Soul Drive: Ignition

By RLThorton

131 28 6

In the distant future war has brought humanity to the brink of collapse, as the planet recovers scientists wo... More

Chapter 1: Race
Chapter 2: Crumble
Chapter 3: Birthday
Chapter 4: Power
Chapter 5: Test
Chapter 6: Pressure
Chapter 7: Noboru
Chapter 8: Bait
Chapter 9: The Hanshin Incident
Chapter 10: Change
Chapter 11: Oh Canada
Chapter 12: Loss
Chapter 13: Faulter
Chapter 15: Nori
Chapter 16: Koi
Chapter 17: Emergency
Chapter 18: A Pawn
Chapter 19: Atsuko
Chapter 20: Interrogation
Chapter 21: The World Is Watching
Chapter 22: Escape
Chapter 23: Daiki
Chapter 24: Duel
Chapter 25: Clone
Chapter 26: Alpha Mode
Chapter 27: Motive

Chapter 14: Lies

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By RLThorton

The sun dipped low in the sky as Hiro met Osamu at a small park nestled within the bustling streets of Osaka. They stood side by side, their civilian clothes blending seamlessly with the passersby. The scent of fresh cherry blossoms wafted on the gentle breeze, momentarily distracting Hiro from the weight of the secrets he carried.

"Osamu, there's something I need to tell you," Hiro said, his voice heavy with emotion. "My parents... they created the Mach technology." He glanced over at Osamu, who stared back at him with rapt attention. "But as they worked on it, they grew to fear what others could do with such power. It was their dying wish to have all the Machs destroyed."

"We new about your parents, Mary was one of our own. But that was her dying wish?" Osamu asked, astonishment evident in his voice. "The fact she is dead is what surprises me. But I have some information for you as well." He hesitated before continuing " The Canadian government has a fully operational Mach department and they won't give it up so easily."

Hiro's eyes widened, his heart pounding like a wild drum in his chest. "What? That can't be true."

"Unfortunately, it is," Osamu replied solemnly. "It would be safer for you to go into hiding and figure out a plan because dismantling the Mach programs of two countries on your own is not possible."

"But how did the Canadian government get the technology?" Hiro asked, his anger flaring. He clenched his fists tightly, his nails digging into his palms.

"Most likely, the Japanese government sent them over as a way to by our government's silence," Osamu explained. "But I agree with your parents' decision to destroy the Machs. This technology is far too dangerous, and it's already caused so much death and destruction. I want to join you in your pursuit of destroying them, Hiro."

Hiro breathed deeply, trying to process the flood of new information. He thought about his uncle, who had always been there for him. Could he really put his loved ones at risk and could he trust Osamu.

"Osamu, I appreciate your support," Hiro said slowly, his gaze fixed on the ground. "But how can I trust you. I can't trust anyone until I know the truth."

"Understandable," Osamu nodded. "Just remember, Hiro, I'm here to help you, no matter what. Together, we'll get the answers you deserve and bring an end to this dangerous technology."

"Thank you, Osamu," Hiro whispered, still unsure if he could trust this government agent, and being sure not to give him to much information. With a new ally by his side, he felt a renewed sense of determination, maybe he could end the Mach programs. And with that, they set off, with Osamu taking Hiro to the bus stop.


Daiki's footsteps were silent, a skill honed by years of experience, as he trailed Hiro and Osamu through the bustling streets of Osaka. He clutched his phone tightly in hand, capturing photos of Hiro for the Canadian government. Despite the noise of the city around them, he strained to catch every word they exchanged.

Daiki watched as Hiro pulled out his phone, quickly adding Osamu's contact information. Hiro's guard had dropped so fast, Daiki marveled at Osamu's ability to gain trust. This teenager would be their key to finding the other rogue Machs.

"Osamu, I'll try to find Mach 9. If we can destroy her Mach without causing any more damage... that'd be best," Hiro said, determination shining in his eyes.

"Sounds like a plan," Osamu agreed, nodding resolutely. "But tell me, how did you come across a Mach yourself?"

Hiro hesitated, his fingers tapping nervously against his phone. "On my birthday, there was a package on my doorstep. I don't know who left it there, but it contained a Mach."

Osamu furrowed his brow but accepted the explanation. "I'll look into that for you, Hiro. We need to uncover every last detail of this mystery."

"Thank you, Osamu," Hiro said, relief evident in his voice. As they parted ways, Hiro couldn't help but glance back, his eyes betraying a lingering mistrust.

Daiki remained hidden, his thoughts racing as he considered the implications of their conversation. They were one step closer to dismantling the Machs, but so much still lay shrouded in uncertainty. He had to report back to Stark, but he couldn't shake the feeling that there was more to this story than met the eye.

As Hiro disappeared into the bus, Daiki's mind turned to Mach 9. He needed to find her before Hiro did. If they could convince her to join their cause, then they could get rid of Hiro.


As the bus vanished into the bustling street, Osamu remained rooted in place, his eyes calculating and sharp. Daiki emerged from the shadows, his steps swift and silent as he strolled up to stand next to him.

"Why not follow him home?" Daiki asked, his voice low and cautious.

"Because we have his identity now," Osamu replied, watching the sea of faces around them. "There's no need. We want to gain his trust so that he calls us for help with the other Machs. Once we've got them all, we'll destroy them."

"Still," Daiki mused, his gaze following the spot where Hiro had disappeared. "I can't help but wonder how someone as average as him can pilot a Mach with such skill. There's more to him than meets the eye."

Osamu nodded, his expression contemplative. "It's fascinating, indeed. But for now, we have our orders. Report back to Stark about what we've learned today. Keep Hiro's name out of it, though. We don't want to tip our hand too soon."

