5SOS Preferences

By weneedtogoswimming

37.1K 315 21

Oh look, another preference book. Because there aren't enough of those around now are there? If you have stum... More

#1. Workout
#2. He Finds Your Fan Blog
#3. He Asks You Out
#4. He's Jealous
#5. You Interview Them And He Flirts With You
#6. One Of You Has A Nightmare
#9. First 'I Love You'
#11. Late Night Conversations
#12. Twitcam
#13. CELEBRITY SERIES: You're His Celebrity Crush
#14. CELEBRITY SERIES: He's Your Celebrity Crush
#15. CELEBRITY SERIES: The Fans Ship You
#16. CELEBRITY SERIES: You Meet Each Other For The First Time
#19. CELEBRITY SERIES: Couple Interviews
#21. CELEBRITY SERIES: One Of You Have To Leave
#22. You Get Brought Up In An Interview
#23. His Friend Tells You That He Likes You
#24. You're Not Straight
#26. CHRISTMAS SERIES: 1st, Advent Calendars
#27. CHRISTMAS SERIES: 2nd, Writing Cards
#28. CHRISTMAS SERIES: 3rd, Christmas Songs
#29. CHRISTMAS SERIES: 4th, Awful Christmas Jumpers
#30. CHRISTMAS SERIES: 5th, Winter Walks
#31. CHRISTMAS SERIES: 6th, Mistletoe
#32. CHRISTMAS SERIES: 7th, Present Shopping
#33. CHRISTMAS SERIES: 8th, Making Mince Pies
#34. CHRISTMAS SERIES: 9th, Stockings
#35. CHRISTMAS SERIES: 10th, Ice Skating
#36. CHRISTMAS SERIES: 11th, School Plays
#37. CHRISTMAS SERIES: 12th, Tree Shopping
#38. CHRISTMAS SERIES: 13th, Putting Up The Tree
#39. CHRISTMAS SERIES: 14th, Christmas Lights
#40. CHRISTMAS SERIES: 15th, Christmas Outfits
#41. CHRISTMAS SERIES: 16th, Wrapping Presents
#42. CHRISTMAS SERIES: 17th, Preparing For Family
#43. CHRISTMAS SERIES: 18th, Cold Winter Mornings
#44. CHRISTMAS SERIES: 19th, First Signs Of Snow
#45. CHRISTMAS SERIES: 20th, Christmas Get Together
#46. CHRISTMAS SERIES: 21st, Santa's Grotto
#47. CHRISTMAS SERIES: 22nd, Christmas Carols
#48. CHRISTMAS SERIES: 23rd, Christmas Movie Day
#49. CHRISTMAS SERIES: 24th, His Last Minute Shopping
#53. Girls Talk Boys (Inspired By Lyrics)
#54. You/He Is Sick
#55: Want You Back (Inspired By Lyrics)

#20. CELEBRITY SERIES: His Fans Are Mean To You

769 8 1
By weneedtogoswimming

R/T/N – Random Twitter Name (don't judge okay but I cba to write 'random twitter name' every single time so I just settle for the short way... I'm lazy, deal with that please :p)

Ashton: (Your profession is a model)

You and Ashton were sat in a hotel room in Chicago because his band were doing a few shows there and you were there on a business trip to discuss with your manager the new companies who wanted to use you on their runways and for their campaigns. He was sat with his back leaning against the headboard and his legs out in front of him whilst he was flicking through the TV channels and you were sitting on the edge of the bed with your legs off the side putting your phone on charge. "Ash," you say, scooting across the bed so that you can snuggle up to him. He wraps his arm around you before speaking: "What's up love?" "I was looking online earlier," you start, "And I came across this blog." "What was the blog about?" he questions. "It was about me, and was made by one of your fans," you tell him, trying to put on a brave face but Ashton could read right through you. "Y/N, babe, what's wrong? What did it say? Please, tell me." You sit up and reach for your laptop that was at the end of the bed before opening it up, logging in and then getting up the blog. You went onto the latest post and showed Ashton: 'Is it even normal to look like Y/N? I mean I know she's a 'model' so she's got to be slim but she's abnormally skinny, I mean an ugly skinny, an unhealthy skinny, a disgusting skinny. And then her face, ugh, don't get me started. That nose, those eyebrows, the jawline... need I continue? Remind me again how she even got into that profession? Speaking of: remind me again how she even managed to get Ashton to date her?' "Y/N, I don't want you to ever look at this again, okay?" Ashton says when he is done reading. "I mean it Y/N. It's all bullshit, and I don't want you getting any stupid ideas into your head. You're gorgeous, and they're obviously just insecure and are taking it out on you because they think that you won't see it." You nod and he pulls you in to him, and you rest your head on his chest before the two of you settle on some trash TV to watch.

