Thiam - One Shots

By chayaconnelly

20.1K 632 1.1K

I have too many ideas & prompts for Theo & Liam so instead of writing 100 thiam books I've decided to do a bo... More

You're an idiot
Stuffed Toy
Cooking Chaos
Build A Bear
Cold Nights
Spin the bottle
Pack Drama
Keep a piece of me
Let me anchor you
Smitten as a kitten
Daddy's Home


672 28 35
By chayaconnelly

Prompt: Liam's Christmas doesn't go to plan?

Thank you so much a_written_simulacra for going over this prior and for helping me <3

This one goes out to any of my readers who have spent Christmas alone or felt lonely even when surrounded by family/friends. Please know your feelings are valid, I see you and I care about you.

This one goes out to the ones worried about the food or are in any kind of disordered eating recovery, you are worthy and you deserve to eat. Please know and remember that.

This one goes out to the ones with family problems, please remember your emotions and feelings are valid and you are loved, I care about you and I hope you can find peace on this day!

A/N: swearing, family drama, mention of past child neglect, anxiety, alcohol abuse & homophobia.

This will be a happy ending I promise!  <3

"Liam please for the love of god stop doing that," his mother grumbled, the beta looked down at his nails. He had been biting them for almost thirty minutes, he believed he had a valid reason to and yet his mother disagreed.

This would be the first Christmas his father was coming to visit them, to say their relationship was rocky would be an understatement. After his parent's divorce- Dean had left, literally left Beacon Hill's. Every so often Liam would get a text or a missed call, but he never replied.

It was always something like, 'I'll come to your game this weekend!' Followed up by 'sorry I missed your game! Lemme make it up to you' or he would get the occasional 'You're so ungrateful you know that' followed up with a 'Im sorry son I miss you it's just hard for me'.

Dean's drinking problem was no secret, it was pretty obvious. But his mother was still trying to keep the peace for Liam's sake, although he could tell she would rather see the man dead. "Liam! I swear to god stop biting them."

Her eyes glared into his and he put his hands down, his leg hadn't stopped bouncing and his heartbeat was erratic. He didn't want to see this pathetic excuse of a father, he didn't need to. He was happier with David, his step dad.

That man had stepped up not only for Jenna for him as well. He had been to more of Liam's lacrosse games, awards and school events then Dean ever had, or ever cared to. As far as Liam was concerned, David was his father.

But he hasn't exactly told Dean that, he wasn't sure how well that would go over. Especially given the fact that Dean also had ied, considering the disorder -in Liam's case- was hereditary it was no surprise to Liam that his father of the year, also had it.

Big surprise there.

Liam rolled his eyes at the thought. David could sense his nerves and leaned closer to him, "are you okay?" He asked. A softened smile on his face that showed he was understanding and nurturing all at once, the ideal father figure. The real man in Liam's life and the only man he wanted in his life... besides a certain chimera.

Said certain chimera was hiding upstairs wanting to give Liam the space to see his father, although right now he could really use one of Theo's pep talks or comforting speeches. He was certain Theo could probably hear his heartbeat throbbing from his spot in Liam's room, in Liam's bed.

The pair weren't a couple or anything but they were more than friends, it was just unspoken. But they both knew it, they cared for each other a lot more than friends do. But with the constant drama in both of their lives and with Liam being the stand in alpha, now was not the right time.

His phone buzzed and he glanced down at it from under the table, it was a message from Theo. 'Calm down little wolf you're gonna start shaking the house' Liam couldn't help the small smile that rose upon his face. He was reminded of his bouncing leg and tried his best to calm down, despite it being out of his control.

'I'll try' he typed back before his mother shot him a glance, "what? I can't text?" He asked with furrowed brows, she was starting to get on his nerves. He understood wanting them to be one big happy family but that just wasn't the reality, the sooner she realised that- the better they'd be.

Before she could respond a knocking sound could be heard and Liam's heart sunk, "I don't want him here," he snapped out in a hushed tone, turning to see David's empathetic facial expression, "he's gonna ruin the day."

David nodded in acknowledgment of what he was saying although they both know when Jenna set something up, there was no changing her mind. It wasn't like David wanted him there either, she was his wife's ex and the father of her child - he wasn't exactly the guys biggest fan.

