The Death Wish: Book One (Hog...

By TheLastOneOut

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**MAJOR PLOT SPOILERS FOR HOGWARTS LEGACY*** POV: Second Person, Girl - Great for Role-Play Read Hogwarts was... More

Game Over
Carriage Crush
Salt Spray
The Pull
The Best Defence is...
Venom & Blood
The Fallout
Dark Reflections
Anguish & Ice
The Honest Path
A Dragon's Promise
Rooks and Knights
Fireside Consequences
A Quick Save
The Tea Pot Plot
Lavender and Lists
Quid Pro Quo
The Scent of Humour
The Blood Compass
The Second Sight
The House of Adder
The Undercroft Professors
Letters and Loans
Pacts, Purrs and Potions
Room for Forgiveness
In the Valley of Hope
Of Feather and Fang
Books, Balance, Barbs and Black
The Princess and The Tower
Dungeons and Dances
Fangs, Flames and Frames
A Dashing Prince
The Muggle Way
Another Whip Round the Sun
A Penitent Heart

Whiskers and Petals

376 13 1
By TheLastOneOut

Your second day of classes was thankfully less eventful than your first.

You had greatly enjoyed breakfast at the Slytherin table, especially now that you had Ominis' polite good humour to dilute Sebastian's high-energy antics.

When you had entered the Great Hall you had seen Nerida wave at you from where she sat with Imelda. You had initially made a move to sit with her—but Sebastian just pulled you down next to him, squeezing you between himself and Ominis.

Once seated you craned back to look at the teachers eating at the top of the hall. You saw Miriam and Eleazar locked in a serious conversation with a beautiful red-haired witch with a large hat. As if sensing your gaze, Eleazar looked up and caught your eye, giving you an encouraging, gentle smile. You felt relief as you gave a small wave back.

It might be some time before you didn't need regular reassurances of his good health.

The food was again, delicious as you filled up on golden hash browns and spicy grilled mushrooms. You had been surprised when you reached for the dark pitcher of juice to discover it was not apple—but rather pumpkin, which you were pleased to find you preferred.

As you ate, Ominis asked which classes were on your schedule that day. Realising this was a good question you pulled out your field guide.

"Let's see—it looks like I only have two classes?" you furrowed your brow in confusion.

"Yeah, most people have only a few classes on a Friday. It used to be because of Quidditch practice and clubs—but the old bat in the headmaster's office is being a git." muttered Sebastian ruefully as he took a large swig from his coffee.


You had heard this word before but had not yet asked what it was—afraid of sounding as idiotic as you had when you admitted not knowing what a 'knut' was. You then felt Ominis lean in close to your ear.

"Quidditch is a wizard sport played on broomsticks. You might compare it to muggle football played in the air with a few additional rules. Seb is on the Slytherin team." he said quietly.

Grateful for the kind explanation, you covertly found his forearm and gave him a long squeeze followed by a short one. His initial surprised expression at your touch shifted to a secretive smile as he understood, giving you a nod.

"So what's on then, do we have any classes together?" and Sebastian peered over your shoulder at your schedule. "You have Beasts first and then...excellent! You have Transfig with me and Ominis before lunch."

You nodded appreciatively, pleased that you would have friends with you in what sounded like a complicated topic.

While you were still wary of Sebastian's motives, your initial irritation with him was slowly fading—especially with Ominis now helping to divide his attention. Though you still found his flirtatious and impetuous manner rather—improper at times, you couldn't help also finding it a little charming.

"I wouldn't bring anything you care about to Transfiguration by the way. Seb has a habit of accidentally lighting things on fire when he is trying to transfigure them." joked Ominis. Sebastian gave a cheeky grin.

"I may have toasted a few teapots—but lest we forget that you were the one who turned Effie Dunstock's new satchel into a chicken last year—which then proceeded to escape."

You tried to contain your giggle at this mental image. Ominis just gave a nonchalant shrug as he sipped his tea.

"It's hardly my fault she didn't take the rooster feather quill out of the bag before she let me borrow it. It completely changed the structure of the spell. It was fine, I bought her a replacement."

"Only because one of Howin's beasts ate the chicken."

Ominis looked down with a guilty smirk as you laughed heartily.

"Something ate it?"

"I'm sure the Kneazle appreciated the meal." Ominis replied with a rye smile.


"Oh you'll see—in a few minutes actually. Alright, come on Sallow, time for Arithmancy." and Ominis stood up along with most of the table, with people catching friends who shared their upcoming classes. Before rising, you felt Ominis's cool hand find your shoulder, giving it three quick, gentle squeezes.

Good luck.

