Narusasu sasunaru

By LisaHayes21

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Like I said before I suck at story titles. Comment and vote if you want to, and feel free to borrow my ideas... More

Ch 2: Sasu, and Josh helps Naru

Ch 1: Soccer game.

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By LisaHayes21

Ch 1: Soccer game.

Naruto's school's soccer team the explosive dragons as a match against Sasuke's school's soccer team the mighty snakes.

Explosive dragons was Dei's idea, and everyone agreed to it.

Dei is on the Konaha high school's soccer team with Naruto, Kyuubi, Kiba, Shino, Shikamaru, Gaara, Choji, Sakura, Tenten, Temari, and Lee.

Neji used to be on the team but he moved, and transferred to a new school, but he'll be back.

10:30am Tuesday morning getting ready for the soccer game.

Naruto's pov:

I'm dressed in my soccer uniform, and cleats, and I'm sitting on the bench outside in front of bleachers with two of my brothers Deidara and Kyuubi while the rest of my family is sitting on the bleachers with the other families that came to watch their kids play soccer.

The rest of my soccer team hasn't come out to the soccer field yet, but the other team is already outside on the other side of the soccer field.

I'm the captain of my soccer team, and Dei is Co-captain.

That boy with the long brown hair looks familiar. Kyuubi said then I looked over at the other team, and saw a familiar boy with long brown hair.

NEJI! Dei yelled, and the long brown haired boy looked over at us, and smiled brightly when he saw us.

It's Neji. I said smiling as I waved at him.

I knew he looked familiar. Kyuubi said as Neji ran over to us.

Hey guys it's been to long since we last saw each other. Neji said he hugged us, and we hugged him back.

I wish you never left. I said looking down at the ground.

What happened? Neji asked noticing the tears falling from my eyes.

After you left two years ago I was sexually assaulted, and I got pregnant with my twin daughters, my mom, and dad are holding them, and I love my girls. I said, then I noticed how pissed Neji is.

(Emma, and Emily look like their mamA Naruto.)

Who did it? Neji asked sounding and looking really pissed off.

He's on your soccer team, his name is Josh Darbie. I said then moved closer to Dei when I saw Josh walking over to us with two other boys, one with long black hair, and the other with duckbutt hair.

(Couldn't resist the duckbutt hair.)

Neji come on the coach wants you to come back over to our team. Josh said then looked at me, and Dei wrapped his arms around me protectively.

Get away from my brother you rapist. Kyuubi said growling.

The two black haired boys moved away from Josh, and moved closer to Neji while Neji glared at Josh with the most scariest death glare I have ever seen on Neji's face.

Sasuke I'm gonna talk to mom, and dad about putting us, our brothers, and our siser in a different school, they won't want us going to school with a rapist. The boy with long black said then the duckbutt haired boy nodded his head agreeing.

The duckbutt haired boy is really sexy, but I'm not ready to trust anyone just yet.

Your Naruto, Deidara, and Kyuubi, Neji told us and our family about you, and your family, this is one of my little brothers Sasuke Uchiha, and I'm Itachi Uchiha. Itachi said.

Hi. Dei said blushing, and I tried not to laugh, but then I heard someone quietly snickering, but not quiet enough.

I looked over at the duckbutt haired boy who's name is Sasuke, and he has his mouth covered with his hand trying not to laugh.

Dei your blushing. I said trying not to laugh.

I can't help it he's hot. Dei said then covered his mouth with his hand, and blushed more.

Itachi your blushing. Sasuke said chuckling.

Come on Sas, Neji let's get back to our team, and Neji wait until after the game to punch him. Itachi said, then the four of them went back over to their team.

Was that Neji? Kiba asked then we saw our team standing next to Kyuubi.

Yes that is Neji. Kyuubi said then the three of us stood up.

Okay team let's get out there, and win. I said confidently as we all put our hands together in the middle, then threw our hands up in the air as we yelled go team.

Time skip to 2 hour and a half hours later to the end of the game.

My team won 15-14, the other team lost by one point.

My family, and my teammates family's came over from the bleachers to congratulate me, and my team.

The man, and woman my parents were talking to walked over to the other team so I'm guessing their kid or kids are on the other team.

Congratulations you won another game I'm so proud of you all. Mom said smiling happily at us.

Thank you Mrs. Uzumaki. Kiba said.

Thank you. My whole team said together.

Your welcome. Mom said.

Your all a great team well done. Dad said.

Thank you. My team said together again.

Your welcome. Dad said.

Minato is it alright if our families have dinner together tonight? The man dad was talking to before asked, and I noticed Sasuke, and Itachi, two other boys, and a girl standing on either side of him and the women.

Yes that's a great idea, but we have to eat dinner my family's mansion because my son Naruto doesn't like to eat out at restaurants at the moment but we're working on it. Dad said.

