Another One Piece Story

By Pankitsune

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I'm not great with descriptions. Butttt basically my OC that I made up in my head got isekai'd. And she didn'... More

Prolouge 2: A Mysterious Girl Falls out of the Sky? (I couldn't fit the rest)
Episode 1: Meeting the Whitebeards!? I Can't Pick a Struggle :(
Episode 3: Sorry For Not Paying! I Seriously Need A Fighting Style!
Episode 4: Off to Alabasta! Am I Even Human!?
Episode 5: I Finally Meet Luffy and the Gang! The Brother's Reunion!
Episode 6: Ace, Pan, and Luffy! Hot Emotions and Brotherly Bonds!

Episode 2: The Great Chase for Blackbeard Begins! Why Didn't You Pay Ace!?

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By Pankitsune

[Third Person p.o.v.]

Pan sat on the back of the part of striker while Ace was driving, feeling the cool breeze blow through her hair while they glided seamlessly over the choppy waves of the Grand Line. The bright sun shone down on them, casting a golden glow over the ocean waters. Ace's expression was one of fierce determination. Pan knew how important Thatch had been to Ace, and she could feel the anger and sadness that still burned in her friend's heart. Pan looked out over the vast expanse of ocean, remembering what happened that day of Ace sneaking away from the others.


"Please Ace come on, just calm down!"

"Pops said he's gonna make an exception with this one! He doesn't want you going after Teach!"

"LET ME GO! I'm his commander aren't I!? If I don't bring Teach to Justice how could Thatch's SPIRIT EVER REST!?"


Ace stopped struggling and the others let him go. Ace had looked at Whitebeard after the others let him go.

"I understand how you feel, but let it go....I've got a bad feeling about this one"

"The man KILLED his own CREWMATE and RAN AWAY! YOU treated him like your son for DECADES NOW! Then he turns and he SPITS IN YOUR FACE!?" Whitebeard stared at Ace after his little rant.

"He disgraced my father's good name...I can't allow that...I'll take care of this on my own!"

Whitebeard stared as Ace went back to his room to get his stuff together. I had watched as he walked past me with anger and sadness. I felt bad for Ace. He deserved better than this. So glad I will ruin the timeline and keep him alive. I had looked at my hands and sighed.

"Such a stubborn fire child" I said while smiling and walking back to his room.

Ace packed his things in his watermelon bookbag and zipped it up tightly. Pan walked into the room, watching as he finished getting ready. Pan walked in while Ace was mumbling about something. His hands were bawled up pretty tight while holding his bag open.

"I'm coming with you too Ace"

"No Pan, You're staying here. I can handle this by myself"

"I know. But I'm coming with. You aren't going to change my mind Ace"

"Pan no! I said you're staying now drop it!" Ace said while he stopped packing some of his things.

"Ace if you go you will get hurt. I want to help" Pan said while taking a step forward. She was determined to go with him, even if she gets hurt along the way.

"Why then? Give me one GOOD reason why I should let you go" Ace said turning around at Pan.

Pan had put her hands on her hips and frowned.

"Because, Ace, Blackbeard isn't just some loser pirate with no devil fruit. I know for a fact that he took that devil fruit and killed Thatch for that devil fruit alone just so he could eat it. You noticed the devil fruit is gone too so I'm coming with just incase things get out of hand!"
Pan said while Ace had rolled his eyes and went back to packing some of his things.

"SO I'm GOING!" Pan said loudly.

"I said NO DAMNIT!"


"BECAUSE I DON'T WANT TO LOSE ANYMORE FAMILY!!" Ace yelled out while tears welled up.

Pan had looked at him surprised and stunned. She had put her hands to her side and watched Ace wipe his eyes away.

"I don't want to get anyone else killed...If I hadn't...If only I hadn't went into the kitchen...I should've stayed out there with Thatch"

Ace had looked to the ground and the tears started to fall.

"It's my fault he died......I just don’t want to see anyone else I care about get killed…even if I did just meet you weeks ago…”

Pan had walked over and hugged Ace so he could calm down. Ace hugged her back a little tight. Ace was so hurt over Thatch. Pan could understand where he was coming from.

