By AmandaCowenAuthor

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Rhys Wyatt is as arrogant as he is beautiful, and Ivy Bishop has been infatuated with him forever. The night... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31

Chapter 26

801 9 0
By AmandaCowenAuthor


Once the weekend rolled around, Blaine and I stopped by the General Store to grab some party supplies. The bell on the door rang when we stepped inside. Eddie was stocking shelves on a ladder, and my mother rang through a customer as she stood behind the cash register. When she spotted us, her smile lit up the entire store, even though I could tell she was both confused and curious to see Blaine. I hadn't told her he decided to return home for me. She wasn't going to be happy about it. If there were another store in Moose Creek where we could've gotten the supplies we needed, I would've shopped there. She said her goodbyes to the customer and hugged me in the middle of the store.

"Ivy, honey. I'm so happy to see you." Mom said, holding me close. "Everything okay?" she whispered in my ear.

The following words were just sitting on my tongue: I fucked everything up. My relationship with the Wyatt brothers and the reputation of our entire family is ruined if anyone finds out what I've done– and oh, by the way, Blaine's back.

I didn't respond; I just nodded and watched Eddie hop off the ladder and shake Blaine's hand.

"What brings you back to Moose Creek, Blaine?" Mom asked, watching me with concern. "I thought you had at least two more weeks left in France."

"Yeah," he shrugged and looked down at me with a proud smile. Oblivious to my mental distress, Blaine weaved his fingers through mine and kissed the back of my hand. "I decided to come back for Ivy."

"For Ivy?" Mom asked. "I don't understand. She seemed to be doing just fine without you."

"Mom -"

I know she didn't mean to sound cruel, but she did.

"Well, it's true," she said, watching me closely. "What changed? You should've stuck it out. College was only a few weeks away, and you would've been back together in no time."

He shrugged, and I could tell by the way his jaw ticked he was trying not to take offence to my mother's remarks and remain polite. "Actually, I wouldn't have been back because I was offered a full year of paid tuition at the University of Paris. I came back when Ivy didn't want to come with me."

I could see a flash of unease on her face. "I see."

"It's good to have you back, Blaine." Eddie broke the tension with his kind words.

Thank God for Eddie.

"So, did you come in for a quick hello, or were you looking for something?" Mom asked.

Blaine nodded. "I'm throwing a going-away party for Rhys tonight. I need solo cups, plates, napkins and some fancy decorations."

"Oh, is that so?" Mom asked and glanced over at me. I couldn't help but blush. She'd always known about my little infatuation with Rhys Wyatt. "I didn't know he was back in town. Where's Rhys headed?"


"He's not going back to USC?" Eddie asked.

"Nope," Blaine mumbled. "He's hoping to get his music career going again."

I could feel Eddie's eyes watching me. Why was he looking at me? I refused to make eye contact with him. He'd see the guilt all over my face.

"Good for him." Mom said, placing a few cans of corn on a shelf. "Your brother was always incredibly talented. I remember him and Eddie jamming on their guitars late at night in our basement and playing gigs at Jones Tavern. He was quite the performer."

I took a deep breath, watching Eddie scowl and do the same. God, he looked pissed. I wondered if music was the sore spot between them, and then I told myself to stay out of it. To stay out of Rhys's life for good.

"Yeah, although our father would beg to differ. He will freak out once Rhys follows through," Blaine chucked. "I'm proud of Rhys, though. He's finally doing what he wants, not what is expected."

My mother looked over at me, but I didn't give her any indication I was feeling anything other than normal.

"You should come to the party, Eddie," Blaine suggested. "I know you and Rhys don't talk much anymore, but I'm sure he'd love to have you."

Eddie seemed completely lost in thought.

"Maybe," he finally said.

"Eddie, why don't you help Blaine find the supplies he needs," Mom said as I pulled my eyes from the floor.

"Alright. Follow me, Blaine." Eddie turned away from us and led the way.

"Be right back, babe." Blaine smiled.

As soon as they were out of earshot, I turned and faced my Mom. "I know what you're going to say, so please don't even say it."

She frowned. "I'm concerned, Ivy."

"Why?" I asked. "You have nothing to be concerned about."

"Yes. I do," she sighed. "I'm concerned because Blaine is too serious about you. His possessiveness isn't endearing. It's dangerous. You're too young...Ivy, I know this because your father was my Blaine."

I felt my eyes go wide. "And why do you make it sound like it's a bad thing? You loved Dad."

