Their Empress ( OT7×Reader)

By PhoenixxVani

18K 1.4K 172

Kim Haeun , A normal girl working hard but still not being enough , she always thought it was a curse to be a... More

Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
chapter 6
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 13
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22
Chapter 23
Chapter 24
Chapter 25
Chapter 26
Chapter 27
Chapter 28
Chapter 29
Chapter 30
Chapter 31
Chapter 32
Chapter 33
Chapter 34
Chapter 35
Chapter 36
Chapter 37
Chapter 38
Chapter 39

Chapter 7

491 42 2
By PhoenixxVani

Hey , so far 4 members have made made appearance Jin , Jungkook , Yoongi and Namjoon....the other three will be soon coming to , in the next chapter we will have the 5th member .  There haven't been much romance or deep conversations between the members and Haeun  which I promise will grow with the coming chapters .


Jungkook showed Haeun the material that just arrived today " Princess , scholar Yun's friend sended these clothing materials , they are luxurious. If we sell them to the elite families it will be sold for a high price "

Haeun looked at the materials and a piece caught her attention , she picked it
' It will look good on Jin '

" Keep this one aside , it's not to be sold and make it..."

" Make it according to Hyung's size? "
Jungkook asked grinning , Haeun nodded smiling .

Yoongi came towards her as she turned to him " The result of the medicine have come " Haeun nodded .


Haeun looked at the note the doctor had given Yoongi " So , there's nothing wrong with the medecine . It will keep her alive but won't do anything to recover from her illness? "

" Yoongi , who do you think would want the empress to be sick but not die ? "

" It can't be Chaewon or Advisor Lee , because empress's death would be beneficial for them "

" Right ! There are only two people then . First the eldest princess Soomin , she might seem like a kind and gentle person but deep down she wants the throne and if the empress dies , Chaewon can take the throne "

Yoongi nodded " and the other person? "

" The empress herself ! She might be just pretending to be ill and I guess it could be related to the Lee family . We have to work fast and gain power "

Yoongi looked at Haeun , he had heard many stories in these past few days about her . She isn't anything like that , everyone says that she changed after she wokeup from her illness .

" I have to find a second consort too . I need to choose someone I can trust "
Haeun turned to Yoongi and smirked
" Why don't I marry you? Empress had asked me to bring you "

Yoongi thought back to the empress's word '  tie him up.....' he glared at her
" Don't talk about that "


Haeun sighed , her head is throbbing at the sigh of documents infront of her holding the information about all the young masters from elite families of the Kingdom .

" Princess , the empress sended someone to remind you to choose a second consort soon " Jungkook said as put the cup of tea on the table , Haeun turned to him frowning . Jungkook smiled at her and her eyes twinkled as she noticed his looks . Big doe eyes with a cute bunny smile , she stood up from her seat and walked around the table as she stood beside him . Jungkook turned to her confused but his eyes widen when she held his chin " Jungkook you're a handsome young boy , your eyes are so beautiful " Jungkook chuckled nervously and took a step back " Thankyou princess " Haeun took a step closer and Jungkook looked at her wierdly " How old are you ? " Jungkook gulped at whispered " 17 " Haeun grinned as she clapped her hands " Perfect , Jungkook I choose you as my second consort " Jungkook looked at her shocked
" What?? NOO!!!! "

Yoongi who was passing listen to Jungkook's scream and went towards there , he entered and saw Haeun holding Jungkook by the wrist while he was trying to get her off . Jungkook looked at him like he saw his savior
" Yoongi hyung , help me ! The princess is trying to sexually harass me " Haeun gasped and pulled him closer " I said I'll marry you ! When did I try to molest you? " . Yoongi sighed as he shook his head , he pulled her away from her as Jungkook left saying he will tell everything to Seokjin .

