By diorrshawtyy

150 10 6

in which the pure , yet tainted heart of cryena sinclair feels connected with the dark and deeply bright cove... More



36 2 4
By diorrshawtyy

Cryena's heel boots clacked against the pavement as she attempted to follow the instructions given. She smacked her teeth swiping up and down while her acrylics made a satisfying sound on her screen. She grew frustrated as her signal became weaker and weaker.

"Stupid phone, should've gotten it for free if it was gonna act like this." She mumbled smacking her phone against her hand as she tried to fix the glitches

She let out an exasperated breath as she looked around her surroundings turning a corner. She looked around as she stood in the middle of a parking lot and read a sign labeled 'Mystic Grill'.

"Wow , that's the only interesting thing I've seen in this town and I've been here for a week. And I really have to stop talking as if anyone can hear me." She shook her head as she made her way to the restaurant.

She walked in adjusting her leather jacket and shoved her phone in the back of her pocket. Music flooded her ears and a bunch of kids near her age were enjoying food and playing pool. She smiled a little feeling a sense of familiarity and walked towards the bar.

"Hi, can I get a scotch on the rocks please ? Make it a double." She ordered as she scooted her seat closer to the bar and rested her elbows.

"Tu- Uh , I'm sorry beautiful but you look a little too young for that. I can't risk my job , no matter how pretty you are." A tanned , sandy haired and blue eyed boy spoke.

Cryena softly chuckled as she scooted closer on the bar and placed her hand into the guys arm. He immediately tensed as his eyes felt captivated into her hazel brown orbs.

"Now , I can't be that beautiful if I can't even get just one teeny little drink." She rubbed against his hand as she stared into his eyes and he felt his body go numb and fill with a random jolt of electricity.

"I- umm, I-". He stammered a his heart hammered in his chest. He felt this sudden urge to give her the world out the palm of his hands. She had this magnetic hold on him and he felt he had no control over himself.

"You were getting me a scotch on the rocks and making it double , right?" She smiled innocently and he swallowed the lump in his throat.

"You were getting my drink, right sweetheart?" She repeated taking his hand into her hold and he sucked in a harsh breath feeling his body warm and his lower region stiffen.

"Yes, yes I'll be right on it." He croaked out feeling weak. His mind and body were no longer connected with one another and he was doing whatever she asked because that was how strong the hold of her power held over him.

She smiled letting his hand go and he twitched as he went to the opposite side of the bar to fix her drink. He returned shortly afterwards and she was on her second glass when she felt two presences surrounding her.

"Now Ric , we know almost every single person who comes here day in and day out and this face doesn't look familiar at all now does it?" A teasing voice on her right side spoke as he leaned against the bar on his side.

"No Damon , can't say I recognize her." The voice on her other side speaks and Cryena lightly drops her head and laughs.

"Is this how you guys act with everyone you don't know?" She mockingly smirks as she looks between the two.

"Pretty much." The Ric guy shrugged as he reached behind the bar and grabbed himself a bottle of bourbon preparing himself a drink.

"Oh even with the guys? Ok I support." She raised her glass with a smile as she finished her second glass and hissed feeling her throat fill with a satisfying burn.

"Now I've been here for a week and this bar has been the only highlight I had." She hopped off her stool

"Leaving so soon new girl?" The Damon guy lifts up from the bar making Cryena chuckle as she pulled her glitched phone from her pocket to check the time and put it back

"One not my name and two , I have other things to do besides talk to strangers. Loved our conversation though, I will never find a best friend like you." She sarcastically remarked causing Ric to chuckle.

Damon stale faced him making him play it off as a cough and Cryena brushed through the people in the bar and walked out into the chilly and breezy night air. Looking both ways before crossing and heading to the Honda Accord she had parked before losing signal.

She patted her front pocket for her keys and tensed before she continued to move as she felt herself being hovered.

"Now see here new girl , we would typically let you go , but , considering the fact that the last pretty new girl happened to be the sister of the devil. So excuse us if we're a bit on edge upon your arrival." Damon spoke low in her ear as his body pressed against hers

"Aww , you think I'm pretty?" She cheesed as she turned around. She looked up into his crystal blue eyes as he looked down at her with a clenched jaw and chuckled looking at Ric who shrugged confused.

