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MINI SERIES. : โœจ๏ธ
๐Ž๐‹๐ˆ๐•๐„๐‘. : 001

สœษชษขสœsแด„สœแดแดสŸ แด…สษดแด€แดษชแด„. :

666 6 0

TYLER: The nerd boy and the stupid girl. You couldn't do anything in math, science, reading, or history. You over all had striaght F's, you couldn't pay attention or sit still. So, your teachers and counselor decided you needed a touter. Ty just happened to be top of his class and, your crush. One thing lead to another and the next thing you know, you're living together with seven man babies who won't shut up.

OLIVER: King and Queen of the high-school. You came from co.pletely different families, completely different schools, and somehow ended up in the same high-school, with all the same classes.
As soon as you two met, a spark flew, when you immediately started dating. Suddenly, you both were known all over school. Everyone knew everything about you two, even the teachers.

SEB: The skinny and chubby duo. Sebastian had always been skinny, you'd always been chubby. You both were insecure and you had each other. That's all there is to say.

REGIE: The bad boy and good girl. You had somehow gotten into the category as the 'good girl' but in reality, you just listened to what the teacher was saying, and turned in your work, you also, just happened to like the color pink. Once people started picking on you, you became quiet and just straight up turned into the teachers pet.
That's when Regie came into play.
Since you had done your work, and he didn't. Your geometry teacher sat you two right next to each other, and for some reason, in the back. One day, for no particular reason. Regie put his hand on your thigh, from that moment forward, you toutered him till he got good grades, he protected you feom anything and everything. You two were the cliche of bad boy and good girl.

DARREN: Rivals. You two hated each other, anything Darren did got on your nerves. The way he walked, the way he talked. Everything. But, your best friend, Char, happened to be close with him. And she personally thought you two would make a great couple.
She brought you two to a fair, it was snowy and you three ended up in the games section.

RYAN: The really loud girl and the quiet boy. In class, you were the one who yelled out answers and laughed super loud, everyone liked ypu but sometimes you were just plain annoying. But you didn't notice and couldn't help it, loudness was in your nature. But Ryan couldn't tell but to fall for you. He was drawn to you.
Since you were so outgoing, you would always say hi, after about a day you called him your best friend as a joke. He smiled to himself. You didn't even realize how much ypu brighten his day until you were talking to your science teacher, she told you that he never smiled or looked up until you said something to him. That's when you got his number.

JUSTIN: Friends with benefits. You guy had been friends since middle school. After freshman year, ypu both had felt something for each other. What you didn't realize, was that, that feeling  was love. You assumed it was lust, or want. But it was in your heart you realized you loved him, and he loves you.

KANE: Best friends to lovers. You two were childhood best friends. You had always been close, like, change clothes infront to each other close. So, one night when Kane had spent the night, you were changing into your pj's, and looked over at him, he had the fastest erection, you laughed but he stood up, with the most serious face. He kissed you. That's when you fell in love with your best friend.

luv, authory poo

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