Just Friends

By Vanilla_Milquetoast

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Theodore Nott is a quiet and reserved boy that usually can be seen alone in a corner with a book in his hand... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 11.5
Chapter 11.6
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22 (Final)

Chapter 7

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By Vanilla_Milquetoast

Draco returned to the dorm room that morning, a heavy tension hanging in the air. He silently gathered his belongings, a palpable distance between him and Theo. Unable to bear the weight of the unspoken conflict, Draco decided it was better if he stayed at Blaise's, at least for the moment.

The room was eerily quiet as Theo, seated on the edge of his bed, his fingers fumbling with the buttons of his uniform, observed Draco's every move. Draco remained focused on his task, intentionally avoiding eye contact. The silence between them grew thicker, suffocating any chance of communication.

As Draco finalised his packing, the atmosphere became almost unbearable. Without uttering a single word, he left the room, forcefully slamming the door behind him, the sound echoing the unresolved tension. Theo sat on his bed, ran a frustrated hand through his hair, exhaling a deep sigh that carried the weight of unspoken words and unresolved emotions.

Over the next few days, a palpable gulf persisted between them as they consciously steered clear of any form of contact or communication. Draco constantly surrounded himself with his circle of friends, purposefully sidestepping any interaction or acknowledgment of Theo's presence. Draco went back to his usual seat in class. Despite sensing Theo's intense gaze fixed upon him throughout class, Draco made a deliberate choice to dismiss it, almost as if Theo had become invisible in his world.

Theo was wrong. He thought he didn't care. His certainty crumbled like fragile sandcastles, swept away by the tide of unexpected emotions. He reclined against the wall, the ember of his cigarette casting a dim glow in the empty room as he exhaled a sigh, watching the smoke dissolve into the night beyond the window. His thoughts, a chaotic whirlwind of conflicting emotions.

The persona he had meticulously crafted—uncaring and detached—crumbled as he found himself entangled in an unfamiliar web of emotions. His past engagements in others' relationships had been effortless, devoid of emotional entanglement. Yet, the events involving Draco and Pansy stirred an unexpected turmoil within him.

A subtle yet persistent sense of guilt crept into his consciousness, growing with each passing moment. He pondered the perplexing question of why this particular situation had unsettled him. Each passing moment seemed to fuel the intensity of this unfamiliar turmoil, making it impossible for him to escape its grasp. Theo reluctantly acknowledged the undeniable truth: Draco's antics, once an annoyance, had carved a space within him. His absence now left an unsettling void, a testament to an unexpected connection that he was reluctant to admit existed.

Theo lets out a resigned chuckle when he finally realised that he had begun to miss him.

A week slipped away, each day stretching the chasm between them wider, leaving Theo increasingly restless with each passing moment. Not a single word passed between them, not even during the subsequent nights of detention served under the stern gaze of Professor McGonagall.

Whenever Theo caught sight of Draco, a pang of irritation surged within him. It was bewildering how Draco appeared unfazed, laughing among friends, revelling in Friday night revelries with fellow Slytherins, and dutifully attending quidditch practices and games as though nothing had changed. It agitated him that the fact that he was utterly distraught by now and Draco seemed to be just fine with it all. He yearned to reconcile, to address the discord with Draco, yet his pride stood as an impenetrable wall, triumphing in the internal conflict whenever he contemplated reaching out.


That night marked a breaking point. Theo reached a threshold of patience, an impatience that spurred him into action. The weight of waiting became unbearable, and he couldn't delay the inevitable any longer. A sense of urgency overtook him, and he realised that he needed to confront the situation head-on. The decision crystallised within him, a resolve that propelled him to seek out Draco and finally engage in the conversation that had been postponed for too long. He took a few deep breaths and did a quick body shake to loosen up his muscles before he held his hand up and knocked on Blaise's door.

