Written in the stars (Harry P...

By NyaPotter23

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What would happen if Lily's sacrifice was still made but she wasn't killed as well as James. And what if a wa... More

A/n and info
Year 1
Part 1 - The Train Ride
Part 2 - The Sorting Ceremony
Part 3 - The First Day
Part 4 - Troll Trama
Part 5 - Quidditch
Part 6 - New discoveries
Part 7 - Home for the Holidays
Part 8 - Detention
Part 9 - Dogs and Vines
Part 10 - Keys and Chess
Part 11 - Two faced
Year 2
Part 13 - The summer of regrets
Part 14 - Harry's new attitude

Part 12 - Home is where the Heart is

114 3 3
By NyaPotter23

"Look Cedric, if I wanted someone to have a go at me. I would wait until I got home."

Yn's POV:

A bright light blinds me as I my eyes flutter open. After my eyes adjust to the light, I realise that I am in the Hospital Wing again. I sit up and have a look at my surroundings and I see that my brother is in a chair next to me sleeping. In the bed opposite me was Harry in a bed unconscious. I wonder what happened last night after I passed out. Madam Pomfry walks into view and she jumps slightly when she sees me awake and sat up.

"Yn dear. You're awake." She said and she walked over and poured a cup of something. "Now drink this and then you can leave when I say when. Don't worry you are not expected to be in lessons today, so when you leave, I suggest that you go to your common room." She said and then walked away. I drank the potion and it tasted horrible. I sat in the bed and finally noticed that at the bottom of my bed was a small pile of sweets. I look through the pile and there were a lot of chocolate frogs and Bertie botts every flavoured beans. I sat back in my seat with a box of Bertie botts every flavoured beans.

All of a sudden, Cedric started to wake up. He began rubbing his eyes and looked at me and the next thing I know Cedric is trying to kill me with a bone crushing hug.

"Ced-ric i can't bre-ath." I said and even to me I was barely even audible. Cedric let go of me and it looked like he had tears in his eyes.

"I'm so happy you are ok. This is the second time this year that you have been in the hospital wing knocked out Yn and it's only your first year. Next year i am going to make sure that you don't end up here again." Cedric said as tears drops drip down his face.

"Cedric I'm fine. You don't have to worry." I said trying to calm him down.

"No apparently I do have to worry. Not only did you end up in the hospital wing twice but you have broken multiple school rules and you even had detention in the forbidden forest. Do you know how dangerous it is in there?" Cedric said. I couldn't tell if he was angry or concerned.

"Look Cedric, if I wanted someone to have a go at me. I would wait until I got home." I said.

"Oh don't worry Mum and Dad both know about everything that you have done this year. Once I found out everything I thought it was best to tell them." Cedric said. I looked at him in disbelief. Now I know that I am definitely going to get an earful when I get home. I might have had a slim chance at completing dodging a lecture from my parents but now even that is gone. Madam Pomfry walked back around and saw that Cedric was now awake.

"Oh Mr Diggory. You are awake. Miss Diggory here may have been excused from lessons today but you aren't. You only have two lessons left of the day anyway." Madam Pomfry said as she shooed Cedric out the door.
"Miss Diggory after lessons are completely finished you may leave."

I nod my head showing I understand. That means I have nothing to do for two hours. I looked around out of boredom and that's when I noticed that a book was placed on the bedside table next to me. It had to be from Hermione. I mean it can't be Harry because he is still unconscious and Ron is deadly allergic to the library and get me a book as a present from Cedric would be the same as saying that Voldemort was a good person. So that only leaves Mione. I open the book to the very first page and a piece of paper slips out. The note says:

Hey Yn,
If you're reading this that means you have woken up. I found something in the library and I can't believe that we missed it. It was in the very first book that we read once we got here. Check chapter 9 page 67. I think it could be a lead on the secrets of your magic. I can't wait to see you.


I follow Hermione's instructions and I began reading the page. Apparently many witches and wizards believe that some sort of lost ancient magic flows through everything naturally. Even in the air we breathe. Is Hermione right could this be a way of finding more glyphs. I shut the book and began thinking about what I just read. When I looked at the clock I noticed that the last lesson ended an hour ago. I grabbed my stuff and began making my way to the common room. I said the password and the portrait swung open. I walk in and I felt a ton of eyes find there way to me. I just ignored them and made my way to my dorm. I opened the door and dumped all my stuff including the sweets on my bed. I turned around and I was instantly tackled with a hug.

