kept my mouth shut about this. I feel really fucking awful.


No, Jisung. Don't. He'll come back, he's not an idiot. He probably just needs time to process.

I shouldn't have asked about his mom. I was jealous and I wanted to be able to help him myself. I felt like I couldn't help him because I had no idea what he went through or what he was currently going through.


Why were you jealous?

I'm It felt like he wanted to talk to anyone else about all of this except for me. He's been really weird and off lately, and all I wanted was to help him heal and cope. I wanted to be able to understand him better.


I see. I get how you feel. Just give him time. He's gonna come home eventually.

But how long do I have to wait? I don't think I can sit here and do nothing while he's doing god knows what alone.


I don't know, Ji.

Do you want Felix and I to come over and keep you company? Maybe we can try to brainstorm what to do.

I don't know how good of an idea that is. I wouldn't want him coming home to that.


I get it. Just let me know if you need anything.


I might have an idea of where he's at.



Sorry, Ji, this is Seungmin. I was reading over Chris' shoulder.

He used to tell me about a place he visited that helped him think when it felt like the world was crumbling.

Where was it?

Jisung briskly walks further up the path, hands shoved into the pocket of his hoodie as he anxiously treks towards the place Seungmin had recommended. It was a thirty minute walk, one that Jisung would be happy to do again if he ended up finding Minho here. He just wanted to be sure that Minho was okay. He was worried to death, struggling to comprehend where any of this went wrong. He partially wishes that he would've never convinced Minho to go to the gala, given that this is how they ended up. He wanted it to go back to the happy bliss they had been in for weeks without issue, wanting nothing more than to just have his boyfriend back selfishly in his arms.

His steps lead him towards the end of a street, spotting an open-gated cemetery that seemed vacant for the most part. This side of town was quiet, but not in a way that was unsettling. The street lamps were oddly comforting, listening to distant traffic ring through the breeze as Jisung walked even further.

He slowly walks into the cemetery, unsure of where to even start looking. He continues up the paved path, searching down the lines of each row in search of Minho, but comes up short. He keeps looking, eventually reaching the center of the grounds with no sight of him.

He was losing hope, feeling distraught at the thought of losing Minho over all of this. It seemed pointless to keep searching when he came up empty-handed everywhere he looked. Even though he didn't want to, Jisung debated on turning around and heading back into the apartment to wait, but he couldn't bring himself to do so.

Just as Jisung was about to turn around and head down a different path, his eyes came across a figure sitting down in the grass to his right, staring at a gravestone. Jisung doesn't say anything. He doesn't yell, doesn't cry; he simply walks over and holds in all of his surging emotions. He knew it was Minho, given that his hair gave him away almost immediately, but Jisung also spotted a familiar jacket slung over the male's shoulders, one that he's stolen a time or two.

The closer he walks, the better Jisung can hear Minho crying quietly, mumbling words to himself, nearly unaware of Jisung even walking up behind him. So, Jisung walks up to Minho and sits down next to him, watching as the elder's eyes trail towards him with shock and confusion lingering beyond his gaze. Jisung still doesn't say anything. He moves his hand over and onto Minho's lap, tangling their fingers together calmly with no resistance.

"Why're you here?" Minho chokes out, looking at Jisung still.

"I was worried to death about you." Jisung says quietly, not wanting to stir panic into his crying partner. "I couldn't leave you alone. Not when I didn't know where you were and when you weren't answering me."

"How did you know I'd come here?"

"Seungmin." Jisung finally turns to look at Minho, heart shattering at the sight of him. He was crying still, cheeks and eyes red with tears. He looked like he had been crying for a long time, and the thought of that ruins Jisung.

"Fucker." Minho sniffles. "I knew I shouldn't have told him about my spot."

"I'm glad you did." Jisung uses his free hand to move hair out of Minho's eyes, a tear of his own escaping his eyes and rolling down his cheek. "I was really scared, Minho."

"I'm sorry." Minho apologizes sadly, more tears beginning to stream down his face. "I didn't want to worry you like that, I just needed space and-and time to think–"

"No, no, stop apologizing." Jisung smiles at him just barely, using his hand to now wipe away Minho's tears. "Please stop crying, jagi. My heart can't take it if you cry."

"I can't help it." Minho sniffles, blinking away any remaining tears. "I'm a fucking nightmare and I feel bad about putting you through my bullshit."