“I’m sorry. I understand how you feel”

“No…you don’t”

“I lost a family member when I was 16…I didn’t even get to see him for two years…He was killed by a disease…It still hurts…bastards said just because of the disease I couldn’t get to see him again…So Ace”

Ace looked at Pan and still had tears. Pan wiped some of his tears off his face. She had smiled and wiped the tears forming on her eyes as well.

“Got me all emotional. But like I said I know how you feel. I miss my grandad just as much as you miss Thatch. I barely got to know him but I know you’ve known him longer so I understand a lot. Just try to move on, it hurts but that's the way life works. I’m here if you need a shoulder to cry on” Pan said as she kept wiping his tears away.

Ace really had let it out. He hugged her again and just started wailing on her shoulder. I don’t think she meant literally but she got her point across. Ace had held onto her for so long she had almost fallen.

“Feel better?”

“It still hurts…I miss him” Ace almost started crying again till Pan wiped his tears away.

“Calm down sweetie. It hurts, I know. But let's get ready to leave tonight yeah? I’m sure you still wanna go after Blackbeard’s fat behind. I hated him from the start I’m not gonna lie to you” Pan said as she chuckled to get the mood up.

“Why didn’t you tell me?”

“Didn’t want you confused even though I got here two weeks ago, which by the way”

Ace looked at Pan confused, still wiping tears from his eyes. Pan had turned around and then turned back to Ace.



As Pan grabbed Ace and started tickling him he most definitely started to laugh and try to move away from her. He had finally got out and started running away from here. She chased after of course wanting to cheer the fire boy up. Besides who wouldn’t? He deserves better.

[End of Flashback]

“Are we there yet?” Pan asked.

“For the millionth time, No! We aren’t there yet! Now stop asking!”

“But I am bored!” Pan droned and asking are we there yet again



“THEN SHUT UP!” Ace yelled irritated about her droning about Are we there yet.

Ace turned back around to look ahead and continue driving the boat, the boat however, was quiet from the awkward tension they both caused. Ace focused back on driving-

“Are we…there…yet?”


(Couple of Hours later)

Ace was tired and sat down where Pan was sitting before. She had got on his boat’s sails and looked around. She seemed to be bored without something to do. Ace noticed so he rummaged through his bag and slammed them down on the floor. Pan had almost fallen on the floor but she grabbed the pole of the sail before she could.

“Should watch where you look, could end up falling” Ace snickered to himself.

“You know what you did” Pan said as she slid down the pole and sat across from him.

“I have no idea what you are talking about” Ace said while looking up

“Ever played poker”

“No but from where I am, poker is illegal”

“Why is it illegal?”

“It’s considered gambling in my world”

“From your world?”



“I MEANT ISLAND! DEFINITELY MEANT ISLAND! HAHA! WHY WOULD I BE FROM SOME OTHERWORLDLY PLACES THAT DON’T EVEN EXIST!?” Pan said while laughing out loud to make Ace forget. But, it just made Ace more curious so he instead played along.

“You’re weird”

“I AM NOT! Now what the hell is poker mister?” Pan asked while she watched him hand her her cards and put his deck down as well

As Ace explained what Poker was to Pan, Ace was thinking about what Pan had said about her and these “Other Worldly Places” that she spoke of.

“Ok so…whoever has…the BEST cards…wins the game basically…and bets however much money the person betted?” Pan said simply as she had looked at Ace and to her cards.

“Mhm! It shouldn’t be hard! Well for me that is of course” Ace snickered while Pan deadpanned him and smacked his arm playfully

“I’m serious!”

“Ok Ok. Do you want to play an easy round so you can understand the game? I can teach you while we play?” Ace asked while he was shuffling his deck.

“Sure. It’s my first time playing poker. I don’t really understand how y’all can like this game. But get it I guess”

“What are you saying!?”

Pan laughed as Ace was confused on the way she speaks. It was very funny to her and Ace was just confused. As the game went on Pan was getting better and better at the game but she was still losing.

“You know…”

Pan had dropped her hands on the side of the boat and started hitting it softly and started fake crying.

“You’re terrible at this game” Ace said while deadpanning

“I KNOW!” Pan yelled out in a sad way almost

“I HATE POKER!” Pan yelled out as she threw the cards down in disappointment.

