Jareth's Return

By Death_Skies

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Dori is like any other girl, though she has an unhealthy obsession with a world in which she wishes to immers... More

Jareth (23)


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By Death_Skies

The next week and a half, Dori didn't see much of Jareth outside of mealtimes and attending one another's meetings. He was meeting with the War Council, while she was gathering and planning the rebuilding. Luckily, Sally and Mardy reappeared from wherever they had run off to, and were of great help to her. Each one lead a third of the workers in the rebuild. According to what she had been told by Jareth, they had been rebuilding things that had fallen for a few months, but they always crumbled back down. They sent someone to check on the pillar that she had fixed, because surely it would have fallen by now, wouldn't it?

It was still standing.

Dori and the others theorized that it was her magic and the majority of the Labyrinth that was residing in her mind that strengthened the pillar against the Necromancer's curse. This led Mardy to come up with the idea for The Mending.

Every capable Goblin and Human would work together in teams to build back up the Labyrinth in sections, starting with the worst part of the village. Dori had authorized-more like demanded, if she was honest with herself-families whose homes had become uninhabitable to come and live in the unoccupied rooms of the castle. Jareth easily agreed, gave the official invitation and now they had some twenty-seven families dispersed through the castle. Once they were finished building, Dori would find a way to reinforce the entire city with her magic.

Finally, finally everything was ready. Plans were finished, supplies were gathered, and everyone knew what sections to which they were assigned.

The morning of the first building day dawned early.

Too early.

Dori likes to think that there are two kinds of people in this world. One is the morning person, who wake up like Cinderella; chipper and singing and absolutely infuriating to the second type of people. Those of us who wake up with hair like Anna and an attitude like Yzma. She, unfortunately for the rest of the population, is a member of the latter.

The only person to escape her wrath was her father.

In her sleep-addled state, she forgot that the person banging on her door couldn't possibly be her father. It was the only thing that saved them from certain destruction.

She opened the door to see Jareth peeking around the doorframe, presumably using the wall to shield himself. "Hello."

She said nothing.

"Don't you look at me like that, you asked for this wake up call. Come on, get dressed. Breakfast time."

She still said nothing.

He sighed and stood up straight, fully in the doorway. Taking in her sleep attire, a pair of shorts and a tank top, his eyes warmed significantly. Two hands on her sides drew her towards her boyfriend as his face came to kiss her under her jaw. The evil morning fog lifted from her brain as his warm breath passed over her air, sending a pleasant shiver down her spine and causing her to clutch his biceps.

"Okay, okay, I'm awake. You stop that." He hummed and continued showering her with kisses from the shoulders up. She chuckled and covered his face with her hands, "Jay! That's enough!" She laughed harder as he pulled back and peeked through her fingers.

"You sure? You don't look awake enough to me. Maybe this will help?" Before she could stop him, his fingers wiggled on her sides and her skin crawled.

That bastard was tickling her. "What do you think you're doing?" She shrieked through involuntary laughter. "Nonononononono!" She swatted at his hands, ran backwards and slammed the door shut. "Jerk! I said I was awake!"

Dori could hear him laugh as his boot heels clicked down the hallway. Shaking her head, she dressed in shorts, another tank top and an unbuttoned button-up, with rolled sleeves. Slipping her hair in the back of her baseball hat, she grabbed her foot wear and ran to the formal dining hall where everyone had taken to eating meals. The table was laden with breakfast foods of all sorts; some of which Dori had brought from home. A few children were lingering and eating, while the adults were eating as fast as possible without becoming sick.

Dori found a familiar hat and say down next to her number one helper. "Good morning, Alexander. Are you ready for today? It's going to be really busy."

He nodded his head and continued to devour his French toast. It was his favorite thing. Though he usually preferred for Dori to make them for him, he knew today would be rushed and he settled for his grandmother's mass-produced version. "Yes, I am, Dora." Shortly after his recovery, Alex started calling her Lady Theodora. Through much prodding and attempting to get her name to be "Dori, just Dori," it was turned into "Lady Dora." The lady in question had given up on changing it to anything else.

