We Lost The Summer

By Venus_Loona

79 51 0

In a desolate world where the living coexist with the relentless undead, a small group of boys finds an unexp... More

1. Shattered Echoes : In the Shadows of Despair
2. Harmony in Shadows: Dreams and Resilience
3. Embers of Resilience: A Symphony of Survival
4. The Pharmacy Convergence: Bonds Forged in the Undead Abyss
5. Threads of Unity: Embers in the Shelter
6. Strategic Echoes: Building Tomorrow in the Shadows
7. Bound for Hope: The Exodus Begins
8. Starry Serenity: Navigating the Darkness in Search of Hope
9. Wounds of Resilience: In the Shadows of the Warehouse
10. Sacrifice Amidst Shadows: A Tale of Loss in the Abandoned Store
11. Threads of Survival: A New Family in the Tunnel
12. Quest for Survival: Journey Beyond the Tunnel
13. Balancing Bonds: Navigating Unity in a Fractured World
14. Echoes of Resilience: Confronting the Unknown
15. Bridged by Struggle: A Fight for Unity and Survival
16. Threads of Sorrow: Fractured Bonds in the Infected World
17. In Shadows We Stand: A Tale of Unbroken Bonds
19. Amidst the Storm: Bonds Strengthen.
20.Into the Unknown: Seeking Shelter in the Storm.
21. Flooded Fears: Battling the Unknown.
22. Rising Waters: A Test of Unity.

18. Fading Shadows: Bonds Tested in the Dim Light

4 3 0
By Venus_Loona

The room, once filled with the echoes of shared emotions, now settled into a contemplative quiet. Soobin's suggestion lingered in the air, and the group began discussing their next steps. The consensus was to stay put until the next day, allowing time to confirm Ji Yeon's current state and ensuring the safety of everyone.

Yeonjun, though torn by the need to be cautious, couldn't shake the internal struggle of suspecting someone he cared deeply for. Taehyun, understanding Yeonjun's internal conflict, offered a supportive nod and a small smile, silently acknowledging the difficult position he found himself in.

Jaejoon, whose emotions for Ji Yeon ran deep, grappled with his own turmoil. He chose silence, refraining from discussing the matter with anyone, including Ji Yeon. As their eyes briefly met, he quickly averted his gaze, keeping his feelings hidden.

Once the others left the room, leaving only Beomgyu behind, a subtle tension hung in the air. Beomgyu, sensing Ji Yeon's uncertainty, took a seat near her, breaking the silence. His inquiry about Ji Yeon's feelings for Jaejoon was met with an uncertain response. She admitted she wasn't sure, and Beomgyu, with a sad smile, looked at her understandingly.

Ji Yeon, avoiding eye contact, remained silent. The weight of the situation pressed on her shoulders, the uncertainty of her condition and the unspoken emotions within the group creating a palpable tension. Beomgyu, breaking the silence, assured her that everything would be alright, and he would take care of whatever challenges lay ahead.

As Beomgyu approached Jaejoon, who stood gazing at the sky lost in his thoughts, he tapped his shoulder lightly, pulling him back to the present. Jaejoon turned, a mixture of surprise and contemplation on his face. Beomgyu, with a gentle smile, asked if he was free for a chat. After a moment of hesitation, Jaejoon agreed.

Finding a quiet spot away from the others, Beomgyu didn't beat around the bush. He directly inquired about Jaejoon's awareness of Ji Yeon's feelings. The question seemed to catch Jaejoon off guard momentarily, but he composed himself and nodded slightly. Beomgyu pressed further, asking if Jaejoon had feelings for her as well.

Jaejoon, perhaps reluctant but honest, admitted to having feelings for Ji Yeon. The weight of the situation seemed to press on him, unsure of how to navigate through the complex emotions that surrounded them. Beomgyu, sensing Jaejoon's internal struggle, offered words of encouragement, suggesting that opening up about their feelings might be the best course of action. He emphasized that it could bring relief to both of them, eliminating the burden of unspoken emotions.

Grateful for Beomgyu's advice, Jaejoon thanked him, and with a light hug, he headed toward Ji Yeon's room. Beomgyu, however, couldn't shake off a lingering sense of sadness. The uncertainty of the situation, combined with the complex web of emotions entangling the group, left him unsure of what to believe. As Jaejoon approached Ji Yeon, Beomgyu found himself torn between hope and doubt, hoping that opening up would bring clarity to their feelings and alleviate the heavy atmosphere that hung over them.

