By mechanicallbride

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21 year old Victoria Moretti, is an assassin. She is an independent woman that doesn't rely on a man to do an... More



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By mechanicallbride

there is going to be mature content xoxo, beware that it may not exceed your expectations so keep that in mind! I haven't written smut at all, only that teasing chapter.!!


What I might do would be a stupid decision, but I just couldn't help but do it. I wanted to show Tom how much pain I felt, even if it was intentional or accidentally.

I stormed my way from the wretched scene in front of me. I eventually found myself in the pool tables, it was typical place for me to go.

Of course I knew how to play pool, well maybe not exactly. But I'll just act like I don't know anything at all. Simple as that.

I saw a trio of gentlemen, one seemed bored out of his mind, while his two buddies were getting face fucked by two bimbos. I waltzed my way over, getting the attention of the bored man. A grin forming on my face, seeing his eyes lit up.

I purposefully sat on his lap, shifting a little. I wrapped my arms around his neck, I felt slightly grossed out when he put his hands on my waist.

"You need something babe?" He asks. I try not to gag in front of him, but oh how it was impossible. "Yeah, I want you to teach me how to play pool." I say, sliding my hand along his jawline. "Of course sweetheart." He says. I get off of his lap.

He gets up, not caring to tell his buddies where we were going. I looked at them, their heads moving vigorously, sloppy wet kisses were being heard, the lip smacking gave me the ick.

We made it to the pocket billiards, "Wait here." He says, going to get two cue sticks. I stood there waiting patiently for him to return.

During my wait I thought about Tom, thinking about him and that blonde whore. Tom's face showed slight discomfort, but he didn't pull away.

"I'm back." I heard a voice say. It was him. "I never quite caught a name from you." I say, resting my hand on the border of the table. "Francisco, how 'bout you?" He replies. "Victoria." I say. He nods, "Victoria, rolls off the tongue well."

I clenched my jaw, although not is anger, in disgust more like nausea.

"Yeah, it sure does." I mutter sarcastically, rolling my eyes. "Kay, come one are you going to show how to play or what?" I ask, slightly irritated on what's taking so long.

"Yes, of course!" Francisco says, handing me one of the sticks. He walks over to me. "No." I lie, shaking my head.

"Okay," He says, "start by putting all the balls into a triangle." I nod, reaching over to put the balls into a triangle. As I was putting them into the shape, I felt a stare. I knew exactly who it was. Typical, typical men.

Once I was done, I slowly reached back, trying to hear a reaction out of him. I heard his breath hitch, it was the slightest noise, but I could still hear him.

"What now?" I say, leaning on the stick. "Now, let me show you how to hit a ball into the pit." He says, coming closer to me. I smirked.

"Mhm." I mutter, straighten by back, feeling Francisco's hand on my waist, moving me a little to the right, and then he started slithering his hands to my ass.

I quickly turned around, "What do you think your doing?" I ask, my eyebrows furrowing. "Nothing, nothing I'm just getting you into position." He quickly says.

"Okay.." I say unsure, turning around. "Bend over a little." He says, his voice shaky. "Mhm." I hummed.

After some time I didn't really hear anything from him, I turned around. Seeing Francisco looking at me intently. "Well are you going to teach me, or are you going to keep staring at me?" I ask.

"Oh! Yes, so sorry." He apologized. 'About time.' I thought to myself. I turned back around, now feeling his presence behind me. I bent down, quickly stopping once I felt my ass on his crotch, however I continued bending downwards till the right position.

"Excellent." He whispers, his breath hitting the hairs behind my neck. He brung his arms on top of mines, aligning the stick onto the right alignment.

"Hit." He says. I bring my arm back, gripping on the stick, I started to feel my hands getting warmer. I brought my arm forward, hitting the triangle, all the balls went everywhere around the table.

Francisco backed away, along with me shorty after. "Come this way." He says, motioning his fingers to the other side of billiard.

I follow right away. "Your going to hit this ball alright?" Francisco says pointing to ball. I nod. "Do you understand how to hit the ball or do you need more assistance?" He asks. I tilt my head. "Yes please, it's sorta confusing." I say, giving an apologetic look. "Sorry." I say shorty after.