Blaise opened the door slowly and when he realised Theo was at his front door, a wide grin spread out on his face. Theo furrowed his brow when he saw the sly grin on Blaise's face.

"To what do I owe the pleasure of seeing you here this evening Theodore?" Blaised asked with a mocked cordiality, the knowing smile still lingering on his face.

Theo let out an exasperated sigh, his eyes momentarily rolling at the jest, yet he chose to sidestep the teasing. "Is Malfoy around? I need to have a word with him," he inquired, peering into the room with a hint of urgency in his voice.

"Oh, he's here alright... Come on in, Theo. I need to grab something from the common room real quick," Blaise said, a mischievous smirk playing on his lips. With that, he sauntered out the door, leaving Theo alone in the room with Draco.

Draco sat upright on his bed, his back against the headboard, engrossed in a book cradled in his hands. Briefly, he glanced up at Theo, acknowledging his presence before redirecting his attention back to the pages. His expression remained stoic, a mask veiling any discernible emotions.

"May I...?" Theo gestured, seeking permission to join him on the bed.

Draco offered no verbal response, but he shifted his legs, silently making space for Theo to sit. His eyes remained fixed on the book, unwavering even as he accommodated Theo's request.

"Thanks," Theo said as he sat down at the edge of the bed.

The two of them sat in silence for a while.

When it was apparent to Theo that Draco wasn't going to talk to him, he took a deep breath before asking, "So...how long will you be staying here?" Theo inquired with his gaze glued to the floor.

"Why do you care?" Draco answered tersely. His eyes were still glued to the book.

Theo's gaze remained fixed on the floor, his mind working in overdrive to find the right words. Opting for small talk, he cleared his throat before tentatively asking, "How are you?" It was a safe start, or so he thought.

Draco's response cut through the air, a mix of cynicism and a smirk playing on his lips. "Eh, well, not bad, I guess. Could be better, considering I just found out that my girlfriend cheated on me with my own friend," he remarked, his eyes never leaving the book in his hands.

Exhaling an exaggerated sigh, Theo shifted his body to face Draco directly. "Look, Malfoy, I... I'm really sorry about what happened, alright?" His brows furrowed, carrying the weight of genuine remorse as he wore an apologetic expression, hoping to bridge the gap between them.

Draco scoffed, setting his book aside, and shifted his gaze towards Theo. "Really? You're sorry? Sorry for what, exactly? Are you sorry that my girlfriend was an unfaithful wench, Or are you sorry for conveniently forgetting to mention it to me?" His words dripped with sarcasm, the visible rage in his expression contrasting with his biting tone.

"Look Malfoy, why are you angry with me when your girlfriend is the one who cheated on you?" Theo replied defensively, his own frustration beginning to surface in response to Draco's accusation.

Draco's voice was strained, his words heavy with accusation. "You had no problem sleeping with her, did you? Even though you knew we were together!"

"Stop blaming me for something I had no clue about!" Theo's voice rose, his frustration boiling over. "I didn't intentionally do this to hurt you. I had no idea she was your girlfriend!"

Draco's jaw tensed, his eyes flashing with anger. "Ignorance doesn't excuse what you did. You were with her, Nott. You crossed a line."

Theo scoffed, his tone laced with defiance. "How was I supposed to know, Malfoy? She didn't exactly wear a label that said 'taken'."

"Don't play dumb, Nott," Draco shot back, his anger intensifying. "After you've found out that she was my girlfriend, you could've said something to me. Yet you didn't care, did you? You just went ahead and played me like a fool."

Theo's patience wore thin, his frustration boiling over. "Why should I care? It's not like you care about anyone but yourself. You always think you're so high and mighty." Theo said with a mocking tone in his voice.

Draco's jaw clenched, hurt flickering in his eyes. "This isn't about me being superior. This is about you disrespecting our friendship."

"Friendship?" Theo scoffed, his tone mocking. "What friendship? You barely even know me Malfoy. We've spent seven years sharing that room, and only now you decide to acknowledge me as a friend?"

