Go easy on me~ Dennis/Arthur

By StylesCS

51.1K 1.6K 1K

Arthur Leclerc, a Uni student and the little brother of F1 driver Charles Leclerc. Ever since 2017 his life c... More

1. You can't deny how hard I've tried.
2. I've missed you.
3. Liar.
4. Leclerc?
5. First day to disaster...
6. Who is he?
7. Moody teenager
8. I knew you were trouble
9. Who's he?
10. Bigger Person
11. These high walls.
12. Carried away.
13 Hurting means nothing.
14. You're on your own kid.
15. Monday, School day
17. I can't stop thinking about him.
18. 8 months till freedom.
19. Back home.
20. I remember it all too well.
21. You are not alone.
22. Trust
23. Missing post.
24. You don't know who I am...
25. lies.
26. It's all your fault...
27. Can we still fix this?.... Us?
28. Shall I call him? No. Yes?
29. Welcome in Austria
30. I'm trying
31. They don't want me here.
32. I tried.
33. Headlines
34. Same old situation
35. Getting to know each other.
36. This feeling is something new.
37. Hurt like I did.
38. Who hurts who?
39. There's no fixing.
40. I miss you...
41. Claim him.
42. Drunk.
43. The truth.

16. Texting

1.2K 35 34
By StylesCS


It's silent.

He heard his mother going into her room and after that he heard nothing anymore. He stayed there, against the door for no idea how long.

He didn't dare to move. He looked at his phone in hope his brother called back but they didn't. And the worst part is, Arthur left a message for their help and they both read it and ignored it.

It's back to how it always was.

He keeps his door locked but stands up and goes towards his bed. He doesn't dare to open his door, he doesn't know if his mother is asleep or not.

He never saw his mother so drunk, it was scary.

He lays down and looks at the ceiling. He has a fast heartbeat and feels restless. His breathing is still labored, but he has it under control.

He picks up his phone, and then he remembers how he left Dennis on Instagram.

He thought that he would know what to do with the other man, but he didn't. He can accept it and see how it turns out.

But maybe he will get hurt again.

He looks for Dennis his account and scrolls through his pictures.

It's about racing, almost all of them. With his team and the races he did for Porsche Carrera Cup. There are some pictures of himself in there but not a lot, it's about his racing.

The text "Dennis_hauger wants to follow you" is in his screen while he's looking at Dennis his page, it is the real Dennis.

His thumb goes to the message and without thinking twice he presses accept.

He did it.

Dennis follows him on Instagram. Arthur presses follow and then the message notification.

Dennis_hauger:  Hey, It's Dennis!

He sent that yesterday but Arthur hasn't seen it.

U: Hey Dennis.

He puts his phone away and looks back at his door.

Maybe he should clean up downstairs. He lets his glass of coke fall, so it will probably all over the floor. But he doesn't feel like it.

Don't feel like walking out of his room and cleaning everything up downstairs. His day wasn't fun and then this happened. He's tired of it all.

He feels sad, tense and kinda angry.

They said they would be there for him from now on, Arthur didn't believe them and he's so happy he didn't.

They didn't pick, but still read his message, and they didn't even bother to call back. He asked them for help, and they didn't even care.

He hears a ping from his phone and still a little smile forms on his face when he notices the notification from instagram.

He press on it to read Dennis his text.

Dennis_hauger: Hello you, I didn't believe you would accept my request haha

U: Sorry, saw it this morning and then forgot it because of school and being late.

Dennis_hauger: No worries, I was joking.

Dennis_hauger: How was your day?

U: It was good, but I'm exhausted after this weekend.

Dennis_hauger: You thought the weekend was tough?

U: It were long days on the circuit and then family too next to it because we don't see them very often.

Dennis_hauger: Ah forgot about that, then I can understand.

U: But I shouldn't complain so much, it's harder for you.

Dennis_hauger: A bit of racing, training, media, debriefs, deta and meeting fans, easy.

U: You think that is easy. It sounds exhausting to me haha.

Dennis_hauger: I love it, but yeah, I can't be really tired after a weekend.

U: Are you enjoying your season so far?

Dennis_hauger: I do, it's with a new team, and we have some good races and a few lower ones, but that's what always will happen. So many good drivers on the grid, so you will not win every weekend.

