Anna Potter and Prisoner of A...

By MikaelsonAni

13.5K 438 12

[Book 3] The story follows Anna's third year at Hogwarts and her quest to uncover the truth about her past, i... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17

Chapter 9

717 23 0
By MikaelsonAni

[Not a sound. For the longest time.]
People look at Anna worried.
Rose: Looks a bit peaky, doesn't she?
Fred: Peaky? What d'you expect her to look like? She fell fifty feet.
George: Yeah, c'mon, Rose. We'll walk you off the Astronomy Tower and see how you come out looking.
Anna: Probably a right sight better than she normally does.
Gryffindors+Barty sight out in relief.
Rose: Oh, please, I'm the most beautiful girl you have ever met.
Anna: Debatable. [Anna opens her eyes and Fred, George, and Rose slowly come into focus, standing at the foot of her bed in the hospital wing.]
Rose: Anna! How're you feeling? [As Anna edges up against her pillow, we see a nurse in the b.g., removing the spokes of an umbrella from a Hufflepuff player's neck. Anna doesn't look so good herself.]
Anna: Brilliant.
Fred: Gave us a right good scare.
Anna: What happened?
Rose: You fell off your broom.
Anna: Really? I meant the match. Who won?
"She almost died and that's what she is thinking about?!" Said Lily in dibelief.
"She is really your daughter, Prongs." Snorted Sirius.
[Silence. Uncomfortable glances.]
Rose: Just know, No one blames you, Anna. The Dementors aren't meant to come on the grounds. Dumbledore was furious. After he saved you, he sent them straight off.
"I still don't like him." Said James and other nodded in agreement.
[Anna nods grimly, stares at the rain lashing the window.]
Rose: There's something else you should know, Anna. Your Nimbus -- when it blew away? -- it sort of landed in the Whomping Willow. And well... [She tips a bag of splintered wood and twisted twigs onto the bed. As Anna stares, we hear a gentle wind.]
Quidditch players sent her pity looks.
Professor Lupin(V.O.): I'm sorry about your broom, Anna no chance of fixing it? [Anna shakes her head in response to Lupin's question, then -- WHOOSH! -- sets Hedwig free of her traces. As she soars into the sky, Anna and Lupin watch from the lake's edge.]
Anna: Why do they affect me so, Professor? I mean, more than everyone else...
Professor Lupin: Dementors are among the foulest creatures that walk this earth. They feed on every good feeling, every happy memory, until a person is left with nothing but his worst experiences. You're not weak, Anna. The Dementors affect you most, because there are true horrors in your past. Horrors your classmates can scarcely imagine. You have nothing to be ashamed of.
"Thank you." Said Lily. Remus smiled and nodded.
Anna: I'm scared, Professor.
Professor Lupin: I'd consider you a fool if you weren't.
Anna: I feel weak and i hate it. I need to learn how to fight them. You could teach me, Professor. You made that Dementor on the train go away...
Professor Lupin: There was only one that night...
Anna: But you made it go away.
Professor Lupin: (a beat) I don't pretend to be an expert, Anna. But yes, I can teach you. Perhaps after the holiday. For now, though, I need to rest. I'm feeling... tired. [Anna turns, studies Lupin's haggard face. A weary smile appears as Hedwig's reflection glides over Lupin's irises.]
Sirius smiles at Remus.
Professor Lupin: Beautiful... [Anna looks up, watches Hedwig pinwheel through the blue, past the clock tower and exit frame. Camera holds, the skies pales, and snow begins to fall. We tilt down to Hogwarts castle, weeks later, dusted in white.]
[Anna is sitting next to Ada and quizing her. In another end of the library, Cassiopeia is sitting and drawing Anna and Ada.]
"It's so beautiful." Said amazed Narcissa. Regulus nodded.
"It is." Smiled Lucius.
"But she shouldn't be wasting her skills on Potter." Scrowled Lucius.
Anna: How is the Draught of Living Death made?
Ada: By adding Asphodel to an infusion of wormood.
Anna: (corrected) Powdered root of Asphodel.
Ada: (groaned) I will fail.
Anna: You won't. You are just tired, we have been doing it for too long.
[Ada's stomach growled and she blushed.]
Anna: Are you hungry? [Blushing Ada nodded.]
Ada: I fell asleep and missed breakfast.
Anna: Why didn't you say it before? Come on. Let's got to kitchen.
"So cute." Said Lily.
"Adopting children? Takes after her grandma." Said amused Sirius. James chuckled.
Ada: You know where kitchen is?
Anna: Duh. [Anna stands up.] Come. Were not you hungry? [Ada followed like an excited puppy.]
[Footprints appear in the snow, moving quickly to join the other students.]
"She is finally using cloak for right reason." Said proud James. Lily hit his head.
"Don't encourage it!" Said Lily.
[Suddenly, Fred and George appear, heading the opposite way and... the footprints reverse themselves... as if Fred and George were escorting an invisible person.]
Fred: Clever, Anna.
George: But not clever enough.
Fred: Besides, we've got a better way.
"Caught." Said Sirius.
[The great doors open and Fred and George enter. The invisiblity cloak drops and Anna is revealed, looking cross. Instantly, Fred slaps a worn roll of parchment into her hand. Anna unfurls it. Frowns. It's blank.]
"Is it?" Asked Sirius.
"I think." Said Remus.
Anna: What's this rubbish?
Marauders look offended.
Fred: Rubbish she says. That there's the secret to our success.
