The Death Wish: Book One (Hog...

By TheLastOneOut

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**MAJOR PLOT SPOILERS FOR HOGWARTS LEGACY*** POV: Second Person, Girl - Great for Role-Play Read Hogwarts was... More

Game Over
Carriage Crush
Salt Spray
The Pull
The Best Defence is...
Venom & Blood
The Fallout
Dark Reflections
Anguish & Ice
Whiskers and Petals
The Honest Path
A Dragon's Promise
Rooks and Knights
Fireside Consequences
A Quick Save
The Tea Pot Plot
Lavender and Lists
Quid Pro Quo
The Blood Compass
The Second Sight
The House of Adder
The Undercroft Professors
Letters and Loans
Pacts, Purrs and Potions
Room for Forgiveness
In the Valley of Hope
Of Feather and Fang
Books, Balance, Barbs and Black
The Princess and The Tower
Dungeons and Dances
Fangs, Flames and Frames
A Dashing Prince
The Muggle Way
Another Whip Round the Sun
A Penitent Heart

The Scent of Humour

459 14 4
By TheLastOneOut

Imelda waved goodbye as she headed for the Library to return some books—Nerida, having already left to check in with her new hero.

As you walked back to your common room with the boys, Ominis kindly explained why you didn't have anything on your schedule for the day other than the words 'Focus Five'.

"All fifth-years have Wednesdays free of classes this year. We are meant to use it to study for O.W.Ls and stay on top of the workload the professors assign—but this early in the year—it's just a day off." Ominis smiled.

You hummed in agreement, pleased to have a day to catch up on your well as work on your other—responsibilities.

Sebastian fell into step beside you.

"Ominis and I are headed to the Quidditch pitch this morning. I need to get some practice in or I'll lose my stamina. Ominis will be looking for weeds or something."

Ominis rolled his eyes with a sigh.

"I am searching for Crimson Virbana. It's a rare bloom with impressive stabilising effects in restoration potions—Garlick said there might be some patches around the pitch."

You nodded thoughtfully before furrowing your brow. You placed a light hand on his arm as you walked.

"Can I ask how you look for them—does your orientation spell help you locate specific things?"

Ominis seemed pleased to explain, holding his wand out as he told you about modifier incantations he can use to help find specific magical auras.

"—also Professor Sharp kindly let me smell some dried Virbana yesterday. It has a unique pleasant scent which I hope will help me find it."

You squeezed his arm in delight.

"That's brilliant Ominis. I had no idea you had such a great sense of smell."

Sebastian huffed a laugh as he was digging around in his satchel for something.

"Of course he does—how do you think he guesses what essence oils you're wearing everyday." he muttered absentmindedly—before seeming to realize what he said, looking up with a wince.

"You do?" you ask with surprise. You felt the blonde's arm still under your hand.

Ominis was scowling at Sebastian before turning towards you, his cheeks pink as he nervously began to fidget with his necktie.

"Well—it's seem to use something different each day—it's nice. Most girls just use the same, I started trying to guess the combinations—and then I stupidly told my friend."

You blanked for a moment before chuckling lightly, squeezing his arm for a long pulse followed by two short ones, to show you were not upset.

"Oh, that makes sense—and I guess that's a little on me. I am just enamoured with all the different options in the toiletries cupboard—there are so many. They only had plain caster soap at the orphanage—so I guess I'm indulging a little." you admit with a nervous blush.

Ominis leaned closer with a careful look.

"As is your right. Slytherins take pride in how the world perceives us—including our scent. That is why we get far more options than other houses in the communal store cupboards. Please continue exploring—I can keep my distance if it makes you more comfortable." and he shyly ducked his head as he looked ready to try and step away.

You just held firm, stepping closer to him.

"Nonsense. This just means you can know if you're correct. What's today's guess?" you ask with a friendly squeeze, causing his eyebrows to raise for a beat before his marble features filled with a sweet smile.

"Alright. I thought of bergamot and jasmine when you sat down to breakfast."

"That's right!" you exclaimed with wonder. "—and I'm impressed you identified the bergamot and didn't just say 'orange'. That's pretty amazing, Ominis."

