My Annoying Yet Possessive Ba...

By Crystalroses25

14.5K 1.1K 162

"What's wrong with you?" I asked, finally tired with his annoying stares. "What's your deal with Lucas?" He a... More

Author's note
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32

Chapter 28

181 15 1
By Crystalroses25

🤔Crystal's POV🤔

"Class dismissed," Mrs. Patrick says, and I start packing my stuff. Ben never came to class; usually, Lucas would be here, but he hasn't been around. Oh well. As I hoist my bag over my shoulder and make my way out, I get a text from Laura saying that they could leave early but Nora and she were assigned a project on which they were going to work together. I text her that it's good and that I'll meet them at the cafeteria.

Walking past the hall and making my way there, I notice people whispering to each other while looking at their phones, and some of them look at me. I don't stare at them directly but in my peripheral vision, I know they're staring at me.

I quicken my pace and soon make it to the cafeteria; I make my way to a corner table far away from prowling eyes. I take the romance book I've been reading for a while, put my earbuds in, and play a calm instrumental. Soon I'm calm and feel like the only person in the room. The chattering and buzzing of students that come and go don't register in my head as I'm stuck in my own little world.

As I continue to read, I get to the part where the male lead chases after the female lead after knowing the truth of her identity. He captures her and forces her to listen as he confesses to her; the female lead calms down at the realization of his words and leans in to OUCH!

"What was that for?!" I exclaim while removing my earbuds and looking up to see Laura next to me with a book in her hand as she crosses her arms, while Nora makes her way to sit opposite me.

"Girl, I've been calling you for the past few minutes, but you were in your own little world," Laura huffs and goes to sit next to Nora. "What are you reading?" Laura asks as she puts her books on the table.

"A romance book," I say and go back to reading the book.

"Which chapter are you in right now?" Nora asks.

"Chapter 20."

"Be careful of chapter 29; that's where things get really steamy."

My eyes shoot up to look at her, and I close the book, putting it on the table and giving it some space.

"What? It wasn't that bad. Sure, a little traumatizing, but the book is quite intense and fun. I really liked it; I think you should continue," Nora says and shrugs.

I give her a skeptical look before looking between the book and her, then pick the book and continue back to where I left off. While I read, Nora and Laura keep working; soon, they take a break and take out their phones.

I hear a light gasp and look up to see no shock on their faces as if nothing happened. "Is something wrong?" I ask. "Hmm, no nothing," Laura says and puts on a smile that looks quite similar to her fake but also 'I want to murder someone, regardless of what you say or if they beg for mercy and cry for their mama' smile. I sigh and go back to my reading while jumping over chapter 29 the moment I see it. I don't pay attention too much to my surroundings, but I can hear the faint sound of a notification and maybe a pencil snapping in two; I don't know.

"Hey, Crystal," Nora calls me, and I look up to see her and Laura getting up. "What's going on?" I ask.

"Laura and I need to go, but we'll be right back," Nora says, and they walk out of the cafeteria, closing the doors. I go back to my book but feel a notification vibration on my phone. I turn it on and see that it's my Instagram, and my favorite author just posted about her trip for inspiration. I open and marvel at the places she's been so far: Italy, Spain, Nigeria, and so many other places. I like them and smile; I dream of also traveling the world one day. It seems to be the dream of many to travel, but I honestly believe that it would be a worthwhile experience that I love to keep in my memories. The thought of the culture makes me giddy, and the thought of the food makes my stomach growl, which reminds me that I haven't had my lunch yet.

I get up and make my way to the line of people getting their food. Today they have chili and garlic stir-fried chicken with sweet chili sauce & rice. I put a good amount of food, make my way back to my table, and start eating. I open my phone, and I see that I haven't closed my Instagram app yet. I choke when my eyes land on a picture of Amber and Ben kissing. Someone from the news club posted it and said that the two of them seemed in love and there was no chance that he was breaking up with her. I go into the comments to see other people's opinions just because I love punishing myself in the best way possible. But it surprises me to see some people finding it impossible for Ben and Amber to be together. Others speculate that when Amber tried to slap me in the morning, it was I who was saved because Ben thought it was wrong, so his sense of justice protected me.

I don't know what to say or rather think. My mind is blank, and the tightening in my chest that I felt before comes back with fury to bite. I sit there with my phone in my hands and wish I never saw the picture because now my emotions have all gone haywire.

My mind goes back to what my conscience said.

Or maybe it's because you have a crush on him.

Do I have a crush on him? I shake my head. It can't be. He's mysterious and everything but he... he can be sweet, slightly mean, and I don't know why, but every time I look at him, his face and his smile, I feel like I know him; there's something familiar about him. I sigh; if there are any emotions, like me having a crush on him, I have to kill them fast before they mess with my head and make me do things I'll definitely regret.

