The Drama Is ON! ; Duncan x R...

By Moxxie_Mayday

287 12 0

[Y/n] doesn't really go out much, She only goes out when she has to for things such as; Getting groceries, Sc... More

Not So Happy Campers - Part 2
The Big Sleep
Not Quite Famous
The Sucky Outdoors

Not So Happy Campers- Part 1

87 3 0
By Moxxie_Mayday

"Yo, we're coming at you live from Camp Wawanakwa somewhere in Muskoka, Ontario, I'm your host, Chris McLean, dropping season one of the hottest reality show on television right now. Here's the deal. Twenty-two campers have signed up to spend eight weeks right here at this crummy old summer camp, they'll compete in challenges against each other then have to face the judgement of their fellow campers. Every three days, one team will either win a reward or watch one of their team members walk down the Dock of Shame, take a ride on the loser boat, and leave Total Drama Island for good. Their fate will be decided here at the dramatic campfire ceremonies where each week all but one camper will receive one marshmallow. In the end, only one will be left standing and will be rewarded with cheesy tabloid fame and a small fortune which let's face it, they'll probably blow in a week. To survive, they'll have to flies...grizzly bears...disgusting camp food...and each other. Every moment will be caught on of the hundreds of cameras situated all over the camp. Who will crumble under the pressure? Find out right here, right now on Total...Drama...Island."

"Welcome back to Total Drama Island, all right, it's time to meet our first 12 campers, we told them they'd all be staying at this five-star resort so, if they seemed a little T.O.-ed, that's probably why..."

. . .

"Why am I even on this stupid boat...Why did I agree to this! I'm not even meant to be here it was just a joke!" I say to myself as I slowly approach the island. 'Isn't this meant to be a resort?' I think as I get a good visual on the island.

"Next we have...A girl who loves the idea of being outdoors but also loves the idea of being at home and staying inside even more...[Y/n]!" Chris exclaimed as I got off the boat and wave to everyone there. I look on the dock to see 11 people, I walk over and stand next to a girl with blue hair. "Hey I'm Gwen!" She introduces herself with a smile. "I'm [Y/n], it's nice to meet you!" I say returning the smile.

. . .

The last player arrives hitting her chin on the edge of the dock as she got off the boat.

"Ouch that's gotta hurt big time" I say cringing looking away. "Oooh that's bad" A guy with black hair and a yellow shirt says after me. Suddenly a girl with brown hair and brown eyes runs over to her. "Guys, she could be seriously hurt!" She says helping the hurt Izzy.

"That felt so good, except for hitting my chin. This is summer camp? This is so cool, do you have paper mache? Are we having lunch soon?" The Girl said and I gave her a look. "That's a good call" a blonde boy in a maple left shirt added. "First things first, we need a group photo for promos, everyone at the end of the dock!"

We all started to make our way at to the end of the dock and posed for a picture as Chris got on the boat and prepared to take a picture. "One..Two...Three" Click "Oops forgot the lens cap, ok ok hold that pose...One tw- oh no the cards full. Hang on" I rolled my eyes, my face was starting to hurt from smiling. "Come on, man my face is starting to freeze!" I had to agree with her I don't know how much more of this I can take. "Got it! Okay everyone say 'Wawanakwa!'"

"Wawanakwa!" Click We all say as he takes the picture, I start to hear cracking I try to look down but before I could we all fell in the lake. The suddenness of it made me surprised and it didn't occur to me that I was in the water until a few seconds later, as I struggled to get back to shore I felt to hands grab my arms. "Don't worry I gotcha princess, names Duncan nice to meet you" a guy said dragging me to shore. "[Y/n]...Thanks but I'm pretty sure I could've got back myself" I said straining my hair. "Really because it looks to me that you were struggling" I rolled my eyes, of course I was struggling, it was so sudden and I wasn't prepared. "Okay, guys, dry off and meet at the campfire pit in ten" Chris says and I shoot him a glare and walk off to go get changed.

. . .

I got changed into a big hoodie and sweatpants and the walk up to the fire pit and sit on one of the many stumps waiting for Chris to speak. "This is Camp Wawanakwa, your home for the next eight weeks. The campers sitting around you will be your cabin mates, your competition and maybe even your friends. You dig?" Chris says as I look around at my suspected teammates or competition, as I look around I spot the boy from earlier staring at me. "The camper who manages to stay on Total Drama Island the longest without getting voted off will win $100,000!" Chris exclaimed with a devilish smirk on his face. "Excuse me? What will the sleeping arrangements be? Because I'd like to request a bunk under her" The boy with the green mohawk said pointing and smirking at me. "Wait.. they aren't co-ed are they?..." I say a little concerned. "Noooo. Girls get one side of each cabin and dudes get the other" I let out a tiny sigh of relief. "Excuse me? Kyle.. Can I have a cabin with the lake view since I'm the prettiest?" "Okay, you are. But that's not really how it works here. And it's Chris!" Wait...what did he just say? "I have to live with Sadie or, I'll die" "And I'll break out in hives. It's true" Oh boy were these girls getting on my nerves I don't know how long I can handle them. "This cannot be happening.." "I know right.. this sucks big time" I say as I rest my head in my hands "Aww come on guys! It'll be fun, it's like a big sleepover!" "Wow..... your optimistic.." "At least you don't have to sleep next to him.." Tyler nudges us and we direct our attention over to Duncan, who was giving a deer a noogie. Boy he's stupid.. but kind of cute.. WAIT WHAT AM I SAYING.

