Kidnapped!! (EDITTING)

By Emma5408

467K 3.8K 716

I started to struggle to get up from his lap, but he tightens his grip around my waist. "if you struggle agai... More

Author's note!!


15.4K 135 26
By Emma5408

Jake POV

"Boss, we have got three of them in the basement" my assistant Jacob said on the phone, I hummed and continued, "have they said anything?"
"No boss, we have tried everything we could, they didn't said anything about their bosses, one said something about anglo's mafia but we couldn't understand anything"

"SHIT!" I yelled after hanging up. I leaned back on my chair and massaged my temples "what happened?, don't get yourself too worked up, you look like shit" Liam said walking into our office with a cup coffee which he placed Infront of me on the desk while he walked towards his desk.

"Anglo's mafia are after us again, I don't know what the fuck they want from us" I said "What?" he yelled confused "tighten the security around the mansion and I will be back, I have to take care of something in the basement" Liam nodded in understanding and I made my way towards the door, just as I opened it, a small women dressed in a small black suit tumbled in.

"h-hey" she squeaked out, I picked her up in my arms, kissing her forehead softly while moving her hair out of her face.

she made me relax somehow, I wanted to never let go of her.

She tried to move away from me, not trying to make it obvious since she was scared. I let her go and giving Liam a signal that don't let her away from his sight, I made my way downstairs and into the basement.

Smell of blood quickly invaded my nostrils. Jacob quickly guided me towards the room they were in. I walked in and kneeled down Infront of one of my victim. "do you have something to say?" I asked calmly, amusement evident in my voice.

He made a disgusting face and spat on my face. I pulled away closing my eyes trying to control my anger but I couldn't.

I pulled him to his feet by grabbing his collar and made him sit on the chair, I motioned Jacob to tie him up, he quickly pulled down a lever making metal cuffs appear on the chair and tie him up around his wrists, ankles, thighs, stomach and neck.

He was unable to move, I went behind him and picked up a tool, which was cutting plier.

I smiled to myself and made myself towards the guy sitting on the chair, I grabbed his hand and put his finger between the cutting plier.

I asked him one more time "who sent you" I spat at his face, "I won't fucking tell you anything, do whatever you want you filthy-" I cut his finger off making him scream and wince in pain. I again what has other finger between the cutting plier "I am asking you the last time, who sent you, or I am gonna cut all your fingers off" I yelled loudly. I cut his another finger off. he screamed like an idiot trying to get away from me, but there isn't any escape.

"A-Anto-onio rrros-si" he managed to get it out. "why?" I asked and then I cut his third finger off "I d-dont k-kno-w" I dropped the cutting plier and moved to my other victim, doing the same until he told me "h-he want to destroy you, b-by getting something y-you love, we were sent by him to break into your warehouse a-and steal some of your stuff like guns and then do another attack on your h-hou-" he shut up after that trying not to scream and in pain.

I nodded towards Jacob. "take care of them, and I want the footage of the warehouse they attacked" I said and quickly made my way upstairs.

Everything was messing with my head, they were going to attack on our mansion and hurt me, Liam or worse, bella. we didn't have many security around the house since most of them went to other warehouses, we want backup, soon.

I didn't realized that I had reached upstairs and bumped in bella, her eyes widened "w-whats on y-your hands?, b-blood??" she screamed and ran to her room. My hands were covered in fresh blood.

I went in my room and took a shower.

Belly's POV

What the fuck? did I just saw Jake's hands covered in blood, I knew they were in mafia and I don't know anything about this shit.

And just reading a book which says 'hands covered in blood' seems okay but actually looking at it Infront of yourself is way worse.

I don't know whose inoccent blood is it but if that's the case, what can they actually do to me?

My thoughts were interupted by a knock on my door, and quickly the door opened revealing Theo inside my room. "hey, so boss is demanding you presence in the living room" he said prefessionaly and went back to his position just outside my door.

I gave myself a pep talk looking in the mirror, I was wearing a large shirt with a black skirt that stops at my knee. I couldn't find any shorts and it was too hot to wear jeans. And that stupid vibrator was still on my forearm. I was kinda thankful that they just tested it out once when they put it on me.

I walked downstairs and into the living room. I saw Jake sitting on the couch Infront of a TV, working on his laptop and Liam on the kitchen counter which was connected with the living room on his phone, no one noticed me so I went to the corridor and looked around for anyone, when I saw no one, I quickly started going through the drawers, I just knew there was going to be something in here that will help.

Not long after I opened a drawer and found a window breaker. SCORE!!

I did a happy dance in my mind and quickly hid it in my skirt, the elastic on it held it in place.

To not have any suspicion I took out a bowl of leftover pasta, heated it in the oven and sat on the stool around the kitchen counter to eat it.

Jake didn't bothered me until I was finished eating the pasta. Jake called me over towards him and obviously made me sit on his lap.

What the fuck is wrong with them, what is this type of kink?

"how are you?" he whispered in my ear while making imaginary circles on my thigh I don't know why but it made my heart beat faster and hair on my back stand up. "f-fine" I hated that I stuttered. His hand was on my thigh.

He kissed my shoulder and asked "so-" he kept saying something but I wasn't listening since his hand kept moving upwards. When it was too close, I suddenly grabbed his wrist to stop it, "I-I have to u-use the bathroo-"
"Don't lie to me, I know you are we-" he started saying seductively but I interupted him.

"STOP, it's s-sexual assault okay, you shouldn't do it" I stopped because I couldn't find any words to say. "oh, so you're gonna tell us what is it, huh? do you think we care about it?" he said in a mocking tone.

I tried to calm them down, cause I know if I pissed them off, I'll get the vibration thingy. "Okay, calm down I was just saying that...I think" I started backing away from them "consent, yeah consent is important you know" with that i screamed and ran upstairs.

I waited in my room for them to come, and when they finally came, I acted scared "no, please no I am sorry" I faked sobbed "d-don't lock me in my room, please, it is the worst punishment ever" I sobbed like crazy, and I could see that they had bought my stupid lie.

"No, I told you that do. not. deny. our
touch, and you just did it, I am gonna lock you in your room and you're not gonna come out until tomorrow" I faked some more sobs and tried to stay out of the room. but they still pushed me inside the room, locking it from outside.

I screamed some more until I was sure they had gone. I did my happy dance once again and jumped on the bed.

They are so so stupid to fall for it. I should get myself a acting job after I escape. hmm, I really need to think about it.

And now the plan began.....

Try to guess why Isabel did this, acted so she could be locked in a room?

I managed to update, but won't be able to after, I just want 1-2 weeks off not more than that. I love you so much for 21k reads.

we did 1k reads in one day!!!! I love you guys so fucking much.

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