Killer. Beauty. Queen


439 223 42

In the glamorous world of beauty pageants, where allure and ambition collide, lies a tale of envy, secrets, a... Еще

When the crowns hide the truth.
Chapter two: Through the proud mind of Kira Blackwood
Chapter three: The whispered secrets carved in blood
Chapter 4: Part two: Imperfection shows its ugly face
Chapter Five: A Deadly Game: Bloodstains and Ballroom Secrets.

Chapter four: In the endless run for perfection.

61 39 3

Adrian Blackwood was the embodiment of tall, dark, and devastatingly handsome. Standing at a statuesque 6 feet, he had a commanding presence that turned heads wherever he went. His brown eyes were like pools of rich, warm chocolate, drawing you in with an intensity that was both captivating and comforting.

His chiseled jawline could give even the most famous Greek sculptures a run for their money. It was the kind of jawline that looked like it was carefully crafted by a team of sculptors working overtime. Every angle and contour was a work of art, accentuating his rugged yet refined appeal. Adrian's shoulders were nothing short of spartan, broad and powerful, carrying the weight of both his physical presence and the responsibilities that came with it.

" I want you right now," he whispered in Scarlett's ear as she walked out of the bathroom, still wet.

"Leave me alone, Adrian," she growled, picking her towel off its rack and wrapping it loosely around her body.

He tried to remove it but she resisted.
"Scarlett, you forget that we're married. Even though it was arranged by our parents, you are still my wife," he grunted.

She walked past him to sit at her dressing table. She picked her lotion and rubbed it into her skin.

"Let me rub that for you," Adrian insisted.

She rolled her eyes and looked at him. "I'm perfectly capable of moisturizing myself. I don't need you."

"I know you can but let me, please," he said as he gently collected the lotion from her soft hands.

He knelt down in front of her and looked into her eyes. They had transformed into a darker shade filled with sheer lust and deep desire.

Scarlett leaned forward and let her towel fall to her hips, revealing once again her luscious breasts. He kissed between them and went up to her neck, leaving even more passionate kisses as each second goes by.

"Adrian.... Adrian," her moans filled the room. "We have to stop now," she whispered.

He tilted his head to deepen the kiss. "What do you mean? We just started. Why are you such a tease?" The words rolled out of his lips like velvet.

"Your award show is today. Have you forgotten? We can't be late."

"I don't care about that. Come here," he commanded with the roar of a fearless lion.

"Well, it's important. And my dad's is going to be there. So get dressed," she retorted, wearing her bra.

He let out a heavy sigh "Okay."
He knew better than to argue with Scarlett. Once she had her mind made up, nothing, not even heaven falling on earth, could convince her otherwise.

"Scarlett, I know you still hate my guts but please, play nice for the cameras today."

She replied with a simple smirk and replied with a rhetorical question, "Don't I always?"

After this, she walked out their room and headed to their daughter, Kira's room to remind her to get ready for the show.

They were a picture perfect family and had to maintain the facade for the outside world.


The grand ballroom of White Hotel was a vision of wealth and luxury, an elegant setting for the prestigious Lawyer Awards. Chandeliers glittered like stars above, casting a soft, golden glow upon the important guests in attendance. The air was thick with anticipation and excitement. The glistening marble floors cradled the steps of the privileged, bearing witness to the echoes of recklessness.

The walls, adorned with priceless art, stood like silent witnesses to the excesses of riches, the vanity and greed of an era where abundance was a given. Gilt-edged frames held portraits of predecessors, frozen in time, a reminder of dynasties built upon the sweat of others.

Adrian Blackwood, a seasoned and accomplished lawyer, stood at the center of the grand ballroom, bathed in the spotlight's gentle embrace. Tonight, he was the main man of every person's adoration, honored for his exceptional contributions to the legal community. When he walked into a room, his posture exuded confidence, and his mere presence exerted a charming magnetic pull that was hard to resist like a king.

In essence, Adrian Blackwood was not just a man; he was a masterpiece, a walking, talking work of art that seemed almost too good to be true. But for those unfortunate enough to know him, they understood that his outer allure was not at all a reflection of the man within. Adrian was something beyond words.

Scarlett Blackwood, his wife, also strutted into the hall, with a practiced dramatic hair flip, like a rebel in a tuxedo. The suit was her cape of nonconformity, and she wore it with the swagger of a rockstar. It was like if Beyoncé or Rihanna walked in a room. Scarlett's presence turned heads, raised eyebrows, and probably made a few fashion police officers faint from the shock of something so fresh and fabulous. The bodice, a burst of vibrant turquoise, hugged her slim frame elegantly, adorned with delicate sequins that sparkled like stars against the night sky. The neckline, a daring plunge, showed a little cleavage with intricate beadwork that shimmered like dewdrops in the morning sun.

There were three undeniable truths about Scarlett Blackwood—undeniable like the sky was blue and the sun rose in the east. First, she was gorgeous. Man! She was Drop. Dead. Gorgeous. She could make anyone else in the room feel like a mere backdrop to her beauty.

