The Admiral of a Bygone Era

By Annotation3567a

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HMS Admiral was the Prototype of the new famed Admiral-class Battlecruisers. He. Along with Hood. Are the onl... More

BIO Pt2 (Kansen)
A Chit-chat and Home
The Best Christmas Gift
Sibling Bond
38 knots
Preparations and Voyage


467 9 3
By Annotation3567a

The first. Technically not really. Oh make it what you will

The First Entry of my Second Book. Let's see how well this will do. Anyways. Enjoy

???'s POV

My service in the Royal Navy was fairly short. Yes. In that time span I accumulated alot of fans and experience and even got a rank that's equal to Her Majesty herself. But that all was lost when I was Decommissioned. And put into this fate.

Yes. I'm technically a prototype. So I'm not met to last long. But...

Ugh. Yeah...

I guess I deserve this.

The only thing I've been doing now was clean. Maintain my ship with little parts I have left. Eat, Sleep Etc.

I miss my allies...

I wish they will find me soon...

You know what. I'll do it myself

(I had to okay?. There's no other scene that I can think off that demonstrates how to start a maritime engine like this. Realistically unrealistic. BUT. It's cool AF)

1 hour and 30 mins later

???: Boilers are lit up. The Turbines are set. We are good to go.

Oh. Bollocks I haven't introduced myself. I am Admiral. Former flagship of the Royal Navy and a prototype of the Admiral-class Battlecruisers. I haven't met my half-sister. I did see her getting built. But not in a Kansen to Kansen Meeting unfortunately. But now she will meet me. Hehehe~

The doors to the base I was put in long ago was open. And. With a loud groan. My ship sailed again. And for my Homeport of Liverpool or Scapa if anyone sees me. Here I come!
A few miles away
Valiant's POV

Alone. Somewhere in the middle of the ocean sat a Heavily Damaged and Cripplied ship. A young woman laying on the deck. Breathing heavily, Bloodied, Her clothes were torn and bruised. She breathed Heavily as her eyes were closed and a thought in her mind

I really am stupid am I?

First I gone off without an escort destroyer or Cruiser.

Second I stumbled upon a combined Sardegna and Ironblood Task Force.

Third I got torpedoed by a U-Boat.

And now I'm here. Barely floating, Heavily injured. Heck I can barely even walk before I stumble over. Oh God what am I supposed to do now... "Please, someone, help me" She muttered quietly as she knows her fate if found again by the said force

Until her radar sounded

She opened her right eye and with all her remaining strength. Stranded up and walked along the deck. Holding her broken arm close to her body as she limped to her bridge.

Only to trip and fall to the floor.

She yelped in pain. Laying on the floor for a few minutes while whimpering. Luckily. It was on the opposite side of her broken arm. She thought. If it was the side of her broken arm it would be so much worse.

She then stood up. Slowly and with the help of some strategically placed handles. She stood up. Barely. Her legs were trembling. She was extremely exhausted after that battle that brought. She then looked at the radar and 5 red radar pings were there. It was the force that she battled earlier. But then something caught her eye. At the other side of the screen. Their was a green dot. Indicating a friendly unit is nearby moving 20 knots.

"What...?" Was all she could mutter. She then decided to take the risk and set a course for the "friendly unit". After that. She fell to the floor again and slept.

Admiral's POV

20 knots was all the ship could achieve. Then again. I was basically had half of my power plant available because the other half was taken out to maintain my younger sister. Oh well. I thought as I made my way towards home but then I realized something. My Radar Pinged something. I look at the radar and saw a Green Dot. Meaning a friendly unit. Then i wonder who it was.

A little guessing game if you will.

Because I am extremely bored

Wait hang on. That ship is going fast. 25 knots estimate.

Hmnmn. Maybe a Queen Elizabeth-Class?. Those are the only ships I know that can go that fast. Or. That slow for that matter.

But whatever. I then steered my ship for an interception course for the ship.

30mins later

I slowed my ship down and let the ship on my radar go towards me. After waiting on my ass for minutes. I saw a shadow looming in the distance. After a minute or so. It formed into a ship. It was Heavily Damaged and it had torn up. But very recognizable Royal Navy Flag. I then watched closely as the RN Ship. Which I now identified as a Queen Elizabeth-Class Super Dreadnought goes close to me and stops right next to me. I then jump from my ship onto the Super Dreadnought for inspection. The ship was badly damaged. The superstructure had large black holes.


15 Inch?

Maybe yes maybe no. But since I guessed it is.

I then walked up to the bridge and to my suprise...

Actually not really suprised.

I found Valiant. Bruised, Heavily injured. Jesus. But atleast she fought "Valiantly"

I then walked over to her. And waked her up softly.

Admiral: Lady Valiant?. Wake up..

She then slowly but surely woke up. But she only opened her right eye for some reason. That's concerning.

Valiant: Ugh... W-who are you...?

Admiral: You don't recognize me Lady Valiant?

Valiant: W-wait... Admiral...?

I then show a small smile and abit of sympathy for her. As she started to cry and then she hugged him tightly with her only functioning arm

Admiral: Calm yourself (2x)

Admiral: I'm here. I won't leave you every again. Okay?

Valiant: M-m-makes sure you keep that promise y-you baka...

Admiral: *Chuckles*. Don't worry. I was actually going back home.

Valiant: *Coughs*. Wait. Really...? T-thats great...!. Can you tow me back home?

Admiral: Certainly. But first I need to treat you first.

Valiant: T-thank you Admiral...

Admiral: Your welcome :)

After that. I carried her to my medical ward on my ship. She was semi-suprised at my ships condition. Yes. It has rust in some places but overall. It was still in pretty good shape.

Anyways. I attached the tow lines. And set a course for...

What port should I go?
Scapa Flow (He will meet his sister and the Queen)
Liverpool (His home port)
I'll let you decide

Alright. I think that's done. Thank you for reading this story. Brand new and untested. This story. I will let fate decide it. As always. Let me know if you guys have any suggestions. And put them in the comments.

Hope you guys have a wonderful day. Take care. See you soon fellow readers and writers.

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