"Baby, you've gotta start talking to me, okay? I'm not going to abandon you. I'm not going to leave. We're stuck together, alright? You're mine and I'm yours. That means that all of your bullshit is my bullshit. Please stop doubting that." Jisung watches Minho look down and away from him, gaze stuck on their entrapped hands. "I love you. I love you on your bad days and I love you on your good days. That's a promise."

"I don't–" Minho starts, cut off by a huff of breath.

"Don't say you don't deserve me, because you do. You deserve to be loved, Minho."

"No, I-I just don't understand why you keep putting yourself through all of this shit for me. Between the whole Seungmin thing, the lying and now this? Even I would've left me by now."

"I don't know." Jisung breathes honestly, hand dropping a few inches to drift beneath Minho's jaw and chin, pushing upwards softly. "Call me crazy, I guess. Out of everyone I've been with in my life, and out of everyone I've met; there's no one else for me. I just want you. You and only you, Lee Minho. I told you that you're stuck with me, and I mean that."

"I'm sorry I didn't tell you about my mom." Minho tilts his head into Jisung's touch subtly, gaze finally meeting the younger's. "She really would've loved you."

"I'm sure I would've loved her too." Jisung smiles at him, thumb stroking his cheek gently.

"Uhm, if you wanna talk about everything. . . we can. I think I'm ready to. I just wanna fix this. I can't lose you, too."

"You won't." Jisung assures. "We can talk if you're ready to, but only if you want to. I'm sorry I intruded on your privacy, I should've just waited for you to come to me."

"It's fine, Ji. I know that you were just trying to be helpful." Minho smiles at him weakly. "You're too pure to be cruel like that."

"I don't know if pure is the right word," Jisung laughs lightly, watching Minho's smile grow and linger longer. "But sure. Let's get home and we can talk more, okay?"

Minho nods at him, doing his best to dry the remnants of his tears. "Okay."

Minho drives them back home. It was a quiet ride, thunder looming in the distance as rain began to pour overhead. Jisung takes Minho's hand as they run inside, carefully walking up the stairs and towards the apartment door, unlocking it as quickly as Minho's tired mind could manage. Minho locks the door behind them once they are inside, shedding his jacket and shoes within a minute of being indoors. Jisung follows suit, bending down to greet an approaching Soonie as the feline stretches with a yawn, clearly woken by the couple's late intrusion into the apartment.

"Let's go to bed, hm?" Jisung says quietly, holding his hand out for Minho. The elder nods his head quietly, taking Jisung's hand willingly, following the younger towards their bedroom and planting themselves in bed comfortably. Jisung was sitting upright, leaning against the headboard with a pillow behind his lower back. Minho was sitting next to him, turning his phone back on with his charger already plugged inside of it. Jisung watches quietly, eyes moving upwards to gaze at Minho's jawline and his sharp features. Jisung smiles to himself, just content to finally have Minho back home.

"I'm sorry I ignored your calls." Minho says, watching what seemed like a million notifications speed past his screen. "God, how many times did you call?"

"A bunch. I was worried." Jisung watches with intrigue, noticing that Hyunjin, Chris and Seungmin had all texted him, too.

"Did you tell everyone that I left?" Minho turns to look at Jisung, and Jisung nods. He was afraid of Minho's reaction to that, but the elder just hummed in understanding. He didn't want to make Minho angry again, but he seemed to be too tired and drained to even be bothered by anything anymore.

"I asked Hyunjin and Chan if they knew where you were. Seungmin just happened to see Chan's phone and told me about your spot. Don't be mad at them for trying to help, please."

"I'm not mad." Minho says as he scrolls through the messages, eyes still slightly watery. "Just weird to see everyone so concerned."

"People do care about you. Don't think that they don't."

"But a text from Seungmin? Of all people?" Minho looks at Jisung again, timidly handing his unlocked phone over. Jisung takes it, eyes scanning through the text message chain with Minho's ex.


Minho, please go home.

Jisung is worried sick.

He loves you so much, Minho. I can't stand to see you guys hurting like this.

"Wow." Jisung says quietly, eyes peeling away once he hands the phone back over. "He has changed."

"Channie did say that Seungmin was trying to be better. This is proof of that, I guess."

"Minho–" Jisung says timidly, watching Minho turn off his phone and look towards him curiously. "Do you still wanna, uhm–. . .  talk?"