"Now, listen here, Al. You need to stay close to me today. If you get too tired or too hot, I want you to come back to the castle and rest for a bit, then come back, but avoid any and all construction sites. No need to get hurt because someone didn't see someone. Understand me, little mister?" At his affirmation, she patted him on the hat and looked at the adults around her. "That goes for every one, alright? We have plenty of hands on deck, there is no need to work yourselves into the ground. Am I understood? Pass the word on to others for me, please."

She served herself a few over-medium eggs, fried potatoes and bacon, and ate quickly. Then she and Alex went to find everyone in their section group. When they found them, they all headed to the outer rim of the village where their first section was located.

As it was planned, they tore down all that was falling apart, and not steady enough to be improved upon. Alex's job was to take that and sort through it; whatever didn't look usable was put into two piles (wood and not) to be recycled, and things that could be used again had their own piles (also wood and not). Dori used her levitation magic to help hold up the heavy things, as well as lay bricks on the fresh mortar. Jonah, his wife Mari, and Torrence were to lay the mortar down as fast as possible without compromising the quality; Henry and Holiday, twin carpenters were to deal with the framework and the roof. The six of them-seven if you count Alex's small assists-were finished with the first house in a record 6 hours.

Now for the real test.

Once her team had left the building, Dori placed her hands on the surface of the new door. Eyes closed, she listened to the purr of the Beast, the Labyrinth itself; it was a large, warm sound, full of contentment. She used a measure of that warmth, that sense of rightness and pushed it out of her palms. With all of her magical might, she imbued it into the wood and stone that made up the dwelling. She heard a few gasps and swears behind her.

Upon opening her eyes, she saw the house was swarmed in tendrils of a pale blue light. They swarmed the entirety of the house, and streamed from her palms as she pulled them from the wood. Before their eyes, the end of the stream emerged and it swirled around the house, reminding Dori - for whatever reason - of a flying Powerpuff Girl, and finally sank into the house. It glowed bright enough for onlookers to need to shield their eyes for a moment before disappearing completely.

After a moment of silence, Dori spoke to break the tension. "Well. I suppose I've figured out the Mending bit." They all hiked to the castle for a light lunch and then on to the next house they went. By the time it was too dark to work, Dori's group had finished two and a half houses that day. The others had finished more or less the same amount.

That night, Mardy, Sally, Jareth and Dori sat in the library. Dori thought it had been far too long since the four of them had spent any time together. They recounted the days events to one another, telling stories, and Jareth told what happened in his war meetings. "They will want to meet with you again, soon. To properly discuss your role in the war, speak about training. They want to gauge the extent of your magic."

"Oh! Speaking of magic, Evelyn, you said you figured out the Mending?" Sally spoke suddenly, startling her sleeping husband.

Dori rolled her eyes at Sally's old nickname. At least she isn't calling my Lady Dora, like almost everyone else. "Yeah, I think I did." Upon relaying the events of her day, everyone seemed contemplative.

"We shall have to see, I suppose, but I know you well enough, my dear. When you think you've found the solution, you have." Jareth rose from his seat. "After the building is done, I'm going to announce you."

"Announce me?" Dori wasn't sure if she liked the sound of that.

"Yes. As a proper authority, the new Host to the Consciousness, and my companion. You will have a level of command that will rival my own. I trust you won't execute a coup d'état." He chuckled at his own joke and ruffled her hair. "I must retire and finish some work. My last meeting - for a while, at least - is tomorrow morning. After that, I shall come and join the fun."

"Alright, well, I'll be working in the north. In the morning, at least; my team should be done with our first section by lunch tomorrow. Then I can go through and check on the others. Within the next day or two, I should be able to estimate a finishing date. Sally will be in the East, Mardy will be in the South. Goodnight." They shared a quick kiss and he went off to do his kingly duties.

Her two Goblin friends stayed for another half hour, talking out the next day and working out any kinks that may have arisen. Eventually, they, too, bid her a goodnight and left to their room. They were staying in the castle during the building process.

Dori sat and stared into the fire that roaring in the hearth. How would they take her as an official authority figure? Sure, she was in charge now, and the citizens seemed to take orders well enough, but that could just be because they were benefiting from it, couldn't it? Jareth himself said that Goblins looked down upon humans and that's why they lived and worked in the castle.