That's alright with us as long he feels safe. The woman said kindly.

It's fine we can eat out tonight, I'm safe with my family. I said then took Emma from mom, and held her.

Mama. Emily said reaching for me, so I took in my other arm, and held both my daughters.

Did that little girl just call Naruto mama? The man asked.

Yes, and that's because he's their mama, those two little girls are twins. Dad said.

They're adorable, what are their names? The woman asked.

Emma is on his left side, and Emily is on his right side. Mom said.

This is Sasuke's one year old son Daisuke Uchiha. The woman said.

Mom don't tell the whole world that. Sasuke said hiding his face in Itachi's chest.

I don't know why your embarrassed, Naruto has twins, and he doesn't seem embarrassed about it. Itachi said.

He loves his little girls. Kyuubi said.

It's not that, I just don't want anybody thinking I'm dating someone when I'm not. Sasuke said lifting his head up a little and I can see he's blusing a little.

Naruto is a single parent to. Dad said and Kurama glared.

I'm gonna stop you right there before you try to force my little Naru into a relationship when you know he doesn't trust anyone in that way or with his heart, and he's been distant from other people since that happened, except for our friends he hasn't been distant from them. Kurama said glaring at dad.

My older brothers are overprotective to so I know how that feels. Sasuke said then looked at Itachi, then the curly haired boy standing next to Itachi.

Relax Kurama I'm gonna do that, I'm gonna let you boys make that choice for yourselves. Dad said.

Good. Kurama said as he dropped his glare.

I snickered when I remembered the time the top part of Kurama's hair was blue for almost three weeks.

Kurama remember that time when the top of your hair was blue for almost three weeks.i said trying not to laugh.

Yeah you were quite the prankster, Dei had purple streaks in his hair for a month but he like his hair that. Kurama said chuckling.

Yeah I want my hair like that again. Dei said.

I remember where I got the hair dye from, so I can go get purple hair dye for you. I said.

I would love that thank you Naru. Dei said then we heard the other team yelling stop it so we turned and saw Neji fighting with Josh well more beating up Josh.

I rolled my eyes because I know how protective Neji can be when comes to the people he cares about.

Neji being really overprotective again. I said.

Looks like the rapist is getting his butt kicked again. Kyuubi said with a smirk on his face.

Did you just say rapist? The man asked.

Yes Josh sexually assaulted Naruto 2 years ago. Kyuubi said.

I'm taking my kids out of that school, and putting them in a different school maybe this one. The man said.

Can you introduce yourselves to me, and my siblings? Dei asked.

Oh sorry I'm Fugaku Uchiha this is my wife Mikoto Uchiha you already met Sasuke and Itachi we saw you guys talking, and this is Shisui Uchiha he's Itachi's twin brother, Obito Uchiha Sasuke's twin, and this is Melanie Uchiha my daughter. Fugaku said.

Our little sister Korrina is the same age as her, that's her standing next to my mom. Kurama said.

We know, Neji us about you, and your family. Shisui said.

Itachi told me, Dei, and Kyuubi that Neji told your family about us, and our family. I said.

Isn't anyone gonna stop Neji? Sakura asked from next to me making me jump because I didn't know she was there.

I say Josh is getting what he deserves, even though I beat him up already that's why he transferred to another school. Kyuubi said, then I noticed Sasuke isn't next to his mom or his dad, and Itachi noticed he's gone to.

Where is Sasuke? Itachi asked.

There he is, he's pulling Neji over here to us. Obito said then we all saw Sasuke pulling Neji towards us.

Neji are you trying to expelled? Sasuke asked as he stopped next to his dad with Neji next to him.

I don't care if I get expelled, that will give me a great to come back here where I belong, and I suggest you and your siblings transfer here to Konaha high school. Neji said.

You, and Itachi can join our soccer team, I'm the captain of our school's soccer team, and our school's baseball team. I said, then handed Emma to Dei, and Emily to Kurama.

I'm on both teams with Naruto, and Kyuubi. Dei said.

Neji was on both teams before he left. Kyuubi said.

I'm also the pitcher for my baseball team, and I can throw a great fast ball, and a awesome curve ball. I said then saw Kyuubi roll his eyes.

I wanted to be pitcher but coach said I'm not good enough to be pitcher. Kyuubi said.

Don't be jealous. I said.

I'm not trying to be jealous. Kyuubi said then his stomach growled.

It's Lunchtime. I said.

We're gonna take our kids home so they can eat lunch. Mom said.

Okay we'll see you later. Mikoto said.

What restaurant are we meeting up at? Fugaku asked.

No fancy restaurant dad, you know Naruto doesn't like fancy restaurants or wearing suits. Kurama said.

I don't like wearing suits either. Dei said.

