The Teaching Assistant (A My...

Galing kay Memeyqueeny69

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Amelia Tano got a strange call at 3 am by the principal of UA, Nezu! Strangely enough he offers her a job in... Higit pa

Before You Begin!
Mystery Letter
Chapter 1
Chapter 2
Chapter 3
Chapter 4
Chapter 5
Chapter 6
Chapter 7
Chapter 8
Chapter 9
Not a Chapter: Let's Talk Costumes
Chapter 10
Chapter 11
Chapter 12
Chapter 14
Chapter 15
Chapter 16
New Years Special
Chapter 17
Chapter 18
Chapter 19
Chapter 20
Chapter 21
Chapter 22

Chapter 13

183 5 21
Galing kay Memeyqueeny69

Yamada, Kayama, and Tano walk over into the support course, of course Kayama kicks the door open which seems to be a recurring theme.

There's a big bang and shrew of curses as Maijima comes out with a grimace, "Damn it Kayama, you're gonna be the reason the school has to pay for new doors on the classrooms." He seems to brighten a bit seeing Tano there though then it falls neutral as he sees Yamada.

"Aww you kid, you can easily fix the doors around the school, it's just a few hinges. Plus you make everything pretty sturdy as requested from Nezu himself." Kayama laughs strutting over to a table looking at the support items on display, "oh my is this all for dear little Tano?"

Maijima rolls his eyes under his peach colored bangs, "yes I make the hinges sturdy but they're not ment to take constant kicks. Respect property Midnight." He goes over and slaps her hands as she goes to touch the equipment on the table as Amelia slowly walks in with Yamada giving her a light nudge and a smile. "Don't touch, it's Tano-chan's not yours." Maijima scolds Kayama

He turns towards Amelia and says to her in a nice tone, "come take a look, I went a lot tighter than what it was originally, there's more pieces to your suit than there were before. I did a complete costume overhaul. I hope it's to your liking."

"T-tighter?" She stutters a blush working it's way again to her cheeks

"Oh umm not as tight as usual standard for umm female costumes go, but I went tighter than the baggy thing you had before." Maijima scratches his cheek as pats the green and black fabric, "I made it thicker, using kevlar, not a lot of gonna cut through it. I made it with a special alloy that was used to make Eraserheads scarf. It's thin but thick enough to keep you protected."

He moves the jacket to the side unfolding it showing a weird white lining to the bottom that doesn't belong, "you said you used your jacket to help civilians who were in shock or getting hyperthermic, there's a blanket, it's wool, I stitched in here it's easily to come off all ya gotta do is tug hard, it's 3 feet by 3 feet, it'll get the job done better than your hoodie did."

Kayama and Yamada peek over and listen in, during Maijima's education rant on Amelia's costume, "if for some reason you need to remove your jacket to provide warmth to someone else, I designed a form fitting one piece suit you'll wear underneath, think of it like a bathing suit, except it's tighter and thicker, it'll take a swipe of a blade once or twice in the same spot before threading. I know you don't like tight, but just remember this is under your main costume, so unless your ripping your jacket off no one should see this for long." He pats a black long sleeved one pieces that looks like it'll go down to her elbow maybe?

"Okay, pants are also less baggy, I added more pockets for you to store stuff, added a knife hostler to your right and left thigh. I kept your utility belt and your boots, though I did upgrade the cleats on the bottom so they can become regular boots versus boots with sharp metal bottoms to climb or get around slick surfaces. Finally a new addition, gloves, there red to match your hair and eyes, figured that might be something nice." He clears his throat and then goes on, "anyways, I haven't added the blood mechanic that Vald Kings has yet, wasn't sure if you wanted that, I know Vald complains about soreness in the areas where the needle goes in at. I can change that for you if you'd like?"

Amelia places her hands on her new costume blushing still trying to get over how it's gonna look on her, she then says, "lets umm keep it off for now. To be honest I umm hate needles. Also, I assume the blood would come out the finger tips right? If I fight I fight using jabs and quick hits to pressure points, I wouldn't want to accidentally have left over blood and give them a small heal. Probably better to have vials like you were saying before, id fill them up before heading out on patrol and as long as I have something to keep the blood vials protected and shaking so they don't clot, i think it would be a good idea." She says

Maijima nods and starts writing stuff down, "now that Little Red, I can do."

Yamada snickers at the new nickname liking it, Kayama cracks a small smile too.

