Star Sky

By DrHeichou

109 11 3

In this SnK modern A/U fanfic, Levi is faced to challenge reality at a young age. His only goal is to fulfill... More

Canon in D Minor

First 3 classes

21 2 0
By DrHeichou

Period 1: Literature

Levi dragged himself to his desk, there were four rows, eight desks in each row. He was in row two, seat four. He slumped down, Hanji taking the desk next to him.
"Hey Levi, do you think we'll have some surprise final test that'll determine if we graduate or not in this class?"
"Hanji, why do you torture me?"

"There goes Hanji again, being an idiot" a voice from behind Levi creeped in his ear, he made a slight turn.

"Nobody cares about your input Oulo you ugly bastard." Hanji spat.

"Hey...Hanji, don't call people names like that." A softer voice came from the seat on the other side of Hanji.
Levi leaned over a bit to see Petra shaking slightly. She always tried to seem brave but her shaking demeanor conflicted it.
"Awh, pretty gal to come back me up?" Oulo flashed his creepy smile that he thought was charming. It made Levi cringe. Petra jumped slightly in embarrassment and waved her hands in front of her while shaking her head. Her face was turning red.
"!! It's not like that! I just-"

"Give it a rest Petra." Ymir went and sat on Hanji's desk. Hanji let out a small noise of annoyance.
"But Ymir I- "
"Petra, we all know you got the hots for frog face over here." Ymir smirked and leaned in close to Petra.
"So tell me, since it's all out in the open..."
Petra leaned away from Ymir, her face burning up.
"How's the sex?"
"YMIR!!" Everyone, including Levi, chorused.
"Whaaaat?" She shrugged and chuckled.
"I'm a curious person!" She went and moved over and sat on Petras desk.
Levi got up and walked to her.
"That's enough. Leave her alone."
"Or what?" She stood up as well, towering over him.
"Oh don't tell me..." She gave an evil grin.
Oulo and Hanji rolled their eyes.
"You got it hot for Ral too?"
Levi swung his hand back, ready to land a blow on Ymir.
"LEVI NO!" A petite blonde came jogging over.
"Levi! I'm sorry! Ugh Ymir, I leave you out of my sight for five minutes and you're causing riots!"
"B...but Christa! I-"
"NO." Christa stomped over and put her hands on her hips, giving Ymir a dirty, yet adorable look. It was hard to take her seriously. Ymir was flustered, she stuttered and laughed nervously. The only weakness Ymir had was Christa. A 5'1, 105 pound, little blonde.
Hanji and Oulo bent over, covering their mouths and muffling their laughs.
Levi stared at the little feud and groaned. Petra stood up and snuck around the two fighting girls and nudged Levi.
"S...sorry Levi. I didn't mean to butt in and bother you." She looked down at her little black flats and blushed.
Levi looked over to her, he tilted his head slightly and ran his hand through his hair.
"It's not a big deal. Next time, stop shaking. Four years of high school and you haven't even learned to speak without turning red."
Petra giggled a bit and smiled at him.
"Four years of high school and just now you speak more than a few words to me?"
He smirked at her

"Alright class." The teacher walked in, carrying two cups of coffee, a suitcase and a binder.
"Take your seat."

Hanji skipped up to the teachers desk and put an apple on it.
"Um, Miss Church, why have you only been on time 3 times this entire year? You're late again. Can't you get in trouble? Or whatever."

"Hanji, think of my life like a big old ball of kittens."

"What? Why?"

"Exactly. Go sit."

Hanji shrugged and went and sat down. Levi took his seat and slowly everyone in the class was making their way to their desks.
Ymir was pouting and Christa was in the desk next to her with her arms crossed and an eyebrow raised in irritation to Ymir.

"Alright you all, it's been a great year, there's today and tomorrow left, we finished our final lesson and test early because we're all so bright even the sun was told not to stare at us. So it's a free day. Enjoy it. Don't bother me." She directed her eyes at Hanji.
"Especially you."
"How cruel Miss. Church. I am friends with your son."
"Find something to do Hanji."
Hanji sighed and put her head down.
Levi did the same, facing the window on his left. He tuned everything and everyone out until he closed his eyes and fell victim to his tiredness.

Levi drifted off in no time, dreaming of nothing as usual.

"Awh come on really?"

"Hey go do that somewhere else!"

"Get a room you two!"

Levi mumbled and slowly opened his eyes, the entire class was whining and complaining, two things he couldn't stand at all. He sat up and looked to see what was going on. Ymir and Christa were embraced and tangled in eachother, their lips locked and tongues moving about.
"Wh...what?" Levi looked in confusion. "Weren't they just yelling at eachother like...ten minutes ago??"
Hanji kept her eyes on the two girls,
"Um...Levi that was more like 40 minutes ago...and clearly they aren't mad anymore! Look at em go..."