Draco's voice shook with emotion. "I trusted you, Nott. I genuinely believed we were friends."

Theo's retort was cold. "Maybe you should've been a better boyfriend, then. Maybe she wouldn't have strayed."

Draco's eyes blazed with a mix of fury and hurt. "That's low, even for you, Nott. You're heartless."

"Am I? Or are you just too blind to see the truth?" Theo's tone turned cutting. "Face it, Malfoy, maybe she found something in me that you could never give her."

The words stung, and Draco struggled to maintain composure. "I can't believe you, Nott. I thought you had some decency."

"Decency? Look at yourself before judging others," Theo shot back, his disregard for Draco's feelings evident. "She's not the only one at fault here. Maybe you're just not enough."

Draco regarded Theo with incredulity, disbelief etched on his features. "You're unbelievable..." His voice carried a mix of disappointment and frustration. "If this is how you want to act, I think you should just leave," he added in a low voice, turning his gaze away from Theo, shutting down the conversation.

Exhaling a defeated sigh, Theo stood up, facing the door. "Come talk to me when you decide to stop being a little bitch," he spat out the words with a tone laden with spite, a venomous edge to his voice. Without a backward glance, Theo walked out, leaving Draco behind, the tension unresolved and their rift deeper than before.

Draco stared at the empty doorway as his heart plunged within him. He was devastated by Theo's words. He pressed the palms of his hands to his eyes, trying hard to keep his composure.

Theo's indifference towards his feelings deeply wounded him. He admitted to himself that he was secretly delighted with Theo's unexpected visit tonight and he loathed himself for that.

The depth of his self-loathing increased as Draco acknowledged the truth—he still cared for Theo, his feelings undeterred by the painful events that unfolded between them. The internal struggle reached new depths as Draco grappled with the paradox of caring for someone who seemingly cared so little in return.

The week away from Theo acted as a harsh awakening for Draco. Pansy's betrayal stoked anger within him, but a more profound fury ignited at the thought of her intimacy with Theo. While he was aware of Theo's promiscuous reputation, yet the mental image of them together fueled an intense and searing rage, surpassing the betrayal itself. It wasn't merely about Pansy; it extended to anyone who might share such closeness with Theo. The very idea struck a raw nerve, igniting an inferno of indignation within him.

To distract himself from Theo, Draco threw himself into various activities: spending time with friends, immersing himself in Quidditch, and anything else that could occupy his thoughts. He attempted to push Theo from his mind, even resorting to excessive drinking in an effort to erase those thoughts. Yet, none of these distractions proved effective; Draco's mind relentlessly circled back to Theo. The frustration mounted as he realised the depth of his own suffering, contradicting Theo's expected indifference.

Determined to shield himself from the turmoil of his feelings, Draco chose to maintain distance, believing it would help him confront and manage his emotions. However, when Theo unexpectedly showed up tonight, it shattered every barrier Draco had painstakingly erected. The walls he had built to safeguard his heart crumbled in an instant, leaving him defenceless against the surge of emotions he had struggled to contain.

After some time, Blaise returned to the room and found Draco perched on the edge of the bed. His head was cradled in his hands, concealing his face, while his elbows rested wearily on his lap.

"Are you alright there mate?" Blaise asked with concern etched on his face as he pulled a chair and sat in front of Draco.

Draco and Blaise had shared a friendship for years, united by their mutual circle and their joint participation in Quidditch. However, their bond had always stayed within the confines of their social circle, never delving into more personal conversations. But during Draco's stay in Blaise's room, something shifted. Their discussions became more profound, weaving through various topics, and Draco found himself opening up about Theo's past, drawing them closer than ever before. Blaise found it particularly surprising that Theo had chosen to confide in Draco, given Theo's usual reluctance to open up to anyone. Following the incident, Blaise didn't get the opportunity to address the matter with Theo. Theo adamantly refused to communicate, actively evading Blaise and eventually cutting off all communication entirely. This pattern extended beyond Blaise, with Theo avoiding not only him but also most individuals, including his usual associates in the library.