Damon usually was able to put fear in anyone without having to result in any pain , but this beautiful and mysterious new girl was making it really hard for him.

"Ok pretty. You have five minutes- which is really rare for me, to tell me who you are , who sent you and why you're here?" He spoke in a demanding tone as his eyes focused on her and she scrunched her face and placed a hand on his chest moving him from so close to her.

"Mmkay you guys are either pedophiles or you both really suck at making a first impression. Don't worry though I'm nice so I'll let it slide this time." She pat his shoulder and attempted to get in her car again.

Damn instantly snapped out of his confused state being she fought his compulsion , which led his brain to wander to a multitude of possibilities as to who she was or what she was.

She groaned as she felt her shoulder being pulled back and her body being slammed against the door of her car. She clenched her jaw feeling the pain get worse the harder her pulled but she wouldn't show it.

"I'm gonna ask another way since you clearly aren't human. Who sent you? Was it Klaus? Elijah? Who?!" He demanded making his grip harder causing her to yell out.


"No! Ric. We don't know who she could be working for and Klaus made it clear when he took Stefan that he was nowhere near done with us." He gritted out as his paranoia began to spike.

"Look I know I'm a little new to all this , but I promise you I'm not working for Klaus , Elijah or any of the originals. I would never in my life sell my soul to the devil." Cryena grunted out as she felt her heart hammer in her chest due to pain.

Damon furrowed his brows and in a swift movement turned her around and slammed her against the car door making her since and he quickly gripped her neck making her hand wrap around his wrist.

"What do you know about the originals?" Damon asked calmly as he examined her face for any lies. He may not be able to compel her but he could still read her emotions.

"I know enough. I know Klaus could possibly know where my family is. I know I won't stop until he feels every peace of pain I've felt for three years." She looked into his eyes and he felt every emotion she held in her heart overwhelm him making him jump away from her

He looked back at Ric who had lowered his weapon with a confused face. He didn't know what to think but her words held sincerity in them and that was enough for him to lower his weapon.

"Well. Looks like we all have it out for the original family huh?" He looked between the two and Cryena sighed with relief knowing he believed her.

"Yeah, looks like it." She mumbled leaning against the door of her car with her arms crossed.

"Damon Salvatore." He held his hand out and she opened her mouth slightly remembering the mention of his name briefly a few years back.

"Cryena." She introduced shaking his firm hand and let go looking over his shoulder

"Alaric." He introduced making her nod

"Hey, I know a place where you can find out everything you ever wanted to know about the originals and a bunch of stuff that could possibly help find your family." He looked over at her and her eyes shot over to him.

"Don't mess with me Salvatore. You don't know me , don't even think of trying to play with me." She sternly warned. Her family was no a subject she took lightly at all.

"No games you pretty firecracker. My boarding house really has everything you need and I'm positive it's better than those cheap motels." He offered and she looked over at Alaric who nodded and she sighed.

"Fine. But I'm telling you now, I will boik your blood and do my nails while doing it if you try anything." She looked him deep into his eyes and he blinked away the second of fear he held and cleared his throat.

She was a young girl all alone with no one but her own shoulder to lean on. That made her either the most easiest Target or the most rested person in Mystic Falls. She'd do what she had to do for her family , he knew all to well to never get on the bad side of someone with that goal.

She brushed past him to get another drink to prepare for the long night she had ahead. Damon looked over at Alaric with his hands on his hips as he held an amused smirk on his face.

"Well, I like her."

A/N; I'm in love with Klaus BAD & I see either poorly written or very few book him with a black fc and if there are any good ones , none of them are finished! So, here I am <33 .

This story is different than the average "following the script" stories. It will definitely fit the plot but as far as the main character and her life , she's from an alternate universe. Meaning everything she is, is from a completely different storyline , but I'm Keke so it's going to eat regardless so excuse any errors

Klaus will be here like real soon cause why not? We love him. This will be picking up from when he broke his curse and took Stefan which was season 3 of vampire diaries , so that should clear confusion. Everything else will be cleared as you continue to read ❤️.

- Fondly, Ke

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