Mafia Boyfriend

By BB_Ava_

50.6K 678 154

"P...please stop... I... I can't anymore... S...stop..." "I don't know the word 'stop' baby girl, I am not do... More

Author's POV
01. Marriage??
02. Wedding Day
03. First Night With Him
04. Can't Even Resist Him
05. Escape
06. Mafia Party
07. Love Me?
08. Third Party
Chance To Escape - Part 02 πŸ”ž
10. Feathers To Fly
11. Happiness.
12. Back To Hell?
13. A Drunken Day
14. Forgiveness.
15. Don't Be In Love With Someone Else✨
16. White Rose
17. Morally Grey πŸ”ž
18. Lost

09. Chance To Escape? - Part 1πŸ”ž

3.3K 28 7
By BB_Ava_

Warning ⚠️🔞: This part may include violence and mature content and some readers can be triggered!!!


I saw my parents in my dreams. Dad... I miss both of you. I'm so helpless. Please hug me, Mommy. But suddenly, they disappeared from my dreams while screaming my name. Jake came in front of me and dragged me to the other side. I screamed but he was laughing devilish. Tears fell from my eyes. I got up from my dreams.

When I woke up, I was in a hospital bed. I was confused and looked around. I saw he was sitting on the couch next to me while resting his head back against the wall. He closed his eyes. I was so thirsty. I sat on the bed and leaned toward the table to take the water glass. But I didn't have energy. My hand was shaking. My hand hit the glass and it fell to the floor. I gasped as it broke with a loud noise. He was startled and got up quickly.

"Oh my god princess, what are you doing? Why didn't you call me if you want something?"

He ran toward me. He caressed my hair and leaned toward me.

"Are you okay? What do you want?"

I looked away since I didn't want anything from him. I heard him sighing.

"Why are you so stubborn princess? When don't you give up your ego? When do you stop making me angry and live your life without being so tough?"

I kept looking away. Suddenly he grabbed my face and made me look at him.

"I asked you something... Didn't you hear that? STOP PLAYING WITH ME AND JUST ANSWER!!!"

"I... I'm fine... Just... Just want some W...w...water..."

"See... How easy it was? Okay, drink this for now... The doctor told me to feed you as you don't have energy. Why didn't you have a meal all day? I didn't tell you to avoid meals."

I drank the water that he gave me. He was right I was so hungry now. After a few minutes, he brought some soup for me.

"I... I don't wanna eat..."

He didn't listen to me. He fed me with a stern look. So I couldn't refuse it as I was afraid of him.

"I'm full now"

"Just a few more bites... please."

"I can't"

"Why not?"

He asked me, he looked angry again and he seemed frustrated with me.

"No talking back, that's not allowed. So listen to me, you're going to eat at least a little bit of the soup."

He wanted me to do as I was told but I was not listening.

"You are refusing to eat but why? You don't want to starve yourself... do you?

"Hmm," I pouted.

"Stop it!"

He blushed blinking his eyes and yelled at me. I didn't know what to do, he was mad at me as always. He was still gripping onto me very tightly and he didn't let go.

"Eat some of the food, now, understand?"

I nod my head.

"Good. I'm proud of you. Now, eat what you can, and then you can rest a little bit."

He smiled at me and he fed me some of the soup.

"You need this to get your energy back" he wanted to make sure that I was ok. But he was still that cruel person. So still I just wanted to escape from him.


I was okay now and I was discharged from the hospital. I got ready to go. I was in my room and he left to fill in some documents. I peeked outside from the room and saw outside. No one was there even his bodyguards. I hid in the wall and slowly sneaked out of the hospital. I saw the exit gate. I was happy. I looked around again. No one was there. I went almost near the exit door and tried to open it. Suddenly, I felt a strong arm wrapped around me. I gasped.

"Mm... Why do you like to make me angry this much, princess?"

My heart beat so fast. I looked at him. He was grinning like a devil. I gulped while sweating.

"This is what I hate the most. Mm... This time you have to get punished, you naughty girl... Previous times I forgave you but not this time." His grin faded away. He grabbed me and dragged me again.