Ace laughed at Pan's antics.

"Come on now, you wasn't bad, just you never played before. You are getting there though"
Ace said as he stretched and put the cards back in his bag.

[First Person P.O.V]

As I watch Ace put the cards back in his bag my mind wanders to his younger brother, Luffy. I always liked Luffy. Luffy just seemed to be happy during anytime while I on the other, I always was miserable, I had 5 siblings. One is already a grown up so I couldn't really do nothing with this sibling. The second oldest sibling is annoying. She likes to do her own stuff, never shares, and is always doing stuff to irritate me. Then theirs the third child, my brother. He is always there for me but at the same time, some of the stuff he does is annoying. Then you have the fourth youngest, she is annoying, she doesn't listen, wants whatever we have, and is spoiled. But I'm constantly reminded that she's five. I can't just keep going through stuff with her. Then we have the last child, my baby brother. He doesn't do much. He's only a baby still. Then there is me. The Middle Child. The one with the problems. Apparently whatever I do makes me in the wrong. I just have bad anger issues because of my family.

I sometimes always envied the characters in this show. Sometimes I wish I was happy just like Luffy was but that can never become a actual wish. Just a stupid dream. People from my world looked down on you just for being yourself, just for wearing clothes that you are comfortable, men and women fight over stupid shit, politics fucking us over, I hate my world.

"Hey, Ace," I say, breaking the comfortable silence that has settled around us. "Can I ask you something?"

"Of course," he replies, looking back at me from putting the cards back up. "What's on your mind?"

I had looked up at the stars and just pondered on how I should ask the question. Even though I already know what Luffy is like. 

"What's Luffy like?" I inquire, trying to keep the eagerness out of my voice.

Surprise flickers over Ace's face, followed quickly by a small smile. "Oh, Luffy's amazing," he says, eyes shining with pride. "He's got a heart of gold, and nothing can bring him down. He's brave, determined, and he always, always fights for what he believes in. He's gonna be the Pirate King, you know." 

I listen intently to Ace's words, him and Sabo loves him so much, the Luffy effect is what you call it.

"I see. Hopefully I get to meet him sometime soon" I said with a small smile.

"You are gonna love him! Trust me" Ace said while he smiled proudly about his brother. 

That's the type of love I wish I had with my family. My family is a mess, plus me and my siblings, the second and third sibling? Me and them two were born out of wedlock. So we were bastard children. Born under the worst circumstances. Children must have it so nice when their parents are married.

But Ace and his brothers are so different, Luffy born without both parents in his life but he didn't care, Ace born without both of his parents in his life, Ace hates his father to this day but never met his mother, and then there is Sabo, Sabo had both parents in his life but they weren't the best, they wanted to use him for money so he hated both of them.


I had looked at him since I had zoned out for a sec.

“Were you even listening to me?” Ace had asked.


“Pan! You were supposed to listen! I was trying to tell you about Luffy as a kid!” Ace had whined a little while he put his hands on his hips.

I had chuckled a little at how he got a little pouty about it. I sighed.

“You know, you must be really affected by the way you smile whenever someone mentions the next great Pirate King huh?” I had asked while looking back up at the stars.

“Heck Yeah! Luffy makes me happy all the time! Plus he’s my little brother, maybe not by blood but we’re brothers regardless. I love him to death.” Ace said while he sat back down happily.

I smiled. I really can’t wait to meet him now. In person at that! One of the reasons why I smile. Ace is the person I kin. I think Sabo would make a great older brother, just more nice but teases too much. I don’t really like teasing.

I sighed and closed my eyes and just listened to the winds blow by with my hair blowing, listening to the sea’s splish and splash as the fish swam underwater enjoying their life carefree. I had smiled and had put my head on my arms just to get some sleep from all the negative thinking. If I would’ve kept going I would have been angry and crying and probably wanting to yell at my family for how effed up they treat me or how I FEEL they treat me.

“Do you have any siblings Pan?” Ace asked while he moved me onto his lap so I could sleep comfortably.

“Yes…But my family is for another story dear”

“Well, you could AT LEAST tell me about one of them” Ace said while he put his head on my shoulder.