Well, Dori thought to herself, both nervous and determined, I suppose I'll just have to make them respect me. Show them that I'm not just some weak human. I've got my own powers, talents and charms. She blew out the breath she didn't realize she was holding and rubbed her eyes, wishing to feel as wholly brave as her thoughts sounded. After a while of useless fretting, she went to bed, surprised by how physically exhausted she felt.

The next few days were much the same, with the small exception of Jareth becoming the leader of a team that took the western repairs. Within the next week and a half, they were finished with the fifty-some houses that needed to be fully rebuilt or repaired.

Dori made a few friends within her small team. Jonah and Mari were both quiet, genuine people. Jonah was a cobbler, and Mari taught the village children, and they had a small four year old daughter. They were the opposite of Henry and Holiday, both of whom were loud, boisterous jokers.

Henry was married to a lovely, quiet woman who was helping to watch the younger children that belonged to the workers. Holiday was a self proclaimed bachelor, never to settle on any one person. He'd done his share of flirting with Dori, but backed off when he heard that she was taken. Especially after learning exactly whom held her affections.

It then became appallingly clear that Holiday enjoyed male company, as well. He proceeded to tell her exactly what he thought of his king, in great detail. Dori agreed with most of it. His thoughts, when relayed, were enough to make Jareth blush.

Torrence, the last of the five other adults, was more difficult. He wasn't openly hostile towards Dori, but his distaste showed in his eyes when he looked at her or little Alex. It was more obvious when he got impatient with the little human boy. Torrence was a Goblin that thought he was above her kind. It didn't really bother her much when it was directed towards herself, but she made it very clear that the child was strictly off limits as a target of his prejudice.

With four out of five on her side, Dori counted the experience an overall success. Now, all that was left was the Mending and the Announcement, which were to be held on the same day.

The day of the ceremony came too quickly. It was time to put it on.

The devil's underwear, Dori thought grimly. A corset, meant to go underneath her gown.

It was deep blue satin, hugging the bust area, and flowing out slightly at the waist, due to a number of petticoats. There was a small ruffle on the neckline and a pattern of silver leaves and light blue swirls that covered the satin. Over that, was a frock, made of midnight blue velvet with corset-style lacing, tying it across the waist. The sleeves were Dori's favorite part. They clung to her arms all the way down to her wrists, before flaring at the cuffs, draping down to her knees and the inside was the same pattern as the rest of the dress. All in all, it was very elegant and she loved the medieval feel of it.

Since Dori had yet to figure out how to get electricity into the castle, she trusted Sally to curl and tie back her hair. She had no idea how it happened, since she spent most of the time with her eyes closed. Keeping her makeup simple, she stuck with a simple cat-eye eyeliner and her favorite dark red lipstick.

Jareth was on the balcony, by the time she arrived to wait by the door until her cue to come out. He loved his dramatics. From what she could hear, he had only just started his speech.

"...like to commend all of you who helped to build back our fair kingdom. You have done a marvelous job, and I'm sure those whose homes you have repaired are equally as thankful. So, let me be the first to applaud you." Dori could here the clapping of his gloved hands, and the cheering to follow. "On another note, I would like to formally apologize. It has come to my attention that for a long while, I have not been the king that I should have been, the king that you all deserved. I will spend the rest of my life striving to make amends for this most grievous offense. During this time, my connection as Host to the Consciousness weakened, both disastrously and irreversibly." There was a pause as whispers grew audibly.

"It may not have been brought to your attention, but I have spent the past few months trapped in the human world. I was transported there against my will, pulled there by the subconscious powers of an extraordinary woman. She was a witch, though unbeknownst to her at the time; powerful, kind, and endlessly special. When I discovered that I could not return home to you, my people, she gave me a place to stay. I taught her to use her magic as she taught me about her world; we became great friends. It was soon revealed to me that this woman, this human woman was to be the new and permanent Host to the Great One."

They didn't seem to like that. There were enraged cries and shouts. "But sire! What could that ape posses that none of us do?" Calls of agreement could be heard, and the word hag was thrown around. She could faintly hear a few hollers from her few friends in the crowd. It made her smile.

Dori couldn't see him, but she could imagine that Jareth's eyes were ice cold and he was standing at full height, seeming to tower over everyone. I wish I could see that. He looked good when he was angry. "You. Will. Be. SILENT." He roared. "Now, listen here, Torrence Morson. This woman is neither an ape or anything close to a hag. If I hear any unwarranted insults towards her, you will be dealt with in the harshest manner. This goes for any and everyone."