" Stop teasing him " Haeun turned to Yoongi " Duke Kim sended some gifts and Namjoon has asked for a meeting . Why don't just choose him? He was chosen by her mejesty and is from a influential family , won't it be beneficial for you? " Haeun shook her head and smiled sarcastically at him " Oh it would be beneficial alot , just not for me but others . He is totally opposite to the type of comsort I'm looking for , he's dangerous  . I need someone naive and ignorant who is not related to the royal family or hungry for power , someone I can trust " Haeun sighed and pouted at him " Why don't you just agree ? None of them can compare to you ! "

Yoongi looked at her ' They were young masters from influential families , handsome and someone who knew etiquettes . I'm just a commoner guy , who is rediculed by everyone for being like this.....then why do you not think the same too ? ' Yoongi looked away " Don't speak nonsense! There's no way I'll marry you " Haeun glared at him and scoffed as she saw the blush on his face
' little kitty ' she thought abd smiled looking at him .

Jungkook turned to Seokjin who was looking at them , " See hyung , princess has gone crazy she even wanted to harass me " as he pouted at him . Seokjin looked at him and glanced at Haeun and Yoongi as turned to leave " Tell Yoongi to come meet me " Jungkook looked at his back as he left and turned to Haeun and Yoongi .


Yoongi looked around the garden and saw Seokjin standing under a chapel
" Consort you asked for me? "

Seokjin turned to him and smiled " You know Jungkook calls hyung , you can call me hyung too " Yoongi was surprised , it was too random " It's not appropriate , you're the prince consort "

Seokjin came near him " It won't be if you marry her " Yoongi looked at him shocked " I have seen the way she is with you , she definitely likes you . Wlhy don't you just agree then ? I'll ask the empress to arrange a marriage "

Yoongi shook his head " No !! You've misunderstood . I'm just a gaurd and the princess was just joking around she doesn't mean any of that . I'm just a commoner , how can I marry her "

" If you remain by her side without a title , people will start talking about it . In future it might effect your reputation Yoongi "

Yoongi smiled as he shook his head " All that doesn't hold any value to me  , I've been rediculed my whole life for not being like other men . I sweared my loyalty to her and will remain by her side untill I die but just as her gaurd , I'm not suitable to be her consort nor do I want to lose my freedom "

Seokjin looked at yoongi as he thought how brave and strong he is ' Wish I could be like you too Yoongi... '

" You know Yoongi , when I see you stand beside . I  feel envy but also admire you , she need someone like you by her side . As for me , I'm useless and a baggage for her " seokjin said as he was lost in a daze , Yoongi frowned " What are you say consort? You're her husband , I'm just a gaurd . Even if there comes a second consort , you'll still remain the first consort , someone who stayed beside her the most and from the start . All these years of marriage , isn't it the proof of your love? " Seokjin smiled sadly and looked away " If you knew the reality of this marriage you won't be saying that , sometimes I think if she will ever love me but then doubt if I even deserve her love " Yoongi bit his lips , he thought of that night he had heard Chaewon and Advisor Lee talking .

" I had heard Chaewon and Advisor Lee's  conversation a few days back "
Seokjin turned to him shocked " Don't worry I didn't tell her..." Seokjin frowned
" Didn't you just say that your loyalty is with her....then why? What do you want ? "

" Because I didn't to create a misunderstanding between you and her , I know you will never betray her but consort please have faith on her , she doesn't tell you anything because she's afraid that you will be used by others but that doesn't mean she doesn't care . Trust her , she's capable of protecting her and even you . "

" Even after all these years of marriage you know her better then me..."

" Consort I..." Seokjin cutted him of " It's not your fault , I have my own thoughts regarding this situation Yoongi . As for the marriage , she will find someone but you can still call me Hyung . Not in public but atleast when it's us "
Yoongi smiled and nodded as he left .

Seokjin looked up at the sky as there were unshed tear in his eyes and he closed them feeling the cold breeze of evening on his face '  All these years Haeun , you didn't took a second consort all because of him ' suddenly he could hear a tune of Gayageum from the past .


" What's this Scholar Yun? "

" Oh , it's the products being sell in the third princess's store . Many elite families bought them so I brought some for you Advisor Lee " Scholar Yun said smiling gently at het " The third princess has become smarter , while the crown princess is grounded and the empress is mad she is out there building and expanding her buisness " Scholar Yun nodded " Then have the Advisor Lee changed her thoughts about the third princess ? "

" Are you joking Scholar Yun ? She's still not strong enough , she can't do anything . Even if the crown princess is grounded , she still hold the power of military and her position is strong and secure while the eldest princess have a clever mind and her strong connections .
You're intelligent Scholar Yun , don't make a mistake "

Scholar Yun just smiled and didn't say anything .