"We can." Minho sets his phone down on his lap. "What do you wanna know?"

"What do you remember from the accident?"

"Not much." Minho sighs, head tilting back to lean against the headboard. "Things are hard to remember. I'm sure Chan told you that I don't remember a lot of it. He's partially right. I went to therapy to deal with the grief of it all, but she told me that I was trauma-blocking. So the things that I do remember are the events before the accident and after. Nothing in between has ever come to the forefront."

"So, the scar. . . on your abdomen?" Jisung asks quietly, and Minho nods.

"It's from the accident. It's a lingering reminder of everything. I hoped it would go away over time, but I think I'm meant to live with it. I have a lot of internal demons from the accident, but the visual reminder makes it that much harder to move on. So, when you mentioned it a while ago, I got a little self-conscious."

"I could tell." Jisung says quietly, earning a slight gaze towards him from Minho before he glances back towards the ceiling.

"After my mom died, my dad was barely present. He was glued to his job and made it his mission to be successful for my mom. So, I spent more time studying and less time with friends, trying to prove myself academically, but it wasn't enough for him. He wanted more from me. He wanted me to follow in his footsteps to be some kind of business owner with a wife and kids just like my mom wanted, but that was never anything I admitted to wanting for myself."

"I mean, it's a normal thing for parents to want for their kids. Why do you think he was so up your ass about it, though?"

"My mom. I would bet my life on it that his ambitions for me stemmed from everything my mom said." Minho's brows furrow slightly, voice a cent deeper and monotone. "I told Channie before that I don't think my dad is scared of anything, but I was wrong. Talking about all of this made me realize that he is scared of something."

"What is it?"

"He's scared of failure. He doesn't want to disappoint my mom and he doesn't want me to live a hard life, nor does he want the business to fail, that's been his motive this entire time. I think he worries that if I don't take over for him, that the business will crumble into nothing. He wants so much for himself and for me that he's barely spent any time realizing that I'm a person and he can't force whatever he wants onto me. So now that he's failing in convincing me, I think that we've been digging a bigger hole between us."

"I mean. . . that makes sense. But do you think you'd be willing to tell him that?"

"I don't know." Minho sighs. "It's a lot to think about, and I just need a little bit more time."

"You're allowed to think about it." Jisung smiles at him, though he's not sure if Minho saw it.

"I'm really sorry for blowing up on you the way I did." Minho breathes, head tilting down to look at his hands. "You don't deserve to be treated like that. A-And I didn't mean what I said either, about trust or whatever. I do trust you. I didn't mean to imply that I didn't."

"Thank you for apologizing to me, but it's okay. What I did isn't okay either. I feel really guilty about everything."

"Stop worrying about that, Jisung." Minho scoffs, turning to face the younger finally. "You did nothing wrong."

"Okay." Jisung nods. As much as he wants to sit here and playfully argue and apologize over and over again, he can tell that Minho is tired; emotionally and physically. "You look ready to collapse, Minho. We don't have to talk anymore if you're tired."

"So you forgive me? For running away instead of staying and talking?"

"Yes, baby. I do." Jisung tilts his head slightly, watching Minho's shoulders visibly relax. "I know that you're trying your best, okay?"

Minho nods, scooting over slightly before reaching his arms around Jisung, pulling the younger into a hug that he so desperately wanted. Jisung complies, pressing featherlight kisses along Minho's cheek and jawline, listening to the calming breaths that roll through Minho's lungs.

"I promise you that we're okay." Jisung says quietly, feeling Minho hug him tighter for a moment before leaning away. "I love you. I'm just happy that you came back to me."

"I'd always come back," Minho smiles at him tiredly, leaning in to press two languid kisses to Jisung's lips, savoring the taste each time. "But I love you more."

The sun rises quickly over the horizon, sending the rainstorms to flee and bring calmer, cloudy weather over the apartment. Warm sunlight peaks through the open windows and onto the mattress, sending waves of deep oranges and yellows to cast over the comforter. Minho was laid on his back, Jisung only a few inches away and curled up on his left side, trapped in a haze of inescapable dreamland. The further the sun crawls up into the sky, the harder it becomes for Minho to stay asleep.