You: that's really difficult to do so.

Dennis_hauger: Yes. But how is your school?

U: Boring as usual.

Dennis_hauger: That doesn't sound good haha.

U: Did you go to school a lot as a kid while you were karting?

Dennis_hauger: Not a lot, I wanted to drive more than to sit there in school.

U: I understand that, I can't wait to be done

Dennis_hauger: Student life nothing for you?

U: A bit not haha

Dennis_hauger: Do you go out a lot?

U: Not much, I'm not a big drinker.

Dennis_hauger: Not? I need to take you to the after party of F2. Some guys can drink and you can learn haha

U: I'm living in Monaco, I know how people can drink

Dennis_hauger: Forgot about that, shit I don't have a reason to take you then.

U: Shame on you

Dennis_hauger: You can also say I will come

U: Your season just started. How are you already talking about the after party?

Dennis_hauger: You can understand how much fun they are haha

U: And you are forgetting I'm stuck here in Monaco and have school so can't leave.

Dennis_hauger: Oh shit yeah forgot about that.

Dennis_hauger: Can't you make an exception and come to Abu Dhabi 😂

U: Don't have the money mate.

Dennis_hauger: Can't Charles help?

U: Not asking him for money. It's his and I am working for my own. But there's not a lot of working now with school.

Dennis_hauger: And If I buy you a ticket?

U: Then I will slap you for being so stupid.

Dennis_hauger: Oh rude😂

U: you are not giving money to a stranger, and it costs too much to take it.

Dennis_hauger: Well after Abu Dhabi we know each other longer so you're not a stranger anymore.

U: You have seen me handful times, how can you have so much trust in me 😅 be carefull

Dennis_hauger: Do I have to be careful around you

U: Don't think so, maybe.

Dennis_hauger: You don't think so, but maybe you aren't someone to be trusted. That doesn't make sense Arthur.

U: well you shouldn't trust people so easily

Dennis_hauger: I don't, but you have something around you to let me know you are okay.

U: Don't, I'm a lot of trouble

Dennis_hauger: Good one😂

U: What if I'm not lying😊

Dennis_hauger: Then I will find out😉

U: You are unbelievable Hauger

Dennis_hauger: Unbelievably likable?

U: Ha you wish

Dennis_hauger: Rude. I thought we were building something up here.

U: You talked with me like 4 times, and now on instagram, what do you mean building something up😂

Dennis_hauger: You are hurting my feelings Leclerc.

U: Hmm here you have it, I'm not a good person.

Dennis_hauger: Don't be so negative, you are fine

U: Just fine?

Dennis_hauger: What do you want to hear more?

U: I don't know😂

Dennis_hauger: Well tell me more about you.

U: Dennis, don't even waste time on getting to know someone you won't see again

Dennis_hauger: How do you know I won't see you again, I liked meeting you 😶

U: You are unbelievable 😂

Dennis_hauger: No but really, I want to get to know you Arthur. I really liked spending time with you. And even when we won't see each other a lot, texting each other is just as much fun. I almost talk with all my friends via Whatsapp and all that because I'm not home a lot.

U: Makes sense when you say it like that.

Dennis_hauger: So we can get to know each other 😊

U: I will think about it😄

Dennis_hauger: Arthur :((

Arthur smiles when he read Dennis his text. The boy has something that Arthur wants to get more of. He finds out he really does like talking with Dennis, and he does want to get to know Dennis. Even though his mind says that it is not wise.

Dennis_hauger: What are your hobbies?

U: I like drawing and watching sport

Dennis_hauger: That's all?

U: I don't really know further 🙃

Dennis_hauger: That's all really basic things

U: I'm not really an inresting person😂

Dennis_hauger: Don't be like that, there is a lot more you like to do.

U: To be honest, It feels like my life is just starting again, after losing my father everything was held on a hold for so long.

U: I didn't want to try new things because I was dealing with grief, and I'm not really good at it.

Dennis_hauger: I'm so sorry Arthur, now I feel bad

U: Don't worry I'm not mad.

Dennis_hauger: But it is really rude of me telling you to probably have more things you like while you were grieving. I didn't think about that, so again, I'm sorry.

U: I'm okay, don't feel guilty

Dennis_hauger: I can't even imagine how difficult losing one of your parents is, I can even cry thinking about it.