He blushed a shade deeper, trying to brush it off—though still looking quite pleased. Sebastian moved to Ominis' other side as you entered the common room.

"See—fun new game." supplied Sebastian with an apologetic tone—trying to smooth his blunder with the blonde. Ominis cast a muted scowl before rolling his eyes with a forgiving smile.

"So Bash, you wanna come watch me fly?" Sebastian asked with a wink, bending around their friend to catch your eye. You shook your head.

"Another time, I'm afraid. I have some reading to catch up on for tomorrow—and a letter to answer." you replied with a significant look, causing the brunette's smile to flicker.

"You are writing to Anne?" he asked lightly.

"It would be bad manners not to answer a letter—especially one as kind and elegant as hers. I actually hope to find a frequent correspondent in your sister—if she is amiable." you admit nervously. Sebastian seemed to brighten at this, nodding with a growing smile.

"I think she would love that. She says the letters she gets from us are the brightest spots in her day—and I know she would like to get to know more about you." he added softly. Ominis nodded in agreement.

"Yes—Anne had expressed similar sentiments to me. She wrote that while she was cross at you, Seb—she admitted being happy to have an excuse to write to our mysterious new Slytherin." Ominis offered with a friendly dip in your direction. You smiled warmly.

As you reached the split between the boys and girls dorms you bid them both luck in their morning endeavours and promised to see them at lunch. The two boys then headed to change for the brisk autumn air while you looked forward to a quiet morning alone in your dorm.


You spread out your study materials on the warm ornate rug in front of the cheerfully crackling fireplace in your dorm room, beside you a stack of old Daily Prophets.

The previous evening, Nerida had shown you a simple transfiguration spell to change the old newsprint into fresh, clean parchment. According to her, this was the only reason many people got the Prophet—easier than buying stationary.

You pulled the stack close to you and started shuffling through, delighted by the moving pictures and clever adverts for fantastical products. You leafed through, catching headlines related to elections, crime and sport. You stopped to watch a photo of a Quidditch player making a spectacular save on a black and white pitch. You grinned when you found an issue that had a special insert on Dragons—which you pulled out to read later.

Grabbing the next paper, you stuttered—feeling ice spike your spine as you took in the snarling face of the goblin that haunted your memory. You stared grimly at the image, watching him sneer and throw his head angrily from the paper in your fingers.

You read the article accompanying the photo, detailing how the Ministry was advising the magical community to steer clear of Ranrok and his growing army of loyalists. They encouraged readers to report any unusual activity to an Auror-–though the article took the opportunity to criticise the Ministry by highlighting the lack of Auror-presence in the valley surrounding Hogwarts.

You tried to put the goblin from your mind, setting the article aside to add to your field guide before grabbing another sheet of newsprint, this one covered in adverts for Gillyweed tonic and owl-order beauty potions. You set it down on the rug and carefully recreated the spell Nerida showed you. You smiled as the newsprint twisted and morphed into a clean sheet of cream coloured parchment. You repeated the spell a few times before you had a nice stack of fresh sheets.

Setting a book on your lap you flicked your wand at the dented gramophone on a table by the door, hitting the needle to begin filling the room with a cheerful country style jig from the warped record. You grabbed one of your quills and the magenta ink pot Imelda had lent you and stared at the blank sheet.

What do you say to someone who you have never met—yet know so much about? You worried your lip as you spun the quill in your fingers. You tried imagining what she might look like to help you begin you letter. Anne was Sebastian's twin sister, which you supposed did help– fawn coloured hair and freckles helping to build an image in your mind.

You thought about what life must be like for the young witch—separated not only from her friends and education–but from her twin brother, the latter of whom was going mad with worry for her. You grimace at the pain she must have to endure—recalling Sebastian telling you that the curse wracked her with erratic bouts of agony while at the same time making her overall very weak and tired.

You knew you couldn't offer her hope—even if you were the only one capable of bestowing it. All you could give her right now was—a friend. You looked at the books littered around you, your eyes falling on the slightly dirty green book thick as a brick.