The atmosphere in Ji Yeon's room shifted as Jaejoon entered, his heart pounding with a mix of nervousness and anticipation. The dimly lit space, witness to the emotional turbulence of the past night, now hosted a pivotal moment. Ji Yeon, who had been sitting on the edge of the makeshift bed, looked up as Jaejoon entered, her eyes reflecting a mix of emotions.

Jaejoon took a deep breath, the weight of his confession heavy on his shoulders. "Ji Yeon," he began, his voice a delicate blend of sincerity and vulnerability, "there's something I need to tell you. I... I have feelings for you."

Ji Yeon's gaze met his, and for a moment, the room seemed to hold its breath. The flickering light cast a soft glow, emphasizing the gravity of the moment. Silence hung in the air as Ji Yeon processed his words, her expression unreadable.

After a thoughtful pause, Ji Yeon finally spoke, her voice carrying a mix of uncertainty and appreciation, "Jaejoon, I... I appreciate your honesty. But right now, I... I don't know what I feel. Everything is so complicated, and I'm still trying to make sense of it all."

Jaejoon nodded, understanding the complexity of their situation. The room, once a haven of emotions, now held an added layer of tension. The shadows seemed to deepen as Ji Yeon grappled with the weight of Jaejoon's revelation.

"I don't want to complicate things further for you, especially now," Jaejoon said, his eyes reflecting a genuine concern. "I just needed you to know how I feel. Whatever happens, I want you to be safe."

Ji Yeon, appreciating his sincerity, managed a small smile. "Thank you, Jaejoon. I need time to figure things out. It's a lot to process, and I don't want to make any hasty decisions."

The two sat in a contemplative silence, the dim light casting long shadows on the walls. The unspoken tension between them hung like a delicate thread, waiting to be addressed. As Jaejoon continued to grapple with his emotions and Ji Yeon tried to make sense of the tangled feelings within, the room became a microcosm of the intricate complexities that defined their existence.

The room, once filled with the weight of unspoken emotions, transformed into a space where conversations flowed more freely. Ji Yeon and Jaejoon, finding comfort in each other's company, engaged in a conversation they had missed during the turbulent moments. Laughter and shared memories filled the room, momentarily pushing aside the shadows that loomed over them.

As they immersed themselves in their conversation, Soobin approached with food in hand. However, upon seeing the intimate atmosphere between Ji Yeon and Jaejoon, he hesitated, debating whether to intrude. Eventually, feeling a sense of responsibility, he awkwardly walked over and handed them the food he had brought for Ji Yeon and himself. Mumbling about having some business to attend to, he made a swift exit, leaving the two to their meal.

Ji Yeon's gaze lingered on Soobin's retreating figure, a mix of gratitude and curiosity in her eyes. Jaejoon, breaking the momentary silence, encouraged her to eat, prompting Ji Yeon to partake in the modest meal laid out before them.

After finishing the simple repast, Ji Yeon felt a lingering thirst. Jaejoon, intending to fetch water for her, got sidetracked by Taehyun, who pulled him into some pressing tasks. Seizing the opportunity, Yeonjun took it upon himself to bring Ji Yeon a bottle of water. As he handed it to her, she smiled gratefully, accepting the small gesture of care. Yeonjun sat beside her, the air heavy with unspoken emotions.

A curious look from Ji Yeon prompted Yeonjun to express the depth of his commitment. His eyes, on the verge of tears, held an unspoken promise as he vowed not to leave her alone, regardless of the uncertainties ahead. Ji Yeon, moved by his sincerity, embraced him, silently conveying her gratitude.

In the aftermath of the heartfelt exchange, Ji Yeon, feeling a sense of responsibility for her uncertain condition, insisted that Yeonjun go back to the group. Reluctantly, he obliged, leaving Ji Yeon alone in the room.

Leaning against the wall, Ji Yeon stared into the void, lost in her thoughts. The dimly lit space seemed to close in around her as the weight of her situation settled in. In the quiet solitude, she grappled with the unknown future that lay ahead, finding solace in the memories and connections formed within the group.

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