U: It's really hard and it took me a long time to accept the new situation.

Dennis_hauger: That must have been so difficult. You have to live further for him, but all you probably want is him around you.

U: It's so messed up, I know now that nothing will hurt more than that, I can't even imagine

Dennis_hauger: How old were you if you don't mind me asking?

U: 13 years old.

Dennis_hauger: Oh my god, Arthur you were so young.

U: I was, I'm still sad about how I don't remember much of my childhood. I have some memories with him because of videos and pictures, but out of my own brain, it's a lot from when he was sick.

Dennis_hauger: Life is so unfair. I can't imagine what it is like to lose family. I'm very lucky my parents are still healthy now and so is my sister.

U: You have a sister

Dennis_hauger: Yes, she's a devil

U: can't be worse than you right.

Dennis_hauger: Ouch!

U: 😂

Dennis_hauger: I accept your apology

U: I didn't give you one

Dennis_hauger: You are terrible Leclerc 😂

U: Thank you, I try my best

Dennis_hauger: Can imagin

Dennis_hauger: She's 17 so still a baby.

U: And you are?

Dennis_hauger: 20

U: You are not that much older

Dennis_hauger: 3 years!

U: That's not much😂

Dennis_hauger: If you say so 😂

Dennis_hauger: And how old are you?

U: 19

Dennis_hauger: Baby

U: Shut up

Dennis_hauger: 😂😂

U: I'm this close to block you

Dennis_hauger: You wouldn't dare😯

U: Try me?

Dennis_hauger: Sorry grandpa

U: Shut it😂

Dennis_hauger: Is your birthday still this year or already happening?

U: October 14

U: Almost 20😄

Dennis_hauger: Almost, still have 5 months to go😆

U: Before you know it is October.

Dennis_hauger: True, time is going so fast.

U: Like your car 🫠

Dennis_hauger: Very bad joke

U: You laughed, I know you did

Dennis_hauger: How do you know, you don't even know me🤔

Dennis_hauger: Not my words but yours

U: Oh Fuck you 😂

Dennis_hauger: Feels so good to finally say it back😂

U: I bet

U: And which month did you born?

Dennis_hauger: March 17

U: So you just turned 20 not so long ago

Dennis_hauger: 2 months!

U: And that makes so much difference!

Dennis_hauger: Shut it😂

U: can't admit the truth.

Dennis_hauger: Talk when you are out of your teenage years 😂

U: I can't believe you😂

Dennis_hauger: Are you already planning your birthday party?

U: Don't do birthday parties mate.

Dennis_hauger: Why not?

U: Waste of my time. Why should we celebrate that we are born so many years ago😂

Dennis_hauger: Don't look at it like that then it's no fun.

U: It's no fun

Dennis_hauger: I'm free that time, we are going to celebrate you.

U: Don't waste you time😂

Dennis_hauger: Arthur don't be negative!😂

U: I haven't celebrated like forever so I don't know why I should start now. I don't miss it or anything.

Dennis_hauger: But birthdays are so much fun!

U: I can go to birthdays and it is fun but I don't need it for myself.

Dennis_hauger: Not when you have me now?

U: I don't even know you that well so no😂

Dennis_hauger: Again those words... Aren't you getting tired using these😂

U: Not when I know you don't like them.

Dennis_hauger: We are getting to know each other right now, a bit, but still

U: I know 😄

Dennis_hauger: If you really don't want it then we can stop, you know, but I really like talking with you.

U: I think I don't want to stop, you're alright.

Dennis_hauger: Just alright?

U: I know I said to you that there is no point in getting to know each other since you often travel, but you are the first one in a long time that I really enjoy talking with. And Ollie too, to be honest, he's nice.

Dennis_hauger: Lots of my friends live in Oslo so I don't see them much. It's the same as we talk.

U: True, I forget that this is kinda normal for you and your crazy life.

Dennis_hauger: I love my crazy life

U: Good, otherwise it wouldn't have been nice for you.

Dennis_hauger: It's lots of mixed feelings. I love racing, and I want to do it for the rest of my life. Seeing beautiful countries all over the world and getting to know more cultures, I really like that.