“Well I guess..You probably won’t like them…I don’t know”

“Come on! They aren’t that bad are they?” Ace said while he chuckled to himself

“Makes sense I guess, I’m just really angry all the time with them” I said as I folded my arms

“Why’s that?” Ace asked curious

“Because of the stuff they do, and sometimes my parents irritate me, My dad isn’t in my life so he can go kill himself-”


“My stepfather and I rarely talk, my mom is just everywhere, my older sister is off on her own doing perfectly fine, my other sister is annoying and wants to do her own thing so me and her lost our little connection, me and my brother, I just get annoyed with what he does THEN when I tell him to leave me alone he still asks AFTER I said I want to be left alone, I am not gonna tell you if im pissed, then my baby sister, she’s five and the stuff she does is annoying, and then I have a baby brother who is only 4 months at the moment, I just don’t get it but apparently i'm just the mean invisible force to EVERYONE ELSE but when I start being mean IM WRONG!?”
I said loudly and irritated.

Ace looked at me surprised and awkward like.


“Yeah, thats why I said not to ask ya bingus”

I said while flicking him in his nose. He had rubbed it after I had flicked it.

“Well that’s…a lot of family issues…never heard of a family like that” Ace said while he rubbed the back of his head nervously

“You must seriously want to get hurt worse huh?”

“I don’t know if you can even fight Pan”

Now that I think about it…Can I really? I just got here not too long ago. Two weeks ago in fact so, probably not. But still worth a try.

“Shut up you uncooked burrito wrap”

“What the heck is that!?” Ace asked, really confused.

I just giggled in my hand.

“Its funny that you don’t understand the way that I talk” I said while I leaned on him.

“I really don’t, it's a weird way of talking” Ace said while he had put his head back on my shoulder to sleep on.

“So this is how we are gonna sleep tonight? I asked while he smiled a little bit

“Might as well since strike is small” Ace said.

I smiled and put my head on his shoulder so I could sleep. I like Ace. He doesn't remind me of anyone, it's just that I kinda wish he wasn’t so stubborn.



“If you had parent’s…would you be different or the same person?”

After I asked that question I felt Ace shift a little meaning he probably was either uncomfortable or something else may have triggered from inside him mentally.

“I may be a little different…I don’t know what I would be like if I had my parents in my life” Ace said while he rubbed his head on my shoulder.

“Makes sense”

“Now go to sleep…woke me up out of my nap” Ace said as he lightly smacked me on the arm

“Ow. Hey! You can’t blame me for not being curious” I said while he had not responded back.

I sighed and just closed my eyes and folded my arms. I guess I can just think about what to do tomorrow to keep us in Alabasta so I can watch Luffy beat the shit out of crocodile. I may have to get rid of some money or figure something out to keep us in Alabasta with Luffy. I want Ace to have fun with his brother and his Friends. I’m sure they wouldn’t mind, but the convincing part would have to be ViVi, Ace said something similar to what she said except his reason was different.

ViVi is a tough princess, she just has a lot on her plate. Especially since Crocodile wants to ruin her home. It's sad what she had to go through. But then again I understand where she is coming from. Having to work under the same person who is hurting your home country, finding some weak spots to think ahead, and having to save her country on her own is a hard thing.

Guess I better figure something out, or no more Fun Time with Ace.

[A week skip because I’m getting impatient]
[Third P.O.V.]

“Are we there yet” Pan droned, while she was sitting looking at the ocean.

“Pan…for the last time…we are almost there” Ace said with a tick mark appearing

“But the Island is an hour away” Pan droned while she went in his bag to find whatever food she could in his bag.

Ace had sighed and abruptly stopped the boat making Pan fall over on her face and pulled out some random candy. Ace had turned around and covered his mouth from laughing at her.

Pan had grabbed his ear while Ace was snickering with Pan's face red from falling over.


“Sorry” Ace said sarcastically and shrugged.

“But seriously calm down, you remind me of Luffy CONSTANTLY asking for food. That’s annoying.” Ace said, rubbing his ear while Pan rubbed her face from falling on it.

“Well my bad” Pan said while she had looked at the floor and noticed the candy she pulled out.