His eyes open just barely, blinking twice before accepting that he was awake. He inhales deeply, looking around the room before his gaze travels towards Jisung, spotting the younger's back almost right next to him. As far as Minho knew, he was late for work. But, considering the events of the last two days, Minho figured he could use a sick day.

He rolls over to grab his phone, unplugging the charger from the port before rolling back onto his back, quickly opening his messages to text his boss. Thankfully, his boss assumed something was off and had someone cover his class for him, but made mention to Minho to at least warn him next time he was going to miss his shift. Minho apologizes, and turns his screen off, setting his phone back down before turning over towards Jisung.

Minho carefully slides his arms around Jisung, pulling the younger towards his chest. Jisung whines sleepily, hand reaching up to rub at his eyes. Minho kisses the back of his neck, then his cheek, feeling Jisung hum against him.

"G'morning to you, too." Jisung says groggily, pulling the blanket up towards his torso.

"Sleep okay?" Minho asks, lowering his head to bury his face into the back of Jisung's neck.

"Mhm. Did you?"

"Better than I have in a while." Minho admits quietly.

"Aren't you supposed to be at work right now? Or is it your day off?"

"Sick day."

"But you aren't sick," Jisung smiles.

"Nope. But I've missed you, and I've missed this. That warrants a day off to make up for lost time."

Jisung laughs tiredly at him, his own hand reaching to wrap around one of Minho's. "I've missed you, too."

"Thank you for bringing me home last night." Minho says quietly, voice tired and low.

"You're my other half, Minho. How d'you expect me to live without you?"

Minho squeezes his arms around Jisung, holding him tighter slightly. "I wasn't thinking when I left. I'm never gonna leave you like that again."

"I wouldn't fault you even if you did. It was an overwhelming topic that I didn't know would bring so much pain to the forefront. I understand why you ran off."

"I'm gonna work on that part of myself." Minho states, kissing Jisung's neck again. "You mean everything to me. You have no idea how thankful I am that you're still here."

"I'm here because I love you, dummy. I'm not gonna give up on you that easily."

Minho hums in response, a lingering question building in the back of his mind as the urge to be even closer to Jisung runs hot.

"D'you wanna take a shower with me, Jisungie?" Minho asks, feeling Jisung's hand squeeze his own.

"Mhm." Jisung slowly begins to turn around in Minho's arms, immediately pulling the elder into a lustful kiss when he's able. Minho grabs Jisung's waist, turning until he moves back onto his back, pulling Jisung with him and planting the male on his lap. Their kisses are tired and biting, pulling at lips with hushed groans fleeing their tongues.

It had been awhile since they were this hungry for each other. So now with what felt like they had all the time in the world to just melt into their desires, they both suddenly feel ravenous.

"That's quite the answer to my question," Minho says breathily the moment they part for air. Jisung smiles at him, leaning closer again.

"I just want you all to myself." Jisung mutters, kissing him once. "I haven't had you like this in a long time."

"You can have me." Minho swears, hands moving to squeeze each of Jisung's thighs. "Please, just have me."

Jisung leans down, kissing his lips sweetly, moving down to kiss the side of Minho's jaw then his throat, biting down on the pulse in his neck. Minho groans, hips bucking upwards in search of the friction he so desperately wanted.

Minho lets go of Jisung's waist, using his hands to help push him upright, now chest to chest with the younger. Jisung takes his hand and curls his fingers beneath the hem of Minho's shirt, pulling it upright until he tugs it over the elder's head. Jisung attaches his lips to Minho's throat, kissing and biting again, hips slowly beginning to grind forward and back, chasing the stimulation they both craved.

Minho does his best to clear the blankets off of his legs, head tilting back while biting back the groans building deep within his throat, almost unable to hold himself back any longer.

"Making you feel good, huh? Minho'ah?" Jisung says breathily, grinding his hips harder.

"Yes–" Minho chokes out, hand gripping back onto Jisung's thigh. "Yes you are."

Jisung snakes his hand into the elder's hair, gripping gently and pulling, moving Minho's head to the side to give him more access to paint his throat in loving bruises.

"D'you wanna go to the shower?" Jisung asks, kissing his jaw again, hips moving continuously. "Or d'you wanna stay here?"