There was silence.

"Many of you have already met Theodora, as she was the lead organizer of the repair movement. I stand before you today to announce that as the Host, as our Savior, and as my beloved, Theodora is to be awarded the same respect and obedience that you would show to me. If it weren't for her, I daresay none of this would be possible. Without further ado," No, that doesn't sound good. "I present to you-" No, I'm not ready! "Theodora Wiseman!"

Oh, shit. Taking a deep breath-or three-she walked around the corner and saw Jareth standing sideways, arm towards the doorway, face turned out to the crowd. When he saw her, though, his arm lowered a bit and his eyes widened in a shocked sort of way. His eyes roamed her body, before coming to rest on her face. His cheeks flushed as he smiled at her.

Dori took him in as she reached his hand and held it. He wore his usual tight, leather pants, boots, and a puffy white shirt with ruffled cuffs, and a black vest. His hair was pulled back in a braid and he wore a bit of eyeliner. That's hot. She looked out at all the people and her mouth dried suddenly. There was at least two hundred faces staring back at her.

She looked at Jareth, extremely unsure of what to do now. He leaned toward her and spoke in her ear. "Speak to them, my love." Dammit.

Clearing her throat, she looked out once again. Speak. Right. "Um, hello."

You're a right genius. Idiot. "I understand that most of you don't know me, and those of you that do only know me because I've bossed you around for the last two weeks." A few people chuckled and Dori felt a little more confident. "I also understand that respect isn't just something to be given freely and easily. It is something to be earned. I promise, here and now, with every one of you as my witness, that I shall do everything in my power to earn your respect. I vow to do my best as Host, and protect this kingdom and it's people; to protect all of you. All I ask of you is this: bear with me. I grew up in a world much different from this one. We did not have magic, or supernatural creatures. I ask for your patience and-where possible-your assistance in helping me learn." Her voice grew stronger and louder towards the end. She found Holiday in the crowd, standing near his brother and his wife. Henry had his daughter on his shoulders. She smiled at them when they waved.

"I will show you that I can be worthy of my position. I will begin with this." She placed her hand on the railing of the balcony, feeling the cool, rough stone under her palm. In her other hand lay the warm, strong hand of the man she loved. Out in the crowd watching her were friends, as well as in the castle.

Dori belonged here. She could feel it.

Closing her eyes, the door in the back of her mind, the entrance to the Beast's cage opened, but it sat there, peacefully. Slowly, ever so slowly, that content, safe feeling grew larger and larger. So large that it filled her every pore, and needed to be released or she would burst at the seams. Dori let go of the feeling, letting it flow out of her. She heard many gasps, and faintly heard Holiday shout a thrilled "Yes!" Jareth's hand tightened around hers.

Alright, Big Guy. The outer rim needs a makeover. Make it completely different. Make it difficult, make it dangerous, and make it good. There was a purr of agreement before the ground began to shake and she opened her eyes.

Everything had a blue glow about it. There were thick ropes of light blue energy trailing over everything and surrounding the people individually. They stemmed, not just from her palms this time, but from her whole body. The entirety of her being was blue.

Looking out over the city, there was a large dust cloud formed over the labyrinth, and through it one could make out large shapes shifting and roiling.

It was changing.

The tendrils moved quickly, swarming everything, climbing castle walls, invading it's doors, encompassing citizens, and settling the dust as the redesigning stopped.

Suddenly, all movement stopped.

The dust settled.

Everyone froze, staring at her and the blue.

Then it sank into everything. Everything was blue, houses, people, the castle.

There was a momentary, bright flash before it disappeared.


The clapping was like thunder; instantaneous and loud.

Everyone was clapping and cheering and smiling. Holiday was jumping and thrusting his fist in the air, Jonah and Mari were grinning widely, applauding with everyone else. Jareth picked her up and swung her around. Not caring about the people watching, she grabbed his face and kissed him.

Dori was elated. It worked. She could feel them, the citizens. Little pinpricks of warmth, sitting in the cage, safe and happy.

And she would make sure they stayed that way, until her last breath.

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