Ace had looked down and noticed it himself.

“What’s that”

“Did I just pull out some Krabby Patty candies?” Pan said to herself out loud.

“Somewhat?” Ace asked looking at her confused

“Oh well…from where I’m from this is candy.” Pan said as Ace looked at her like he didn’t know

”You don’t say” Ace said sarcastically

“I suggest you try some. It’s not bad just its kinda hard a little” Pan said as she took the bag and started to eat the candy

Ace sighed and crouched down in front of her.

“Let me try one” Ace said as he held his hand out.

Pan smiled and handed him one. Ace tried one...and liked it!

“Not bad. Never had candy like that. But still kinda weird” Ace said as he stood up to get back to driving.

“Ace? Are we there yet?”


(Couple minutes later)


Pan had jumped on the Island and took off running. Ace sighed as he thought he could finally relax.

“ACE! COME ON!” Pan yelled back for him.

Ace had sighed again for the millionth time

“This is gonna be a long day” Ace had walked to wherever Pan had run too.

[First P.O.V.]

As I ran on to the island to see the people that lived there and the towns I had skidded to a stop to see where I was.

“Can you stop running off every time we go to an Island please?" Ace said as he walked over to me and grabbed my ear and started pulling on it.

“Ow! No! You can’t make me!” I said as I flailed my arms at Ace.

"Then please, stop being irritating" Ace said while he let my ear go and walked ahead of me to the town

"OI! You can't just do that! Get back here!" I yelled after him.

As we walked into town I had looked around at all the sites to see: stores, restaurants, A library, etc. There was so much to do! I could never get tired of stuff like this. I had looked at the water passing under the bridge and smiled. Today's a good day hopefully.

"I'm hungry. Hopefully they got some food around here." Ace said as he rubbed his stomach.

"I would like some food as well. I am pretty hungry from the long drive" I said as I followed behind him.

"That was a very long drive, along with you asking are we there yet A MILLION TIMES!" Ace said as I put my hands up.

"I plead the fifth cap'n" I said while smiling nervously.

"Sure. Oh hey maybe this restaurant will do." Ace said as he walked in a restaurant named Pasta Lake.

"Weird name. Sounds interesting though!" I said while walking in with him.

As we walked in everyone was lively and minding their business. Women gossiping, men blabbering about whatever. It was peaceful. No problems whatsoever.

(Or so we thought)

"I can't wait to try what they have!" I said a little excitedly.

While I wasn't looking, Ace had smirked a little. 

"Same here." Ace said as he sat down on the bar stool at the counter.

"Well hello there youngins! What can I get for you two this afternoon!" A polite man came up to me and Ace as I had sat down.

"I would like a-"

"Can I get half of your menu please?" Ace asked.

I felt my mouth fall open at that statement.


"What? I only ordered half! At least I didn't take the whole menu!" Ace said while he folded his arms.

I had sighed.

"At least give me one of your plates please" I asked politely.

"Fine" Ace said as he waited for them to get done with the orders.

"Why do you complain so much? You really sound like Luffy." Ace asked.

"I know you did not just sit here and say that I complain like Luffy when it comes to food but you ordered HALF the MENU!" I said while I flailed my arms.

"There's a difference. You COMPLAIN like Luffy when he wants food, I ordered half the menu BECAUSE I eat a lot. Its ENTIRELY different" Ace said as he had pointed them out.

"You are fat"

"I AM NOT!" Ace yelled out at me

As the guy came back with all the food I couldn't decide which one to pick. There was so many different choices of food I have never had before.

"Wow" I said with saliva almost falling out my mouth.

"What? You act like you've never had it before" Ace said as he started stuffing his face with food

"Well yeah, I haven't"

And next thing I know I hear the counter go thump.


He had passed out from Narcolepsy.

"Did he just die!?" Everyone yelled out surprised and scared. Mainly the guy who had took our order because then people would think the restaurant poisoned the food or the food killed him.

"Oh no! He just fell asleep. It's just random. He falls asleep at random. It's called Narcolepsy!" I said while reassuring everyone to calm them down.

"He fell asleep...while eating?" A lady asked me as she poked him to see if he would respond.