Once I'm done eating and maybe sulking, I put my plate away, and that's when I see that Laura and Nora have returned. They look at each other and seem to silently converse with themselves. My mind is too tired to add another overload of information to it. So I just mind my own business and not ask them anything.

"I have to get to my next class," I say to the girls, and they stare at me for a minute, seeming to scan my face. "Are you alright?" Nora asks, and the truth is that I don't know. I won't lie to myself and say that everything is fine when I feel my chest tightening every time I see or even remember that picture, but I love these girls and don't want to make them worry about me when they have enough on their plate or well... table.

"Yeah, I'm good," I say and hope that the smile on a fake smile on my face is enough for them to believe my words. They look at me and then at each other and sigh, but then they give each other a small smile as if they knew something that I didn't. Ugh! I'm too tired to think. I grab my bag and hoist it over my shoulder and wave them goodbye before they start probing me with more questions and telling me how I'm a bad liar. I check my phone, and I see that my next is just us having a class with our mentor, I'm about to make it out the door when I nearly run into someone. At least I dodged it this time. "Sorry," I say and look up my heart skirting and I mentally hear a record player scratch to a halt. I nearly ran into Ben. I step away from him as if he is a poisonous snake ready to strike.

"Uh... Crystal?" he asks trying to reach for me, and all my sirens and fire alarms in my head go off. The idea of quietly walking to class has changed to 'It's time to dip out'. I step further and further away from him, and it feels like I'm being forced into a jungle with a hungry lion right in front of me, well, a gorgeous one, but that's beside the point. I give my best and smile, hoping that it's real. "Uh... Um... Hi Ben," my voice has taken a turn for a higher pitch, and I clear my throat. "I can't talk right now. Gotta run," I say and make a run for it.

"Crystal!" Ben calls after me, and I just keep on going, ignoring his calls. He's dangerous for my heart, and if I stay close to him, I'll never be free of this annoying feeling starting to brew inside me.

I finally make it to class before everyone else does. I'm panting and trying to recollect my breathing when our class mentor Mr. Chris walks in. "Oh... hey Crystal, you're early," he says, and I smile. "Good afternoon, sir, and yeah, I thought It'd be nice if I came early and enjoyed the peacefulness of the classroom before everyone came in," I say, and he smiles at me then goes back to packing his things. I already know that I'm not a very good liar, but I kinda hoped that he doesn't notice anything amiss with my grand speech. I can literally hear and see a tiny angel version of me sitting on my bag, that I've set on the table, tisking and shaking her head. Beside her is the evil version of me cackling in laughter, I shake my head to wake up from such imagination and get out my phone, and it's a text from Nora.



Nora: Hey, girl. Laura and I were technically

done for the day and we wanted to grab lunch 

but we didn't really want to eat that for

the day so I threatened while Laura seduced

my brother (who's also done for the day,

we're not that cruel ) to take us to

McDonald's for some food. Want anything?

Me: 2 Cheeseburgers and medium fries

will do thanks. Btw the food wasn't

bad at all it was pretty good actually.

Nora: Oh thou of little taste. Girl we need

something savory and nice to enjoy

but personally, I'm not up for garlic today. So

the next best option. Burgers and fries.

Me: Sure, whatever. Gotta go I'm starting

soon. I'll give you a call to let you know

when I'm done with class.

Nora: No problem, see you soon. Bye.

Me: Bye.


I put my phone down and look around and almost shriek when I see Ben sitting beside me his head resting on his hand as he stares at me.

"Oh my gosh, you nearly gave me a heart attack"

"Sorry," he mumbles and then leans closer to me "Care to tell me why you ran away from me like that?"

I give a nervous chuckle and wish that Lucas was here now "I don't know what you're talking about" he scoffs "You damn well what I'm talking about. Is it because of the picture?" He asks and my blood boils. He sure is cocky thinking that he's the reason I ran away from him.

But he is the reason you ran away from-

Shut up!

'I sigh and look straight ahead as Mr. Chris locks the door to begin class "Listen, don't get cocky. I just wanted to be the first student in the classroom".

Ben scoffs and looks like he's about to say something when Mr. Chris calls for everyone's attention. Good, I'd prefer not hearing what he has to say, just having him here sitting next to me is bad for my heart, and whispers of those who think that my love life is more interesting than Mr. Chris's announcements don't help either.

We listen and discuss for almost half an hour about what we think the school should have or needs. If we have any test he should put it down on the class calendar and what our class wants to do for the last day of school before summer break. Everyone gives ideas some guys ask for slip-n-slide and others for a party. I sit there in awe when I see how full the board is filled with ideas.