"Uh-uh. Shower. Go." Minho insists, nearly rushing the younger off of him as Jisung hobbles off. Minho blindly reaches into his nightstand and grabs what he assumes is their go-to bottle before racing after the younger, watching Jisung needily tug his shirt off. Minho grabs a hold of his hips, manhandling and pushing, escorting the younger into the en-suite with haste. Jisung giggles at him, his own hands moving to the waistline of Minho's joggers, starting to untie the drawstring that held them to his annoyingly narrow waist.

Minho finally leads them towards the shower, head leaning down to kiss Jisung's lips twice, wrapping his fingers around Jisung's shorts and pulling down, bringing his boxers along with them as they pool around his ankles. Jisung kicks the clothing away, finally making due on his own urges as he pulls Minho's joggers down half-way, allowing the elder to finish tugging and kicking his own bottoms away, too.

Jisung hurriedly opens the shower door, pulling Minho in by his hand, fumbling around until his palm greets the silver handle of the faucet, turning it all the way to the left. The door gently slams behind them, cold water raining down over the both of them, but neither of them seemed to care. Jisung pulls Minho back into his lips, nipping and licking familiar territory as their tongues greet beyond the boundary of their own mouths.

Jisung was leading this dynamic, pushing Minho backwards a few steps until he collided with the marble wall of the shower, letting the water run down his back as it slowly began to turn lukewarm. Minho is pliant, for now, letting Jisung control the pace of their encounter as long as he wanted to, feeling complacent at whatever speed Jisung wanted to move in.

"I want you to do what you promised me," Jisung says quietly, hair soaked and cheeks flushed. "W-When your ankle was hurt. Do you remember that?"

"What did I say to you, Jisungie?" Minho asks, jaw tightening with satisfaction as he watches Jisung squirm.

"Minho'ah–" Jisung whines. "Do you not remember?"

"I do remember." Minho kisses Jisung chastely, teeth nipping at his pouting bottom lip. "I just want to hear you say it."

Jisung rolls his eyes, head slightly tilted as he looks at Minho again, voice a whisper. "You wanted to pin me to the wall–"

Jisung leans closer, ghosting his lips over Minho's, smiling when he feels Minho grab onto his hips. "So do it."

Minho spins them around beneath the cascade of water, letting the warm liquid run down their naked bodies as they press flush against each other. Minho's lips search for Jisung's skin, snapping open the bottle that remained in his grasp, spreading the liquid over his fingers as he licks hot stripes down Jisung's throat, hand drifting to greet the flesh between Jisung's legs. Jisung lets out a breathy groan, head tilting back into the wall, slowly beginning to fall apart as Minho touches him everywhere.

Minho always knew how to unravel Jisung with the smallest, simplest touches; Jisung preened from this. Minho had always taken mental note of the things that Jisung liked, even well before they were together romantically. He knew Jisung liked to be bitten and liked to be marked, but Minho has rarely ever seen Jisung want to be the one in control. This dynamic was different, but he didn't really mind it.

Jisung, as brazen as ever, grabs Minho's moving wrist, biting his tongue with a smirk. "I don't want you to just touch me, hyung. I w'na feel you."

Minho pulls away from his trail that he left on Jisung's throat, eyes lidded with need as he eyed down the younger. "Turn around, then."

Jisung does as he's told, feeling Minho wrap a hand around his left shoulder, the other hand resting on his waist. His lips move down to leave open-mouthed kisses down Jisung's spine, smiling against Jisung's skin when he feels the younger tense and shiver from anticipation with every pressed kiss.

Jisung was growing impatient, simply because he just wanted Minho more than he ever had, but also because Minho was taking his sweet fucking time. He wanted him more now than he did at the bar when they met, more than he had at the nightclub that same night, and more than he ever did in Jeju. They had been so distant, so incredibly far away from one another without even realizing it, even though they slept in the same bed at night, barely a couple of inches away.

He wishes he could take it all back. The resentment, the lies, the distance; all of it. He wanted to show Minho how loved he was and how badly he deserved to be loved. They were both broken people, starved of attention and touch, now completely in love with the soul that they were led to. Tortured souls met, and slowly but surely, they began to heal each other without even trying.

Minho needed to be forgiven and loved with patience, while Jisung needed affection and reassurance. It was an unspoken promise that they would give these things to one another in trade for simply being loved and doted on; neither of them would ever deny their partner of that.

