Run Away

By Wonwoo_Official

242 19 25

"Run away. Run fast and far so they won't catch you" "Just let me go. I don't want to be with you anymore" "M... More

Victorious Escape

Escape But Lost

42 4 1
By Wonwoo_Official

[A/N:This chapter is the last chapter but with sad ending which is original ending but if you guys want happy ending then I won't disappoint you as you guys came this far so enjoy~]

•{Yeona's POV}

All gets ready for the party and went towards the hotel were was the inauguration ceremony. All of them hug each other and enter the hotel.

"You guys made it really nice!!" Yiwol appreciate the boys and they bowed to us.

"Like who can say that this is Korean hotel cause it's looking like royal palace," Ahyeo said while everybody were in awe.

"Girls shall we take a tour before we start the ceremony?" Hoshi suggests us and we took a walk.

We saw everything and everything were admiring alot. From fountains to balconies everything was made beautifully that we just look. Nothing we did except holding our hands and admiring every single detail. After the ceremony, we again took a walk and this time was tickling me hard.

"Girls can you sit here in this lobby? We had some work so we had to go I'm sorry guys." Dokyeom announced their departure and we all look into each other. Gesturing with our eyes, we let the boys go.


"Yiwol just calm your a$$ down-"

"I know you're feeling the same as me but you're like that Calm and Composed so you had to maintain that like you know what? You should tell us already." Yiwol was in rage while Sooran was making her calm.

"HaeRiHyeon, just tell us already. What's wrong with you guys? You guys didn't even utter a word since you guys discovered something which is not confirmed. You can just say now before it's too late." I asks them while they just bow their head down in sync. They were trying their best to hide those tears specially Joohyeon. Seems like it's a really big deal.

Joohyeon made a wide circle with her hands and put it on her eyes. She pointed at her left shoulder and later she made a corner with her hands and pointed at the corners. We look at the left and the corner and we saw there is a CCTV camera here. We understood what she's trying to say so we decided to avert the conversation.

"We just discovered that," She paused for a while which makes all anxious.

"MY CHILD POPY!!!!! HE DIED!!!" Ririn faked cried and we pretend like we're comforting her. She's good at acting and making real tears with fake cry.

~On Seventeen's side~

•{Joshua's POV}

We all stand up as we saw Joohyeon did something with her hands which we really didn't understand that.

"What is she doing Mingyu?" Seungcheol asked Mingyu for some help cause it can be some sort of sign language also.

"Nothing to be scared cause she does it everytime she's anxious before telling anything and it's her way to make herself calm so don't worry hyung," We all sigh in relief.

"We just discovered that," Joohyeon paused and that makes our heart beating faster.

"MY CHILD MY POPY!!!!!! HE DIED!!!" We all stand in shock and just processing what did Ririn just said while girls were comforting her.

"What did she just said?! You guys had a baby?! She was pregnant and you guys even did the gender reveal?!!?!" I was shocked looking at Wonwoo as I was being too confused. Everybody were giving him questionable look while he was so calm and composed. Just the WooRin things. #CoupleGoals

"No it's not like that. She is talking about her pet fish named Popy. She loves him more than me," Wonwoo said while we sigh in relief again. Atleast we're not exposed.

"Boys, Let's go." Scoups ordered us and we walked out with him.

~Back to Thysimarine's side~

•{Jiyeon's POV}

When we finally saw the red lights off that was clutching on the camera, we finally had some relief and we discussed some things. They told us everything and we were shocked. We were in the verge of tears. Suddenly Yeona started to sing.

~I'll never be your trust fund baby~
~I wish everything was a lie~

Yeona's tears starts falling down and that's made Haesoo's blood boiling as she had to go to expose the truth.

"I'll go-"

"NO I'LL GO!!!!!" Haesoo shouted on Yeona but since the room was soundproof, she shouted loud.