Second, she exuded confidence like it was an aura surrounding her. Her steps were powerful, her gaze unyielding, and her words carried a weight that demanded attention. She had the life any one would kill for. Anyone who says otherwise is a liar. She was the kind of person who walked into a room and instantly owned it, making everyone else seem like mere spectators in her grand performance.

And third, she was the heiress to billions—a financial dominion that stretched as far as the eye could see. A wealth so vast it could fund empires and rewrite destinies. She was the CEO of the white hotel. The kind of life she lived was intimidating but she didn't give a damn what anybody had to say. Only one person's opinion mattered, hers. She lived life on her own terms, answering only to the beat of her own heart.

Rumors, like whispers in the dark, had swirled around her for years. They said she was a killer of men, not in the physical sense, but in the emotional and psychological realms. She had a way of infiltrating their minds, capturing their hearts, and ensnaring their very souls with her witchy techniques. They claimed she left their flesh untouched but left them as empty husks of their former selves.

The truth of these rumors remained a mystery, hidden behind the mysterious veil of Scarlett's charm and allure. But one thing was clear to anyone who crossed her path: Scarlett Blackwood was a force to be reckoned with. Whether this femme fatale was a killer or simply misunderstood, only time would tell!

As Scarlett glided towards the coveted VIP table, she was met by Adrian, a vision of affection and charm. He embraced her with a tender kiss on her forehead, a gesture that could make hearts swoon and flowers bloom. His hold on her hand was firm, as if never wanting to let go, their fingers interlocking as if they were two halves of a perfectly matched puzzle. He twirled her gracefully, making her feel like the center of the universe.

"I'm married to a goddess," Adrian proclaimed with a voice that seemed to echo through the extravagant hall, loud enough for nearby ears to catch. The words held a public declaration of adoration. Scarlett, the goddess in Adrian's eyes, maintained her grace, reciprocating the affection with a smile that could launch a thousand ships. Their chemistry, molecules bonded to perfection, painted a portrait of an ideal couple—the envy of the room.

Adrian's daughter, Kira sat besides her parents playing the role of pretty and perfect child as well as she could. It didn't matter that it wasn't true. All that mattered was that people fully believed the act.

The gorgeous and wealthy father, the beautiful daughter and the intelligent stepmother. The perfect family of three. Too perfect to be true.

As the event's host stepped up to the podium, the atmosphere shifted from posh to party mode. "Ladies and gentlemen, esteemed guests, and those of you who accidentally wandered into a lawyers' convention—welcome!"

The crowd erupted into laughter and applause, and Scarlett, in the midst of it all, grinned with genuine amusement. She couldn't help but chuckle at the host's infectious energy. The host continued, "We've gathered here tonight to celebrate some of the best legal minds in the city, but let's face it, you're all here for the free wine, right!"

More laughter, and a few guilty smiles exchanged among the guests.

"Now, let's talk about our Lawyer of the Year. I've heard Adrian once argued his way out of a speeding ticket...on a tricycle!" The audience roared with laughter, and Adrian's eyes twinkled in embarrassment.

"But on a serious note," the host continued, feigning seriousness, "Adrian is a legal force to be reckoned with. Rumor has it, his closing arguments can make even the most stubborn toddlers admit they took the cookie from the jar."

Adrian blushed at the playful jokes. He was known for his persuasive skills, but this was a delightful exaggeration.

"Let's face it, folks, when Adrian enters a courtroom, even the walls lean in to hear what he has to say. Congratulations on the well-deserved award, Adrian. May your objections always be sustained!"

As Adrian walked up to the stage, lacquered by the spotlight, he seemed to radiate boundless energy, reminiscent of a panther on the prowl. Adrian's fingers caressed the microphone like a lover's touch, and when he spoke, his voice was a velvet symphony—rich, deep, and utterly enchanting. "Thank you all for this incredible honor." The applause was a chorus of approval, that echoed in the room. "I owe this honor to my incredible wife, Scar, who has been my unwavering pillar of support through thick and thin."

Lies. Pretense. Danger. Sham.

The audience had zero clue.

The mention of Scarlett's name elicited a wave of applause and cheers from the audience. He continued, "She's not just my better half; she's the driving force behind my every success. Her belief in me fuels my determination, and her love empowers me to reach for the stars. And my beautiful daughter, who is just eighteen years old but is the smartest girl ever."

"So, this award is as much theirs as it is mine. Scar, this is for us, for every late night you stayed up with me, for every sacrifice you made. Thank you for being the foundation of my achievements, my love." Adrian glanced towards Scarlett, having a hidden conversation without words. As they gazed into each other's eyes, it was as if they were the stars of a romantic blockbuster. Applause erupted once again, filling the hall with a resounding ovation. It seemed as if the chandeliers were also clapping.

Lies. Pretense. Danger. Sham.

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