The Death Wish: Book One (Hog...

By TheLastOneOut

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**MAJOR PLOT SPOILERS FOR HOGWARTS LEGACY*** POV: Second Person, Girl - Great for Role-Play Read Hogwarts was... More

Game Over
Carriage Crush
Salt Spray
The Pull
The Best Defence is...
Venom & Blood
The Fallout
Dark Reflections
Anguish & Ice
Whiskers and Petals
The Honest Path
A Dragon's Promise
Rooks and Knights
Fireside Consequences
A Quick Save
The Tea Pot Plot
Lavender and Lists
Quid Pro Quo
The Scent of Humour
The Blood Compass
The Second Sight
The House of Adder
The Undercroft Professors
Letters and Loans
Pacts, Purrs and Potions
Room for Forgiveness
In the Valley of Hope
Of Feather and Fang
Books, Balance, Barbs and Black
The Princess and The Tower
Fangs, Flames and Frames
A Dashing Prince
The Muggle Way
Another Whip Round the Sun
A Penitent Heart

Dungeons and Dances

417 11 7
By TheLastOneOut

"Over there! I see Poppy, Amit and Nerida!" you called to Sebastian, who was helping Fin, Natty and Ominis carry small wooden trays of unbelievably delicious smelling foods.

It was lunchtime. You and your friends were meeting up after a full morning of perusing the various traders and stalls that packed the streets and fields beyond the little wizard village.

You felt quite cheerful—but a bit knackered and hungry after you had been pulled all over the village by various sub groups of your party.

Ominis and Natty had first steered you into a large book trader tent. Sebastian and Imelda wanted to look for a festival treat Anne favored while the others broke off into groups to shop—with Fin surprisingly joining Garreth and Poppy to check out the potions row where clouds of different coloured smoke hung in a haze over the crowded alley.

You, Natty and Ominis had a wonderful time choosing books and haggling with the friendly traders. You had found an entire bookcase of muggle novels and periodicals that kept your attention for a while. Ominis asked about different titles and authors as he felt along the books—choosing several on your recommendation.

You picked up a few cheap classics along with a collection of Dickens short stories you thought would make Ominis laugh. You also found a curious looking slim book with lots of illustrations and photos you thought someone you knew might like and you paid a few knuts for it.

Natty had found a book she was missing from an adventure series she liked—as well as a potions book that was made for Animagus' to use along with their transformation.

You felt you had only just accepted the charmed cloth bag that made your quite sizable stack of books feel as light as a magazine, when Imelda snatched your hand to pull you to the broom stalls.

Sebastian joined you and his captain as you watched demonstrations from prototype brooms makers and listened to sales wizards and witches bark for customers with their fabulous accessories for riders and Quidditch players.

Sebastian was drawn into looking archly at some more brass gadgets for brooms. He asked questions of the knowledgeable witch who designed the devices, with her demonstrating various tools for navigation, speed and sport.

Sebastian found you and Imelda as you were looking at different Pop Skirt designs with several other girls from Hogwarts. He had purchased something, but just gave a cheeky wink when you asked what it was—promising to show you later.

You bought a few pop skirts in some basic colors that would match most of your wardrobe—quite happy to be able to skip changing for flying class. As you turned to look for your friends, Nerida caught your arm to take you with her and Amit to look at astronomy equipment and models of planets—as well as a popular accessory tent that was packed with teenage girls. You were delighted with a barrette you found that had daffodils with tiny copper fireflies that glowed. You recalled reading once that fireflies represented hope for future happiness.

You thought the warm glow and delicate design would suit Anne's dark locks nicely.

At around noon, you found Ominis, Sebastian and Natty by the food stalls and you decided to enact your plan from the walk up to the village.

You flitted around the shopping area tasking friends with gathering supplies and collecting money and orders.

After getting your allotment of the requested food items—all charmed to stay at the perfect temperature, you joined your friends as you made for the large field beside the village full of picnics and tents.

You smiled and waved at a few students you knew from class before you saw a blanket under a tree with a few of your teachers on it—as well as your perfectly-groomed Headmaster.

You smiled at Professors Onai, Sharp and Ronen as you passed—noting the expensive-looking bottle of golden whisky on the blanket. Your headmaster cast an unimpressed look at you and your companions before hardening his glare slightly at his son. Fin nodded nervously with acknowledgement to his father and teachers—though picked up his steps to match Sebastian's to get away quickly

After climbing up a hill you grinned at your friends spreading out a large tartan blanket—more than big enough for the ten of you.

"Here I'll take the food." offered Poppy, holding out her hands as Amit took crates from the boys. "Take a seat. This is my Gran's old picnic set—it's brilliant for large groups."

You gaped at the serving board with slots for cutlery that had appeared when Poppy laid out the blanket. Big squishy cushions popped up like flowers along with small serving tables. There was even a comforting fire pit in the center that Amit was getting going with his wand.

Sebastian nudged you softly.

"Marvelling at magic again, Bash?"

You smiled up at him with a guilty look before you caught sight of Imelda and Garreth walking up the path, each holding large shining jugs. You waved to catch their attention as you all started to settle around the serving board.

Sebastian pulled you to sit beside him on a pair of yellow cushions as Ominis joined your other side. The rest of your friends gathered around until you were one big, chatty cheerful group.

The party then started to dig into the large array of foods your friends had collected from the rows of stalls that all smelled too good to be allowed.

You started to sample the interesting dishes—your friends all offering bites to you as this was your first festival. Each teen wanted you to try their favorite treat and see your reaction.

"Here—these fried pumpkin wedges are brilliant, amazing spice on them." offered Garreth as he reached across the blanket to hold out the basket of golden battered fries to you—and surprisingly the Slytherins on either side.

You hummed in delight at the crispy and tender snack—Garreth laughing at your attempt to thank him while still enjoying the piping-hot wedge.

Imelda tried to get you to have a bite of her extremely spicy-looking curry which you passed on—especially after seeing how much lemonade a red-faced Ominis had to drink after a small sample.

People started to show off some of their purchases as you all worked your way through the food.

Natty passed around a new set of potion tools, one of the delicate blades catching the sun as you admired the mother of pearl handles.

Garreth and Fin had both bought new quills and notebooks from a popular bookbinder—with you asking to inspect the intricate leatherwork on Fin's cover.

"It's just lovely, Fin. I really like this niffler pattern." you observed, handing it back to him before he passed it to Nerida who also wanted a closer look.

The dark-haired teen nodded happily as he popped a sticky looking morsel in his upturned mouth.

"This one is great because it's charmed to allow a lot more pages than it appears." he added as he beamed down at the rich leather cover.

As the savory dishes disappeared down grateful gobs, the sweet and tempting desserts started to catch people's eyes and noses.

You and Sebastian split a stick of the candy floss he had wanted to try. The fluffy cloud of spun sugar was shaped and coloured like a perfect autumn apple.

It tasted like warm apple crisp and cream.

"Oh my—this is amazing!" you exclaimed to the laughter of your friends as you eagerly picked off another tuft of red floss. Sebastian grinned as he attacked the other side.

"Told you. Brilliant right?"

You hummed in agreement before your eyes lit up with delight at the tray of brightly coloured sweets held out by Poppy.

"These are delicious. Each has a smoke effect that's fun too." she explained as you and Sebastian bent over the candy. Sebastian suggested you take a grey one with a pattern of scales while he handed a blue one to Ominis.

Poppy politely offered one to Fin who happily accepted a yellow ball with pink spots with a gentle thanks.

The five of you then popped them in your mouths as the others watched with interest from their own magical desserts.

Your mouth suddenly filled with the taste of scones and jam—the strawberry sharp and sweet against the buttery notes from the bun.

As you cracked the candy shell with your teeth you felt your mouth inflate with a dense smoke. You looked to Sebastian, catching your eye so you could watch him.

He pursed his lips and collapsed his puffed cheeks—sending out a cloud of purple smoke that formed a racing rabbit that hopped around the blanket with a trail of smoke and sparks.

You had to hold in your exclamation as to not ruin your effect. You saw a white shark dart from the cloud Ominis made as Natty described it with delight. Poppy and Fin let out an owl and cluster butterflies respectively—the two of them laughing as they described their sweets tasting of lemon custard and caramel waffles.

You finally pushed the smoke from your lips, watching as the gray cloud sparkled and shimmered into a soaring dragon. The four-legged beast banked around your friends with bat-like wings as they laughed and clapped at the impressive effect.

You winked at a beaming Sebastian as he leaned back on his hands to appreciate the cloud creatures that started prancing around caused by your other friends trying the charmed treat.

Once most of the food had been eaten and you had sampled a few more intriguing desserts, you all discussed your plans for the afternoon.

Garreth suggested heading to the exhibition tents in the south side of the village. The party all thought this sounded good as you rose to help pack up. You bent to start collecting dishes when Poppy held up a hand and her wand.

"I've got it."

The teen then flicked her wand with a quick spell and you watched the entire blanket start to pack itself up and collapse down. Faster than you thought possible, Poppy was walking to primly scoop up the small picnic basket.

You skipped to her side as you complemented the clever kit, looping an arm through hers as she giggled. You began following Garreth and Amit as they led the group down a ring path towards the tall tents and flags you could spot on the horizon beyond the village.

Ominis joined your other side as you made for the largest tent. Poppy hopped along as she told you about some of the famous naturalists that would be exhibiting that afternoon as well as new technology for tack and kit for the care of different beasts.

Some of your friends walked faster, with Amit, Nerida, Natty and Imelda getting far ahead as Garreth had already raced to the first exhibition tent.

As you crested a hill, you looked down and saw that Sebastian was standing with his arms crossed beside Fin on the edge of the path.

The teens had been impeded by Fin's brother and a few large, seventh-year Slytherins.

"Oh dear...I think Sirius is giving Fin a hard time. They don't look too happy." you muttered to Ominis as you hastened your steps.

You saw Fin ducking his head as he glared though a furrowed brow at his burly brother, his mouth twisted. You wondered why Fin didn't use his height advantage to at least stand over his sneering sibling. As you drew closer you caught some of what the senior brother was saying.

"—and after such a point loss for the house. Really, Ninny? I think you were honestly better off alone." simpered Sirius as his cronies snickered. Fin's features reddened as he seemed at a loss for a retort, biting his lip with frustration.

Sebastian cocked his chin at the older teen.

