Written in the stars (Harry P...

By NyaPotter23

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What would happen if Lily's sacrifice was still made but she wasn't killed as well as James. And what if a wa... More

A/n and info
Year 1
Part 1 - The Train Ride
Part 2 - The Sorting Ceremony
Part 3 - The First Day
Part 4 - Troll Trama
Part 5 - Quidditch
Part 6 - New discoveries
Part 7 - Home for the Holidays
Part 8 - Detention
Part 9 - Dogs and Vines
Part 10 - Keys and Chess
Part 11 - Two faced
Part 12 - Home is where the Heart is
Year 2
Part 14 - Harry's new attitude

Part 13 - The summer of regrets

105 2 2
By NyaPotter23

"Whoa what are you?"


July 19th 1992

We got home and now summer could begin. The first few days were really uneventful. Mum and Dad asked Cedric in the car how his year went. They didn't really ask me because I think they got the general idea of what I've done this year. Me, mum and dad are sat on the sofa quietly while Cedric is hiding in his room. The atmosphere was just an awkward silence.

"Yn would you like to tell us what happened at school this year." Mum said trying to break the tension.

"What there left to know Rachel. She has been breaking school rules and putting herself and her friends in danger." Dad yelled. I just sat there with my head down while he spoke.

"It wasn't my idea though. If I wasn't there who knows what could've happened. I was only trying to protect my friends. And we were the only ones who figured it all out. We saved probably the entire school." I yelled back at my dad.

"Don't talk to me like that missy. If you really wanted to protect your friends. You would've kept them away from the dangers. Not walk with them right into them." My dad yelled.

"Amos she did what she could and she only a kid. She is bound to make mistakes but what is important is that she learned from her mistakes and she is ok." My mum snapped. I've never seen mum like this before. Usually she is more of a calm and collective person. Dad stayed quiet. Mum took a deep breath and continued talking. "Ok Yn. How was your first year at Hogwarts."

"Actually it was awesome. The school is so big and confusing. I met my best friend on the boat ride over. Her name is Hermione Granger and she loves books just as much as me. Oh and Mum I want to show you all something." I said excitedly.

"Ok I'll go get Cedric and then you can show us." Mum said smiling from ear to ear.

"Ok." I said as Mum got up to go get Cedric. When she got back with Cedric not far behind, I got up to get a piece of paper and quill. Everybody was looking at me like I was crazy. I started drawing the light glyph and everyone's eyes were captivated on what it was drawing.
When I finished drawing the light glyph I gave the piece of paper a tap and the paper turned it a ball of light. Everyone stared in awe.

"How did you do that?" Mum asked.

"Well I told Hermione about the whole wand incident at diagon alley. And she agreed to help me find a way to do magic. We kept searching the library. It wasn't until I found a book that has a secret about Hogwarts in. Not many people are allowed to know about this. I went to ask Dumbledore about it and then he showed me it. But to get in I had to do the light glyph. And that's how I discovered how I can do magic." I said trying not to let everyone know that there's a giant beating heart underneath the school.

"Wait you couldn't do magic?" Dad said. "Since when could you not do magic?"

"Since our trip to Diagon Ally. When me and mum went to get my wand, a wand never chose me. I didn't tell anyone because I thought everyone would think less of me and would be acting as if I was made of glass around magic. I just wanted to prove to everyone that I'm not a helpless person." I said revealing why I did all I did this year.

"Oh sweetheart. We would never think less of you ever. And we know that you can handle yourself with or without magic." Mum said as she stood up and hugged me tightly. I instantly hugged back. "Well I guess this conversation is over. I'm going to go start making dinner. Go unpack your stuff Yn and bring your clothes down for a wash."

"Ok." I said as I made my way up the stairs.

When I was out of sight of everyone's prying eyes, I frantically ran to my bedroom. I shut my door and I turned around with my back against it. I watched my trunk and it moved again meaning I didn't imagine it. I slowly and carefully walk over to my trunk and I sat on the floor on my knees. I slowly began to unlock my trunk. I began to lift the trunk open. All of a sudden, something jumps out of my trunk towards me and lands on me. Out of nowhere, I feel a tongue licking my cheek repeatedly. It then jumped off of me and it started exploring my room. I sat up straight and I looked at it.

"Whoa what are you?" I said to myself. It's nothing like I've ever seen before. Not even something that I recognise from a book at the school library. I looked like a dog but with a skull on it head. It looked like a baby.

It's actually quite adorable but would Mum and Dad let me keep an unknown species as a pet. Probably not. I don't care what any one thinks. I'm going to keep him.