Blaise observed the changes happening to Theo afterward. He witnessed Theo being almost in a perpetual state of intoxication and was aware of his tendency to engage in casual encounters with anyone willing. Blaise was also well aware regarding Theo's potion abuse and made sincere attempts to help him, but unfortunately, his efforts were unsuccessful.

"He's beyond aggravating ugh!" Draco groaned in frustration as he slammed a fist onto a pillow.

Blaise observed him, one eyebrow raised, curiosity etched across his features.

"Any particular reason you're channelling all this frustration toward him instead of Pansy?" Blaise inquired with straightforward bluntness.

Draco rose from his seat, his agitation propelling him to pace around the room, his words a torrent of frustration directed at Theo. "He's just insufferable, utterly irritating! Why is he so vulgar and downright mean? Why does he have to wield such harsh words without a care for other people's feelings? Does he know that his words hurt? Does he know that what he does has effects on other people? Does he think he's entitled to waltz around, flaunting that intense gaze with those deep brown eyes, irresponsibly captivating anyone he wants? And-and that ridiculously attractive body he parades around, as if he's some kind of Greek God! Not to mention when he flashes that aggravatingly charming head-tilting smile, does he even consider the potential for people to develop feelings when he gazes at them that way? He's just so... ugh!" His hand swept through his hair in a gesture of exasperation, tousling the platinum locks in a display of aggravated annoyance.

Draco kept up his animated rant, oblivious to the fact that he was vocalising every thought. Blaise's eyes tracked him around the room, an amused glint sparkling as he struggled to stifle his laughter. Blaise wondered if Draco realised that his musings about Theo were exclusively visible only to himself, given his hyper-fixation on Theo.

Blaise cleared his throat, his attempt at a serious expression betrayed by a subtle amusement flickering in his eyes. "Uhh... are you referring to Theo, Draco?"

Upon hearing Blaise's voice, Draco was abruptly jolted back to reality, the realisation of what he had inadvertently uttered hitting him square in the moment. Hastily, he clamped a hand over his mouth, as if trying to retract the words he had just spoken, all while locking eyes with the now-aware Blaise.

Blaise, no longer bothering to conceal his amusement, flashed a wide, mischievous grin at the sight of Draco's horror-stricken expression.

Draco tore his gaze from Blaise, shifting toward the window. His arm was crossed over his body, one hand tucked under his elbow, while the other remained firmly clamped over his mouth. In that moment, a sudden realisation hit him with a force—he had fallen head over heels for Theo.

Draco's voice trembled faintly as he murmured, "I-I think... I've fallen for him," the words hanging delicately in the air, almost as if he needed to voice them for his own realisation.

Blaise chuckled as he said, "Yes, I reached that conclusion after witnessing... well, that just now," he gestured towards Draco as he said it and proceeded to cover his mouth as he continued to chuckle.

Draco shifted his gaze toward Blaise, narrowing his eyes while a vivid blush coloured his cheeks. He then looked away and sighed exaggeratedly.

Draco fell silent for a moment before continuing, "All those years of teasing and poking fun at him just to provoke a reaction? I was oblivious. The realisation never struck me back then. I used to find pleasure in seeing his scowling face, those fiery eyes glaring back at me," He mused with a bitter chuckle as he reminisced about it.

"What specifically triggered this realisation for you?" Blaise asked curiously with an eyebrow raised.

Draco's smile waned, replaced by a more serious expression. He drew in a deep breath, mustering the courage to confide in Blaise about the events that transpired between him and Theo on that fateful night.

"And after that... it was traumatic, but it completely altered my view of him," Draco revealed, his gaze fixed on an empty point, his lips forming a thin smile. "In the aftermath, we chose to set aside our differences and become friends. That's when I saw an entirely different side of his character—one I never imagined existed."