"Jog on, Sirius. It's no business of yours who Fin spends his time with."

Sirius cast a haughty look down at Sebastian—standing at least a head taller and twice as wide.

"Watch that tone, Sallow. You just came off punishment. It would be a shame if you were suddenly confined to your dorm again with nothing but Gaunt for company." he threatened.

Ominis cleared his throat with an irritated edge as you slipped to Fin's side, moving to thread your arm around his as you and your friends evened up the numbers between the opposing brothers. Poppy crossed her arms as she frowned at the seventh-years.

Ominis rolled his neck with a stony expression.

"Honestly Sirius—do you have nothing better to do than worry over your brother's social life?" he asked with a placating tone.

Sirius raised a manicured brow at Ominis before his narrowed eyes flicked to you, glaring at him beside his brother.

"And look at this. Why am I not surprised to see you have made friends with The Stray." he muttered with an unimpressed look.

Sebastian had his wand out almost faster than Ominis did as their faces both darkened.

"Call her that again and see what happens, Black." growled Sebastian in a sharp warning.

Fin stood to his full height, pulling out his wand as the teens standing behind Sirius started to look nervous. You looked up to see his dark brow settle with a withering stare.

"You can torment and humiliate me all you like, Rus—but you will not disrespect my friends. I know what you and father think about the company I have started keeping, but as I told you yesterday—I don't give a damn." he said with more confidence than you thought possible from the shy teen.

Sirius sucked his teeth as his eyes grew murderous.

"Oh I see. Mr Popularity, are you now little brother? Pray tell, do your new friends know about your obsession with muggle junk? That you just love them and want to go riding around on makercarts with them all day." he announced with a cruel smile.

You gave a bored look as you held tighter to Fin's arm.

"Firstly: it's motorcars. If you are going to snipe at someone, don't sound like a prat doing so. Secondly: Yes we did—and we like him more for it. His interests show passion and intelligence. It's called having a personality. Maybe you could look into acquiring one some time." you added with an innocent head tilt.

Fin failed to suppress the laugh that bubbled out his chest as Sirius' face tightened with anger. He took a step forward, wand in hand before one of his friends, a blonde with shoulder length hair, whispered something in his ear, looking at you. Sirius scanned the faces in front of him—Ominis and Sebastian flanking you, Poppy and Phineas. His gaze ended on you.

"You are not worth the effort. I have a date waiting. Remember who's name you carry, Ninny. Don't embarrass the family anymore than you already do." he growled with a final cold look up at his brother.

He then sharply jutted his neck to the side as an instruction for his gang to follow, leaving down a side path towards the Hogshead, disappearing into the crowd.

"What a wanker."

"Poppy!" you gasped as Sebastian and Ominis snorted out laughs. Fin looked down at her dumbstruck.

The tiny Hufflepuff turned a little pink.

"Oh come were all thinking it—but sorry Phineas...I know he is your brother." she added, looking a little sheepish. Fin recovered with a wide smile.

"No—you're right. He is a massive wanker." he replied with a laugh, turning with you to keep heading towards the exhibition tents. "Thank you everyone for—well...anyways. I think Sirius had been sent by my father to ensure I'm not falling in with a 'bad crowd'. A word to the wise might be getting a similar prod from your family." he added with a guilty tone.

Ominis nodded as he walked beside Sebastian.

"Oh I have been getting owls about that for years. I'll teach you a great charm for torching letters." he added with a rye smile towards Fin. "—and honestly I wouldn't worry about your social life in comparison to your brother's." he hinted with a mischievous expression.

"Oh? Why's that?"

Ominis nonchalantly adjusted his shirt cuffs as he answered.

"Oh's just I overheard Marcie Flemack talking to her friends in the common room this morning. She is planning on chucking Sirius on their date today. Apparently he is a rather uninspiring paramour." he added with a raised brow.

The five of you descended into a mass of suppressed giggles and snickers as you moved to join the crowds waiting to enter the largest tent.

Seb, Poppy and Ominis pressed forward as you fell back with Fin. You tugged on his arm as he looked down at you with a warm smile.

"Are you sure you're okay?" you checked quietly as the crowd jostled you along. He nodded.

"I am now. Sirius knows all the right places to needle me and I get rather tongue tied when he is in a mood. But today I actually talked back. I think having people on my side threw him off kilter."

You gave his arm a pat before you let go to rummage in your cloth bag.

"I have found safety in numbers to be beneficial as well, Fin. I am very proud of you for sticking up for me by the way. It was a kind thing to do and makes me quite glad I thought to pick this up for you."

You then handed him the slim book you had found in the muggle section that morning. Fin accepted the book with interest as he read the cover.

"Motor... bikes?" he gasped as he looked at the illustrations of the bicycle that had motors attached.

"I found it earlier and thought it would interest you. I have heard about these—they are just starting to go into full manufacture. It's like a two-wheeled motorcar."

Fin flipped excitedly through the pages.

"More bodily control of the propulsion and balance..." he muttered as he turned an illustration to look closer. He then caught your eye as you glanced up from the book. "Thank you...this is so nice. How can I pay you—"

But you just shushed him.

"It's a gift. That's what friends do: find ways to make their friends happy. Come on. Let's go look at some giant vegetables—Poppy says there is a tomato the size of a carriage I just have to see."


The sun was setting as you all moved into the huge tent erected in the town square.

You gasped as you entered, your eyes filling with light and color. The tent must have been enchanted as it was so much larger inside than you thought possible.

There were three levels of balconies surrounding a large dance floor and a few bars and tables. Paper lanterns shaped like pumpkins, apples and corn floated around the high vaulted ceiling, giving the space a festive atmosphere.

Music echoed over the crowd of laughing, chatting witches and wizards as more students and villagers filed in.

You heard your name called above you as you pulled Natty and Garreth into the open area. You looked up to see Nerida, Amit and Ominis waving from an upper balcony. You steered your friends to one of the many spiral staircases to join your party at a long wooden table overlooking the dance floor.

"Great table, Ner." you said loudly over the music and voices, pulling her into a hug as you all got settled. You were then tasked with spotting more of your group from the balcony while the others got drinks and defended the prime table from potential poachers.

You saw Sebastian enter with Fin and Poppy—catching their eye with a wave and whistle. You also saw Imelda talking with Albie Weekes as she collected a tray of drinks from the lower station. Albie waved when he spied you above them before joining a young woman about his age as Imelda weaved her way through the crowd to the stairs.

Imelda lay a tray of bubbling, sparkling drinks on the table as the rest of your party found seats and removed their outerwear in the stifling heat of the dance hall.

"Here—this is a Brightberry Blinder. I think you will like it." Mel offered as she set a tiny fuschia drink in front of you. You thanked her as you accepted the fruity cocktail with wide-eyes.

Sebastian had explained that students were barred from drinking alcohol but that traders, bartenders and Sirona—who you could see slinging drinks at the large bar at the back, create specialty charmed drinks for students.

You were about to take a sip before you narrowed your eyes at the Slytherin Captain.

"Will this do anything to me?" you asked with a raised brow.

Imelda grinned as she placed a steaming short glass in front of Natty.

"It's fun. I promise." Mel said with an encouraging head tilt.

You glanced to your side as Sebastian took a swig from the Butterbeer Nerida had handed him. He gave you a cheeky smile before holding his drink out to yours.

You sighed and clinked your glass against his tankard.

It did look very tempting.

You sniffed the swirling sparkling liquid which smelt strongly of sharp summer berries. Taking a cautious sip you were delighted by the subtle floral notes hidden in the sweet drink—fall spices of some kind dancing on your tongue. You were about to ask about the effect when your world suddenly got—bluer?

Your eyesight adjusted as everything took on a blue hue, your friends all turning shades of cobalt and azure as you looked around in awe at your suddenly mono-toned world.

"Everything is blue!" you giggled. Sebastian chuckled while Imelda sat beside Garreth with her tall clear drink.

"Your eyes are entirely blue right now too, Bash—whites and all. It will fade after a few. The Dandy Sketch is a good one too—makes everything black and white and tastes like almond cake."

You grinned with a nod as you watched your friends all take sips of various drinks that littered the center of the table. Nerida and Amit shared a dessert-looking coffee with a tiny snow cloud hovering over it, dropping flakes of powdered sugar on the whipped top. Garreth, Fin and Poppy had opted for Butterbeers like Sebastian while Ominis enjoyed a delicate fizzing lemon soda that you found a bit too tart for your tastes when he offered you a sip.

"Do you prefer sour things then, Ominis?" you asked as you went back to your drink, his face a lovely shade of royal blue.

"I do. Lemon treats are generally my favorite but I like gooseberry and lime flavored sweets too." he admitted with a soft smile.

You hummed at this, storing the information along with all of your friend's preferences and tastes in the back of your mind for future use.

Your party had a capital time as the hall continued to fill, trying each other's drinks and telling jokes and funny stories. You and Ominis were beside yourselves with laughter after Sebastian finished a joke he heard at the Hogshead last summer—the filthy punchline almost making Nerida spit out her drink while the rest of the table joined in a hearty round of blushing chuckles.

After a while the lights started to dim—your eyesight returned to normal as you joined your friends to crowd the railing next to your table to peer down at the floor below.

Before the dance commenced, there was to be a short exhibition of some talent acts as more people filled the cavernous tent.

You watched with awe as performers came out and exhibited extraordinary feats of muscle and magic.

There was a large, moustached wizard who was able to lift his pretty wife over his head—which only became extraordinary when she transformed into a large speckled horse. The wizard maintained his impressive stance with a strained face before the Animagus transformed back with loud applause.

There were a trio of magical ballet dancers, who had charmed shoes that allowed them to dance in the air—and upside down. You were enraptured by their graceful movements and steadfast control even while suspended.

After a few more acts came out to show off their talents—the trained frog chorus making you and Poppy clap and cheer enthusiastically, the lights dimmed further and a jolly-looking wizard in orange robes strode out onto the floor. He pointed his wand at his throat before addressing the festive crowd.

"Wasn't that wonderful ladies and gents! Such talented folks who have come to our little hamlet. Well, now that you are all entertained and hopefully swigging down a potation or two from our charming Sirona—" the crowd broke out in applause and cheers for the popular barmaid. You saw her happily raise a glass from the back in acknowledgment before returning to the crowds at her taps. "—you are all ready to kick up your heels and take a turn on our festival dance floor. The harvest band will be taking requests and playing long into the night—which reminds me. Hogwarts students, we are happy you are here. Enjoy the dance—but remember that it ends for you at eleven."