"Omg you are awake." Mione said. "I was just about to head to the hospital wing to go see you. And Harry obviously. When did you wake up?"

"I woke up at some point during lunch I think." I said as we sat on my bed.

"So not that long ago. I took the liberty of starting to pack your stuff into your trunk for you because I didn't know when you were going to wake up and I thought this way you don't have to stress." Hermione said.

"Thanks Mione. I'm going to change quickly because I am still in the clothes from last night and they are torn and stained with blood." I said as I got up to get some clothes from my trunk.

"Ok." Hermione said. I took my school clothes to the bathroom with me. "What's the betting that Harry will see you carrying your trunk down and will immediately start begging you to let him carry it for you and won't take no for an answer."

"Don't even joke about that Mione. I don't even know why he did that at Christmas." I said as I walked out of the bathroom. "Oh and by the way I tried the controlling what the light glyph does theory while me and Harry were facing Quirrel and Voldemort and you were correct. I made a flash of light."

"I can't wait to find out more about your magic. Any way dinner is soon." Mione said as she stood up to head down to dinner.

~Time skip~

Nothing very interesting has happened so far Today. We don't have any lessons today because it's the last day of school. Me and Mione spent the day on the common room sofa because we had completely finished packing last night. Ron however was running around the common room and his dorm looking for a jumper that his mum sent him on Christmas. Apparently she wants to take a picture of the entire family in there jumpers. Apparently she will get angry if they lose them and apparently she is scary when she is angry.

It was almost time for the End of Year Feast. Ron had finally found his jumper and after he packed it in his trunk we began making our way down the stairs towards the great hall. Ron and Hermione argued the entire way down. It was driving me nuts. We stopped on the stairs to sort out the argument. It was so stupidly dumb. They were arguing over whether potions or transfiguration was better. They ended up agreeing that charms was the best. We turned our heads and looked down and saw that Harry was awake and walking around.

"Alright there Ron?" Harry asked as he was smiling up at us.

"Alright. You?" Ron asked.

"Alright." Harry said as he shrugged his shoulders. "Hermione?"

"Never better." Mione said.

"What about you Yn?" Harry asked.

"Well my heads not bleeding anymore so I would say that I'm not doing to bad." I said smiling. We made our way down the rest of the stairs and walked into the Great Hall.

The Great Hall was decorated with green Slytherin tapestries. I guess that means that Slytherin won the House Cup this year. Professor Mcgonagall tapped her glass with a spoon. We all turned our attention to the front and stopped talking. Dumbledore stood up to give his End of Year Announcement.

"Another year gone. And now as I understand it. The house cup needs awarding. And the points stand thust. In 4th place, Gryffindor with 312 points." Everyone began clapping and the whole of Gryffindor's house mood went way down. I mean I guessed Slytherin won but I didn't think that we would lose completely. "In 3rd place, Hufflepuff with 352 points." We all began clapping for Hufflepuff. "In 2nd place, Ravenclaw with 426 points." We all began clapping for Ravenclaw. "And in 1st place, with 522 points. Slytherin." People began clapping and the entire of Slytherin table burst into cheers.

"Yes, yes. Well done Slytherin. Well done Slytherin. However, recent events must be taken into account. And I have a few last minute points to award. To Miss Hermione Granger, for the cool use of intellect while others were in grave peril. 50 points." The entire Gryffindor table cheered for Hermione. "Second, to Mr Ron Weasley, for the best played game of chess that Hogwarts has seen these many years. 50 points." We began clapping and cheering for Ron as well. "And third, to Miss Yn Diggory, for persevering even when things are at their bleakest. 50 points." Everyone began cheering for me. "And fourth, to Mr Harry Potter, for pure love and outstanding courage. I award Gryffindor house 60 points." We all began cheering for Harry.

"We're tied with Slytherin." Hermione said.

"And finally, it takes a great deal of bravery to stand up to your enemies. But a great deal more to stand up to your friends. I award 10 points to Neville Longbottom." Dumbledore said as we all began cheering loudly for Neville. "Assuming that my calculations are correct. I believe a change of decoration is in order." Dumbledore clapped his hands twice and a wind blew across the Great Hall changing the green Slytherin tapestry to red Gryffindor ones. "Gryffindor wins the House cup." We all stood up and began cheering.

After the feast, we all went up stairs to grab our trunks and bring them down. I had to make sure that Harry didn't see me. I began dragging my bag down the stairs. It felt much heavier than before. Why does it feel much heavier. Hermione ran up to.