Dennis_hauger: But it is hard as well. I miss my friends and family a lot. I'm a family man and hate being away from them so much but I know why I do it, but that doesn't mean it is easy.

Dennis_hauger: I probably don't even have to explain it to you because you go through the same thing with Charles and Lorenzo being away all the time.

U: I understand yeah. It's difficult. Missing someone is hard.

Dennis_hauger: Yes, but I enjoy the time I have with them more than ever before.

U: You should.

U: What is your sisters name?

Dennis_hauger: She's called Emilie

U: I like her name!

Dennis_hauger: Haha then my parents did a good job.

U: Do you guys get along well?

Dennis_hauger: Yes we do. I don't see her much so we don't really have time to fight or anything. And even as a child I think we didn't fight a lot. We could play really well together, and I really liked that.

U: That is good, did you like having a younger sister.

Dennis_hauger: I did, I'm so proud of her.

U: That's sweet

Dennis_hauger: You probably have the same with Charles right, after everything he has achieved.

U: Sure!

U: I mean, he made his dream come true. He became an F1 driver and now drivers for Ferrari, papa and Jules would have loved that so much.

Dennis_hauger: I'm sure of that.

U: It's sad to think about how much they would have loved to see that, but they only can from above and not to cheer Charles up.

Dennis_hauger: Then it is yours and Lorenzo's place to give Charles the support you hoped he would get from them.

U: I do. I'm so proud. It's a shame how I don't see them so much through a year. I would have loved to be so close with them as they are with each other.

Dennis_hauger: You're not?

Dennis_hauger: You all live in Monaco, how do you not see them much when they have those little breaks in between.

U: Forget about that 😄

Dennis_hauger: Are you not close with them?

U: I'm sorry I said that, just forgot it.

Dennis_hauger: I will, but know I'm here for you if you want to talk about it.

U: Not necessary.

Dennis_hauger: Okay, but still, I'm here for you now too.

U: That's sweet of you.

U: I will be here for you too

U: It's weird no?

Dennis_hauger: What is weird?

U: we don't even know each other a lot. How can we say to we can trust each other enough to share things that bother us.

Dennis_hauger: Sometimes something feels genuine and honest. I know you're not using me and how briefly we've talked in the past few days. Makes me want to get to know you more. I really do enjoy talking with you

Dennis_hauger: And I'm not someone who says that fast.

U: I enjoy it too.

U: I first wanted to ignore you.

U: I'm glad I didn't.

Dennis_hauger: I'm glad you didn't. Why didn't you want to give me a chance.

U: It wasn't about you

U: It's never about you. It's about trusting new people. I'm not good at that.

Dennis_hauger: I'm happy it's not about me then.

Dennis_hauger: Why does it bother you so much?

U: A fate that happened in the last few years. It's been hard and people I thought I could trust stabbed me in the back.

U: Everyone left when my dad died. At school I was suddenly the kid without a father. All my friends left and I was alone.

Dennis_hauger: That's terrible.

Dennis_hauger: How can you treat someone like that?

Dennis_hauger: I'm so sorry, Arthur

U: It happened, but yeah, it sucked. We can't change it😄

Dennis_hauger: But you still have trust issues because of that

U: A bit but I live with it.

Dennis_hauger: But you did talk easy with me this weekend

U: It was easy, so was it with Ollie. I can talk but getting close to people is difficult sometimes.

Dennis_hauger: I would love to get a chance to get closer with you.

U: I will give you a chance haha

Dennis_hauger: Yes

Dennis_hauger: I'll take it haha

Dennis_hauger: No, but seriously, I won't leave you on read suddenly, I promise.

U: Promise is a big word.

Dennis_hauger: I promise you Arthur.

Emilie Hauger looks so beautiful and she looks so sweet🥹

People I'm so not happy with Lewis his move to Ferrari. Sorry if you are an Lewis fan but I hate it how he's joining Ferrari. Since I was little my father watched F1, is a big Ferrari fan and now he has ruin my team in my eyes. I hate 2025 already because if this and i' not even joking.
I feel so bad for Carlos and he deserves so much more. Ferrari you stabbed him in the back.

On the other hand, Arthur drove an F1 car for the very first time and i' so happy and proud. The video was so cute🥹 can't wait to see more of him as a Ferrari Development driver🫶

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