This was met with a few grumbles from students while the adults sounded pleased to have the party to themselves later that evening.

"Alright—I can already see some young lads eager to escort their dates to the floor. Give a round of applause for our talented musicians and enjoy your evening! Happy Harvest Festival!"

The tent shook with shouts, claps and whistles as the band struck up a lively number that had couples already spilling onto the large wooden stage.

You heard Natty shout your name across the group before she claimed your hand—grinning as she pulled you towards the stairs.

"Dance with me?" she asked sweetly with a bright smile. You beamed, blushing a shade in return.

"My word, you Gryffindors certainly are smooth." you teased affectionately as she led you through the crowd and out onto the dance floor.

You found a space between couples, gripping the teen's hand as you gently swung her in close, her other hand finding yours before smiling warmly at you, her cheeks glowing in the festive lights above.

"Do you happen to know any good dances? I'm afraid I only really know a few basic steps." she admitted shyly, swinging your joined hands a little on beat.

You cocked your head to the side with a slow smile, stepping in closer.

"I actually do. As an older girl at the orphanage I usually had to lead in dance class. If you don't mind..." and you lay Natty's hand on your shoulder before pulling her closer by her waist, holding out her arm at a graceful angle.

Natsai's face flushed before an excited smile filled her features.

"Lead the way." she muttered with a giddy grip on your shoulder.

You then waited for the top of the next stanza before leading the girl backwards, using your frame to guide her steps as you turned her in a spirited waltz to the jaunty tune. She stumbled a few times as she followed you, but within a few minutes you were both smoothly gliding around your small section of the massive floor.

As you led her into a side sway you discussed some of your favorite exhibitions—with Natty giving a charmingly animated description of some enchanted boots that allowed the wearer to walk up walls. You and her then joked about fun ways to use the boots as you danced.

At the close of the number you spun her out, only to smartly tug her back in—your faces coming back in rather close as your palms met.

"And you said Gryffindors were smooth." she muttered in a playful tone, making you duck your head with a chuckle.

You heard shouting above you as you both looked up to see your friends applauding your demonstration over the rail with raised glasses, making you both laugh with flaming cheeks.

"You are delightful company, my light-footed rogue—but I think another lion is wanting time on the dance floor with you...and I mustn't be selfish." sighed Natty with a head tilt towards Garreth, who was weaving his way through the crowd, eyes trained on you.

You turned to face Natty and keeping hold of her hand, you cast your other arm out in a flourishing bow, bringing her knuckles briefly to your lips as you looked up at her.

"Thank you for the bewitching dance, my charming Natsai." you replied with a warm smile, making her shake her head with an affectionate sigh.

Garreth stepped to your side, smiling at you and Natty with an expectant expression. The Gryffindor girl leveled a resigned look at her housemate.

"Come to poach my partner, have you, Gar." she teased as Garreth checked his neck tie with a side-eye at her.

"Hey, I asked ages are the one who just up and stole her." he chastised affectionately. Natty laughed at this before nodding.

"I suppose that's true. I will just have to relinquish my quarry." she sighed with a mock pout.

You giggled before looking over her shoulder at a small group of fifth and sixth year students who seemed to be trying to catch the popular Gryffindor's eye from the side of the dance floor.

"I don't think you will be without a partner for long—a line seems to be forming for you my dear."

Natty glanced at the teens who looked eager to approach her. Her features showed surprise before she smiled sweetly.

"Oh! Well that makes it a tiny bit easier, doesn't it?" she remarked with a cheeky wink.

You laughed before Natty bid you and her housemate goodbye. A tall Hufflepuff boy took a daring step away from the crowd of admirers to claim her hand for the next dance—looking ecstatic when she kindly accepted.

Garreth bent his head lower as he held out a hand to you.

"Shall we, Kitten?"

You beamed up at him as you slipped your fingers into his warm grip.

"Let's see what you can do, Mr Weasley." you added with a challenging raise of your brow.

The redhead bit his lip to suppress a grin as he gently led you onto the floor. The tune changed to a lively brass number, the tempo picking up as couples started to move and spin with the beat.

Garreth pulled you close as you found a small empty patch of floor. He held one of your hands while his other curved around to your lower back, bringing you in so your hand found his rather toasty arm.

You flushed when you realized how close this particular stance put you to the ginger teen—looking up nervously at him before flicking back down at your feet, the unfamiliar situation dawning on you.

"Is this okay?" he muttered with concern, the hand on your back lifting as he watched you cautiously.

You blanked a moment before you blushed deeper, nodding your head with a smile.

"Oh! Yes,'s just—you know what? Nevermind." and you looked away quickly as Garreth's hand pressed once again on the ribbons criss-crossing up your spine, leading you into a backwards and forwards sequence as the song started to pick up speed.

"Uh-uh. You cannot leave me in suspense like that, Kitten." he purred in a low voice, his mischievous but sweet smile eating away at your resolve and embarrassment. He then gently maneuvered you away in a flourish before stepping in even closer to transition smoothly into another set of steps.

You gave him a significant look.

"Alright—but no teasing, Gar." you warned with a squeeze of his shoulder that had his eyes sparking with interest. He bid you to continue with a head tilt.

You bit your lip.

"So, you know that I was raised in a muggle orphanage. Well it was an all girls home, and while I have danced a fair bit in the past... technically—this is the first time I have ever danced with a gentleman." you finished with a prim expression, looking away.

Garreth's eyebrows shot up as his steps faltered a moment. Recovering quickly, he tightened his scorching hold on you, bringing your clasped hands against his chest as you followed his steps.

The eyes you looked up into appeared a shade darker in the bright festive lanterns.

"Really? I'm the first?" he remarked softly, failing to keep the delight from his tone. "I feel quite honored, my sweet, innocent Slytherin."

You breathed a laugh, shaking your head before cocking a brow at him.

"Ey, I just got out of prison, mate—I'm a hardened criminal." you jested, making his chest shake with a deep chuckle. He then leaned his head closer to your ear as you moved with a slow section of the piece.

"Speaking of our little trip to Falbarton—Nats told me a little bit about your situation...with Ranrok and Rookwood." he whispered.

You turned and caught his eye with a guilty expression.

"I will tell you more Gar—I promise. Next Wednesday, we will all go back to the Keep. I will hopefully have more to tell everyone after tomorrow—but I should really apologise to you. You didn't know all the facts when we went down to Honeydukes. I wasn't a very good friend." you admitted.

Garreth's eyes softened as he sighed.

"You say that—but I have a feeling another contributing factor to agreeing to help was that incorrigible hero complex of yours and a desire not to find me skewered by a Thornback."

You looked away with a furrowed brow, his deduction hitting its mark.

"I should have just snitched on you...but—"

Gareth took a wider stance as he swung you lightly out before curling you in so your back was gracefully brought against his chest. He caught your other hand to look over your shoulder, leading you forward.

"—but you are a good friend." he said with a significant tone. He then sighed as the song started to come to a close, couples swapping for the next dance. He leaned in closer to your cheek. "You are right though...we have broken quite a few rules together. So maybe you're not so innocent—but definitely still sweet." he whispered in your ear.

You stood straighter as you felt your heart tighten. You turned and glanced up at him with fragile confidence, smiling to cover your nerves as he let your hands slip from his.

"Thank you, for a delightful—and pioneering dance, Mr Weasley." you countered warmly as you turned, curtsying with a demure bow. He stepped in close, capturing your hand once more to lay a brief kiss on your fingers, his face framed with flaming tresses as he looked up at you.

"A rare privilege, Kitten." he muttered with his signature mischievous smile. You ducked your head to hide your heated face as you both moved off the floor, him leading you to a less crowded space where you were delighted to find a pair of familiar faces.

"Miriam! Eleazar!" you cried happily as you pulled Garreth forward, only letting go to hug the elder couple tightly.

" 'Allo my spark, don't you look beautiful! Such a lovely dress." she complemented with a bright smile. You stood back with Garreth who politely greeted the pair.

Your heart swelled at this festive version of your beloved mentors. Miriam had chosen a bright green dress with a delicate vine pattern, topping it with a sunflower-spotted scarf around her shoulders. Eleazar had opted for a deep auburn tunic with a russet colored robe. You spotted a sunflower broach on his lapel to match with his bride. They were perched at a spindly standing table with a few festive looking drinks.

Eleazar beamed at you after greeting your companion.

"We were just admiring you and Mr Weasley's fancy footwork. You certainly know your way around a tune, young man." he said with a raise of his glass to the smiling redhead.

"Thank you, Professor. My mother will be pleased to know I haven't been neglecting my social skill set—though, I suppose it helps a little when I have someone to impress." he added with a wink in your direction, making you roll your eyes affectionately with a smile to hide your blush.

"And were you impressed, my spark?" Miriam asked innocently with a sip of her blood-red cocktail. You narrowed your eyes at her playful nature before schooling you features in a cool glance at the ginger teen.

"I can safely say that Garreth is the most talented lad I have ever danced with." you said matter of factly—with an arch look at your friend that had him choking back a laugh. Miriam's smile widened, watching you with active interest before her eyes were drawn to the dancefloor again.

"Oh isn't that your roommate, my Spark? That pretty brunette? Heavens, her and her dashing partner certainly make a striking couple." she observed warmly as she watched them.

You looked over to see Nerida gliding alongside her besotted Amit, the Ravenclaw deftly turning and guiding his girlfriend to the sway of the music, much to the delight of onlookers.

You sighed wistfully.

"Oh yes, that's Nerida and Amit. They have only just started dating...but are just so sweet together. Actually, those dance moves you are witnessing were a key element in capturing her heart." you noted with a significant look at the witch that had her nodding with understanding.

Eleazar tapped his fingers appreciatively on his wine glass as he watched the couple.

"Miss Roberts and Mr Thakkar are two of the fifth-year cohort's brightest students—it makes sense they would be drawn to each other and find common ground." he said with a smile. "Another to add to the list, my love."

You cocked your head with a questioning expression as Miriam and Eleazar exchanged an unreadable look.

Miriam lay a hand on yours as she leaned in closer to you and Garreth.

"Keep this to yourselves, but I might ask Eleazar to update me on the little goings-on between the students—just idle curiosity, really. So many matches and marriages have come from school romances that it can be fun to hear about them at the offset—when they are just starting to grow."