Same here, suits are uncomfortable, and boring. Sasuke said.

That's what Naruto said about suits. Kyuubi said.

Naruto where do you want eat dinner? Dad asked.

Dad I want eat at a fancy restaurant. Korrina said.

No Naruto doesn't feel comfortable at fancy restaurants, so we're going to eat at a restaurant that's not fancy. Dad said, and Korrina got mad.

That's not fair I never get to go to fancy restaurants anymore because that scaredy cat. Korrina said glaring.

Shut up Korrina you need to consider Naru's feelings not your own, your not the one that's been hurt. Dei said while hugging me.

He needs to stop being a wimp, and grow up. Korrina said.

You didn't get sexually assaulted you little bitch, ad you don't have people staring at you judging you because of that, and that bothers me. I said angrily then ran off by myself with tears in my eyes, and I heard Korrina scream but I didn't look back, and kept running.

I ran all the way home, and locked myself in room, I took my soccer uniform and cleats off, grabbed clothes, and went to my bathroom to take a shower to clean up, and try to calm down.

After I'm in my bathroom, I laid down in my bed with my cat Xena, and my pet fox cuddling up next to me, and comforting me while I'm crying.

Sometimes I wish I didn't have a sister, especially one that's so inconsiderate. I said quietly.

I was starting to fall asleep when I got startled by the front slamming shut, then someone stomping up the stairs, and past my bedroom then another door slammed shut.

That must be Korrina storming off to her bedroom. I whispered to my pets.

I started to drift off to sleep but got interrupted when someone knocked on my bedroom door.

Go away I want to be alone. I said.

Naruto it's Deidara please let me in. Dei said so I got up, unlocked my bedroom door, and opened it and let Dei in.

Dei came in, and shut the door behind him, and sat on my bed with me.

Naru we're going to one of your favorite restaurants for dinner. Dei said rubbing my back.

Which one? I asked.

Ichiraku's ramen shop. Dei said and I smiled.

I love Ichiraku's ramen, it's the best restaurant ever. I said smiling.

The Uchiha family will be here at 6:30pm so they can follow us there since they don't know where is, but right now let eat lunch, then we can have our dance practice. Dei said and I smiled more because I love it when we dance together.

Okay let's go eat pepperoni pizza for lunch. I said as I got up off my bed.

I ordered pepperoni pizza for all of us on the way home. Dei said.

You still need to change out of your soccer uniform. I said then looked down at his soccer uniform and cleats, and chuckled.

I was so worried about you that I forgot I was wearing my soccer uniform. Dei said.

Go shower and change I'll wait for you right here then we'll go downstairs together. I said.

Okay. Dei said then left my room to go to his room.

While I waited for Dei I decided to go to the store to get purple hair dye Dei so I can put purple streaks in his hair.

I grabbed my orange jacket, put it on then put my wallet in my jacket pocket, grabbed my cellphone, and my headphones, and left to go to the mall while listening to Hip hop noel from Disney sing along songs movie the twelve days of Christmas with Mickey mouse and his friends.

While riding my beautiful orange bike to the mall I singed a long with the songs I'm listening to.

I rode my bike because it's faster, and has a basket, and my cellphone is sitting in the basket the my bike chain and lock for my bike.

When I got to the mall, I put my bike in the bike rack, locked it in with my bike chain and lock, and went into the mall with my cellphone in my hand, and my headphones on my ears.

I bought purple hair dye for Dei, some Reese cups for me, and Dei to share, and Reese cups for the rest of my family, and went back home on my bike.

When I got home I put my bike in our bike rack that has automatic locks, then put my bike chain and lock on my bike grabbed my two bags from my basket, and went back inside my family's mansion, and went to my bedroom but Dei isn't in my room so I went to his and found him looking through his dresser for something to wear, and he's still in his soccer uniform, but his cleats are laying next to his bed.

Hey Dei what's taking you so long? I asked.

I don't know what to wear. Dei said.

I picked out a pair of black jeans, a black long sleeved shirt, and a black jacket, and handed them to Dei since he's already holding a pair of black boxers in his right hand.

Wear that outfit I just picked out for you, also I just got back from the mall with your purple hair dye. I said as I showed Dei the box the bottle of purple hair dye is in, and he smiled.

Thank you Naruto, you can help me with the hair dye. Dei said.

Okay, I have to put this in your hair before you take a shower though. I said.

Okay let's dye some of my hair. Dei said as he sat his clothes down on top of his dresser then sat down at him vanity, and took his hair down, and brushed it to make sure there's no tangles.

I made Dei close his eyes while I dyed some of his hair purple in streaks, and I dyed his bangs to.

Okay I'm done. I said then Dei opened his eyes, and looked in his mirror on his vanity while I grabbed his clean clothes off his dresser to give them to him.