Jisung gasps, biting down on his bottom lip when he feels Minho slide his fingers into him. Minho teasingly kisses Jisung's neck, featherlight, dragging his teeth atop his skin. Jisung plants his palms against the shower wall, head tilted against it too, breathing out incoherent words that Minho can barely understand.

"D'you want more, Jisungie?" Minho breathes, kissing his shoulder.

Jisung nods feverishly, almost unable to coax the words to leave his tongue.

"You gotta tell me what you want–" Minho hums, curling his fingers, watching Jisung lean into the wall with a guttural groan. "I'll do whatever you want me to."

Jisung is weak in his knees, trying to remain upright, but Minho was pressing into him with an urgency that Jisung was keen on feeling all of. He bites his tongue, keeping the noises settled in his throat at bay, fingers struggling to not grip into the tiled wall before him as he lets the elder do as he pleases. But it's not enough. Jisung wants more. He's greedy, he knows that. He just really can't fucking help himself.

"Just fucking, ugh–" Jisung whines, finally feeling the water turn hot. "All of you. Please. Need all of you."

"Okay," Minho complies easily, slowly sliding his fingers free. "Shit–"

"Hm? What?" Jisung looks over his shoulder, feeling Minho run his hand up and down his right side.

"I don't have anything, I-I didn't bring anything in here–"

"It's okay, 'm clean. It's fine, just please. Please."

"Are you sure? I'm clean too, I just want to make sure you're sure."

"I'm sure, Minho. Please hyung, jagiya, baby, fuck– please. Please."

Minho isn't sure what made his blood boil like this, maybe it was Jisung's begging or how completely blissed out of his mind he was. Minho barely wastes any more time spent worrying as he covers himself in the cool liquid, tossing the plastic bottle to the side, then presses into Jisung completely.

It's slow, careful; both males hissing between their teeth before falling into a natural state of elicited stupor. Jisung falls pliant, feeling Minho's hands move and drag along his body, lips seeking out any untouched skin that they could find as he grinds into him.

Staccatoed noises run along with the sound of the shower, drowned by the grunts and groans that fall from Minho's open lips. Jisung leans away from the shower wall, hands pressed into the tile, pushing himself back into the elder, feeling Minho's hand reach to grab onto his ass.

"Christ, Jisung–" Minho whispers, moving both of his hands to grip onto Jisung's hips. "You're driving me insane."

Jisung doesn't verbally respond, he just hums as best as he can, head tilting down, feeling arousal pool over his skin like static. Familiar knots begin to tighten deeply in his abdomen as Minho moves into him, hips snapping quicker as the shower continues to rain down on them. Minho feels a little stir crazy, driven by a lust so heavy he feels uncontrollable. He needs more. He wants more. He wants to watch Jisung fall apart as his hands, and more importantly, he doesn't think he can escape the urge to kiss the younger right now.

"Ji–" Minho breathes. "Turn around."

Jisung eyes him curiously, leaning away from the wall as he feels Minho pull away from him before immediately pinning the younger to the tiled wall by his back. Jisung rushes to slot their lips together in a hungry kiss, one that drives a scorching heat to build in Minho's stomach. Minho's left hand rakes beneath Jisung's left thigh, pulling his leg up to wrap around his waist, holding it there steadily as he moves hip to hip, pressing back into him without resistance.

"God, fuck–" Jisung groans, tilting his head to the side as he needily kisses Minho again.

"Feel good? Hm? Tell me. I w'na hear you tell me."

"Yes, yes, yes hyung. Yes." Jisung wraps his fingers into Minho's auburn tresses, pulling enough to elicit sounds from the elder that made him grin with satisfaction.

Minho continues his paced movements, angled with intent, leaning his forehead against Jisung's with their breaths meshing together between them. The water continues to remain hot, pouring onto their skin that slowly turns bruised and riddled with scratches, painting naked bodies in a haze of steam and love bites. Jisung drags his nails down Minho's shoulders and his back, grounding himself by any means necessary as the knot in his stomach begins to twirl.

"Be good for me Jisungie–" Minho pleas, kissing the younger's bottom lip, listening to the noises that fall from his lips suddenly stutter out at a faster rate. "I w'na see how pretty you are."

Jisung preens from the compliment, even if he felt like his stomach was about to burst. Words seem near impossible as his closing euphoria reaches an impasse, and he finds it hard to keep himself grounded. His head tilts back and away from Minho, neck open and exposed for the elder to latch back onto. The sudden clash of teeth against his pulse sends a trail of fire up the core of his abdomen, blurring his vision with an onslaught of tears as he feels the cord about to snap.