"I should go please,"

"Miaoyi you're a foreigner so you should not die in the foreign land." Yeona plead her not to go for sake of her parents.

"I should go please let me go,"

"Same goes to you Younghee you will not go."

"Let me go I should do this,"

"Not you Yeomi-"

"I should go."

"Haeji you better stay and your hamster agenda should stay alive," I beg to Haeji which makes everyone's heart sink.

"Let me-"

"Please not you Ahyeo your fiance is not wrong so why?" Yeona starts crying as she plead all of them not to go.

"I should go now no one will stop me,"

"Please Sooran we need you don't just risk your life." Haesoo kneels in front of everyone which was really shocking for us but heartbreaking for us.

"I'll go and that's final now no argument please I beg you guys!" Joohyeon eyes get welled and we had no dare to speak back.

"Okay I just let you go but I'll come with you,"

"Me too Haesoo unnie." Ririn, Joohyeon and Haesoo decided to go. We pulled ourselves to individual hug and a group hug. We cried and let them go while we remain on the lobby.

"And please," Joohyeon look back to us with her teary eyes before closing the door.

"Please don't drink anything they offer. I heard that they will add Anesthesia in our drinks to knock us unconscious. Buy water from nearby store but please don't accept anything they offers." Joohyeon pleads to us while we nodded our heads in yes.

"Thanks for everything guys. Yeona please take care of them if something happens to me," Haesoo look at me saying those words.

"SHUT UP HAESOO NOTHING WILL HAPPEN TO OUR CHILDREN!!!" I cried while hugging them. They also broke down into tears hugging me tight.

"Yeona unnie, take care of girls if something happens to me." Ririn said those words while looking at me.

"RIRIN UNNIE YOU WILL BE OUR FAVOURITE UNNIE FOREVER NOW PLEASE DON'T SAY THESE THINGS!!!" Miaoyi and Tian cried hugging in her arms and Ririn was clearly crying while fixing her glasses.

"Okay Yeona unnie, please be Yeomi's favourite unnie." Yeomi ran towards Joohyeon and hugged her tightly. We also broke down into tears once again as we spend our whole childhood together and we are together till now.

They let us go but Haesoo gestured us to do a last group hug. We all came together and we hugged each other tightly. Everyone were not letting it go but they have to so Haesoo holding the door knob looking at us for a very last time. She doesn't want to let it go but Ririn and Joohyeon was holding her back. She sadly close the door and we remain in the lobby waiting for them to come back together and safe.

•{Joohyeon's POV}

We had no option but to go apart all alone. We had tears in our eyes and looking at each other. We pulled that last hug in case today can be one of our last day.

"I just want to thank you both for everything. You guys did great." Haesoo said while we were mess.

"I can't accept this fact that only one of us will go to the monster's trap and never come back. I just want to thank you for everything like you both did alot for me and sadly I can't even repay it," Ririn broke down into tears but trying to be serious. She never cry unless it's us.

"Thank you Haesoo unnie and Ririn unnie for raising me till now. Thank you for everything. Let's hope we all come back safe together. Goodbye." We all broke down into tears and hugged each other and we parted our ways.

I was crying finding boys to confirm my fear but found nothing. Time passes but found none. It's almost the end of the party and they should appear to us till now. Lastly I had no choice but to return back. But I met a figure that I never expected to meet.

"Oh Joohyeon-ah what are you doing?" Jeonghan asks me in a gentle tone.

"Actually Jeonghan oppa, I was finding Mingyu. Party's almost over and I need to go home cause my energy is down," I asked him for his help cause I knew that I had to.

"I don't know where is he but shall we find together?" He asked me which was really unexpected from him.

"But what about Yeona unnie?" I asked him about her as I can smell some alcohol from him.

"She can wait but you can't right? Let's go." Jeonghan hold my wrist and dragged me to the elevator.