"Of course I did; he was my husband," she sighed. "He was a good, stable, and reliable man."

I shook my head. "I don't understand."

"Ivy, there is a whole big world for you to explore. Like your father, Blaine is also a good, stable, and reliable man. I know Blaine loves you, and you love him too, but Montana, Blaine and his aspirations aren't the only things that matter. I feel like he's always held on to you too tightly like your father did with me. I was young, just like you, when I met your father..." She shook her head and looked like she was struggling with deciding what she was about to say before she continued, "I never told you this, but before I married your father, I was accepted at the University of North Dakota in the pre-Veterinary Medicine program."

"Really? Mom, that's amazing." I'm reeling. Knowing my mother was accepted into University was huge. She had a real opportunity to get out of this town and decided not to. Why would she hide something like that from me? "Why did you never tell me?"

"I never wanted you or your brother to think I made the wrong choice about my future. You and Eddie are my life, and I wouldn't have had it any other way."

"Why didn't you go?"

"Around the time I was accepted, your father took over the General Store from your grandfather. We'd just graduated high school and been together since middle school...He became jealous and upset when I told him I was accepted to the program and begged me not to go. He selfishly wanted me to stay with him, start a family, and take over the General Store...so I stayed." She rubbed her face and let out a sigh. "I was young, and I thought that's what love meant: that when you love someone, you give things up to be with them. That you have to choose them over everything else, but that's not real love. Real love sets the ones we love free so they can follow their path, passions and dreams to be their best version. Real love always finds its way back if two people are meant to be, no matter what road leads them apart. Don't get me wrong, I loved your father fiercely, but I should have never given up on my dreams, and he should have never let me decline that offer. Life is too damn short to be holding someone else back or keeping their wings clipped when they are meant to fly." She looked at me, and it was my turn to look incredulous.

"I never asked Blaine to come back."

"It's not you I'm talking about."

I looked away, running my thumbnail down a groove in the shelving unit beside me.

"Well, I've got everything we need," Blaine's voice caused me to jump as he placed the items on the counter. I mentally shook off my mother's words as I watched her start to bag the items.

"Have fun at the party," she said when Blaine handed her a crisp hundred-dollar bill.

"We will," Blaine smiled, answering for the both of us. "Nice to see you, Ms. Bishop."

"Nice to see you too, Blaine."

Just as we were about to exit the store, my Mom called out my name. I turned around to see her holding out a white envelope. "I forgot to give this to you last time you were at home."

I looked down at a letter from Bank of America. My stomach dropped to the floor. I wouldn't be able to pay my outstanding loan and tuition payment before September. I forced a grin and put the letter into my purse. I would open it later in private. "Thanks, Mom."

"No problem, sweetie. See you on Monday."

Back at the ranch, Blaine and I started to set up for Rhys's farewell party. Blaine invited everyone who worked at Whitefish Resort. This was no small farewell gathering. Not only did Blaine buy fancy decorations from the General Store, but he also bought enough alcohol to fill an old fishing boat. He dragged the boat from the garage into the backyard, filled it with ice, and tossed all the bottles of alcohol on top for party guests to enjoy.

It was clear that this would be a long and excruciating night for me. My emotionally charged internal struggle insisted I confess to Blaine, but my rational side begged me to keep my mouth shut and not ruin the Wyatt family more than I already had. I had no idea how to let either Wyatt go.

While Blaine was busy outside cleaning the deck, I blew out an exaggerated breath and opened my purse. Even though I was scared to open the letter and come to terms with my debt I ripped it open like I would a Band-Aid. At first, I thought I was imagining things when I stared at the balance owed: $0.00. It didn't make any sense. I'd only been making minimum payments. There was supposed to be at least fifteen thousand dollars owed on this loan. Was I looking at the wrong bill? I scanned the letter to see my name and address in the top left-hand corner. I pinched myself to make sure I wasn't dreaming. Nope. I was wide awake. I wasn't seeing things...at least, I didn't think I was. My heart pounded so hard it hurt my rib cage. I felt like I was about to faint. This must be a mistake. Without hesitation, I dialled the bank's customer service line. After two rings and a few minutes on hold, I was connected with an agent.

"Good Afternoon. Thank you for calling Bank of America. How may I assist you today?"

"Hello. My name is Ivy Bishop. I am calling about a balance on my loan. I just received a letter, and I think it must be a mistake. There is a zero balance owing on my statement." I couldn't get the words out fast enough. The agent responded kindly and asked me a few security questions before she looked into my loan.