Minho snaps his hips twice, hard and with intent, listening to Jisung come undone. Minho leans away and watches Jisung unravel, feeling the same euphoric twist suddenly begin to break apart within himself. Jisung raises his hands and cups Minho's jaw, pulling him in for languid kisses that never dare to stop. Minho's peak is reached, lips falling still and hips stuttering, but Jisung continues to kiss his top lip and rub the sides of his face with his thumbs. Minho lets a long few breaths roll through his mouth as he climbs back down to reality, slowly letting go of Jisung's leg and slipping free of him.

"You okay?" Jisung asks breathily, moving strands of wet hair away from Minho's face.

"'M okay, jagi." Minho says in a mumble, taking a few calming breaths before seeking refuge in Jisung's lips again.

Minho isn't sure how long they stand there and kiss, but it was long enough for the water to slightly lose its heat, running warm down their skin. Jisung gently pulls away from Minho, running his thumb across the elder's swollen bottom lip before smiling at him sweetly. "Let me take care of you, hm?"

"You don't have to." Minho says quietly, but Jisung shakes his head.

"I want to." Jisung hums, planting his hands on Minho's shoulders as he pushes him backwards slightly. Minho leans his head back, letting the water smooth down his scalp and bruised skin, tilting forward again to take in one last, long breath before moving out of the cascading water. Jisung reaches into the shower caddy that they've both actively ignored, pulling out the shampoo bottle before squeezing out enough into his left palm. The bottle is placed back before Jisung spreads the shampoo between his palms, carefully threading his fingers into Minho's hair to apply it into his auburn locks.

Minho sighs comfortably, eyes lulling shut as Jisung scrubs his scalp and massages it, lathering him completely before taking a step back to rinse off his hands. He gently grabs Minho by the waist, pulling him back under the stream of water, dutifully brushing the hair out of Minho's face continuously as the water rinses through his freshly washed hair. Jisung smiles at him, watching Minho relax beneath his fingertips. Minho's brow was slightly pinched in the middle, humming in contentment as Jisung carefully tilted his head back straight, waiting as Minho's eyes opened carefully, blinking awake as he looked right back at Jisung.

Jisung kisses him again, completely overwhelmed by adoration and love, wanting to bottle up this moment and keep it locked safe for an eternity.

"I'm so in love with you," Minho mutters when they break apart, lazily snaking his hands around Jisung's hips.

"Yeah–" Jisung sighs with a happy smile. "I feel the same about you, too."

"Are you hungry?" Minho asks quietly, leaning a bit closer to be within an inch of Jisung's lips.

"A bit." Jisung tilts his head slightly, lips brushing against Minho's teasingly. "Why?"

"I'll make you breakfast." Minho nips at Jisung's bottom lip, biting down onto his own after. "But I wanna help you finish here, first."

"I'm okay." Jisung smiles. "Besides, you have to go feed the kitties before they plot our murders and kill us in our sleep."

"Soonie would never," Minho defends quietly, listening to Jisung giggle.

"Dori would."

"You're right." Minho laughs at him, knowing fully well that Dori would sacrifice him for food at any point without thought. "Dori would kill us."

"Go on, I'll finish up here." Jisung taps his chest lightly. "I'll be out in a minute."

"M'kay." Minho hums as he leans in to kiss him again, backing away only because Jisung's hands were practically pushing him out of the shower.

Minho exits and leaves a towel on the hook nearby for Jisung to use whenever he is done, wrapping his own towel around his waist as he makes way for his closet, snagging a new shirt and a pair of sweats. Minho makes his way into the kitchen after changing, cooing apologies to his cats as he prepares their breakfast as quickly as he could, washing their bowls and refilling their water like the dutiful cat dad he was.

Minho continues his promise, grabbing pans and ingredients out from his fridge to begin making breakfast. He's undecided at first, debating between pancakes or a more simple option, but he decides against it, grabbing the ingredients to make pancakes, simply because the effort was worth it for Jisung.

