By -planetpiastri

393K 9.9K 2.2K

- "you're not saying you're in love with me, but you're going to." or, the one whe... More

ON AIR...!


9.6K 292 59
By -planetpiastri

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ONE more day until Christmas, and this small trip has been nothing but heavenly for Lando, and he's almost one hundred percent positive that Bianca holds it in the same regard.

Compared to yesterday's eventfulness with horseback riding and night drives with his brother and sister-in-law, today was a lot more lax, with much more calming activities like hot chocolate and sitting by the fire. At the moment, his niece was entertaining them all with some story about whatever wacky show she's found herself watching on her tablet—because much to Lando's dismay, his niece is definitely an iPad kid.

As the family engrossed themselves in the young girl's story, Lando couldn't help but find his arm snaking around Bianca's waist as they sat on the couch side-by-side. It wasn't unlike how he was holding her those two nights ago; or even how he was holding her last night.

They were getting closer, in regard to whatever their little dance routine was, and also in physicality. Lando hadn't fully realized just how close they were getting, until Bianca asked Lando as they were setting up the table for lunch if she could kiss him on the cheek.

No one was around in the kitchen at the time, as the family had opted to hang out outside while Lando and Bianca offered themselves up to fix the plates and cutlery in the house. The request was out of nowhere, no doubt, but Bianca's excuse was that his sister-in-law had asked out of curiosity why she and Lando weren't so affectionate outside of hugs; something to do with how with his past relationships, he was all hands on.

After a small chat about it, the two agreed that kisses on cheeks and foreheads were good, and left it at that as they filled the empty cups at the table with water.

Now though, with the fire sprinkling their faces with warmth and his niece's words filling his ears, Lando found his eyes latching onto the stunning visual that was Bianca every now and then. Sometimes it was just to look, other times to press a light peck on the top of her head.

Was he getting carried away? No. He knew how to control himself and where their boundaries lie, and he respected that. But, it's difficult to kiss her once and not crave to do it over, and over again. It didn't help that Bianca was so easily called to snuggle up into him, her perfume taking over all of his senses every other breath he took. It's that same citrus-y scent, the one he had first inhaled in her Los Angeles apartment, and the one he would smell around his house in Monaco, even when she wasn't around.

Over a few minutes, his niece's story came to a close with scattered laughter and soft smiles, and everyone began to get up to eat dinner.

"Lando, Bianca?" His brother asks. "Will you both be joining us or are you both still working on your chocolates?"

"We'll be there in a bit," Bianca answers on both of their behalfs, earning a nod from the older man.

Bianca then resumes her comfortable position against Lando, and rests her head against his shoulder. Her hot chocolate was now placed on the coffee table in front of them, with Lando's own hot cocoa next to it. It would have been hard to distinct who was drinking out of what cup if not for the light lipstick stain on Bianca's.

"You're not hungry?" Lando asks, moving his hand up from her waist to hold her arm, giving it a small squeeze.

She shakes her head. "Not really. Just tired, which is weird because we didn't do a lot today."

Lando chuckles, tracing lines on her upper arm where his hand has chosen to make home. "Well, for the record, we're staying awake until midnight so, maybe you should get your rest in now before Santa comes by."

The blonde snorts a laugh and moves her head. "Traditions die hard for you, I take it?"

Lando moves his hand back down to her waist and pulls her close. "Yeah, something like that, I reckon," he teases, giving her a kiss on the cheek.

Well, more like two kisses or three.

Yup, totally not getting carried away.

The fact is, this wasn't even flirting anymore. It was just...Lando and Bianca being Lando and Bianca.

As far as he knew, she was fine with what they were doing. Hand-holding, hugs, nicknames, with the new addition of kisses-anywhere-but-the-lips to their collection of things done.

Where does it end? He couldn't help but wonder. When do we become more than this?

He could ask, really, he could. He's not very ashamed easily and he's had no issues being confrontational with others in the past, but the reason for why he's chosen to avoid uttering the simple five words escapes him.

I'm in love with you.

It could have been because of the fact that, realistically, it's only been two months, maybe less, since they first met, and yet it's felt like half a year at this point. Ever since that night, it's just been training, text Bianca, sim-race, call Bianca, stream on Twitch, do anything with Bianca. How the blonde managed to tangle her way into his daily routine, he wasn't so sure, but she did, and if it wasn't racing or press conferences, his brain was only filled with Bianca and her talents and bright personality.

"Okay!" Bianca says through giggles, giving him a light push on the chest. "You're too much, Lando."

Lando gasps dramatically, placing a hand on his chest where she had pressed. "What? How could you say such a thing, my love? I'm hurt, I'm so, really—ow!" The impact of one of the sofa pillows hitting his face sends him into a mental spin, as he sees Bianca laughing to herself. "Oh, you'll pay me back for that later."

Bianca's jaw drops. "What does that mean?"

Before Lando has a chance to send over some snarky and/or flirty response (he hadn't decided in the moment yet which one he wanted to say), the small voice of his niece re-enters the living room.

"Uncle Lando-o-o, Auntie Bianca-a-a, please come eat!" She requests, tiny head peeking over the doorframe into the area.

Lando nods with a smile. "Yes, we'll be there!"

She then runs up to Lando's spot on the couch, and he intrinsically picks her up so she's in his arms while he stands. Bianca follows his movements, and she fixes the collar of her hoodie. "You want soda, Lani?"

"Yes, please."

"Alright, I'll grab you one while I warm up some water," Bianca says as she heads into the dining room first. Lando follows her a bit far behind, holding his niece in his arms.

"Will I be the flower girl when you both get married?"

The question makes Lando stop just three steps into the journey for their dinner meals.

"We've only been together for two months," Lando points out to the young girl. "I reckon we've got a little more time before you can ask questions like that."

"But what if you guys are perfect for each other right now?"

"Then, we'll be perfect for each other in a few years too," he says like a vow. "Then, you can be our flower girl."

She shines a toothy grin on her face as they continue into the dining table, where everyone is already sat and talking, Bianca included. His family had spared no time to make her feel at home, and combined with Bianca's good manners, she fit into the household like a missing puzzle piece.

Lando's never been the hopeless romantic type until he started this whole masquerade with Bianca. She was too flawless to seem real, and too perfect to not fall in love with.

He'll give it two more months, see if she wants to continue this. Then, he'll tell her.

He swears it.


finals season is kicking my ass, i wrote this without wearing my glasses, and these chapters are slowly getting more and more repetitive but WE'RE MAKING MOVES !!!

xoxo, cas

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