"Yes! If someone had narcolepsy it would happen the exact same way he fell asleep in his food, but think of a bookstore!" I said while nervously explaining.

The lady looked at him and then looked back up at me.

"Is this normal for him?"

"Yeah! It happens time to time! So no need to worry everyone and to the person that works here. The restaurant didn't kill him! You can all go back to your seats now. And can I get some napkins since you're still kinda here?" I asked the waiter.

Everyone had a sigh of relief and the waiter had went back to get napkins from the front or maybe somewhere else.

"Ok Ace...You need to get back up" I said as I stood up and started to lift him up on my arm so I can wipe the food off his face.

But the thing is...HE IS SO DAMN HEAVY!

"How much do you weigh!?" I almost yelled out while trying to lift his head up out of his food.

"Heavy...bastard!" I had finally lifted his head up and struggled to hold him.

"I swear when you wake up from this I'm going to MURDER you!" I said while wiping the food off of his face.

While I was holding his head I had wiped his face off but struggled to hold his head.

"I am NEVER holding your head again" I said after I got done wiping the food off of his face.

I had moved the food to the side and laid his head on the table so that way he doesn't fall asleep in his food again.

"You freaking fatso! WHY WERE YOU SO HEAVY!" I yelled while throwing the napkins on the floor and stomping back to my seat.

"And I thought Luffy was fat" I said to myself sarcastically as I sat down and folded my arms. I was pouting but then my stomach rumbled. I forgot to eat so I had took a bite of the food and BOY was I mesmerized. 

"Oh this is so good!" I had started stuffing my face with the food that Ace ordered. Eating one plate had me stuffed after I had finished it.

"That was so good. I never thought food could be so much better then snacks!" I said while patting my belly.

"I bet"


I jumped out of my seat and got in my weird karate pose until I looked at Ace.


"My bad. I didn't mean to scare you" Ace said as he stuffed his face like nothing didn't happen.

"Oh and by the way, what happened?" Ace asked as he looked at me while chewing his food.

I had sighed and sat back down.

"Ace you fell asleep, on top of, you fell asleep in your food and everyone thought you died" I said while folding my arms.

"Oh! Ok!" Ace said as he continued to eat.

I had just stared up at the ceiling. Full off of the food I ate I just sat and waited for Ace to finish eating.

"Hey Pan?"


"Did you take one of my plates?"

"You said I could though"

"Oh I forgot. Well maybe..."

I had just stared at him confused.

"Since you don't know how to fight-"


"Just saying. How would you fight?"

I had thought of it immediately

"GUNSLINGER!" I said aloud while jumping out of my seat to do a pose.

Everyone had got silent.

"Oops. Sorry folks! Ignore me hehehe..."

"So am I not wrong to say you are weird?" Ace asked while he was still stuffing his face with food.

"I'M GOING TO SHOOT YOU FIRST ONCE I LEARN!" I yelled at him while huffing and pouting.

"Well technically you can't" Ace said while wiping his face from eating.

"I know you fire dust!" I said while looking away from him still pouting.

"Ok how am I fire dust?" Ace asked while getting up and getting his bag.

"OI! DON'T JUST LEAVE ME!" I said while chasing after him.

We walked outside of the restaurant and I felt like we were forgetting something.

"Ace did we forget something?" I asked while walking up the steps back up to the bridge.

He stopped midway and turned.

"No? Why do you ask?"


I had jumped and turned around seeing him come out of the restaurant looking for us that is till I felt something tug on my arm and then next thing I know, were running from the guy who owns the restaurant.



"ACE YOU IDIOT! I TOLD YOU WE FORGOT SOMETHING! I WAS NEVER WRONG!" I said after he let me go and we both started running.



"NU UH!"





And that's the end of this one. I had to figure this scenario out. But you know. Turned out a little better but you know get it I guess. Sorry it took awhile by the way. I am going to be busy due to school and band. It's a lot ESPECIALLY for a senior. I am just ready to graduate and go figure out my life. Highschool is the WORST. Just a tip of Advice for anyone who is going into highschool next year. DON'T EXPECT A LOT. It's a lot and it's annoying unless you got a friend you've known for a long time. Other then that uhm. BYE KITSUNES!

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