Just A Mere Human (One-Shot)

By Daichungnumber6

258 5 0

After two losing rounds, humanity has to face the "Most Fearsome God": Poseidon. A mere mortal in suit, known... More

Poseidon Vs Kamen Rider G3-X

258 5 0
By Daichungnumber6

                              The will and wisdom of mankind

                             Crushes the unknown enemy

                                 -Kamen Rider Zukan: Kamen Rider G3-X

Humanity finds itself in a difficult situation following two defeats in Ragnarok. Brunhilde is extremely frustrated after losing one of her best fighters, Adam. Then she discovered that the next opponent is Poseidon, the older brother of Zeus, who is known as "Zeus of the Seas."

As Brunhilde is swiping the screen to find someone who can stand up to Poseidon, a strange man interrupts her and chooses the file with the name Makoto Hikawa/Kamen Rider G3 on it.

"Where'd he come from?!"

Brunhilde inspected the strange man, who had white hair and red eyes and was dressed in silver armor. Despite the fact that they did not know each other, he gave her a warm and cheerful smile.

"I heard you are looking for your next fighter; may I recommend this gentleman?"

Surprised as she was, Brunhilde took a look at the files:

Name: Makoto Hikawa

Aliases: Kamen Rider G3

Occupation: Police, Member of SAUL (Squad Against Unidentified Lifeforms)

Description: Makoto Hikawa is a police officer who uses the G3-System, a reinforced exosuit, to fight the Lords, an ancient race who served under the Overlord and sought to eradicate humanity. He, Kamen Rider Agito, and Kamen Rider Gills worked together to defeat the Lords and save humanity from extinction.

Brunhilde is shocked at how she could have missed such a promising candidate after learning of this man's accomplishments. Nonetheless, she is skeptical that he can defeat Poseidon, one of the most powerful Greek gods.

"I believe he is the most qualified candidate. Because you will not find anyone who has fought gods before."

And just for that, Brunhilde is convinced.


Thus, Ragnarok's third round begins. Heimdall announces the fighters on each side:

"The fighter for the gods is... this gentleman!"

When the golden gate on God's side is opened, the waves of water split in two, forming a passageway to the area's center.

"While Zeus is the god of the cosmos, this gentleman, who controls all the seas, is the tyrant of the oceans! The ruler of the seas! Even the gods fear incurring the wrath of the most fearsome god! The second of the three brothers of Olympus, also known as Zeus Enalios, "Zeus of the Ocean,"

The gods applauded as the man made his way to the center, while the humans could only stare open-mouthed.

"His name is...


When Poseidon arrived, both the gods and the humans remained silent. No one dared to speak for fear of incurring his wrath.

"Hmph! Such riffraff."

"And the idiotic fool who will face the fierce god of the sea, or rather, the fighter for mankind, is this man!"

Light shone on the human side of the gate. A man in heavy blue armor slowly approached the area on his motorcycle. On his left shoulder is written "G3-X."

"Clad on the best armor made by man! Protect humans against the ancient beings, Overlords! How can a mere mortal be chosen, you ask? Was it because he has a special power?! Or does the armor hide some sort of secret?!"

"No! No!! No!!! It's none of those things! A mere mortal he may be, but none can compare to his wills! Never back down, even in danger! Protect the citizen, even if it costs his life!"


"Is that guy the next fighter for humanity? He appears to be quite strong, but there is no way he can defeat Poseidon."

"Haha! I bet that guy will go down in 5 seconds. There is no way he will win against Poseidon."

Several members of the audience express their doubts about the G3-X, believing they have no chance in this match. While the gods are confident that Poseidon will easily win this round, some argue that humanity should just give up now.

"Hey Shouchi-kun, do you think he can win this round?" A young girl with black hair asks the man next to her.

"It's fine, Mana-chan. I believe in Hikawa-san ability." The man, known as Shouchi Tsugami, gives her a reassuring smile.

A man in an officer uniform is staring into the air near them, where his cheek has been pinched by a woman in a police uniform.

"What are you staring at, huh, Omuro-kun? You're supposed to focus on the fight."

"Ow, please stop, Ozawa-san! I'm sorry!" After soothing his cheek, his gaze was fixed on the area again.

"It's just that... I'm worried about Hikawa-san. We have always supported him, but now all we can do is watch." Takahiro Omuro's cheek was pinched again after he finished his sentence by Sumiko Ozawa, his superior and the leader of SAUL.

"You idiot! Who the heck do you think he is? That's Makoto Hikawa! That man will never run away!"