Thanks Naruto I love it, now I'm gonna take my shower. Dei said as I handed his clean clothes to him.

Okay I'll be waiting in my bedroom. I said then left Dei's room, and went to my room.

After a little while Dei came into my room right when we heard a knock on the front door.

That must be the pizza delivery guy. Dei said then we went downstairs with Xena, and Kitsune following behind us.

It's about time. I said as we reached the bottom of the stairs and saw dad paying for the pepperoni pizzas.

We'll take those to the dining room, and put them on the table. Dei said as we took the four pepperoni pizzas from the pizza delivery guy, and took them to the dining room and put them on the table.

After we ate lunch me and Dei went upstairs to the room we use for our dance practice like a dance studio and started our dance practice.

While we're having our dance practice someone knocked on the door, so Dei paused the music and opened the door and we saw dad standing outside the door.

Hey dad. Dei said a little mad at dad for interrupting our dance practice.

Sorry to interrupt but I want to take you two boys somewhere. Dad said.

Can it wait we're having our dance practice right now. I said.

I have a place just for that, now let's go you two. Dad said and I frowned because I don't want to have dance practice outside the mansion.

I don't want to have dance practice outside our mansion. I said frowning sadly.

Well your siblings are complaining about the music, they're saying the music is too loud. Dad said.

WELL IF THEY DON'T LIKE ME HAVING DANCE PRACTICE IN THE MANSION I QUIT, AND I WILL NEVER DANCE AGAIN! I yelled in tears and ran back to my bedroom, and slammed the door, and laid in my crying loudly.

Naruto can I come in? Kurama asked.

No I hate you, and Kyuubi, and that little bitch Korrina. I said angrily through my tears.

What did I do? Kurama asked.

You, Kyuubi, and Korrina complained about the music when I'm having dance practice with Dei so I quit dance practice, and I hate the three you, Kyuubi, and Korrina, you three don't want me to be happy. I said still crying.

I'm sorry Naruto I never wanted you to quit dance practice, the music was just a little loud. Kurama said.

I don't feel safe or comfortable with having dance practice anywhere outside the mansion. I said calming down a little.

I'm so sorry I should have thought about that, you can have dance practice here in the mansion since that makes you feel safe, and comfortable. Kurama said.

Thanks Kurama, you can come in. I said as I sat up.

Kurama came into my bedroom, and sat down next to me.

You feel unsafe and uncomfortable dancing outside the mansion because of what happened to you right? Kurama asked.

Yes that's the reason, because I was teaching Josh a few dance steps at his house when he sexually assaulted me, and I'm afraid someone else might hurt me in that way. I said sniffling a little.

That's not gonna happen again because everyone is afraid of Kyuubi and Dei, also I think Neji will be coming back to Konaha high really soon. Kurama said.

I hope so. I said then we heard loud music coming from Korrina's room.

That little bitch has some nerve complaining about me and Dei having music loud, she ain't no different. I said as I got up, then walked out of my room to go to Korrina's room.

I walked into Korrina's room, and walked over to her radio, and turned the music down.

Don't turn my music down. Korrina said then turned her music back up.

It doesn't have to be that loud your not hard of hearing. I said then turned her music down again.

It's my room. Korrina said then turned her music back up again.

Your not the only one living in this mansion so stop being rude and disrespectful. I said as turned her music down again.

Stop turning my music down. Korrina said then then turned her music up again.

I lost my temper, and punched her radio so hard it broke, and my right hand has started bleeding from a big gash on my hand.

Korrina started crying looking at her broken radio.

Mom ran into Korrina's room when she heard her crying, saw Korrina looking at her broken radio crying, then looked at me and saw my right hand bleeding.

Naruto what happened to your hand? Mom asked as she looked at my right hand.

He punched my radio and broke it. Korrina said crying.

She had her music up way too loud after she complained about me and Dei having music up, but our music wasn't up as loud her's was. I said holding my right hand.

Korrina please use headphones, and Naruto let's have a doctor look at your hand. Mom said then took me out of Korrina's room, and took me downstairs to the kitchen.

Mom grabbed some paper towels, put them on the gash on my hand, and cleaned some of the blood off my hand.

Naruto what happened to your right hand? Dei asked as he looked at my right hand.

I punched Korrina's radio so hard it broke, and cut my right hand, she shouldn't have turned her music up so loud after she said we had our music up too loud when our music wasn't up that loud. I said.

Your right our music wasn't up that loud. Dei said.

That's why I bought a place that you two can turn into your dance studio for your dance practice. Dad said as he sat down at the head of the table.

Did you stop to think about why Naruto won't dance anywhere outside the mansion? Kurama asked glaring.

Yes, and I thought that buying a place for him, and Dei to turn into a dance studio for their dance practice would be a good way for him to get back to dancing outside the mansion since he won't be living here forever. Dad said and I looked down feeling unwanted.