"Close your mouth, or flies will see it as an opportunity to explore" Ben pipes next to me and I send him a glare before I step on his foot, hard. If he's hurt he doesn't show it, he doesn't even flinch and I have to take a deep breath before I decide to strangle in broad daylight, in front of an audience.

Soon Mr. Chris starts finishing his session and everyone starts packing slowly awaiting his 'class dismissed before dashing out'. "Oh, yes before I forget" Mr. Chris starts "As you know, we usually have an annual trip before summer break. We've already sent the information to your parents on our location and we also sent both parent and child the supplies that will be needed to be brought along and the date for the departure" he says and I can giddiness and excitement when I see everyone else's face. It should be exciting if everyone looks like everyone can't wait to go home and start preparing for the trip. From the corner of my eye, I see that Ben's a little stiff but his emotions are being hidden, I have no idea what's going on with him but I want to find out and dig deep.

No! Crystal! Snap out of it! Curiosity kills the cat.

"Class dismissed," Mr. Chrs says, and since I've already packed my things. I stand to walk as fast as possible to the door. If I could I would run but that would only cause more attention and frankly, I'd like less attention. I'm basically out of the threshold when I feel a hand on my wrist stopping me from going any further. I look back to see Ben holding me "Let go" I hiss but he doesn't budge. As he leads us through the hallway the murmurs start and I swear I saw Amber scowling at me with a knife in her hand. The bad news is that is was Amber scowling but the good news is that she was holding a comb and not a knife. I sigh in relief as understand that I won't be murdered by a psycho today.

We reach the parking lot and Ben takes me to a secluded place near the lot where no one can see us. He pins me to the wall and leans closer his icy blue staring at me and making me shiver. "Spill," he says


"Tell me why you ran away like that"

"Ugh! Could let it go?!" I grumble and he leans closer. I can feel his breath and logs stuck in my throat. Is it just me or is it the incoming summer?

"No, I'm not letting you go until you tell me" he says and my heart flips while beating faster. is that even possible for hearts to do such a thing?

I suck in a small, my annoyance is rising in the moment, and the more I'm in this guy's presence the more I can't think straight.

"Look, I saw something and now when I look at you I feel weird," I say and Ben's eyes widen. Great now I definitely look like a fool. I groan and push him away and he doesn't resist I quickly grab my phone and call Nora.

"Hey, Crystal. You done?"

"Hi and yeah, I am"

"Oh cool, we're already at the parking lot, waiting for you. We're close to the path, you know the one with the big tree" she says and I see it. I quickly proceed my way to the car and get in the back seat with Nora. We chat about our class until we get home "Thanks a lot for the ride back" I say "No problem Edward" replies. Laura leans to kiss him on the cheek and a smile blooms on Edward's face I stifle a laugh and disguise it as a cough. Laura and I get done from the car and wave them goodbye as they drive and then we hug each other as the both of us go you our respective houses.

I open the door and shut, and that's when I hear a voice coming from the kitchen. "Are you sure?" I hear my mom's voice.

"It doesn't seem like we'll have a choice soon," my dad says and it sounds like he's on speakerphone.

"I don't want to rush into anything," my mom says

"But things can escalate," my dad says

"I know, I'm just... scared," my mom says

"I know, but don't worry," my dad says.

My foot mistakenly connects with a plant and the little clattering noise catches my mom's attention. "Oh, you're home," mom says

"Is everything good, mom?"

"Yeah just having a conversation with your dad. No problem at all"

"Are you sure?" I ask

Mom gives me a small smile "Go wash up and go rest. Dinner will be ready soon" she says and I show her the small takeout. "Oh, that's fine if you're still hungry later there will still be leftovers," she says and I nod my head and then start making my way up to my room.

I clean up and handle some homework, once I'm done I decide to start munching on my food while texting Lucas to see how he's doing



Me: Hey Lucas, You good?

You didn't come to school today

Lucas: Hey, Crystal. Yeah I'm good

I just had an appointment and wasn't

able to make it to school today.

By the way, do you have any notes I

can borrow?

Me: Sure I can send the pictures

if you'd like.

Lucas: Thanks but I think it's better with

the physical one.

Me: Sure, then we can go to the

school library for that

Lucas: Thanks so much

Me: Not a problem. By the way, have

you heard about the trip?

Lucas: Oh, yeah I did. My family got

the information but won't reveal any of it

to me.

Me: Well a surprise is a surprise

Lucas: Yeah yeah. Hey, I gotta go I'll

talk to you soon.

Me: Of course, bye.

Lucas: Bye.


I scroll through YouTube, looking for a comedy show to watch. I can hardly contain myself for the trip but can't help but worry about the matter my parents are hiding from me.

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