G3-X gets off his bike, the Guard Chaser.  Going on, Heimdall announces:

"The third fighter for the gods, Poseidon!"

"The third fighter for mankind, Kamen Rider G3-X!"



The bells toll, thus beginning the third round of Ragnarok.

Unlike rounds one and two, round three began with the silence of still waters. Neither of the fighters has yet to make their first move. The atmosphere was so intense that the audience could not help but feel overwhelmed.

"Hmm, it appears that the mortal has a range advantage over Poseidon. If he uses that weapon, he will receive the first strike. I believe Poseidon is assessing the situation." Hermes sneered before Ares could finish his sentence.

"Pardon me. Poseidon isn't hoping for anything at all. He will simply avoid any attacks. That is all."

As the audience speculates about the situation, both fighters remain motionless on the battlefield.

"Damn it, what happened to my body? It is as if I have been paralyzed or something."

When it comes to fighting, Makoto Hikawa is far from inexperienced. In fact, he has fought countless monsters and even gods. However, standing in front of this person, fear gripped his body and prevented him from making the first move. There is something—call it a survival instinct—screaming at him to flee.

In the past, he has faced many opponents who were stronger than him. The first time he used the G-3 System in actual combat, he was completely destroyed by the Lords, and if Agito, no Shouchi, had not saved him in time, he would not be here in the first place. 

Following that incident, he vows to himself that he will grow stronger in order to defeat the Lords and protect the people, even if it means risking his life. He will never flee because he is both a cop and a Kamen Rider!

Waken from his trance, Makoto grabs the GM-01 <Scorpion>, an automatic rifle on his right thight, and fires at Poseidon.

Poseidon easily avoided the bullets with his superior speed, and then, in the blink of an eye, he reached G3-X and attempted to stab him through the chest. G3-X only narrowly avoided the strike, but he was met with another. Due to G3-X multi-layered armor, the strike did not penetrate him, but the force sent him flying back to the rear of the area.

Poseidon followed up with a barrage of thrusts at G3-X.


In the face of Poseidon's onslaught, G3-X manages to avoid a few strikes and parry others with GK-06 <Unicorn>, a combat knife stored in his left arm.

"Can you believe this?! This mortal is absolutely fighting on par with Poseidon!" Heimdall boldly stated the scene in front of his eyes.

The audience, especially the gods, were astounded that a mere mortal could keep up with Poseidon's speed.

"Amazing! G3-X can see the thrusts of Poseidon's trident! Does that mean his speed is on par with Adam's?" Even though she had been skeptical of G3-X just moments before, Göll now expressed her amazement at him.

"I am not entirely sure, but judging by his movement, it appears that he was able to predict Poseidon's attack and respond to it perfectly." Brunhilde, despite not fully comprehending G3-X's capabilities, was able to detect his moving pattern. Every move is perfectly coordinated, and there is not a single mistake. As if something were controlling his movements...

"So cool! Ozawa-san, why does the G3-X appear different than usual?" Takahiro Omuro was one of the two people who constantly supported the G-3 System, so he was the first to notice G3's fighting style.

"I'm surprised you can notice it in the first place, Omuro." Although Omuro was never the sharpest tool in the shed, Ozawa did give him credit for this one occasion.

"Yes, I have adjusted G3-X's AI function, which is the reason he was able to fight like this."

G3-X includes a special AI function that prompts the operator to choose the best attack method. Initially, G3-X's drastic improvement in combat ability allows it to fight much stronger opponents. It also required precise synchronization and coordination with the motor functions of the suit. Most importantly, the AI completely disregards the wearer's will and continues to activate even when the wearer is unconscious, resulting in ongoing physical fatigue. As a result, Ozawa must install a less advanced AI to reduce the user's burden.

"This time, I have made the decision to enhance G3-X's combat power by using the original AI."

"Eh, but Ozawa-san, wouldn't it put a burden on Hikawa-san?"

"Have you forgotten how many battles Makoto has endured?" He is always improved after each fight, so something like that will not stop him." Omuro nods in agreement as Ozawa responds with a determined look.

"Way to go, buddy!"

"Show that God knows what we humans can do."

"I-Impossible! He avoided and parried every strike!"

"How could this human possess such power?"

The gods were taken aback by the scene, while humans cheered loudly for G3-X.

The clash between Poseidon and G3-X appears to be coming to an end, as both fighers have stopped attacking.