You don't want me here? I asked quietly.

I didn't say that, but what I'm saying is when you graduate from high school you will be old enough to move out on your own. Dad said.

I won't feel safe living alone. I said.

You can live here as long as you want, now let's get you to the hospital to have a doctor look at your right hand. Mom said then I stood up.

Just give the place I bought a try, I will even hire security if that will make you feel safe, and comfortable. Dad said.

I know they are my teachers but I want Kakashi, Iruka, and Orochimaru. I said.

(Orochimaru is a good guy in my story.)

Okay I'll talk to them. Dad said as me and mom walked out of the kitchen.

Time skip to back home.

When we got home I went into the kitchen, and saw dad talking with Kakashi, Iruka, and Orochimaru.

Hey Naruto. Kakashi said.

How are you doing? Iruka asked.

I'm good, I had to get 7 stitches on my right hand but I'm alright. I said.

What happened to your right hand? Orochimaru asked.

I punched my sister's radio so hard it broke, and cut my hand. I said.

Why are three of our teachers here? Dei asked as he walked into the kitchen, and stood next to me.

I called these three and asked them to come over to ask them to be the security at yours and Naruto's new dance studio. Dad said.

That's fine with me as long as my twin brother feels safe, and comfortable. Dei said.

Mama mama. Emma, and Emily said as they ran up to me and hugged my legs.

Hi my baby girls. I said as I kneeled down to their height, and hugged them.

The Uchiha family is here an our hour early. Mom said from the kitchen doorway making us look towards the doorway and we saw the Uchiha family, and Sasuke is holding his son Daisuke.

We can have dinner here at home, I can make ramen. I said and my two little girls giggled happily.

That's so unhealthy. Sasuke said.

If you don't like it then leave. I said then turned away from the Uchiha family.

Sasuke be nice this is his home so if he wants ramen for dinner then that's what we'll have for dinner. Fugaku said and Sasuke groaned.

Are you trying to mess up a chance to make some new friends. Itachi said.

I'm sorry, I just don't like ramen. Sasuke said.

I love ramen it's my favorite food. I said.

Come on Naruto we can still have our dance practice in our dance room for today. Dei said then I stood up.

Okay just let me take my daughters to the playroom so they can play with their toys or draw or color while me and you have our dance practice. I said.

Okay, I'll meet you there. Dei said as I walked out of the kitchen.

While walking to the stairs with my girls I heard Dei telling the Uchiha family that I don't like anyone watching me dance because of what happened to me 2 years ago.

I took my girls upstairs to the playroom let them go inside the playroom, then set the gate up at the door, and went to mine, and Dei's dance room for dance practice.

I walked into mine, and Dei's dance room and found Dei talking to Itachi, and Sasuke is standing next to Itachi holding Daisuke.

Um Dei. I said getting his attention.

You two have to leave now, Naruto doesn't like anyone watching him dance anymore. Dei said then Itachi, and Sasuke left mine, and Dei's dance room with Daisuke in Sasuke's arms.

After the door closed me, and Dei started our dance practice.

Me and Dei are perfectly in sync with our dancing.

I grabbed Dei by his sides, lifted him up and held him above my head making Dei's eyes widen in surprise.

I didn't know you were so strong Naruto. Dei said as I held him above my head.

Your not that heavy. I said as the door opened and Kurama stood their looking shocked to see me holding Dei up above my head.

Mom told me to tell you that dinner is almost done. Kurama said still slightly shocked.

Okay we'll be down after we wash up for dinner. I said then put Dei down on his feet.

Okay see you two downstairs. Kurama said then went back downstairs.

Let's go clean up for dinner. Dei said as he turned his radio off.

I'm gonna get my girls, and clean them up for dinner I'll see you down stairs. I said then went down the hall to the playroom to get my girls.

When I got to the playroom I opened the gate, then walked in to get my daughters but I didn't see them, then I saw the balcony door open, walked over to it, looked out saw one of Emma's shoes, and one of Emily's hair ribbons on the balcony but didn't see them anywhere, and that made me worry so I went to go downstairs to anyone.

WHERE ARE MY DAUGHTERS! I yelled as I ran out of the playroom, and towards the stairs.

Aren't they in the playroom? Mom asked as she came to the bottom of the stairs.

No, and the balcony door is open, and I found one of Emma's shoes, and one of Emily's hair ribbons on the balcony. I said then went to get Dei.

I ran into Dei's bedroom right when he came out of his bathroom, then he ran ovwr to me when me upset.

Naruto what's wrong? Dei asked as he put his left on my right shoulder.

Emma and Emily are gonna, the balcony door is open and one of Emma's shoes and one of Emily's hair ribbons are on the balcony. I said worried.

