Risen from dust

By Aakasha1996

16.5K 906 203

A story of how a possessive alpha man meets an innocent girl. Noor, an ordinary girl on an ordinary journey... More

Twenty One
Twenty Two
Twenty Three
Twenty four
Twenty five
Twenty Six
Twenty Seven
Twenty Eight
Twenty Nine
Thirty one
Thirty Two
Thirty Three
Thirty Four
Thirty Five
Thirty Six
Thirty Seven
Thirty Eight
Thirty Nine
Forty One
Forty Two
Forty Three
Forty Four
Forty Five
Forty Six
Forty Seven
Forty Eight
Forty Nine
Fifty One
Fifty Two
Fifty Three
Fifty Four
Fifty Five


86 5 5
By Aakasha1996

"I think it's time we tell Noor," Harris asserted, a determined look in his eyes. The past two months had been a newfound joy in his life, and the absence of Khalifa's ominous presence had eased the constant worry that lingered in the background. Daniyal and Rabail were visiting the Chaudhary home for tea, and the conversation shifted towards Noor's safety and well-being.

"Sure, bhai, she will be safe here. We can enhance security measures as well. Besides, she's not fit to be cleaning and cooking for someone else. She's your daughter. She should be where she belongs," Daniyal replied, his words resonating with a sense of familial unity and concern for Noor's welfare.

Harris nodded, grateful for the support of his brother-in-law. "You're right, Daniyal. It's time we bring her back home. I want her to feel secure and loved, not constantly looking over her shoulder. She deserves to be with family."

Zaviyaar, still grappling with anger, found himself unable to shake off the unsettling images of Arham and Noor sharing a car. The mere thought fueled a restless night, and he was unable to sleep. He tiptoed into Daadi's room in the quiet darkness. There, he discovered a peculiar scene — Noor, seemingly unfazed by Daadi's symphony of snores, lay peacefully asleep on the bed next to her.

Gazing at the serene expression on Noor's face, Zaviyaar's anger momentarily softened. He couldn't comprehend how she managed to find tranquillity in the midst of such audible chaos. Slowly approaching her, he gently shook Noor awake, her eyes fluttering open, revealing a sleep-filled innocence that tugged at Zaviyaar's heart.

"Zaviyaar, is everything okay?" Noor asked, her voice a soft murmur, still drowsy from sleep. Her eyes, however, conveyed a curiosity tinged with concern.

Zaviyaar, conflicted by his emotions, hesitated before speaking, "I couldn't sleep, and I... I just wanted to see you."

Noor, now more awake, looked at him with a mix of understanding and affection. "Is something bothering you?"

Zaviyaar grabbed Noors hand and took her to his room, conflicted by his emotions, hesitated before speaking, "I couldn't sleep, and I... I just wanted to see you."

Noor, now more awake, looked at him with a mix of understanding and affection. "Is something bothering you?"

Zaviyaar sighed, a complex blend of frustration and vulnerability in his eyes. "I can't shake off the thought of you being with Arham. It bothers me, Noor."

Noor, sensing the turmoil within him, sat up, her expression shifting to one of empathy. "Zaviyaar, you know I'm yours, right? Arham is just a friend."

"Friend? Noor, how can he be your friend? I won't allow it!" Zaviyaar declared, his words carrying a tone louder than necessary, reflecting the intensity of his emotions.

"Keep your voice down. And what do you mean by you won't allow it? I can be friends with whoever I want," Noor responded, a hint of frustration in her voice.

"No, you can't. You're my wife now, and I don't like you around other men," Zaviyaar insisted, his anger escalating.

"He's a really nice man, Zaviyaar," Noor tried to reason, hoping to bridge the growing gap between them.

Zaviyaar's anger, however, surged. "Then you should have married him. You're using me anyway as a shield of protection. Well, guess what? Go be with your nice man. I'm done," he declared, storming out of the room, leaving Noor sitting in the dimly lit space, her eyes reflecting a mixture of hurt and disbelief.

Noor stayed up worried all night as Zaviyaar hadn't returned until after Fajr. In the morning, Daadi mentioned that Waliya and Sairah Aunty were planning to visit. Trying to distract herself, Noor started preparing food when she heard loud voices. It was Uncle Harris talking to Zaviyaar.