"Hanji mind your own business."

"No way man...I wonder what it's like to kiss a girl..."

"Ymir and Christa, please no PDA in my class room." Miss Church sat back and gave them her "seriously guys?" Face.

A few seconds later, the bell rang for the next class.
"Thank god." Oulo muttered.
"More action than you'll ever get in your life frog face." Hanji snickered.
Levi smacked the back of Hanji's head.
"Ow! Hey Levi! You're so mean!"
He ignored her and pulled her arm,
"Come on let's go. I would rather not sit here and continue watching the Ymir and Christa make out session."
He dragged Hanji out of the room and he headed to his calculus class. It was an advanced class, so most of his peers were tolerable.
He and Hanji walked and talked about the laws of gravity, not too far behind them, Eren Jaeger was running with several books in his hand. He was sweating and trying to dodge everyone his his path.
"Look at the little dweeb trying to get to his little dweeb class on time." Jean Kirschtein chuckled, his slim body rested against the locker.
"Jean..." A calmer looking, freckled boy gave him his serious face.
"Stop acting so cocky. It doesn't make you look good."
"Hey...hey Marco.." Jean laughed, ignoring Marcos words.
"Yo watch this."
Jean stepped forward a bit as Eren was coming down the hall. He stuck his foot out right before Eren ran past him.
Eren felt his heart race and he gasped.
Levi and Hanji turned at hearing Eren yelp as he tripped over Jeans foot and landed hard on his shoulder; the books flying and scattering everywhere.
"Jean!" Marco grabbed the snickering boy by the shoulder and pulled him away, taking him away from the commotion that he had caused.

"Oh man!" Hanji rushed over to Eren, everyone was walking over him and kicking the books, unaware of whatever happened.
"Tch..." Levi glared at everyone walking by.
"Oblivious shit heads."

"Eren! Are you okay? You took a heavy fall!" Hanji helped the boy to his feet and started picking up scattered papers and books.
"Y...yeah I'm fine..." He slowly started picking up the mess as well.
Levi knelt down and picked up a book that had fallen at his feet.
"Hm..? A comic book? 'Tokyo Ghoul' ."
Levi skimmed through the book seeing all the graphic gory scenes.

"Oh!'s's a manga." Eren walked over and slowly started to take the book. Levi pulled it back, still skimming through it.
"Is this written backwards?"
Eren tilted his head
"Oh! it's a Japanese comic, so it's written to where you read it right to left, rather than a normal book or comic where you read it left to right."

"Oh....seems pretty graphic." Levi raised and eyebrow and Hanji walked to him, carrying a few more mangas herself. Levi tossed the book to Eren.
"We have to go. Come on Hanji." Levi turned and started back on the track to his next class.
"Oh...okay." Eren nodded.
"Thanks...." He smiled at Hanji and took the rest of his books.
"Hey Eren, right? Um why the rush? You have five minutes in between bells to get to class." Hanji gave a smirk of curiosity.
"Oh...I was trying to get these back to the library before it closed for the day....I heard today was the last day to return books and pay any late fees..."
Eren stared at the floor.
"And the library is supposed to be closing early...."
"Ah..." Hanji gave a look of sympathy.
"Well good luck...gotta run!" She winked and ran off, catching up to Levi.
"You're too damn slow."
"And you're too damn fast."
Levi chuckled quietly.
"Open the door for me."

"Excuse you? But isn't it ladies first?"

"You want to label yourself as a lady?"

"Good point...."

Hanji blew some hair out of her face and opened the door to their next class.
"Ladies first."


"Armin please stop being so paranoid!"
Marco was sitting in the front row, looking behind him where a young boy, blonde hair that was down to his shoulders, was.
"I'm sorry Marco, but Annie told me that we were having a super hard pop quiz that was going to be worth 60% of our semester grade! I'm not good under pressure!"
Levi and Hanji walked over to the two boys.
"What's going on? Armin why are you sweating?" Hanji sat in the desk next to Marco, also looking back. Levi took his seat behind hanji, but next to Armin.
"Annie said that-" the boy was cut off by an annoyed Levi.
" Why do you hold her up to such a high standard? She's playing you, you seriously can't be that dim."

"But...why would she lie about something that sounds so serious?"

"Armin...thank god you're only a sophomore." Levi rolled his eyes .