The G3 system is powered by a limited amount of electricity. Although the battery of the G3-X has increased, that brief encounter with Poseidon has consumed a significant amount of energy.

Suddenly, there was a whistling sound from Poseidon. G3-X raised his guard and prepared for the next attack.


Poseidon struck at G3-X's belt, puncturing a hole in his side belly faster than he could react. It caught both him and everyone else in the stadium off guard.

"What's wrong?"

It was the first time this god had spoken to a human.

"I thought you were able to read your opponent's moves."

"You loser!" Poseidon mocked him with a sly grin on his face.

"Poseidon's trident has pierced G3-X's side with ease! It seems even the great Kamen Rider is nothing more than a little sardine in the face of the tyrant of the ocean." Heimdall's comment on the scene.


"Damn it! I wasn't able to react to his attack in time!" G3-X is holding his wounds to stop bleeding.

"Way to go! That's the god of gods for you!" Heimdall exclaimed loudly as Poseidon gained an advantage over G3-X.

"No matter how strong those dumb humans are, they'll never be a match for him!"

"GOG!" "GOG!" "GOG!"

The gods' excitement grows as they continue to yell "GOG!" Poseidon responded with a cold stare that silenced the entire area. No one dared to speak for fear of being annihilated.

"This is how it feels to stand before a true god, a mortal." Poseidon speaks up.

"Gods don't gather armies."

"Gods don't plot schemes."

"Gods don't rely on one another."

"That is what gods are."

"We are perfect beings from the very start."

"A mere mortal cannot defeat God."

After a brief silence, G3-X spoke up.

"Humans can't defeat gods, huh?"

"Not the first time I've heard this."



Poseidon leaps into the air and begins his second technique.


An endless barrage of trident thrusts rains down on G3-X from above, much like a thunderstorm. Poseidon's move was so fast that it left so many afterimages behind. G3-X analyzes his attack once more and desperately counters it.

"That's insane! While Poseidon is the faster of the two, G3-X was able to react to his attack in time."

Ares is completely taken aback by the sight. Hermes, on the other hand, appears unfazed.

"If it were just a matter of speed, he could counter them. But what that human had seen up to that point was only the tip of Poseidon's abilities. Not even other gods, much less mortals, can fully comprehend the depths of the god of the sea. It is absurd for a human to even consider such a possibility."

Everyone is on edge as they watch the two fighters engage in an endless battle. Brunhilde clenches her teeth, while Göll encourages G3-X.

Slowly, G3-X analyzed Poseidon's attack pattern and discovered a small gap in between. He waited for Poseidon to make his move, then...


Shots were fired at Poseidon's head by GM-01 <Scorpion>. The bullets seem to be hitting his head, as if time has stopped. It flew past his head, and it seems victory for humans is assured.

Poseidon then abruptly vanished. The bullets simply struck an afterimage, as the real one had already dodged it. Poseidon has now moved his trident a few inches closer to G3-X's throat. G3-X narrowly avoided the thrust, but it instead struck his helmet, severing it in half. The broken helmet shattered on the ground, revealing the man beneath it. A deep cut near his cheeks bleeds, indicating how close the thrust was.

Poseidon continues his onslaught from above, not giving G3-X a chance to rest. G3-X intends to use the same strategy as before, defending against his attack and waiting for the right moment to strike. However, Poseidon saw right through him before the plans could be carried out.

G3-X was unable to react in time when Poseidon used his speed to close in and destroy the GM-01 <Scorpion>. He tries to stab him with the GK-06 <Unicorn>, but Poseidon easily stops him and snaps the blade with his hand.

"Maggot like you shouldn't get so cocky."

"This is unbelievable!" Poseidon has destroyed G3-X's weapons!" Heimdall exclaimed.

"This fight is over!" That's what everyone thought.

"Without his weapons, G3-X has no way of winning."


"This man... is stronger than anyone that I've faced. With my current power, I doubt that I could win against him." G3-X thought as he picked up the shattered weapons.

"But I won't give up here. No, I will become stronger and defeat him right here!"

"I do not know if you are a real god or not, but those who threatened people's lives, I will not forgive!" After he spoke up, the broken weapons emitted a bright light. Makoto's determination appears to have awakened something within them.




Attached to his right hand is a sword-shaped weapon that can cut through any material with ease.

"The weapons that were broken have changed!" This performance baffled both Heimdall and the audience.

"Hrist... Thank goodness. I thought you were truly done." Göll is relieved that her sister is still alive.

"But how did the broken weapons become new?"