"Hey Jenna!" The man said loudly upon entering their home, his voice was husky and rang bells through Liam's ears. Already filled with anger and dread upon seeing him, his stomach felt uneasy and he was certain he could feel bile rising in his throat.

"Hey man, Dean." He walked towards David with his hand held outright, the calmness in his actions and the way he was so nonchalant about this ran chills down the betas spine. He was a drunk, he didn't have a job, he left them and here he was acting like he was the best guy around.

"Liam," he cheered hugging him from behind. Liam immediately stiffened and shuddered in his touch, it felt wrong and uncomfortable. He flashed him a glare, his blue eyes matching the man above him. He hated that, he hated sharing this pricks dna.

"How have you been?" Dean asked wasting no time in pulling out a chair at the head opposite side of Liam, "not talking to me? That's fine, Jenna where's the food? Let's get this party started," he snickered.

Liam resisted the urge to growl at him, instead he turned to David who had an equally unimpressed expression plastered upon his face. "So, Dean." David paused as he tried to word himself respectfully, "what do you do for work?"

Liam almost laughed at the question, upon the many text messages and voicemails he had received from Dean it was clear he didn't have a job, but it would be interesting to hear what lie he tells David to look good.

"Oh yeah, still looking for work- my life coach recommended going back to rehab but hey, life's no fun without a little partying." He clicked his tongue and turned to his duffle, god why did he have a duffel? He wasn't staying here, no way.

"Where are you staying?" Liam asked, keeping his eyes averted down not wanting it to seem like he wanted a conversation with him. Dean turned to Jenna with a confused expression, "no." Liam shook his head defiantly, "he's not staying here."

"Liam-" Jenna's voice was soft although it held a warning to it, "he's still your father and tonight he is our guest, be respectful." She gave David a glance, it seemed that he didn't know about this little arrangement they had planned either.

Liam's blood was boiling, he could feel the rage fuming within him. "No," he snapped standing up abruptly. "You are not welcome here, this is our house and if he's staying here I will leave," Liam threatened.

"Sit down boy," Dean said shaking his head, grabbing a bottle from his bag and placing it on the table. He purposefully ignored Liam's scoff, "what? Do you want one? Is he eighteen yet?" He asked turning to Jenna.

"Okay no, stop it both of you." Jenna stood up and placed a hand on her sons shoulder, "Liam go get Theo and sit back down please." The mention of Theo had Liam shaking his head, "Liam just do it."

Theo must have been listening from his spot upstairs because footsteps could be heard, "Theo, come here darling." Jenna ushered for him to join them at the table and despite his hesitation he sat beside Liam.

"This is Theo, he's Liam's friend," David said giving the boys a smile before turning to Dean who raised a questioning brow, "is there a problem?"

"Nah-no not at all," Dean shook his head and popped open his bourbon, pouring himself a glass and leaning back in his chair, "I just didn't know you'd have non family members here."

"Theo is family," Liam snapped back, his anger was remaining steady but ready to pour over at any given moment. If Dean dared talk about Theo in any way he didn't find nice he wouldn't hesitate to blow up, explode if you will.

"Is his last name Dunbar? No, he's not family." Dean rolled his eyes and sipped at his bourbon, his own anger rising to the surface. Jenna looked between the two sensing the incoming episode on both of their ends, she told up which caught their eyes.

"I'll get dinner," she declared turning and walking into the kitchen. An exhausted expression planted on her face as she returned with a Turkey, "don't touch it yet."

"He's more family to me then you ever have been," Liam said turning to face Theo before giving Dean a challenging look, "what? It's true."

Dean scoffed before sitting up right, "you wouldn't have a fucking clue kid, you don't even respond to me let alone answer my fucking calls- you wouldn't know the first thing about family."

David opened his mouth in hopes of stopping this from escalating but Liam's words spilled out before he even had the chance, "No, you know what? Fuck you!" Liam stood up, a pointed finger aiming at Dean.

"Seriously fuck you- David's a better father to me then you ever have been, he's been to more of my games, therapy sessions and family events then you ever could hope to be at! I don't answer your texts cause I don't want to let you in, I don't want to get my fucking hopes up of having you back in my life just for you to let me down!"

Liam let out an exhausted breath after word vomiting, he didn't expect to say all of that. He felt Theo's gentle hand grabbing his arm and he took that as his cue to sit back down, before he had the chance he heard the smashing sound of glass.