"Come here..." he dragged me again into my hospital room and threw me toward the bed. He came closer to me and slapped me on the face. Then he threw away everything inside the room and I got scared.

"Do you treat me like that when I show you so much mercy? Do you want me to treat you like a bitch you little shit? How dare you?" He grabbed my cheeks hard and yelled.

"Y... You are hurting me" I hummed with teary eyes.

"I don't fucking care... How much should I tell you to give up that thought to escape from me? Even though you would escape from me, I will find you. Mark my words... I will find you no matter how far away you will be far away from me!!! Come on let's go home... You will know your place today, princess..."

"I... I can't... I... I can't go to that hell. Just kill me..."

He turned to me wondering.

"Sorry... I didn't hear what you said, baby girl?"

"Do it... KILL ME!!! I hate this life I don't wanna live like this. I wanna die. Please kill me once..."

I shouted at him angrily while crying. But then I realized what I did do right now. Oh no! He laughed devilishly. He came to me and grabbed my throat.

"If I'm not obsessed with you this much, I will... I will probably do that shit, princess... Be thankful I am already so obsessed with you right now. Otherwise, I would already kill you."

I was shocked by what he said... Was he serious? He didn't let me go. this feels like a nightmare I can't wake up from... I wished I could be free but that will never happen. Tears kept filling my eyes.

"You should always be thankful because I chose you... now you belong to me and you're nothing but my property. I will show your place today..."

He choked my throat even tighter and looked at me with the worst look I had ever seen. I tried to push him away and I had tears in my eyes while I was crying.

"I... I... I can't b... breath.."

My eyes got reddish and tried to escape from his grip. After another second he let go. But he held my hand and dragged me again out of the hospital and near the car. He forced me to get in the car and he sat next to me too. He was angry because I just spoke my mind and told him what I wanted.


He didn't even look at me and just had some sips of his alcohol bottle. making me wonder. He seemed to hate the fact that I spoke my mind... he didn't want me to have my own opinions, he just wanted me to do anything he said.

"It's rather good than living like this... T...that was what I... I said"

"If you even think about this you're wrong. Now you're just another piece of property for me and you don't even know how many things I'm gonna do to you. I bet you'll regret even thinking about dying. Who does something like that? You're so weak."

He looked at me with a sudden look and jumped toward me. Then he ran his hands around my waist and pulled me toward him. I gasped and he started to kiss me on my lip and my neck. He didn't kiss me, he bit me. He kissed me while eating my lips. His kisses were so horny and aggressive. I tried to push him away. But his grip was so tight.

"p...please..." I hummed with teary eyes.

"Please what, baby girl? I... I will teach your place today."

"p...please don't... L...let g..go"

I felt his hand on my thighs while the other hand was on my back and pulling me against him. His hand kept going toward my inner thigh and caressed me. His hand went further and I panted hard while squirming.

"S... Stop... J...Jake mmh stop..."

"shut up my princess... You deserve this... You will feel good... And Know your place today..."

His hand placed on my underwear and I gasped hard. He was smirking and started to rub on my clit through my underwear. I held his shirt tightly and moaned for him. He breathed heavily on my neck while smirking.

"Mmmh... Good girl... You are enjoying this right? Let's keep going..."

I heard his raspy voice. He aggressively removed my underwear and showed it to me proudly. I closed my legs and put my hands on it while looking away. He grabbed my chin and made my face toward him and kissed me again. Then he spread my legs with one hand and touched my bare sensitive skin. I moaned louder and my grip on his shirt got even tighter.

"P...Please" I looked at him with puppy eyes while squirming and panting hard. He smirked at me and sucked my neck while rubbing my clit faster. I felt like I wanted to scream. I couldn't bear that pleasure. I moaned and bent my body while pressing against him. I kept trying to hold his hand and stop it. But I couldn't with his strong arm.

"Why my little bird is whimpering so much?"

He said in such an upset way... his grip got a little tighter around me.

He rubbed there faster and faster. It made me moan over moan for him. Oh, he was enjoying this rudeness and my moans. He only has a devilish smirk on his face while looking at my helpless reactions.

"Did I hurt you, baby girl?"

