Skinny Jeans

By fuckmeupjauregui

261K 7.6K 2.6K

"This is the last pair, but I'll let you have them in exchange for your number." More

Skinny Jeans: Prologue
Let's Call Her 'Skinny Jeans'
The Kissing Rock
Who Is This Girl?
Get Out Of My Head
I Can't Shake My Feelings
I Can't Shake My Feelings - Part 2
Cherry Stems And Keeping Secrets
Should've When You Could've
Emily's Big Day
Special Guests
Smoking In The Library With A Tiger
Plan B
Pip And Estella
Discussing Ali's Ex
Ali Takes The Wheel
Just Friends
College And... Camping?
Your Highness
No Glove, No Love
Confessions Of Kate
You Kissed Kate
You Killed Kate
Forgiven... Not
Little Bitch // Face To Face
That's Jason
All These Dogs
Ch. 30
Ch. 31
Ch. 32
Ch. 33
Ch. 34
Ch. 35
Ch. 36
Ch. 37
Ch. 38
Ch. 39
Ch. 40
Not An Update: Rant//Emison Prom
Ch. 41

Something's Missing

11.7K 259 198
By fuckmeupjauregui



September 15, 2014

One week later


A cool breeze hits my face once Hanna and I enter the school. I link my arm with Hanna's as we start to walk down the hallway. I hear people whispering as we pass them by, and they can only be whispering about one thing.

The fact that I'm still a virgin has the whole school talking, even though Kate had told everyone last week everyone is still talking. I still don't get what the big deal is, if anyone else at this school announced that they were still a virgin people would talk for two seconds then drop the topic completely.

I hear catcalls as we approach our lockers which happen to be next to the jocks. Here comes the worst part, passing the horny jocks that are always trying to get in my pants. More so than ever since they found out I still hold my V-Card, and I didn't plan on losing it to any of those man whores known as the Ravenswood High jocks. And despite the fact that I'm bi, they know I like girls more which makes them try just a little bit harder.

But don't get me wrong, these guys can be really nice and sweet. Just not when they haven't gotten any action in a few days. I stop at my locker.

I ignore them as they start calling things out to me. "Don't listen to them, Ali." Hanna says as she opens her locker. I can see the annoyance in Hanna's eyes when they just keep on calling things out.

Eventually Hanna snaps and slams her locker shut and turns to them. "Don't you guys have practice? Or did you lose your balls?" Yep, that shut them up.

"Thanks, Han." They start to walk away, occasionally giving Hanna dirty looks which I give them right back.

"Hey, Ali." I hear someone say from behind me. I turn around and see Sean Ackard. Sean is one of the jocks and Hanna's ex boyfriend.

"What do you want, Sean?" I can hear the annoyance in my own voice which made my words sound harsh.

"I just wanted to apologize for the way my buddies were acting, it was uncalled for." I just nod at his words, I don't exactly know how to respond to that. "I was wondering if maybe you wanted to come over later." He has a smirk glued to his face.

I slam my locker shut, I thought he was being sincere but he's just trying to get in my pants like everyone else. "For what, exactly?"

"Just to have a little fun." He winks.


"Can you blame me? You're 'Queen Bee', by far the hottest girl in school, and still a virgin, of course we're gonna try to get in you." He says in defense. He turns around and walks away, Hanna and I do the same but in the opposite direction.

"Well that was..." Hanna trails off.

"I don't want to talk about it."

"Then we won't, volleyball tryouts are today after school. Are you going?" She asks as we walk to class.

"I don't know, Han I'm not really in the mood."

"From the sounds of things volleyball isn't the only thing you aren't in the mood for." CeCe says when she finally joins us.

"Ce, she doesn't want to talk about." Hanna smacks her arm. CeCe rolls her eyes but doesn't say another word about it.

"Come on, Ali you've been the star of the volleyball team since you were in eighth grade." CeCe argues.

"I don't know..."

"Yes, you do because I'm making you go." CeCe says and starts to walk away. CeCe is a year older than me and Hanna so she doesn't always hang out with us.

CeCe and I became friends while she was dating my older brother, Jason. But she eventually dumped his drunk ass so naturally we became best friends.

"So I guess it's decided. You're going." Hanna states.

"I'll think about it..."


"All hail Queen Bee Emily!" My subjects, I mean classmates shout, tossing me up into the air.

"Bow down bitches!" My clique shouts. After a few minutes they finally put me down. Thank God that they did, I was about to punch something or someone if they didn't.

Me wanting to punch someone probably had something to do with the fact that while they were holding me up, some girls were also trying to finger me at the same time. It didn't work out so well considering I'm intersex, only a few people know about that, My parents, Aria, Spencer, the swim team, and the volleyball team, that's basically it.

Spencer thinks I sleep around, when I really haven't done much since the surgery. Maybe I'd finger a few girls but I've always kept my pants on. The truth is I'm kinda scared of what people would say if they found out.
It may seem like my life is perfect but I still care about what people think, and I have feelings. Something's missing in my life, I just don't know what it is, I can't put my finger on it. My thoughts were interrupted by Spencer and Aria.

"Earth to Emily!" Aria shouts, waving her hand in front of my face. "What're you thinking so hard about?"

"It's nothing." I sigh. Just trying to figure out what's the missing piece.

"Are you going to volleyball tryouts today?" Spencer asks.

"I've got nothing better to do." I could hear the bitterness in my voice, which I kinda hated.

"I don't know, maybe you've got some girl to entertain." Spencer shoots.

"What the fuck is that supposed to mean!"

"That you get around." By now Aria had left us to our argument.

This is what I love and hate about Spencer, she isn't afraid to say what she's thinking. This was a time of hatred. I take a deep breath to calm my nerves because once again Spencer is accusing me of sluttin' it up.

"I'll see you later at tryouts. Is Aria coming?" I ask in a still bitter tone.

"Yeah, probably... What's got you so down, Em."

"I don't know, Spence. I just feel like something's missing." She gives me a wondering look. "I know, I know, it sounds stupid."

"No it doesn't, Em... It sounds the opposite actually. In a perfect town like Rosewood, it's refreshing to hear that something's missing... What exactly is missing?"

"I don't know, Spence I just know that something is."

"Okay well, today you are going to tryouts, we're gonna kick some ass, then we'll go over to my house, watch Netflix and if you want, try to figure out what's missing." She says with her hand on my shoulder.

"Thanks, Spence."

"No problem, Em."

"So, what're we gonna watch on Netflix?"

"I don't know, we'll decide when we get there."


During tryouts they made us show them how good we are at bumping, setting, and serving, then we played a mini-game between us all. It was basically like a practice. Except there was no cardio or 'conditioning' as our coach calls it.
Of course Spencer, Aria, and I got a spot on the team since we are the best. I didn't really pay attention to the rest. I just wasn't all that interested. Today has just been an off day for me, but Spencer and I still have a 'date' later. It's not an actual date, I don't know what to call it though.


We put on 'New Girl' and about five minutes into our first episode Spencer got got down to business.

"What exactly feels missing?" She asks while still looking at the tv.

"I don't know, Spence."

Spencer turned her body towards me, and was now sitting cross-cross, using the arm of the couch as a backboard.

"Em, does it feel like something... Or someone?" I look away from her. "Just remember what I told you, Em." She turns back around and gets back into watching the show.

I remember exactly what she had said, her words have been running through my head since she said them. Relationships like that don't just fall out of the sky, Em. It's not like shopping for a pair of skinny jeans, you can't just find them anywhere.

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