Garreth rubbed his chin as he caught the elder witch's eye.

"You know...I overheard my Aunt Mattie talking with my mum along those lines. Rumor has it that the teachers sometimes place wagers on student matches—even going so far as to change seating arrangements to try and grease the wheels." he added with a challenging glance at his professor.

Miriam had to bite her lip to suppress her laugh while Eleazar cleared his throat, hiding a guilty face with a sip from his glass.

You crossed your arms as you looked at him with mock outrage.

"Professor! Tell me you have never interfered with a student's love life."

Eleazar just raised an indifferent shoulder as he adjusted his robes, avoiding your gaze.

"I may have on occasion moved the odd pupil to a more suitable desk...or perhaps suggested the same book to two students, prompting them to share. Never to win a bet...just to see what might happen." he admitted simply.

You gasped as Garreth ducked his head with a disbelieving shake at this confession, chuckling to himself.

Eleazar sent the redhead an arch look.

"By the by, Mr Weasley. How is your older sister? Wedding plans to Mr Crockham going well?" he asked with a nonchalant swirl of his wine, his brow raised at the teen.

Garreth stopped laughing as his eyes grew wide, face morphing with an awed look.

"You didn't. set them up?" he whispered with impish delight.

Miriam was desperately trying to contain her mirth as she watched her husband with glittering eyes. He smiled with a placating look.

"No, of course not. Raquel and Vince found love on their own during their seventh-year at school." he recited, almost as if he was on trial. The wizard then pursed his lips as he looked around with a conspiratorial look. "That being said...Professor Kagowa assigning them to be her kit managers for the year may not have been a coincidence."

Garreth had to clamp a hand to his mouth to stop his laughter as you held onto Miriam, descending into giggles with the witch. Eleazar seemed rather pleased with the impact of his comment.

The crowd around you broke out into applause as the song finished, the dance floor becoming a flurry of people coming on or heading off with their partners. The next song started with a bright violin echoing over the hall before the band joined in.

"Oh! This is one of my favorites." exclaimed Miriam, setting down her glass to listen.

Eleazar also set down his drink, but only so he could approach his wife with an open hand.

"May I have this dance?" he asked in a soft tone, his eyes sparkling as he watched her face flush with delight.

"As charming as the day we met." she muttered before giving you a guilty look for abandoning you. You and Garreth both smartly shooed the couple to the dancefloor with encouraging smiles.

You watched with hands clasped over your heart as your Professor pulled his wife in close for a slow waltz to the old fashioned-sounding song.

The white-haired witch bestowed a soft kiss on his cheek before laying her head on his shoulder, enjoying the song and his company.

Your heart felt a shadow of sorrow for your Ravenclaw alter—and the Eleazar Fig that she had lost. That version of you had only known him as a grieving widower—had never witnessed their love and happiness in each other.

She had never known Miriam.

You took a steady breath and once more sent a silent prayer of gratitude for what her sacrifice had bought you.

"Fancy a drink then, Kitten?" asked Garreth over your shoulder, tearing your eyes from your mentors. You smiled up at him with a nod as you weaved your way back up to your table.


"Fin! Look! I think your brother's night has soured a bit." you whispered to the teen beside you as you peered over the rail at the crowd below.

Fin turned as you subtly pointed out his brother scowling at the dance floor while leaning against a support beam. You saw him watching a curvy redhead dance with a handsome Ravenclaw.

"Seems Marcie did break up with him. Good for her—he was not very nice...or faithful to her." he muttered with a sneer at his brother.

You shook your head turning around.

"She looks like she is having fun now. Hopefully he will learn to be nicer in the future." you added as you picked up your drink.

Fin sighed.

"Unlikely, but I appreciate your optimism." he said with a small smile, taking a sip from his butterbeer.

You had returned to your table on the second floor after leaving the Figs, finding Fin, Poppy, Imelda and Ominis having a surprisingly lively conversation about modes of transportation—with Ominis siding with Poppy on the preference for Beasts.

You took a sip from your drink as Fin asked Poppy about how fast Hippogriffs could run. You glanced over the railing again to watch the dancers on the floor—spying faces you knew amongst the swaying couples.

You smiled warmly at Sebastian spinning Nerida around the floor, the brunettes laughing at some unheard quip. You spotted Amit carefully leading a smaller girl who looked very much like him in a few turns, assuming it was the Hufflepuff little sister he had mentioned previously.

You caught adorable Professor Riddack dancing with a tall and rather handsome man who you assumed was her husband. She kept cheerfully waving and grinning at students she recognized as her husband led her around the floor—his face showing how utterly enamored he was with his bubbly wife.

You saw Natty dancing with a bespectacled girl you had seen in a few of your classes, the two of them chatting animatedly as they swung through their steps.

After another song many of your friends swapped places, with Sebastian and Natty coming to join your table while Garreth invited Poppy for a dance, causing the girl to giggle and nod brightly before they headed to the floor. Ominis said he needed to find Nerida as well as refill his drink before heading to the bar to compete with the thirsty crowds. Sebastian collapsed beside you as Natty sat down next to Fin.

"I caught you out there with Nerry—I guess you weren't bluffing about those dance skills." you complemented with a cheeky smile at the brunette taking a large swig from his tankard.

He gave a smug nod.

"Just getting warmed up, Bash. Saw that you were rather good at leading our Natty around the floor—not such a bad dancer afterall." he hinted with a nudge.

You nodded appreciatively at this observation.

"I suppose I am not as bad as I thought—and I am pleased that Amit was telling the truth about Wizard dancing being almost the same as the muggle way."

Fin seemed quite interested in muggle social customs, asking you a few questions about dances and festivals in the non-magical world. You explained what you had seen and what you had learned from some of the older girls about what muggle teens got up to.

As you listened to Natty tell a story about a particularly raucous dance she attended in Matabeleland, you couldn't help but notice the tapping of Fin's fingers along with the beat on his knee, or that he would steal glances below at the spinning couples. Once Natty had finished her story—which included a very drunk student shrinking their headmasters' desk and then promptly losing it—you set down your drink and turned to the raven-haired boy beside you.

"Would you like to dance with me, Fin?" you asked with a warm look at the affable teen, holding open your hand as you heard the current song drawing to a close.

Phineas' eyes widened a hair before his features filled with a large toothy smile.

"I would like that very much." he replied brightly as he took your hand and stood to lead you to the floor. Sebastian also seemed keen for another spin and asked Natty for her company in a reel, which she cheerfully accepted.

Fin gently guided you through the crowd to the floor as couples swapped again. You saw several of your friends join the dance—with Amit standing up with Poppy while Garreth was opposite a short haired blonde girl you had seen in the halls sometimes.

Fin led you towards the center of the floor as the song started, looking a little nervous as you smiled up at him, placing a hand on his upper arm as he gingerly found your waist.

"I warn you, I'm not brilliant." he muttered with a crooked smile as he led you backwards into the first few steps. "My mother insisted we learn as children—but I'll be honest in saying I wasn't a very dedicated student to the craft—something I am regretting right now."

You chuckled as you let him swing you out a little before pulling you back into a side sway.

"That's the thing with dancing—it's so varied in how you can do it. You should just try to have fun and enjoy your partner's company."

Fin squeezed your hand lightly in agreement.

"Well I am certainly enjoying yours. I really must thank you. Today has been one of the best days I have had in a very long time—and I owe it to you. Thank you so much for inviting me. Also...I'm not sure what you said to Ominis and Sebastian but they have started talking to me—like friends." he added with a soft, hopeful smile.

You gripped his arm with a warm expression.

"Because they are your friends, Fin—if you want them to be." you then let out a soft sigh as you looked up at him. "I can't imagine it's been easy for you, being the Headmaster's son—and I also know my other two copperhead friends are not always the most... forthcoming towards other people. That being said, they have both told me they were wrong to judge you by your family—as well as how much they have been enjoying your company the last few days."

Fin's watery smile threatened your own control on your emotions. He ducked his head closer.

"That is so lovely to hear—though, I cannot place all the blame on them...I have hardly been better. I think it's because everyone thinks I am—or should be, like Sirius and my father."

You let Fin turn you in a gentle spin before pulling you back in. You gave him a significant look.

"And do you want that?"

Fin shook his head with a smile.

"No. For the first time in a long time I have no desire to be like them. I used to think it would be easier if I was—but then, I wouldn't be dancing with a charming young lady while my brother reaps the consequences of his actions from the sidelines. No, I'm quite happy being the odd one out of the Black clan tonight." he admitted with a cheerful nod.

You grinned brightly at his astute summary of the evening. The shy teen then carefully led you into a slow set of turns as the two of you began discussing some of the possible uses muggles might have for motorbikes.

"It's nice to be able to talk about this stuff with someone. I suppose if I had pulled my head from the proverbial sand sooner I might have seen that all Slytherins don't necessarily have the same scales." he admitted with a gentle smile

You beamed up at him as the song started to draw to a close. Overcome with the emotions of your conversation and affection for your sweet new friend, you stepped closer, wrapping your arms around his warm chest in a strong hug.

Fin froze a moment before quickly hugging you back, careful not to crush you as a deep chuckle echoed in his throat.

"What's this for?"

You pulled back and looked up at him.

"No reason. It's just a hug between friends. I would get used to it, if I were you." you observed simply. He nodded with a slight tint to his cheeks, smiling as he looked up at the couple approaching you.

You turned and saw Poppy heading over with Amit, the two of them finishing a dance. You spotted Nerida dragging a slightly blushing Imelda to the dance floor a few meters away.

Amit grinned brightly at you and Fin as he stopped beside you.

"Are we having fun this evening, my Slytherin friends? I was delighted to see you on the floor, Fin. You seem quite adept at a reel."

Fin thanked the teen sincerely for his compliment—though trying to cast the real praise on you.

You shook your head.

"None of that, you are a delightful dancer my friend." you said with a pat on his arm. You then caught the Ravenclaw's eye when you heard the next song start up. "Actually; Amit, I have been hoping to catch a spin with you before Nerry claims you again. Poppy, would you mind terribly swapping partners with me?" you asked with a hopeful smile as Amit turned to her to see if she was aimable to the idea.

Poppy blanked at the suggestion before casting a nervous glance up at Fin. The Slytherin looked down at her with an alarmed expression before you gave him an encouraging squeeze on the arm.