"Oh no don't worry about it." Francisco says, a smile laced on his face. 'Perfect.' I thought to myself. I placed the stick on the table and went into position, Francisco did the same thing, he put his arms on top of mines. Instead I pushed myself onto him a little more, a bit more harshly.

"Ugh." A groan felt his lips, though it was quickly closed. I focused on the ball, bringing back the stick, I had this feeling, I pushed it off. "Come on." I whisper to myself. This feeling came back, I tried not to focus too much but it was almost impossible.

I slightly shook my head, getting those thoughts out of my head. I came back into focus. I pushed the stick forward, seeing the ball I initially hit going everywhere. It bounced off the sides of the billiard, it was going inside the ho—

"MORRETI!" A voice spoke, however it was a familiar one, too familiar. It was a german accent. I turned my head to the voice. Quickly, almost immediately locking eyes with Tom, his demeanor changed completely, it was pretty reasonable why.

His eyes were pure black, his jaw was clenched, to the point where you can see his defined cheekbones. He kept walking towards us. I finally found out that strange feeling, it was Tom being around, his whole aura made my stomach flip, but in this situation I wasn't sure if it was a good feeling nor a bad one.

Tom was coming closer and closer, honestly I thought I wouldn't say this in a while, I was becoming a bit scared. The worse part is Francisco was still on top of me.

He was in front of us, his eyes went directly to him, he yanked Francisco off of me, he landed on the floor. Instantly Tom started punching him in the face, Francisco was groaning and grunting in pain.

I was standing there, I mean the best I could do was try to stop Tom from punching the guy, but let's be real here it would only anger him more.

Tom punched Francisco hard before stopping, he slowly got up and looked at me. I had to maintain eye contact, though it was difficult, never imagined I would say that too.

Tom was now in front of me, I was all the way backed up on pool table, looking at him in the eye, he was breathing deeply in and out. His chest was rapidly going up and down. People were already creating a circle around us.

I broke the silence. "Are you going to hit me too?" I scoffed, going on my tippy toes as I said that. Without an another word or noise, Tom grabbed me by the forearm and dragged me outside of the Casino.

Once we were outside I felt the wind hit my face. He then dragged me again to the car, he opened the door and threw me inside. "Asshole." I murmur. He went to his door, and then starting up the car.

During the ride there was pure silence, not a peep coming out of our mouths, the car was dead quiet. The only we're the cars passing by, the occasional rocks on the concrete hitting the tires.

My head was leaning on the window. Hearing droplets of rain. 'Great.' I thought to myself. I mean it wasn't too much water droplets, it was a sprinkle of water but still.

"Why were you with him Victoria?" Tom asks. I don't answer, just continue looking outside. "Well are you going to answer me or what?" He retorted, I turned my head, eyeing him. My eyes fixated on his knuckles, they were white, you could practically see the bone of it.

I turned my head back around. "Fine, be like that." He whispers, but due to the silence of the car I could hear him perfectly.

We made it home, honestly I have no clue who's, I mean it would be right to bring me to my place right?

After Tom parked the car, I opened the door and I was out, the rain has slightly doubled in water droplets. I shut the door behind me. However I heard another door open and close harshly.

That didn't stop me I kept on waking towards my front door. "Victoria." Tom says in the distance. "Victoria." Tom says, though it was much closer than before. I turned around. "What?" I ask, acting to be unbothered.

"Why?" He asks. I scoff, he really does have the audacity to ask me 'why'. "You want to know why? You really want to know why?" I say, walking down the steps from the front door.

"Okay," I say spreading out my arms, "Fine I'll tell you why." I say before stopping. "I saw you with that bimbo!" I say loudly, almost to the point I yell. "Why? Why Tom, can you answer that one?" I ask, a strange tingling sensation on the tip of my nose.

"She came onto me." Tom says quietly. "I'm sorry can you say that one more time?" I say, raising my voice, walking towards him. "She came onto me." He says a bit louder. "I'm sorry what!?" I yell at this point. "She came onto me!" Tom yells.

I smile. "That's what they all say Tom." I simply say, my voice a lot calmer than before. "It was the truth!" Tom loudly says. "Mhm." Not believing a single word coming from his mouth. "It's the truth Vic." He says, looking down.