"Harry's looking for you. And I think we both know why."Mione said.

"Don't let him find me." I said as I began to panic and tried to speed up the process. Hermione ran off to distract Harry.

I continued to panic and drag my trunk down the stairs. Unfortunately, my robe got caught by my trunk and I tripped backwards and I was caught by someone.

"Woah there. Are you ok?" A boy said as I looked up at him.

"Yeah just my stupid trunk caught my robes." I said as I stood back up right.

"Would you like some help carrying it? Two people would make it easier to carry." He said.

"Uhh yeah sure. Thanks." I said.

"No problem." He ran over to the other side and began carrying it while I carried the opposite side to him. "Why were you in such a hurry anyway?"

"Oh I was in a hurry because one of my friends likes to try and carry my trunk for me and refuses to let me help. He is apparently looking for me and I like doing stuff. I don't like it when people do things for me." I said.

"Oh well I guess we better hurry. I Theodore by the way. Theodore Nott. My friends call me Theo. I'm a first year." Theo said.

"Oh I'm a first year too. I'm Yn Diggory." I said.

"Oh your the girl who got 50 points today because you persevered even when things were at their bleakest." Theo said.

"Yep that's me." I said as we put my trunk down at the front of school.

"Well it was nice to meet you Yn." Theo said as he stuck out his hand.

"It's nice to meet you too Theo." I said as I began shaking his hand.

Harry's POV:

I turned around a corner ignoring Hermione who insisted that she knew where Yn was. As I turned the corner, I saw Yn shaking hands with another guy who I didn't know. I have no idea what was happening to me but all i know is that I hate it when Yn talks to guys I don't know. Like Alex, I hated it when i saw Yn walk into the common room with him. My blood had begun boiling but after I learned that Alex was gay I felt calmer. I walked towards the train angrily.

Yn's POV:

I continue talking to Theo, when out of the corner of my eye I saw Harry standing there looking at me. Out of the corner of my eye I saw Harry storm off. So I quickly said goodbye to Theo. I called after Harry but he ignored me. Hermione ran up to me.

"What's wrong with him?" I asked her.

"No idea. One minute I was telling Harry that I found you and that you were in a different direction from where you actually were and I turn around and he's gone. So I run after him and then I see you calling after him and him storming off ignoring you." Hermione said.

"Ok. Can you go make sure he is ok? I need to get my change of clothes in the bag I tied to my trunk handle." I said.

"Yeah ok. See you on the train." Hermione said as she began walking in the direction of the train and Harry.

I walked back over to my trunk and I began untying a small back that holds some home clothes for me to change into on the train. I began walking away with my change of clothes when a my trunk rattles. I turn around and look in my trunk. I watch it for a few seconds and then it moves by itself. I walk over to it and I begin opening it. I was about to see what was inside. That was before Flitch walked over.

"What are you doing?" He said. "The train is about to leave any second now. Best hurry. Don't want to be stuck here all summer."

After he said that, I shut the trunk and I ran towards the train. I'm just hoping that Filtch doesn't look in it. I hop on the train and the door shuts behind me. I began making my way down the corridor looking for my friends.

After 20 minutes of looking, I finally found them. I opened the compartment door and I sat down. The whole ride was relaxing. We did change half way through the train ride so that we weren't waiting for a ginormous queue.

When we got back to London we all got off the train and began looking for our luggage. I found my trunk and I quickly ran off with it. I wanted to open it up but I didn't want anyone to see what it was. I said goodbye to all my friends and I found my parents already talking to Cedric. I walked over to them. They all looked at me.

"You missy. We are having a very serious conversation about you when we get home." Dad said. He sounded angry.

"Amos. Don't be harsh. She has been through a lot this year." Mum said trying to calm him down.

"No she is in trouble for putting herself in danger." Dad said. We all hopped in the car and began our way back home.


Any-gays what do you guys think. I know it's not a very interesting chapter but I certainly can't wait for you guys to find out what is in Yn's trunk. Year 2 is going to be an interesting year.

Can you believe it? We have finished Year 1. I feel so proud of myself. And to all of the Swifties reading look at the title and tell me the song in the comments.

I have been getting the same question for a while now and I thought that it would probably be best if I just say it here. I post once every two weeks on Sunday at 00:00am uk time. And if you're reading this and feel guilty that you asked the question then don't worry because that just lets me know that not a lot of you are aware of what time I actually post parts.

Any-gays hope you all have an amazing Valentine's. See you soon my little nifflers.



Word count: 2915 words

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