Draco made his way to the bed, perching at its edge as he spoke, Learning about his past... it consumed my thoughts, consumed me. All I could think about was how to help him move beyond it all. I want to be there for him, to bring back his happiness," he admitted, his emotions laid bare. "The emotions I feel for him crept in so subtly that their arrival blindsided me. It reached a point where I couldn't even pinpoint when or how it happened; I found myself here without recognizing the path that led me," he mused, leaning back against the headboard with a heavy sigh.

Blaise approached Draco with a determined stride, taking a seat beside him on the bed. A compassionate smile graced his features as he reached out to gently pat Draco's shoulder. In a comforting tone, he conveyed, "Theodore and I go way back, and trust me, the person you're seeing now isn't the genuine him; beneath the current facade, he's genuinely a decent chap. He possesses a kind heart, but the circumstances he's faced have truly corrupted him. This won't be a walk in the park, my friend, keep your chin up."


"Fantastic plan, everyone. How about we rendezvous at the entrance tomorrow morning at 8:00 am?" Draco proposed to his friends as they sat around the table enjoying their Friday afternoon lunch in the bustling Great Hall. The group responded with voices of agreement, accompanied by nods that conveyed their unanimous approval.

Draco and his friends made plans for a camping trip that weekend. The weather was a bit chilly but the autumn scenery was breathtaking around this time of the year. Seven individuals, Blaise and Draco included, were set for an adventure near the forest by the Black Lake, just beyond the school grounds.

As they strolled side by side to class, Blaise turned to Draco with a curious glint in his eye. "Don't you think we should invite Theodore to join us?" he inquired.

"Why should we?" Draco retorted tersely, his brow furrowing in response to Blaise's suggestion.

A mischievous smirk played on Blaise's lips as he chuckled, "I don't know man, you tell me."

Draco harboured a secret desire for Theo to join, yet his pride remained an unyielding barrier. He firmly held his ground in their dispute, anticipating Theo to make the first move. If Theo chose not to, so be it. Draco accepted it with an air of indifference, acknowledging that his stubbornness held sway over everything else.

Shaking off thoughts of Theo, he resolved to seize the weekend ahead. With a myriad of activities planned, he was determined to ensure that Theo occupied no mental space whatsoever. His weekend agenda kicked off with the customary Friday night gathering at the Slytherin common room.

As Friday night swung into full gear, Theo made a bold decision to immerse himself in the revelries. Driven by a singular purpose, he concluded that it was high time to extend an apology to Draco for his past actions. Even if Draco remained unreceptive, Theo believed it would relieve the burden of guilt weighing on him.

Scanning the common room, aglow with lively party-goers near the crackling fireplace, Theo searched for Draco in vain, unable to locate him amidst the crowd. He treaded past the veiled curtains and at last spotted Draco seated beside Blaise in the serene water alcove that overlooked the expansive Great Lake. Their proximity and engaged conversation seemed oddly intimate. Each step closer felt laden with hesitation as Theo approached, his uncertainty palpable in every movement forward.

As Theo drew closer, Blaise caught sight of him from his peripheral vision. Swiftly, he shifted closer to Draco, draping an arm around his shoulders with a sly grin aimed in Theo's direction. The unexpected move caught Theo off guard, causing him to halt in his tracks. Blaise, well aware of the effect, continued to play his part with practised precision, all while Draco remained blissfully unaware, confiding in Blaise without a hint of suspicion.

Theo's heart raced in his chest at the sight before him, a whirlwind of emotions surging within. After a brief moment of contemplation, he made a choice and turned away, opting to leave the scene behind. In his swift turn, he accidentally collided with a random partygoer walking behind him, the collision prompting Blaise and Draco to swivel their heads toward the disturbance. Amidst the confusion, Theo's gaze met Draco's, catching a glimpse of surprise etched across his face. Their eyes locked briefly before Theo shook off the momentary stupor and resumed his departure. Snatching up a full bottle of Firewhiskey on his way out of the common room, he made his way to the balcony overlooking the lake, the same spot where he'd passed out before, seeking solace in its familiar confines.