"What should I call you?" I said to myself. It began to grab my teddies from my bed and began to line them up. "Well look at you. A King among his subjects"

"King." It repeated in the most innocent adorable voice ever.

"Woah it can speak." I said to myself amazed that it was talking. "I'm going to call you King."

I let King play with my teddies while I unpacked my stuff. The teddy King was most interested with was an old dog teddy. I decided to let King keep the dog teddy seeing as King liked it the best.

"Dinner." Mum yelled up the stairs. What do I do? No one can find out about King. How am I supposed to feed King. What does he eat?

"King. I'll be right back. Stay in the room and please stay quiet. I'm going to try and bring food back up for you.

"Yn dinner. I won't call you again." Mum yelled up the stairs.

"Coming." I yelled back. "Stay." I said to King. I left the room and I shut the door behind me. I walked downstairs. We began to eat dinner. Mum, Dad and Cedric ate all their dinner and I said I was fully to make sure that I leave food for King.

"I can scrap the plates mum." I said as I began to take the plates to the kitchen. When I got to the kitchen, I put their plates next to the sink but I grabbed a plastic tub and I put the rest of my dinner in the plastic tub. I then put my plate next to the sink and I managed to sneak of to my room.

When I got to my room I put the plastic tub on the floor for King to eat out of. While he ate I tried to come up with a way to hide King at night as well as him being comfortable. I then looked at my trunk and I then got an idea. I put some blankets and a pillow in there for him. I also put the dog teddy in there as well as so sticky notes with the light glyph on. I made it really comfortable and breathable I made sure that it wouldn't get over heated in there either. Luckily I had that random dog cooling mat in my cupboard.

After he finished eating I began teaching him about light glyph by showing him what it does and how it works. Surprisingly he picked up how they work very quickly. I then explained how sleeping was going to be until I could convince Mum and Dad to let me keep him. He actually listened and understood what was going on. I put him to bed and then I went to bed myself.

July 25th 1992

It's been a few days since I found King in my trunk and its been amazing. I've only been questioning once about what all the noise was in my room but I managed to act as if I had no idea what was going on and that I was just reading a book. That I learned not to feed King any type of sweets, otherwise he will get an instant sugar rush. I love King so much that I would do anything to protect him.

Today Harry is coming over. It's the first time I have seen him since the summer started and hopefully he has calmed down. When I last saw him he was really grumpy for some reason. At the moment, I'm tidying my room because King decided that all my clothes look comfy. And I mean ALL my clothes.

After a few hours of tidying and listening to Taylor Swift, I looked at the time and saw that Harry was going to be here in 10 minutes. I quickly hid King in his trunk and then I slid the Trunk under my bed. At that moment, the door bell rang. They were a few minutes early but knowing Lily I kind of expected that. I walked out my room to see Cedric. Me and Cedric looked at each other. Silence. Out of nowhere, me and Cedric started pushing each other trying to get down the stairs first.

Upon reaching the bottom of the stairs, I was attacked by a little gremlin called Emma.

"Get off me you little gremlin." I said joking around as Emma had her arms around me giving me a big hug.

"Make me." She said giggling.

"That's it. You asked for it." I began to tickle Emma on the stomach. Emma and I have always had a special relationship ever since she was born. Emma was like the little sister that I wish I had. Emma look like a younger Version of Lily only with James eyes.

Harry's POV:

"Harry. Hurry up. We're going to be late." Mum yelled from down stairs.

"Ok I'm coming." I yelled down. I didn't even want to go. How can I look at her after what I saw? She's drifting away from me and she wants to. I walk down the stairs and to the front door. Once I reach the front door I see that everyone is waiting on me.

We leave and begin our walk to Yn's house. The walk was silent so I was left with just my thoughts. Was I being selfish? I mean Yn does have the right to talk to anyone she wants. It's not like I'm dating her or that I own her. She can do what she likes but why does it make me angry when I see her with other guys?

After a short walk we were stood in front of Yn's house. Emma ran up to the door and knocked the front door. We waited for someone to answer. Rachel answered the door and let us in. All of a sudden, there was a crashing noise coming down the stairs. Luckily, it was only Cedric and Yn racing each other down the stairs. No one was hurt. Out of nowhere, Emma leaped onto Yn attacking her with a big hug.

"Get off me you little gremlin." Yn joked around.

"Make me." Emma said giggling. Poor choice of words Emma. Should have just given up.