You ducked your head in a shy smile, already enjoying your little secret language with the friendly blonde. As you stood you heard your name called from across the hall. Turning, you were delighted to see Poppy skipping towards you.

"Good morning! Please say you have Beasts next?" she asked hopefully. You happily confirmed you did and with a beaming smile, she grabbed your hand to pull you out of the hall—clearly unable to wait to show you her favourite class.

As you left, Sebastian reminded you to meet him and Ominis outside the Library later before Transfiguration.

" —and watch that satchel, Bash." he called, with Ominis sniggering beside him. Shaking your head with affection you let the tiny girl pull you out the massive doors, heading towards the fresh air of the castle grounds.


Beast class had been— incredible.

Poppy had rushed to show you some of the creatures in wooden paddocks before class began. Kneazles turned out to be feline-like beasts with large eyes and puffy tails. Poppy told you about their traits, highlighting their ability to detect malintent in people. You knelt and were pleased to find a Kneazle that let you give it a few scratches under its chin.

Professor Howin was so impressive with her brave yet gentle approach to handling and caring for magical beasts. She was also kind enough to give you a custom list of books to help you catch up on your beastly studies—tasking Poppy with showing you to the beast section of the library when you are able.

"Do you have time before your next class?" asked Poppy as you helped her put away the brushes and feed. You said you had an hour and she mischievously beckoned you to follow her up a path leading away from the Beasts classroom.

You tried to get her to tell you where you were headed but she kept smiling, saying it was a surprise.

As you walked, you couldn't help being captivated by the wilds surrounding the castle. Craggy mountains encircled the deep greens and browns of the Scottish highlands. When you peaked the hill you turned and took in the ramparts and turrets of your new home. Something about seeing the steadfast castle against the beauty of the lake gave you a feeling of—hope.

Poppy led you around a corner of trees and stood with you in a small clearing. The wind rattled the leaves as she bid you to stand still.

She let out a loud whistle.

The hairs on your arm stood up as you heard a beat of distant wings. Looking around you felt it—that pull again. You whipped your head towards the tree line, searching for another person you must have some connection to—but you saw no one.

"There she is!" and Poppy pointed to the sky.

Oh wow.

The magnificent creature that descended into the clearing was—you couldn't even say.

Beautiful white speckled wings blended into a muscular body, a wonder of beak and talon.

The creature landed and pranced proudly around you and Poppy, it's eagle-like head following you cautiously.

"This is Highwing!" Poppy announced happily.

Like some of the people you had met these past few days, you were drawn to the beast—though, you kept a cautious distance from those razor-like claws. Poppy told she was a Hippogriff , instructing you to bow low to show your respect. You dutifully followed her instruction, trying to show submission to the beast—and you were rewarded with a head nudge to yours.

You ran your fingers up her feathery head as Poppy told you a little of the hippogriff's history. You nodded solemnly as she shared her fears that she may become the target of poachers. Anger sparked in your heart at the thought of anyone hurting a beast—especially this one.

You looked up to meet her golden eye.

Did she know you? You thought to yourself, wondering what the hippogriff had meant to the doomed Ravenclaw girl.

While you wanted to spend more time with the creature, you had another lesson to get to. Poppy promised you could come back soon to see Highwing–which cheered you greatly. Waving goodbye as Poppy stayed with the beast, you skipped down the path towards the castle, resolving to check out a book on Hippogriffs from the Library.


Professor Weasley's eyes twinkled as they caught you file into the Transfiguration classroom, flanked by your new Slytherin friends. You smiled at her warmly before catching Natty waving at you from one of the desks. You skipped forward and took the seat beside her at the double bench, the pair of green-trimmed boys sitting one desk over.

You listened with rapt attention as the Deputy Head began the lesson by reminding the class about the core principles of transfiguration. She also stressed the importance of understanding the transfiguration properties of different materials. Finally, she floated a dozen or so empty wine bottles from a box, placing one in front of everyone—except you, and tasked the class with transfiguring them into vases full of any kind of flower they choose.

Professor Weasley approached you as everyone else began planning and practicing their transfiguration spells.

"I know you are just starting with your magical education so I don't expect you to tackle an assignment this difficult. If you check your textbook you should find some minor transfigurations to start practicing. Here is an object to freely practice on—no harm done if it gets a little banged up." and she handed you a plain silver fork.

While attempting to diligently read the text of the heavy tome on your desk, you couldn't stop yourself watching as Natty successfully transfigured her bottle into an ornate vase of beautiful exotic flowers.

"That is amazing Natty!" you exclaimed, leaning in to look at the exquisite detail on the hothouse blooms. The Gryffindor girl smiled sweetly before pulling a delicate, pink-petaled flower from her bouquet and offering it to you.