With each swig straight from the bottle, his mind raced with confusion. Why did his heart quicken at the sight of Draco and Blaise together? Was it because Draco's mere preference for the same dessert as Noah stirred a haunting reminder of his lost love, forging a soft spot for Draco? Theo acknowledged his desperate longing for any resemblance to Noah, even in the smallest of details, like their shared fondness for a dessert. Seeing Noah in Draco unnerved him, and the proximity between Draco and Blaise only intensified the confusion within his mind. His recent harshness toward Draco weighed heavily on him, guilt creeping in as he navigated his conflicted feelings. The intoxicating haze from the drink offered him a fleeting semblance of comfort as he continued to ponder quietly in the cold night.

"Are you attempting to drink yourself into oblivion or freeze yourself to death, Nott?" Draco's voice abruptly shattered Theo's train of thought.

Theo smirked, his gaze fixed on the expanse of the Great Lake. "Weren't you with Zabini just now? What are you doing here wasting your time with me?" a hint of irritation evident in his voice.

Draco sighed quietly, opting for silence as he gently draped a coat over Theo's shoulders. Theo's eyes widened, his body tensing at the unexpected gesture from Draco. As the fabric settled around him, Theo felt a mix of confusion and gratitude.

Standing beside Theo, Draco's gaze drifted toward the serene expanse of the Great Lake. He crossed his arms, his thoughts adrift in the moment's quietude. Since their heated argument the previous night, Draco had replayed the exchange in his mind countless times. He had reached a point of reflection and was ready to extend forgiveness. He understood that Theo might not have known about Pansy being his girlfriend, considering their lack of closeness. Draco had come here with the intention of quelling their dispute and reclaiming their friendship. Yet, amidst this resolve, an unexpected realisation about his own feelings for Theo emerged, adding another layer of complexity to the situation.

Draco found himself relenting; the desire to put an end to their conflict outweighed the turmoil. He was prepared to forgive Theo, eager to mend the rift between them. Reverting to friendship seemed a far better prospect than the strain they were currently enduring. The prospect of restoring their bond overshadowed any lingering resentment.

With an awkward clearing of his throat, Theo attempted to break the silence, finding himself standing alongside Draco near the balcony's edge, the air heavy between them.

"So, now that you're unattached, you're just diving into things with random guys?" Theo's words dripped with spite, the lingering impact of what he had witnessed moments ago leaving a trace of hurt that fueled his bitterness.

"What's it matter to you? And who are you to throw that question at me when your own situation isn't any better?" Draco retorted with a matching bitterness, the tension thickening the air between them. He didn't want to start another argument but Theo was making it very hard for him.

Theo scoffed derisively and took another swig from his bottle, a silent retort in the midst of their charged exchange.

Theo's silence only fueled Draco's anger, prompting him to lash out. "What happened to all that talk about honesty in a relationship, Nott? You could've had the decency to tell me you slept with my girlfriend!" His words dripped with forced restraint, the frustration palpable in his tone.

"But we're not in a relationship, Malfoy." Theo muttered, his gaze fixed on the bottle in his hand.

"Well we were friends weren't we? Don't you owe at least that much honesty to a friend?" Draco pressed, turning to Theo in search of an answer.

Theo abruptly faced Draco, his voice echoed in the quiet of the night, "And what good would it bring if I told you, Malfoy? It happened when we weren't even friends. I had no idea she was your girlfriend. Our connection wasn't even stable, and you wanted me to drop this bomb on you when I found out you were in a relationship with Pansy and risked ruining everything between us?"