Amelia blushes but doesn't say anything about the nickname, it seems to be a running theme here, "t-thanks for everything Maijima-kun." She says softly giving his a cute smile

Around her is this cute pink flowery aura and Maijima-kun pipes up waving one hand, and the other rubbing the back of his neck, "i-its nothing. T-though it's best to try it on, don't cha think?"

Yamada nods nudging Amelia slightly, "yeah, try it on Tano, show off Power Loaders masterpiece, ya dig?"

"Same~ I can't wait to see what your costume reveals cutie, making me all sorts of excite-urk." She doesn't finish as Yamada jabs her side smiling a closed eye smile, "go on, holler if ya need help, though we'll have to send Kayama in if ya do. Just jab her real good if she does anything inappropriate."

Kayama curses and glares at Yamada, "asshole."

Maijima is sweatdropping at them, she shakes his hand and drops everything in Amelia's hands, and points to a dressing room, "back there, is a dressing room. Let me know how it fits, I might umm need you to come out here once it's on."

Amelia blushes feeling uncomfortable but sucking it up cause she needs to do this, "g-got it, I got it." She begins to walk off before Maijima calls out, "oh umm.. one more thing.. I umm. Most female suits especially ones like this need no umm.. underwear, d-d-don't worry though everything is covered and won't show anything, I promise. If it does I'll fix it."

Yamada just whistles pretending he didn't hear that for Amelia's sake who doesn't seem really used to the idea, while Kayama on the other hand, her tongue darts across to her lips, "my, my, Maijima you naughty man~"

"IT Isn't LIKE THAT KAYAMA!" Maijima cries out with a voice crack,waving his arms around swearing and swearing profusely, the last thing he needs is someone labeling him a pervert.

Amelia's quite literally steaming as she walks wobbly to the fitting rooms leaving that mess behind. She nervous all right, but.. she trust Maijima. He did this all for her in such short notice too! Everything was made to protect her better, she's.. not use to someone wanting to protect her. After all, her costume before was made with the purpose of helping others not herself. Now she has protection and tools to help others. Her heart feels warm as she strips down.

I'll.. wear this proudly, because you made it Maijima. No one has ever shown such heart in so long for me. With Yamada and Kayama cheering me on too, why am I hesitant? I'll wear this proudly, even if it's embarrassing.

The one piece suit that goes under is the hardest to slip on, it's stretchy. It fits her nicely though, it's easy to breathe in, like a second skin. It's not tight like she feared. She pulls on her pants and them throws her utility belt on an stops in the mirror blushing red, maybe Maijima didn't realize this fabric if stretched too much in... Certain areas thinning it. Her nipples are outlined and she's mortified. Should there be padding around her boobs anyway? Did.. Did Maijima forget that? It made sense, she thinks how he probably hasn't worked on too many women's costumes before and doesn't fault him.

She looks at her form some more and notices stuff staying in place, she does a jump and her boobs don't shake badly at all. Much better than some sports bras she has. She's impressed, the only thing that's needed is those paddings for the breast and this would do nicely. She does shyly admire her form for a moment appreciating the design and work put into each part of her costume before slipping on her jacket zipping it up, throwing on her gloves, and finally her boots. She does practices quickly turning on and off the cleats. She feels something in her jacket pocket as she pats herself down, and pulls out the weird red mask she had, it's not really much of a mask but it's something from her old costume, she throws it on pushing it against her face as she looks in the mirror and feels like Mercy again, just upgraded. She smiles pretty like. Before heading out of the room, they are talking amongst themselves when she gets out there and notices Maijima freaking out.

"She's taking to long, do you think I did something wrong?"Maijima states nervous

"Nah my dude, I think she's just taking her time, ya know filling us with suspense, ya dig?" Yamada pats Maijima's back as he talks

"Nah I think Maijima has a point, call it girl intuition but I think something is amiss-ah there she is. Wow look at you cutie, looking better than those grainy photographs I could find of you on the Internet." Kayama calls her out with a smirk

Yamada gives off a whistle, "Damn, are you a disco ball, cause you making me feel groovy, Precious." He gives her finger guns as he grins

Maijima face is neutral as he comes over, he grabs her arm lifting it up unexpectedly and she blushes as he's closely inspecting for any design flaws, "did everything fit right? God I hope it did. Is it too tight? Or too loose? What about the suit?"

"I umm, everything fits fine e-except-"

"I knew it." Says Kayama who once again is jabbed by Yamada causing her to groan and curse him again

Maijima grimaces, "I should have taken breaks instead working through until it was finished."