"For you, to remember your first transfiguration class." she said, a pretty smile filling her features.

A blush dusted your cheeks as you accepted the little bud, taking a moment to enjoy its subtle floral scent before opening your field guide and laying the stem flat, pressing it carefully in the leaves of the book, preserving it.

As Natsai had completed her assignment, she began assisting you, explaining patiently how to visualize what you were transfiguring and to ensure your intentions were set correctly.

While Natty was looking for the page she thought would help you, you glanced to the desk where your housemates were working. Sebastian already had a rustic vase with bright golden sunflowers in front of him. He was now leaning on his elbow, engrossed in a large, leather bound book. Ominis was concentrating on running his hands over the bottle, muttering to himself.

You turned back and began attempting to transfigure just the handle of the fork, following Natty's instructions and wand movement.

As you focused on your swishes and up-swipes, you surprisingly found yourself picturing the stone serpentine columns you'd seen that morning in the common room. Your heart sped with excitement as you watched the plain handle begin to slowly morph and twist. Concentrating on each detail, you controlled the spell carefully.

It was kind of like drawing—no sculpting, but using your mind to manipulate the object, seeing how the materials reacted as opposed to shaping with your hands.

You pictured each scale and curve, pulling the metal with your wand to shape the head, then finally emblazoning the same Slytherin crest from your robe on the tiny snake's head.

Finishing the spell and ensuring you locked the transfiguration in place, you beheld your custom dinnerware.

The fork was the same at the top as it was when you had been handed it, but the handle now morphed into the body of a snake, the metal curving to mimic the subtle lines of a serpent, layers of scales evenly pressed into the metal.

"How are you getting on then?" came the voice to the left. You looked up to see Professor Weasley leaning over you. You smiled up at her, handing her the fork when she held her hand out. After turning it carefully in her capable fingers, she gave an appreciative smile.

"I think you may have a natural talent for transfiguration." she adjusted her spectacles as she inspected your work. "This greatly allays some of my fears about you catching up. Though you are still not at the fifth-year level–and you will need to study hard to catch up, this is certainly encouraging. Five points to Slytherin—and five for Gryffindor for your lovely display, Miss Onai, excellent work as always."

Natty gave you an affectionate nudge with her shoulder as your face burned slightly. The professor continued down the desks, inspecting arrangements and giving advice. She then stopped to show a Hufflepuff boy how to transfigure his daisies to look less like the dark green colour his bottle had been.

"What did you transfigure?" and you turned to see Ominis facing you, a bouquet of white lilies and gardenias now sitting in a granite vase in front of him. You asked him to reach out a hand and you passed the little fork to him. He ran his long fingers lightly along the metal, starting at the top of the fork and working downwards—a smile growing as he progressed down the handle. Sebastian had looked up from his book to glance over the blonde's shoulder.

"Brilliant design mate—and here I thought you didn't like snakes." Sebastian teased.

You schooled your face before you responded.

"I never said that. I am actually quite fond of snakes—the woods outside the orphanage I grew up in was full of them. Now gobby, cocksure boys who wear snakes—well, I suppose the jury is still out on them, isn't it?" you said nonchalantly, tossing your hair in a show of indifference.

You heard Ominis stifle a laugh but Sebastian just kept smirking at you.

"Aw you are one of us now, Bash. Come on, you know you like us." he needled playfully.

"I like Ominis and Nerida." you replied coolly. Ominis spun his head to grin smugly at his friend who just laughed, giving him a playful shove.

Professor Weasley then announced that they would be bringing class to a close and for everyone to bring their bouquets to the back table. She caught you as you walked up, letting you know she had already noted your mark for the class and that you could keep the fork if you wished. Nodding, you stowed your first transfigured object into your robes, happy at the prospect of showing it to Miriam and Eleazar later.

As you started to leave, you spied Sebastian skirting a desk to catch up with you. Seeing that glint in his eye, you quickly looped your arm through Natty's as she started towards the door—cutting off any hope the brunette had in manhandling you again. Natty cheerfully pulled you a bit closer as you exited the door. The freckled teen resignedly walked along your other side with Ominis.

"Admit it Bash—you don't just like them do you?" Sebastian glanced down at you with a simpering look–but his eyes still glittered with mirth.

You hummed thoughtfully for a moment before sighing with a shake of your head.

"You're right Seb—I wasn't being fair. Imelda isn't so bad I suppose." you admit thoughtfully.

Sebastian blanked for a moment before joining Natty and Ominis in fits of laughter, the four of you cheerfully ribbing each other as you made your way down the stairs to the Great Hall.

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