"Thank you for holding Ms. Bishop. The balance on your account has been paid in full. The letter you received in the mail is correct and reflects the zero balance on your account."

"But I didn't make a payment..." my voice trailed off.

"Well, someone did. Perhaps a family member or relative." I heard the agent's voice and knew what she was suggesting; I couldn't digest any of the information to be true.

There was no way it was my Mom or Eddie. Neither knew about my unresolved debt nor did they have the money to pay for it. Blaine knew I paid for my education but didn't know how much debt I'd incurred. My body froze, and my heart clenched; could it have been Rhys? He was the only person I had confided in. My body shuddered with anger, relief and some form of frustration. Why would he do that? I never asked him for help. I was capable of taking care of myself. Either Rhys had done this, or it was a minor miracle. I still couldn't believe it to be true even after I thanked the agent and hung up the phone.

Blaine's voice called out, asking me to help him hang lights in the kitchen. I stuffed the letter into the back pocket of my jeans and made my way downstairs. As we hung the last few lights in the kitchen, the radio played a random pop song in the background, and the sound of a door closing carried down the hall.

"You're back!" Blaine shouted and walked into the foyer. I almost spilled a bag of confetti when I heard Rhys's smooth, velvety voice return a polite greeting.

I paced between the counter and the island, my stomach having bottomed out near my feet, when I heard Rhys drop his keys and kick his shoes off near the door. I wanted to confront him about many things, including an accusation that he paid off my loan. But with Blaine around and how we left things, I would have to bite my tongue for a little longer.

I pretended to be busy myself and started wiping down a counter, but I knew immediately when Rhys walked into the kitchen. He came behind me, and I didn't turn around to face him. He opened the cupboard above my head and took a tumbler glass. I could feel his warm breath against my ear and couldn't escape his manly scent of cinnamon and spruce trees. Blaine was eyeing him with a curious look, which irritated me a little more. What the hell was Rhys thinking? He brushed against my backside as he cracked open a bottle of whiskey and poured a full glass for himself. I planned on giving him a dirty look, but seeing him made me catch my breath and quickened my heart.

He was freshly shaved, and his face was smooth and clean, but his hair was cut short, wild, and messy: exactly how he looked when I was a teenager. He had on a black and red checkered flannel shirt that sharpened and contrasted the whiteness of his perfectly tight t-shirt underneath that teasingly showcased every curved layer of his pecs and mid-section. But it wasn't just his smoking hot body and nostalgic look that had my attention. It was his bright blue eyes. They practically smouldered as he gazed down at me. A crooked grin was fixed on his lips as he studied me.

This was growing increasingly awkward. I hastily moved away from him, hoping the loss of contact would calm my beating heart. I could see Blaine watching us oddly from the corner of my eye. Well, Blaine watched Rhys oddly.

"Don't be so greedy with the whiskey, Rhys," Blaine stepped behind me and draped an arm around my shoulder, pulling me backward. "Pour a shot for each of us."

"Sure," his grin widened as he brushed his hip against mine somehow as he passed a drink to me and Blaine. I inhaled a little too sharply.

"I'll make a toast." He glanced up at Blaine and nodded politely at him with a slight smile. "Here's to the prettiest," his eyes shifted to mine, "here's to the wittiest," he raised a hand. "Here's to the truest who are true," he nodded to Blaine. "Here's to the neatest one, here's to the sweetest one. Here's to them all wrapped in one – "he slammed his whiskey, watching me over the glass rim. "And here's to you," he winked, then raised his empty glass to me, wiping his mouth with the back of his hand.

I instantly blushed. Blaine hollered out a woohoo and slammed back his drink with a hearty response to Rhys's toast, oblivious to our tension. My hand shook as I took a tiny sip. Rhys continued to watch me with a smirk on his face. It was like he was enjoying making me feel uncomfortable.

The doorbell rang, and Blaine placed his empty glass on the countertop. "Alright," he hollered and rubbed his palms together in excitement. "Let's get this party started."

Blaine smiled at the both of us before he exited the kitchen and headed toward the front door. I blushed red everywhere when Rhys's eyes found mine. He set down his glass and calmly took a step closer to me. Brushing the hair seductively off my neck, from one shoulder all the way around to the other, he let out a defeated sigh. "Well, this should be fun," he whispered.

I felt overheated and a bit faint. Without another word, he turned away from me and headed toward the foyer. I slammed my shot of whiskey and took a deep and steadying breath. I needed to gain control of myself...but I had no idea how. 

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