He pressed the button to the top floor. Elevator shuts it's door. I was feeling unsafe with him as I think something wrong is going to happen soon. Later we reached the floor and I saw a huge room. He dragged me to the dark stairs which leads to terrace. The sky was dazzling bright be to my surprise I saw Mingyu, Wonwoo oppa and Seungcheol oppa were drinking some alcohol.

"Joohyeon what the hell you're doing?!" That's the new side of Mingyu I saw. He was really polite to me till now then what happened to him?

"Don't forget you're drunk Kim Mingyu," Wonwoo was giving remarks to him which I don't think he's really listening.

"Mingyu, Let's go home babe." I called him out but he yanked me before sipping his bottle of alcohol.

"Mingyu, Please let us just go," I request him to go but he ignored me.

"Mingyu, please let's go it's too late. It's 10:45pm," I showed him the wrist watch I was wearing and he pulled me for a kiss. I was trying hard to get out of his arms but he was bulky to even move him on.

When finally he pulled out, Wonwoo pulled me for a kiss and his lips pressed on mine. I tried to get of him but couldn't able to. Later I let go of his arms and Jeonghan pulled me for a kiss. What's wrong with these guys?!

"Hey Jeonghan hyung, Make sure take a long time in this kiss. Her lips are addicting than Ririn's lips!" Wonwoo compared me with Ririn which actually breaks my heart but I succeed to get out of his arms, Seungcheol pops up from the nowhere and kissed me.

"So true Wonu! Her lips are so good than Yeona ever have. Mingyu got some good taste huh?" Jeonghan compared me with Yeona which again shatters my heart into pieces while I tried to get out of Seungcheol's arms.

"Hey Gyu where did you get the girl? She got my type of lips where Yeona tried to get a beautiful one but never got that." Jeonghan said while I was listening to them completely ignoring my existence which broke my heart more.

"Oh really? Try me baby," I gasped inaudibly when Seungcheol pulled Jeonghan's nape and kiss him. Mingyu and Wonwoo look at each other and they kissed each other.

So it was true. They all are gays. They are nothing but a bunch of psychopaths mafias who kill people for fun and have a renowned name in illegal jobs and drugs smuggling

[A/N:Let me pair some members before my stoopid brain forgets
Seungcheol X Jeonghan
Joshua X Minghao
Jun X Dokyeom
Wonwoo X Mingyu
Hoshi X Woozi
Okay let's go back to story before I forget the plot-]

I was rushing in tears while I saw this. Later I heard some footsteps and I saw the opportunity to hide behind the wall where I came from. All members came and started drinking alcohol in a very unhealthy amount. Everyone went towards the fence and look towards the dark sky.

"Hey guys till when we're gonna play this $h!tty role of fiances??!! I'm so tired that I want to go back with my baby," Minghao cursed his role alot while he was hugging Joshua.

"Trust me guys we ordered some waiters to add some Anesthesia in the drinks before offering. Later we can devour them and later we can go for some drugs smuggling." Jun said while Dokyeom was snuggling under his arms.

I saw everything and my tears were flowing continuously. I saw the opportunity and I ran away from them. They hear my footsteps and they followed me. I ran with my swift heels and run away from them. They also following me telling me not to expose them.

"YAH JOOHYEON DON'T YOU DARE TO TELL THEM EVERYTHING YOU SEE!!!" Mingyu was shouting at me while I was running from them.

"Do you think I care? I will dare!" I shouted at them back which I can hear their groans from my back but do I care?

If it's for my unnie's sake then I would glad to dare to do anything. I saw a lift and enter there and door got closed as I pressed on 13rd floor. I was in 17th floor so I called Haesoo unnie and Ririn unnie as a sign. She recieved my call.

~On the call(Third Person's POV)~

Haesoo unnie*huffs* it was true

Really?!?!!!! Let me tell them-

Hey I'm near at the 8th floor so let me go-

I caught them red-handed now they're following me-


You know that this is really risky mission?!

And we are also journalists group so we are also exposed!