"M-Maijima-kun!? You didn't have to rush!" Amelia states scolding him, "you need to care about your health, I'm grateful you worked so diligently on my costume but what if you hurt yourself because of me.." she says her eyes tearing up a little, "we may not know each other well but i.. care about my new friends. I could have gone through the physical exam without a hero costume, the costume doesn't make the hero, it's the person in the suit. I did without protection for a while, and all the extra trinkets, as long as I had my utility belt stocked I would have been fine." She rambles blushing

Yamada and Kayama seem surprised at her emotional out burst, as is Maijima..

She's such a sweetheart

"T-Tano." Maijima states

"The only thing wrong in the suit is certain padding is missing.. in a certain place." She states calming down

"Certain.. padding? Oh... Oh. Shit, I'm sorry Tano! I added extra cloth in the groin area but didn't add anything extra to the chest. I was to trusting of the material I was using and wasn't count on umm.. your assets." He states carefully, "I-I'll fix this Tano. Want to take it off? I can have the padding added in an hour, which should be just before your physical exam."

Yamada looking at his phone curses, "Shoot, me and Tano need to leave and head upstairs, we gotta get the written exam started like-like.. in 5 minutes."

"I umm I'll be fine! After the Physical exam is over I'll give it back and let ya do it. Everything is staying in place otherwise. I'll be back anyway cause my clothing is in the dressing room." She says quickly walking over to Yamada which is proctoring her written exam, I really want to have as much time on the written as possible." She states in her soft tone

"R-right if you're sure. I'll be umm cheering you on. I mean, I'll be watching the physical exam. So.. good luck, you got this." Maijima gives her an awkward thumbs up.

Which she she's back giving a thumbs up trying to stay positive, "yeah I do!"

Kayama stays back with Maijima while Yamada and Amelia run off.

Kayama tuts at him, "Making a mistake Maijima? You really like her mm?"

Maijima ignores Kayama as he sits down bring out the notebook with the design to hold blood vials.

"Oh ignoring me? How petty. Can you at least tell me with a straight face you honestly didn't see that outcome? Unless her breast are massive i-"

"Stop, talking Midnight. It's rude to speak about a friend so.. prudently." He states before going back to sketching, he does states, "I can say, she has a better rack then you do." He mumbles with a blush

Kayama eyes widen before she smirks, "my my so you did expect that out come? I actually didn't expect her to have such a impressive body." She licks her lips again, "maybe I should convince her to.. show it off a little?"

"She is uncomfortable with her body. I think she made that quite clear. As for expecting the outcome, I genuinely thought the fabric wouldnt thin in certain areas. I knew of the fabric, if stretched out, thins. But to say I expected it too would be a lie. I won't make the same mistake again, that you can count on.." he states tiredly

Kayama crosses her arms and sighs, "fine I believe you.. I reluctantly believe you. Just make sure the Cuties uniform keeps her safe, maybe in the future.. help convince her  to go with something form fitting, hmm?"

Maijima sighs, rolling his eyes hidden under his bangs, "she's not gonna be another R-Rated hero. That's for sure. Japan has gotten one and she's enough." He states loudly not hiding his opinion on the matter, blatantly speaking about her as she is the only R-Rated hero in Japan.

For crying out loud Kayama was the reason for the minimum clothing guidelines!! Little Red doesn't need influence like that!!

Kayama pouts as she dramatically leans over the table to the side her breast visible through her hero uniform as she tries to seduce the man, "aww don't be like that, if she is as impressive as she seems why not? It gets a bit lonely have no competition for my title. Plus don't ya think she can be much more if her confidence is boosted. Come on Higari, don't you agree~"

Maijima just deadpans at her once again trying to seduce him, "Kayama.."

"Yes~" she leans into his face with fluttering lashes

"Get out."