You smiled as all the facts about Anne in your mind settled and you had a gut feeling of what she needed.

You picked up one of your new sheets of parchment and dipped your quill.

Dear Anne,


"It smells like—chocolate?" you observe with a surprise, having leant in to sniff the glass bottle filled with blood-red flowers.

"Unique, right? I'm lucky I found quite the generous patch." Ominis smiled cheerfully as you handed back the bottle.

The Great Hall echoed with clinking and chatter as you tucked into lunch with your Slytherin friends. You were slightly pressed into the pleasant-smelling blonde in an attempt to create space between you and the sweaty, muddy brunette on your other side—decked in equally dirty Quidditch robes.

"Don't you think you should have showered, Sallow?" commented Ominis with a sardonic air, sliding away further on the lacquered bench—pulling you with him. Sebastian laughed before biting hard into his sandwich.

"Heading back out—after—lunch." and he took a large swig of pumpkin juice before wiping his mouth with his hand.

"Manners, Sebastian. There are ladies present." Ominis chided with a shake of his head. Nerida snickered while Imelda just smirked.

Sebastian looked up at you, and then the other two girls before he shrugged, wolfing down the last of his lunch.

"Eh, these ladies don't count."

This remark was swiftly followed by a sharp hiss as Imelda kicked him under the table. You let out a snort, earning you a rueful look from the teen.

"You know what, I don't have to take this abuse." and with mock offence he stood and stormed away—before halting and spinning on his heel, a wicked glint in his eye. He quick-stepped towards you—and before you could escape, tackled you with a strong, damp bearhug.

"Oh come on Seb! You're filthy!" you squawked indignantly, attempting to untangle yourself as he held you tighter on the bench.

"I just thought you might miss me, Bash—wanted to give you a proper goodbye." he simpered impishly, cackling before finally letting you go. You pouted as you batted your robes, dislodging the grass and mud he had transferred to your shoulder.

"Imelda was the one that kicked you." you grumbled.

"—and you laughed. Anyways, I already have her punishment ready—I'm beating her lap time on RockRidge Run in about an hour." and he cast a challenging look at the dark-haired girl.

"Never gonna happen, Sallow. The Ridge is mine." Imelda replied coolly, sipping her coffee with an arch brow.


Later that evening, as you, Ominis and Nerdia returned from an afternoon in the Library with Amit, you spied Sebastian stalking up the stairs towards the boys dorm.

"Did you beat Imelda's time then, Seb?" Ominis called lightly.

You were met with a huff and an irritated mumble that told you the feisty little Slytherin Captain had yet to be toppled.


After a quick breakfast—at which Sebastian was pointedly keeping his newspaper up, avoiding Imelda's smug smile—Natty had collected you from the table to head for the Charms wing.

Professor Ronen gave you a cheerful wink when you entered his classroom. You asked Natty to save you a seat while you went to thank him quietly for his assistance with the Restricted Section.

"I have complete faith in Miriam and Eleazar—and you as well, my young charge. I know you have excellent reasons for your request which I hope you can share—when it's safe to do so. Until then please rely on my unwavering support."

You nodded with gratitude, assuring him you would seek him out if you needed anything.

The rest of the class went by in a flurry of charms—literally. Snow settled on desks and students as you learned and practiced the freezing charm, Glacius. You and Natty took turns freezing your practice dummy, watching the wooden figure cake with ice before it magically reset.

At one point, you saw Natsai start to shiver—the room of students lowering the temperature with their practice. You asked if you could help and she nodded numbly as she rubbed her arms. You cast Imelda's charm on her, watching her limbs unbunch and relax at the sudden warmth. Natty thanked you earnestly, admitting that she still had not fully acclimated to how cold England could get—with charms or otherwise.

After class you waved goodbye to Natty as she headed to potions. As you turned toward the DADA wing, you spotted Amit leaving a pack of Ravenclaws. Catching his attention the two of you made your way to your defence class, with Amit telling you about the updated star chart for the valley he had found in the Library.

Sebastian was waiting by a large skeleton, waving you and Amit over when he saw you enter the classroom.