"What is even between us, Nott? What even are we? Are we friends? Are we enemies? I don't even know what to call this-whatever this is!" Draco retorted with equal force.

"I don't fucking know what we are Malfoy! I don't even know why you're so mad that your bitch slept with me since you don't even love her in the first place!" Theo practically yelled, his gestures animated, causing the bottle to spill some of its contents.

Draco exhaled sharply and ran his hands through his hair in frustration, "Look forget it...I just don't want to fight with you anymore..."

Draco recognized the need to halt the ongoing tension, realising that he had to rise above the conflict and concede. He understood that Theo wasn't intentionally being hurtful, oblivious to Draco's deeper feelings for him. The frustration hadn't stemmed from Theo's involvement with his girlfriend alone—it was Draco's concealed affection for Theo that had intensified his anger. How could Theo have deciphered that Draco was harbouring genuine love for him?

The truth was, Draco wasn't merely upset about Theo being with his girlfriend; it was the ache of unspoken affection, a longing for something more between them. Yet, he recognized the unfairness of expecting Theo to grasp the depths of his emotions when Draco himself hadn't disclosed them. It was a complex tangle of feelings Draco couldn't expect Theo to navigate without any clues.

Seated side by side on the bench, they shared a bottle of firewhiskey in silence. The atmosphere hung heavy with an unspoken tension, an undeniable weight of discomfort lingering between them.

Draco took another swig from the bottle and broke the silence between them, "Look, Nott... I've thought about it a lot these past few days and I understood I was being unreasonable. How could you have known? And it was unfair of me to expect you to break the news to me when you found out she was my girlfriend at the time..." he said as he gazed forwards towards the night sky.

Theo turned to look at Draco, his eyes were gentle as he continued to stare at him. "I've been trying to tell you that from the start Malfoy," he chuckled.

Draco turned towards Theo and pressed his lips into a weak smile as he nodded in understanding.

"So, are we friends again now, Malfoy?" Theo tilted his head to the side as a playful smirk spread across his face as he continued to lock eyes with Draco.

"Yeah, I guess we are, Nott," Draco replied and returned his smile. His heart was pounding inside as he continued to look at Theo.

He longed to confide in Theo, to express the depth of his hurt, yet he held it in, and chose to be grateful that at least for now, he could still be friends with Theo.

Their smiles lingered, their eyes locking in a silent understanding. Theo handed the bottle to Draco, who received it with a nod, taking a swig before they seamlessly continued their casual conversation.

"So, my buddies and I are planning a camping trip near the lake tomorrow... What do you say, want to join us?" Draco asked, a hint of uncertainty in his tone, well aware that Theo wasn't fond of group activities.

Theo adopted a thoughtful expression as he considered Draco's invitation. "Hmm, I don't know...I like the outdoors but I don't like people," he mused, his brow furrowing in contemplation.

Draco snorted, a hint of amusement in his eyes. "Blaise suggested I invite you, but I know you're not keen on group stuff. So—" Draco's words were cut off as Theo raised a hand to forestall him.

"Sure, count me in. It sounds intriguing. I've never been on a camping trip before," Theo responded quickly, aiming for a casual air before taking another swig from the bottle and turned his gaze away from Draco. The unexpected agreement caught Draco off guard, prompting him to raise an eyebrow, a curious smile playing on his lips for a moment before he chuckled and shook his head in amusement.

They passed the bottle back and forth for a while, indulging until both started feeling the effects, with Draco more affected than Theo, who had a better alcohol tolerance.

As the alcohol took a stronger hold, Theo found himself slipping into a melancholic state. Amidst the haze of alcohol, his thoughts circled back to everything that had transpired, and the lingering feeling that he owed Draco an apology persisted.

"Look Malfoy...I'm sorry for-" Theo's words were abruptly cut off as the now tipsy Draco pressed a finger against his lips.

"I'm sorry too..." Draco slurred, a dazed smile spreading across his face with his index finger still on Theo's lips.