It takes roughly five minutes for Minho to finish making the pancake mix, beginning to pour small circles into the greased pan, listening to the sizzle that combs through the air. He focuses on making two medium-sized pancakes at once, watching the rounded cream-colored batter as he waits for bubbles to appear on the uncooked side. He's not sure if he wasn't listening or if he was just too focused on the pan to realize, but Jisung comes up from behind him, snaking his arms around Minho's waist and pressing a few kisses to his neck.

"How'd you know I was in the mood for pancakes?" Jisung hums, watching Minho prepare to flip the two within his pan.

"Lucky guess." Minho smiles. "I was also in the mood."

"Need me to do anything?"

"No." Minho lets go of the handle of the pan, moving his now free hand behind him to pat Jisung on his hip before squeezing the flesh there. "Go sit. I'll be done in a couple of minutes."

"Fine." Jisung pulls away after kissing the elder's shoulder, walking away into what Minho assumed was the living space.

Minho continues cooking, finishing making exactly six perfectly cooked and rounded pancakes with no batter remaining. Minho cleans the dishes quickly before reaching into the cabinet, pulling two plates out as he dishes three pancakes on each, setting them both down on the island counter before strolling into the living space.

"It's done," Minho says as he spots Jisung sitting on the couch, holding a purring Soonie to his chest. Minho's heart stutters, finding the moment incredibly endearing and sweet. His cats never liked anyone, and the fact that Soonie, of all of his cats, liked Jisung enough to cuddle with him was enough for Minho to want to marry the younger on the spot. Jisung just smiles at him when he spots Minho, giving Soonie one more scratch beneath his chin before setting the feline down on the couch ahead of him.

Jisung rises from his seat and follows Minho back into the kitchen, sitting on the stool next to the elder as he reaches for one of the filled plates. Minho smiles at him, watching the younger quickly delve into the meal, a look of surprise filling his expression the moment the pancake melts on his tongue.

"God, who knew you were so good at making pancakes?" Jisung says after chewing, greedily grabbing another bite on his fork.

"Hyunjin taught me how to make them." Minho says quietly. "He always liked them with syrup in the batter instead of as a topping."

"Hyunjin is a genius. I'm sorry I ever doubted him." Jisung takes another bite and Minho scoffs.

"By the way–" Minho turns towards the younger, watching him stuff his cheeks full of pancakes. Minho smiles, trying not to laugh, focusing on what he wanted to say. "Thank you for being so patient with me. I know it can't be easy to be with someone who can't communicate their feelings well."

Jisung swallows his bite, setting down his fork momentarily to turn in his stool to face Minho completely. Minho eyes him curiously. "Minho–"

Jisung takes an uneasy breath, eyes glancing down for a moment before looking directly back up, searching the elder's gaze for a hint of anything that he could cling to. "I'll admit, it's not easy. But, there's no one I'd rather be with. Just as you're learning to communicate, I'm learning to be patient. I need you just as much as you need me."

"I'm really glad you slid to my end of the bar that night." Minho tilts his head slightly, smiling at Jisung smittenly.

"I'm glad you made out with me in that closet." Jisung laughs, reaching his hand over to grab onto Minho's, running his thumb over the elder's skin. Minho laughs too, fully ignoring his plate of food.

"I love you." Jisung states, squeezing Minho's hand.

"I love you, too." Minho replies, scooting to the edge of his seat to pull Jisung closer by his hand, pulling his grasp away to cup the male by the sides of his jaw, kissing him languidly.

This was it. This was all Jisung had wanted back. He wanted his Minho back, and now he finally felt like he had gotten him; all of him. Jisung was his, truly his without a wavering doubt, and now Minho was his without any hesitance.

Jisung pulls away, biting his bottom lip, eyes hinted with mischief. "Let's get married."

"Oh my god." Minho rolls his eyes, pushing the younger away gently. "Give it a couple years, jagi."

"Oh? So, you've thought about it?"

"Stop it." Minho teases, pointing at Jisung's plate. "Eat your food."

Jisung smiles at him before being interrupted by three sharp knocks at the front door. Minho and Jisung share the same, confused glance before looking at the door again, almost waiting to see if the knocking would re-occur or for whoever was on the other side of the door would hopefully walk off.

Surely enough, three more knocks ring out. Minho hops off of his stool, warily walking around the edge of the island counter before heading towards the front door, hesitantly swinging it open after unlocking it. Minho was half-expecting Felix or Chris to be on the other side, but the person waiting patiently was neither. Minho stands in shock and Jisung curses under his breath.


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