After an efficient lecture from your commanding professor you broke into groups. The three of you then took turns practicing the Flipping spell on each other as professor Hecat walked amongst the groups, correcting students' form with stern kindness.

You had to bow out after Sebastian hit you with a third, hard Flipendo—your stomach protesting at the spinning sensation—that had been fun, the first time . Fortunately Amit had a quick remedy in his bag—apparently he used to get quite nauseous going up the Astronomy tower until he got used to the height. The fiery little mint he passed you instantly settled your stomach, putting you back on your feet, stalking towards your freckled friend with a vengeful grin.


After lunch you and Ominis took your time walking to History of Magic, with him telling you about the potion he was trying to perfect with the Crimson Virbana. If brewed properly it has a gentle restoration effect on anything submerged in it. Ominis planned to use it on a tattered book he bought in Hogsmeade over the summer—apparently considered too far gone for Repairo.

When you entered the classroom you smiled warmly up at your companion—marvelling what a difference a week had made. He was no longer the terrifying boy with a sharp tongue—no, he was your sweet, funny Ominis. He was the friend who you talked to for hours about novels, magic and muggles—who seemed to understand you better than those who could see the emotions on your face.

The blonde gently guided you to the same desk where you had met in the back of the classroom, tucking himself close to you on the bench.

"I—uh just wanted to thank you again for forgiving my—ungentlemanly behavior last time we were here." he muttered. You placed a friendly hand on his arm.

"I was actually just thinking about that myself, Ominis. I'll admit it was not the most—cordial of beginnings, but I believe we have now established quite a warm rapport, you and I." and you gave his arm a long pulse of affection.

He smiled brightly.

"Much to your credit I assure you. Still, I appreciate your friendship. I don't find many— kindred spirits." he admitted shyly. You nudged him playfully with a faint blush.

"You know, I prefer that description of us far more than Sebastian's 'book-dorks'." you remarked dryly, causing the blonde to bite his lip to suppress his laugh. Before he could respond however, Professor Binns came floating through the door at the back, calling the class to order in his low, slow timbre.

While you listened to the ghost drone on about facts, dates and names, you couldn't help chuckling quietly once you spied your desk companion snoozing on his arm, his porcelain features glowing in the afternoon sun from the ornate windows.

You smiled and let him be—you could share your notes with him later.


Professor Sharp called you to his desk at the back of the room when you entered Potions with Ominis later that afternoon. He looked at you warily but left you to join Imelda at a brewing station.

You navigated towards the gruff-looking wizard as the rest of the class filtered in. While initially concerned, Sharp's crooked smile and kind eyes had you feeling at ease. He beckoned you closer, out of earshot of the class.

"Ah, there's our new Slytherin. You know, I was quite happy to see you sorted into my old house last week—you will have made Miriam quite proud as well, no doubt." he added with a raised brow. You blushed, pouring praise on your new house and fellow Slytherins. Sharp nodded warmly.

"That is wonderful to hear. I made most of my friends in that very common room—" and he leaned in closer, eyes scanning the class before falling onto yours."—and you will need your friends if some of the concerns Miriam has for you are true. While she didn't give particulars, she did share her worry over potential threats that might be coming your way." he watched you with a serious look as you bit your lip.

"She's worried." you state simply, looking to the side. The shaggy man titled his head to catch your eye once more.

"Which is why she spoke with me and Di–Professor Hecat earlier today. She would like us to give you some additional instruction that should help keep you safe–defend yourself should the need arise. She mentioned you had Tuesday mornings free which works for Hecat and myself. If you are willing, we would like to help you." he offered sincerely.

You blanked for a moment before your face broke with a grateful, albeit misty, smile.

"That would be wonderful, Professor. Any help you or Hecat are willing to give I will happily take. I am already starting so far behind—and with everything else–" you stopped yourself before your emotions took over.

Sharp placed a large hand on your shoulder, giving you an encouraging look.

"While you are a bit late in your magical education, from what I understand from the folks in Hogsmeade, you are by no means a push over, my dear. I'm happy I can help you—and I more than most understand how being unprepared or limited in your abilities can add to fear and doubt in yourself."