"Understood," Daiki said, determination etching itself across his face. "I'll be heading to the embassy in Tokyo for the next phase of our plan. If we can get the Machs from the Japanese government, we'll be one step closer to putting an end to this whole mess."

"Good luck, Daiki," Osamu replied, clapping him on the shoulder. "Stay focused. And remember, we're doing this for the greater good."

As Daiki walked away, his mind churned with thoughts of the mission ahead. He'd do whatever it took to ensure the safety of the world, even if it meant unraveling the enigma that was Hiro Kobayashi.


The train screeched to a halt, and Daiki stepped onto the platform in Tokyo. The bustling city seemed to vibrate with energy, its sights enveloping him as he began his walk toward the embassy. He had a mission to focus on, but fate had other plans.

As he turned a corner, the unmistakable sounds of a struggle reached his ears. A man was attempting to mug a young woman, her long black hair whipping around her face as she fought back with fierce determination. Daiki didn't know who she was, but his innate sense of justice spurred him into action. He sprinted forward and delivered a swift kick to the mugger's side, sending him stumbling away before he could react.

"Are you okay?" Daiki asked the woman, taking in her pale skin and striking features. It was clear she was starving and injured, though her pride seemed to prevent her from admitting it.

"I'm fine," she replied stubbornly, her eyes flashing with gratitude but also a hint of defiance. "I don't need help."

"Who are you?" Daiki pressed gently, unable to quell his curiosity.

"Doesn't matter," she muttered, looking away. "I'm just... a runaway."

"Look," Daiki said, his voice softening. "At least let me get you off the street and buy you some food."

The woman hesitated for a moment, her gaze darting between him and the retreating figure of the mugger. Finally, she nodded, acquiescing to his offer. As they walked to a nearby restaurant, Daiki found himself struck by her beauty – an unexpected detail that only served to make her situation more poignant.

Over steaming bowls of ramen, Daiki couldn't help but ask, "Where are you staying?"

"Uh... I don't have a place," she admitted, her eyes downcast.

"Listen," Daiki said, struck by an idea. "I'm a government employee, and I travel a lot for work. I have a two-bedroom apartment here in Tokyo. You can stay there if you'd like."

The woman's eyes widened, and she hesitated, clearly torn between her pride and the practicality of the offer. Finally, she accepted the key from him with a murmured thanks, promising to think about it.

"Let's get you checked out at a hospital," Daiki suggested, his mind briefly flashing back to his duty to report to Stark. But something within him urged him to care for this runaway first – perhaps it was guilt over the deception he'd perpetrated on Hiro or because in a way she reminded him of his sister.

"Fine," the woman agreed, a small smile gracing her lips. "But only because you insist."

As they left the restaurant, Daiki couldn't shake the feeling that their paths had crossed for a reason. He hoped that in helping her, he might find some semblance of redemption for the lies and secrecy that threatened to consume them all.


Hiro stormed into Yutaka's dimly lit apartment, his fury a physical presence that seemed to darken the room further. The older man looked up from his desk, cluttered with Mach schematics, and blinked owlishly behind his glasses.

"Yutaka, you lied to me," Hiro accused, his voice tight with anger. "You said you only had one Mach, but there's no way Kimiko could've stolen one from the government."

Yutaka sighed, rubbing his temples as if trying to ward off an impending headache. "I lied to protect you, Hiro," he admitted, his voice weary. "Yes, I had another Mach – it used to be mine. But since my accident, my body has been too weak to use it. I had no choice but to keep it hidden."

"And Kimiko?" Hiro demanded, his eyes narrowing.

"Kimiko... she stalked me, found out about the Mach, and took it for herself," Yutaka explained, looking pained. "There was nothing I could do to stop her."

Hiro considered this, his arms crossed over his chest as he studied Yutaka. Then, something clicked in his mind, and he focused on another inconsistency in the older man's story: "You also lied about my parents dying in the accident. The Canadians just think they are missing, I want the truth."

Yutaka's expression crumpled, and he looked away, unable to meet Hiro's gaze. "You're right," he murmured. "I didn't see them at the hospital. I was there in the lab when they died."

"Tell me everything," Hiro demanded, his voice cracking with suppressed emotion.

"Your parents were working on the Mach technology when the government stormed their lab, killing everyone inside," Yutaka began, his hands shaking slightly as he recalled the events. "They were desperate to download all the research data and confiscate the Machs."

"Your father... He died activating a computer virus that wiped the hard drives clean, ensuring that the government couldn't create more Machs," Yutaka continued, his voice thick with grief. "And your mother, she bought me time to escape with the Machs we'd already built."

Hiro's heart clenched at the thought of his parents' final moments, their bravery in the face of such danger.

"Someone betrayed us, though," Yutaka said, his eyes darkening. "Soldiers were waiting for me in the secret evacuation tunnel. They shot me and left me for dead." He paused, swallowing hard before continuing. "They didn't notice I'd dropped two Machs in the tunnel when they ambushed me. Those soldiers set the building ablaze, and I was able to crawl to one of the Machs and activate it, saving my life... but not before suffering these burns."

The room fell silent as Hiro digested this revelation, his mind reeling from the weight of it all. Finally, he found his voice: "You lied to protect me?"

Yutaka nodded, his eyes pleading. "I'm sorry, Hiro. I never meant to hurt you. Can you ever forgive me?"

Hiro looked at the man who had been like family to him, the person who had been there when no one else was, and made his decision.

"Of course I can," Hiro whispered, his anger dissipating as understanding took its place.

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