Nodding resolutely, he wiped his hand on his waistcoat, stepping forward to hold it out to the Hufflepuff.

"I would be quite honored if you would join me in a dance, Poppy." he asked quietly with a shy smile. Poppy flicked her eyes to you before looking back at the offered hand. After a beat her face broke with a sweet, bubbly grin, placing her smaller hand in his.

"That sounds lovely, Fin. Lead the way."

Fin looked surprised—but rather pleased, gently leading her a few steps away to take up their positions for the cheerful country jig that had started.

Amit, ever the gentleman, gave you a genial bow before extending his hand to

"Let us see how muggle and wizard dance training compares, shall we, my dear?"


It turned out that Nerida had not embellished her boyfriend's abilities.

Amit was a terrific dancer.

The lithe Ravenclaw was able to carefully lead you in such a way that had you dancing better than you thought possible. You stepped, leapt and spun to the jumpy tune as the crowd cheered and clapped to the beat around you.

As you moved through the dance you caught sight of your friends also on the floor. You and Amit laughed quietly at the sight of Imelda trying to hide how much fun she was having with a deep scowl—which was losing power against Nerida's delight in the jig.

You then drew Amit's attention to the pair you had just swapped with.

Poppy and Fin seemed to be having quite a jolly conversation as they went through the movements of the number, their faces alight with friendly good humor. As there was quite a discrepancy in their sizes, the taller teen was actually able to lift the Hufflepuff much higher during the leaping sections of the dance—eliciting delighted laughs from the girl.

Sebastian and Ominis were at the side of the dancefloor, heads bent in conversation. Sebastian caught your eye as he raised his glass to you and Amit before you turned in another direction.

As the song concluded you thanked your partner warmly as he bowed again to you, hand at his middle. Nerida came skipping over—Imelda successfully having escaped her clutches to join Ominis at the side.

You turned to the girl as she looped her arm around her boyfriend's, smiling up at him as he pulled her closer.

You sighed.

"I can now say with certainty that your handsome Ravenclaw is by far the best dancer I have had the pleasure to stand up with—you are quite lucky, my dear roommate." you complimented as Amit flushed at the praise, ducking his head. Nerry glowed as she hugged his arm before looking over your shoulder as someone approached you.

"Now, the nights' not over, Bash."

You turned to see Sebastian grinning cheekily down at you with his hands on his hips. You gave him an arch look and nodded.

"I suppose that's true, Seb—though you have quite stiff competition." you teased.

He nodded with a pursed look as the lights started to dim, the next song starting. He stepped closer to you, bending at the middle he held out his hand in a gallant gesture.

"Then allow me to throw my hat in the ring and see how I do. I would very much like to collect my dance now."

Your cheeks flushed at the brunette's lower tone and dark eyes—the atmosphere seemingly affecting his playful disposition.

You looked to Nerida and Amit—who were already heading towards a more secluded part of the floor, drawing close for the slower waltz, eyes only on each other.

You turned back with an affectionate smile for your friend, putting your hand in his familiar grip.

"Lead the way."

The copperhead gave a crooked smile as he used your hand to pull you through the crowd, finding a spot by the corner that was sparse of couples.

Standing opposite you, Sebastian bowed with a genteel flourish as you returned a deep curtsy—seeing that the brunette planned to be quite formal with his turn on the floor.

He stepped up to you, his back straight as his eyes met yours. He slipped his warm hand along your waist to your lower back, pulling you rather flush against his heated chest as he raised your other hand.

You swallowed hard at how close his freckles were.

As the song entered the first movement, Sebastian tightened his grip on you, shooting you a roguish smile as he led you firmly backwards in a sweeping set of steps, nearly taking you off your toes.

"You certainly take the lead, don't you, Seb." you gasped with a smile as he gave a throaty chuckle.

" have been rather busy tonight, love. Need to impress while I have your attention—which, I actually must lodge a complaint about." he said with a cocked brow.


He nodded with a business-like air as he watched your face.

"Indeed. You have collected quite a large friend group over the past month—and have added significantly to my own number in the process. While I like having so many people to socialise with—" he then spun you out a beat before pulling you smartly back in. "— I do not like having to compete for your attention." the hand on your back taking on a possessive edge.

You tried to temper your warming features as you cocked your head with a placating look.


He shook his head as he pulled your clasped hands closer to his chest, slowing your steps with a gentle sway to the tune.

"I know...I can't just lock you away for my own—entertainment. It's just—I met you first." he countered with a slight childish pout, lifting some of the heaviness that had been growing between you as you sighed.

"I'm not sure if me crashing into you counts as 'meeting'." you corrected.

He rolled his eyes before boldly and deftly spinning you out and snapping you in so twirled back. He caught you with his other arm—dissipating your momentum by drawing you closer and into another set of steps.

You caught your breath before you squeezed his hand.

"I am sorry if you have been feeling neglected, Sebastian."

He smiled a little before giving a resigned sigh.

"It's not's just—I like it when it's only with Hogsmeade or The Restricted Section." he admitted with a light shrug.

You nodded with understanding as he turned you with a hand at your waist to bring your back to his chest, you putting a hand on his where he held you.

You looked up over your shoulder at him.

"So—you only like being with me when our lives are in danger?"

Sebastian suppressed a laugh as he gave you an affectionate look.

"Well, yes of course I do love it when we are on the brink of death—though, now Miriam won't even let me come on those, I was thinking we could find some time to hang out alone—like you do with Ominis." he then flared you away by one hand before curling you back, dipping you a little. He brought your face closer to his.

You looked up into his hopeful—though still possessive eyes, thinking about his well as the layer of jealousy in his tone.

You knew Sebastian to be someone who held the people he cared for fiercely close—and having his beloved twin ripped from him must make him rather sensitive to feeling left out or alone.

Before you could stop yourself, you brought the hand on his shoulder up to his face, his jaw feeling a little rough on your palm. He stumbled a step before quickly correcting his form. He responded with a crooked smile—though his eyes held a shadow of nerves. You pulled your hand back after a comforting few strokes with your thumb, your heart beating a degree faster when he had leaned into your grip.

You gave him a bright smile as an idea came to you.

"Alright. That sounds agreeable, Seb. I actually could use your help on that compass I was tinkering with—perhaps on Friday afternoons you could help me with some preparations and ingredients I'm still missing. I could then help you with whatever you would like—and maybe I'll bake you that treat of your choosing that I owe you."

Sebastian's face lit with delight as he ducked to gain better leverage on your waist, lifting you off your feet to spin you with him—your arms quickly wrapping around his neck as you held on tightly. As he let you down once again, your shoes on the floor, his head came to rest beside yours—temples touching.

"That's exactly what I wanted. I knew you'd think of something clever, Bash." he whispered in your ear as you swayed in a close waltz, the hand that was not splayed across your lower back finding your hand again, bringing it between you.

You chuckled to hide your nerves at his body being so close to yours—the atmosphere and his eyes making the dance suddenly feel quite intimate. He gave you another heated look before pushing you gently from him for the next part of the song.

His fingers remained at your waist as he brought you back—but keeping an appropriate distance this time as he quick-stepped you into a complex sequence.

"So now that we have that settled, I must ask—how is my performance fairing against my competition?"

You raised a brow as your key up emotions started to settle—recovering your wit with a cool look.

"You are quite a good partner—Anne should be pleased. I would have to say you are still second to Amit though." you admitted with a luckless shrug, making him laugh.

"Alright, fair enough—but I must be better than muggle blokes." he asked with a chuckle.

You bit your lip as you looked away.

"Well...I told you before that I hadn't socialised much with boys before Hogwarts—so there were actually no muggle lads to speak of." you said shyly.

Sebastian grinned at this for a moment before the hand on your waist hardened a little—the smile slipping.

"Wait—you had only danced with girls? So when you stood up with—he was the first?" he gritted under his breath, his eyes narrowing as he looked down at you.

You tilted your head, casting a tired expression.

"Why does it even matter?"

His mouth twisted to the side as he pulled you back flush to him. He huffed a little as he turned you both in a sweeping circle.

"It—just does. Experiences have impact, Bash—and I don't like how much impact he is having on you."

You sighed.

"Green isn't your colour, Seb. Garreth and I are friends—and I thought you two were getting along better after Falbarton. It made me so happy to see you laughing together today."

He turned you in his arms to bring your back again against his chest into a side step. You glanced up, his features looking a little guilty

"Alright...he isn't so bad. It's nice to talk to a bloke about Quidditch for a change—Ominis just isn't keen. But I guess I can concede this loss to the gingernut." he said with a mock sigh. He then gently led you into a tight spin before you were face to face once more. "—and I suppose there will be other experiences." he added in a lower tone, his grip heating.

Your voice was caught in your throat as the song started to come to a close—his eyes holding yours captive with their avaricious intensity.

He kept your gaze as he brought your knuckles to his lips, pressing a soft kiss to your skin.

"Thank you for the dance—and the kind offer, my most generous friend."

You nodded as you swallowed, the hand on your back feeling like fire.

"Friday, then?"

"It's a date." he replied with a wolfish smile, finally releasing his hold on you, bowing low once more.

You tried hard to seem unaffected as you curtsied to him, ducking your head to hide your blush. A part of you knew that he was simply flirtatious by nature—but another tiny voice was whispering that he might mean it as that type of date...and you were not sure how you felt about that possibility.

You let Sebastian lead you to the side of the dancefloor to where Natty was talking with Poppy and Fin. The girls both complemented your dancing—with Fin giving his roommate a wink with a raise of his tankard.

You joined them in watching the next dance begin, with Sebastian offering to get drinks for everyone while you chatted and observed—chuckling when you saw Professor Ronen cutting a spirited rug with Professor Garlick, the beautiful redhead's face alight with joy and laughter—most likely from an unheard joke.

More of your friends came and found your group, with Ominis, Imelda and Garreth working their way through the crowds towards you, the blonde coming to join your side as he asked about your evening so far. Nerida and Amit where still taking advantage of the floor and music to spend time in each others company

After another few songs, your butterbeer making you feel warm and giggly, you saw the wizard in orange robes once again appear on the stage at the back. The last song ended as he drew the crowd's attention.