"It's not the fucking truth, it's not the truth when she places her hand near your dick, and you didn't even back away!" I yell again, stabbing my pointer finger in his chest.

"Victoria for the millionth time I've told you, she came onto me! I couldn't do anything she had me trapped!" He exclaimed, locking eyes with me, I could see pain, but I felt more pain.

"Why didn't you force her off!" I say. "Victoria it's not that simple okay?" He argues. "Why not?" I retort. "Because it just isn't." He says quietly.

"You are unbelievable Tom." I finally say, I turned around and went to my front door. "Victoria!" Tom calls out. "Victoria please!" He pleaded. "Victoria I didn't want to hurt you!" He says. I stopped in my tracks.

I turned around. Tom's eyes were begging me for forgiveness. "Victoria, you are the only woman I've had eyes for." "The day I met you, you were fierce and yes it made me somewhat uninterested, but eventually it made realize that I've always loved that fierceness, I've always have, I just never shown it." "Please, Victoria please, I can't lose you,  I really can't. I love you. I love you to pieces, you were the light that entered in my darkness when I never knew I needed."

I felt my heart stop. This is probably one of the most heartfelt things someone has said to me. I walked to him, putting my hands on his chest. "I think I love you too." I say. I wrapped my arms around him.

When he said that I felt that whole argument worthless, it sounded he truly said that from his heart. I think it's time to do something I've been waiting for awhile.

I looked up to him. Tom looked down at me, his piercing glistening through the moonlight. I yanked his shirt downwards, making his body come with it.

Tom let out a gasp. I smirked, I reached his earlobe. "I've been thinking about this for a while now, not sure if this is the right time." I whisper. "I want you." I whisper, biting his lower earlobe.

Tom quickly pulled away. He looked at me shocked, though that smirk that I've always loved and adored laced on his beautiful face. "It's never a bad time to have sex." Tom whispers seductively. That alone gave me chills.

Tom smashed himself into my lips. The force from the kiss made me want him more. I pushed my lips towards his, feeling the icy cold metal piercing clash with my bottom lip sent shivers down my spine, in a fantastic way.

His hands found his way to the back of my neck, while mines were on his chest. Tom pushed my neck against his lips, a moan leaving my mouth. Tom took that opportunity to slide his tongue inside my mouth.

We were aggressively playing around with our tongues. I started walking back to the door, pulling Tom by the collar.

I had to let go once we reached the steps, once I did Tom had hunger in his eyes, his lips were a rosy shade partnering with a smirk.

I quickly unlocked the front door, after that Tom pinned me to the wall inside my home. Closing the door behind him with his foot. "You have so clue how long I've waiting for this Victoria." Tom says, looking deeply into my eyes, not letting go any more time to kiss me again.

I put my hands behind his neck, pulling his braids out of pleasure. His hands went down to my ass, pulling me upwards, I wrapped my legs around his waist. "Mhm." I hummed into the kiss. I felt Tom smirk against my lips.

We were walking up the stairs, then walking through the hallways. Tom stopped in his tracks, he let go of my lips and dragged his tongue down my neck. "Ugh." I breathed out. Tom then started walking again.

I wrapped my arms around his head, his face stuffed in my neck, leaving sloppy wet kisses. He used one of his hands to open a door. I didn't know which room it was but as long as it had a bed, then I didn't really care which room it is.

He dropped me to the bed. Not forcefully, it was gentle. I slid my way up to the head rest of the bed. Tom crawling his way up to me. He got on top of me, grabbing both of my arms and pinning them on top of my head. I gasped quietly.

"You sure you want to do this?" Tom asks, I look at him, smiling whist nodding. "Positive." I say. Tom smiles back at me. "You sure, cause once I start I won't be able to stop myself." He states. "Oh?" I tease him. "How will I know that for certain?" I say, that same smirk on his face was now on mine.

"I guess you have to wait and see." He says, going down to my neck once again. At first he started nibbling on my skin, a few shaky breaths leaving my lips.