"A sophomore in a college rated class may I point out." Hanji winked at Armin, her indicator to people that she had their back.
Marco chuckled and turned to Hanji.
"So Hanji, are you excited about college? I heard you're going to MIT!"
Hanji tilted her head and gave a devious look.
"I'm ready to learn about investigating crime scenes and dead bodies."
Marco chuckled nervously and scratched the back of his head.
"Ugh, look who's coming in." A boy from the back whispered.
"She acts like she's so much better than everyone else" the girl next to him replied.
They all turned to see Annie walk in. One backpack strap slung over her shoulder, her hair tied into a bun like usual. She walked and took her seat behind Armin.
"H...hi Annie..." Armin turned to look at her.
" you look nice today..." He said while stuttering.
"You already told me that." She responded bluntly.
"Oh...oh right...s..sorry."
"Ready for that test?"
Her eyes Pierced into his.
"W..well actually...everyone else says that we aren't going to have a-"

"Do you believe what everyone else says?"

"Well he certainly has no reason to believe you." A tall, dark haired boy chimed in. His hair was layered and rested nicely over his forehead. His built figured towered over Annie who didn't bother to look at him.
"Bertholdt..." Marco stood up and sighed. He wasn't much shorter than Bertholdt but the height difference still made Marco look painfully inferior.
"Let's not step on toes here..."
Bertholdt smiled gently and took his seat behind Marco.
"You're right. I'm sorry. How are you today Marco?" And with that, the boys started their own conversation on their summer plans.
"Wow...they're so much alike" Hanji said admiring the two.
"You could think they were brothers."
"Hanji stop staring." Levi said, facing the front.

Annie went on to take out a small black book and began to sketch in it.
" draw?" Armin said with his eyes wide open.
"You're really good! I mean...really really good!"
Annie looked up, a bit flustered.

"Everyone take out a piece of paper and pencil."
The teacher walked on in, he began to write on the board.
Levi groaned and looked at Hanji.
She already had paper and a pencil for him.
"Thanks shitty glasses"
"My pleasure short stacks."

Armin began to tap his finger nervously.
"We have a small quiz today. Just two questions. We've covered these topics before but no ones has been able to solve these questions on any of the tests I've given out. "
"What!" Armin whispered. He turned to Annie who just shrugged at him.
Armin was no doubt, the smartest in The class, being only a sophomore.
"I....i..." He began to panic.
"Armin calm down." Annie said flatly.
"But...but..." Annie rested her hand on his shoulder and lightly squeezed it.
"You'll do fine."
Levi watched as the questions were being written on the board. They seemed fairly simple, but he couldn't remember ever trying to solve them. It must of been on one of the tests he had decided to skip on purpose.

"Alright class. Take as long of the class period as you need. I will grade your papers on the spot when you hand them in. You may begin."

For 40 minutes, the class went scribbling away, people taking out calculators and pulling at their hair. It only took Levi ten minutes to figure out both answers. Hanji looked at him and mouthed "show off" before rolling her eyes and continuing her work.
One by one, students were taking their papers up, each one leaving the teachers desk with disappointment and frustration written all over their face.
Surprisingly, everyone had finished with time to spare.
So they teacher stood up and announced that only three people had gotten the answers: Annie, Armin, and Levi.
"Don't worry." The teacher said while chuckling.
"It's not going to change your final grade, except for the three that got it right, their scores will go up."
Levi could hear Armin breathe a huge sigh of relief.
"Did you hear that Annie?!" Armin turned to her, beaming.
"We got it! Isn't that awesome!?"
"I told you that you would do fine." She gave him a cute side smile.
"Let me buy you lunch! I couldn't have done it if you hadn't assured me!"
Annie's eyes widened and she looked down.
"I made my own lunch..."
"Oh..." Armin said, obviously disappointed.
"But...I may have packed too much...if you wouldn't mind coming to eat it with me."
Armin looked up and smiled.

A few seconds later, the bell rang.
Everyone got up and picked up their bags.
"Yeah but if you think about it, a train that could hold what's left of mankind is unrealistic." Marco said to Bertholdt. They were in a heated conversation of a movie on Netflix called 'Snow piercer'.
"But the movie already said that most of the worlds population was wiped out by the freezing temperatures. There wasn't much people as you think. Hut still, they implied that there was still too many people and the problem of overpopulating was still existent, hence the reason why a food shortage and different wealth classes were still being held to a strong ground."
Bertholdt was explaining using a lot of hand gestures.
"Eh, it was still pretty cool I guess."
Marco said laughing. The boys walked out with Annie and Armin behind them talking about how they solved the calc questions.
Levi stood and watched them, a bit jealous of how easily they seemed to all get along with eachother.
"Hey Levi, stop staring." Hanji smiled and nudged him.
"Let's go. I'll walk you to your next class."
"How nice." Levi said sarcastically.
"Hey man, I still believe in chivalry."
Hanji said proud.
The two walked out and headed a few doors down to where Levi's next class was. As they stopped at the door, Hanji said her daily lecture to him. Something she's been doing for years for every class she didn't have with him.
"Ok, be nice. Don't say anything when someone says something stupid. Don't hit anyone. Don't sass the teacher. And please, please don't fall asleep. Got it?"