"That is precisely the true nature of the second Valkyrie, Hrist. Her power lies in her name."

"The one who trembles with fear and with rage." The image depicts two personalities of Hrist, one calm and the other aggressive.

"Hrist is the only Valkyrie with two powers within her; because of that, G3-X can change his weapons as long as they are limited to two at a time."

"What... what... what... what... luck!" Tremble as Brunhilde yells at G3-X, unable to contain her excitement.

"Yes! We've got it! Go get him, Kamen Rider G3-X!"

"Now let us finish this, god of the sea." G3-X tightens his grip on his sword.

Poseidon charges forward, hurling countless thrusts at his opponent. Predicting Poseidon's movement pattern, G3-X devises an ideal attack method and counters it. He exploited small gaps in between and struck at the right time. Within the blink of an eye, G3-X swings his sword downward...

A long cut from Poseidon's shoulder to his waist. Yet it doesn't slow him down in the slightest. Poseidon presses on, as if the wounds were nothing more than mosquito bites.

Observing, Analyzing, and Countering. Eventually, G3-X discovered another gap. Seizing the opportunity, he slashes Poseidon once more. A horizontal cut across Poseidon's chest. Poseidon has taken a step back this time.

"The sea Zeus, the fearsome Zeus Enalios, Poseidon have... been cut!" Heimdall exclaimed in disbelief. Other gods in the auditorium are feeling the same way.

"You're kidding!"

"Poseidon is hurt by a mere human."

On the human side, though crushed over and over again, mankind's hope sprung back!


"We're counting on you! Our lives are in your hands."

"You can do it!"

The crow goes wild, and they all have the same thought:

Will he be the first one to become... a god-slayer?

In contrast to the lively auditorium, the air around the area remains as intense as ever. Poseidon examines his wounds by tracing his hand across them. Poseidon whistles again as he smears blood in his hand and slicks his hair back, an evil grin on his face.

"Hmph. So you think you have got me figured out, eh?" Poseidon's grip tightened, and his muscles grew larger.

"Such arrogance." Poseidon strikes G3-X's head in less than a second. He barely avoided the attack, and it instead struck his shoulder, breaking it apart.

The second strike was directed at G3-X's head once more. It grazed through his head, leaving a large cut.

Mankind thought they were on the verge of their first victory. But the power of this god denied their hopes yet again.

Poseidon leaps into the air with his godly speed and employs his third technique.


Poseidon launches trident strikes in all directions. To the naked eye, G3-X appears to be surrounded by an invisible dome from which countless attacks are raining down on him. With nowhere to flee, all he can do is counterattack as best he can.


The number of attacks is overwhelming him; G3-X's armor is breaking down, and his battery is dying.

"I cannot keep up with this. Maybe... This is the end." Fatigue is catching up with him, and his body is becoming heavier.

The depth of the sea god appears to be infinite; when he thought he had finally reached the bottom, it became much deeper. As he sinks deeper, he realizes that he cannot comprehend the depths of the abyss.

"Hikawa-kun! Don't you dare lose this fight!" From the auditorium, a shout from his superior, Sumiko Ozawa, can be heard.

"Yeah! You can win this, Hikawa-san!" Takahiro Omuro, his SAUL colleague, came next.

"Hikawa-san, you can do it!" "I believe in you too." Shouchi and Mana both yell encouragement to him.

All of his friends and everyone else are cheering for him. Despite the fact that the odds are stacked against him and he is on the verge of losing,. Everyone still believes in him. So he will not betray their trust; he will... no, he will definitely win this fight!

He concentrated all of his energy on developing a new attack strategy. Time slowed to a crawl as Poseidon's trident was only a few inches away from piercing his skull. He blocked the strike with all his might before moving closer to Poseidon. A stab in his right chest was followed by the cutting of a chunk of his right arm.

Despite his injuries, Poseidon grabs the trident with his left hand and thrusts it downward, intending to pierce through G3-X. G3-X's armor manages to stop it halfway. Biting his lips in pain, he ignores the injuries and slashes through his left arm.

Losing both of his arms, Poseidon grabs the trident with his mouth and strikes again. The trident grazed G3-X's head, severing his left ear. He took advantage of the opportunity to stab Poseidon in the chest, then split the god in half with his remaining strength.

"Y... you... little..." Poseidon's two halves fall to the ground before he can finish. His body disintegrates into light and fades away.

After a brief moment of silence, the crow erupts. As the trumpet announces the end of the fight, the crowd starts cheering, and the gods are completely speechless. Despite being severely injured, G3-X still raises his arm in triumph.