"Can't you be polite? She's your mom," scolded Uncle Harris, frustrated by Zaviyaar's disrespectful behaviour towards his mother.

Zaviyaar snapped back, "Who are you to teach me manners? Mind your own business."

Uncle Harris decided to stay quiet, but he couldn't shake the feeling that Zaviyaar was a rude and troublesome person. Despite being grateful for Zaviyaar saving Noor from Khalifa, Harris couldn't ignore Zaviyaar's flaws, especially seeing his behaviour at the wedding and the questionable friends he had. Zaviyaar's wealth didn't make up for these concerns.

Ignoring Zaviyaar's interruption, Harris turned his attention to Ibrahim and Haneen Begum. "I wanted to talk to you about something very important," he began, launching into the narrative of how Noor was his daughter, kidnapped years ago, and how he had finally found her, hoping to start a new life together. However, before he could finish, Zaviyaar interjected.

"No, Noor isn't going anywhere. She belongs here. And how do we even know what you're saying is the truth?" Zaviyaar retorted, his protective stance unwavering.

"Can you cut it out?" Arham intervened, his frustration evident. "She's not your property."

"She's mine," Zaviyaar asserted, his possessiveness overshadowing reason.

Both of Zaviyaar's parents, disapproving of his behaviour, asked him to leave and offered apologies to the guests for the disruption. The tension in the room escalated as conflicting emotions swirled.

"You can have a DNA test done. I'm sure she's my flesh and blood," Harris suggested, attempting to bring a rational solution to the escalating dispute.

The suggestion of a DNA test lingered in the air, a potential resolution that could provide clarity amidst the emotional turmoil.

Haneen Begum, though visibly shaken by the revelation, remained composed. "Ibrahim, we need to consider this carefully. Noor's well-being is at stake, and we must make decisions that are in her best interest."

To which Ibrahim replied, "You're right, she's our responsibility, so we have to make sure she's your daughter. For that, we need to get the tests done, and it's not that we don't trust you. It's better to be safe than sorry," directing his words to Harris.

"I understand. I have no problems," Harris responded, acknowledging the necessity of the proposed tests.

Meanwhile, Zaviyaar went in search of Noor, torn between the desire to keep her and the lingering anger from their earlier confrontation.

"Uncle Harris is here, with your future husband Arham. Harris claims he's your father. Which makes Arham your cousin. How cute," Zaviyaar said, his words dripping with sarcasm and frustration, struggling to process the overwhelming emotions within him.

"Why are you doing this to me?" Noor pleaded, her eyes reflecting a mix of confusion and hurt.

"Why don't you listen to me? I told you not to be friends with other men. You're so religious. Why does Arham get an exception?" Zaviyaar retorted, frustration etched in the lines of his face.

"You aren't my husband. You married me to help me, that's what you said. You have no right over me. I don't have any ill intentions towards Arham. He doesn't look at me inappropriately or touch me. We are purely formal," Noor explained, her voice carrying a mix of strength and desperation.

"You're a delusional woman, you know that. You don't know men. When it was me who wanted to get close to you, you pushed me away, saying I am your na mehram. But with Arham, it's okay," Zaviyaar expressed, frustration evident as he lit up a cigarette.

"Don't smoke. I get what you're saying," Noor responded, attempting to bring a sense of reason to the heated exchange.

"You're not my wife. Get lost to your father," Zaviyaar declared, his anger escalating, adding another layer of tension to the already complex situation between them. In the midst of their tumultuous conversation, Noor had completely missed acknowledging that Uncle Harris was apparently her father.

As Zaviyaar's declaration hung in the air, Noor's heart sank. The weight of his words, combined with the revelation about Uncle Harris, left her feeling adrift in a sea of confusion and conflicting emotions.

"Zaviyaar, please," Noor implored, her voice trembling with a mix of sadness and frustration. "I need time to understand all of this. Don't shut me out like this."

Zaviyaar, however, remained stubborn, his eyes reflecting the turmoil within. "You wanted the truth, right? Now you have it. Go, be with your so-called father and cousin. See if they can replace what we had."