___________Time Skip Brought to you by Midnights failed attempts as seducing Maijima_______________________

"F-Finally done!" Amelia yawns stretching handing her paper to Yamada

"Good job Tano, I'll grade this while you head over to Ground Alpha. Oh.." he pauses before saying, "you probably need a guide for that. Can't have you getting lost on the grounds." He states cheerful putting her papers into a folder before getting up, "come on, you got one more test. You ready for this?" He states opening the door from the classroom they were in

She walks through, "as r-ready as I'll ever be.." she mumbles

"I'll probably grade these while sitting with the others watching you perform your test. I'll cheer you on no problem. I am the nicknamed Loud Mouth for a reason." He teased with a grin as they go into a elevator and hit the ground floor

"T-Thanks. I could umm use all the cheering in the world cause I'm gonna be real. I'm terrified. I was terrified for the written test and I'm terrified now." She mumbles as the elevator chimes down to the bottom floor, the doors soon open

"Hey, if you studied you'll pass this exam I have in the folder. I.. believe in you. I don't think anyone ever gets told that by someone enough." He states softly to her with a warm smile as they walk out the elevator down the halls towards the back exit, "by the time your done with the physical, I have this graded, while the proctors of the physical will have graded you as well. Everything will go fine, you'll have your Japan hero license by the end of today. Ya dig me Precious?"

She blushes at the nickname as they stare at each other a little before moving through another pair of doors and waking in silence for a moment. Soon they arrive at a big building which holds a small indoor city, she sighs and says to Yamada while giving a sheepish smile, "thanks for the pep talk.."

Yamada smiles back down at the short woman, "Anytime. Need a pep talk I'm your man." He uses his free hand to point a thumb into his chest while he says that

Amelia does a soft giggle as they soon enter. She sees Nezu sitting in the control room, sipping tea, next to him is Aizawa, then Recovery Girl. She sees some of the other staff in the background here to watch the test. To see what she can do.

"Ah welcome, welcome Ms. Tano, did you pass the written?" Nezu says in a cheery mood

Amelia doesn't get to answer as Yamada cuts in and says, "I was gonna grade it while her physical exam went on."

"Hizashi.." aizawa states disappointed, "it'll be a waste to let her run through the physical if she didn't pass the written test."

Nezu chimes in, "now now Aizawa, I don't see it as a waste, I think it's reasonable, she could always take another written test after passing the physical. After all there's no rules against that, as long as shes given a different set of questions."

Aizawa sighs, "Very well.." he then turns to Amelia, "Are you ready? It's your last chance to prep, once you enter the test begins. You must rescue as many civilians who are volunteers for this test, safely and bring them back to rescue zones. There are a few outside heros acting as villains so either capture or stay away. This is point based, every action you do can and will be counted against or with you."

She nods to her soon to be teaching partner, "I'm ready. Your gonna be stuck with me." She says with a smirk trying to joke with the serious guy

Yamada sputters in the background, while Nezu snorts into his tea quietly. It was unexpected, that confidence and those words towards Aizawa.

Yamada was now worried for Amelia, while Nezu was craving the chaos about to ensue.

"Stuck..? Oh no.. I think you misunderstood something here, that's if.. and a big if, you pass the exams. You know how often heros come from overseas and try to get a hero license here in Japan or.. really anywhere that isn't their home country? They fail first and second tries. Your over confidence here may be your downfall. It's unlikely you'll pass, and it's not often I eat my words." He states plainly to her looking down into her eyes, he looks unimpressed

*I was.. just trying to make a joke.*

"I.. I'll keep it in mind s-sir." She mumbles clenching her fist

He doesn't say anything else as he walks over to a door and looks at her, "walk through here, an the timer will start, you got 30 minutes to get as many points as possible. Good luck, your gonna need it."

She takes her phone out and walks over to Yamada, "c-can you keep this safe, I don't want it to break." She ask softly

Yamada nods an takes her phone as he goes back to looking through her written exam, "yep, I can do that. Go kick ass."

Amelia beams brightly at Yamada thankful for enthusiasm as she takes off through the door into the test.

Its silent in the room, as everyone focuses on the dozens of screens in the control room as the timer counts down. Maijima and Kayama join them shortly after she's begun her test.

"How she doing?" Kayama ask Yamada quietly who is just got done grading her paper.

"She passed the written exam with surprising accuracy. All she gotta do is pass the physical exam." Yamada says enthusiastic

Maijima watches the screens as he stands next to the proctors watching the exam. He mostly eyes Aizawa, whose really watching the screen with Amelia on it.

It shows Amelia at the moment holding two kids, they can hear audio thanks to the mics on the people and the cameras covering the mock city.

"You two are safe now. I'll get you back to safety okay?"

The child actors fake cry, "w-we're scared, we didn't expect the d-door to lock us on the roof."

You see Amelia scaled and parkoured from another building over to get to the kids, "it's okay, your not hurt are you?" She ask them

"N-no." They mumble to her.

She smiles kindly, "here's what I'm gonna do, give me a nice big hug."