You know what guys? Let me just get out of this $h!t-

~Call Ended(Joohyeon's POV)~

I finally reached 8th floor where they all were and I had a second thought.

If I reached to them, they'll reach them and ruin them too. I can't just let them have my unnies. I extremely love them alot so it's better to not to reach me not till next morning. I don't think I'll survive but I have to. If not, then I accept my fate and my life ending at 26.

I immediately throwed my purse near the door and I went towards the elevator and went to 17th floor. I'm pretty sure they are not there. But my thoughts stopped when elevator open its door. I saw them smirking at me.

"Game over Joohyeon we won." Mingyu was smirking at me while everyone were looking at me and dragged me to the near room.

~On Thysimarine's Side~

{Haesoo's POV}

I came back and saw Ririn coming towards me.

"Haesoo unnie Joohyeon is not here yet," We sighs until my eyes averted on a object that was familiar. I pick up the purse and look at the note.

[I need you to go through the letter in front of Thysimarine members. Please.]

"This is Joohyeon's purse. What the hell this is doing at the door-" I said until I stopped when realization hits us hard. We look at each other and understood the Joohyeon's intention.

•{Sooran's POV}

We were patiently waiting for them to come back safe. I was praying inside hoping something good. Suddenly we all hear a loud bang at the door revealing Haesoo and Ririn panting really hard.

"It's true guys." Haesoo show us Joohyeon's purse by lifting the purse in the air. She detached the note from the purse.

"The note says it all." We got cold shivers thinking about this betrayal.

"The note says that we have to go through this purse in front of you guys." Ririn said while looking at us while we let them sit and going through the purse.

We got note and some photos which made some's blood boiling and some's tears fall. We saw the photos then my eyes averted on a piece of paper. There was a letter.

"Guys I found Joohyeon's letter!" I show them the letter and everyone's eyes were on that paper. I handed it to Haesoo and se read aloud.

~On Seventeen's Side~

"Just wait y'all,"

"For what you want us to wait if you chose your own funeral?" Joshua mocked me while approaching close to me.

"If you touched them, I'll slaughter you all," I threatened them and they all laughed at me.

"Don't worry babe! First we'll kill you then kill them later," Hoshi mocked me which made my blood boil. I took my first and punched him harder that his cheeks got red mark.

"You dare to hit my babe-" I slapped Woozi and he was at the floor.

"Oh Mingyu where you got this woman my god-" I grab Jun's collar and knock him up by hitting our foreheads. He step back from me.

"Yo you got that fierce clawa woman!" Seungcheol mocked me while I went towards him and punched him hard. His nose started bleeding and everybody came towards him.

"Hey take care of your paws girl!" Dokyeom said looking at me and Woozi grabbed me but fortunately I was able to get out of his arms before he could even touch me.

Later I felt a sharp pain and I look up and it was Mingyu to stab me while Wonwoo was looking at me totally satisfied seeing me in a vulnerable state.

"Just let me go I don't want to be with you anymore," My tears fell down while he was looking at me without any guilt in his face.

"My love I'm obsessed with you that I never want you to go Darling." He said while keeping his dark smirk alive. I met the ground and look at them.

"Your time is over Seventeen. Your time is over." I smirked at them. After remembering my Thysimarine members and being grateful to them, I closed my eyes and feel the heaven.

~On Thysimarine's Side~

[~Dear my Thysimarine unnies and my beloved maknaes]

[It's your clumsy member Joohyeon or Joohyeon unnie and I want to tell you that these photos are actually true. I got this a year ago but I was afraid that you guys will be against me for theirs sake. They are gay but are psycho criminals too. They are like bunch of psychopath mafias who kills people for fun and do drug smuggling for money.

I am behind their crimes for like 3 years but I had to wait for a right time to catch them red-handed. So sorry if I disappointed you guys by shattering your dreams but it's the truth to know. I want you guys to escape from Korea at the 11:15pm cause I told Vernon to book the tickets so you guys can escape and reach New York City. They have no organisation there so I told them to go there.