"Well ladies and gents, are we all having fun?" The tent rattled with cheers and claps as you clapped along with the crowd. "We have had some fine displays of dancing tonight—as well as some other who may need another lesson or two. That being said I am afraid that the next song will be the last for our Hogwarts visitors—but the party continues for the adults long into the night so do fill up your tankard. Alright students—choose your partner carefully and thank you again for coming to the Hogsmeade Harvest Festival! Alright Joe—strike up the music!"

The wall of people around you seemed to heave forward as students realised this was their last opportunity to dance before you were all turfed out for curfew. The lights started to dim, turning blue and green as a gentle melody started.

You felt a cool hand find yours, causing you to turn and look up into Ominis' alabaster—though slightly ill-looking features.

"Ominis?" you asked with concern, squeezing his hand.

He took a controlled breath before stepping closer, running his thumb over your knuckles.

"I was wondering if I might have this dance?" he asked quietly, his tensed frame seemingly bracing for your decision.

Your brows shot up in surprise at the unexpected request, your face heating a degree before you smiled brightly, gripping his hand to show your delight.

"I would like nothing more, Ominis." you replied warmly, accepting his arm as he gave you a shy smile, standing a little straighter as he escorted you to the floor.

You carefully weaved with your partner through the crowds—finding a spot that allowed a little more space. You turned to face him, keeping your hand in his as you curtsied, allowing him to feel the gesture as he bowed his head in return.

The song began to progress into its first set as he stepped closer. He held up his other hand towards you but seemed to hesitate. Catching his nerves, you gently took his hand and placed it on your waist.

He brought you closer, his hand sliding lightly to your back as he held your arm up in a lithe position. Letting out a controlled breath he led you backwards into the first sequence.

You smiled up at him as he carefully guided you back and forth to the song. He stumbled a step, wincing as he corrected—only to then move in the wrong direction. You gently but firmly brought him back in step, using your hand on his upper arm to influence his momentum.

"You are helping me lead, my adder." he muttered with a sheepish tone, pulling you closer.

You squeezed his hand.

"I was just keeping us together—you are doing—ah."

You gripped his hand as you felt his mistake—the two of you tripping back, causing him to smartly pull you flush against him as you both found your footing.

His brow contracted as his cheeks flared, quickly giving you space.

"I'm sorry—I-I." he stammered as he tried to get back on course.

"Ominis. It's alright. Here."

You then brought your forearm to rest against his upper arm, holding his shoulder to help you guide him.

He sighed, allowing you to lightly keep him in step.

"I should probably have had more than one lesson before asking you." he admitted, his tone holding disappointment.

You blanked at this confession.

"You've only ever had one lesson? When?" you asked quietly, using a little strength to shift him back before he took another incorrect step towards you.

"Monday. I was meant to have more before tonight—but I have been on lockdown up until today."

"You never learned before then?"

He shook his head as he led you into a simple sway.

"My mother may not have thought I was capable or assumed no one would ever want to dance with me. Either way, I didn't think it was vital to my education."

Your heart broke a little with how coldly Ominis spoke of his family. You squeezed his arm affectionately.

"But you do now?"

He gave a resigned shrug,

"Well, I'm older now. I, like most young men, must be able to move in society—and dancing is becoming ever more popular in many social circles. If I wish to establish myself apart from my family when I leave school, I will need to follow the customs to forge a new reputation without them."

He then came to a stop to slowly guide you in a spin, gently and deftly turning you in his arms, before bringing you back in—decidedly closer than before.

You hummed with delight.

"That was very good." you praised warmly, finally bringing that sweet smile back to his face.

"Yes—Nerry liked practicing that move. Her and Amit were wonderful teachers—even if it was only one lesson. It was actually their relationship that also inspired me to learn."

"Why is that?"

He seemed to hesitate before answering.

"Well—Nerry and yourself impressed on me the importance of the skill when seeking a romantic partner. I do wish to marry one day so it seemed prudent to learn now."

Your face blanked in surprise by this revelation, previously thinking that your blonde friend didn't have a good view of marriage due to his family's meddling.

You gave his arm an understanding series of pulses as you swayed to the rhythm.

"I think your future spouse will be quite enchanted by your dancing—you are doing remarkably well for a single lesson. I think just a few more and you will be a very desirable dance partner, Ominis."

The teen's face filled with a flushed smile as he ducked his head closer to you.

"You are being very kind, my dear adder—and actually providing excellent instruction at the same time.

You chuckled as you gently pulled him, guiding him forward as you stepped back.

"Alright then, Mr Gaunt—stay with me on the next steps." and you smartly stood straighter.

He grinned at you, the hand on your back gripping the lace slightly.

"I'm at your mercy, Professor." he muttered in a low, teasing voice, your chest flickering as you glanced up into his icy blue eyes.

You took a calming breath before squeezing his hand. As the next movement began, you guided your partner to take the lead, but with you correcting his movements with gentle touches and pulses.

"Good...right—let's try—"

You then let go of his shoulder as you stepped away, turning with a half spin while keeping hold of his hand. Catching on to your plan, he used your hand to tug you back, curling you into his chest.

"There we go—you're getting it." you complimented with an encouraging squeeze as he took a more confident lead in the next set.

"The benefit of a good partner. You are quite the bewitching dancer, my adder—especially scented with...Apple Crumble?" his voice was low in your ear, your chests brushing as he used a side step to bring you closer.

Your face burned as you ducked your head, giving a small laugh.

"Top marks, my astute bloodhound. I found a potion that allows you to put in any organic item and create an essence oil from it...I thought it would be festive." you offered lightly.

Ominis nodded as he turned you in a half circle, your skirt flaring as you let him control the momentum.

"It certainly is that. I like it very much."

You chuckled. "Maybe I will have to brew one from a Lemon Meringue Pie?" you suggested as he arched his arm over you to turn you in a graceful full rotation.

He returned you to his arms with a cryptic smile, his hand moving slightly up your back as you started a close half waltz.

"I'm not sure that would be a good idea. You might smell too tempting to resist." he then leaned in closer to your ear. "I would hate to bite you, my adder."

You swallowed hard, your heart tightening at both the flirtatious insinuation—as well as the blonde's breath on your neck. You used a well timed turn away to recover, coming back with a smile.

"That would be unfortunate—I understand Harlequin Copperheads to be venomous." you replied lightly, the heat slowly dissipating from your flaming cheeks as you regained your composure.

This had Ominis suppressing a laugh, scrunching his nose with an affectionate head shake.

"So clever." he muttered warmly. He then sighed happily as he stepped back from you, holding your hand to turn you before pulling you back to him. "I must say, I think I will definitely keep up with the dance lessons. This has been rather more fun than I thought."

You smiled brightly as you squeezed his hand in agreement.

"I am so glad, Ominis. I actually feel quite honored to have shared one of your early dances. That way, years from now, when you are the 'Dancing Darling' of the wizard upper-class set, I can say I knew you when you were just starting out." you stated with a resolute tone, bringing out a warm chuckle from the Slytherin boy.

"A quite fanciful prediction—though not terribly likely."

You hummed in defeat.

"Well you will be welcome to come dance with me and the muggles, then. You would be very popular." you suggested.

This had Ominis' brow furrowing as he stepped forward into another set, only hesitating a little before catching up.

"Is that what you will do when you leave school? Go back to the muggle world?" he asked.

You shrugged lightly with a sigh.

"Honestly? I don't really know. I love the magical world and I know I will never be able to really leave it...but muggles have their charms. I couldn't see myself giving them up either. I will just have to find a balance."

Ominis bobbed his head as his features softened.

"Ah, I see. I was afraid for a moment you were planning to disappear on me after you graduate." he joked—though his tone held a hint of sincerity.

You ducked your head with a laugh.

"I could never, Ominis. I hope that you and I will be friends for a long time. If anything I will just drag you into the muggle world with me—then I get the best of both." you teased with a few well placed pulses on his hand.

He spun you back to face him as the song moved into its latter half, this time, rather boldly, he placed both hands at your waist, making you put your other hand on his chest, right by the pocket square that matched your dress.

His bright, dashing smile did not help your nerves as he beamed down at you, his chest feeling warmer than you expected from the usually cooler blonde.

"I would very much like to explore the muggle world—especially with you, my esteemed adder." He then ducked his head lower—your foreheads almost touching. "If that offer still stands when we leave Hogwarts...just name the day and I'll be there." he added, quirking his lip with a hopeful expression.

Your heart leapt with the pleasant mental image this idea created—and you yearned to make it a reality one day.

"You know—there's a muggle World's Fair a year or two after we graduate... in America." you whispered with a conspiratorial air.

The teen's face lit with excitement at such a prospect, immediately launching into questions about where, when and possibilities for travel—which sounded far faster, easier and cheaper in the magical world.

After another sequence, which Ominis performed with only one slight misstep, the song started to draw to its conclusion. Your partner sighed as he ran his thumb gently over your knuckle, tucking his head beside yours.

"While I have your undivided attention...I just wanted you to know that I find myself feeling far more, well, hopeful when you are around. I am so fortunate to have gotten a chance to know you better—this you, anyway. If my counterpart to your Ravenclaw had any sense...I am sure he felt the same."

You bit your lip as you gave his shoulder a meaningful pulse, your throat thickening at his earnest words.

"Thank you, Ominis. Your optimism is something I found myself relying on more than you probably know." you admitted quietly.

The blonde brought you both to a slow stop, the song coming to an end with a round of cheers.

Ominis' cool forehead lightly bumped yours as you looked up at him, his eyes shut as you saw his lips move slightly. You couldn't make out what he said over the sound of claps and whistles of the crowd. You thought you heard a sound like a sigh—or hiss?

"Sorry, what did you say?"

He lip quirked as he recovered with a sweet half smile.

"Just—thanking you for a captivating end to this evening."

He gripped your fingers and brought them up between you—leading you to think he might kiss your hand as well. But he just used that hand to keep you close while his other found your chin, a gentle, icy knuckle turning your head a small degree.

His lips brushed over the highest part of your cheekbone, the gesture feeling quite innocent—with just a flicker of heat.

"I hope to show a marked improvement next time we dance, my graceful adder." he muttered in your ear before pulling back with a smooth smile.

You gripped his arm with feeling as your affected heart had not yet relinquished your voice. You pulled away to curtsy again while holding his hand, with him bowing at the middle in return.

You took a deep breath, smiling as you pulled him with you off the floor alongside other students.