"No one is trying to replace anyone. I just want to know who I am," Noor asserted, tears welling in her eyes. "This doesn't change how I feel about you."

Zaviyaar, grappling with his own inner turmoil, seemed to relent slightly. "I can't stand the thought of losing you, Noor. But I can't bear to see you torn between us either."

"Then help me navigate through this. We can figure it out together," Noor pleaded, reaching out for a semblance of understanding.

Before Zaviyaar could respond, Arham appeared in the doorway, sensing the tension. "Is everything okay?" he asked cautiously.

"No, everything is not okay," Zaviyaar snapped, his frustration spilling over,his anger evident as he shot a resentful glance at Arham.

Noor, caught between the two men, felt the weight of the situation bearing down on her.

"Noor, what's happening?" Arham asked, concern etched across his face.

"Oh, look, who's here. Mr. I want to butt into everything," Zaviyaar retorted.

"It's nothing, Arham. You should go," Noor said, attempting to shield Arham from the escalating tension.

"Noor, if he's hurting you, don't worry. Everything will be fine soon," Arham reassured her.

"Yeah, yeah, daddy is here to save her. She knows," Zaviyaar scoffed, his bitterness evident.

"What the hell is wrong with you, man? How can you just spring this news on her? Insensitive," Arham shot back.

"Don't you dare speak to me like that!" Zaviyaar's eyes narrowed, and he took a menacing step closer to Arham. "Don't you dare speak to me like that!" he growled, his tone filled with a threatening intensity. He pressed his forehead against Arham's, creating an electric tension in the room.

Arham, undeterred, held his ground. "I won't let you mistreat her. Noor deserves better than this chaos you've created."

Noor, caught in the crossfire, stepped between them, trying to diffuse the escalating confrontation, when she heard Daadi jaan call her. She had to leave them and go.

When she arrived, she found Aunty Sairah, Aunty Waliya, and Uncle Harris in tears. Daadi jaan explained everything to her. Both auntys hugged her tight, showering her with love.

"Betta, get your things. You're coming home. We've been waiting for this day for so long," Waliya Aunty said, her voice filled with emotion.

Harris touched his daughter's head, a mix of joy and anticipation in his eyes. He refrained from hugging her immediately, mindful of her comfort. "Let's go home, beti," he said, inviting her to embark on a new chapter.

Noor, feeling a rush of emotions, nodded silently. She quickly gathered her belongings, stealing a glance at the doorway where the tension still lingered between Zaviyaar and Arham.

As she joined Aunty Sairah, Aunty Waliya, and Uncle Harris, they enveloped her in a comforting embrace. Daadi jaan, witnessing the emotional reunion, offered a reassuring smile.

"We're taking you home where you belong," Aunty Sairah said, her eyes glistening with happiness.

Uncle Harris, overcome with emotion, whispered to Noor, "We'll talk about everything, beti. I've missed you so much."

Daadi jaan was overjoyed for Noor, but the impending farewell weighed heavily on her heart. She hugged her little girl tightly, whispering blessings and well-wishes for the journey ahead.

Meanwhile, Mehnaz couldn't hide her elation at the prospect of Noor leaving. She saw it as an opportunity to rid the house of the woman Zaviyaar seemed to be falling for. In contrast, Zenia, a silent witness to the unfolding drama, wept quietly in the corner.

Noor, despite the mixed emotions in the room, approached Zenia with a comforting smile. She hugged the little girl, promising to visit whenever possible. Knowing the challenges posed by Mehnaz, Noor vowed to find a way to keep her promise, determined to be a positive presence in Zenia's life despite the obstacles.

As Noor bid farewell to the familiar walls of Zaviyaar's house, the promises made to Daadi jaan and Zenia echoed in her mind. She wished she could run back and hug the man she loved. Zaviyaar. If only he knew. But since no one knew they were married, she couldn't do that. It would be inappropriate.

Zaviyaar, on the other hand, seethed with frustration at Noor's departure. His protective instincts flared, resenting the idea of Arham's presence around her. He felt an urgent need to bring her back, as he couldn't fathom anyone else safeguarding her in the way he believed only he could.

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