You nodded, your eyes covertly running down the scar on his face.

"Thank you Professor. I hope that we can soon explain everything to you and the other teachers—The Figs just want to be sure of the situation before we involve too many people."

You cast a guilty glance at the table that held your Slytherin friends, catching Sebastian's eyes as he watched you with concern. You had told him while The Figs kept everything from their friends—the very professors that were tasked with protecting students.

You vowed then that you and the Figs would have a serious talk about secrets and allies.

"Alright. Professor Hecat and I will meet you in the Defence classroom on Tuesday at nine. I recommend wearing clothes you don't care about...Hecat can be a bit rough ." he smiled with a wink. "Now off you go—we have potions to brew and things to learn."

You smiled and thanked him again before spinning around to head back towards the potion stations. Sebastian perked up when you turned—but you heard your name called closer to your left. You saw Poppy waving you over to a cauldron she had saved for you at a station with her and Garreth.

You gave Sebastian a slight apologetic look before sitting down between Poppy and the redhead with an affectionate nudge for the little Hufflepuff.

"Hey there, Partner." Garreth grinned, leaning down to catch your eye with a conspiratorial glint. "We are still on for next week, yes?" he said close to your ear, pressing your shoulders together.

"I'll be there, Gar. Make sure you bring compensation for what you take." you muttered with a raised brow.

You would help him procure—but not steal.

"Of course I will. I'm a Gryffindor after all." he said innocently, elbowing you lightly before looking up to pay attention to Sharp, who had clapped loudly to bring the class to order.

"Today I thought we might have a little fun. It's early enough in the year and late enough in the day—plus I heard a nasty rumour that you all think Ronen is the only fun one around here. So open your books to page 309—we are making a laughing potion." he added with a mischievous raise of his brows.

The class broke out in excited whispers. You cast your head over your shoulder to smile at your green-trimmed friends. Ominis was snickering and muttering to Imelda—but Sebastian was glaring at you with a tight expression. You frowned before you heard Garreth whisper to Poppy.

Oh right.

Shaking your head you turn back to your table—unwilling to indulge in Sebastian's petty feud with your Gryffindor friend.

Sharp continued.

"While this potion does give the drinker the sensation that everything is very, very funny—it's also quite difficult to prepare and will mean using several different techniques. Please pay close attention to the slicing of the Glacierfish scales—cut with the ridge pattern. Alright—off you get then."

The class sounded with screeching stools as students gathered ingredients and supplies. Poppy offered to get the list of ingredients from the store cupboard while you and Garreth read through the instructions and cleaned the tools.

"So what use does a laughing potion have anyway?" you asked, lighting the fire below each cauldron on your table with your wand.

"It's just fun. Zonko's does a whole line of them—some make you laugh in different pitches or one makes bubbles come out of your mouth. This is the base potion that they are built from—but Sharp is right—it's a little tricky."

You nodded at the warning, focusing on the potion steps in the book. Poppy returned with the potion ingredients, dolling you each an equal share. You then set to work, preparing the materials as described.

These types of tasks; such as slicing and stewing, you found rather easy. You had gotten work as an undercook for a local manor house the previous summer and got rather proficient at preparing food for the table of a local lord.

"You are so good at getting the oil out of those Meli-garlics." remarked Poppy, as she scraped the seeds from a long magenta pod.

"I make a very tasty tomato and garlic curry that a chef taught me—it's all about the crush." and you punctuated this with a sharp crack on the side of the blade with the heel of your palm.

"That sounds delicious. Maybe I can get you to make it for me sometime." suggested Garreth with a quick smile, before returning to slicing his scales.

You were about to retort when something fluttered past your ear and landed in front of you.

It was a little paper bird. You picked it up and were shocked to watch it unfold itself into a slip of paper. It had one sentence scrawled on it.

ask weasley about ruth

You looked over your shoulder to see Sebastian attempting to contain his laughter while purposefully not looking at you. You narrowed your eyes but shrugged, turning to your friend with a sigh.

"Sebastian wanted me to ask you about Ruth." you state with a bored look, broadcasting your disinterest in this quarrel.