"I can't believe you polished off the whole bottle, Malfoy. You're practically sideways in that seat." Theo chuckled, a tinge of amusement colouring his words as he gently guided Draco's hand away from his lips. "Alright, time to get you back to the dorm," Theo added, a subtle smile graced his lips as he observed the intoxicated Draco beside him, smiling absentmindedly as he stared into the distance.

Taking Draco's arm, Theo secured it around his shoulders, and together, they swayed their way back to the dormitory. Draco, emboldened by spirits, began singing the Hogwarts' school anthem at the top of his lungs as they strolled. Theo glanced at him, amusement lighting up his expression as he arched an eyebrow. Before long, Theo too chimed in, adding to their spirited but off-key melody. Their merry, off-key melodies resonated through the air, drawing disapproving glances from the portraits adorning the walls.


As they stumbled into the dorm room, Theo made a beeline for Draco's bed, attempting to gently lower Draco onto it. But in his intoxicated state, Theo lost his balance, causing them both to tumble onto the bed in a heap, laughter erupting as they found themselves tangled in each other's arms. Their faces turned towards each other, caught in a moment of shared amusement.

As their laughter gradually quieted, Draco's smile persisted even as his eyes closed. Theo gazed at him, a mix of amusement and fondness lighting up his expression. Drunk Draco was undeniably entertaining. Attempting to rise, Theo felt Draco's grip tighten around his shoulder, the lingering smile still etched on his face. Suppressing a chuckle, Theo quipped, "Alright, Malfoy, I really need to get up now," his tone laced with playful amusement.

Draco lay there, serene and unmoving, a subtle smile playing on his lips, his eyes shut in peaceful repose as he faced Theo. Theo was captivated, unable to avert his gaze from Draco's tranquil expression. A rush of emotions surged through Theo, his heart racing as he drew nearer to Draco's face.

"If you keep holding me like this, I might just have to kiss you..." Theo whispered, his voice a soft, low rumble, his eyes fixated on Draco's enticing lips.

Draco remained silent, the faint smile lingering on his lips as Theo drew closer. Their faces hovered just inches apart, their breaths mingling until their noses touched in a delicate embrace. Unable to resist any longer, Theo gently brushed his lips against Draco's, initiating a tender connection. Their mouths met in a soft union, Theo deepening the kiss with gentle pressure. In that suspended moment, time seemed to stand still, a serene moment shared between them.

Eventually, Theo withdrew, his eyes fixed on Draco, a complex array of emotions playing across his face. Draco was breathing slowly, the fleeting smile had faded from his face, his eyes closed in slumber.

Draco emitted a soft, unintelligible sound before draping another arm across Theo's body, drawing closer into the comforting curve of his arm. Theo tensed at the unexpected move, freezing in place. Memories flooded back, transporting him to the night he confided in Draco about Noah, the comfort of that shared closeness etched vividly in his mind.

Slowly, Theo reciprocated, encircling Draco with his arm and drawing him nearer. Perhaps, he mused, this moment wasn't so unwelcome after all. In that vulnerable moment, he allowed himself to embrace an unfamiliar sense of comfort and security, a haven he had long been deprived of. The warmth wrapped around him like a familiar embrace, offering solace that had been absent from his life for a very long time.

Eyes closed, his thoughts meandered back to Noah. Contemplating within himself, he entertained the notion that, just for this fleeting night, perhaps Draco's presence could subdue his yearning for Noah. Perhaps, revelling in the warmth of Draco's embrace could veil the ache he carried for his lost love. As sleep gradually enveloped him, Theo's consciousness released a gentle whisper—a quiet murmur carrying the weight of his unresolved emotions—Noah's name, an echo in the quiet realm of his thoughts.

As Theo drifted off, Draco remained nestled in the crook of his arm, tears silently tracing their path down his face, Draco's heart aching at the mention of Noah's name.

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