"The victor of the third bout... in the final battle between god and man, Ragnarok, is...

Kamen Rider G3-X of mankind!" Even Heimdall is completely shocked at the outcome.

The first victory of humanity over the gods. A mere mortal defeated the god of gods.

"He... he did it! "I never thought the G3 System could be that powerful, Ozawa-san." Omuro exclaimed as G3-X won. Instead, Ozawa greeted him with a silent stare.

"Omuro-kun, the AI chip has stopped working halfway through the match." Omuro could not believe what he was hearing; if the chip had failed, it meant...

"The AI chip can only work at 50% or higher power; after that, the control function is entirely dependent on the user."

"In the end, not only did Hikawa-kun manage to control the AI, but he also managed to suppress it with his willpower." That was the only explanation Ozawa could think of. She thought it was over when the suit lost most of its power, but Hikawa overcame her expectations and won despite the odds.

"Hikawa-san..." Omuro could only mutter Hikawa's name before saluting him in admiration and respect.

"Way to go, Hikawa-san!" Shouchi cheered, and Mana is relieved that G3-X won.

A muscular old man with silver hair wearing a red and orange haori stood somewhere in the lively auditorium, admiring the scene before him.

"That young lad was quite strong, I must say. I was hoping to put my swordsman skills to the test in this round, but it appears that he beat me to it. Well, I guess I should practice more until I find a worthy opponent." Said the old man as he exited the auditorium.


After the fight was over, Makoto Hikawa was escorted back to the infirmary by Hrist and his friends. Sumiko Ozawa offers to stay with him and care for his health until he is fully recovered. Takahiro Omuro also volunteered to keep an eye on him. Shouchi and Mana promise to prepare the best meals for him to eat while recovering. During this time, he realized he had truly great friends with him.

Many gods have yet to recover from the shock that hit them. The fact that a god was defeated by a human taught them that they needed to be more serious from now on. The Greek gods begin to plot their vengeance on humanity.

The Valkyries, for their part, are overjoyed that humans have finally won for the first time. Hrist is satisfied that she was able to exact revenge on the gods. Brunhilde, on the other hand, is looking for the white-haired man who recommended G3-X because she could not help but feel strange about him.

"You there! Explain to me, right now!" Brunhilde comes across the white-haired man standing in the dark hallway. He does not seem surprised at all, as if he was expecting her.

"Oh, I was waiting for you. How was the match?" The man smiles warmly at her.

"I will not deny that the G3-X is unquestionably the best choice for this. Although I doubt you would pick him at random,. But what I am curious about is, "Who are you?"

G3-X was not originally one of the Ragnarok candidates. In fact, she is unaware of him until this strange man points him out to her. Speaking of which, despite not knowing anything about him, there is something about him that makes her feel... calm? She feels as if someone has embraced her and assured her that everything will be fine.

The white-haired man rubbed his chin and smiled at her.

"I suppose you could call me... A passing-through space god."

Brunhilde is baffled by what he said. She has so many questions in her head that she wants him to answer, but before she could...

"Don't think much about it; just remember that I'm always on mankind's side."

The man disappeared in the blink of an eye. Brunhilde is left all by herself. Although she is still unsure whether to trust this mysterious person, if he is on the human side, she could always use more fighters with his help. Brunhilde reflected as she let out a vulgar laugh before returning to her room.


(Author Note)

Hello everyone! This is my first ever fanfiction here. Although it has many flaws, I hope you can still enjoy it. This fanfic is a crossover between Kamen Rider Agito and Record of Ragnarok. It basically replaces Kojiro Sasaki with Kamen Rider G3-X / Makoto Hikawa for round three.

This one-shot is heavily based on Chapter 14–20 and the anime adaptation of Ragnarok, with several changes to the dialogue, characters, settings, and so on. The hardest part is writing the fighting scene. I am honestly not sure how it turned out, so please give me your thoughts on it.

I chose Kamen Rider G3-X over all other Riders because, well, he is just a really cool Rider, you know? I mean, I like a lot of Riders, but I think using G3-X would fit with the "human vs. gods" theme in Kamen Rider Agito. I will admit that I did not use him to his full potential in this fight. Because G3-X is primarily a range fighter, forcing him into melee combat is somewhat disadvantageous.

Anyway, thank you for reading my story. Leave a comment if you want to share your thoughts. If you enjoyed this story, then please tell me if you want to see something like this in the future. Until next time, bye!

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