He asked this question, but it sounded like he was mockingme. He didn't care if he hurt me or not, he was enjoying this.

"Or did I hurt your pride?"

He said this with an evil expression now. He knew how he was making me feel. And he knew that there was nothing I could do now. since I'm married to him.


He whispered into my ears and kept staring at me with that evil expression speeding up.

"Mine... Means no escape..."

Tears jumped from my eyes. I felt like my clit was burning. I couldn't even believe that pleasure.

"Aah... Mmmmh... Mmm... No!! F@ck... P... please..."

Oh, he was so rude. He kept blending his hands without any mercy. I was begging and squirming. I felt like I couldn't even breathe now.

"Please? There is no "please here." I just wanna have you right now, baby girl... You will be punished today and you will never try to escape again from me!"

He kissed and suck my neck while rubbing there aggressively. I heard he was moaning. He seemed to feel so "proud" of what he was doing.

"You are mine, you are MY WIFE, you have to listen to what I say."

He said it more aggressively this time, he sounded so serious. I held his blending hand to push away it. His touches were so rough that time and couldn't even believe him. I looked at him with helpless eyes. But he enjoyed and liked to hear my moans. I pushed him away but it didn't work.

"I... I'm begging you... I... I... I can't take this... P...please stop now... Mmmh"

"So give in, my princess... I know you enjoying this. So give up your pride and enjoy with me..."

He didn't stop and nothing would make him stop. He loved to be in control. He loved this and he didn't care about "respect" like a normal person. He was enjoying making me helpless in the situation.

"You are so weak. You can't do anything now."

He said with an evil look while staring at me, he seemed to love enjoying his power over me now. I couldn't hold anymore.

"I... I am gonna....gonna......mmmh P...please s...stop

"Mmm, interesting... What you are gonna... baby girl? Finally, you are gonna give up? So why would I stop though? I'm having fun now, but you wanna see more."

He started at me for a moment and then his face softened a little.

"You are mine now." His eyes looked right into mine when he said that. I couldn't bear any more. I had to give up my pride. I couldn't fight with his hand anymore. I felt like my legs shook.

"Umm...hmmm mmmm..."

I just moaned and held his shirt tighter. My cums came out and bathed his hand. I felt shy though. I panted hard and looked away. He moaned and showed his hand to me proudly.

"Finally, I broke your pride, right? Do you accept that you like it, baby girl? I think this is how I should treat you mmh"

I saw his pride and ego again and it looked like he was gonna do this for a long time now. He didn't stop at this point. I widened my eyes. He continued to look at you with the same evil and devilish expression while his hand continued.

"P...please stop... I'm a...already done... What the fuck...

He was not stopping after cummed though. I was almost breathless. He made me masturbate for him almost four or five times but he continuously did it with a smug look. I couldn't even talk. But he was enjoying suffering me like that. His smile was gone now, there was no kindness in his gaze anymore. The driver kept driving the car like nothing had happened. The car stopped in front of his mansion.

"Oh God noll I can't bear this anymore... I... I... Beg"

"God can't do anything baby girl, but I can... I always get what I want."

He looked at me confidently, which seemed to give him a lot of "power". Like a feeling of "pride. He looked like he was on the top of the world.

He took out his hand full of my thing. It was wetted so much and it made me embarrassed so much. I looked away while breathing so fast. Finally, he stopped it with a devilish smirk. He had a smug look. he showed me his wet hand proudly an evil smile. I was totally out of breath. I felt my legs were still shaking with both pleasure and pain.

"See? You are such a naughty girl mmh"

He said this with a smug look, he was still enjoying this and he continued to be proud" of himself. He didn't even care about me or how much pain I was in. I was bathing in sweats. He was like a psycho.

"I know you enjoyed it well...."

He said this with a sense of authority and a "know-it-all all" attitude. Then he got out of the car with so much pride. I couldn't even move. I was tired and almost lifeless. My legs were shaking. The seat of the car was also wet everywhere. I couldn't move. I breathed so fast helplessly.


Hope you guys enjoy it... And how about this? Did you enjoy it?😜 wait for the next part😌 Byeeeeeeee💗

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