She says this as she removes her jacket, blushing slightly at feeling so bare, but she keeps up the confidence for the kids. They look at her weirdly but give a nod as they give her a hug, which she proceeds to wrap the jacket around her and them, tying it tightly like a rope. "Now you just gotta hold on tight, I gotta do a superhero thing and it's Important you hold me tightly. Can you do that for me you two?" She says kindly

The kids are getting nervous but they nod. Everyone in the controlroom is trying to figure out why she's doing what she's doing?

She's on a 10 story building she stands back up the kids awkwardly holding onto her as she gets to her feet.

"Now I'm about to do something dangerous that I never want either of you to do, only trained heros like me can do this. I promise you aren't gonna get hurt or die." She says calmly walking towards the edge grabbing her blades off her thighs as she doesn't give the kids time to protest as she turns around and takes a step off the building.

Everyone is freaking out in the control room.

"She's gonna die!!" Yells Yamada

Amelia digs her blades into side of the brick building over and over again, as she taps her boots together to active her metal cleats as she slams them into the building as she's starts sliding down, her descent slowing down until it was nothing, she's about 5 feet off the ground as she struggles to get unstuck but she manages.

The kids are shaking badly as she pats and rubs their backs as she takes off running leaving the blades stuck into the brick of the apartment building.

"H-hey guys your okay, I promised everything would be okay. We're heading to the rescue area now." She says to them as they just shake until she arrives unraveling her jacket from them as they slowly peel themselves off her. One child dramatically kisses the ground and the other looks at her, "your crazy!! You could have killed us!!"

"I did the only logical choice. I couldn't leave one of you on the building by yourself, something could happen, kids are unpredictable, and don't go ranting about you not doing anything, it's your job to make situations difficult for people like me taking this test. I've done what I did plenty of times, now granted it was down snowy mountains in Alaska but it still worked." She states lecturing the child actor

She stands up straighter and says, "now if you excuse me I gotta save some more people before my time is up. Stay safe." She says hurrying back into the fray to find more people

Meanwhile in the control room Nezu begins to cackle, his tea cup shaking splashing tea on himself, "Unexpected thrill seeker, magnificent!!"

The last thing anyone would expect from the seemly shy woman was for her to throw herself off a building like that, much less accomplished surviving the way she did. This was a test yes, but not one she's suppose to try getting herself killed with. But then again.. she's treating this like she would real life.

Everyone looked like they had nine heart attacks, especially Maijima, "t-those blades and cleats are so ruined." He mumbles not expecting the support items he issued to be used like that

The screen shows her determined face rushing off to another area saving more people with a shy grin and sweet talking them. Though when she stumbled upon a villain hold hostages she tried sneak attacking, the way to defeat was to capture them with tape or make them give up.

She chooses neither of those and instead opts for a distraction throwing a loose brick near a dumpster as far as she could as she scrambled to untie a hostage and quickly has the hostage untie another while she gets the fourth. The villain comes back and noticed whats happening and Amelia shouts, "stay back,  I'll protect you just head to the rescue center! Now!!"

The hostage actors do rush off, the villain has a speed quirk of sorts, "No you don't" she uses belt this time, uncaring about the medical supplies that falls out as she uses it like a whip causing the villain to cry out and turn towards her, "you and me Speedster!" She says as she rushes again using the belt only for it to be caught and her dragged in, which she jabs the jugular causing the guy to choke as she then slams her knee into the stomach, more like accidentally his crotch, she apologized profusely as she handcuffs him, "I'm so sorry, I really met to knee your stomach but your quite tall so."

"D-dont worry about it." He chokes out, "wishing they let me wear my hero costume, that wouldn't have hurt like it did."

She blinks and remembers heros are participating as villains for her test, "let's get you the the police and then I gotta run over an make sure the hostage actors made it. Do I need to give you a umm heal?"

"N-no I'm fine. Just think I'm gonna vomit." He states

"Yeah that's not fine, hold on." She says throwing this tall guy over her shoulder he's mostly dragging on the floor as she manages to stand up right while holding him, "I'm getting you to the police station then your getting a check up by either myself or Recovery Girl." She states not even allowing the guy a say

She places him with police and then hurries to the rescue center to make sure the hostages arrived safe, and surprise they did.

"Glad you guys are safe, any injuries?"

"No ma'am"

"Good I'll be going now!" She says before taking off again

She doesn't know the point system, nor knows how much is needed to pass, so she'll keep going until time is up.