Thank you Haesoo unnie for raising us when we all were orphan. Thank you Yeona unnie for taking care of us like a mother. Thank you Sooran unnie for fulfilling our wishes like a aunty. Thank you Miaoyi unnie for giving me company whenever I feel alone. Thank you Haeji unnie for stealing some snacks from Jiyeon's unnie's cupboard. Thank you Ririn unnie for being a bestie. Thank you Jiyeon unnie for letting us go. Thank you Yiwol for being a vitamin for me. Thank you Tian for arguing over our jelly sweets. Thank you Ahyeo for letting me your favourite unnie. Thank you Younghee for being a buddy for me. And Thank you Yeomi for being a cute little sister for me. I love you guys.

And one more thing! You guys escape along with Maknae line. Trust me they're straight and did nothing wrong. They also want to escape just they need our help. At 11:15pm be ready cause your flight is 12am sharp so please escape right now. I wish I could run away with you but I can't as I'm dead and so there will be a news that 'Kim Joohyeon was found dead' by XYZ reason. So they killed me. I don't even know if I would be alive or not or this letter will be reached or not so as I say...]

"Run away. Run fast and far so they won't catch you. I love you guys till my last breath so Run Away for me. Your beloved sister, Joohyeon." Haesoo concluded the letter while we all were in the tears. From Oldest to youngest all were crying. We look at the time and it's 11:40pm.

"Guys Joohyeon unnie want us to escape from them. Let us go. Let us fulfill this last wish of her," Yeomi told us while we had to agree her sadly. Suddenly we hear a loud thud from the door.

"Younghee it's me." Everyone had that relief sigh after we realised that this is Vernon. He opened the door and saw us in a really vulnerable condition.

"Seems like we got her last letter. Can we go noonas? We need to escape not for us, but for Joohyeon noona." We all go with Vernon. We all reach at the 3 cars. We all sit at the different cars and gone towards airport.

After we reached airport, We went for boarding but later we realised that the flight is cancelled but luckily the flight had refund policy so we had some relief. Later we all stand up when we see the news.

Reporter: In 31 December 2023, A journalist from 'Lunary' company found dead at the nera river. It is said to be that a man saw the murderers throwing her body in Han River after beating her and brutally put her to death for exposing their dark truth to their fiances. It is believed to be that Journalist Kim Joohyeon was over them for like 3 years just to get some solid proofs. After she knew, she wrote a letter to her friends and they finally escaped from them. Kim Joohyeon's fiance Kim Mingyu was the main murderer along with his friend group named 'Seventeen' and finally they got arrested.

~Few years later~

•{Third Person's POV}

"After going through the evidence Late Kim Joohyeon has collected till her death, The court declared hereby that Kim Mingyu and Seventeen, who murdered Kim Joohyeon and for drug smuggling, they are proven as guilty and sentenced imprisonment for 20 years. Case Closed Hereby." The judge declare the punishments for them.

Thysimarine go towards them after the trial. Haesoo and Seungcheol look at each other. Haesoo slapped him for real hard which he hold his cheek where she slapped.

"Told you that don't mess with my children! A big shame on you Seungcheol." She went towards them and they were took in the prison.

They later reached the monestry where her corpse is there. Haesoo came towards her grave and put some flowers on them.

"I wish I could protect you but I failed my promise. I'm really sorry Joohyeon. Please forgive me for this great sin," Haesoo broke down into tears while she felt a cold touch on her back. There was no one to soothe her except Joohyeon's soul.

"You did it Haesoo unnie. You gave me justice unnie. I'm proud of you and I love you all." Joohyeon says as she knew that no one is going to listen her but her breath is nothing but a cold breeze.

~The End~

A/N:This is end of the story. Thank you so much for your precious time and love you all<3

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