"That's it. You asked for it." Yn said as she began to tickle her. I smiled warmly at her. I had never noticed how beautiful her smile was or how her laugh was music to my ears. I had no idea what was happening to me but I kinda liked it. Out of the corner of my eye, I could see my dad looking at me and smirking. The adults began to make their way to the kitchen. Before my dad could pass me he began whispering in my ear.

"We need to have a little chat when we get home." I looked at him confused but I just nodded my head.

All of a sudden, I felt my arm being dragged up the stairs. I turn to look at who is dragging me. And it's....... Cedric. He drags me into his room and sits me on his bed and then shuts the door.

"Harry I like you. I really do but I don't think you should be around Yn anymore." He said to me with a straight face. I was speechless. I didn't know what to say.

"What? Why?" I said and I could even tell that there was a hint of anger in my voice.

"Look, I have nothing against you but in Yn's first year she ended up in the hospital wing twice. You're supposed to be her best friend. You're supposed to protect. You even got her detention in her first year. I just think that you might now be a bad influence for her. People change as they grow." Cedric said completely unfazed by what he just requested. I was in disbelief. I couldn't believe what was happening.

"No I will not stop hanging around Yn. I care about her and I will never stop caring about her and I will not let her be harmed. Don't you know that it pains me that I did a bad job at protecting her last year." I said.

"She was in danger because you were there. I'm not asking Harry, I'm telling. If you truly care about her, you'll let her go." Cedric said. His words hit me like a knife. I gave it some thought and maybe it is best that I don't hang with her anymore. Maybe Cedric is right. "You can stay in here until the visit is over.

And that's what I did. I stayed in Cedric's room the whole time. Once time was up, we left. I left without saying goodbye or even looking at her.

When we got home, me and dad had THE talk if you know what I mean. Honestly that was the most gross and embarrassing conversation I've had in my life.

"Is that it dad?" I ask hoping to get away from this very awkward situation.

"One second. Look, Harry I know you like Yn." Dad said.

"Of course I like her. She's my best friend." I said and then I remembered the conversation with Cedric.

"Thats not what I mean. I know you have a crush on her." He said which caught me off guard.

"What?! Pfft! I don't have a crush on her." I said as I could feel my cheeks burning.

"Don't try and hide it. I saw the way you look at her. It's the way I used to look at your mother." Dad said.

"It doesn't matter anyway. Cedric thinks that the only reason Yn was in danger and went to the hospital wing last year was because of me. He thinks that I should hang out with her anymore." I said with a frown on my face.

"Well if you ever need advice. I'm right here." Dad said and then I went to my room.

August 6th, 1992

Yn's POV:

Today is exciting because today Mione is coming over for a sleepover. This is going to be my very first sleepover. I'm really really excited. I questioning on weather to tell Mione about King.

It's 4:00pm and Mione should be here any second. I've decided to surprise Mione with King. All I have to do is wait for Mione to turn up. Right when the time hits 4:01 the door knocks. I watch my mum open the door and see Hermione with her parents. Mum and Hermione's parents introduced themselves and begin talking about adult stuff. Hermione however came in and hugged me tightly and obviously I hugged her back.

"It's so good to see you. Honestly, I haven't done much this summer so I'm super excited." Mione said while we hugged.

"I'm so happy to see you too. I have a few things to talk to you about. And by the way this is my first sleepover ever." I said while we pulled apart.

"Really? It's my first sleepover too." Hermione said with a big smile on her face.

"I'll show you my room." I said leading her upstairs and to my room. I open my bedroom door. "This is my room."

After settling Hermione in, I introduced her to King and she absolutely loved him. I mean who wouldn't. He's absolutely adorable. I explain to her what happened when I found him which took like an hour. I also explained that when Harry was over he didn't even say a word to me let alone even look at me. Even she was confused about it. Why does Harry hate me now? The sleepover went amazingly and we had a blast. I just wish we could have found out what was going on with Harry.


Any-gays here is the first official chapter of Year 2. Let me know what you all think. I have been working so hard on this chapter it has been exhausting. I'm so happy that a lot of you are commenting on my story and that you want more.

It has come to my attention that some people may or may not know the days when I post. I post every two weeks on Sunday at around Midnight. If there are any set backs I usually post it on my account so do check that. You can also send me messages on there and ask questions. If there are official changes to when I upload a new part I will do it on a chapter.

And too anyone who needs to hear this. You are loved and you deserve to be on this planet. Even if you don't know it. You can bring something to life that no one else can.

See you soon my little nifflers.



Word count: 3050 words

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