She saves a old man, and performs some fake first aid on some people, and fights another villain who almost beats her but she runs away barely loosing the guy who could control jean fibers.

By the time she hid and was coming out of hiding, time was up.

She sighs wiping sweat from her brow, she's worried, *what if I didn't pass?*

She does manage to make it inside everyone staring at her like shes some weird alien. "Umm.. did.. did I pass?"

The principal chuckles and nods, "I must say you passed with flying colors on both test that certainly not a easy feat. Nor is it often that wee see people jump off buildings and live to tell the tale."

Amelia blushes, "oh well I um couldn't leave both of them stranded, I knew I could do it even if I wasnt sure how different it would be from an icy mountain. I'm just glad my cleats and knives held up." She says rubbing the back of her neck

"Speak of those, ARE YOU CRAZY!? I didnt make those to withstand brick!? Maybe ice but not brick or metal or anything your crazy mind thought up!" Scolds Maijima as he pulls his hair slightly

Amelia looks down sheepish, "s-sorry."

"Sorry doesn't cut it, I've gotta do a whole overhaul of your boots now, probably gloves too, and those poor blades are probably so messed up their not usable." Maijima grinds his teeth upset his projects are needing rework. "But that was my fault for not asking what hero work you've done in the past. Now I know an can make the gear situated for you, you crazy bastard."

She doesn't fault him for cursing her, she just bows and apologizes to him again. While she is apologizing, Aizawa comes up to her, "what you did was reckless, you and the actors could have died, but.. you did pass. You did make me eat my words." Is all he says

Amelia looks over and her eyes have this shine to them, "glad to hear you say that. So I guess I'll see you bright and early tomorrow for our class?"

"If you mean my class? Then yes. Be here before 8 am, I need to go over what we're doing before class starts." Aizawa says hand her, her Japan Hero ID

She stares at the ID with awe for a moment pocketing it for now.
Amelia bows to the group as she takes a step back, "thank you for welcoming me, I hope I proved my capabilities today and I look forward to working with you all." She stands back up straight smiling brightly with her eyes closed.

After that it was a lot of talk about her performance during the physical, her getting hit over the head by Recovery Girl for her leap of faith but also commend by Nezu for her quick thinking. Her being called a badass by Yamada with Kayama adding into it a by calling her a cute badass.

She does go back to the support lab to undress and hand most of the costume back to Maijima with guilty eyes, which causes him to sigh, "your fine, I just.. was worried. You said we're friends right? Can't a friend worry about a friend? Can't have you getting yourself killed because of equipment failure. I need to know everything that goes on in that red head of yours. Understood?"

She gets to keep the jacket, pants, and red mask, "aye aye captain." She says with a small smile

He gives a smirk, "I'll be taking longer on your costume," he pats the shoes which the cleats won't even go back inside the soles, plus the metal cleats are bent out of shape, some missing. Her knifes that were dugged out of the brick aren't usable there's broken and missing pieces of blade. Her gloves are fine, but he's going to do some upgrades to them. Finally her black suit that needs the padding in the breast, "I'll have these done by next week. If my class isn't wild this year. You should be find wearing regular sneakers or boots for now, since you don't have a agency yet. Just focus on getting through the week. You may have passed but your going to have your hands full with Aizawa an his band of rug rats if he doesn't expell any."

Amelia smiles an nods, "y-yeah, umm thanks I'll take good care of the hero costume pieces I have now, I'll wear them well. I guess this is goodbye until our paths cross right?"

"Not exactly goodbye. Don't let those other teachers pester you too much, if ya want my office is usually open during lunch, I'm usually in here working while I eat, to at least supervise the kids." Maijima states before turning back to the table, "by the time I'm done with this, you'll also have that vial holder that'll keep blood in vials from clotting so they can be used."

Amelia nods, "if I find time I'll come eat lunch with you, but perhaps you can come to the lounge and eat lunch too?" She ask

"...I'll think about. Best be going Red."

Amelia nods and gives off a bright smile much more cheerful now that the stress of the rest has past, as well as being more comfortable around her friend, "okay dokie, have a good afternoon Friend!" She says waving as she runs out the door, excited to get a shower, talk to Stubby about her day, and relax before her first day in the job tomorrow.

Nothing can stop me now! I passed the exams, and have my Japan Hero License.

Ipagpatuloy ang Pagbabasa

Magugustuhan mo rin

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