"Thank you for such a lovely last dance, Ominis. That was indeed a memorable end to a brilliant evening." and you gave him a series of pulses you hoped better communicated your appreciation and regard for him. "Are there more social occasions such as this in the Hogwarts calendar?" you asked, catching Poppy waving at you beside Sebastian from across the floor.

"There is sometimes the Yuel Ball—but not since Black became Headmaster. Hmmm, well there is a winter carnival that comes to town right after Christmas. It's good fun—not as crowded as today, but most of the students who stay at the castle attend."

"That sounds like a lovely event. I am definitely staying at school for Christmas so I will look forward to seeing it."

Ominis grinned down at you.

"I often stay at Hogwarts as well—it's a far warmer Christmas than at home. Perhaps we could attend together?" he offered with a light smile.

You gripped his arm happily as you agreed to the festive plan, excited to have something to look forward to in the next few months.

You reached Poppy and Sebastian, the girl rushing to greet you with a cheerful giggle.

"Oh you two looked utterly charming together on the dance floor—especially since your outfits complement each other so well." she remarked as you pulled her into a friendly hug. You beamed up at Ominis who ducked his head with a humble smile.

Sebastian raised a brow at his best friend.

"I didn't know you danced, mate." he commented offhandedly as you all moved towards the stairs to collect your things from your table before heading out.

Ominis gave a light shrug.

"A newly acquired hobby. Our friend Amit inspired me to learn—and our brave housemate risked her toe's safety in agreeing to join me for a turn."

You and Poppy giggled before you complimented your recent partners' improved ability—even over the course of the song.

Poppy nodded before looking up at the freckled Slytherin boy.

"Sebastian was a great partner—a most talented dancer." Poppy praised as Sebastian bowed his head at her with a warm smile. You nodded in agreement as you saw Imelda and Garreth coming towards you.

"Yes, it seems the Slytherin boys made quite the impression tonight—our Fin included." you said with a smile at the dark-haired boy who was beside Natty waiting for you at the table.

Poppy smiled brightly.

"Fin is so lovely. You know he apologized for something that happened last year? I had no idea it was bothering him...I just assumed he didn't really like me. He is such a cheerful lad, I'm glad it was just a misunderstanding." she added with a happy expression, waving at Natty as she started to put on her jumper.

You were pleased that your friends were so welcoming of the shy teen—except Imelda, who still seemed unconvinced—though at least not enough to be hostile towards the affable boy.

You all gathered your things, commenting on the delights of the evening as you moved with the crowd of students to the exit of the tent.

You spied Miriam and Eleazar to the side of the floor and quickly separated from your friends to bid them a hasty goodbye with warm, tight hugs. Miriam reminded you to meet them in the clocktower foyer early the next day, which had you primly reminding your mentors not to stay out too late—eliciting a hearty chuckle from Eleazar.


You pulled Imelda and Poppy closer to you when you exited the tent, the brisk autumn air making you all pull on scarves and pop up collars against the wind.

Eventually you were able to break from the crowd as your party fell into smaller groups along the path back to the castle.

Amit and Nerida were far ahead of you—choosing to wish everyone a nice evening before heading off to spend the last of the evening alone.

You chatted cheerfully with Poppy and Imelda about the day—surprised to find that the previously frosty girls had found common ground over shared support for the same Quidditch team. Apparently both had bought the same issue of a magazine featuring the Leeds-based team.

You glanced behind you to see your Gryffindors walking with Fin. Natty laughed at some joke her housemate finished, gripping his arm as she tried to regain composure. Fin smiled at you when you caught his eye, making you wink back.

Sebastian and Ominis were trailing your group, hands in their pockets as they talked and chuckled in low voices.

You sighed as you turned back to look up at the night's sky over the lake, stars glittering in the inky darkness, the scents of the festival still dancing in the air.

While your heart still clung to the delights and flirtations of the day—your nerve steeled itself for what awaited you in the morning.


You stood craning your neck back, watching the gears of the clock with interest when you heard your name called from behind you.

Turning, you grinned at your mentors hurrying across the stone floor to meet you.

You gave them both warm greetings, pulling them in for quick hugs.

"I see you are no worse for wear after last night then? Behave yourselves did you?" you asked with an arch brow as Eleazar failed to stifle a yawn. Miriam gave a guilty smile.

"We probably could have turned in earlier—though we are certainly not in as bad of shape as our esteemed Headmaster must surly be." she hinted with a wicked smile.

Eleazar ducked his head with a suppressed grin as you headed towards the huge open entrance and the misty morning beyond.

"Yes...I do not think we will be seeing him today—though I will say he has a surprisingly lovely singing voice." he remarked with an appreciative nod.

Miriam shot you a mischievous look.

"But a 'lovely singing voice' doesn't make up for being so tanked that you forget half the words and slur the rest." she muttered loudly in your ear.

You clapped a hand over your mouth to hide your snickers alongside the grinning witch as your professor just rolled his eyes affectionately.

"So are Professor Ronen and Hecat meeting us here?" you asked as you bunched a little closer to the elder witch when you entered the cold morning air. Miriam shook her head.

"They are meeting us at the entrance to the forest. Di wanted to have a scan around before we got there to ensure it's safe for you. Abby said he would bring breakfast so that's also covered."

You nodded at this, appreciating the care your teachers were taking to ensure your safety and success.

Earlier that morning, before you left, your Slytherin friends had all gotten up to see you had anything you needed for your adventure in the forbidden forest.

Imelda and Nerida had both ensured you were warmly attired, with the Slytherin captain handing you a pair of charmed gloves that she said would protect you from anything too hot or cold to touch. You hugged them both as they charged you with coming back safe and sound.

Ominis seemed to be trying to put on a braver face than he felt—pressing into your hands a collection of potions he had carefully labeled in his neat script. You listened closely as he explained their effects, the nervous lilt to his voice making you hug him that much tighter before saying goodbye.

Sebastian was clearly still irritated that he couldn't accompany you, pulling you into a crushing embrace before you left, muttering that he would be coming after you if you did not return that evening—which you knew in your heart was not hyperbole.

Miriam threaded her arm through yours as you started up the road towards the forest.

"You looked like you had quite the eventful evening as well my sweet spark. I saw you on the dance floor with a charming array of partners." she hinted with a teasing smile.

You gave her a significant look, squeezing her arm.

"It was a lovely event. I had forgotten how much I enjoyed dancing."

Miriam nodded as Eleazar walked beside her, rubbing his hands in the morning chill.

"I thought you and Mr Weasley certainly impressed last night. His aunt also caught your display and happened to mention how well you looked dancing together." your Professor remarked with a smile.

You shook your head to suppress your blush as you felt Miriam grip your arm.

"True—but I thought Mr Sallow had far more skill as a dancer, my dear. You cannot deny he had the superior move set" she replied with a side look to her husband—a competitive lilt to her voice.

You flushed a little knowing so many people had apparently been interested in your dancing—especially your partners.

You sighed resignedly.

"They were both delightful dancers—but I'm afraid Amit Thakkar was the victor of the evening. I could not deny him his rightful dues."

Miriam chuckled with a nod.

"He is a favourite of Di's so she will be pleased that Ravenclaw came out on top—and I will say he did look very dashing with your lovely roommate."

You agreed with a warm smile before telling her in a low voice a little about Nerida's love story. Miriam listened raptly as you walked up the road towards the forest, asking a few questions and offering suggestions of nice places in the valley the new couple might like to use as locations for dates.

Miriam squeezed your arm.

"There are also some sweet—and rather private little nooks in Slytherin house...but I suppose your Ravenclaw friend will have to miss out on those." Miriam added with a playful laugh.

"What's this now?" asked Eleazar with a raised brow at his wife.

"Oh! Nothing my dear." she replied in an innocent tone before leaning closer to your ear. "I'll tell you later." she whispered—though, loud enough to make your professor shake his head with a chuckle.


You saw Professor Ronen waving brightly beside a crooked lamppost, behind him the entrance to the dark and tangled forest.

As you drew closer you spotted Hecat standing at the treeline, wand raised as she seemed to be doing some kind of survey.

You greeted Ronen warmly, your jovial professor handing you a wrapped breakfast pasty as he acknowledged your mentors with the same.

"Glad to see none of us are too worse for wear following last night." Ronen said with a bright grin.

Miriam nodded as Hecat came to join your party, the witches giving each other easy and familiar hugs.

"We were just saying what a wonderful evening we had—especially Ol' Phineas." Miriam said with a smirk.

You had to mentally separate this Phineas from your own Fin. You marvelled for a moment at the stark difference between the father and son—your sweet friend thankfully nothing like his namesake.

Professor Hecat greeted you with a smile and friendly clap on the shoulder.

"Pleased to see your incarceration hasn't done you too much harm, little one—though had it been up to me I would have awarded points rather than take away." she muttered with a sly wink. Eleazar and Ronen shared a guilty look as you all tucked into the pasties while Hecat detailed her survey.

"Standard sweeps and detection charms show no abnormalities—but the forbidden forest's magic can make hiding much easier for those not wishing to be found. We should be on our guard." reported the steel-haired witch before leaning closer to you. "Let's see how you are getting on with the skills Aesop and I taught you."

You gave the formidable professor a stout nod and a serious look, broadcasting your eagerness to make her proud should the need arise.

Miriam smiled warmly at her friend who joined her at the front of your party to start down the path to the dark and imposing tree line, finishing your breakfasts.

"I would love to hear how those lessons are going—have you taught her that Vincarcerous charm yet?" Miriam asked.

"No, but that is a good shout Mims—although illusionary magic can be rather tricky." Hecat replied with a challenging look over her shoulder at you before listing off some of the charms and spells she and the potion master had taught you.

Eleazar and Ronen flanked you as you followed the witches, your head of house smiling as he listened but keeping one eye behind you to watch for danger.

You pulled out your wand as you entered the cool and misty darkness of the ancient forest.

"How big is this place?" you asked, tipping your neck back to see the morning sky was almost completely blocked by the gnarled and twisted branches above you.

Ronen gave you a mysterious smile.

"Well my dear, The Forbidden Forest is a rather odd that its size changes and morphs with the ebb and flow of its own power. It is one of the largest enchanted woods still left mostly untouched in the wizard world—though there is a truly immense magical forest in Norway." he advised with a raised brow.

"Ah yes—Edderkopp...that was quite the adventure wasn't it Mims?" commented Hecat as you all carefully navigated down a narrow path into a damp ravine, causing the white-haired witch to grin cheekily at her protégé.