Garreth's face immediately twisted into a furious grimace as you heard Poppy attempt to stifle a laugh next to you. You looked down at her, raising an inquisitive brow.

"Don't you dare, Poppy." warned Garreth with a growing blush on his face. Poppy gave a sympathetic head tilt while still trying to suppress her smile.

"Aww Garreth—it was years ago—and it was so funny." she finished with a giggled, covering her mouth.

"It wasn't funny for me." he growled under his breath.

"It can't be that bad, Garreth—let me hazard a guess...Seb retaliated for the green hair prank?" you surmised with a frank look. He huffed and looked away.

"Fine. Only because I don't want Sallow twisting the story later. So yes—he was a little... unhappy with my surprise makeover. To get me back—he... bloody hell to this day I still don't know how he did it— " he raked a hand through his hair in irritation "—he made me temporarily—infatuated with a painting of an elderly witch in the Charms wing." he finished quickly, his face flaming.

"A painting? He made you fall in love with an object?" you asked with disbelief, schooling your expression.

"Yes—he did some...enchantment on me that had me practically glued to the portrait for a day and a half. It was so humiliating." he grumbled, tossing his scales into his cauldron.

"So I assume the woman in the portrait was named Ruth?" you guessed, curing your toes in your boots as you tried to keep composure for your embarrassed friend. He nodded with a scowl.

"I still have to go the long way around to get to Charms." he muttered. You placed a sympathetic hand on his shoulder, your lips pursed tightly as you nodded. He narrowed his eyes.

"You want to laugh, don't you?"

"So badly. But I won't, because you're my friend and that would be mean—therefore please rest assure that no future laughs caused by this potion will be at all related to this story." you swore—though you didn't feel very confident in your ability to keep this promise.

Garreth nodded with a grateful smile before his eyes sharpened and he threw a dirty look over at the Slytherin station.

"Such a wanker." Garreth muttered with a roll of his shoulders. You shook your head as you added your Vexgarcle leaves to the cauldron.

"You two are more similar than you think. I bet you would be friends if you stop backbiting at one another." you observe as you used your wand to stir the potion, counting rotations in one direction before switching.

Garreth tossed his hair out of his eyes as he sneered, focusing on his cauldron. Poppy leaned in close to your side.

"Don't bother. It's a Gryffindor/Slytherin thing. The houses are famously at odds. Most feuds are between students of your two houses." she advised with a resigned shrug.

You frowned at this and looked up at Garreth.

"But we're friends and I'm a Slytherin." you point out. The redhead smiled reassuringly.

"You're different. I knew you before you were a Slytherin."

This caused your frown to deepen.

"So you wouldn't even have talked to me if I was already sorted into Slytherin?" you ask with a hurt edge to your voice. This had the Gryffindor's smile dropping quickly. Poppy crossed her arms, staring him down with an expectant look as his eyes started to panic.

"No! No, of course I would have talked to you—I mean Slytherin or not, you're a pretty gir—pretty interesting girl." he smiled nervously, rubbing the back of his neck as he tried to look penitent.

You eyed him cooly for another moment before finally sighing heavily.

"Well that's reassuring—and who knows? Maybe spending time with me will improve your opinion of those in my house—maybe even Sebastian." you predicted with a wink.

"Doubt it—but you keep trying, partner."


After you had let the potions brew for the correct amount of time you smiled as the grey liquid turned canary yellow with a oil-slick like rainbow on the surface—exactly as described in the book. Your companions' potions looked almost identically to yours as you grinned at each other. Professor Sharp called the class to order.

"Alright everyone. If you have done this right you should be able to place a drop on your tongue and enjoy a short little fit of laughter. If you care to test your potion then by all means." he challenged with a smile.

You wiggled your brows at your station mates and you each picked up a clean dropper. You sucked up the potion and tipped your head back.

It tastes like candy floss—like at the circus—like clowns—you know what? Clowns are very funny.