Come on let's go tell mom, dad, Kurama, Kyuubi, and Korrina. Dei said then we went downstairs.

When we got downstairs to the dining room dad is on the phone, and he sounds pissed and upset.

Your dad is talking to the police while your siblings are searching the whole mansion. Itachi whispered to us.

I looked all over the first floor, and I couldn't them. Korrina said as she walked into the dining room and sat down breathing kind of heavy.

We couldn't find them either, and we checked the second and third floors twice. Kyuubi said as he sat down also breathing heavy along with Kurama.

I'm gonna text my friends in our group chat and ask them to help look for my girls. I said as I pulled my cellphone out of my pocket and went to the group chat in my messages.

Naru: Guys I need your help, my daughters are missing and my dad is on his phone with the police.

Kiba: I will take Akamaru with to help for Emma, and Emily, and I'm sure my mom, and my sister Hana will help to.

Shika: I'll help look for them, and I'm sure my parents will help to.

Sakura: We'll all help look for Emma and Emily.

Shino: Yes we will all help you find them.

Naru: Thanks guys I knew I could count on you guys.

Our friends are gonna help look for Emma, and Emily. I said as I exited out of the messages, and put my phone away.

That's good now let's get our bikes and go look for them. Kurama said as he stood up, and grabbed his cellphone from the dining room table.

I'm going with you. Dei said.

Me too. Me, and Kyuubi said, then the four of us went outside, got our bikes, and went looking for my daughters.

The four of us spilt up, and looked in different directions.

While I'm looking for my daughters I ran into Sakura and her parents.

Hey Sakura have you seen any sign of them? I asked then Sakura held up Emily's other hair ribbon.

I found Emily's hair ribbon on that street over there. Sakura said as she pointed to lavender ave.

Did you see or hear them anywhere on lavender ave? I asked.

I didn't see them but I did hear a little girl crying, but I don't know if it was one of your daughters or someone else's kid. Sakura said as I took Emily's other ribbon.

I'm gonna go look around on lavender ave. I said then texted the group chat telling everyone that Sakura found Emily's other hair ribbon on lavender ave.

Me, and Akamaru will go with you, Akamaru can track Emily's scent like I trained him to do. Kiba said as stopped next to me with Akamaru.

I held Emily's other hair ribbon out for Akamaru to sniff, then Akamaru sniffed Emily's other hair ribbon, and took off running towards lavender ave with Kiba right behind him.

I texted the group chat that Akamaru is following Emily's scent from her other hair ribbon to lavender ave then followed Kiba and Akamaru to lavender ave on my bike.

When I got to lavender ave I followed Akamaru's barking to a big yellow house then I heard my girls screaming and crying so I texted the group chat and mom and dad letting them know where I found Emma, and Emily, and that I might need help, then I set off the alarm on my that's sends a signal to my family's cellphones, but the alarm is silent on my cellphone then I got off my bike, ran up to the house and looked in the window and saw my daughters, and they both look hurt but not too bad, and when I saw a guy hit Emma my blood boiled even more, so I texted the group chat and mom, and dad, telling them know what I saw then I went to the front door and kicked the front door as hard as I could making it fly open, then Akamaru ran inside to protect my daughters, and I ran in after him ready to protect my girls.

I saw Akamaru standing in front of my girls facing the kidnapper in attack mode.

Emma, Emily mama's here now. I said as I slowly walked over to them.

Don't get near them. The four eyed guy said with a gun in his left hand.

You don't scare me, and they are my kids. I said as I took a few steps towards the four eyed guy.

I glared the scariest death glare I have ever glared before at the four eyed guy making him shiver so I guess I'm as scary as my mom when angered.

D-don't come any cl-closer. The four eyed guy said stuttering.

I took a few more steps towards the four eyed guy, and now I'm standing almost two feet away while holding my terrifying glare.

I punched the four eyed guy in the face then his gun went off shooting me in my right arm, but that didn't stop me from beating this guys ass for taking my daughters.

Naruto are you alright? Dei asked as he ran into the house.

I'm fine you get Emma, and Emily, and take them outside hurry. I said while beating up the four eyed guy.

Okay. Dei said then picked up Emma, and Emily and took them outside.

I landed one last punch then ran outside to see my daughters with Akamaru right behind me.

I fell to my knees but got back up and walked to the ambulance where my daughters are with Dei then fell to my knees again when I got to the ambulance, and one of the paramedics picked me up and put me on the gurney in the back of the ambulance.

My right arm hurts a lot because I got shot in my right arm but that didn't stop from throwing punches at that four eyed bastard, and please ask for nurse Shizune. I said my vision blurring, and I laid down.

Kiba take my bike home, Shikamaru you take Naruto's bike home, and tell our parents what happened, I'm going with Naruto and my nieces. Dei said as he sat on a seat next to me holding my daughters.