"Here's the deal. We're gonna split you into two teams if I call your name out go stand over there" Our attention diverts from Duncan to Chris as he points to a spot on on one side of the campfire. "Gwen, Trent, Heather, Cody, Lindsay, Beth, Katie, Owen, Leshawna, Justin, and Noah. From this moment on, you are officially known as...The Screaming Gophers!" "Yeah! I'm a gopher! Wooo!" "Wait! What about Sadie?" I look around at the people left. I guess this is my team.. It could be worse. "The rest of you over here. Geoff, Bridgette, D.J, Tyler, Sadie, Izzy, Courtney, Ezekiel, Duncan, Y/n, Eva, and Harold. Move, Move, Move!" All of us move to were he was pointing except for two people, Sadie and Courtney. "But Katie's a gopher! I have to be a gopher!" "Sadie, is it? Come on, it'll be okay" Is she being nice.. That's totally an act.. "This is so unfair! I miss you, Katie!!" Katie starts to tear up. I mean like come on it's not that big of a deal. "I miss you too!" "You guys will officially be known as.. The Killer Bass!" I look my team and take a good look at everyone in it. "Awesome! It's like...Amazing." "All right, campers, you and your team will be on camera in all public areas during this competition. You will also be able to share your innermost thoughts on tape with video diaries anytime you want. Let the audience at home know what you're really thinking. Or just get something off your chest"

I sit in front of a camera is a wooden portable toilet. "Uh this place really sucks.. I mean some people are cool, for example Gwen is pretty cool sucks that were not on the same team.."

"All right. Any questions?" Cody raises his hand "Um excuse me but.. I think they have an extra member?" "Cool. Let's find your cabins. Gopher, you're in the easy cabin. Bass, you're in the west" He finishes and we all go to our cabins, the guys in their cabin and the girls in ours. "So this is it.. cool.. we get to live in this.. dusty dirty cabin for the whole summer.. Yayyy" I say as I put my bags on the only bunk available, the one under Courtney and head outside. " Excuse me, Chris? Is there, uh, a chaperone of any kind in this facility here?" "You're all 16 years old, as old as a counselor in training at a regular summer camp. So other than myself. You'll be unsupervised. You've got half an hour to unpack and meet me back at the main lodge, starting now" "Nice!" I see Lindsay walk past me and open the door, and then boom she screams. "Oww my ears! Ugh!" "Man that white girl can scream" We all run to the bass cabin where Lindsay is, "What is it? Kill it, kill it! DJ takes one look at the bug and screams like a girl and runs and jumps on Gwen's bed. "That.. was my bed" Everyone starts screaming and attempting to squish it and then suddenly Duncan comes in with an axe and slices it in half. "Well, that's one way to kill a cockroach.." "A bit overkill don't ya think?" "Awesome".

. . .

We are all in the cafeteria, lining up in order to get our food. "Listen up! I serve it three times a day and you'll eat it three times a day! Grab a tray, get your food, and sit your butts down NOW!" "Excuse me, but will we be getting all the major food groups?" "Yeah, cause I get hypoglycemic real bad if I don't get enough sugar" "You'll get a whole lot of SHUT THE HECK UP!!!" and just like that Harold and Beth sat down at their tables, Beth sitting with the gophers and Harold with us. "Have a cow.." "What was that?! Come closer, fat boy! I didn't hear you!" "Oh, I didn't really say anything important.." "I'm sure you didn't! You! Scrawny kid, give me your plate" I stare at my food and poke it with my fork "This is nasty.." "This is worse than prison.." "Glad I brought a enough snacks to last me a few weeks" I kept poking my food and I swear to god it made a noise. "Think you can share some with me" Duncan nudges me pulling my attention away from the semi alive food "Hmm I guess you did save me from drowning earlier.. even though I didn't need it.. I guess I'll let you have some" "Sweet, thanks hotshot" "Eww no, don't you dare all me that" I say with a slight chuckle.

"Welcome to the Main Lodge!" Chris exclaims as he enters "Yo, my man. Can we order a pizza?" I want to agree but then I see Chef hauls a cleaver at Jeff. "Whoa! Its' cool G! Brown slop is cool!... Right guys? Ha ha.." we all nod in agreement afraid that if we don't well get a cleaver thrown at us. "Your first challenge beings, in one hour!" "What do you think they'll make us do?" "It's our first challenge, how hard can it be?"

. . .
Here we all are, in our swimsuits standing on the top of a very high cliff. "Why did you even speak.." I face palm myself "Next time on Total Drama Island. Your first task is to jump off this 1,000 foot high cliff into the lake!"


WOW! first chapter done! Finally oh my goodness, it's been a long week! If I got anything wrong I'm sorry I'm following the episode transcript and I think I may have missed a few lines but that's okay!

ANYWAYS, Stay tuned for Not So Happy Campers Part 2! Coming December 16 2023!

*Also on Quotev

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