You started shaking as the laughs bubbled up your throat. You heard Garreth's deep chuckle as he tipped forward onto the work top. Poppy had her hands on her cheeks as sharp high giggles sounded between gasps. She ended up leaning on your arm as you tried to support her while your chest was racked with laughter. Garreth sat up to brace you, holding your arms to keep you upright as the three of you devolved into a pile of gasps and giggles.

After another thirty seconds you started to regain composure, with Poppy able to right herself as she clutched her stomach, catching her breath. You stood up straight, but still felt Garreth's warm hands on your upper arms. You looked over your shoulder at the ginger as the last few potion-induced snickers escaped his lips.

"You—stable, Partner? I need you in tip top shape for next week." he said in a low, hoarse voice, his face still flushed with mirth as he gave your arms a friendly squeeze.

"I'm good Gar." you replied with smile. He nodded and with a wink, let you go to bottle up his potion.

After filling three phials, you placed one on Sharp's desk in the wooden case, nestling it in the slot under your last name. You kept the other two, because who knows when you might be in need of a good laugh, right?

As you cleaned up you spotted Sebastian still looking sour, though his face was red and his hair was a bit of a mess—his potion had clearly worked as well.

Garreth had bid you a hasty goodbye—apparently he had potion brewing elsewhere he needed to check on. He swiftly pulled you into a side hug, wrapping an arm around your back as he leant in close.

"Thanks for not laughing—well, at me, I mean. Practice those fire spells, Slytherin Girl." and with a last squeeze skipped out the door to what you hoped would not be a smoldering crater of a cauldron.

You and Poppy turned to gather up your Slytherin friends to head for dinner—though the Hufflepuff looked warily at the green-clad teens. You smiled reassuringly and threaded your arm through hers as you approached Ominis.

"How did your potions work out?" you asked brightly.

"Good. We were quite a mess towards the end there." he remarked with a good natured smile, his hair a little out of place.

"Us as well—we could barely stay up." you recalled with a grin. Poppy nodded in agreement.

"Yes—you all seemed to be just falling on each other." commented Sebastian with a tight expression. You shot him an exasperated look and turned to lead Poppy out the door as Sebastian followed closely behind.

"That little note was not a nice thing to do, Sebastian." you scolded with an even gaze at the brunette. His face broke into a wicked grin.

"Did he tell you about Ruth, then?"

You would have thought he drank his whole cauldron the way he was failing to suppress his laughter.

"He did." you said simply, as you led Poppy up the stairs away from the dungeons. "How did you even do that?"

"That's for me to know—and for Weasley to never find out." he cackled with a rueful expression. You just sighed and shook your head. Sebastian quick-stepped to catch up beside you. "Come on, Bash—it was priceless...and the git deserved it."

"Two wrongs, Sebastian." you replied.

"How come you can laugh at me but not him." he muttered with a pout, shoving his hands in his robes. You heard Ominis mutter something to Imelda which had her snorting and looking away from Sebastian.

"Because you told me the dye potion story yourself—you forced that from Garreth. Also, I'm getting a little tired of you two and your petty squabbling. It's hard being friends with both of you."

"There's an easy solution to that—just be friends with me."

This finally had you smiling a little as you looked to the gabled ceiling with a sigh.

"I'm afraid that ship has sailed. You and him are just going to have to find some common ground—and no more making me a pawn in your games." you chastised, which had him hanging his head with a guilty look.

After dropping a still giggly Poppy off at the Hufflepuff table, Sebastian fell in step closely beside you.

"I'm sorry, Bash. I'll try to be—less terrible to Weasley...for your sake." he muttered, before giving you a soft smile. You sighed and nudged him with your shoulder as you both sat down at your table. You then leaned in close to his ear.

"Thank you Seb—and for the record, I feel that we can rib at each other a bit because we are closer friends. You know that I still care about you, even if we tease each other a little."

Sebastian's freckles stretched with his grin and he wrapped an arm around your shoulders, pulling you into a friendly squeeze to his side.

"I suppose that makes sense—and for the record, I care about you too, Bash." he added with a small smile.

You gave him a meaningful nod before you began filling your plate.

Sebastian leaned in again.

"So you didn't laugh at all?"


"Right, right—being nice."

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