"Yes mother."

"Good." She smiled and rustled his hair. He jerked away. She knew he hated that which is why she did it.
"See ya!"
And with that, she ran off.


Levi walked into his chemistry class. This class especially annoyed him because the two biggest dimwits were in this class.
He went and sat down at his desk. These desks were big, two to a desk and a small sink in the middle of each desk. There were two rows, four desks in each row.
Everyone started piling in, and for a second Levi felt a sense of relief because the two idiots hadn't shown up and they were always early. But a minute later, running and loud laughing could be heard from down the hall, clearly making its way to the class. Bashing through the door and hopping over the large desks, a boy with a shaven head and a girl who's face was covered in chip crumbs parkoured to their desks, both tackling their chairs.
"I WIN!" The girl shouted out throwing her fists in the air.
"NO YOU DIDNT I DID! WHY YOU LYIN?" The boy shouted.

"Thank you, Connie and Sasha for making my headache worse than it is." Said the teacher, rubbing his temples.

"Mr. Nile, you're such a bore." Sasha said while taking her seat.
"Learn to live." Connie said right after her.
Nile groaned and drank some water.
"Please, it's the second to the last day of school. Don't be annoying."
Sasha rolled her eyes and poked Connie in his gut.
"Ow!" Connie went and poked her back.
"Hey! I didn't even poke you that hard! Jerk!"
And they went on for a while like that.
Levi put his head down, hoping he was tired enough to just knock out .
"Hey Levi."
Levi looked up, Farlan was coming up, waving and taking the seat next to him.
Aside from Hanji, Farlan was another one of Levi's childhood friends. The tall, medium built boy had grayish, blonde hair and silver/blue eyes that made all the girls oggle over him. His eyebrows were so nicely shaped, Levi was convinced Farlan went to get them done at least twice a week, but every time he confronted Farlan about it, Farlan would comment on how Levi's eyebrows were nice too and that he could believe the same about him.
Which didn't even answer Levi's question but since Farlan never denied it, he just believed he was right.
"Hey Farlan." Levi said, sitting up a bit more. Farlan chuckled and raised his eyebrows at Levi.
"I finally got Isabel to let me take her on a date. Can you believe that? Two days before school is over and she finally decides to say yes. Just my luck I suppose." Farlan rested his elbow on the desk and his chin in his hand.
"Don't complain Farlan. Just consider yourself lucky she said yes to a chump like you." Levi gave him a smirk and folded his arms over his chest.
Farlan sat up again and gave Levi a smug look.
"What?" Asked Levi.
"When are you and Hanji going to start dating?"
"Don't be an idiot. It's not going to get to that point with her and I. She's just my friend."
Farlan exhaled loudly and rested his elbow on the desk again.
"Dude, she's been your best friend since the first grade. She was your first friend! I remember that day you first walked into class and sat by yourself waaaay in the back. Hanji wouldn't shut up about you! Something about wanting to talk to you because you were mysterious."
Levi gave him a weird look.
"You remember all that useless stuff?"
"It's not useless! Man I have to keep a file in my brain with all the juicy details of you and four eyes so whenever it's my turn to speak at your marriage ceremony I actually have things to say!" Farlan laugh and Levi punched his arm, half serious, half joking.

"Okay everyone," Nile stood up.
"I have a massive headache, so I'm just going to put on a health video we were supposed to watch before Christmas break but never got around to."

"Is it the vagina video?" Ymir shouted from the back.
"Ymir ugh please shut up" her partner, Jean complained.
Nile rolled his eyes and sighed.
"Yes Ymir, it's the birthing video. Make sure you keep quiet or I'll make you take notes on it. "
"Um," Sasha raised her hand.
"Mr. Nile?"
"What Sasha?"
"Shouldn't we be watching a video on chemical reactions or even the periodic table?"
"This is mandatory for all science classes. Better late than never." Nile replied while hitting play and going back to his desk.
"Shut the lights off please Christa."
Christa nodded and stood up, walking to the light switch only a few feet away, Ymir did a wolf whistle and winked at Christa.
"Ymir!" Christa said in a harsh whisper.
She blushed and quickly shut off the lights and made her way back to her seat.
"Christa you're hot!" Ymir shouted again.
Jean elbowed Ymir and Ymir pushed him out of his chair.
"Ugh. I hate you." Jean spat.
"Oh boo hoo." Ymir retorted.
"Quiet." Nile said loudly.