" Wow !!! It's so pretty "

" Hey , give that me !! "

" Princess you're amazing "

Haeun smirked and shook her head , while Yoongi rolled his eyes at her .

"'re back " She turned around and saw Seokjin coming towards her and rushed towards him while holding a package she kept aside for him " Jin , come with me ! I have something for you " Seokjin smiled " No! Let's first go and have dinner "

Yoongi looked at them as Seokjin's words ringed in his ear '  How you think she would want me hyung... ' for some reason first time in his life he felt a bitterness in his heart , he turned and looked at the other concubines when they call his name  .

"  What are you looking at? Third princess loves prince consort alot , just because you stay with her whole day won't change the fact you're just a servant "

" See princess brought so many stuff for us , did she got something for you ? "

" What are you saying....even if princess did gave him something , he won't know how to use them . He looks better in this gaurd uniform "

They all laughed and Yoongi for the first time felt upset over what they said....indeed she didn't got anything for him but would he even look good in it  like Seokjin ?


Haeun ented and was shocked to see Yeonjun sitting there on the table eating snacks

" didn't came back to visit me so I came here to meet you "

Haeun turned to seokjin who was putting aside her over coat and smiled
" Thankyou Seokjin " he shook his head
" Don't thank me , it's what I'm supposed to do . It's nothing infront of the work you do outside "

Haeun thought back to past ' There was someone who used to cook for me , someone who made me feel the warmth of coming home to someone waiting for you but he also left me when I didn't make him feel the respect a man wants....will you also leave me? '

" I can only do that because you handle everything here Seokjin , you've done it from a very young age even when I was a good for nothing " Seokjin looked at her as she smiled softly at him , this look he had seen many times in the past but it was never for him .

" When I become your second consort I will also help you "

Seokjin turned to him shocked
" What...?" Haeun stuffed snack in Yeonjun's mouth " Nothing , Yeonjun you should go now it's getting late "

" Are you throwing me out? " he asked pouting and Haeun gave a fake smile to him " No , your mother must be waiting for you " He looked at her suspiciously but then grinned as if he realized something "'re going to love consort right? "

They both turned to him shocked as Seokjin turned red like a tomato . Haeun pulled him and out of the room and told the gaurds to send him back . She came back and smiled nervously at Seokjin

" I have something for you " Seokjin looked at the package she gave him .

Haeun looked at him with wide eyes as she saw Seokjin standing there infront of her looking like a literal angel , Jin felt nervous under her gaze .

" You shouldn't have got this for me , it's waste if someone like me wears it....why don't you give this to the others "

Haeun frowned " What are you saying? You're so handsome Jin " Seokjin looked away as he turned around to go and change it but Haeun stopped him
" where are you going? I said you look good so you do , I said you will wear then you will " she said she pushed him on the bed and leaned over him , Seokjin looked into her eyes as he felt himself getting lost in them while his heart wanted to feel the love it has been longing for all these years .

" why?? This is the first ever gave me . Ever since you wokeup , you have treated me so good but why? Is it because of the Lee family? Do you want to gain their support? "

Haeun glared at him and pulled him in a kiss , seokjin was shocked as his eyes widen.....she pulled away and smirked at him " Do you still think so? " She leaned closer to kiss him again but he turned his face away " No!! " .

" Why ? You're my husband.....why can't I kiss you then? " He turned to her with his eyes holding the unshed tears in it
" Because I'm not worth it " Haeun held his chin as their lips brushed together , Jin looked in her eyes " For me you are " as she smashed her lips with his , he closed his eyes as a tear slipped from his eyes while his heart beated feeling the warmth it was craving for all these years ' so , this is what it feel like to be loved ? ' . That night they just kissed but for them it was more then just a simple kiss...

' Who's this ? ' Haeun frowned there was a guy she can she sitting under a chapel playing a Gayageum , this tune why does it seem so familiar . She couldn't see his face as he was looking down at the Gayageum while his fingers moved playing the tune . Haeun sat as she realized it was a dream ' what was that? Wad that a past memory? Why is my heart beating so fast? ' She thought as she put a hand over her heart .

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