Calum: (Your profession is a volleyball player)

'@R/T/N: @Y/T/N sorry honey, @Calum5SOS only likes you bc your career involves short clothing' '@R/T/N: @Calum5SOS could date anyone, so why on Earth is he dating @Y/T/N' '@R/T/N: @Y/T/N do you honestly call volleyball a 'successful career'?' For some unknown reason to you, Calum's fans were sending you a lot of hate. You thought that they liked you; at least everyone who you had met seemed to really think that you were a nice person and they said that they approved of your relationship with Calum, so you couldn't understand why all of a sudden they were being rude and saying stuff about your relationship and your career choice. "Cal," you shout as he is upstairs and you are in the living room. You hear his footsteps from above you before he comes racing down the stairs and straight into the living room, at your side in an instant: "What's wrong babe?" he asks. "Have I done anything wrong?" you ask him and he looks at you with a confused expression before taking a seat next to you on the sofa. "Babe, what do you mean?" he questions and you show him some of the tweets that his fans have sent you on your phone. He reads a few of them before he looks up at you appalled and then pulls you in for a hug almost instantly. "Babe, these tweets mean nothing, okay? Promise me that you won't read them because you don't need any of this. I just feel so bad right now," he sighs, looking away from you. "Cal, why do you feel bad?" you ask him, cupping his face in your hands which forces him to look in your direction. "Because it's my fans who are saying all this crap to you, so it's pretty much my fault," he explains. "Babe, you're not responsible for their actions, okay? Look, I'm okay; it's fine. I won't read anything else if it is going to upset you this much, I promise you," you tell him and he nods. "God, I love you so much Y/N," he smiles. "Yeah, I love you too Hood," you smirk before kissing him softly on the lips.

Luke: (Your profession is an actress)

You were spending some time on tour with Luke and his band and had decided to drag him out of the tour bus where he was playing Fifa with Calum and make him go and take pictures with some of the girls who had camped out overnight outside the venue. "Y/N, I was in the middle of an extremely important game!" he grumbles as you drag him off of the bus. "Luke, these girls have been sat outside freezing all night hoping to catch the slightest glimpse of you and you want to play Fifa?!" you practically yell. "Okay, okay; you're right and I'm sorry," he shushes you and pulls you in for a hug, "I'll go and be nice and take pictures, but only if you come with me because I'll get bored by myself and I'll never be able to get away." "Ugh, fine," you give in before the two of you make your way to where the girls had set their tents up. They were extremely happy to see Luke however they kind of just passed you off and rolled their eyes at you, not that you were really bothered because they obviously were going to care a lot more about him than they ever would about you. After about half an hour, you grab Luke's arm: "We should go back now, you've got sound check soon and you need to eat before that," you smile and he nods. "Oy, who are you to say that he should leave?! Go back to the damn bus or wherever the hell you want to Y/N, he'll go back to you when he wants to!" one of the girls yells and Luke's head immediately snaps to where he heard the voice coming from. "Who said that to her?" he demands and a load of the girls step back, leaving only the girl who spoke standing forwards. "Don't speak to Y/N like that again, okay?" he questions and she nods before he looks back at you. You were completely shocked about how he acted, but also extremely grateful. "Come on, let's go," he smiles and you nod before he grabs your hand, your fingers intertwining, and the two of you make your way back to the bus.

Michael: (Your profession is a musician)

'@R/T/N: I swear @Y/T/N is just using @Michael5SOS so that she can do well in the business' '@R/T/N: @Y/T/N doesn't even deserve to be dating @Michael5SOS' '@R/T/N: @Y/T/N what 'talent' do you even have apart from luring @Michael5SOS to be your bf?!' '@R/T/N: Is it just me or is @Y/T/N the ugliest person to exist? How does she have a hot bf?' And the hate comments just kept on coming through. Michael had told you to stop reading them because it wouldn't do you any good, but you just couldn't help it. If it had been put out there on the internet then they obviously wanted you to see it, and besides, you wanted to know what people were saying about you. If you didn't read them, then you would just worry yourself about what was being said. Nonetheless, it still hurt to read such mean tweets about you on what now seemed to be on a daily basis. The hate wasn't really that much to begin with, just an odd tweet here and there that could easily be overshadowed by all of the lovely things people had to say about you, but soon enough all of the tweets came flooding through and you didn't even know what you had done wrong! It just seemed like all of a sudden his fans were turning on you, and that really hurt a lot. So much so that it brought you to tears one day. You were just stood in the bathroom because you had just brushed your teeth, and you looked up from the sink to the mirror and took a good look at yourself and you couldn't help but break down. You were crying so much that you couldn't even breathe properly and you had to sit down, leaning your back against the wall, to try and calm yourself. When Michael arrived home you tried to contain your sobs but he could still hear you anyway and came running up the stairs to you, not even saying a word when he looked at you because he knew exactly what was going on and instead he sat down with you and wrapped you up in his arms, whispering comforting words into your ear and kissing you on the forehead.


Look at me being Little Miss Productive and actually writing! I enjoyed writing this one, however it was kind of hard to come up with mean things to say so sorry if they're not mean I mean they're kind of shit really but YOLO! – Charlie x

SPEAKING OF TWITTER... myself and Lauren finally caved in and so we both got it! Lauren's is @laurens_kettle and mine is @charliethedonut and we would really appreciate it if you followed us on there

Let us know which one was your favourite and if you have any requests : )

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