You immediately prodded for more details as Eleazar shot his wife an encouraging look.

"Alright—if I must." she sighed with a light tone and she turned and held a hand out to you. You were pulled in to walk snugly between the two witches, Miriam keeping you close. "Well my spark, back when I was first doing research into nomadic wizard cultures, I did a two-month mission in Edderkopp. Several nomadic tribes made their homes in the massive forest so I thought I would investigate—and, I hired a young and energetic Ravenclaw to assist."

Hecat ducked her head with a sly smile before using her wand to lift a fallen tree branch out of your path.

"Wanted: Research graduate to join foreign expedition. Must be clever, resilient and not afraid of spiders. Boring people need not apply." recited Hecat.

You snickered as Miriam nodded astutely.

"She was the only one who fit all the criteria." she responded proudly. Eleazar snorted under his breath.

"She was the only one who applied." he muttered, which had Ronen suppressing a laugh. Miriam cast an arch look over her shoulder at her husband.

"Regardless. Di and I headed into Edderkopp while Eleazar did a brief residency at a small private magic school in Oslo. We were meant to start at the west side entrance and make our way north...but.." she trailed off.

Hecat then gave you a tired look.

"But we immediately got lost. We spent four days essentially going in a circle around a charmed bilberry grove."

"The charm meant that until we ate twenty one bilberries, we couldn't get out of the loop—which we didn't figure out until one of us finally snacked on the correct number of fruit and found a new path." explained Miriam. Hecat shook her head, mumbling about how she still couldn't enjoy the berries.

"Who charmed the grove?" you asked with interest.

Miriam squeezed your arm.

"An excellent question. The charm was hundreds of years old, set by a Nordic wizard tribe called the Eddertamere. They were rather light-hearted and scholarly nomads who liked to create puzzles to protect their stores of knowledge. The grove was only the first of several mischievous traps we found throughout our survey."

Your Defence Professor shook her head.

"The worst was the half-mile bridge over a seemingly bottomless chasm...that would try to buck you off if you didn't sing to it—in Norwegian."

Miriam chuckled.

"Yes, that one was rather—well, terrifying. But eventually we found what I had been hoping to prove existed—the fabled Silk Library of Edderkopp."

Miriam and Hecat then described the ancient and beautiful library that the Eddertamere had left behind, the scrolls all made from special spider silk. Apparently the tribe had an affinity with the different species of beast-spiders that lived in the forest—the library held together spider webbing as strong as iron.

You listened with rapt attention as you moved around a shining lake, small orbs of light illuminating the misty clearing. Hecat told you about some of the defense magic she gleaned from the preserved scrolls—many she used in her career in the department of mysteries.

Miriam was just telling you about the tapestries she studied when you turned into a dead end—a high rock face at the rear of a damp and dark clearing—a familiar swirl pattern of as erected in stones infront of what looked like a bird bath—or a pensive.

"I have some excellent replicas I will show you when we return to the castle, my spark—but now let us have a look at this entrance."

You nodded with an appreciative smile before squaring your shoulders. Your professors fanned out into the clearing.

Hecat was stalking the tree line around you with her wand raised—eyes narrowed as she scanned the forest.

"Someone has been here recently—there are imprints of teleportation magic in the air." announced the witch as Miriam pulled you to the swirl pattern—her husband trailing behind the two of you as his brow set with concern, wand at the ready. Ronen peered into the strange bowl as his eyes also flicked to the trees surrounding you.

You approached the swirl and tried to see if you could feel anything as you saw Miriam pull the book from the Restricted Section and flip to the page with the magical map. Without a word you slipped your hand back into hers so you could both study the bubbling flux of magic.

"Thank you, my spark—alright, let's see." and Miriam started scanning the page.

You watched the sketchy illustration of the rock formation in front of you come into focus along with cramped text.

"Look—it's that bowl! Is it a pensive?" you asked warily as you pointed to the tiny illustration of the bowl that Ronen was now crouching to look at the underside of.

"Yes—excellent." she said and you led her to the bowl, hands still held so she could read the ancient magic guide. You joined your Charms professor who was rubbing down his beard as he frown at it.

"This bowl is connected to some type of locking magic—but I don't know what kind. I also do not want to set off any defences by trying to circumvent its intent."

The bowl was empty and had bits of old leaves and forest debris in it. You couldn't see how it was connect to whatever trial The Keepers wanted you to go through.

Miriam hummed with curiosity as she held the book in one hand.

"Abby—does the phrase 'intra muros' have any meaning to—" but she was cut off when you felt the ground beneath you rumble.

Eleazar was instantly beside you and Miriam. Your head swiveled as you searched for danger—but gasping at the strange bluish light that was starting to grow from the shifting stones in the rock face.

Ronen looked awestruck as he turned to Miriam

"I think it may be a password. Well done, Mimi." he said with a grin at his friend as you all moved towards the large opening in the rock.

"This must be where the entrance to the trial is—we found it." you said with a smile—before you froze, the hairs on your neck lifting as you felt a wave of fear. You turned to face the party, your heart leaping into your throat.


You shot the protection charm around Ronen before the streak of red magic hit his back. The goblin was repelled backwards, yelping in pain as he slammed into another charging goblin that had leapt from behind the trees.

"Ambush!" growled Hecat as she fired back at an ax wielding goblin.

"Give us the brat and we will leave you geezers with all your limbs." snarled a large goblin that suddenly appeared in the clearing, flanked by two more glowing red cronies.

Miriam and Hecat closed in to create a wall between you and the goblin as Ronen skilfully sent three more inbound soldiers flying back into the forest beyond.

Eleazar's hand found your wrist as he pulled you to his side, his wand raised as he seemed to be waiting for something. Miriam looked over her shoulder and gave him a tiny head shake.

His grip loosened a degree.

"I'm afraid that these geezers are rather attached to the brat. So shove off on your merry way. We will not be parting with her." responded Hecat with a cold sneer.

The goblin roared with anger as he started to glow red—another wave of nausea and fear from the corrupted magic making you wince.

Hecat was faster though, and cast off a vicious hex that blasted the rampaging goblin off his feet.

Miriam used Incarcerous on two knife-wielding foes as Ronen transfigured a fired bolt from crossbow into a puff of butterflies—before using Accio to rip the weapon from the goblin's hands and bringing it down hard on his head—knocking the little man out cold.

Eleazar kept you beside him as he backed up towards the entrance of the cave. You fired off a Depulso at a little goblin that made a dash to grab you while Eleazar hit another with Confringo.

"We need to shut them out." you muttered to Eleazar as you saw more puffs of magic in the woods—signaling the arrival of more foes.

Your Professor nodded with a set expression.

"Miriam! We need to create a fence." he called cryptically to his wife who was quickly retreating to your side. She called to Hecat and Ronen who skidded over as they fought back the on coming hoard of loyalists.

"Go—into the cavern." Miriam commanded as you all ran into the misty light coming from the opening in the rock face.

Miriam and Eleazar both stopped and raised their wands in mirrored motions, quickly muttering under their breaths—the ground starting to shake with the power of their magic. The goblins backed up as the ground cracked—thick thorny vines shooting out to start weaving together in a dense thicket. Within moments the opening was almost entirely covered.

You heard shouting and cursing as the goblins tried to hack at the enchanted tangle your mentors had woven—but it just regrew as fast as they cut it away.

You watched in awe as Ronen kept a hand on your shoulder, keeping you back.

"The Fig Fence—usually reserved for wild beast control or to protect vulnerable research sites. It always impresses." Ronen whispered as he kept his wand raised.

Your mentors finally dropped their arms, looking weary from the effort of the spell as the thicket closed the remaining gaps. They turned to join you with relieved smiles when you saw the burning ball that made it through one of the last gaps—rolling onto the ground between you and The Figs.

"Explosive!" shouted Eleazar—right before everything got bright—and very loud.

Ronen had yanked you to him as the explosion rocked the carvern, protecting your head as he tucked you against him. Hecat's voice was close as you heard her shout some protection charm—the sound of rocks and debris vibrating off the bubble around you.

After a few seconds the cavern calmed.

"Are you alright? Did you get hit?" worried Ronen as he gently let you go, his wand out as he looked for damage in the misty light of burning torches.

Your ears rang with the sound of the explosion as you tried to focus on his questions. You turned to where Miriam and Eleazar were—only to see a wall of rock.

"NO! MIRIAM—ELEAZAR!" you shouted in a cracking voice as you scrambled to the freshly settled stone, dust still thick in the air.

Your heart was threatening to beat out of your chest as you started to desperately claw at the rock shouting for your mentors—the idea of them under the stone nearly robbing you of your senses.

Your vision started to blur before you suddenly heard the faintest—and most loveliest sound.

Miriam was shouting your name somewhere on the other side of the wall.

You ran down the length until you could hear her better—Hecat and Ronen racing to catch up.

"Miriam?!?" you called when you got to a more crumbly bit of rock with larger boulders.

You heard Eleazar call for you and your teachers, his voice clearer in this section of the cave.

"Professor? Are you both okay?" you shouted in a wavering voice.

"We are unharmed. My Spark—are you hurt—Di? Abraham?" she called back, your professors assuring their friends you were all safe.

"What do we do? Should we try to break through the rock?" you asked loudly.

Eleazar shouted back in a hoarse tone.

"We cannot risk the cavern collapsing—we are lucky that it hasn't already. We should move down through the tunnels—we have one on this side. They might meet up. If we don't find each other in two hours we come back here and try to break out the other way. I have already attempted apparating which doesn't seem to work so I think we may have found the entrance to the trial."

Ronen and Hecat agreed—both promising stoutly to protect you on the journey.

"Please be careful." you pleaded, dreading leaving the comfort of their voices.

"We will come find you my love. I promise." Miriam called back—her own affected emotions coming through in the desperate edge to her tone.

You took a deep breath as Hecat held out a comforting hand which you took.

You and your professors stared down at the long flickering tunnel that was scattered with burning torches—the feeling of ancient magic starting to bleed through the atmosphere into your skin.

"Stiff upper lip then, my Mini-Mims. You will need to give your guardians a full report when we find them. Eyes sharp—wand out." Hecat said in her stern but warm manner.

Ronen gave you an encouraging nod as he kept a step behind to watch your backs, following you down the path towards answers about The Keepers—but more importantly to you right now, towards your beloved mentors.

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