Okay. Kiba and Shika said together.

On the way to the hospital I blacked out.

Time skip to two hours later at the hospital.

I woke up to my daughters crying, and I sat up and looked to my right and found my family, and the Uchiha family, and Sasuke is blushing so I'm pretty sure I'm shirtless right now.

Dei is holding both my daughters.

Emma, Emily mama is right here I'm alright. I said and they both looked at me, and smiled.

Mama mama. Emma, and Emily said at the same time.

I'm okay baby girls. I said as I turned to face them.

Naruto be careful. Mom said.

The only part of me that hurts is my right arm. I said then smiled at my daughters.

My stomach growled because I didn't eat dinner, I don't know everyone else ate dinner yet or not.

We didn't eat dinner yet because we we're all worried about you, and we couldn't get your daughters to leave. Kurama said.

Yeah every time I took them out of this room they would scream, and cry so we had to stay and wait for you to wake up, and for nurse Shizune to release you. Dei said.

Let me do some tests to make sure there's no problems before I let you go home. Shizune said as she stood next to the hospital bed.

Okay. Mom said then Shizune helped me off the bed, and took me out of the room to take me to a different room to do some tests.

The second I'm out of sight my girls started screaming and crying, and it hurt me hearing my daughters crying.

This won't take long then we be back with your girls. Shizune said as she took me into a different room.

After the tests we walked down the hallway back to my hospital room but stopped when we saw Kurama, and Dei in the hallway and they look worried.

I quietly walked towards them so I hear what they are saying.

We need to find Emily before Naruto finds out she ran off to look for him. Dei said sounding worried then I felt tugging on my left hand so I looked down and saw Emily so I kneeled down, and carefully picked Emily up careful not to hurt my right arm, and stood up while holding Emily.

I sneaked past them, and went back into my hospital room with Emily in my arms, and sat on the bed, and sat Emily next to me.

You found Emily? Kyuubi asked.

She found me, and I heard what Dei said. I said then looked at Kurama, and Dei standing in the hallway looking in both directions.

Shouldn't someone tell those two that Emily is right here with their mama? Sasuke asked.

Yes but wait a couple more minutes. I said as I watched them looking back and forth in the hallway.

Mom sat Emma on the bed next to me so she can be close to me to.

Tests are done and Naruto is free to go home he just has to take it easy for couple weeks, so no going to school or anywhere else except out to eat for a couple weeks. Shizune said then I stood up.

Dei come here and help me with my daughters. I said trying not to laugh.

Dei, and Kurama froze then turned to look in my hospital room, and saw Emily sitting on the bed next to Emma.

I guess Emily found you Naru. Dei said as he walked into the room, and walked up to me, and I lightly smacked his arm for losing Emily.

I don't know if I should trust you with my daughters anymore since you lost one of them. I said then Dei looked down sadly.

Naruto that's harsh they are his nieces. Dad said.

No I deserved that, I shouldn't have lost Emily, I'm really sorry. Dei said then picked up Emily, and held her close.

I still trust you Dei. I said as Kurama picked up Emma.

Let's go home, and eat dinner then bedtime since it's already late. Mom said then we all went back to my family's mansion for dinner.

When we got home mom heated up the ramen she made for dinner while the rest of us sat at the dining room table.

Kyuubi can you feed Xena, and Kitsune I'm too tired? I asked.

Yeah I will go feed them. Kyuubi said then went to feed Xena, and Kitsune.

Thanks Kyuu. I said making Kyuubi groan at the nickname.

Dinner is ready. Mom said as she brought the ramen into the dining room.

Mom put some ramen in my big ramen bowl, and I started eating.

My favorite Miso ramen. I said then continued eating.

Everyone else started eating when ramen was placed in the bowls in front of them.

Who is Xena, and Kitsune? Sasuke asked.

Xena is my pet cat, and Kitsune is my pet fox. I said then went back to eating my Miso ramen.

I ate three bowls of Miso ramen which shocked the Uchiha family.

How can you eat that much? Shisui asked.

I can eat up to 9 bowls of ramen when I go to Ichiraku's ramen shop. I said.

Wow. Melanie said.

Naruto won a ramen eating contest two years ago when he was pregnant with Emma, and Emily, Naruto ate 27 bowls of ramen. Dei said.

Woah that's a lot. Obito said.

You were eating for three, so that wasn't really fair to your opponent or opponents. Sasuke said and he barely touched his ramen.

Teuchi, and Ayame knew and said there isn't anything in the rules against it, also you didn't touch your ramen. I said.

I don't like ramen, it's not healthy. Sasuke said.

You jerk I love ramen, and your kid seems to like ramen. I said then Sasuke looked at his son sitting on Itachi's lap eating his little bowl of Miso ramen.