After he moved from nibbling to giving wet kisses. It felt great, but once he moved his knee up to my core, I was a moaning mess. "Tom." I moan. "You like that huh?" He says against my neck, his hot breath hitting my moist skin.

"Yes." I say, my voice shaky. He started doing down to my chest, the only thing blocking him was my dress. He looked up at me. "Can I?" He asks, I nod. He takes both sides of the dress and effortlessly rips it. I gasp, I could see the smirk that Tom was hiding.

Once he finished ripping my dress, he took a moment admiring my body. I was wearing black lacy lingerie. "You have no idea how sexy you look." He says, his voice darkening. "Don't be shy come and undress me." I say, looking at him with lust.

"My pleasure." He says. He went to take off his shirt, that was when I stopped him. "Uh-uh, I want to be the one who takes it off of you." I say, going up to him, and putting a hand on his chest.

"Oh?" Tom teases. "Yeah." I breathed out. He pinned me on the mattress. He locked his legs around mine. He lowered himself onto me. He started biting on my collarbone, it hurt a little just like a pinch, but it did feel good.

He went down to my breasts, Tom slipped his hand under my back and unclipped it without a problem. The bralette falling down my waist. My cold breasts were now mixing with the hot tension in the room.

Tom immediately went to kiss my nipples. I moaned at the intense movement. "Fuck Tom." I whimper.

He sucked my nipple, his tongue twirling around them. It was slightly painful, but then again it felt amazing.

He moved his way down to my stomach, then to my lower waist. My heat was growing wetter and wetter by the second.

He started leaving sloppy kisses on the sides of my pussy. As he was doing that he brung his thumb on top of my core, he then began moving his thumb up and down. "Mph." I moaned.

I felt Tom smile against my skin. He then started rubbing my clit through the fabric. "Oh!" I exclaimed.

He kept on doing the same thing, rubbing his thumb. It felt unreal it did, but I needed more. "Tom." I whimper. Giving him a desperate look. He only smirked at me. "If you want it just ask Victoria." He teases. "Please." I say, my voice becoming weaker and weaker, the best and worse part was that Tom sped up the speed of his thumb.

"Come on Victoria, if you want it use your words." Tom says. I couldn't handle it anymore, I wanted him, I needed him. Badly.

"Fine Tom, please just," I moaned, feeling him press harder against my pussy. "Please, fuck me.." I finally let out. Tom had a devious look of him face. "Good Job Victoria." He whispers.

He got off of me and took his shirt off as well with the rest of his clothes. Look, I know I said I would take it off of him, but now I can't. I was shocked, mostly admiring his abs, I mean they were chiseled, the best thing you would want. My eyes lowered down, too his V-line. Then.. all the way till his dick.

He was hard. He slipped off his boxers and once it was till his knee. I saw his dick spring up. Tom looked at me. "You ready?" He asks. "Absolutely." I reply.

He climbed his way onto me, he aligned himself to me, and then he pushed into me. I let out a loud moan. "Fuck!" I moan. Not expecting him to have that much on an affect of me.

"Shit." Tom groaned. He then backed up his dick and then pushed himself onto me again. "Ugh!" I moaned. "You are so fucking tight Victoria." Tom grunted.

It started out being painful, but then it was pure pleasure. Tom started going in and out of me quickly, slamming into me with each thrust. I was a moaning mess, Tom was a groaning messily.

We were both a mess.

Soon enough I was close to my high. "Fuck Tom! I'm so c-close." I moaned. "Me too Victoria, just wait a little more." Tom says, his voice was shaky.

At one point Tom went thrusting into me rapidly. "Oh m-my god!" I exclaim. "Fuck, fuck, fuck!" I moaned. "Fucking hell Victoria." Tom whimpered.

After the last thrust Tom did, I finished, well we both finished. "Ugh." Tom groaned for the final time. He dropped himself onto me. Honestly at this point I didn't mind. I was burned out. My hair was frizzy, and was as Tom's braids.

He was resting his head on the crook of my neck, I turned my head to look at him. He was breathing deeply in and out. I leaned forwards to kiss his forehead. Tom's head peaked up quick. I giggled. Tom let out a small laugh.



"Can I tell you something?"

"Anything Victoria."

"I love you too."

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