George: It's a wrench giving it to you, believe me.
Fred: But we've decided your need's greater than ours. George, if you will...
George: I solemnly swear that I am up to no good. [George touches his wand to the parchment and intricate ink lines surface in the fiber of the paper, spread like veins.]
"They found it." Said James.
"How?" Asked Sirius.
"Probably we lost it." Said Remus.
"What is it?" Asked Lily.
"Our legacy." Said James.
[Anna reads the curious words at the top:]
Anna: 'Messrs Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs are proud to present The Marauder's Map'...?
George: Ah... Moony, Wormtail, Padfoot and Prongs. We owe them so much.
"You are welcome." Said James bowed dramatically.
"There is no need for applaudes." Said Sirius, making dramatic gestures.
Anna: Hang on. This is Hogwarts! And that... No. Is that really... [Anna points to a small moving dot labeled "Dumbledore."]
Fred: Dumbledore.
George: In his study.
Fred: Pacing.
George: Does that a lot.
Anna: You mean, this map shows...
Fred: Everyone.
Everyone looks at Marauders surprised.
Anna: Everyone?
George: Everyone.
Fred: Where they are.
George: What they're doing.
Fred: Every minute.
George: Of every day.
"Impressive." Said Regulus. Sirius smirked.
Anna: Brilliant! Where'd you get it?
Fred: Nicked it from Filch's office, of course, first year. Now listen. There's seven secret passageways out of the castle. But we'd recommend...
Fred/George: This one.
George: The One-Eyed Witch on the third floor.
Anna: The One-Eyed...
Fred: Witch, right. But you best hurry.
Filch is heading this way. (as they go) Oh. And, Anna? When you're done, make sure to give it a tap and say 'Mischief managed.' Otherwise, anyone can read it.
"She gets Marauders legacy. She has to follow it." Said James. Sirius nodded.
[Anna approaches a statue of a hump-backed, one-eyed witch. Insert map -- Anna traces her finger along the tattered surface to an ink figure labeled "Anna Potter." A tiny Speech bubble appears: "Dissendium."]
Anna: Dissendium? [CLICK! The witch's eye opens and the statue pivots, revealing a dark opening in the floor. As Anna crouches, squinting, a cool draft of air ruffles her hair and the Camera drifts into the darkness...]
[A tiny light bobs in the distance, fracturing the darkness, then Anna appears, the tip of his wand glowing, map in hand. Insert map: "Anna Potter" glides across the parchment.]
"I still can't believ those idiots made something so awesome." Said Barty.
[Anna stops, cranes her neck. Stone steps. Taps the map.]
Anna: Mischief managed.
[A trapdoor lifts. Anna's eyes appear. As she pulls herself up, a door bangs open. Dense chatter roars from above. Quickly, Anna hides, watches a man's boots descend the stairs.]
Woman (O.S.): A box of Jelly Slugs as well, Horace. We're nearly cleared out. [Horance grunts, begins moving boxes. Anna looks up to the cellar door, takes out the invisibility cloak... The cellar door eases open -- but no one appears. We track through a sweet tooth's dream, swarming with customers. Up ahead, Neville prepares to lick the lollipop in his hand, when it simply floats from his fingers and out the door...]
James and Sirius chuckled. Lily had disapproving look.
[Into the misty fog-shrouded chaos of Main Street. As the lollipop drifts on, footprints appear in the snow below...]
[At this elevation, the mist hangs in thick, undulating veils, the Shrieking Shack an eerie silhouette in the gloom. Rose is exited, she is about to get in when voices echo and four figures appear over the rise, phantoms in the mist. Malfoy. Nott. Blair. Pike.]
Cassie: Well, well. Look who's here.
Blair: Cassie, don't start.
Cassie: Shopping for your dream home? Seems a bit grand for you, Weaselette. Don't your family all sleep in one room?
"Where is your manners?" Scolded Narcissa, then turned to Lucius.
"It's your fault. You taught her to act like that." Said Narcissa. Lucius shrinks under her glare. Evan and Barty laugh at Lucius's misery and Regulus smirks amused and proud of Narcissa.
Rose: Shut your mouth, Malfoy.
Cassie: (clucking her tongue) Now that's not very friendly. [SPLAT! Malfoy takes a snoball to the grill. Splutters: ]
Cassie: Who did that! [Malfoy glances about in confusion, when -- SPLAT! SPLAT! -- she takes two more.]
Marauders and Barty laugh. Lucius and Regulus glare at them and screen.
[Theo and Blair glance about uneasily. Rose has a knowing look.]
Cassie: Well, don't just stand there! [Theo and Blair start for Rose, when -- FLUMPH! -- their knees go out and they fall headfirst into the snow. Cassie goes toward them... than sees something moving.]
Cassie: Wait a minute, there's something out here -- Aaaaaaahhhh!!! [Blair and Theo now look concerned. Malfoy's ski mask is pulled over her eyes, she's spun about, given a rough kick to the ass and sent stumbling over the rise and out of sight. Instantly, Theo and Blair join her.]
Marauders laugh louder.
[-- FLUMPH! -- Rose goes flying, landz on her pants in the snow. As she sits up, she hears... laugher.]
Rose: Anna...? Anna? [The Invisibility Cloak drops. Sure enough. Anna. Grinning. Rose makes snowball and throws it at Anna. Anna narrows her eyes at her, Than she makes a snowball, too and they start snowball fight.]

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