Levi put his head down and immediately Nile cleared his throat as an indicator to sit up. So he did.

The video played, graphic in every sense. A live birth.

"Oh my god" Connie's eyes were wide and he clung to Sasha's arm.
Sasha reaction was equal to his and she whimpered.

"Shit it stretches that big?!" Jean was pale and his face full of disgust.

"Be ready Christa, you're gonna need to know what goes down when you have our babies" Ymir said, laughing.

"Ugh." Christa pouted and groaned.

"Ahh no fuck this I'm out." Farlan stood up.
"Sorry Levi. Mr. Nile I'm going to the bathroom."
Farlan walked out. Bag and all.

Levi zoned out. Not paying attention to the video.
He thought about Hanji, and how he would rather listen to her talk non stop about a show she's been obsessing over. Something about a swim team full of guys.
Levi was suddenly brought back to Reality when he heard a chip back open.
"Hey, give me some Sasha!" Connie hissed.
"Grow some hair" Sasha remarked, giggling.
Connie reached over and started struggling for the bag.
Sasha was trying to snicker quietly and she was shoving chips in her mouth.

God I can't stand them....

Levi ran his hands through his hair and then felt a small, light object hit his shoulder. He looked down at the floor and saw it was crumpled up paper. He then sat up and looked behind him. Doc was nodding her head to him and pointed at the paper mouthing,
"Open it." Levi stared at her, her long brown, wavy hair running down her back. Her fringe flowing perfectly over her forehead. She had a bridge piercing and her eyes were fierce.
He slowly leaned down and picked up the paper and uncrumpled it.

What's Hanji's next class?

Levi pulled the pencil Hanji gave him earlier out of his pocket and scribbled on the note.


He crumpled it back up and tossed it back when he was sure Nile wasn't looked. He watched as Doc opened it and bit her lip in thought. Then she scribbled something on it and tossed it back.

Thanks. Owe you one. By the way, Mr. Smith told me to tell you he wants to see you during lunch.

Levi read it three times before replying
What? Why?

He tossed it back.

Doc read it and looked at him and shrugged.
Levi tapped his finger on the desk and thought for a moment.
He did feel as if he had some sort of connection with Mr. Smith. For some reason, he had him as his history teacher every year of high school. It was unusual because there were three other history teachers.
Before he could continue his thoughts, Doc went and sat down next to him.
"So." She said in a whisper, her light brown eyes gleaming.
"Why does Erwin wanna see you?"
His eyes widened upon hearing the name.
"You call him Erwin?"
"Yeah." She shrugged. "It's just a name. Stop avoiding the question."

"I don't know." Levi shook his head.
"Maybe wants to talk about my final grade."
"What a bore."
Doc pouted and smiled at him.
"Listen, I need to talk to Hanji. So do you have the same gov class as her?"
He nodded.
"Perfect." She smiled.
"Why..?" He gave her a suspicious look.
"Can't you just text her?"
"No!" She did a fake, dramatic gasp.
"That's certainly against the school rules."
Levi chuckled.
"So." She started again.
"Fourth period, I'm going to need you to ask Erwin if I can come into your class because you need tutoring in math."

"Doc, school is almost over, why would he believe that?"

"Just say you're taking a summer course on Calc 2! He'll believe anything you say! Please? I need to talk to her!"


Doc smiled and gave him a quick hug.
"You're the best"

"Don't suck up."

For the remaining ten minutes, Doc and Levi sat there, playing hangman on the paper they were passing notes on, ignoring the small fighting between Connie and Sasha over chips and Ymir and Jean arguing over morals and decency.
The bell rang and Levi got up.
"Lunchtime!" Doc stood up and stretched.
"Have fun with macho nacho Smith."
Doc winked at him and picked her bag up, walking with him to the door. She waved and made her way down the hall, walking to the bathroom. Levi started his way to Erwin's class, his heart pounding. He slowed as he approached the door, extremely aware of the people walking by him. So many people, not having to worry about being expected somewhere.
He stopped at the door and looked down. He took a deep breath and knocked on the door, opening it slowly.



I hope you enjoyed this part! Doc is my original character for SnK! Originally, in the SnK universe, she's the senior medical officer of the survey corps, so she's in charge of the medical teams. I felt the strong need to add her in. In the next chapter, see what goes down with Erwin and Levi as well as his last three classes!

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