"Okay no, get out of my house!" David snapped standing up, his hands pressed against the table as he met with Dean's furious expression, "you do not come into my house and throw glass at my kid! Get out."

Liam paused, he didn't realise Dean had thrown it at him- none the less he missed. But the way David was sticking up for him had caught him off guard, he'd never seen David so angry before either. With the scene freezing around him his breath caught in his throat, was that how he acted?

Was he like his father? His fist clenched and his eyes almost watered, he didn't want that. He knew they had ied but that was all they shared- beside their eye colour. That didn't mean he was like him- like his father... did it?

"What the hell is going on?" Jenna asked stepping back into the dining room and Liam was quick to her side, "baby are you okay?" Her eyes scanned him over before turning to Dean, "get out of my house."

Dean scoffed, "you're all fucked up you know that? Stupid bitch and a good for nothing kid," he turned to his bag and grabbed it, swinging it over his shoulder while his bottle sat in his hand "fuck the lot of youse, not worth my dam time."

"David," Liam said softly until he turned to face him, "thank you.." he bowed his head down until he felt David's arms wrap around him. He usually didn't share moments like this with his step dad but right now he wasn't complaining.

"I'm sorry," David said hating how he reacted but seeing that piece of shit throw something at Liam really struck a nerve within him and with Jenna not there to witness it he knew he had to step in and put a stop to it before it escalated.

"Is the food done?" Theo asked turning to Jenna who shook her head, "Can I take Liam somewhere really quick? We'll be back before dinner I swear." Once Jenna gave the okay, Theo took Liam's hand and grabbed his keys on the way out.

"Come on," Theo said leading Liam to his truck and unlocking it. Once Liam was inside he got in the other side and put the key into the ignition, "I know something that might cheer you up," he smiled.

God when did he get so sappy? He blames Liam for that, he blames Liam for his ability to express such kind emotions. Once the truck was started he began to drive it through the street, the dark sky dimly lit by Christmas lights.

"What are we doi- oh wow look at that one!" Liam exclaimed pointing at the fully lit up house. Theo smiled knowing his plan was working, just seeing Liam happy was enough for him. The glowing rainbow lights beamed on the betas face and he looked so, pretty?

"Thank you Theo," Liam smiled, as Theo parked the truck out the front of a lit up tree. The tree stood about 7 feet tall and it was in a public park area, Liam's head rested on the chimeras shoulder and he smiled.

Theo couldn't resist the urge to place a soft kiss upon the betas head, judging by Liam's nonchalant reaction he knew it was okay. Liam's head crooked and he was now looking up into the chimeras green eyes.

"I care about you Theo," he said softly, his lit up eyes captivating Theo's as he leaned closer. "A lot more then I ever thought I would," he felt Theo's hand cupping his face and he knew the feeling was mutual.

He leaned closer until their lips were softly brushing against each others, their breathing almost in sync as Theo made the push and connected their lips. Softly and passionately they kissed, a soft noise leaving Liam's lips.

As they pulled back a small grumbling noise could be heard from Liam as he giggled, "I'm pretty hungry," Theo nodded with a laugh before turning the key and starting the truck, "thank you Theo."

"You're more then welcome, little wolf." Theo was ready to drive but he couldn't shake the scent of anxiety radiating from the beta, "Liam," he turned to face him with a softened gaze. Once he had his attention he continued, "you're nothing like him, I hope you know that."

Liam sighed, "I don't want to be- I really try not to be... I hate him Theo I really don't want to end up like that.." Liam said, his voice cracking as he did. "I saw how he treated my mum growing up and I've seen his episodes and I just don't want to act like that... I hate it."

"Well I can assure you you're a lot strong then he'll ever be, then he could ever hope to be. You have ied but that doesn't mean you'll end up like him, plus... you have me." He smiled running his hand along Liam's cheek, caressing it with gentle hands.

Liam smiled and gave a small nod, "thank you," he said before Theo began to drive them back home. Once inside they played games, sat in the lounge room and hung out together. It couldn't have been any better, the night seemed to only bring their little family closer together.

A/N: i know this is before Christmas but I wanted to give y'all a little treat before since Christmas is usually busy and hectic!

Published: 22nd December 2023
Word count: 2701

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