Daisuke started screaming and crying when Sasuke took the small bowl of ramen from him.

You don't deserve to be a parent. I said as I snatched the bowl from Sasuke, and gave it back to Daisuke, and he started eating again while smiling at me.

I don't want my son eating ramen. Sasuke said then tried to take the bowl away from Daisuke again but Itachi stopped him.

Sasuke you better stop, and let the baby eat his ramen. Itachi said and Sasuke got mad so I kicked him under the table.

You don't deserve to have your son in your life, you deserve to have him taken away from you. I said then took Sasuke's bowl of Miso ramen, and ate it.

Sasuke looked at me shocked by what I said, then looked down frowning sadly.

Naruto that was an unnecessary thing to say. Mom said.

No Sasuke deserved to hear that. Fugaku said making Sasuke look at him frowning.

Dad don't say that. Sasuke said.

Then don't take food away from your son. Fugaku said.

I don't like ramen so my son shouldn't like ramen either. Sasuke said.

Does his daddy like ramen? I asked.

I forgot his daddy loves ramen, when I met him he was eating Miso ramen, and he said it's his favorite. Sasuke said.

You just described me, Dei, Kurama and my cousin Niruto Namikaze, the four of us love Miso ramen. I said, and Sasuke grabbed Itachi's arm at the mention of my cousin Niruto.

The boy that sexually assaulted my brother is your cousin? Itachi asked.

My cousin Niruto is harmless he would never hurt anyone, and if he hurt someone the whole family would know. I said.

I don't lie, and neither does DNA. Itachi said then I stood up mad.

I'm not gonna sit here, and listen to you bad mouthing my cousin, I never want to see you guys again. I said as I grabbed my cellphone from Dei who held my cellphone out to me then went upstairs to my bedroom mad at Itachi for accusing my cousin.

I turned on my cellphone, and called Niruto to ask if what Itachi is true or not.

Hey Naru. Niruto said as he answered his cellphone.

Hey Niruto do you know a Sasuke Uchiha? I asked.

I seen him around school but we don't talk much or hang out at all why. Niruto said.

His older brother Itachi is saying you sexually assaulted Sasuke. I said.

I never touched him, maybe it was my twin brother Niruto he's a total ass a lot of the time. Niruto said, then I went back down to the dining room to tell the Uchiha family about Hiruto Niruto's twin brother.

You are wrong about my Niruto because his Hiruto is a total ass a lot of the time so it must have been him not Niruto so you own Niruto an apology. I said and the Uchiha family's eyes widened.

It's true my twin brother Hiruto is a very bad boy, he's always trying to get me in trouble also I haven't seen him in almost a year and a half, and mom, and dad won't tell me anything. Niruto said.

I'm sorry I didn't know you had a twin brother, nobody ever told me. Itachi said.

I'm sorry for forgetting you have a twin brother. Sasuke said.

That's okay, let's be friends again. Niruto said.

Yeah we can be friends again. Sasuke said.

Thanks, and I heard you had a kid. Niruto said.

Yeah I got pregnant when your twin brother sexually assaulted me, I had my baby, and named him Daisuke Uchiha. Sasuke said trying to stay calm.

Mama mama. Emma, and Emily said together.

Is that my baby cousins? Niruto asked.

Yes that's them. I said as I walked over to my girls.

They look sleepy me, and Kyuubi will get them ready for bed. Dei said as he picked up Emily, and Kyuubi picked Emma.

Thanks both of you. I said then yawned.

I'm sleepy myself I'll let you go to bed cousin I'll talk to you tomorrow. Niruto said.

Okay goodnight cousin. I said.

Goodnight, oh and Sasuke do you still have my cellphone number? Niruto asked.

Yes, goodnight. Sasuke said then yawned.

Goodnight. Niruto said then hung up.

I'm gonna go change into my pajamas and go to bed I'm too tired to shower so I'll do that in the morning. I said.

Okay sweetie goodnight. Mom said then I noticed how tired the Uchiha family looks.

The Uchiha family looks really sleepy maybe they can spend the night here, and go home in the morning after breakfast. I said.

That's a great idea since I'm clearly too tired to drive, and it's too dangerous to drive when your sleepy. Fugaku said then yawned.

Me, Kushina, Kurama, and Korrina can show your family to our guest bedrooms. Dad said as he stood  up.

Thank you. Mikoto said as mom, Korrina, and the Uchiha family stood up.

I went back upstairs to my bedroom, changed into my pajamas bottoms but left the shirt off, turnes my light off, carefully climbed in bed, and went to sleep with my pets sleeping next to me on my bed.

The end of this chapter.

Naruto made breakfast the next morning with Dei's help.

Naruto held Daisuke while he ate making Emma and Emily cry wanting their mama's attention they were jealous of the attention their mama was giving Daisuke.

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