The strong girl - hotd fan fic

By Avalilsbfss

62.6K 1.1K 27

Y/N The daughter of Ser Harwin strong and his wife the lady Annebeth When lady Annebeth passed delivering th... More

chapter 1- the birth of the strong girl
chapter 2- last resort
chapter 3- old council
chapter 4 - long travels.
chapter 5- the red keep
chapter 6- the royal hunt
chapter 7- new babe
chapter 8- the dragon pit
chapter 9 - for his bastards.
chapter 10- lady Leana
chapter 11- she was mine to claim!
chapter 12 - breaking point
chapter 13 - suiters
chapter 14- to kingslanding then
chapter 15 - drunken
Chapter 16 - street of silk
Chapter 17 - the garden
Chapter 18- the trial
chapter 19- family dinner.
Chapter 22 - tounements
Chapter 23- realisation.
Chapter 24- sucsetion
Chapter 25 - the royal wedding.
Chapter 26 - wedding feast.
Chapter 27 - viserys the peacefull.
Chapter 28 - im not suited
Chapter 29 - new king.
Chapter 30 - sickly
Chapter 31 - lead the man that rules
chapter 32- a baby!!!
Chapter 33 - lady lorena
Chapter 34 - argument
Chapter 35 - baylon
Chapter 36 - blood and cheese
Chapter 37 - burn the cunt
chapter 38 - injured king
Chapter 39- confession
Chapter 40 - panic
chapter 41- this is the end.
my books

Chapter 21- the knocking paradox

1.4K 28 2
By Avalilsbfss

All of a sudden you heard a knock at your door. late last night aegon had a late night venture in your chamber and when the morning came you realise he never left

"Y/n are you in here?" The voice said.

"Umm who is it" you shouted walking closer to the door.

"It's jacerys" the man answered.

You look at aegon panicked and he practically jumped out of bed.

"Y/n? Are you alright?" Jace asked again.

"Umm yea I'm fine... just one second!" You replied

"Where the hell do I hide!" Aegon whispered.

"Oh gods... in the wardrobe!" You whispered.

Argon sprinted to the wardrobe and you shoved him in there using your dress to hide the fact he was peeking trough the crack.

You did a small jog to the door and unbolted it, Jace was on the other side he was holding flowers and had a sweet smile on his face.

"Y/n, sorry if I woke you, I just wanted to see you before the tournaments" he spoke handing you the flowers and walking into your chambers.

"Umm thank you for the flowers" you spoke placing them on your dresser.

"I wanted to apologise for my behaviour last night a dinner" he spoke siting on your bed.

"It's alright.." you uttered.

"No it's not" he told grasping your hands.

"Jace.." you whispered.

"How can I make this right?" He asked.

As you where about to reply there was another knock on your door.

"Oh gods... quick hide!" She rushed.

"I'll hide in the wardrobe" he ushered.

"No no! Under the bed" you argued

He obliged and slipped under the bed.
You tip toed to the door and slowly opened it not expecting to see aemond on the other side.

"Aemond?" You questioned

"Yes... are you alright" he asked.

"Yes yes I'm fine please come in" you offered

He slowly trailed into your chambers and plopped himslef on your bed.

"I came to say sorry for the toast I made at dinner" he told.

So many apologies today you thought

"Aw well thank you, your apology is appreciated" you replied closing your chamber door.

"And I realise that Luke antagonised you" you continued placing Jaces flowers in a vase.

"Who are those flowers from?" He asked standing from your bed


"Oh no one you needn't worry" you swiftly replied.

"Realy cause it-" he was cut of by another knock at your door

"Fucking hell" you whispered pushing aemond behind a divider.

You tan to the door and opened it to see daemon on the other side.

"Deamon... what do I owe the pleasure?"

"Rhenerya had me come and tell you that the tourneys will be starting in an hour"

"Oh very well thank you" you spoke trying to close the door.

"Actually I needed to talk to you" he spoke pushing open the door.

"Very well" you said

"It's about the high tower cunts" he told.
"We both know that when the king passes that they will take the throne" he continued.

"Deamon i doubt that" you replied

"It dose not matter y/n if you doubt it, what matters that when they your future husband will be the usurper" he told.

"And it is your job to stop it" you obeyed.

"No deamon it's not my job to stop it... it's my job to make sure house strong is thriving as it's rightful hire before my uncle stole it from me... and I shall do what ever it takes to make sure my house dose not fall" you argued

"Now if you could get out.. I would wildly appreciate it" you finished.

With a huff he stormed out slamming the door behind him

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